Why do you dream about a cracked fingernail? Why do you dream about nails? We saw artificial ones in a dream

Cropped nails (cut) - you have been deprived of benefits.

Made up dreaming about nails - people’s behavior in achieving goals. Red nails, the interpretation of the dream according to the dream book will be activity and unceremoniousness, moving over the heads, using sexuality and physical passion for one’s own person for one’s own purposes. Pink - to see everything in a better light than it really is, to have your head in the clouds. Blacks, on the contrary, have a pessimistic view of the situation and the people around them, a suspicion of a dirty trick. Green – respect and correct treatment of partners. Painted on the legs - the attitude towards both loved ones and strangers is the same and equal. Men wearing makeup is a non-standard way out of an uncomfortable situation. A woman with painted nails - try to be careful - your enemies are not asleep.

What did you do in your dream

In a dream paint nail polish - an attempt to prepare in order to provide a worthy rebuff or a favorable impression (depending on the current situation). For example: painting with red varnish means preparing for a fight when the interests of the parties are little taken into account. Painting on your hands is a desire to control what is happening. Painting on your feet means a desire to withstand the pressure of passions. Washing the varnish is a respite in defending positions.

In a dream cut nails (cut, trim, cut, cut off) - go to peace, try to find a compromise and possibilities for a conflict-free solution to the problem. Cutting on your hands means loosening control and pressure. To cut your legs means to trust your friends and family. To cut another person's hair is to disarm the enemy. Trimming another person's legs is a way to win them over and inspire trust. If you get your hair cut, you will be deprived of the chance to gain a special status. File to nag nails (file) - try to find a consensus.

Gnaw nails according to the dream book means dissatisfaction with the current situation. Others are nibbling at you - they are dissatisfied with you, you are a strong irritant for someone. Deliberately break a nail in a dream (breaking) means depriving the one who was broken of all advantages. To break yourself is to consciously give up a head start. tear off nails (pulling out) - destroying any opportunity to surpass you, not paying attention to the feelings of other people. Take off from the finger nail plate - deprive (lose) of help and support, expose weak points.

“Why, according to the dream book, do you break the nail on your thumb?” Lose the benefits that power and leadership provide.

Clean– “whitewash” oneself in the eyes of society. Squeeze out pus from under the marigold - to wash dirty linen in public, to bring to light unpleasant secrets, conflicts, enmity.

Ramp up marigolds - attract all kinds of helpers, information and funds from outside. Lose extended nail plates - your fuss will be useless.

Other dreams about nails

Tears nail (fell off, fell off, came off) - defenselessness, vulnerability, accessibility. Broke nails (break) - find yourself without support, lose benefits. Broken on your hand - in business or personal relationships you will be at a disadvantage. If you break your leg, you will be left without cover. Marigold cracked- a nuisance that deprived some benefits. Layer off nail plates (peel off) - in the pursuit of advantages, you even lose what you had.

Manicure– the desire to balance needs and opportunities, to improve personal image in the eyes of others. Varnish for nails - the desire to improve life, relationships with others. File for nails (file) – methods of conflict resolution, search for compromises.

Hair on the nail plate - monetary benefit.

If you dreamed of cutting your nails, polishing them and getting a manicure, this means that you care too much about what people say about you. The dream in which you see your nails long and brightly painted has the same meaning.

False nails in a dream indicate that you are prone to lying and your friends do not like you for this.

Seeing your nails healthy and strong means your efforts will be appreciated.

If your nails are yellow, sick, or break, you will have to work hard for little pay.

If in a dream your nails were dirty, this means that someone is spreading dirty rumors about you - alas, not without reason.

If a woman dreams that she is scratching someone with her long nails, the dream foreshadows a sexual affair on the side. If blood comes from the scratch, her husband will find out about the betrayal.

If a man has such a dream, in reality his aggressiveness can cause a quarrel with the woman he loves.

If you scratched yourself in a dream, this means that some mistake of yours will bring you a lot of trouble.

If you are scratched until you bleed, your family will also be involved in these troubles.

If you dream that your nails have fallen out (or have been pulled out), this is a very bad dream and may mean the loss of a loved one.

Throwing away or burning your own cut nails - you will commit an accidental crime, which you will try to hide from others.

If no one was present in your dream, in reality you will be able to hide the ends.

