What does antioxidant action mean? Antioxidant drugs in pharmacies

Antioxidants are inhibitors of oxidative processes in the human body, helping to neutralize free radicals and other harmful substances.

Most diseases are caused by free radicals. They cause cancer and heart problems. Negative environmental effects, nutrition, and stress increase the number of abnormal molecules. Antioxidants fight for human health, neutralizing their negative effects.

Antioxidants in the body

Humans obtain energy from the oxidation of organic compounds in the cell. This process helps:

  • maintain a constant body temperature;
  • convert amino acids in the body;
  • release carbon dioxide;
  • fight against toxic and foreign substances.

It would seem, why are antioxidants needed if everything works. But any mechanism can fail. Chronic diseases, radiation, stress cause the formation of abnormal molecules, which also begin to participate in the processes of cellular respiration.

A small amount of free radicals will not cause harm. But the frantic pace of life, products with “chemicals” on the shelves, cleaning powders and gels poison the human body. The number of harmful compounds is growing, and you can’t cope without “helpers.”

This is where antioxidants come into play, preventing free radicals from destroying healthy cells and causing the following diseases:

  • atherosclerosis,
  • heart diseases,
  • oncology.

The main antioxidants include:

  • selenium;
  • glutathione;
  • zinc;
  • vitamins A, C, E.

The above substances cleanse the body and delay the onset of old age.

The role of antioxidants for humans

Antioxidants begin to fight free radicals immediately after a person is born. During childhood, our defenses are strong, but gradually the level of antioxidant production decreases.

The risk of cardiovascular diseases increases, bones become more fragile, and the skin fades. If you start consuming foods with antioxidants, the aging process will slow down.
Scientists have found that mice whose production of antioxidants is increased live 20% longer. This means that most people would be able to celebrate their centenary.

Products with useful substances help a person stay active and healthy longer. They increase life expectancy and reduce the risk of cancer.
They are used in cosmetology, medicine, and the food industry.

What substances are antioxidants?

The main vitamin antioxidants include:

  1. Tocopherol (vitamin E). Improves mood, gives strength, heals the lungs and heart, and prevents the appearance of cataracts.
  2. Retinol (vitamin A). It is recommended to be consumed together with vitamin E. Improves skin condition, delays the appearance of the first wrinkles, helps eliminate insomnia, destroys viruses and carcinogens.
  3. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Increases, protects the body from the action of free radicals, helps nerve cells work.

Minerals that guard longevity and beauty:

  • Selenium. Ensures normal functioning of the liver, lungs, and heart.
  • Manganese. Improves the absorption of vitamin E and C.
  • Zinc. Preserves the genome, protecting it from the action of abnormal molecules.
  • Copper. Helps the body resist ARVI. Normalizes oxidation processes in cells.

Antioxidants - carotenoids include:

  • Beta carotene. Fights premature aging, protects cells from abnormal chemical compounds.
  • Lutein. Helps maintain vision longer. Protects eyes from ultraviolet radiation.
  • Lipoken. Reduces the risk of cancer.

How do antioxidants work?

Free radicals are molecules with an unpaired electron. They strive to find the missing “particle”. As a result, harmful compounds “rip out” the missing electron from the atom of a healthy cell.
The destroyed electron also strives to find a “pair” for itself. It destroys another healthy cell.

The number of free radicals increases at a frantic pace, which affects a person.
Antioxidants donate the missing electron to the abnormal molecule, thereby protecting cells from the destructive process.

What foods contain antioxidants?

Some antioxidants are produced by our body independently, and some are obtained through diet. The older we get, the more foods with antioxidants we need to include in our menu.

Humans receive natural antioxidants from plant foods:

  1. Vitamin C. found in potatoes, citrus fruits, currants, kiwi.
  2. Retinol. Contained in animal tissues (fish, liver, seafood).
  3. Beta carotene. It is found in all orange fruits - peach, pumpkin, apricot, carrot.
  4. Selenium. There is a lot of mineral in algae, fish and cereals.
  5. Vitamin E. To get it, you should include nuts, liver, and grains in your diet.

