How to get rid of the misfortune of a broken mirror. What to do if a mirror breaks - negative energy of mirror cracks

Careless actions can lead to damage to things. Broken dishes or souvenirs are unpleasant, but in most cases, a person forgets that this happened the very next day. However, there are situations when the problem persists for a long period of time.

Trouble can happen if a mirror breaks, even if it happened accidentally. That is why it is very important to know what measures should be taken to minimize negative consequences, what to do if a mirror breaks, and what to expect in the future.

Since ancient times, mirrors have been treated as a magical object capable of accumulating energy, not only positive, but also negative. Every person has these items in their home, so they should be treated with extreme caution. Despite the fact that science reigns in the modern world, the fear of the unknown remains.

According to signs, the consequences for a person or family in whose house a mirror breaks will be different - it depends on the type and severity of damage present on it. If a small crack appears, this foreshadows a small quarrel with others or a small disagreement, perhaps a quarrel with a loved one.

It is important to remember that you cannot continue to use a damaged mirror; it is better to throw it away and buy a new one, since negative energy will penetrate through the crack, which will have a bad effect on a person’s future fate.

It often happens that a mirror or a large mirror breaks completely. In this case, all fragments must be quickly removed and thrown into the trash.

From the point of view of the consequences, we can say that the plans and hopes that a person made were not destined to come true. When a mirror breaks, it is customary to judge the scale of the tragedy based on the size of the object itself.

A small children's mirror will not cause significant trouble, just like a woman's mirror that is in her purse. The maximum negative from the fact that it fell and broke is minor troubles, a conflict situation (at home or in a store).

The greatest negative will occur if a large mirror falls, for example, one that is placed in the hallway or in closets. Damage to a large object can lead to significant troubles, such as illness, relationship problems or family discord.

The most dangerous in this regard are hanging mirrors, since their damage poses the greatest threat to humans. If it is broken into small fragments, the person or the entire family will have major problems in the future. Serious illness or even death often occurs.

If the mirror is just cracked, then this should be regarded as a sign that needs to be heeded. A person will need to take measures in order to maximally protect himself or others from possible troubles.

Carelessness, as a result of which the mirror was broken, will lead to the fact that in the future the person who was careless will face minor troubles. In this case, the size of the object does not matter, and negative events are punishment for what happened.

If it was not possible to avoid trouble and the mirror still breaks, it is important to follow the procedure that will help reduce the negative consequences of what happened. It is important to remember that you should not panic or cry - fear will only increase bad energy.

Nothing can be fixed, so the main actions should be aimed at cleaning up the fragments or damaged object.

The next thing you need to do is to remove all the fragments, large and small, from the frame or support in which the mirror was located. You cannot leave even the smallest part associated with this item in the house so that bad energy does not pass through it.

If a new mirror is purchased, it must be larger in size than the one that broke; it must be hung in its original place so that it blocks the exit of negative energy.

It is important to remember that when collecting fragments, it is forbidden to look at the reflection of objects or yourself in them, since there is a belief that life energy and good luck leave through them. Large fragments should be washed with water so that the negativity of what happened goes away and the consequences are not too serious.

In the place where the mirror was located, it will require a small cleansing ritual - lighting a candle. Fire will take on negative energy. The ritual must be performed on the same day that the mirror broke.

When cleaning up the fragments, you need to stack them with a mirror surface facing each other. You can also fill them with black paint to reduce the likelihood of negativity. At the end, when the fragments are thrown out, you will need to do a wet cleaning - this will help get rid of bad energy and also reduce the risk of injury from an accidental fragment.

Thus, a broken mirror is not always a sign of imminent trouble. Proper cleaning and following simple rules and advice will help a family or person reduce the risk of negative developments.

A broken mirror brings failures and troubles if action is not taken in time. To ward off misfortune, you need to know how to behave in this unpleasant case.

The mirror has long been considered a magical object. Through it, people communicate with the other world, tell fortunes and call on spirits. There are various beliefs, and one of them says that the mirror is our double, and if we break it, we destroy our life. The surface of a magical object contains energetic memories - both good and bad - and when struck, they can penetrate and clog our aura. It happens that the mirror breaks on its own, but if it happens that you damaged it, then, most likely, misfortune cannot be avoided. However, there are rules that will help you immediately ward off trouble.