If someone was nearby in a dream, it means that in reality you will have witnesses. You can work through this dream by imagining that the cut nails are not yours, but someone else’s.

Seeing your nails grow is a favorable sign. The dream suggests that you will live to a ripe old age.

Excessively short nails mean a short life.

Seeing toenails is a sign of travel.

If your nails were dirty and covered in dust, the journey would be long and not very pleasant.

Fungus on the nails - to gossip and intrigue.

A universal way to work out a dream about nails is to imagine that your nails are of normal length, not too short and not too long, clean, healthy and strong.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

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The most detailed description: “dream book interpretation of a fingernail falling off” - all from professionals, which is relevant in 2019.

The condition of the nails indicates the general health of a person. If nails break or change shape, it means that pathological changes are occurring in the body. What do nails mean in a dream, why do you dream of a broken nail? Let's consider the interpretation from various dream books.

The image of nails in a dream speaks of a person’s status in society and his material security. Broken or out of shape nails symbolize problems in these areas of life. If you saw broken fingernails in your dream, the subconscious mind warns of upcoming trials regarding work and finances. The possibility of a disease associated with metabolic disorders in the body cannot be excluded.

To interpret the dream, you need to remember in detail:

  • where the nails were broken - on the hands/toes;
  • what the nails were like - long, short, dirty;
  • whose nails you saw in a dream - yours or someone else’s.

Ancient dream books indicate the following interpretation: lack of mutual understanding with others, conflict with relatives. What are they talking about broken toenails? This image warns of physical and moral exhaustion, loss of strength. If there are no health problems, a broken nail can warn of an obstacle. However, the obstacle will be easily removable, and you will cope with the problem on your own.

Completely considered a bad omen toenail torn off. This image warns of imminent financial collapse and even complete ruin. In ancient dream books, a torn nail is considered a symbol of guilt: a person is afraid of responsibility for his actions.

If my nails are just cracked, difficult work or a tiring journey awaits ahead. The Chinese dream book sees in the image of cracked nails the impossibility of correcting the current situation.

What else does this dream mean? A broken nail may foretell the collapse of a dream that the dreamer has cherished for a long time. If someone intentionally breaks your nails, you should expect minor troubles from relatives or friends. If the dreamer tears off his own fingernail, reconciliation with a relative will soon take place.

The lucky symbol is image of regrown nails in place of torn ones- you will receive unexpected income, a large sum of money.

What does the dream in which you see mean another person's nails? Dream books believe that the dreamer will face obstacles on the way to his goal from strangers. This image also warns of the likelihood of an accident due to the fault of another person. Consider fragments of other people's nails in a dream- the image is considered a harbinger of revealing someone else’s secret.

Dirty nails warn of spreading gossip against the dreamer. Also, a broken, dirty nail can warn of the onset of a disease: watch your health, take care of yourself.

Dirty nails can warn you not to get involved with people whose reputation is questionable. If you are invited to participate in a dubious transaction, refuse the offer.

Sometimes you dream of a broken dirty nail before public humiliation. In some cases, this dream warns of an unpleasant situation that will not be easy to cope with.

Breaking a long nail in a dream means breaking a long-term friendship or close relationship. If you do not incite conflict, a break in the relationship can be avoided. Therefore, control your emotions.

If a long nail breaks at the root with blood, someone in the family will become seriously ill. If they break unnaturally long nails, the path to your dream will be filled with obstacles. You can achieve your cherished goal with effort and perseverance.

If Broken nails cause pain and discomfort, and their corners are sharp, there is a major conflict ahead in the family. Try to avoid offensive language to prevent relationship breakdown.

If you're desperate for someone scratching and breaking your nails, it means that you are hurt by other people’s statements. Try to be calm about opposing points of view, because they have a right to exist. Or don't take anyone's opinion to heart.

What does it mean broken false nail For a girl? This is an unfavorable sign: envious people and spiteful critics will have priority. An annoying misunderstanding will throw you out of your usual rut and cause a lot of worry.

Universal dream book interprets this plot as a harbinger of trouble. If you have conceived a business, it is better not to start implementing it: you will not have enough strength and capabilities. If the nails belong to a third party, the plot promises conflicts with others.

Breaking your fingernails on your own means making a hard life for yourself, taking on difficult projects. Completely torn nail plates warn of a disease.

