Why do you dream about sore fingernails? Dream interpretation of a nail falling off

It is believed that human nails are a mystical organ. Pieces of nails are often an attribute of a variety of witchcraft rituals. Therefore, nails in a dream are considered a significant symbol, and you definitely need to understand why such a plot is being dreamed about.

There are a huge number of different variations of dreams with nails. That is why interpreting such dreams is not easy. It is important for correct decoding to take into account all the nuances of the plot of night dreams. Interpretations of dreams with nails can affect all areas of human life.

Well-groomed and beautiful own nails

If you dream of your own well-groomed and beautiful nails, then this is a very good sign that symbolizes your stable position in society. In addition, such a dream is an indicator of good health and well-being in reality.

Cut nails

If you dream that you are cutting your own nails, then this portends that in reality you will have to get rid of unnecessary trash. Moreover, this may concern not only the material sphere. It may very well be that the time has come to get rid of unnecessary thoughts and memories. But if in a dream another person cuts your nails, then this symbolizes disappointed hopes.

Why do you dream about very long nails?

When in your night dreams you see very long nails on your own hands, this indicates the toughness of your character. You are very demanding of other people and this is very harmful to you. You need to be more considerate of other people's feelings.

If in a dream you see yourself doing a manicure, then this is a very bright omen. In real life, you will have to engage in a noble cause aimed at benefiting other people. And this will give you great joy and pleasure. If you are offered such a job, you should not refuse it.

Other plot lines of dreams with your own nails can be interpreted as follows:
  • If you clean your nails from dirt, then this emphasizes the fact that you are very demanding of yourself. But your pedantry and excessive accuracy do not allow you to fully enjoy life.
  • When you see yourself having to paint your nails, it predicts that a nice admirer will appear in real life.
  • Seeing broken nails or breaking them is a warning that you yourself have chosen a difficult path in life, which is filled with difficulties and obstacles.
  • When you bite your nails, you will soon receive a very pleasant gift in reality.
  • If the nail comes off for some reason, then you will not be able to control some life events in the near future; you just need to wait them out.

Other people's nails in night dreams

The question often arises: why do you dream about other people’s nails? This is a favorable omen. In the near future you will experience good luck and success, and your life will be filled with happiness and joy. But if you see someone else’s unkempt nails in your night dreams, then they symbolize business troubles in the near future. It’s hardly worth giving up and worrying after such a dream. It should become an incentive for you to activate your internal reserves, start looking for non-standard solutions to problems and work actively.

Broken nails on the floor

If, according to the plot of the dream, you had to find someone’s broken nails on the floor, then other people’s secrets will be randomly revealed to you. Also, such a dream may indicate that, for certain reasons, you will have to find out someone’s secrets in reality. This must be done very carefully so that you do not have to regret it later.

Other interpretations of dreams with other people's nails may be as follows:
  • Dirty nails warn that you need to take care of your reputation, as well as protect your honor and dignity.
  • Long, well-groomed nails portend unexpected wealth, which will be well deserved.
  • Nails covered with varnish indicate that in reality you will receive unexpected news that will greatly surprise you.

Short ugly nails

Very short and ugly nails seen in a dream are not a very good sign. Such a dream indicates that the dreamer in real life is not able to solve the problems that arise in front of him. Such night dreams on the eve of an important matter are especially unfavorable.

To correctly interpret dreams, it is important to pay attention to the color of your nails. If they are covered with red varnish, then this symbolizes your natural sexuality. But on the other hand, such a dream can portend good luck in business in any area of ​​life that currently worries the dreamer most. But if you saw red nails on your friend’s hands in a dream, then there is a high probability that she may become your rival.

Why do you dream about black nails?

If you dream of black nails, then this emphasizes the pronounced aggressiveness of the dreamer. Such a dream may indicate that a person has isolated himself from other people and does not want to change his prejudiced attitude towards the world around him.

