The miraculous Jadovian icon of the Kazan Mother of God. Zhadovsky Monastery: history, shrines, religious procession

Among the wooded hills in the western part of the Ulyanovsk region, fifteen kilometers from the regional center of Barysh, there is a men's monastery - the Zhadovsky Mother of God of Kazan Monastery, which was founded on the place where at the end of the 17th century the local residents were shown the miracle of finding the icon of the Kazan Mother of God.

AIF dossier:

The locally revered Image of the Zhadov-Kazan Mother of God is included in the list of 200 Orthodox healing icons. The image of the Most Holy Theotokos from Zhadovka was revered in the Simbirsk province as healing many diseases, helping with all sorts of natural disasters, fires, crop failures and other misfortunes. Prayer to the icon helps get rid of drug addiction, addiction to alcohol, heals sick and burnt hands and feet, nervous diseases, helps with fires and crop failure.

The history of the Zhadovskaya Miracle-Working Icon of the Kazan Mother of God began in the 17th century. One day, an old man named Tikhon, suffering from weakness in his arms and legs, appeared in a dream and pointed out a place near the village of Zhadovka, where Tikhon was to receive healing and find the Miraculous Icon at the spring. However, upon waking up, the elder did not take the vision seriously and did not go anywhere. The next night the girl appeared in a dream again and reproached Tikhon for his lack of faith. The elder woke up and, forgetting about his sore legs, went to look for the source and the icon. He spent the whole day searching, and although he did not find the Miraculous Image, he returned home completely healthy. Only on the third day did Tikhon find the icon floating on the surface of the source. And immediately hundreds of people came to worship the shrine. And miraculous healings began right at the source.

The highest spiritual authorities learned about this event, an investigation was carried out, at the end of which the icon was returned to Zhadovka and they decided to build the Zhadovsk hermitage on the site of its appearance.


In 1711, a local landowner, Lieutenant Colonel Obukhov, began to build a temple here in the name of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Kazan, with the intention of subsequently creating a monastery, which was opened in 1714 and was called the Zhadovskaya Hermitage. - Zhadovsky Mother of God-Kazan Monastery, in the main temple of which the shrine was kept.

Processions of the cross with the miraculous icon to Simbirsk and other places in the province became common. They began to take place regularly in the spring of 1847, when news of the approach of cholera spread everywhere. Such religious processions were held regularly from 1848 to 1926. In 1927 the monastery was closed.

Through hard times

For many years, the Miracle-Working Icon was a symbol of the monastery, but disappeared during Soviet times. It was believed that she was irretrievably lost, but in 2002 the story of her disappearance became known. A few days before the closure of the monastery, Archimandrite Kallist gave it to the local doctor Arkharov for safekeeping, but Arkharov himself was arrested in 1937. Before his arrest, he managed to tell his mother-in-law to give the icon to Nikolai Alekseevich Iraklionov, who worked as an accountant at a local sawmill. For many years, Nikolai Alekseevich led a cautious lifestyle, but secretly took the icon to the source on holidays. Only in the late 70s, Iraklionov (and he was already over 80 years old), decided to hand over the icon to the rector of the St. Nicholas Church in the village of Oskino, Nikolai Shitov, with a request to give the relic to the monastery if it was revived, which was done in 2002.

In May 2004, the Simbirsk diocese resumed the procession with the Miraculous Mother of God of Jadov; nothing like this had happened since 1927. They called it the Repentant Procession. On May 27, a unique event took place. An aerial religious procession became possible - along the perimeter of the region, at an altitude of 6000 meters. The Zhadov icon flew around 1200 kilometers of the diocese! The management of Volga-Dnepr Airlines provided the Yak-40 aircraft free of charge.

The flight lasted more than two hours. The Miracle Worker flew at an altitude of 5-6 thousand meters above her abode!

