Does man have a soul? What is Soul? What is the human soul in Orthodoxy and from a scientific point of view? What to be in a person's soul.

According to almost all popular religions, the human soul exists and can go to the afterlife after the death of the physical body or be reborn on Earth. Official science has its own answer to this question.

In the article:

Where is a person's soul located?

People have always been interested in everything unidentified and hidden from view. Thus, the invisible and intangible soul has become the object of debate and research. If you believe some religious denominations, then a person has a soul, and after the body dies, .

For a long time, a lot of research has been carried out and many works have been created, with the help of which people have tried to describe the properties of the human soul.

The student of Democritus (Galen) observed the human body at the moment of death and came to the conclusion that the soul is a certain substance that is located in the bloodstream. As a result, a person dies, loses blood, and along with it the soul leaves the physical shell (what happens if there is no blood loss is unclear).

The ancient Egyptians believed that the body is a home for the soul, which can live only when the body is preserved forever. Therefore, the bodies of the deceased were mummified.

An interesting statement was made by Stuart Hameroff, a professor of anesthesiology and psychology at the University of Arizona. He believes that the soul is a clot of quantum matter, which is stored in neurons in a concentrated form. After the human body dies, the energy is released and joins the absolute information field.

Soul age

Those who believe in reincarnation have many theories as to how many lifetimes it may be on Earth. In this case, it is impossible to give a specific answer to the question of whether the soul has age.

Religion is trying to answer this question, but so far we are faced with vague answers and many inconsistencies. Thus, Buddhists see the soul as part of the mechanism of an uninterrupted chain of reincarnations, while Christians claim that the soul is immortal and after the death of the physical shell it necessarily ends up in Hell or Heaven. In this case, she only has one life.

However, it is not clear how to explain the ability of hypnotists to put people into a trance, in which people begin to see their so-called “past lives.” Due to all these contradictions, it is very difficult to give a clear answer.

21 grams - soul weight

Dr. Duncan McDougall

Quite often you can come across loud headlines: “Scientists have proven the existence of the soul.” One of those who tried to find out the answer to this question and succeeded was Dr. Duncan McDougall. In 1960, he conducted a series of tests in a hospice.

The doctor placed the already dying person on a special hanging bed that worked like a scale. The scientist weighed the body before and immediately after death. A total of 6 people took part in the experiment. On average, after death, body weight decreased by 20-22 g. After this, many believed that the weight of the human soul was about 21 grams.

But in 2001, Dr. Eugenius Kugis from the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences completely refuted the results of previous tests, explaining such a decrease in body weight as a banal loss of fluid through breathing. In turn, the doctor conducted his own special testing.

In Switzerland, in one of the medical institutions, people who claimed that they dreamed every day were offered to fall asleep on special scale beds. There were 23 people tested in total.

At the moment when the patients entered the deep sleep phase, the sensors noted a decrease in body weight by 3-7 g. As a result, the scientist stated that the human soul weighs on average 5 grams. Official science could not explain such results.

The opinion of domestic scientists on the existence of the soul

Of course, for the most part, all researchers are skeptics, and the presence of such a supernatural “something” causes a lot of controversy. There are scientists who do not believe in its existence, while others are trying in every possible way to prove that it is real.

Thus, Pavel Goskov from Barnaul tried to prove that, like a unique fingerprint, each individual has a unique soul. The experiment was quite simple.

A container of purified water was placed next to each subject for 10 minutes. After this, the structure of the liquid was studied. During the experiment, it was proven that changes occurred, and each person put his own individual imprint on the structure of water.

Scientists have proven that changes necessarily occurred; for each test subject, the water changed in its own way, while the structure was repeated in the same person. Scientists called this method “materialization of the soul.” In this case, the water was a kind of net, with the help of which Goskov caught the manifestations of the human soul.

There were several more attempts by domestic scientists to confirm their belief in the immortal soul. In 1949, Semyon Kirlian and his wife noticed that human organs glow unusually in an electromagnetic field. Kirlian's followers decided to test the dead as an experiment.

The results for them were stunning. During the first 3 days after death, the glow from the dead either sharply increased or decreased. Moreover, such fluctuations were more visible in those who committed suicide. Adherents of the “Kirlian effect” firmly believe that in this way they proved the reality of the soul.

Various spiritual teachings proceed from the fact that man has an immortal essence - a soul. When our body dies, the soul goes to the afterlife or moves on to the next physical incarnation. This is confirmed by the stories of people who experienced clinical death. I wonder if there are any purely scientific facts that support this theory?

Does consciousness live outside the brain?

It is generally accepted that the thinking process takes place in our brain. In this case, death or brain damage should lead to the destruction of consciousness, and therefore to the death of the soul. But at the same time, there are many facts that cast doubt on this statement.

The first hypothesis that the brain is only a “receiver” for thoughts was expressed by Nobel laureate John Eccles. The famous Russian neurophysiologist Natalya Bekhtereva believed that the generally accepted theory of the brain is not able to explain how, for example, the creative process occurs. Research conducted at the St. Petersburg Brain Institute has shown that this organ is capable of generating only thoughts regarding the simplest and most common actions that we perform every day... In addition, there are known facts when a tomograph recorded brain activity in patients who were in a coma or hypnotic trance.

Shocking examples

Back in the 20s of the last century, biologist Karl Lashley discovered that conditioned reflexes in rats do not disappear after removing various parts of the brain. There are many cases where people with brain damage retained full mental abilities.