Modern dream book considers a fallen nail to be a harbinger of a break in an unnecessary relationship that the dreamer wants to get rid of. This applies to any relationship - personal or business. Dirty plates portend illness and financial losses. Biting your nails and breaking them is a sign of disappointment in a good friend.

Miller's Dream Book examines the plot, depending on the fingers. A broken nail on the little finger of the right hand promises financial losses, on the ring finger - a quarrel with relatives, on the middle finger - a long journey, on the index finger - problems in personal relationships, on the thumb - troubles in business.

The fingers of the left hand make their own adjustments to the interpretation. A nail on the little finger promises an unexpected arrival of guests, on the ring finger - good news, on the middle finger - a noble risk, on the index finger - respect, on the thumb - an unexpected pleasant meeting.

Esoteric dream book gives a positive interpretation to this plot: the end of a streak of failures. Ahead of the dreamer awaits a favorable stage in life, good luck and luck. All the hardships and trials are in the past, you can breathe freely and deeply.

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For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

It is believed that human nails are a mystical organ. Pieces of nails are often an attribute of a variety of witchcraft rituals. Therefore, nails in a dream are considered a significant symbol, and you definitely need to understand why such a plot is being dreamed about.

There are a huge number of different variations of dreams with nails. That is why interpreting such dreams is not easy. It is important for correct decoding to take into account all the nuances of the plot of night dreams. Interpretations of dreams with nails can affect all areas of human life.

If you dream of your own well-groomed and beautiful nails, then this is a very good sign that symbolizes your stable position in society. In addition, such a dream is an indicator of good health and well-being in reality.

If you dream that you are cutting your own nails, then this portends that in reality you will have to get rid of unnecessary trash. Moreover, this may concern not only the material sphere. It may very well be that the time has come to get rid of unnecessary thoughts and memories. But if in a dream another person cuts your nails, then this symbolizes disappointed hopes.

When in your night dreams you see very long nails on your own hands, this indicates the toughness of your character. You are very demanding of other people and this is very harmful to you. You need to be more considerate of other people's feelings.

If in a dream you see yourself doing a manicure, then this is a very bright omen. In real life, you will have to engage in a noble cause aimed at benefiting other people. And this will give you great joy and pleasure. If you are offered such a job, you should not refuse it.

Other plot lines of dreams with your own nails can be interpreted as follows:

  • If you clean your nails from dirt, then this emphasizes the fact that you are very demanding of yourself. But your pedantry and excessive accuracy do not allow you to fully enjoy life.
  • When you see yourself having to paint your nails, it predicts that a nice admirer will appear in real life.
  • Seeing broken nails or breaking them is a warning that you yourself have chosen a difficult path in life, which is filled with difficulties and obstacles.
  • When you bite your nails, you will soon receive a very pleasant gift in reality.
  • If the nail comes off for some reason, then you will not be able to control some life events in the near future; you just need to wait them out.

The question often arises: why do you dream about other people’s nails? This is a favorable omen. In the near future, you will be blessed with good luck and success, and your life will be filled with happiness and joy. But if you see someone else’s unkempt nails in your night dreams, then they symbolize business troubles in the near future. It’s hardly worth giving up and worrying after such a dream. It should become an incentive for you to activate your internal reserves, start looking for non-standard solutions to problems and work actively.

If, according to the plot of the dream, you had to find someone’s broken nails on the floor, then other people’s secrets will be randomly revealed to you. Also, such a dream may indicate that, for certain reasons, you will have to find out someone’s secrets in reality. This must be done very carefully so that you do not have to regret it later.

Other interpretations of dreams with other people's nails may be as follows:

  • Dirty nails warn that you need to take care of your reputation, as well as protect your honor and dignity.
  • Long, well-groomed nails portend unexpected wealth, which will be well deserved.
  • Nails covered with varnish indicate that in reality you will receive unexpected news that will greatly surprise you.

Very short and ugly nails seen in a dream are not a very good sign. Such a dream indicates that the dreamer in real life is not able to solve the problems that arise in front of him. Such night dreams on the eve of an important matter are especially unfavorable.

To correctly interpret dreams, it is important to pay attention to the color of your nails. If they are covered with red varnish, then this symbolizes your natural sexuality. But on the other hand, such a dream can portend good luck in business in any area of ​​life that currently worries the dreamer most. But if you saw red nails on your friend’s hands in a dream, then there is a high probability that she may become your rival.