In the village of Ivanovskoye, Rumyantsevo, 7 miles away from the desert, there was a certain villager named Tikhon. This villager, for 6 years, suffered from an incurable illness of relaxation, in which he had no control over his arms and legs, and without outside help he could not get up from his place and move anywhere for the most basic needs; however, strengthened by faith and trust in God’s providence, he never grumbled about his pitiful fate, but always prayed with zeal to God and His Most Pure Mother, and in fervent prayer asked for his release from such a serious and long-term illness. One summer night, when the sufferer, exhausted under the burden of a serious illness, began to become despondent and despair of his recovery, suddenly in a dream vision, a certain pretty maiden appeared to him, and touching his shoulders, said: “Get up, servant of God Tikhon, and go to the village of Zhadovka, in a clearing located behind the Samorodki spring. There on the spring you will see the icon of the Kazan Most Holy Theotokos, draw water from this spring, drink it and wash yourself, and you will receive liberation from your long-term illness.” Having said this, the girl disappeared; and Tikhon, waking up, began to ponder within himself what kind of vision this was, and when he felt some fear from it, he could not fall asleep the whole night. Finally, after long reflection, he assumed that this had happened to him in a sleepy imagination from heartbreaks in prayer, and therefore he ignored this vision.

Another night, when Tikhon fell asleep a little just before dawn, the girl he had seen before appeared to him again and said with some reproach: “Why, Tikhon, don’t you believe my words and don’t want to go to the place indicated to you? Get up, get dressed and go! You will see there the great mercy of God and the gracious help of the Most Holy Theotokos, who will be glorified in that place by many Christians.” The patient, looking at the girl and taking some boldness, said: “How can I get up when I’m completely relaxed - I don’t have control over my arms and legs?” The girl, coming closer to the sick man’s bed and touching his shoulders, said: “I know that you are relaxed and require help from above, but believe in God and obey his Holy command, and you will be saved.” Tikhon instantly woke up from this vision and, beside himself, jumped up from his bed, fenced himself with the sign of the cross, put on clothes, without saying anything to any of his household, and hastily went to the Zhadov dacha to the place indicated to him. Here he walked through the springs all day, looking for the key in which the Holy Icon was located, but could not find it, and after long-term efforts to find it, he returned home with spiritual sorrow that he did not find the Shrine announced to him. Meanwhile, his family, not finding him in the bed of their sick man in the morning, began to be surprised and ask each other: where did their paralytic go, and who quietly took him away from home? When in the evening they saw him returning home completely healthy, both family and neighbors surrounded him and began to ask where he had been and how he had received healing; but Tikhon did not answer all their questions, but only shed tears from spiritual joy and thanked the Lord for delivering him from long-term suffering. Having calmed down from inner delight and strengthened by a little food, he lay down to rest and soon fell asleep in a sweet sleep, without letting go of the change that had happened to him.