Thus, American Carlos Rodriguez lives without the frontal lobes of the brain, that is, he is missing as much as 60 percent of this organ. Dr. Robinson of the Paris Academy of Sciences described a case in which a man died at about 60 years of age and died a month after receiving a head injury. During the autopsy, it turned out that instead of a brain he had only a thin shell of brain matter... Despite this, until the injury, the man led a completely normal life.

The German scientist Hufland encountered a similar episode. In the skull of a patient who died shortly after being paralyzed, instead of a brain, 300 grams of liquid floated. However, before the paralysis, the patient functioned quite normally...

In 1976, at the age of 55, the famous Dutch watchmaker Jan Geerling died. His skull was also filled with fluid instead of brain...

One of the latest such cases was recorded in Sheffield (Scotland). X-rays revealed that the student, whose IQ was 126, which is above average, has a completely absent brain... Even if we assume that healthy parts of the brain are able to take over the functions of damaged ones, how can water inside the skull replace the brain? Or just emptiness?

Rather, one can believe that there is some immaterial entity, including consciousness, that temporarily “inhabits” us. And the body is just a shell within which the soul functions.

Phantom effect

People who have amputated limbs often feel so-called phantom pain - the missing arm or leg ache or itch, so that sometimes it causes unbearable suffering... It seems that the “aura” of the missing body parts remains, and it causes similar sensations.

There is a famous photograph that shows a tree that has lost part of its trunk and crown after being struck by lightning. But in a photo taken with special radiation, the tree looks intact: the missing branches, trunk and even foliage are clearly visible. Because the “aura” of the tree, its “soul”, has been preserved...

Receiver for the soul

But why does the soul need a body? According to most religions, the soul does not appear at the very moment of conception, but later, when the embryo develops a brain. “The human brain in this case is a kind of receiver that receives information from the personality-consciousness-soul,” says Ruslan Madatov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, teacher at the Department of Religious Studies at one of the Prague universities. “It’s not for nothing that the neurons of the brain are very similar to a transceiver device, even in appearance! Any biologist familiar with physical electrical circuits will tell you this." Probably, a “reverse” process can also occur, when with the help of the brain we emit information into the surrounding space. This is precisely what can explain such “parascientific” phenomena as telepathy or clairvoyance.

All this means that it is possible to influence the brain from the outside, activating its cells, for example, for therapeutic purposes using electromagnetic stimulation. Although we are still far from understanding the mechanism of interaction between the soul and the body. And is official science able to explain this today?

Where is a person's soul located? Everyone thinks about this question sooner or later. Some people vehemently deny its existence, while others consider people to be carriers of a soul clothed in a mortal shell. Of course, the question is complex, because the substance we are discussing is invisible, and therefore difficult to scientifically study. However, inquisitive minds do not give up. Let's try to turn to verified facts.

Simple weighing

At all times, scientists have tried to answer the question of where a person’s soul is located in different ways. Experienced doctors claim that there are no visible signs of its presence in people. True, there was a doctor who wanted to refute his colleagues. And do this by regular weighing. Duncan McDougall's experience showed that the weight of people before death and immediately after it is different. The doctor even revealed the difference in weight - 21 grams. It was attributed to the substance flying away from the body. The doctor decided that he managed to find out how much the soul weighs. However, other researchers disappointed him. They immediately found a logical explanation for the unusual phenomenon: body weight is affected by dehydration after death. So the lost grams are not a spiritual substance at all, but ordinary moisture.

Mystical events

Duncan McDougall's experiments inspired other scientists to search for the place where a person's soul is located. But impartial researchers have always been hampered by mysticism. For example, in the 1960s, an amazing story happened in the city of Pushkino. A worker was working at the cemetery who was going to erect a marble tombstone on the grave. Late in the evening he returned to the churchyard to make sure that the stone slab would not get stuck between the fences. To his surprise, steam rose from the desired grave. There was an impression that the deceased was smoking. The next morning, concerned relatives arrived at the burial site. It was the fortieth day, and everyone was ready for something unusual. The invited priest interpreted the observed phenomenon in his own way. He said that on the fortieth day the soul leaves our world. Most likely, some things are keeping her on the ground, and she asks for help. The wife of the deceased remembered that he did not have time to dig his mother’s cellar in a distant village. The woman swore over the grave that she would certainly fulfill her promise. The steam immediately stopped coming out. The people around were stunned. There was a feeling that the deceased heard them. Such events greatly baffle scientists. What to do with eyewitness accounts that contradict reason and logic?

Miracles of the Electromagnetic Field

However, the empirical approach also bears fruit. Even in the Soviet Union, corresponding experiments were carried out. In 1949, scientist Semyon Kirlian made an extraordinary discovery. He was able to establish that human organs glow if placed in an electromagnetic field. This fact was revealed to the public only 15 years later. Enthusiasts immediately began photographing the dead. As a result, people learned amazing things. It turns out that over the course of three days, the internal energy of the deceased either activates or decreases. Moreover, in suicides this process occurs with greater amplitude. Cyrillian's followers believe that they can determine where the soul is located in a living person. But so far they have not been able to do this.

Slow fade

In St. Petersburg, they have been working for a long time to study. Initially, the devices were supposed to diagnose the condition of the internal organs and systems of the functioning organism. Scientists have found that the glow of the energy field changes depending on the patient’s condition. The shape, color, intensity, etc. vary. An attempt to calculate the mathematical pattern of attenuation of the human energy field led to unexpected results. It turned out that the body glows for some time after death. This can last up to three days. Moreover, natural death is accompanied by a gradual weakening over two days, sudden death is accompanied by a bright flash and a sharp decline, and suicide is accompanied by a sudden change in intensity, which does not stabilize over time. Scientists have come to the conclusion that people have a certain “information frame”. It is likely that this is exactly the place where the human soul is located.