Coffee lovers are in luck. Their favorite drink has an antioxidant effect. You should drink natural coffee without additives. The maximum of nutrients is preserved in freshly ground grains.
Fresh juices contain a large number of useful substances. But freshly squeezed juice cannot be stored. Within 15 minutes after cooking, it will lose most of its vitamins.

Alcohol is also an antioxidant. Small doses are beneficial. Women can afford to drink 30 g of cognac or 50 ml. wine a day. For men, the dose of cognac is higher - 50 g per day.

Antioxidants for weight loss

Antioxidants not only heal the body. They help overweight people get back in shape.

The following substances speed up metabolism and break down fats:

  1. Flavonoids. Contained in sea buckthorn, garlic, onions, green tea. The daily norm is 250 mg.
  2. Indole-3-carbinol. Sources include broccoli and cabbage. The daily norm is 50 mg.
  3. Kholin. Seafood, oatmeal, liver, and spinach are rich in the substance. The daily norm is 3000 mg.
  4. Lipoic acid. Contained in spinach, cabbage, rice, beef kidneys. The consumption rate is 30 mg. per day.
  5. Vitamin C. Found in black currants, kiwi, citrus fruits, sauerkraut. The daily norm is 80 mg.

When preparing dietary dishes, use the following seasonings:

  • black pepper,
  • carnation.

These spices improve digestion and promote weight loss.

The use of antioxidants in cosmetology

The influence of negative factors primarily affects the condition of the skin and hair. Cosmetics manufacturers have noticed that antioxidants have a positive effect on processes in the body, so they began to include them in face, body and hair care products.

Such cosmetics protect the dermis from the negative effects of sunlight and exhaust gases. They rid the skin of gray tint, reduce age spots, increase elasticity, and fight wrinkles.

Antioxidant hair cosmetics help cope with dandruff and dull hair color.

Each brand chooses its favorite antioxidant:

  • Nivea uses Coenzyme Q10;
  • Caudalie contains resveratrol;
  • Korres contains quercetin.

You should not expect instant results from such cosmetics. Beneficial substances accumulate in the skin, gradually improving its condition.

Cons of Antioxidants

Each product should be taken wisely. You should not overuse foods with antioxidants. After all, an excess of vitamins in the body is no less harmful than a deficiency.

Your menu should be varied. Antioxidants work more effectively when they come from different food sources.

Those who exercise should be careful when using antioxidant supplements. You should not eat these drugs immediately after training.

Food manufacturers like to advertise their product by claiming it contains antioxidants. But candies and other sweets containing this substance will not be harmless.
Antioxidant pills can harm the body. They worsen the condition of tooth enamel and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Many drugs have contraindications for use. Therefore, you should not prescribe them yourself. It's better to see a doctor.

Natural antioxidants, what are they, in what products can they be found? I’ll tell you what antioxidants are, what their role is in our health and in life in general...

Hello dears! Svetlana Morozova is with you. Do you believe in the phrase: “You are what you eat”? Today's article explains why this is the case, for the most part. Let's begin!

Friends! I, Svetlana Morozova, invite you to mega useful and interesting webinars! Presenter: Andrey Eroshkin. Health restoration expert, registered dietitian.

Topics of upcoming webinars:

  • How to lose weight without willpower and prevent the weight from coming back?
  • How to become healthy again without pills, the natural way?
  • Where do kidney stones come from and what can be done to prevent them from appearing again?
  • How to stop visiting gynecologists, give birth to a healthy child and not grow old at 40?