What to do if a mirror breaks

The first thing to do is collect the fragments. But it is important to know that you should not pick up the fragments with your hands. If you cut yourself with them, you will attract grief to yourself. Large pieces should be swept away with a brush, and mirror dust should be collected with a vacuum cleaner. This should be done by the one through whose fault the trouble occurred. If a child is involved, a blood relative picks up the pieces. If the mirror breaks into exactly several large pieces, they should be painted over with black paint to avoid troubles in your personal life.

Under no circumstances look into broken pieces and protect your children from this: you can lose vitality and attract health problems. Wrap the mirror in a durable cloth before throwing it away. You can perform a ritual and consecrate this place with holy water, reading the broom spell, then bad luck will definitely not come to you.

Remember that the fragments cannot be broken again: this can cause a negative reaction and aggression from the men in the house, and also double the misfortunes that already come from the damaged magical item. It is not advisable to store a broken mirror at home, even if it is an antique item. You should get rid of it immediately and buy a new one instead.

You cannot throw a mirror outside in a trash can - you need to bury it in the ground to ensure that you and your home are protected from negative impacts. However, you can resort to a conspiracy and take it to the trash heap, whispering the words: “I take away misfortune, adversity, and illness from home. Amen". If a person has already died in the apartment where the magic object crashed, then it is advisable to bury the fragments away from the house and, if possible, not walk there.

If you broke a magical object and then looked at its fragments, you need to urgently act and cleanse your energy field using protective techniques. First of all, you should put the broken piece you looked into under running cold water, otherwise you can expect deterioration in your health. Then you need to take a bath, after reading the prayer “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice.” Sacred words will help you find peace of mind.

After you have completed all the steps: collected the fragments, cleansed yourself with prayer, threw away the mirror, you need to say a few words to return good luck to the house. Say this with positive emotions and be sure to laugh: “It crashed to your health!” Good luck! For luck! Amen!"

After breaking a mirror, there is no need to panic and get upset. You just need to follow the advice and properly cleanse your house of fragments, and protect your family from harm with the help of prayer and rituals. Now you know what to do if a magic item breaks, and you can prevent misfortunes. Good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

07.04.2017 08:36

Since ancient times, people have attached special importance to mirrors, perceiving them as a portal to the other world. ...

Why does a broken mirror affect a person? A mirror is a special item. This is a symbol of the border between worlds. It is used in magical rituals and fortune telling. No matter how skeptical you may be, when the mirror slips out of your hands and breaks, you will be overcome with excitement. After all, immediately remember both about 7 years of misfortunes and about a bad sign. Living in anticipation of trouble is very difficult. That’s why people sometimes just go crazy with fear:

I’m sleeping this morning, and there’s a wild roar coming from the toilet. I run to the bathroom. There the sister sits on the toilet and says: “The mirror broke!” It was glued to me with double-sided tape. And I knew that it could come unstuck! And a week before, when I washed it, it almost fell off. My sister is hysterical. She says that since it fell in front of her, she will have misfortune.

Crap! My son broke a mirror. I thought I’d go to the forum, read and calm down. Fuck it! How many scarecrows! My knees are shaking now. If it concerned me, I wouldn’t even think about it, but my son is not even three years old. Now what to expect. Very creepy and unpleasant.

Anyone whose omen immediately comes true. The more anxious and restless you are, the more likely disasters are likely to happen. Fear can be the strongest, because according to ancient beliefs, evil forces can penetrate through broken mirrors. But the sign originated hundreds of years ago, when mirrors were a luxury. What should we do? Everyone has a heap of cheap Chinese mirrors: in the bathroom, hallway, wardrobe, on the table, in a cosmetic bag, on combs. They fight. Especially if there are cats, children, elderly people in the house, from whose clumsiness things suffer. Maybe the whole planet should give up mirrors, since it is such a terrible thing? Because of panic, people endanger children with their rash actions:

Go to hell with your superstitions!!! I read the forum and immediately ran to the trash heap. Rather, throw away the broken mirror. I left my daughter at home, she’s only 1.8. She locked the house from the outside. She's back. I can't get home! The daughter was playing and pushed the iron latch and locked herself from the inside. I'm panicking! I started calling the Ministry of Emergency Situations. You see: the omen came true! Well, my bunny figured out how to open the door herself.