Soul Container

Nobody knows where the soul is. The more people make assumptions. Where is it located? In the heart, chest, brain or other human organ? Since ancient times, this question has worried inquiring minds. The Slavs looked for an invisible substance in the lungs or solar plexus. No wonder it was called “soul”, which is similar to the word “breathe”. Life continues as long as a person absorbs air. This means that the most valuable thing is in our chest. In addition, the subject of our conversation was considered an independent part. For example, when frightened, the Slavs said that their “soul had sunk into their heels.” The Chinese considered the mind to be the abode of the spirit, and the ancient Babylonians considered the ears to be the abode of the spirit. There are many options, let's try to look at some of them.

Part of the brain

In the 17th century, the first scientific theory about where the soul is located was put forward. The great philosopher and mathematician Rene Descartes called it the pineal gland. This is the only unpaired part of the brain in our head. Interestingly, in children under six years of age, it is shaped like an eyeball with a lens inside. Upon careful study, you can find elements similar to photoreceptors and nerve cells. However, the older a person gets, the more this part of the brain atrophies.

Researchers have found that some retain the pineal gland in its original form even into adulthood. Such people are called psychics. They have very developed intuition, they see what is hidden from others. So does this mean that the human soul lives in the head? Researchers from have partially confirmed this theory. They did encephalograms of terminally ill people and found that death causes activity in the brain similar to a powerful explosion. Electrical impulses go off scale, which means that a large amount of energy leaves the body. Maybe this indicates that the spirit is leaving the mortal body?

Heart and soul

It is impossible to imagine a person without a heart. Scientists have found that the physical cells of this vital organ are destroyed only on the fortieth day. And, as we all know well, in many religions it is believed that the soul flies to the other world only on the 40th day. So, maybe this fact is decisive in order to understand why the soul is needed and where it lives?

In 2012, German scientists, known for their pedantry, set out to find out exactly where the soul is. They gathered a group of people experiencing strong emotions - jealousy, unrequited love, longing for a loved one. The slightest nuances in instrument readings were taken into account. The Germans never established the truth, but they realized that almost all subjects without exception felt pain in the chest. Exactly where the lymph nodes and solar plexus are located. Apparently, the lymphatic system is assigned functions hitherto unknown to us - control over the state of mind and human qualities. This causes aching pain in the chest. Not all researchers agree with this statement. But how did “the soul go to waste”? Is some substance frightenedly moving down the lymphatic system to the lower extremities? It's worth thinking about.

Omnipresent blood

Americans are convinced that the seat of the soul is blood. People to whom it was transfused change externally and internally. Their height may increase, their gait may change, and their face shape may change. For example, military doctor Alexander Litvin underwent a blood transfusion. The donors were different people. And over time, our hero’s body began to change. He grew 4 centimeters, gained 5 kilograms, he began to have other people's memories, even his earlobes changed shape. Is it possible that the psychological and physical qualities of the donor can be transferred to a person along with blood? So the soul lives in the blood?

Organ transplant

The United States has long been monitoring citizens who have had donor body parts transplanted. Elderly people who received younger organs were especially closely studied. Scientists were shocked when they realized that the patients' character traits began to change. Some researchers have concluded that human tissue is intelligent and has its own character. That is, the organs begin to somehow transform the alien environment, so their carriers begin to behave differently. People feel a surge of strength and energy, they have new hobbies and a different circle of acquaintances. What is this? Is it possible that, along with a particle of the organism, a person receives a fraction of someone else’s soul?


We will probably never know how much a soul weighs. Moreover, its severity and volume vary depending on the owner. Well-known resuscitator Artem Lugovoy claims that DNA can be the seat of the soul. This is a high-energy structure that, with a single set of chromosomes, makes us completely different. This means that every cell of our body can be filled with a soul. Then how does it leave the body? There are many more questions than answers. This means that a lot of new exciting discoveries await humanity ahead.

And is there in the world we physically perceive a certain substance that connects both worlds, the existence of which is possible on both sides of existence?

Many have probably already realized that this element or substance is the soul, a metaphysical concept that has not yet been proven or disproven by anyone. We will talk about her, my dear, the human soul. Let's try to understand what the soul is, what its nature is, what the purpose and essence of the human soul is.

The hypothetical transcendental world that lies beyond the boundaries of earthly existence is doubtful for most people. It is worth noting that even theoretical physicists, who are mostly adherents of materialistic views, admit the multivariance of measurements and the presence of other forms of life. Among the learned brethren there are many who believe in God’s Providence. Therefore, dear skeptics, before you begin to categorically deny everything that does not fit into the framework of the logic so familiar to you, remember - everything is relative in this world! More than once, the most incredible assumptions have been confirmed.

In order not to somehow hurt or offend those who believe in God, as well as those who do not believe in Him, with the subsequent reasoning, the reader is recommended to classify this story as a fantasy genre, which may have nothing to do with true reality.

Many people, striving for a truly achievable momentary benefit, willingly follow the logic of well-known sayings: “Live here and now”, “Take everything from life”, which have already become the life credo of the majority, not only those who adhere to the atheistic worldview of people, but also those who only admit the existence of a God whose faith was not formed into a concrete picture of the universe. They take more than they need, giving little or no thought to what will happen later, after physical death, and consider themselves realists, claiming to be smart people, confident in the truth of their vision of the world, which, in essence, is blind faith in Chance. Any other faith for them is the delirium of the weak-minded, but ask them: “Why is there no soul and God”? In response you will hear: “Because it’s unrealistic and that’s all!”