Just before dawn, when Tikhon was sleeping peacefully, the above-mentioned girl appeared to him again and said: “You worked all yesterday and did not find the Holy Icon. It is located near the river at the highest clearing; go there in the morning and you will find it in the spring floating on top of the water.” Tikhon, having woken up, felt an inexplicable joy in himself, immediately got out of bed, got dressed and took the young girl with him, hastily ran to the place indicated to him, where, after going around several springs, he finally noticed a stream flowing from a bush that had grown in a swampy place from a hillock. , which was impossible to approach without a scaffold. Having sketched the spruce poles he had chopped, he somehow reached the spring and then, parting the bushes with his hands, he saw the Holy Icon of the Mother of God floating on top of the water and shining with an indescribable light.
Delighted by the discovery of such an indescribable treasure, Tikhon was beside himself, did not know what to do with the Holy icon, and in spiritual delight he often and loudly repeated these words: “Queen of Heaven, save me!... Mother of God, help me!” And the girl, standing on the hillock and hearing his voice, began to cry. At this time, two shepherds from the village of Zhadovka drove up their flock, and, seeing a man standing in the bushes, they began to ask what he was doing here. Tikhon answered them: “I have found the icon of the Mother of God, but I do not dare touch it. Come here: here she is, here she is, the intercessor; look at her!". The shepherds, having crossed the Samorodka River, approached the spring, but could not get close to it, due to the marshiness of the place; for the chopped and scattered poles were in the opposite direction from them, which is why they said to Tikhon: “Take the icon from the water and bring it to the shore, then we will see what kind of icon it is!” Tikhon, having washed his face and hands with water flowing from the spring and protected himself with the sign of the cross, took the icon with reverence from the water, kissed it and went ashore. Then the shepherds approached him, and Tikhon, shedding tears of joy, began to retell to them everything that had happened to him, how a maiden appeared to him several times in a dream, pointing out the place where the Holy Icon was located, and how he received healing from his long-term illness .
After a satisfied conversation, Tikhon cut down a place in a spruce tree (alder - V.G.) standing near the spring, and inserted the icon he had found into it, and, taking his young girl, went home to announce to his family about what had happened; at the same time, the shepherds at the same time let their fellow inhabitants know about this in the village of Zhadovka, and suddenly a lot of people flocked to the place of the appearance of the Holy Icon, where Tikhon and his family had already arrived, among whom were the sick, who, kissing the Holy icon and washing themselves with water from the spring, they immediately received healing. The oldest villagers, seeing the miracles taking place from the Holy Icon and the large gathering of people, by common council decided to build L. 19 on a hillock, opposite the spring, a chapel and place in it the revealed and miraculous icon of the Mother of God, and lower it into the very spring where it appeared wooden frame and make a scaffold from poles and talik for easy walking to it. Soon, rumors about the appearance of the Holy Icon spread throughout the surrounding towns and villages, and day by day, with the increase in the number of pilgrims coming here, the miracles of the Mother of God multiplied, and many not only from ordinary villagers, but also from noble persons, had a desire to have this St. place permanent residence.
Finally, the Higher Spiritual Authorities were made aware of these important events, who, upon receiving the information, immediately ordered an investigation to be carried out on the spot, demanded the revealed icon in the city of Kazan, and after investigating all the miracles that happened from the Holy Icon, it was returned to its place apparition, with the assignment of one pious monk to it, for whom a cell was built at the said chapel, and this elder laid the initial foundation of the Zhadovskaya hermitage, called Kazan. Tikhon, who had found the Holy Icon of the Mother of God, was always there and devoted the rest of his days to serving God. He ended his life in the monastic rank, from which his descendants, who are in the village. Rumyantsev, and are still called Startsev.
In what exact year the Holy Icon appeared, and what miracles there were at the beginning of its appearance, due to the failure to preserve the ancient description of the events at the Desert Church, is covered with uncertainty; according to the general opinion of the old-timers, it is proved that this Holy icon, in all accidents, especially during drought and other important circumstances requiring help from above, was taken and solemnly carried around the surrounding villages and villages, and those who received this icon with living faith received from her gracious help, from which to this day some of the neighboring residents - some, as a sign of gratitude for the Heavenly blessing bestowed upon them or their ancestors, annually raise the revealed icon of the Mother of God and carry it to their estates, others, during painful attacks and other accidents, they resort to the protection of the Queen of Heaven and ask for her Holy help, and both near and distant Christians have great faith in this revealed icon and often visit it with Christian zeal. It is unknown who the girl Tikhon saw, who showed him the place where the icon of the Mother of God was located, was; All that is known is that, according to her prediction, in this Holy place the name of God is still glorified, and to this day the Author of great and all-powerful blessings is blessed by many Christians! And everyone who flows to her with living faith and Christian hope receives grace-filled healing for the soul and body. And it is not surprising: if the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, the canopy, ubrus (scarves) and head-heavy (for the Old Testament Jews - a bandage on the head) had the gift of various healings, as their biographies testify; then, how much more is the Holy Icon of the Queen of Heaven able to pour out the saving power of healing on those who mentally ascend to her in prayer, and with spiritual tenderness ask Her all-powerful deliverance from troubles and evils.

The Holy Mother of God of Kazan Zhadovsky Monastery was founded in 1714 with the blessing of Metropolitan. Kazan Tikhon (Voinov) at the site of the discovery of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God by the peasant Tikhon at the spring. The Mother of God appeared to Tikhon, who suffered from the “illness of relaxation,” in a dream, indicated the place where Her image would be revealed, and after finding it he received healing. In 1711, the nobleman Obukhov began construction of a temple in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God on a mountain near a spring. The first rector was Ig. Syzran Ascension Monastery Michael. The temple was consecrated in 1714, this year is considered to be the year the monastery was founded.