What to do if a mirror is broken? You broke a mirror - anxiety arose, anticipation of trouble. But it’s difficult to be in such a state, because it is not yet known whether there will be troubles. Of course, sooner or later everyone may have problems: you will quarrel with someone, you will lose something. But the wait is unbearable! And the psyche helps to find a solution: let’s quickly do something bad for ourselves and live in peace. And the omen comes true! Therefore, people have come up with simple and effective ways to stop the implementation of negativity.

1. Conspiracies

This is a verbal formula that blocks the realization of negative expectations. A method proven over centuries. After all, a thousand years ago our psyche worked the same way, and people found a way not to create problems for themselves out of the blue. Conspiracies are good for especially anxious, suspicious people. Verbal speech dissipates the energy of tension, eliminates the image of negative developments of events, thus healing a person.

The mirror breaks, the misfortune of God’s servant (name) does not concern her.

Even as a child, my grandmother told me: “It’s okay that I broke the mirror. It has seen a lot of things. Collect the fragments, but don’t look at them. If you throw it away, keep quiet. Then wash your face with water, saying: “what broke, broke, and it didn’t affect me.”

When a mirror is broken, you need to collect everything, go outside and throw it into a container with the following words: “I didn’t break the mirror, but my misfortune. I'm not throwing away mirrors, but my misfortunes!

2. Rituals

Tradition prescribes special ritual actions to be performed when removing the fragments (ritual - symbolic actions, demonstrative, having a certain order). For example, sprinkle holy water on the fragments, quickly remove them by putting them in a dark rag, hold them under running water before throwing them away, and paint them over with dark paint.


Turn your prayers to the Higher powers. Try to return yourself to a state of peace, trust in the wisdom and love of God for you. There are texts that have been helping people find peace of mind in times of anxiety for thousands of years. One of the most famous can be found below.

text of Psalm 90 in Russian

1 He who dwells under the shelter of the Most High rests in the shadow of the Almighty,
2 He says to the Lord: “My refuge and my defense, my God in whom I trust!”
3 He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler, from the destructive plague,
4 He will overshadow you with His feathers, and under His wings you will be safe; shield and fence - His truth.
5 You will not fear the terrors of the night, nor the arrows that fly by day,
6 The plague that walks in darkness, the plague that destroys at midday.
7 A thousand shall fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but will not come close to you:
8 Only you will look with your eyes and see the retribution of the wicked.
9 For you have said: “The Lord is my hope”; You have chosen the Most High as your refuge;
10 No evil will befall you, and no plague will come near your dwelling;
11 For he will command his angels concerning you, to guard you in all your ways:
12 They will carry you up in their hands, lest you dash your foot against a stone;
13 You will tread on the asp and basilisk; You will trample on the lion and the dragon.
14 “Because he loved Me, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he has known My name.
15 He will call to Me, and I will hear him; I am with him in sorrow; I will deliver him and glorify him,
16 I will satisfy him with long days, and show him My salvation.”

4. Exit from disturbing resonance

Join those who do not believe in this sign, do not worry and do not pay attention to such nonsense.

I broke more than one mirror. And NOTHING followed this.

I'll reveal a terrible secret! Over the past six months, I have broken three large, almost full-length mirrors. Do you know what's the worst thing here? Sweep all the fragments out of the apartment!!!

On the eve of giving birth, a friend broke a huge mirror; it was standing on the floor; the apartment was being renovated. I didn’t notice it in the dark and stumbled upon it. She gave birth quite safely to a wonderful son. Nothing bad happened. Just don't set yourself up for the bad.

For as long as I can remember, my mirrors break CONSTANTLY. Both big and small. I don’t even always throw them away, but I look in the broken mirror, what’s the difference. And nothing ever followed.

I have them all broken. And I got married, and happiness in my personal life, and work, and everything in the world. And I didn’t give a damn about mirrors, black cats and other rubbish.

I also hit mirrors from time to time. I have never noticed any special consequences. If you break it, you immediately collect it and throw it away. And seven years of misfortune - no thanks. We are fine without them.

5.The most effective way: believe and attract luck and positivity!