They can be understood. For atheists it is convenient, simple, and most importantly, understandable and pleasant to live like this. They are afraid of living life in vain, without taking from it what is considered valuable in their minds. They want to have a “bird in the hand” (earthly temporary paradise), and “pie in the sky” (heavenly eternal paradise) is just a myth for them. They prefer to consider themselves gods and the quintessence of the highest will, and not some mythical Supreme Mind. You can argue with this category of people on metaphysical topics just as forever and to no avail, as if you had to describe to a born blind person all the riot of colors in nature, which he is simply not able to see and can only believe or not believe in their existence. Atheists are children of the system, having absorbed materialistic views with their “mother’s milk”, which can only be changed by irrefutable facts, a miracle or emergency circumstances.

The values ​​of believers in God are not found in this life, but in the one that begins after death. In fairness, it should be noted that most of them are not fools at all, as some believe, and are far from angels, inflamed with pure, selfless love for the Creator and not expecting to receive anything in return for their love. They are ordinary people striving to obtain their main benefit, but only at the end of their earthly journey and in an infinite equivalent. The logic of their actions is dictated by the choice in favor of the eternal bliss promised by the Lord and the normal fear of losing this “heavenly bonus.” That is, each person has his own life strategy, but what “place” does he choose first of all? The answer is obvious - with the mind. And that's okay! The mind in a dangerous physical world must play a decisive role, otherwise a person will not survive. And any rational being strives for good and a safe existence. The whole point is that some choose a short-term life with an obvious end to everything, others rely on the Absolute - the immortality of the soul and immeasurable happiness.

To summarize the introductory part, we can summarize the following: some believe that an incredibly complex, accurate and beautiful picture of the universe appeared as a result of accidentally “spilled colors”, which in turn magically suddenly materialized and structured in the original Absolute Nothing, others are convinced of that the Universe is the Creation of an unknown Artist. In this regard, there is no point in convincing anyone in matters of faith. However, it is possible to speculate on eternal topics, using not only conjectures emanating from religious views, but also assumptions based on real technologies.

The essence of the soul is information. So, surely no one will deny the obvious fact that a person is a biological carrier of an indefinite amount of information, an unknown percentage of which accounts for his consciousness and personality. In other words, the personal “I” can be expressed as information that is the core of our essence. The origin, formation and evolution of this “I-core” occurs in synthesis with some other substance, not from our existence, which presumably has an energy-informational nature.

“Everything is replaced by the brain,” you say. Not all! The human brain is just a biocomputer placed in the skull, a “logical machine” that excludes everything that cannot be sensed or is of an irrational nature, many unknown variables. Our brain is undoubtedly a powerful tool, but we should not forget that it only gives us reason, allows us to think rationally and logically, but here are some feelings... it is doubtful that the brain can autonomously produce a reckless feeling of love, rage or the desire to save other people's lives , sacrificing one’s own, etc. It seems that what makes a person human is not only the brain, but also something else. Maybe this is something like a program code that makes some kind of subconscious correction, as a result of which we become aware of ourselves and become intelligent, in the full sense of the word, living beings, endowed with emotions, freedom, and the desire to create? You can call this code differently - “virus of the mind”, “free radical” or something else; in religion this mysterious substance is simply called the soul.

What is the human soul? What is the essence of the soul? From various sources, including biblical ones, it follows that the soul is the essence of man. The definition of a person is understood not as biological, but as his moral, informational (spiritual) essence. The body is just a mortal shell, a container for the soul. The soul, in turn, is an information channel connecting this world and the higher one, the one from which we draw love, creative energy and where our consciousness moves after death. Or the soul is an installed “package” of higher feelings and laws that make us human, and not biorobots with a cold mind, a kind of repository of life energy, the Word and Light of God, everything that can be attributed to the concepts of the divine category. The soul is a navigator, indicating the highest path of development. Perhaps the soul is simultaneously a navigator, a repository and a bridge between realities.

A rough analogy arises with a computer operating system and a set of other system routines, as well as the electricity required to operate a computer. Without a soul and divine spirit, a person is like a “dead” computer without any digital data or power supply.

Science is not yet able to understand the structure of the soul and isolate it into a matrix separate from the body. It is not even clear where the soul is located in us. But, despite the lack of scientific knowledge, it is stupid to deny its existence in theory, as well as the potential opportunity in the future to learn to “pack” the human “I” into a certain “file”.

Of course, there are many skeptical citizens who will consider the analogy between a person and a computer to be incorrect or will categorically define everything described above as nonsense. Just in case, “smart guys” would like to remind you that everything stated in this article is just a fantasy that has the right to be. It is no more delusional than any scientific hypothesis about the random origin of the Universe, which does not bring us closer to an understanding of the truth. In science in general, versions regarding this issue often change.

Souls are the essence and its path to eternity. Having accepted as true the idea that the soul is information, and the human body is its carrier, we ask the question: “Is it possible for our spiritual basis to move outside the body and the existence of a mechanism hidden in us that ensures this transaction, activation of which is programmed and occurs, for example, at the moment the minimum permissible value of the working activity of the brain is reached, or when it is completely turned off or destroyed"? The question is essentially rhetorical. The answer is obvious - of course, yes! The presence of such biotechnology is quite likely. After all, man has learned to transmit information “over the air” (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth technologies), although such a thing was not even thought of 100 years ago.