If you dream of black nails, then this emphasizes the pronounced aggressiveness of the dreamer. Such a dream may indicate that a person has isolated himself from other people and does not want to change his prejudiced attitude towards the world around him.

If in a dream you file your nails with a file, then this foreshadows that in reality events will happen to you that will require your composure. Maybe someone is against you and will try to harm you, so you will have to defend yourself. Sometimes such a dream warns that problems that arise need to be solved using gentle methods.

For girls, the question of why they dream of extended nails is especially relevant. When you dream of just such nails, it means that in reality you will have to make great efforts to move in the chosen direction. Moreover, you should prepare for the fact that someone will constantly interfere with you and provoke you into rash actions.

False nails seen in night dreams indicate that you suffer from lack of attention. This leads to the fact that you strive to appear more attractive, strong and confident in life, but, unfortunately, this does not always work out.

All dreams with nails are, first of all, warning. Therefore, if you correctly decipher the dream, then you will have the opportunity to turn the situation in your favor in reality. Try to use interpretations of dream books, listening to your own intuition and analyzing the current situation in reality.

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 11/23 – 12/21
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Interpretation of the dream of nails in Miller's dream book

Beautiful long fingernails symbolize idleness.

If you had trimmed nails and they looked neat, the dream suggests that you will work hard, but you will also receive remuneration corresponding to your labor costs.

If in a dream you had broken nails, then in reality you will receive a meager payment for your great work.

Cutting your nails in a dream and putting them in order means changing your job to a more noble, prestigious, although less paid one.

Dirty nails dream of dishonor and humiliation.

If you dream that other people are cutting your nails, a transfer to a new place of work will be forced and not dependent on your desire. If this nail cutting was painful, the changes will be for the worse.

If you yourself happen to cut someone’s nails in a dream, you will interfere with someone’s career.

If you cut your competitor's nails, you will win this fight.

Painting your nails in a dream means trying to influence your destiny. A lot depends on the color you choose.

Painting your nails with red varnish is an indication of inflated self-esteem and unjustified ambitions.

If you paint your nails with purple polish, the dream speaks of your feminist sentiments, you oppose yourself to men, and strive to make an equal career with them.

Black nails in a dream indicate a lack of self-confidence and a depressive state.

Black painted nails for a man have a slightly different meaning. This is a sign of firm determination, readiness to achieve what you want, regardless of methods and means. If a woman saw such nails on her admirer in a dream, she can have no doubt that he will achieve her.

The torn nails on the hands of one’s admirer have a similar meaning.

Very long toenails dream of a long and difficult road for which you will not be prepared. Think through all possible difficulties in advance and pay serious attention to preparing for this trip.

If you dreamed that there were no nails on your hands, you will spend all possible means to achieve what you want.

Dreaming that you are without nails can also mean that a time of hardship is approaching.

Sick nails dream of impotence.

If in a dream your nails peel, then in reality you will need to be in several places at the same time, you will, as they say, be torn to pieces.

Dreaming of blood from a nail signifies a great desire to achieve something. Whether you achieve this or not is still hidden, but the fact that your efforts will be almost beyond the realm of possibility is absolutely certain.

Why do you dream about nails, Vanga’s dream book

In a dream, nails symbolize health, physical capabilities, methods and results in achieving your goals.

Trimming your nails, cutting off excess - such a dream indicates a large number of accumulated problems, unfinished business, and also that you don’t have much time left for all this.

If your nails grow in a dream right before your eyes, so that you do not have time to cut these growing nails, then in real life you yourself will not be able to cope with the influx of tasks, especially if you give yourself unplanned rest.

Lightly filing your nails, giving them a beautiful shape, is a hint of your excessive vanity, exaggerated concern for your own image.

If you are a girl and in a dream you cut a guy’s toenails, then you are mentally prepared to humiliate yourself for the sake of your own future material well-being.

Cutting your own toenails - such a dream says that in real life you can only rely on your own strength.

Green nails dream of strong envy.

Broken - to backbreaking work.

If your nails break in a dream right before your eyes, then there is a serious illness ahead that will break and undermine your strength.

Breaking a nail in a fight is a harbinger of very strong competition, the result of which will be very important for you.