In 1739, nobleman Grigory Afanasyevich Ablyazov (great-grandfather of the writer A.N. Radishchev), laid the foundation for a new stone church (double-altared) - consecrated in 1748 (destroyed in 1967). In connection with the introduction of states, in 1764 the desert was abolished. A priest and a sexton were assigned to the temple for worship. By decree of the Synod of January 23. 1846 The Kazan Church was assigned to the Simbirsk Bishop's House. 6 Feb. In 1846 it was restored as a monastery.

In March 1930, the monastery was closed by the Soviet authorities.

Revived in 1996.


1. Kazan-Zhadovskaya miraculous icon of the Mother of God;

Zhadovsky Monastery in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God Barysh diocese

Founding of the monastery

The first abbot of the desert was the abbot of the Syzran Ascension Monastery, Mikhail. The temple was consecrated in the year, this year is considered to be the year the monastery was founded. Since this year, mention has been made of the Kazan Summer Fair, which is organized annually on the square near the walls of the monastery, which coincides with the feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. With funds from the monastery, trading places and shops are set up on the square, which are rented out to visiting merchants and peasants during the fair. The money received from such rent becomes one of the main sources of income for the monastery.

By the end of the 1730s, the monastery already had, in addition to a wooden church, an abbot's and eleven monastery cells, a bakery, a granary, and a stable. The desert area was surrounded by a wooden fence 67 fathoms long.

From the construction of the first stone church to the abolition of the monastery in 1764

This was the heyday of the desert. The monastery was built, the monastery economy became more and more strong. Numerous well-wishers and benefactors donated funds and lands to the monastery and contributed to its decoration. The inhabitants at that time were engaged, in addition to other household work, in gardening and beekeeping.

A year before the closing of the monastery, warrant officer Ivan Sukhov compiled a detailed inventory of the monastery, which says in particular:

“In that Mother of God hermitage there is a cold stone cathedral church in the name of the Most Holy Theotokos of Kazan... attached to it is a warm stone church in the name of St. the Wonderworker Tikhon of Amafutsk. In front of these churches there is a stone bell tower - in this bell tower, at the top, there is a stone tent. .. Also in the monastery there is a dilapidated wooden church without an iconostasis ".

The churches had icons of good writing, decorated with silver and gold, and sufficient and good liturgical utensils. The inventory indicates the old abbot's cell, two new abbot's cells, seven fraternal cells, a cellar, four barns, a bathhouse, a cattle barn, a stable with a hay dryer. Around the monastery was “fenced into pillars” (i.e., a fence made of thick hewn boards, the ends of which were fixed in the grooves of pillars dug into the ground); behind the fence of the monastery there was a barnyard and a wooden chapel on the key. The inventory also reflects the good quality of the monastery's economy.

A priest and clergy from the widows who served in the parishes next to it were temporarily assigned to the hermitage. Soon a priest and two clerics were sent to the closed monastery for permanent service. The Kazan church was converted into a parish church, but several decades later it was assigned to the Zhadovskaya rural church.

By decree of the consistory dated February 6, 2011, Hieromonk Augustine was sent to the former desert church, and, according to the inventory, he accepted the property of the former desert church from the priest of the village of Zhadovka, Ioann Smirnov. Augustine asked “to correct the Divine Services in this church, as well as to maintain its integrity and neatness, send here one deacon, two novices and three full-time ministers”. The request was fulfilled, regular services began again in the desert, and the monastic community began to be revived.

Bishop Feodoty (Ozerov) of Simbirsk took an active part in resolving the issue of acquiring land for the monastery. He addressed many landowners neighboring the Zhadovskaya hermitage, and to whom, for one reason or another, land plots that previously belonged to the monastery were transferred, with letters about the outstanding role of the desert and its shrine in the life of the province - the Miraculous Image of the Mother of God, about the history of the monastery and its present provision on the need for effective assistance in the revival of the monastery. Bishop Theodotius also recalled the former participation of the ancestors of the current landowners in the formation of the monastery, and their donations for the improvement of the desert.

“The economy of the monastery turned out to be in a rather neglected state. The small monastery mill is almost in ruins, its mechanism is poor and did not work during the inspection; the pond is obscured and overgrown with grass; the former barnyard is abandoned and is collapsing; the bee yard has become impoverished; the desert lands are unlikely to produce any or benefit... and cannot satisfy the needs of the monastery. The wooden church built on the spring, due to the humidity of the place, abundant with springs, has tilted to one side and requires correction of the foundation" .