There is a lot of evidence of the conscious “exit of the body” (into the astral plane) of Indian yogis, as well as people who were in critical condition. People who experienced clinical death talked about maintaining their consciousness and traveling through a mysterious tunnel, at the end of which a peaceful light was observed. The explanation of this phenomenon by hallucinations allegedly arising due to intoxication of the body with cadaveric poisons and so-called tubular vision does not stand up to criticism. It is doubtful that, as a result of poisoning with the same poison, in all cases the “dead” will experience the same “visual effect” (observe themselves from the outside), view their lives like a film, meet deceased relatives and “see” identical visions.

So why then are materialists so categorical in denying the soul and its movement after death to another world or dimension? People, then, can operate with Numbers in all sorts of ways, but Someone else, even theoretically, is not capable of performing similar operations with our soul? Is intelligent life really possible only in one form that is familiar to us? Or maybe we are the creation of a higher immortal race that exists outside of time and matter, and we are sent to Earth to undergo training, to mature our souls in the school of life, and those who have “studied” with dignity get a chance for eternal life? Let everyone answer these questions for themselves.

Continuing to “paint” an imaginary picture, let’s try to imagine the afterlife world, where, according to believers, the soul ends up at the end of its earthly journey. We are not talking about searching for evidence of its reality - during life it is impossible to do this in principle (at least, science is not moving in this direction), as they say: “Until you die, you will not check whether there is heaven or hell.” All considerations regarding the “afterlife topic” are perceived by non-religious people as pure abstraction. However, any fantastic thought can turn out to be an objective reality. Moreover, it is possible that our reality is in fact only a pitiful, distorted copy of the real Ideal Being. What could the afterlife be like, which after earthly life becomes the eternal refuge of the soul?

Let's start with the main thing. Everything has a root cause. Without it, nothing will arise on its own. Whatever operations you perform with zeros, without a unit the result will always be zero. That is, in the absolute primordial Non-existence, a “number” could not arise on its own; there had to be a root cause, acting as a unit, some kind of force that made the particles move. Based on this premise, let us assume the existence of an Operator, Author, Supermind or Creator of all things. He has many names, but there is one generalizing, capacious concept - God. Let's take Him for granted. For what purpose did He create the World? Probably with the same one with which a creative person creates his creation, through which he expresses internal creative energy, love or some other experiences flowing from the soul. Perhaps the Creator wanted to create a semblance of that ideal, of endless happiness, which He himself is, and a small copy of this Original is not a material body at all, but other substances that are inside us and make up our essence - spirit, soul, mind. After all, if a human creator decides to create his own likeness, it will mean, first of all, a rational basis that is closest to the original (artificial intelligence) and enclosed within the framework of human logic. The shell in which the created entity will be placed is secondary.

Let’s not get bogged down in understanding God’s Plan, which man will probably never understand. The theme of this story is an attempt to present the path and essence of the soul.

Many religious sources say that in the “other world” there is eternal life. Why not? Man also strives for immortality, and one of the hypothetical concepts in this direction is the transfer of consciousness from a dying body to something new, ideally something eternal. What is not destroyed by time? Only the immaterial is not afraid of time.

If the other world is immaterial, then a different logic reigns there, not subject to the physical laws of our existence. Probably, there is no flow of time familiar to us; everything eternal excludes the need for this category.

Earthly life should be perceived as a school or testing ground where a person is tested. Only a person who passes the exam with honor and dignity enters the kingdom of God, called paradise. The more the soul retains from God at the “exit-entrance”, the higher and closer to the Lord it will ascend. And vice versa: an individual who has accumulated a critical mass of sins (evil) during his life, one in whom the distortion of the absolute standard (God) is too great, will go to hell. In other words, we all pass through a filter, the purpose of which is to prevent evil from entering heaven. The structure of this model of being from a rational position is quite understandable and explainable. In order to create and preserve an ideal structure indefinitely, everything in it must correspond to the idea, that is, the ideal, the drawing of the model. Any flaws are unacceptable. For example, to develop and implement a project, you will only need what corresponds to its idea. Everything unnecessary and potentially harmful is classified as garbage, which belongs in the trash bin. This is the principle of an antivirus program that protects a computer's operating system from malicious code. The “garbage bin” where dirty souls end up is hell. Evil is concentrated there, garbage, which has no place in heaven, in the kingdom of eternal happiness. At the very bottom of the "hell's basket" the greatest sinners are crushed under a heavy load of darkness. It can be assumed that the main hellish torment experienced by sinners, to which sinners condemn themselves, lies in the awareness of their fate to remain forever garbage in darkness and the absence of any bright prospect.

You should pay attention to the presence of a heavenly hierarchy in the next world. It is natural and absolutely necessary. When there is no hierarchy, there is no structure, and this creates chaos. Without hierarchy, order, which ensures the strength of the system, is unattainable. At the top of the pyramid, at the Throne of God, there are those closest to the Lord - Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones, and below, in descending order, each takes its place according to the degree of godlikeness. “Zero Horizon” is a place of waiting until the Judgment of the White Throne, where, apparently, the souls of the dead initially end up (according to the Catholic version, they undergo purgatory, filtration or purification), below which the seven levels (circles) of hell “go into minus”.