Create your own sign by putting the power of intention and positive emotion into this idea. CRASHED FOR HAPPINESS, FOR LUCK, FOR WEALTH!!! A broken mirror, by the way, is a sign of positive changes for many: meeting a betrothed, the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy, moving to a new apartment. I, the author of a site about mysticism, am one of many who have interrupted a bunch of mirrors without any consequences. I just think to myself: “Let there be happiness!”

We lived in the village then. We have guests, many guests. An oval mirror hung on the stele. And then there is an explosion of laughter, the mirror falls from the wall and into dust. Our life went uphill from that moment on! Since then I believe that broken mirrors bring good luck.

In 2004, my husband accidentally broke a huge mirror while packing for his divorce. I thought: “Good omen. This means life will change dramatically for the good!” And so it happened. During this time, I met my current one and gave birth to my second baby. Everything is fine.

I heard that if a mirror breaks, you need to count how many fragments (large pieces) there are. No matter how many years you count, you will get married in as many years. At first I laughed, and then I remembered that at the age of 16 I broke a huge mirror that hung in my room above the chest of drawers. The mirror, as I remember now, shattered into three large pieces, one of which remained hanging on the wall. Nothing bad happened that year, quite the opposite. And most importantly: exactly three years later I got married.


Our psyche is structured in such a way that we believe in bad things more than in good things. We invest much more energy (we think more often, we worry more) in anticipation of possible troubles. Want to check it out? Here are two predictions. Pay attention to which one you react more emotionally to. What would you believe faster: good or bad?

You will be deceived for 1000 rubles.

I will give you a surprise gift worth 1000 rubles.

Risk group for the implementation of the sign

Hello! I broke a mirror while drunk. Now life is falling apart, just some bad luck for the last three years. I'm very scared.

If you are inclined to feel guilty for some actions, if you have low self-esteem, then deep in your soul you will readily accept a broken mirror as a sign of punishment - fair - for your shortcomings and sins. Signs undoubtedly make sense and come true; there are many examples of this. A simple person thinks like this: a sign (a symbolic event) determines an event in the future. But this connection is more complex: sign - person - event. And not the sign itself, which most often is not a sign at all, but just a trifle of everyday life, but YOUR reaction can become decisive for the future! Therefore, if a broken mirror caused anxiety, take action. Otherwise, in addition to the costs of buying a new mirror, you will create unnecessary problems for yourself. Internally expecting troubles and misfortunes, you will bring them to life, for example, quarreling with loved ones, losing good things, or getting injured out of nowhere.

Mirrors are an undeniably useful and necessary thing for every person. It is very inconvenient to comb your hair, apply makeup or shave to the touch. Unfortunately, mirrors are very fragile and break quite often, and there will definitely be someone who will immediately tell you all the signs associated with a broken mirror. But few people can tell you what to do if a mirror breaks.

Signs about broken mirrors are not very diverse and promise either one misfortune in the near future, or even seven years of failure.

Broken mirror: actions

  • If you don’t believe in omens, and no one around you is bothered by a broken mirror, then you can simply throw it away and buy a new one. However, you can make a disco ball out of it, which will delight you, or find another useful use. The sign works as a psychological attitude; knowing it and its consequences, you yourself will expect troubles or misfortunes and subconsciously look for them everywhere. For those who don’t believe in omens, life is much calmer.
  • Don't look in a broken mirror. According to various sources, this will deprive you of youth, beauty or vitality. In general, nothing good will come of this. And especially terrible beliefs promise that a broken mirror will become a door to the other world, drawing your soul there. This doesn’t sound particularly rosy, so follow the further advice on “what to do if a mirror breaks.”
  • Rinse the fragments with running water - according to legend, water washes away negative energy, so it can clean a broken mirror. So rinse the broken pieces under the tap. Be careful - wet fragments of the mirror may slip out; wash them very carefully to avoid injury. But even after this, it is better not to keep the fragments in the house.
  • Since the essence of a mirror is its reflective properties, you can cheat and paint it black so that these properties disappear. So the universe or otherworldly forces that are responsible for fulfilling the signs will not be able to detect the broken mirror, since formally it is no longer it. Beliefs say that a painted mirror does not let out dark energy that could harm you. So, if you have black paint, go ahead, paint the shards carefully and try not to get hurt.
  • Light a candle where the mirror was broken. According to popular belief, a candle perfectly clears space of negative energy, so perhaps it will help in this case too.
  • The fragments must be removed from the house, and it is better to stack them with the reflective side facing each other so that the matte back surface remains on the outside. Wrap the fragments in a cloth, preferably dark, tie a few knots, and take it outside. It is believed that it is better to bury them, but watch the situation, if, after cutting yourself, you go with bloody hands to bury a dark bundle on the street, a lot of interesting things may be thought of about you.
  • Replace the mirror with a new one - hang it in the same place, or buy a new powder compact if it was a compact mirror. Buy it yourself and treat it with care.
  • And finally, for everyone: those who believe in omens and those who consider them nonsense - vacuum and wipe everything with a damp cloth so that small fragments do not cut or get into anyone’s eyes. Glass dust is almost invisible, but dangerous; it can be accidentally inhaled or cause a splinter. Clean especially carefully if there are animals and/or children in the house.