Why do you dream about nails - Hasse's dream book

If in a dream you watched someone cutting their nails, this means that the situation that unexpectedly arises on your way will be beyond your control, so you will have no choice but to come to terms with it and try to somehow extract There is a possible benefit or at least a life lesson from this.

Cutting your own fingernails in a dream means trying with all your might to organize your thoughts, bring order to your feelings and your own soul.

If you happen to cut your nails very short, at the root, the dream book advises taking an urgent short-term rest.

Cutting your toenails in a dream means a forced trip, an unplanned move (including personnel).

If you dream that your nails are being cut, they will force you to do difficult work that requires a lot of legwork, and they will offer you a meager reward.

Shortly cut nails of a loved one dream of the unreasonable jealousy of the sleeping person.

Breaking nails in a dream means empty, fruitless efforts. Notice where this happened. For example, breaking your nails in the workplace means unappreciated work; at home, it means ingratitude at home.

Dreaming of someone else's broken nails is a hint of your ingratitude towards those who have helped you in some way or constantly support you and assist you in business.

Painting your toenails is a sign of the dreamer being overly pedantic.

On your hands is a sign of readiness for conflict, especially if you dream of red nails.

Why do you dream about nails - esoteric dream book

In a dream, beautifully trimmed toenails or fingernails symbolize good health and a job that brings satisfaction.

Cutting your fingernails in a dream means conflict with colleagues or family members.

Trimming your toenails means preparing for some kind of trip.

If a woman cuts the nails of an unfamiliar man, in reality she will become a “homewrecker.”

Cutting a child's nails - a dream indicates the dreamer's excessive authoritarianism towards children, as well as younger family members.

Cutting the nails of a dead person in a dream means trying to retroactively correct something that can no longer be corrected.

If you happen to paint your nails with polish, it is important what color you prefer.

Red nails dream of unexpected news.

White nails appear in a dream with new clothes.

If you dream that you break your nails, you will face failure in business.

If the sleeping woman breaks her extended nails, then in reality she will be sad in vain, her worries will be in vain.

Broken extended nails, dreamed of on Monday, promise a transfer to a more difficult job involving physical labor.

If artificial nails fall out, fall off in a dream on their own, without mechanical influence on them, then the girl is in danger of falling under bad influence.

A man dreams of broken nails as a sign of defeat in competition.

Why do you dream about nails, Longo’s dream book

Excessively long fingernails dream of a plight in which the dreamer will rely only on the help of friends.

Very short-cut, trimmed nails portend sadness, which you yourself will be the cause of.

Getting your nails done in a dream means you have to accept unfavorable conditions imposed by someone else.

Cutting your nails unevenly - such a dream prophesies troubles due to the dreamer’s absurd character.

If cutting your toenails was very difficult for you, because they were very thick, and the scissors were manicure scissors, then your work will not bring you joy, not to mention material wealth.

A toenail torn off in a dream symbolizes a mistake, a delusion into which you will fall due to the lack of frankness of others.

If a nail comes off your thumb, you will lose your main source of income.

Painting your nails in a dream means reconciliation with those with whom you are at odds, but if you dreamed of red nail polish, you will still try to defend your own point of view.

False nails dream of an unsuccessful business.

Extending your nails on Wednesday night means your financial situation will worsen.

If a woman dreams of dirty toenails of a man with whom she has a relationship in reality, this means that his intentions towards her are far from noble and respectable.

If you dreamed that there were no nails, you would become seriously ill.

Also, a dream in which you see your fingers without nails may predict that you will be deprived of what you need.

Buying nail polish is a sign of cowardice.

If in a dream you buy nail polish of a very pale or completely transparent color, your opinion will be ignored, and you will not find the strength and courage to insist on your own.

Large nails in a dream indicate a desire to dominate.

A nail breaks - a dream warns that someone will try to obey you in reality to their own will.

Breaking a nail or tearing it off for another person in a dream means an attempt to crush someone with your own authority.

Cleaning a dirty nail is an attempt to present yourself in a more favorable light, as well as impersonating someone other than who you are.

What do nails mean in dreams - a modern dream book

A broken nail in a dream portends failure, failure.

If you dreamed of broken nails on the eve of starting a new business, you should be prepared for the fact that if you achieve your goal, it will only be at the cost of very great efforts and, perhaps, even sacrifices.

I dreamed that my nails fell off, fell off on their own - there will be losses on the material plane.