This may be the essence of the human soul and its thorny path in eternity. Personally, to me, the author of this essay, the above version of the world order does not seem crazy at all. On the contrary, the conviction in the absence of a Supreme Mind or the Cause of all things is perceived as a much greater delusion. Be that as it may, it is much more humane to live, observing moral laws, to be the master of your spirit, and not a slave to animal passions, and then, after life, suddenly happiness will smile on you, and may you abide in an eternal blissful world of goodness and love. The choice is yours!

What is Soul? Components of the Soul. Personal self-knowledge.

On Earth, only 2 percent of people think, 3 percent think that they think,

and 95 percent of people would rather die than think.


Each soul has a sound, a vibration, and by this sound you can tell everything about a person. And the world around us vibrates and sounds with souls... They are attracted to our sound. Soulthis is a field substance, this is energy and information (experience). This is an individual substance that stores the entire experience of a person, the experience of all his incarnations (Fate, all the Rocks and U-rocks - everything is stored there). Therefore, the Soul also grows and develops in stages and ultimately has several components. There is an important nuance here.Not everyone has a soul. Only people have souls. But not everyone is human. Another thing is that everything has the Spirit. Spirit - this is the primary divine spark, the emotionless part of the universe, which is in everything. The soul can be destroyed, the Spirit cannot. The body is controlled by the Soul, the Soul by the Spirit. And all this is surrounded by CO-NEWS (Joint Message with the Gods) and conscience (as a moral quality of a person). Our body is 4-dimensional, the Soul is multidimensional, the Spirit is immeasurable, it has always existed and will never die. But the Soul can be stolen, eaten, sold, killed...

A person has a 3-component Soul. There was a time when a person had an animal Soul, which was located in the stomach.Animal part of the Soul . This is a cybernetic program for the development of a given individual for a given incarnation. Sometimes they confuse astrosom and soul. This is just a small part of it. Located in the lower Dan-Tian field. The predominance of a part of the animal Soul does not allow one to rise above the world of illusions.Instincts, desires - all manifestations of this soul. Here thoughts are never born, ideas are never born and personal experience is never accumulated. Everyone has it - animals, plants.

Psychic Soul, or emotional. The sensual soul, or the feeling soul. Here the experience of emotions, experiences, dreams, and at the same time personal experience accumulates. It is located approximately in the solar plexus area. It is this part of the soul that cries, sheds tears, screams and hits the wall when we feel bad. This level of the Soul gives fascination with experiences, emotions and their brightness. Here we learn to manage our emotions. This is an important moment in our ascent. The key to managing your emotions is the state of love. A significant part of people with souls live by emotions. Here it is important to learn to love correctly, to think correctly - you cannot do this without thought. THEREFORE - we rise in our development to the next level:

Rational part of the Soul. Connects our body with our Spirit. It is located approximately where the heart is, maybe a little higher. If the psychic Soul cries and screams in pain, then the rational Soul has no time to emote - it looks for ways out of situations, it begins to comprehend what is happening to us. This image of the Soul can be described as a “mirror of pure water.”

And here the question arises:

How can you see your Soul? How to determine whether a person has a Soul?

First, let's do the following. Without looking further into this text, first close your eyes and ask yourself:where is my Soul?? Then you put your hand on the area where, in your opinion, your Soul is located.Remember or look at which part of the Soul reacts to different events, in which place in the body the sensations are located. The one of the three parts that responds is where we place our hand. We look at what image, color, shape we see, whether there are any cracks or bruises on it. Some people see a crystal, others a bird, a flower, and others a child or just a person. All this will be true, each of these images personifies our Soul. Usually it is a pearl or several pearls. As soon as we have decided on the image, we take it and move to the shore of the pearl stream, take our pearl and immerse it in the stream. Here, in this stream of mother-of-pearl color, layers alien to us are washed away and what is ours is restored. Somewhere in these depths lies our ancestral memory, also the memory of who we were, what we could do millions of years ago. This is how we heal our Soul, cleanse it, nurture and cherish it.

If the Soul has an image crystalThis means that the Soul has accumulated a decent amount of experience, and now it begins to crystallize, turning the personality into a possessor with special qualities. YOU become an active element of the Universe. Flowermeans the openness of the Soul, its readiness for further transformations.Bird- P a mobile form of the Soul, which is already capable of specific actions.The image of a child, an angel, an adultspeaks of a very mature state of the Soul.

The shade of the Soul is also important. By the shade you can determine why the Soul came into the world.Red shade - the soul has come to learn to live, to master living space. Yellowmaster what is called “psychism”: getting used to, feeling this world, filling it with your energy. We learn to interact with the psychic energy of other people, other creatures of the surrounding world. With the original energy - qi, ki, chi, prana. We learned. Then we collect knowledge, understanding that energy is not everything, we also need information. And then the Soul acquiresbluish (heavenly) shade. Greenish – emotional and sensory space. The right emotions, the right feelings. Am I loving correctly?Gold . The soul came to serve humanity, to solve the problems of humanity and specific people too. This is the bodhic level - those who voluntarily accept service to Humanity and the Cosmos.Pink – learn correct love, pure, divine. The soul learns to feel tenderness towards all living things, seeing in them the manifestation of Being. Violet shade - feeling like an extension of God. He and God are something One. And a person lives in accordance with this state.Pearl white the presence of the supreme Soul. She just lives and does her thing, and doesn't ask any questions or seek any benefits.Black psychomatrices of other worlds: aggressors, vampires, black magicians, demons.*

How do you know if a person has a Soul?