So, what to do if the mirror breaks: do not panic, thinking about all the misfortunes that you have brought upon yourself. Be careful and attentive - do not look at it, carefully collect the fragments, wrap them in cloth, take them out of the house, thoroughly clean the room in which the mirror broke and replace it with a new one.

If a mirror breaks, you need to perform a simple ritual to dispose of it and read the spell. This will help prevent troubles that the incident portends.

The mirror is one of the most ancient mystical objects. The first who tried to explain its unusual properties was Paracelsus, a Swiss alchemist who considered mirrors to be a tunnel between our material world and the energy of the other world.

He said that subtle energy penetrates our world through mirrors, causing severe mental disorders in a person, accompanied by visions and hallucinations.

And now, in the age of nanotechnology and rapid scientific progress, the mirror has not lost its mysterious mystery for us.

Breaking a mirror by accident: why?

Centuries of human experience have proven that even a small mirror, broken by accident, can be the beginning of a series of problems. Mirrors are saturated with energy, both positive and negative.

There are several more negative consequences fractured amalgam:

  • a family in which a mirror is broken will be haunted by troubles, illnesses and misfortunes for the next seven years, even death is possible for one of its members
  • during a violation of the integrity of a rare mirror, some entities may enter our world that do not have a material shell, but are strongly negatively disposed towards humans
Breaking a mirror means illness and troubles

However, there are also positive beliefs about broken mirrors:

  • in the process of breaking there is a release, dispersion and subsequent disappearance of all the negativity that has accumulated in the mirror during its life
  • an odd number of fragments of a broken mirror warns of an imminent wedding
  • if a patient looks into the mirror repeatedly and for a long time, it will preserve his suffering and experiences. Such a mirror should be destroyed, and a new one should be looked at with a smile and hope, then the disease will begin to recede, and over time, recovery will come

What to do if a mirror breaks at home, in an apartment, or in a bathroom?

If such a nuisance occurs in your home (house or apartment), then under no circumstances should you panic and despair, but you should follow the wise advice of the Dalai Lama: “If the problem is solved, there is no need to worry; if it is not solved, there is no use worrying! »

For many people, the fear of a broken mirror first paralyzes them and then forces them to do rash things. However, there is a very specific algorithm of actions to mitigate the negative consequences of a broken mirror:

  1. Carefully cover the fragments with any dark thing so that the reflection of your face does not get into them
  2. Collect fragments with gloves or through a towel. If you do this with your bare hands, you can not only cut yourself, but also attract all the bad energy from the broken mirror.
  3. The smallest fragments and dust can then be removed with a wet cloth, which must be disposed of immediately
  4. To be sure to get rid of the bad energy of a damaged mirror, you can rinse large fragments with tap water - a simple action, but very effective
  5. Next, you need to properly get rid of the fragments directly.

Some people think that it is enough to simply wrap the fragments in an opaque cloth and throw them away. But this is not entirely correct.

Esotericists suggest taking the following steps:

  • package it well and throw it into the river, but as deep as possible, as people relaxing on the pond may be harmed
  • bury in the ground with the reflection down in a place you never plan to visit

IMPORTANT: If the fragments were removed using a broom, it must be taken outside the house (even an apartment building) to the street and thrown three times. A broom thrown up must touch the ground

It is very important to accompany the process of recycling fragments with simple spells, the effects of which have been tested for centuries. So, before collecting the fragments, you need to read “Our Father” and “Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos,” reinforcing the effect of the words by sprinkling them with holy water.

