World Beard Day. Congratulations on World Beard Day

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In pre-Petrine times, a man without facial hair was considered as rare in Rus' as a woman with a beard. Forcibly depriving someone of a beard was punishable by a fine of 2 rubles. To understand the scale, it is worth considering that for much more serious crimes the fine was only 1 ruble. Today, the fashion for universal “beardness” is returning and again you can meet convinced bearded men, and not only among bikers and hipsters.

We are in website decided to figure out what a beard is for a modern man - a useless quirk or an important part of the image.

1. A beard makes a man look older and wiser.

Add brutality without special expenses? There is a proven recipe - to grow a beard. Research shows that bearded men are perceived as courageous and experienced people. The ancient Greeks understood this without any scientific experiments: they wore a beard as a sign of gaining wisdom.

  • For as long as I can remember, my dad always had a mustache and beard - short, neat, like modern hipsters. And then one day he came late and immediately stomped into the bathroom. Mom put me to bed and went to bed herself, but dad still didn’t come out. She turned off the light, lay down and was already dozing off when footsteps were heard in the corridor, the door to the room opened and someone’s body slipped under the blanket. Mom turned around and came across someone else’s “naked” face. It turned out that dad managed to lose his beard and mustache. To whom and for what, history is silent. She almost choked with horror and was about to scream, but the neighbors’ sound sleep was saved by the fact that the “stranger” managed to make a voice. Dad took an oath to never shave his “special mark” again in his life. © Froda16 / Pikabu

2. A beard makes its owner look more masculine.

3. Reflects temperament

5. Helps women like you

Even though facial hair is not related to testosterone levels, women love bearded men. Beards and mustaches came into fashion at a time when large numbers of men vied for the favor of the fair sex, who were in the minority, and fashion varied depending on the ratio of single men to unmarried women. Scientists conducted a study: they showed more than 8 thousand women photographs in which the same man had a beard, stubble, a small goatee, and, finally, a thick beard and mustache. Women chose those options where the man had stubble and a small beard.

  • It hides imperfections and emphasizes beautiful facial features. When a woman's fingers meet stubble - this is the moment when tenderness meets something masculine, sharp, you understand that you are two opposites, but you are drawn to each other. I have no idea why this is, but personally, a bearded person seems more experienced to me. Not to mention he looks confident and sane. © Tsarevna Stoykova / Quora

6. Warms in cold weather

7. Bearded men make great fathers.

Although the attitude of women towards facial hair on men cannot be called unambiguous, at all times they stubbornly chose bearded men. It is their ladies who consider them potentially more caring fathers. You can’t argue with science: no matter how much women shout about “pinching, pricking” and “you have crumbs there,” they consider bearded men to be dominant, and not their clean-shaven rivals. Such is the magic of a beard. On the Internet, the topic of bearded dads has gained such popularity that a special hashtag #BeardedDad has appeared, uniting fathers from all over the world. And, of course, not a single topic is complete without mentioning thematic clip entitled "If your dad doesn't have a beard, then you have two moms."

  • I asked my 4 year old daughter how long I should keep my beard growing. She answered like this: “As long as you have enough strength, daddy, as long as you have enough strength.” © dexreddit / Reddit

8. A beard makes a man more patient.

International celebrations

Every first Saturday of September is celebrated World Beard Day. The date of the holiday is unique for each year. In 2019, this date is September 7.

September 7 marks one of the most controversial days with international status. We are talking about World War Toy Destruction Day.

National celebrations

September 7th is celebrated Salami day. This unusual holiday began in the USA in 2006.

The idea of ​​holding it came to the minds of two friends Christina and Virginia, lovers of this delicious product. It was on September 7 that, while at home in the American city of Henrico (Virginia), they announced the creation of the Salami Lovers Society.

Holiday in Ukraine

September 7th is celebrated Ukrainian Military Intelligence Day. Today marks the 27th anniversary of its formation.

Orthodox celebrations

  • transfer of the relics of the Apostle Bartholomew (Nathanael) (VI century);
  • memory of the Apostle Titus from the 70th, Bishop of Crete (1st century);
  • memory of Saints Barsis and Eulogius, bishops of Edessa, and Protogen the Confessor, Bishop of Carria (IV century);
  • memory of Saint Mina, Patriarch of Constantinople (536-552).

Angel's Day (name day)

Vladimir, Ivan, Moses.

Leonardo da Vinci. Fragment of a portrait of Mona Lisa (La Gioconda). Photo:

Historical events

1630 - The settlement of Trimontain is renamed Boston and proclaimed the capital of Massachusetts.

1792 - the Cossacks moored their plows to the shore of the Taman Peninsula. In the first two years, 25 thousand Cossacks, led by military ataman Zakhary Chepega, moved to Kuban. They created 40 villages, and gave their main settlement the name Ekaterinodar.

1911 - poet Guillaume Apollinaire is imprisoned on suspicion of stealing Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa from the Louvre. Five days later - acquitted.

1933 - Maxim Gorky put forward the slogan of “critical realism” at a writers’ congress.