I'm on the battlefield. I'm also looking for something. I walk among the rubble, a lot of broken weapons, heavy two-handed swords, helmets, remnants of armor, and approach the skeleton. He attracted my attention because instead of a helmet on his head, or rather his skull, he had a cast iron pot, the kind my grandmother used to cook in a Russian stove. Skeleton in a semi-sitting position. I understand that I need to take something from him, something that belongs to me, but I can’t understand what. I look at him for a long time and then it dawns on me. A piece of me remained in it - my soul. I mentally say: “My soul!” And then a warm sunny ball the size of a tennis ball appears behind his chest and is so “happy” that I found him (or her). I start calling: “Come with me,” and he tries to get out of the chest, or rather, it’s like seeping through the bones, but it turns out to “get out” only halfway and I pull in my direction and the ball itself stretches, but the chest is too strong and doesn't let me in. Then the answer comes to me: “I can only free myself when my bones rot, and you still don’t have the strength to pull me out,” and this ball cries, but not physically, that is, tears do not fall from it, but it’s similar to the expression when they say “the soul cries” - this is not always accompanied by tears. I want to come back for this ball, but I don’t know when to do it. In a year or two, or, conversely, wait for him to fly to me. At this point the image disappears.

I would like to draw your attention (and I also wrote to the girl about this) that you have to take everything at once, there is no time to wait, especially to return after 2 years. If you can’t do it yourself, you need to turn to someone who can help, a competent person. After that I received the following letter from her:

Hello Vedana!
I managed to return the soul from the skeleton to the battlefield, but with great difficulty. At first, she (the soul) “turned away” altogether. She was offended by me for leaving her yesterday and not being trustworthy. I persuaded her, stroked her, she even darkened in places, apparently from grief. Yes, I had to use the help of my husband (Vedana’s note: he has level 2), since I couldn’t cope with the chest myself, but I cut it myself with a silver sword, I didn’t chop it, but I cut it, since it easily went into the bone tissue . Then the chest opened like a door and the soul flew out of captivity in an unknown direction. I had to wait a little for her to return. She returned quickly and hid behind the shield. I had to persuade her to come back again. She managed to return it after searching for what belonged to her and what was bothering her. True, I had to “talk” to the skeleton. I learned a lot of interesting things about the things he kept. The cast iron contained liquid, which was evaporated to facilitate transportation. If necessary, you could pour water into the cast iron pot and use the magic drink. It gives strength to warriors, relieves fatigue, and gives them good spirits. The liquid is odorless, transparent like spring water, but there is one nuance. When making it, at the last stage, 3 to 5 drops of oil are dripped into it, similar in color and smell to a rose. That is, the color is soft pink and smells like roses, but not a strong smell. It does not change the external properties of the water, as well as the smell, but it gives it such amazing properties and there was also a sachet-type bag with dry crushed grass. it helps with diarrhea. Warriors are people too and anything can happen along the way. Also underneath was a gold chain with a heart-shaped pendant. This is a memory of his beloved. I barely “find out” what needed to be done. It turns out that you need to lower the chain into a mountain stream, and it will find the owner. And without this procedure the soul did not want to leave. After I received my part of the soul back, there was no mention of the battle left on the field, as if nothing had happened. Just a mountain plateau covered with delicate green grass. I can’t even imagine what would have happened if I tried to come back for her in a year or two. Most likely, she wouldn’t find it, and if she did, it would be very late, since only one day has passed, and she doesn’t believe me that I’ll come back for her.
True, at first, literally a few seconds after the start of the meditation, I saw a river and a drowned man in it, but nothing was drawn to him. On the contrary, it is a repulsive sight. And I began to walk away along the path along the river, but my husband asked me to come back and look again to see if there were any signs of a soul. I returned, and it turned out that part of my soul was also hiding from prying eyes. She was driven by a sense of duty. She had to protect the body from decomposition so that it would be noticed and at the same time it was necessary to convey some things located next to it. She checked everything very carefully, was satisfied and spread all over my body. We also managed to take our things. Sheets with writings, letters very close and very yellowed, not even on paper, but on the skin of some animal, very carefully stored in a secret compartment, sticks from different types of wood, but they are not of particular value, since the method of their manufacture written on these sheets, 5 stones, 2 of them white, 1 black with brown and gray veins, 2 gray, 2 large gold coins with the image of some ruler. The stones were in a canvas bag with red embroidered symbols and the bag was tied with twine. Cause of death: heart problems while wading, which is why he drowned.
Physical sensations are as follows: a feeling of fullness in the chest, but not heaviness, pleasant warmth at the level of the solar plexus, a feeling of calm and self-confidence.
Nikolai and I also spent . When I turned to Dazhdbog, I found on my hand a ripe red apple, just picked from the tree.

These are our advanced practitioners at the 1st stage... People are now waking up more and more and are beginning to feel abilities, remember past incarnations, awareness of mistakes comes, thereby freeing themselves from burdens and moving forward. Well, we also do not stand still, so we will continue our investigation into where you can lose your soul, so that you can help yourself. So.

Mountains, underground workings, caves, glaciers , in which your soul can accidentally get stuck for many millennia.

Snowy plain, everything is covered in snow, huts without windows . We go inside the hut, which draws us towards itself; along the walls there are benches, along which shadows sit. This suggests that deceased friends and relatives took part of your soul with them when they left, for example, along with your emotions at a funeral. And often people are “attached” to coffins. Often one is drawn to the cemetery because the dead are drawn to the living. So, when doing the practice of collecting your Soul and finding yourself in such a place, say 9 times to all the “shadows” at once: “take what is yours, return what is mine.”