But if you happen to lose a nail with blood, in reality you will lose someone close to you.

If a sick, blackened nail comes off, a relative who has been ill for a long time will die in reality.

Removing false or artificial nails in a dream means relief; you will be relieved of some responsibilities or obligations.

Black nail polish portends sadness and depression.

If you dream of bright scarlet nail polish, you will be full of determination and vital energy. However, do not forget about prudence.

Biting your nails in a dream means intestinal upset.

A cracked nail indicates in a dream that you are stubbornly clinging to the old, to what no longer matters in your life. Learn to look forward without looking back.

If in your dream your nails have grown before your eyes, you are ready to make a hasty decision; this will be an unwise act.

Why do you dream about toenails in a dream?

The meaning of a dream in which you see toenails often coincides with the interpretation of dreams about fingernails. But still, the emphasis is on the more fundamental events of our lives. These dreams warn of a lot of responsibilities and hard work. At the same time, the person who saw him should not count on big earnings.

Well-groomed toenails indicate your health. But if they are torn out, you should be wary of serious injuries and injuries. If your toenails crumble, the dream warns of a long-term illness. Broken toenails in your dream promise failure in your career and finances. If they are dirty and sloppy, then your reputation may be in danger.

A broken nail can cause extremely negative emotions in all representatives of the fair sex, and it doesn’t matter whether it happened in a dream or in reality.

Of course, many do not think about the meaning of a dream with broken nails, but there are also those who are not indifferent to such dreams, especially if they caused a storm of emotions in the dream itself and after waking up. We invite you to read the opinion of dream researchers about dreams with broken nails.

If you dreamed that in a dream you were breaking a nail, then in real life you will face a difficult choice, which will not be fantasy, but real. This choice will affect your life path, so approach this issue with all seriousness. Weigh every little thing.

Also, such a dream is interpreted as a sign of impending difficulties that will have to be dealt with. Be strong and persistent, and you will be able to overcome everything.

If you saw nails in a dream, then grueling work awaits you, for which you will be paid very little. This will be the greatest injustice, but you will not be able to do anything about it.

Broken nails in a dream promise the dreamer troubles or health problems.

Dirty nail plates are a symbol of shame and disgrace.

If in a dream you carefully take care of your marigolds, then in reality you will find a job that is not highly paid, but a noble one. People will respect you, and your work will benefit society.

If in a dream you see beautiful and well-groomed nails, then this promises you financial wealth, earnings and luck. If you see dirty, broken and deformed nails, you should expect sadness and poverty in life.

In general, nails in a dream can mean a state of health and extrasensory abilities.

Cutting your nails in a dream is a bad sign. It is very likely that in the near future after such a dream you may be treated unfairly, which you clearly do not deserve.

To polish your nails to a shine - your desires will be clear within you, and you will try to realize them, despite the complexity of this task.

Shiny nail plates in a dream promise the dreamer disappointment in a relationship with a member of the opposite sex. The dreamer can also be trivially deceived.

Beautiful elongated nails in dreams can be a harbinger of pleasant moments in life. Clear luck is also possible.

If you dreamed of a broken nail, then we can talk about the collapse of the dreamer’s hopes in reality. Torn nails in your dream may be a harbinger of an unsuccessful squabble with your enemy. Be careful.

If your nails dig into you, then this predicts popularity and praise for you in reality. Try to direct the positive assessment of others to your benefit.

Broken or deformed nail plates in a dream predict illness or health problems for a person. Make the effort to recover and completely eradicate the annoying health problem, if any. And don’t hesitate to visit your doctor for timely diagnosis and advice regarding your health.

Dirty nails - you may be invited to take part in an adventurous business that is most likely doomed to failure. Don't be fooled by emotions and the dubious prospect of quick success. It’s better to evaluate everything with a “cool” head.

Cutting your nails short in your dreams foretells family feuds and quarrels for the dreamer. If it comes to this, try to smooth out or at least soften the destructive effect of such domestic squabbles.

Find out from the online dream book what Nails mean in dreams by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

Why do you dream about nails?

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about Nails and what does it mean:

Nails - To have long, beautifully trimmed nails in a dream means to receive wealth and honor in reality. Having unusually long nails means trouble, cruelty; cutting your nails means resentment, irritation, quarrel. If you bite your nails in a dream, it means you will receive a gift.