The general nationalization after the revolution of 1917 could not but affect the land property of the monastery. According to the yearly inventory, the monastery had: a water flour mill, 1540 dessiatines (about 1700 hectares) of land and 227 dessiatines (about 250 hectares) of forest. A large garden was laid out next to the monastery, and under the monastery mountain there were three small fish ponds. By the beginning of the year, the monastery owned, of all the above-mentioned lands, only a small plot of land of 72 acres, in comparison with the lands previously at its disposal, on which the monastery itself, a meadow and garden near the monastery, and a small plot of forest were located. But the new government decided to expropriate these lands from the monastery. Archimandrite Callistus (Pavlov), in a letter dated April 20, addresses a letter on behalf of the brethren to the new government “with the most humble request to leave to the monastery of this Hermitage a plot of land at the monastery that has been in his possession for a long time to this day” .

For the sake of preserving the monastery buildings, it was proposed to use them as a home for war and labor veterans, “to adapt the fraternal buildings into comfortable housing, and convert the former bishop’s chambers into a utility building”. However, these plans were not destined to come true.

Second revival of the monastery

In September of the year, Bishop Proclus (Khazov) of Simbirsk turned to Patriarch Alexy II with a request to bless the revival of the monastery. Vladyka wrote:

“Currently, the monastery has preserved dilapidated ones: three sides of the brick fence of the monastery, three towers and three stone buildings. Until a year, a vocational school was located in the monastery buildings. Now all the buildings are barbarically destroyed and plundered. The regional administration has adopted a resolution on the return of the former Zhadovskaya Church Deserts" .

On October 5 of the year, His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II and the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, taking into account the request of His Grace Proclus, gave their blessing to the opening of the Zhadovsky Mother of God-Kazan Monastery.

In the year, the ruins of the former Zhadovskaya Hermitage were transferred to the Simbirsk diocese. Hieromonk Agafangel (Semyonov) became the first abbot of the revived monastery, and restoration work began. By its 300th anniversary, the monastery had become one of the main pilgrimage places for Orthodox people from all over the Volga region.



  • Zhadovskaya Kazan miraculous icon of the Mother of God, the source from which the icon was found
  • icon with a piece of the Robe of the Lord
  • icon with the relics of the Kiev-Pechersk fathers (84 particles)
  • icon with the relics of the saint Andrew Christ for the sake of the holy fool of Simbirsk Wonderworker
  • icon with the relics of St. Archimandrite Gabriel of Melekessky

Abbots, governors

  • 1994 - 2012 - Eminences of Simbirsk
    • Agafangel (Semyonov) (1996 - 2000)
    • Filaret (Konkov) (October 20, 2000 - October 28, 2012)
  • since 2012 - Eminence Baryshsky


In the pre-revolutionary period(the graves have not survived):

  • rulers of the desert: hierome. Pionius (+ 1867), Hierom. Nicodemus (+1871), Hierom. Herman (+1875)
  • The confessors of the monastery are Hierom. Irinarch (+1891), hierome. Ioannikiy (+1894), Hierom. Vitaly (+1900), priest. Nikolay (+1908)
  • monastic hierodes. Jerome (+1907), hierod. Mikhail (+1908), mon. Nifont (+1900), mon. Afanasy (+1902).
  • donors and benefactors of the monastery: Major General Alexander Andreevich Duving (1777-1856), collegiate assessor Sergei Petrovich Gorodetsky (1831-1867), Colonel Ekaterina Petrovna Meisner (1818-1876), noblewoman Anna Aleksandrovna Motovilova (1812-1888), noblewoman Sofia Petrovna Khovrina (1817-1891), elder Leonty Fedorovich Nalezhnikov (1806-1871), factory paramedic Vasily Maksimovich Kuzyukov (+1893), noblewoman Varvara Ivanovna Dmitrieva (1834-1894), priest's wife Olga Dmitrievna Topornina (1837-1897), collegiate assessor Pyotr Aleksandrovich Khovrin (1837-1895), state councilor Alexander Nikolaevich Motovilov (1837-1899), infant Nikolai Protopopov, son of the manufacturer and Leader of the Karsun district nobility Alexander Dmitrievich Protopopov (+1899), noblewoman Sofia Ivanovna Dmitrieva (1837-1902).