Magnificent Eight

So, today we are interested in antioxidants that exist in nature. I'll list them right away:

  1. Vitamins A, C, E are the three most powerful antioxidants among vitamins;
  2. Minerals: selenium, zinc, potassium, manganese.
  3. Anthocinoids (anthocyanins);
  4. Flavonoids;
  5. Carotene and carotenoids;
  6. Tannins;
  7. Lycopene;
  8. Lutein.

And why are they? Let's take it apart.

Natural antioxidants against radicals

For almost any disease you can find an antidote of natural origin. In our case, nature simply could not help but take care of us. I'm talking now about oxidation. Because oxidative processes have been destroying people since the advent of humanity.

It is the oxidation reaction (interaction with oxygen) that forms free radicals in our body. We have already talked about them separately, but let me remind you of the essence. We won’t go deep into biochemistry.

Free radicals are atoms (molecules) that have lost an electron upon contact with oxygen. Now the electron pair is incomplete, and the radical seeks to return an electron to the place of loss, taking it from a neighboring cell.

This cell, for a moment, was viable. Now it has been destroyed down to the cell membrane. And it also begins the search for an electron in its incomplete pair. Such a cell cannot fully perform its functions and encroaches on the life of other cells. Becomes a radical. This is an oxidative reaction.

What does excess oxidation threaten the body with?

  • Loss of immunity, frequent illnesses;
  • Hypertension;
  • Ischemic diseases of the brain, heart, kidneys, etc.;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Destruction of bones, joints;
  • Poor memory;
  • Aging, both external and internal, early wrinkles, dull skin, dull hair and eyes;
  • Infertility (female and male);
  • Impotence;
  • Tumors up to oncology.

This results in an avalanche-like process of the appearance of non-viable cells. Oxidative stress develops, hence disturbances in the functioning of all organs and systems. If you don't stop this all.

Stop and neutralize

This is where antioxidants come into play.

What it is? Antioxidant is a general, collective concept, literally translated from Latin “anti” - against, “oxys” - oxidation. This category includes many substances that are capable of breaking the oxidative reaction and protecting the cell from damage.

The classification is simple. Firstly, there are natural substances, and there are the body’s own antioxidant enzymes, for example, the same famous coenzyme Q10. These systems are interconnected, and each part is turned on at a certain moment when the oxidative process stops.

And, secondly, antioxidants can be natural (I listed them at the beginning of the article), or they can be synthetic: dietary supplements, medications and vitamin preparations, food additives. The properties of synthetic and natural ones are the same.

Natural antioxidants: protective effect

What is the job of antioxidants?

  • Maintaining normal blood and lymph acidity;
  • Protection of cell membranes from oxidation;
  • Reducing cholesterol levels;
  • Strengthening blood vessels;
  • Improving nutrition of bones and joints;
  • Relieving inflammation;
  • Stop bleeding;
  • Healing of abrasions, internal ulcers;
  • General rejuvenation;
  • Strengthening immunity;
  • Normalization of emotional state;
  • Strengthening vision;
  • Improved digestion;
  • Maintaining good memory and sharp mind;
  • Maintaining normal growth and development in children;
  • Maintaining reproductive function in both men and women;
  • Restoring the body after illness and stress.

As you can see, antioxidants affect everything at once. And their role in disease prevention is very direct. Prevention of oncology and infertility alone is worth a lot

Now let's see what products you can find them in.

Natural Antioxidants - Source

So, keep the list:

  • Berries: blueberries, rose hips, currants, sea buckthorn, strawberries, plums, apricots, cranberries, lingonberries, cherries, grapes, rowan.
  • Dried fruits: dried apricots, prunes.
  • Fruits: all citrus fruits, pomegranate, apples, watermelons, melon, peaches, persimmons, bananas, kiwi, pineapple.
  • Vegetables: carrots, cabbage (all types), beets, garlic, onions, radishes, turnips, eggplants, tomatoes, bell peppers, corn, pumpkin.
  • Greens: sorrel, parsley, green onions, basil, spinach, lettuce.
  • Legumes: beans, lentils, peas.
  • Cereals: oatmeal, barley, rice, buckwheat, millet.
  • Fish, seafood, seaweed.
  • Eggs, liver.
  • Milk, fermented milk products, butter, cottage cheese, cheese.
  • Vegetable oils.
  • Nuts, seeds.
  • Spices, seasonings, herbs: cloves, oregano, mint, rosemary, cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, sage, nutmeg, cumin.
  • Drinks: green tea, hibiscus, coffee (good ground), vegetable and fruit juices, red wine.
  • Chocolate. Dark bitter.