Having shiny nails means unexpected news. For a man to see a woman with a bright manicure in a dream - to danger. If a woman dreams that she is getting a manicure, it means buying new clothes or purchasing something expensive.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream of Nails in a dream?

Dream about nails - Seeing dirty nails in a dream is a sign of shame that will befall your family due to the wild antics of youth. Well-groomed nails are a sign of refined taste and achievements in literature, as well as frugality.

Universal dream book for the whole family


Nails - Symbolize health, but can be a means of magical manipulation.

Semenova's lunar dream book

What is night vision about?

Nails: long – Frustrated hopes; short - haste; dirty - annoyance; to gnaw - to have a grudge.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Nails – Long on the fingers - help in trouble; short - sadness; pull out - need; trimming means disputes and stagnation.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about Nails?

Long nails in a dream - your plans are burned out and will not come true; short, cut - haste, vanity. Seeing people grow is a sign of extreme old age, as the dream book says - a fortune teller.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Why do you dream about Nails:

Symbol of acquisition, conflict. Dirty - a shame. Cutting your hair means losing money or a lover. Beautiful, long - for money or a new connection; business acumen, in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

What do Nails mean:

Long nails - disappointed hopes; short - haste; shiny nails - unexpected news, deceitful friend; trim - to failure; clinging with nails - to glory; suddenly grew - money, wealth, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Esoteric dream book

Mystery of sleep:

Nails - Test on the way. You choose the path of testing yourself. Broken nail test passed. Long, long path of testing, you will have to “climb up a sheer cliff.” Clumsy, dirty, very unpleasant situations from which you need to get out of with honor.

Idiomatic dream book

Why do you dream about nails?

Nails, claws - “To scratch out a place for yourself,” “to sharpen your claws on someone” (hatred, anger); “to scratch someone’s eyes out” - revenge, rivalry; “to grab something (someone) with your claws.” “press to the fingernail” - expose, put in a hopeless position.

Maly Velesov dream book

What do nails mean in a dream?

Fingernails – Large – profit // grief, plans will not come true; short, trimmed - loss, poverty, haste, vanity; small ones - failure; brilliant - unexpected news; cutting your hair - resentment, quarrel, failure; pulling out nails - illness, trouble, death; biting your nails is a loss; nails grow - extreme old age; nails suddenly grew - wealth, money.

Women's dream book

Why does a woman dream about Nails, what is this dream about?

Nails - Seeing nails in your dreams means a lot of work for little reward. Putting them in order means performing modest but noble work. Neglected or broken nails portend illness and failure in business. Seeing your dirty nails in a dream means shame and dishonor, which will fall on your home if you fail to critically assess the real state of things.

The new and most complete dream book of 1918

Why do you dream about Nails?

Long nails - disappointed hopes; short - haste; sick - disappointed hopes; pulling out nails means reconciliation with relatives. Fingers are very beautiful - happiness in love; pointing a finger - big changes; an extra finger is an inheritance; lost - litigation; scratching your finger - profit; cut off - trouble for a friend; burn your nails - enter into a second marriage; a hand without fingers means losing children.

Gypsy dream book

Why do you dream about Nails according to gypsy traditions?

Nails - Seeing them longer than usual means great profit; shorter than ordinary ones is a sign of loss and displeasure; cutting them off foreshadows dishonor, harm and a family quarrel; Pulling out nails marks the confluence of all troubles, threatens illness and even death itself.

Aesop's Dream Book

Allegories about Nails

Dreams about nails - According to the legends of grandmothers, people with “rising suns” or transverse lines on their nails will be lucky. Seeing white lines on your nails means new things, fortunately. Paying attention to the nails of a stranger, on which the “rising suns” are clearly expressed, is a sign of envy and unkind attitude on the part of people you don’t even know. To see a child who carefully cleans his nails - this dream indicates pedantry and panache that will be impossible to overcome; to a person who will make a lasting impression on you.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about Nails, what does it mean?

Nails – A warning about danger, someone’s or your own aggressiveness. Also a symbol of protection. Beautiful, well-groomed nails reflect security. (See also Fingers.) Cutting, biting nails, having them cut short - losses, powerlessness, disagreements. Seeing long nails, clinging to nails - showing vanity, cruel behavior. Getting a manicure means hiding your intentions.