Filing your nails - the meaning of sleep

If in a dream you file your nails with a file, then this foreshadows that in reality events will happen to you that will require your composure. Maybe someone is against you and will try to harm you, so you will have to defend yourself. Sometimes such a dream warns that problems that arise need to be solved using gentle methods.

Extended nails

For girls, the question of why they dream of extended nails is especially relevant. When you dream of just such nails, it means that in reality you will have to make great efforts to move in the chosen direction. Moreover, you should prepare for the fact that someone will constantly interfere with you and provoke you into rash actions.

See false nails

False nails seen in night dreams indicate that you suffer from lack of attention. This leads to the fact that you strive to appear more attractive, strong and confident in life, but, unfortunately, this does not always work out.

All dreams with nails are, first of all, warning. Therefore, if you correctly decipher the dream, then you will have the opportunity to turn the situation in your favor in reality. Try to use interpretations of dream books, listening to your own intuition and analyzing the current situation in reality.

Why do you dream about nails?

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing nails in your dreams indicates that you will have to work hard for little reward.

Tidying up your nails means that you will engage in noble work, even if it is very modest.

Seeing neglected or broken nails means illness and failure in business.

Seeing your dirty nails in a dream promises shame and dishonor that will fall on your home if you fail to critically assess the real state of things.

Why do you dream about nails?

Freud's Dream Book

Nails are a symbol not only of the condom, but of all contraceptives in general.

The process of cutting nails symbolizes safe sex.

Nails coated with varnish symbolize your desire to use reliable and proven products.

Nails with hangnails - warn of the possible ineffectiveness of the products used.

Dirt under the nails symbolizes the possibility of a sexually transmitted disease.

Why do you dream about nails?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Long fingers - help in trouble; short - sadness; pull out - need; trimming means disputes and stagnation.

Why do you dream about nails?

Family dream book

Dreaming about nails indicates that you will have to work hard for little reward.

If in a dream you were tidying up your nails, it means you should do noble but modest work.

Neglected or broken nails - dream of illness and failure in business.

If you see dirty nails, get ready for shame and dishonor that will fall on your head. There is only one way out: critically assess the real state of affairs.

Why do you dream about nails?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

The condition of nails in a dream symbolizes a person’s character and his behavior in society.

To dream that someone you know has neat, clean nails means that in reality you can safely deal with this person.

The cleanliness of your nails in a dream suggests that good manners and the ability to behave in society can significantly help you in life.

Dirt under your nails is a sign of shame. It is possible that gossip or intrigue of ill-wishers will lead to a serious conflict.

Painted nails in a dream symbolize cunning and deceit.

Long, sharp nails warn of the possibility of a quarrel.

A broken nail in a dream indicates that some kind of conflict can leave a very painful mark.

Nibbled nails are a sign of powerlessness and difficult experiences.

Cutting your nails in a dream means that it doesn’t bother you to somewhat tame your character by learning to behave appropriately in society.

Why do you dream about nails?

Spring dream book

Cutting your nails in a dream means illness, biting your nails means confusion.

Why do you dream about nails?

Summer dream book

Biting your nails in a dream means you are powerless to fix something.

To see in a dream how you are weeding a garden without gloves, and then to see your dirty, broken nails is a great misfortune.

Why do you dream about nails?

Autumn dream book

Cutting your nails in a dream or getting a manicure means caring about your image.

Biting your nails in a dream means thinking in reality about some situation.

Why do you dream about nails?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you see your fingernails has a positive meaning, while your toenails have a negative meaning.

Too long nails mean a difficult situation when you need the help of friends. Short, bitten nails foreshadow sad events that you yourself will cause.

Cutting your nails in a dream means a difficult situation, an almost hopeless situation. Getting a manicure means you will have to agree to conditions that are unfavorable for you; getting a pedicure means the work will not bring you joy, much less material wealth.