Until recently, it was believed that the most powerful antioxidants were flavonoids and anthocyanins. They are found in plant foods and come in black, purple, blue, orange and red colors.

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In fact, it is difficult to name any best antioxidants. Now more and more new substances with antioxidant effects are being discovered. For example, astaxanthin, a carotenoid, which is 6 thousand times (6000!) stronger in antioxidant capacity than vitamin C, was found in algae and fish. But the concentration of this astaxanthin in its sources is much lower than vitamin C in citrus fruits.

For an example, look at the table. The ability of some products to antioxidant is shown here.

Agree, it’s clear. However, no one will provide complete statistics. And you can’t eat only spices and chocolate.

Ideal is when you combine all types. Variety is one of the basic principles of proper nutrition.

If necessary, you can buy some additional dietary supplement. For example, during a period of illness or some protracted stressful situations. But only after consulting a doctor. Do not forget that an excess of vitamins is just as harmful as a deficiency. And this doesn’t only apply to vitamins.

For the antioxidant effect of your food to work, you must get enough sleep, not be nervous, and exercise. And, of course, experience as many positive emotions as possible. Happiness is the best antioxidant!

Be happy, friends!

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Explained by the presence of this substance. Let's figure out what antioxidants are, where exactly natural antioxidants are found, whether they are necessary, what their benefits are and whether they can cause harm. Maybe this is the magic pill that makes us healthy, beautiful and slim?

Antioxidants - what are they?

Antioxidants appeared in our lives relatively recently. They were first discovered in 1956 and since then they have been actively studying and finding new forms. Antioxidants are credited with a significant role in the fight against disease and old age.

They enrich foods and cosmetics (creams, tonics, lotions, shampoos, masks), and produce dietary supplements and vitamin complexes to maintain youth and beauty.

A short excursion into science: The existence of life on Earth is impossible without oxygen. All vital processes in living organisms occur with the participation of this gas. The chemical reaction of oxidation produces energy that helps sustain life.

Substances actively involved in these processes - free radicals, oxidants - are important for the functioning of the body. They produce hormones, destroy bacteria and viruses, and damaged cells. But only when their number does not exceed the norm. Excessive amounts of free radicals can lead to heart disease, the development of atherosclerosis, premature aging, cancer, etc.

And that’s when antioxidants come into play, binding free radicals and slowing down oxidative processes.

Unfortunately, polluted air, alcohol, poor nutrition, smoking, including passive, and various types of radiation slow down the body’s production of its own antioxidants.

The way out in this situation is to take medications containing antioxidants, switch to a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.

There are more than 3,000 types of antioxidants and their number is constantly growing. Very roughly they can be divided into 2 groups:

  • natural- obtained from food or produced in the body:
    • vitamins - A, E, C, K;
    • enzymes - superoxide dismutase, coenzyme Q10;
    • bioflavonoids - rutin, anthocyanins, polyphenols, quercetin, tannin;
    • minerals - selenium, manganese, zinc, copper, iron;
  • synthetic- vitamin complexes, dietary supplements.

What's the benefit?

Antioxidants effectively destroy the oxidative process and restore damaged cells, preventing premature aging and the development of diseases.