When throwing away the remains of the mirror, you need to repeat nine times in a whisper: “Even if the mirror breaks, grief (name) will not touch me, misfortune will bypass me (name). Amen".

IMPORTANT: Regardless of how and why the mirror broke, you must thank it out loud for the warning.

What to do if a mirror breaks at work?

If this happens at work, then you can expect trouble in your professional activities:

  • worsening relationships with colleagues
  • conflicts with superiors
  • shortcomings in work
  • dismissal

However, pleasant surprises are also possible: solving problems that interfere with career or professional growth.

To protect yourself from the negative consequences of your mistake, you need to act approximately as you would at home: cover the fragments with a dark cloth and collect them, get rid of small ones with a damp broom, put everything together in a tight dark bag and throw it outside the building.

What to do if a small mirror breaks?

There is a certain pattern - the smaller the broken mirror, the less trouble its owner will have.

If this happened with a small mirror inserted into a powder compact, into a set of shadows, a comb or lipstick, the maximum that can happen is minor household troubles or small family misunderstandings and quarrels.

However, you need to immediately get rid of the damaged mirror, replacing it with a new one, and in the future be as careful as possible with such a fragile thing.

What to do if a child breaks a mirror?

Every time trouble happens to our children, we worry about the consequences of the decisions we make: whether they will benefit or harm our child. And this case is no exception, since whether or not the bad signs of a broken mirror will be reflected on the child depends entirely on the strength of the mother’s faith in them.

Therefore, a positive attitude in these circumstances is the surest way to solve the problem. You cannot scream and scare the child, but you need to calmly, but quickly, take him away from the place where the trouble happened.

IMPORTANT: If a child manages to look into fragments of a mirror, in the coming days he may become nervous and irritable.

Either the mother or the godmother should get rid of the consequences of childhood carelessness in the manner described above and with a positive mental energy charge.

A cracked mirror is a sign: what to do?

According to signs, a mirror can crack for several reasons:

  • carelessness
  • release of a large amount of negativity accumulated in the house and mirror
  • there is evil spirit in the house
  • damaged

It is known that for energetically positive people the mirror is a protector, but even it may not cope with a large influx of negative energy.

The consequences of this phenomenon do not bode well: the owner of the broken mirror and his relatives are in for trouble, grief, quarrels, and illness. Therefore, no matter how sorry it may be, a cracked mirror must be replaced immediately.

A chip on the mirror: what to do?

If a chip has formed on the mirror surface, this is as bad as cracks. All chips and cracks release very powerful negative energy. These flaws can also break time frames.

IMPORTANT: Looking at your reflection in a chipped mirror for a long time can lead to loss of mind, that is, a person begins to behave like a child and, as it were, finds himself in the past. It’s also possible that you will end up in the future as a result of very rapid aging.

Therefore, such mirrors, especially if they are antiques, need to be removed and replaced with new ones.

A mirror broke - what to do: prayer, conspiracy

You can reduce and possibly stop the impact of the consequences of a damaged amalgam surface by reading simple prayers and spells.
Before collecting the fragments, read “Our Father” and “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary,” then the conspiracy:

“I will rise, servant of God (name),
I'll leave the hut, I'll go out the door,
From doors to gates, lines to the road,
From the road to an open field,
To the east, to the eastern side.
Three holy elders will meet me,
Three holy martyrs.
- Oh, you are holy elders, holy martyrs,
Who dressed you up for the journey?
Who washed you with holy water?
Who gave you the mirror?
– The Mother of God herself gave it to us.
She blessed us herself,
She prepared us for the long journey.
Give me, Mother of God, a blessing,
Reflection in the mirror of a long life.
My angel, be straight and steadfast with me,
With God's servant (name).
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

After this, you must wash yourself and only then begin collecting the fragments in the manner described earlier.

Before burying the fragments, read another plot:

“Saint Helena!
You are the first who held a mirror in your hands,
You were the first to break this mirror.
In the name of Him who created the earth and the heavens,
whose name casts out a legion of demons,
I, God's servant (name), conjure these fragments
Don't bring me trouble and sorrow.
I conjure these fragments with the name
Who created this world
And that day and that hour,
In which he was crucified on the Cross
Savior of this world Jesus Christ,
Do not harm me
To my soul and my guardian angel.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

It is important to remember that these actions are not entertainment, but your protection from troubles, misfortunes and illness.