In the 1990s, during the restoration of the monastery, several nameless burials of clergy were discovered. They were combined into one, and the first governor of the revived monastery was buried nearby.

In the Kazan-Bogoroditsky Zhadovsky Monastery there is a unique icon of the Virgin Mary, famous for its miracles of healing. The history of the appearance of the image is mysterious and unusual. According to legend, the Mother of God herself pointed out the place where the miraculous icon was located.

The history of the appearance of the divine image

There are records in the documents indicating that the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary was found at the end of the 17th century. In the village of Ivanovskoye, which was also called Rumyantsevo, an old man Tikhon lived.

Zhadovskaya Icon of the Mother of God

It is known that he suffered from relaxation disease for many years and had difficulty controlling the movements of his limbs. The disease caused a lot of inconvenience to the man. He could not move without assistance. Nevertheless, Tikhon never complained, was a deeply religious man, and every day he prayed to God to deliver him from this disease.

Over time, he was overcome by despondency and sadness. Tikhon began to doubt that he would ever be able to recover. But in 1698, one summer night, he dreamed of a girl who turned to him in a dream with some instruction. The girl ordered to go to the village of Zhadovka, to the healing spring of Samorodki. There he should see the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. He needs to drink healing water from the source and after that healing will occur.

The dream impressed the old man, but he did not take it seriously. On the second night, the same girl appeared in a dream again and began to reproach Tikhon for his disobedience. Believing in God's providence, he went to the indicated place, but could not find the image of the Virgin Mary. The relatives, having discovered that Tikhon was missing, became seriously worried, wondering who and where could have taken the sick old man. But seeing him walking on his own feet and absolutely healthy, there was no limit to their joy.

The healed man thanked the Lord and the Most Pure Virgin Mary for a long time for his miraculous recovery. Having calmed down, he lay down and again saw in a dream the same girl who sent him to the source with healing water. She asked to go again to that same clearing, saying that the Holy Image was floating on top of the water of the spring and Tikhon would definitely find it.

At dawn, the old man and his little granddaughter went to the indicated place. After walking around several springs, he finally found the icon of the Mother of God. After this, the news of the miraculous image quickly spread among the people, and believers began to flock to it with prayers for help and healing.

Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Zhadovskaya”

At the site where the icon was found, Tikhon built a hut and settled in it. Several more associates later settled next to him. In 1709, a chapel was erected here from a wooden frame by order of Colonel Obukhov, who owned this land. From 1711 to 1714, at the expense of the same colonel, a temple was built next to the chapel in the name of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Kazan. The newly appeared image was transferred to the temple after its consecration.

Where is the icon

Currently, the image of the Mother of God “Zhadovskaya” resides in the monastery of the Holy Mother of God of the Kazan Zhadovsky Monastery. The transfer of the shrine to the monastery took place in 2003.

Until this time, the icon was in the Neopalimovsky Cathedral in the city of Ulyanovsk.


The Zhadovskaya icon is a copy of the Kazan Mother of God. A silver frame with gilding and a gilded robe were made for her. The image is decorated with precious stones donated by grateful believers.

Religious processions are held annually with the image of the Mother of God “Zhadovskaya”

In the icon, the face of the Virgin Mary exudes immeasurable kindness and tenderness, which symbolizes love for the human race and intercession for it before the Lord. The Son of God sits in the arms of the Mother in a majestic pose, which indicates his Divine origin.

Important! Only God knows how many cases of healing and help occurred after turning to this miraculous icon.

And, probably, much more grace will be shed on believers at their fervent requests. After all, the Mother of God has always been considered the first helper and intercessor for the human race before God.

What helps and meaning

The Zhadovskaya Icon of the Mother of God is most famous for its ability to heal serious illnesses. They also pray before her for salvation from natural disasters. People turn to the Mother of God with requests to protect from fires, help grow a good harvest, and in many other difficult life situations.

Important! Every year religious processions were held with the image, which continue to be done in our time. The icon, from the moment of its appearance in the Simbirsk province, began to be revered as one of the main shrines in these parts.

Miraculous Zhadov Icon of the Mother of God