Antioxidants in food help in the fight for health and beauty:

  • protect from harmful radiation and radiation;
  • tobacco smoke;
  • prevent DNA damage;
  • improve blood clotting;
  • have a positive effect on metabolism;
  • minimize the risk of:
    • oncological diseases;
    • joint diseases;
    • diabetes;
    • weakened immunity;
    • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Where are they located

The largest amount of them is found in vegetables and fruits, freshly squeezed juices, cocoa, coffee, and spices. It is important to remember here that as a result of heat treatment, the amount of nutrients decreases after 15 minutes, so it is best to eat vegetables and fruits raw or steamed.

Which foods contain more antioxidants? First of all, in plant foods grown in natural, wild conditions. The amount of antioxidant units in cultivated plants is lower. Most likely this is due to the survival process of the plants themselves. In wild conditions, plants need to fight diseases and pests themselves, therefore they need to accumulate more protective substances.

Below is a table with the quantitative content of antioxidants in different foods.

Antioxidant content in foods

Product Serving Size Antioxidant Serving Concentration
Azuki beans (dried)1/2 cup13727
Wild blueberry1 cup13427
Red beans (dry)1/2 cup13259
Cultivated blueberries1 cup9019
Cranberry1 cup8983
Artichoke (cooked)1 cup7904
Blackberry1 cup7701
Prunes1/2 cup7291
Raspberries1 cup6058
1 cup5938
Red apples
1 PC.5900
Green apples1 PC.5381
Cherries1 cup4873
Potatoes (cooked)1 PC.4649

Here are some common foods that contain antioxidants:

  • berries - blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, sea buckthorn, raspberries, viburnum, grapes, cherries, plums, etc.;
  • vegetables - cabbage, potatoes, turnips, pumpkin, carrots, onions, garlic, tomatoes, etc.;
  • fruits - apples, pears, persimmons, quinces, citrus fruits;
  • legumes - red beans, lentils, soybeans, peas, chickpeas;
  • cereals - buckwheat, brown rice, oats, barley;
  • seeds - sunflower, flax, hemp;
  • vegetable oils from seeds and nuts;
  • nuts - walnuts, almonds, pecans, hazelnuts;
  • fish - herring, salmon, mackerel, etc.;
  • dairy and fermented milk products - butter, cottage cheese, cheeses;
  • spices - turmeric, saffron, cloves, pepper;
  • drinks - cocoa, coffee, tea, wine;
  • honey and bee products.

And this is not a complete list of antioxidant products. Another table showing the sources and amounts of antioxidants needed:

How to fill your diet with antioxidants?

The easiest way to get natural antioxidants is through food. Foods rich in antioxidants are practically harmless. Eating them allows you to replenish the supply of useful substances and eliminates overdose - the excess will be removed from the body naturally.

The three most powerful antioxidants are vitamins A, E And WITH. They are found in food products and enter the body with them.

  • Vitamin A (carotene) strengthens the immune system, improves vision, increases the body's resistance, improves the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, and protects against various types of radiation.
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol) reduces bad cholesterol, protects skin from aging, prevents cell destruction, strengthens immunity
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) strengthens the immune system, helps in the fight against infectious and respiratory diseases, improves vision, and fights vascular fragility.

By the way, the title of the most powerful antioxidant today belongs to astaxanthin. It is produced by microscopic red algae. A person can obtain astaxanthin from the algae itself, from shellfish, krill, wild salmon, or from pharmaceutical preparations.


  • increases endurance;
  • reduces the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases;
  • helps in the prevention of brain diseases;
  • rejuvenates;
  • protects against UV radiation;
  • neutralizes free radicals of any kind, up to 19 molecules at a time.

Coffee as the most famous antioxidant

With drinks we get up to 79% of antioxidants.

A cup of coffee has 4 times more antioxidants than one cup of green tea. In order to get your daily dose, it is enough to drink 4 servings of this drink. Although doctors recommend only 3.

Research conducted by scientists in the USA and Great Britain shows that coffee is in first place in terms of the amount of antioxidants, followed by green tea and only then vegetables and fruits with berries. But this location is most likely determined by the frequency of its use.