What to do if you are given a mirror?

A mirror, even a small and cute one, is not the best gift. The soul of the owner should lie towards him, she should feel him, but where is the guarantee that the donated mirror is exactly what is needed?

It is also believed that the one who made such a gift will certainly quarrel with the person to whom it was presented. Therefore, if a person is dear to you, do not take such rash steps. However, what if the donor didn’t bother and you became the owner of such an ambiguous gift?

You cannot refuse - the donor will be offended. The only option left is to clean the thing and use it for its intended purpose.

Several options are possible clearing mirror memory:

  1. Rinse the mirror on both sides with a stream of tap water. Then place it in a suitable container, fill it with holy water and leave for several hours. After this, wipe dry and, smiling, admire yourself, soaking in positive emotions.
  2. Rinse the mirror on both sides with a stream of tap water and let it dry naturally. Then, putting it in a container or box, cover it with salt and put it out of reach of everyone for 72 hours (three days)
  3. Wash the mirror on both sides with a stream of tap water, wrap it in black silk and hide it for three days.

Any of the proposed methods is proven and effective for clearing negative energy.

What to do with old unnecessary mirrors in the house: advice from psychics

Very often, when buying a home, old owners leave unnecessary interior items as a makeweight, one of which is a mirror located in the bathroom, hallway, wardrobe, or built into the closet. However, for the new owners this gift is of no value, and they want to get rid of it as soon as possible.

But you can’t just take such a mirror and throw it away. Psychics advise in such cases to properly get rid of old unnecessary mirrors.

There are several simple options for solving the problem.

  1. Completely wrap the mirror in opaque dark fabric or dark thick paper and bury it in the forest under any tree except aspen. During this procedure, you need to experience only positive emotions towards the mirror.
  2. Before throwing away the mirror, you need to clean it using the methods discussed earlier.

After cleaning, you can throw away the mirror with peace of mind, while following some recommendations from psychics:

  • throw only when the moon is in its waning phase
  • when taking it out of the home, wrap it in paper or cloth
  • if the mirror is left near the trash can, it should be sprinkled with a small amount (three pinches) of Thursday salt, which is prepared once a year on Maundy Thursday

IMPORTANT: A new mirror can be installed in place of the old one only after a week, having previously treated it with Thursday salt.

What to do with a mirror from the previous owners?

If the mirror is not needed, get rid of it using one of the previously mentioned methods. If it is of some antique value, or simply suits your interior, you need to cleanse its energy and you can use it for your pleasure.

But, before making such a decision, carefully and meticulously inspect the entire surface for cracks and chips. If any are present, immediately get rid of such a piece of furniture.

What to do with the mirror of a deceased person?

This question is asked by many people, and, as you know, there are so many opinions. Indeed, it is very difficult to answer this question unambiguously.

Some advise getting rid of such a mirror forever, and in an almost pagan way - to “bury” it along with the owner with the mirror surface down.

Others argue that it is enough to clean the energy of the mirror and you can calmly look into it further.

Still others suggest doing nothing at all.

Decide for yourself what to do, but remember that your well-being is in your hands.

Why do mirrors close when a person dies?

When such grief occurs in a family, people, without hesitation, perform the ritual established for centuries, covering the mirrors, and only after some time do they begin to wonder: when can they be opened and why do they need to be covered at all?

There are several explanations for this custom:

  1. The soul that has left the body of a deceased person remains indoors for 40 days, and if it sees its reflection, it may get scared, or accidentally fall into a looking glass, from which it will never be able to get out and will have no peace.
  2. A living person, looking into such a mirror, can see the reflection of the soul of the deceased, and then he will definitely soon follow the deceased
  3. A less mystical explanation is that a living person, having lost a loved one, grieves, cries and, seeing his face at such moments, becomes even more upset, which entails moral exhaustion and illness

What to do with the mirror that saw death?

People who seriously study this topic advise getting rid of such mirrors, having first cleared its energy, since death may soon happen again.

Whether to take these tips seriously or not to pay attention to centuries of experience - everyone has their own choice. But no one can deny the fact that mirrors very often become predictors of various events.

Video: What to do if a mirror breaks?