1992 - the Kommersant newspaper used the term “new Russians” for the first time.

1996 - assassination attempt on American rap legend, film actor and public figure Tupac Amaru Shakur.

Salvador Dali. “Galatea of ​​the Spheres” (portrait of Gala Dali). Photo: Wikipedia


Alexander Kuprin (1870-1938) - Russian writer and playwright (stories “Grant Bracelet”, “Olesya”, story “Moloch”).

Gala Dali (1894-1982) - Russian wife of the French poet Paul Eluard, then the painter Salvador Dali.

Eduard Asadov (1923-2004) - Russian lyric poet.

Dario Argento (born 1940) is an Italian film director, author of horror films in the style of gialo (The Bird with the Crystal Plumage, Inferno).

Jose Clemente Orozco. Fresco "Prometheus". Photo: Wikipedia


François Armand Sully-Prudhomme (1839-1907) was a French poet who won the first Nobel Prize in Literature in 1901.

William Hunt (1827-1910) - British painter, one of the founders of the Pre-Raphaelite brotherhood.

José Clemente Orozco (1883-1949) was a Mexican artist.

Todos Osmachka (1895-1962) - Ukrainian poet and prose writer.

William Hunt. "May Morning at St. Magdalene's Tower." Photo: Wikipedia

Folk calendar: Titus the Deciduous

On this day the memory of Saint Titus is celebrated - the apostle from seventy, the disciple of Saint Paul.

On the days of heavy leaf fall, which came upon Titus, people usually went into the forest to pick mushrooms. “Saint Titus grows the last mushroom,” our ancestors said. And rural craftsmen tried to weave more boxes and baskets for Listopadnik.

The harvest of mushrooms was used to judge what the winter would be like. If there were a lot of mushrooms in the forests, this foreshadowed long cold weather. However, the work on this day was not limited to collecting and preparing mushrooms.

Despite the fact that the meeting of the Verkhovna Rada was scheduled for 10:00, the commotion and movement in parliament began long before that. Already around eight in the morning, journalists began to gather under the Rada building. In the session hall, the final preparations for the Rada were being completed - the Zerkalo Nedeli newspapers appeared at each deputy seat, on the cover of which were placed portraits of mothers who had lost children in the Donbass.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the topic: “When is Beard Day in Russia,” including the latest trends.

You can start the article with a humorous statement: A beard is an honor, but even a woman has a mustache. From time immemorial, a beard has been considered a sign of courage and bravery. Of course, if it grows. After all, not everyone is able to grow a lush and long beard.

International Beard Day

This celebration takes place on the first Saturday of September all over the world. Bearded men try to get into the camera lens more often on this day. There are many ways to celebrate this day. For example, bearded men from Australia compete in ax throwing. But their compatriots from the musical group The Beards are trying to make a new album or shoot a new video.

But the most important and important tradition is the competition in building living pyramids. For example, in 2015, bearded men from America built a five-level pyramid from their own bodies.

Types of beard

A great way to show your individuality is to grow a beard, sideburns and mustache. For example, there is a Suvorov beard. It starts from the temples and goes down. Passing along the cheekbones to the corners of the mouth. And then it bends upward again.

Another type of beard is an anchor. It runs along the jawline, connecting under the lower lip. But in the area of ​​the cheeks and temples there is no vegetation. Don't forget about the thin mustache. The Balboa beard is wide, but not full. It covers part of the cheekbones and chin. The look is completed with a medium thick mustache. However, only those men whose hair grows thickly can grow it.

How to choose a beard

Don't forget that a beard may not suit everyone. Here you need to take into account the shape of your face. Otherwise, you will look funny. To start growing a beard, you need to stop shaving. After two weeks, you will finally see what your face has become. During all this time, do not forget to trim the stubble, shave off all the hair in some places, and simply trim it in others. If you are not sure of your actions, the hairdresser in the salon will always tell you and suggest the right option.

Bearded, mustachioed and the most positive people celebrated “Bearded Day” on April 4 at the annual Russian Beard and Mustache Championship in Moscow. In 2015, the community of bearded men is holding the third championship of bearded and mustachioed men.

The first championship took place in 2013 and was supported by the world's leading bearded clubs. Parting video messages to the participants were prepared by the RVA Beard Club (Richmond, Virginia, USA), Bellefontaine Body Bearders (Ohio, USA), Gem City Gentlemen of the Gilded Beard (Dayton, Ohio, USA), Metropolitan Pogonotrophy Society (Nashville, Tennessee, USA) and GAFBO. In addition, an address was read from Jurgen Burkhard, president of the German club “Belle Moustache”, which hosted the World Beard and Moustache Championships in the fall of 2013 in Stuttgart.

The second championship was attended by 86 people in 6 categories - natural beard, stylized beard, sideburns, natural mustache, stylized mustache and “fake” - any fake beard or mustache. At the same time, not everyone could sign up for the “natural beard” category. Among the participants and winners were those whose beards were doubled

older than some of the championship participants. The championship was judged by an authoritative jury consisting of leading domestic barbers.