It is believed that the substances contained in coffee reduce the possibility of developing Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease, diabetes, cancer, gout, and help cope with depression.

Are antioxidants really that harmless?

You should always remember moderation. Do not overuse medications that contain antioxidants. Their action has not been fully studied. In addition, all people are unique and there is no one “magic pill” that will help any of us.

There are studies confirming an increase in mortality in connection with taking drugs containing antioxidants. Excessive fight against free radicals can increase the likelihood of cancer, arthrosis, Alzheimer's disease, and some cardiovascular diseases.
And you can get unpleasant consequences, in the form of food poisoning, from ascorbic acid.

Magic pill or not?

Antioxidants should not be treated as unconditionally beneficial substances. Only one thing can be said for sure: moderation and common sense are needed in everything. You should not take vitamin complexes and dietary supplements without any special reason.

Our health is in our hands and no beneficial substances will cope with illness and aging if we continue to lead an unhealthy lifestyle. Therefore, eat more fruits and vegetables, drink coffee, tea, water, but remember reasonable standards.

You can find antioxidants in almost any food. They are available to anyone.

Experts unanimously say that it is much more beneficial for health to obtain antioxidants and any other nutrients directly from natural food sources (). However, some types of free radical and oxidation fighters can also be taken by you in the form of supplements that you can buy at pharmacies.

For example, a number of studies have shown that antioxidant drugs such as lutein and glutathione are useful in preventing vision loss, joint problems and diabetes. At the same time, other experiments have found that excessive doses of vitamin A or vitamin C can be harmful and only aggravate the disease.

If you are generally healthy and eat a varied diet, then you do not need to resort to additional sources of antioxidants from pharmacies. But if the risk of vision loss or heart disease is high enough, we recommend that you talk to your doctor about starting to use the following antioxidant medications (in appropriate doses and with a healthy lifestyle).

Antioxidant drugs – list of the 10 best:

  1. Glutathione– one of the most important antioxidants for the body, which helps activate the activity of other antioxidants and vitamins. Plays a role in the absorption of proteins and fats, the creation of enzymes, detoxification and the destruction of cancer cells.
  2. Quercetin– is extracted from berries and leafy greens, therefore it is practically safe for health. Helps manage inflammation, cardiovascular disease, allergies, infections, chronic fatigue and autoimmune disorders such as arthritis.
  3. Lutein– a powerful antioxidant beneficial for the eyes, skin, arteries, heart and immune system. It is believed to be more useful when obtained from food than from pharmaceutical preparations. According to modern data, it can have a positive effect on cancer of the mammary glands, colon, cervix and lungs.

4. Vitamin C– a well-known drug for improving immunity, supporting the body with colds, flu, skin and eye problems.

5. Resveratrol– found naturally in cocoa, red grapes and dark berries (lingonberries, blueberries). Helps protect the heart, arteries, eyes and more.

6. Astaxanthin– a natural antioxidant that helps reduce age spots, increase energy levels and promote joint health.

7. Selenium is a useful microelement that can be found in soil, some foods and even water. It supports the adrenal and thyroid glands, fights viruses, protects against heart disease and calms asthma attacks.

9. Chlorophyll– a powerful antioxidant useful for detoxification, cancer prevention and protecting DNA from damage caused by toxins or stress. In addition to the pharmacy, it is found in foods such as spirulina, leafy green vegetables and blue-green algae.

10. Frankincense essential oil– is a popular treatment for various forms of cancer, including breast, brain, colon and prostate cancer. It is rubbed into the body or dissolved in water for internal use.

In this material we will tell you how to maintain healthy, elastic, velvety skin with the help of lifesavers - natural antioxidants.

Selection 10 most powerful natural antioxidants and their effect on the condition, structure, and health of the skin

1. Vitamin C

Has truly outstanding antioxidant properties vitamin C- it stimulates the function of cells that synthesize the main skin protein - collagen, ensures normal permeability of capillary membranes, improves their elasticity and strength.