Ancient French dream book

What do nails mean in dreams, interpretation:

Nails - Dreaming of excessively long nails is a sign that you will soon become rich. If you dreamed of too short nails, big losses await you. Cutting your nails in a dream is a harbinger of family discord. Pulled nails are a very bad sign: misfortune will soon befall you if you do not show foresight.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream about Nails?

You have a lot of responsibilities, you will have to achieve everything through hard work and you won’t get a lot of money for it. Toenails - if they are well-groomed - they indicate that your health is in order. If your toenails are torn out, beware of injury and damage. Broken toenails mean financial failure.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

According to the dream book Nails

Nails in a dream represent your desire to overcome life’s difficulties. If you cut your nails, you are ready to part with some things in life in order to achieve your own goals. If you have long claws in a dream, you subconsciously understand your own limitations and constraint in many matters. Did you see painful and unsightly nails in a dream? Pay attention to your own well-being in life. Your body is asking you to finally pay attention to your health.

Romantic dream book

Why do you dream about nails?

Nails - Cutting your nails in a dream means family squabbles, quarrels and omissions. Be patient, you will need it if you want to maintain harmony in your relationship. If you are in a quarrel with a loved one, rejoice when you dream about nails painted bright red or burgundy. Soon you will make peace and a white streak will come in your relationship. Seeing hands without nails in a dream is a very clear sign, a warning for you - if you do not reduce your impudence and do not moderate your own ardor, you will lose your loved one forever.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which Nails were dreamed

Because of their shape, the nails represent a phallic symbol. The most common image is the insertion of nails into something or, conversely, the removal of nails from something. If a man sees that he is inserting his nails into something, then this symbolizes his desire to express sexual activity, and also reflects some elements of aggressive behavior and violence.

If a woman sees a man putting his nails into something, then this reflects the woman’s desire to have sexual intercourse with this man. If a woman sees that she is digging her nails into something, this is due to her desire to be more masculine, that is, to have more strength, and perhaps aggressiveness. This may reflect some homosexual tendencies, as well as feelings of hostility and destructive tendencies.

If a man sees himself having difficulty inserting his nails into an object, this image may symbolize the fear of losing attractiveness to women and the fear of impotence.

If a woman sees a similar image, then this reflects her hidden desire for impotence for a man and the loss of his attractiveness for other women, I feel. that she is sexually frigid.

If a person, regardless of gender, sees the image of removing nails from something, this is a reflection of sexual guilt, a desire to distance himself, to withdraw from sexual or emotional contact. If a person sees that he is scratching himself, then this image speaks of aversion to sexual contact and negative emotions in connection with sexual activity.

The image of nails may indicate existing difficulties caused by the suppression of the inner essence of another person through alien interventions and influences. In some cases, if this image is present, you should pay close attention to the state of the body and the presence of somatic pathology.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Cutting your nails in a dream means illness; biting your nails means confusion.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Seeing in a dream how you are weeding a garden without gloves, and then seeing your dirty, broken nails - unfortunately, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book. Biting your nails in a dream means you are powerless to fix something.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Cutting your nails in a dream or getting a manicure means caring about your image. Biting your nails in a dream means thinking in reality about some situation.

Find out from the online dream book what Nectar is dreaming of by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

What does nectar mean in a dream?

Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Why do you dream about Nectar:

Drinking nectar from a sacred vessel, a barrel, is a grandiose transformation and the acquisition of a spiritual, luminous body (from the experience of modern Christian prayer books).

Vedic dream book of Sivananda

You dream of Nectar

A dream in which you drink nectar prophesies prosperity and wealth. You will exceed your expectations. You will marry a person from high society and live in abundance.

Modern dream book / Elena Avadyaeva

If you dream of Nectar

If in a dream you buy nectar, then you will soon meet a person for whom you have disliked for a long time.

If you saw in a dream how you drank nectar, this means that you will soon meet an interesting person and you will have mutual feelings.

If in a dream you made nectar, then domestic problems await you.

If you dreamed that you were treated to nectar, then you will soon show qualities that are unusual for you, which will greatly amaze the people around you.

See also: why do you dream about honey, why do you dream about bees, why do you dream about collecting.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Drinking nectar means a joyful day, a good mood.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Drinking nectar in a dream means inspiration.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Drinking nectar in a dream means fluttering like a butterfly with joy.