Lava underground , which is seething. There are bat-type entities around. These are the ones who feed on souls. And in that melt is your soul or the one whose soul you came for. This is the fiery purgatory that religious books talk about. Call your soul, it will slowly emerge from this alloy and connect with you.

There are also cases when you begin to collect your soul, and immediately carried from earth into space, and you find yourself on a planet that you recognize as yours, where you once lived and left a particle of your soul. Take it. As a rule, these planets have already ended their existence.

Drowning. If you drowned, for example, togetheronce with the ship, the soul remained there.

Fog - manifestations of the navy world. Through the fog you can gradually make out some outlines - plants, trees, buildings.

Funeral with burial in the ground and erection of a monument . Not everyone knows how many parts of the Soul from past lives are buried in the ground in previous incarnations. This is the so-called funeral. From a depth of 2 meters, the Soul climbs to the surface for approximately 300 years. The entire time she is underground, she languishes. 60 percent of the Soul accumulates over these 300 years (about 6 incarnationson average, she changes over these 300 years), and then she comes once again into this world and no longer has the strength to live. Our Ancestors had deep knowledge. After death, a ritual was performed - Kroda, or sometimes it was called Krada - a kind of energy push that separated the Soul from the body through the rite of cremation. The faster the body disintegrates, the faster the Soul is freed. At that time, malicious criminals were buried in the ground, and certainly at the borders, so that they would serve as a kind of shield against foreign invasions.That is, the soul was tied to the territory for security purposes.

Therefore, we need to collect all the pieces of the Soul buried over incarnations, because this is our experience. Perhaps in some incarnations this Soul was stronger than what remains of it now.

They asked a question-intention: “My soul, where are you?” We tried to see ourselves (in a grave, for example, or on a battlefield, or where we saw a skeleton - it happens in different ways) in a past incarnation (this can be done with the help of meditation or with the help of tools Reiki ). We touched our former selves. We saw our Soul, cleaned it in pearl stream (cleaning is a must), they cherished it and took it to themselves, part of the Soul flowed to us. We are not afraid to touch our former selves. If we see that the Soul has suffered a lot, then we try to replay the situation in order to get a new result in this life. Find the reason - understand it, realize it - replay it. Here is an example from my own practice: my Soul in a past life had numerous experiences of betrayal. I see myself in a male incarnation, Europe, 19th century, I’m riding in a chaise and suddenly I unexpectedly receive a blow with a blunt object right in the heart and immediately kill me. It turns out that then I fell in love with a wealthy young lady and my friend’s envy gave rise to the following plan: to kill me, and to marry her and take possession of her fortune. So he did. In this life I was constantly reminded of this blow by dull, achingperiodic pain in the heart (medicine makes no diagnoses and finds nothing) and, on top of that, unreasonable periodic grievances (in addition to the justified ones).

What did I decide to do? Replay. I'm riding in a chaise, but on a different road. And in general I’m leaving this city forever. And she wished her friend from the bottom of her heart to be happy with her. If he can. Here's the story. My heart pain (unreasonable) soon went away. Now the task has arisen: in this life to recognize this traitor and forgive him.

People often ask me: how can a soul get lost or stuck somewhere, since it is energy, and the soul belongs to God? Yes, it was believed so before, religions and near-religious literature told us about this. Theory is theory. When you start to practice, your own experience is born and the theory is not all confirmed. That is why, my dear readers, I always urge you all to check everything from your own experience. Even the information you read here.

There is an expression: “The soul sank into the heels.” This means that the Soul has left its usual, usual position. We need to return it. This usually occurs in men with severe alcohol intoxication. By the way, in this state you can lose it altogether, and anyone can move into your body. In women, this can happen with a strong stress blow: for example, something happened to a child or to a loved one.

The most common trap that young Souls (sometimes not so young ones too) fall into and in the process damage and lose their Soul is the so-called “soul relationship”. I wrote in the articles how to build relationships correctly and not damage your Soul:

If a person says that he does not know where his soul is, then this can mean several options:

This means that his soul is so huge that it is simply impossible to embrace it; he has it almost everywhere.

The soul may then be outside the body. Here we ask ourselves: when did this happen? Before birth? After? We are trying to find her. It can be in the world of Navi (the world of the dead) and in the world of Slavi (part of the Soul).

There is no soul. Here a person has no emotions, visions, he does not express himself in any way, only tactile sensations - sleep, food, animal desires. Often such people like to say “I only live once, after me there will be a flood.”

Souls are not visible in mirrors

We are beautiful at our core,oh how to recognize yourself, tell me?

We look in the mirror in vain - init is impossible to see the face of the Soul.

The soul is reflected ineyes and sincere words.

A genius cannot comprehend it,The soul is not visible in the mirrors...

The soul does not tolerate study, ohdoesn't keep a secret.

And only in a fit of inspiration aboutLight emanates from human souls.

Having comprehended the essence of your nature, ohputting captivity to earthly passions,

The soul becomes free andeven time serves her.

But if life is gray,The soul is in the grip of an evil dream.

It will collapse without Faith -The soul is vulnerable and tender.

Let the whole world be promised in return,Don’t cheat your soul in life.

The soul trembles with holiness andrises from LOVE!

* Now for an explanation. The place where you put your hand at the beginning of the practice of examining your Soul means which part of your Soul is now dominant: animal (near the stomach), emotional (below the heart) or rational (above or near the heart).


If you can’t collect your soul on your own, dear friends, we invite you to the practical seminar “Healing the Male and Female Souls,” where we restore the integrity of the soul through ancient Vedic techniques and meditation.