In addition, ascorbic acid prevents the destruction of other antioxidants in the body - retinol, vitamin E, selenium, and protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation.

A large amount of vitamin C is found in currants, citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi, viburnum, garden greens, sweet peppers, broccoli, potatoes, and spinach.

2. Vitamin E

A - tocopherol, or - vitamin E, aka the “vitamin of youth”. It has a unique ability to protect cell membranes. Contained in large quantities in cold-pressed vegetable oils, especially those obtained from wheat germ, nuts, liver, pike perch, salmon, squid, dried apricots, prunes.

Carotenoids: β-carotene, retinol, lycopene, etc.. Provide effective skin protection from sun rays. Accelerate epithelization, eliminate the feeling of dryness and prevent skin exfoliation.

Vitamin A and carotene enhance the production of collagen, and accordingly, they can significantly delay the appearance of the first deep wrinkles, and make the network of small wrinkles almost invisible.

The largest amount of carotenoids is present in plant pigments that are orange and red in color; They are rich in sea buckthorn, rose hip, carrot, and palm oil; Tomatoes have a high content of lycopene.


Or - plant polyphenols, have strong antioxidant activity and are similar in structure to human estrogens; they are also called phytoestrogens.

It is known that in women after 30, the production of sex hormones gradually decreases: estrogen, progesterone, etc., and this is immediately reflected in the appearance of the skin: it becomes dry, thinner, and covered with a network of wrinkles.

Many people solve this problem by using creams that contain hormones, but, alas, they have a number of serious contraindications. The use of creams with phytoestrogens (stearins, isoflavones, flavones, lignans) is an excellent solution in this case, when “both the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe”: the skin looks moisturized and well-groomed without any harmful consequences.

Lots of phytoestrogens in soybeans, red clover, alfalfa, wild yam, palmetto, hops, grapes.

Polyphenols They also maintain the endocrine balance of the body, have a powerful capillary-strengthening effect, reduce hypoxia and increase the level of oxygen saturation of the skin, due to which metabolic processes are activated in it.

Products rich in polyphenols include red wine, grapes, apples, onions, green and black tea, olive oil, and aqueous herbal extracts.


E This is a special group of flavonoids that has a pronounced radioprotective effect.

Thanks to catechins, vitamin C is better absorbed and accumulated in the body, the elasticity and firmness of capillaries increases, thereby protecting the skin from the appearance of “stars” and vascular networks on it.

Catechins are found in large quantities in all types of tea.


An enzyme that works on the front line of defense of the cell - inside its "energy depots" - mitochondria.

SOD-containing cosmetics solve the problem of preventing wrinkles especially effectively, since SOD does not allow “cross-linking” of protein collagen molecules.

Superoxide dismutase is produced in our body and is also present in almost all animal and plant foods.

Plants whose extracts have SOD-like activity are widely used in cosmetology: witch hazel, sea buckthorn ginkgo biloba, tea leaf, horse chestnut, etc.

7. Coenzyme Q

Molecule of the “code of youth” of the skin. Participates in the process of energy production directly in mitochondria, and it is they that actively protects from oxidative attacks.

Coenzyme, as an obligatory component, is included in anti-aging masks, serums, and creams.

Red palm oil, beef, herring, peanuts, pistachios, and sesame have large amounts of Coenzyme Q.


It is a whole complex of unsaturated fatty acids. It has proven itself excellent as a component of cosmetic products for the care of inflamed, thinned, aging skin.

Vitamin F strengthens cell membranes, restores the hydrolipid mantle of the skin, and, accordingly, makes it more elastic.

Most vitamin F is found in cold-pressed oils: olive, soybean, flaxseed, corn, sunflower; Its high content is found in sea fish, nuts, avocados, and oatmeal.