In 2015, competitions were held in seven categories, divided by types and lengths of beards and mustaches; there was also a separate category for participants with artificial facial hair, in which girls took part. There was no need to register in advance - at the entrance, all participants received individual numbers according to their category. There are three prizes in each category; all winners received valuable prizes. The main judging criterion is not length or volume, but the integrity of the image.

Every autumn, World Beard Day is celebrated in all parts of the world; the date of the celebration is variable - on the first Saturday in September. A holiday like this brings together bearded men from all over the planet. In many countries, events dedicated to such an original celebration are organized, from modest gatherings to massive street celebrations.

It is believed that this holiday is associated primarily with the decree of Peter I on the mandatory shaving of facial hair.

Beard Day is a fun holiday

They try to celebrate International Beard Day in a fun way; on this date, concerts, competitions demonstrating male strength, and master classes on beard care and trimming are planned. For bearded men there are competitions with useful prizes for the longest, wildest, most stylish beard or beautiful mustache.

At various events, bearded men gather to show off and look at others. And in Australia, for example, they organize ax throwing competitions.

A popular way to celebrate is to create living pyramids. Every year bearded men try to build a taller one. In 2015, in the United States, men built a pyramid of 29 bodies into five levels.

There are also less active ways to celebrate this celebration. It will be fun to decorate your beard with all kinds of decorations and serpentine. Publishing a bearded selfie made from rain or artificial material has become an interesting activity, especially for those who do not have a permanent beard.

On such a day, shaving is considered disrespectful to the male sex. Therefore, most men, in solidarity with their bearded comrades, skip this traditional procedure.

A beard is a feature of masculinity, and in many religions it is mandatory to wear it. Therefore, such a holiday is a kind of tribute to the stronger sex and its unique beauty.

Where: Club “Masterskaya”, metro station. “Teatralnaya”, “Kuznetsky Most”, Teatralny proezd, building 3, building 3

Price: free entry

The first beard and mustache championship in Russia, dedicated to Bearded Man Day, will be held on April 6 at the Masterskaya club next to TsUM. It was on this spring day in 1772 that Catherine II returned to Russian men the right to wear beards, which had been taken away from them a hundred years ago by Peter the Great. The pro-Western sovereign considered excessive facial hair a sign of savagery, backwardness and lack of taste, so he introduced heavy fines for beards. These days, a beard is once again considered a sign of masculinity, and mustache-beard competitions are held all over the planet. The most significant competition is the World Beard and Mustache Championships, but there have never been participants from our country in it. The Russian community of has undertaken to correct this gap, and those lucky ones who win the “Workshop” on April 6 will receive not only valuable gifts, but also the opportunity to represent Russia at the international level.

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World Beard Day

World Beard Day 2019 is celebrated on September 7th. Traditionally, this holiday falls on the first Saturday of September. This day brings together bearded men from different countries of the world. Many countries organize events dedicated to this unusual holiday.

A beard is one of the signs of masculinity; in some religions, wearing it is mandatory for men. Many famous people, fairy-tale and literary characters are recognizable due to their beard. Lomonosov even wrote “Hymn to the Beard.”

Beards, mustaches and sideburns, apparently, appeared among men to increase competitiveness, like war paint, which visually increases status in the eyes of their relatives. Ornithologist Viktor Dolnik suggested that a person’s luxuriant hair, like the mane of old male baboons, can increase his status in the eyes of his relatives. And Charles Darwin believed that the beard arose due to sexual selection, as it serves as an ornament that increases the attractiveness of males.

The supposed connection with beards and attractiveness has been debunked. A beard is probably needed for more effective competition between men. This is because men with beards appear more dominant, aggressive, and of higher status than men with clean-shaven faces.

All men in Ancient Egypt shaved their beards. Only the pharaoh had the right to wear a beard as a sign of his ownership of the land, but his beard was artificial. It, like the wig, was made from wool or from cut hair intertwined with gold threads, and tied to the chin with a cord. This ceremonial beard could be given different shapes, but the most common was a braid curled at the end, similar to a cat's tail.

Alexander the Great ordered his soldiers to shave their beards so that an enemy warrior could not grab it during battle. In the Roman Empire, a shaved face and a short haircut were among the signs of civilization and distinguished a Roman from the “savage” peoples. Emperor Hadrian put an end to this tradition. The Cuban rebels against the Batista regime led by Fidel Castro were known as "barbudos" - the bearded ones.

The exact origins of World Beard Day are unknown. Some people associate this holiday with the introduction of mandatory beard shaving by Peter I, a sad event for all bearded men, while others believe that the ancient Vikings had a holiday dedicated to beards.

Be that as it may, the fact remains: every year at the beginning of September in many countries around the world, bearded men organize and hold festive events, from quiet family picnics to large-scale street parades.

On this day, shaving is considered a sign of extreme disrespect. Therefore, many men who do not wear a beard refuse to shave on this day as a sign of solidarity with their bearded comrades.

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