Broken nails mean that you will fall into error regarding a matter into which you will not be fully privy. Sick, fallen nails portend that you will personally face need. Nails covered with bright scarlet varnish are a sign of reconciliation with relatives after a long quarrel.

A dream in which your nails are pulled out or needles are driven under them - success in business and revenge on your offenders awaits you.

If someone scratches you with their sharp nails, this means failure and illness in the family.

Neglected nails with dirt accumulated under them predict a deterioration in the situation in business and entrepreneurship, and discord with a loved one.

Seeing cat claws instead of nails indicates that in pursuit of dubious pleasures you may succumb to bad influences.

Why do you dream about nails?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Clean long nails - good luck, profit; dirty - melancholy, grief; long fingers - help in trouble; short - sadness; pull out - need; trim - disputes, stagnation.

Why do you dream about nails?

Esoteric dream book

Nails are a test along the way.

If you break it, you choose the path of testing yourself.

Broken nail - tests passed.

Long - a long path of testing, you will have to “climb a sheer cliff.”

Clumsy, dirty - very unpleasant situations from which you need to get out of with honor.

Why do you dream about nails?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing nails in your dreams means a lot of work for little reward.

Putting them in order means performing modest but noble work.

Neglected or broken nails portend illness and failure in business.

Seeing your dirty nails in a dream means shame and dishonor, which will fall on your home if you fail to critically assess the real state of things.

Why do you dream about nails?

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Nails - Cutting fingernails A dream on Monday night means that you will part with your friend; a dream seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday means that you will unintentionally cause harm to someone and will regret it; and if you dreamed about it on Saturday or Sunday night, it means that you will soon forget about your troubles. Cutting your toenails A dream on Monday night means that you will try to restrain your desires; if you had a dream on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, this dream means that you will make peace with your enemies; and if seen on the night of Saturday or Sunday, this dream will improve your well-being. Seeing large nails on your hands means grief.

Why do you dream about nails?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Long nails - disappointed hopes; short - haste; brilliant - unexpected news, deceitful friend; trim - to failure; clinging with nails - to glory; suddenly grew - money, wealth.

Why do you dream about nails?

Modern dream book

Well-groomed nails are a sign of prosperity. You will also have a penchant for study and literary activity.

Dirty nails portend shame in the family due to the unworthy behavior of the younger generation.

Why do you dream about nails?

Eastern dream book

Beautiful well-groomed nails are a symbol of well-being.

Seeing dirty, untidy nails is a shame in the family due to the unworthy behavior of the younger generation.

Why do you dream about nails?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

long, clean - luck and profit; short and dirty - melancholy, poverty and grief.

Why do you dream about nails?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Nails - You see your nails in a dream - you will have to work a lot, but you will receive crumbs for your work; you will be unhappy with your situation; After waiting for some time, you will begin looking for a new job. It’s as if your nails are dirty - you are not very worried about the consequences of your actions; but the shame and humiliation you will receive will force you to reconsider your own behavior. In a dream, your nails are broken or crooked - you will soon get sick, you will have nothing to do; The thought of having to see doctors will not frighten you. It’s as if you are taking care of your nails - noble thoughts will visit you, you will be busy with noble work.

Why do you dream about nails?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Nails - to get married.

Having long, beautifully trimmed nails means wealth, honor, unexpected money.

To have long nails is a nuisance / to commit cruelty or to have cruel thoughts / to be spiritually like a corpse in some way.

Having short-cut nails means you have no strength to fight / resistance and conflicts pose a great danger for you.

Cutting your nails means resentment, quarrel, irritation.

Cutting out a dug-in nail is a need, a loss.

Biting your nails is a gift.

Why do you dream about nails?

Rick Dillon's Dream Book

Nails - long - outside help, getting a manicure - convincing others of your importance. Trimming your nails is a controversial issue. Cleaning your nails means stagnation in business.

Why do you dream about nails?

Ladies' dream book

Nails - self-image. Long, clean - satisfaction; short or nibbled - fatigue; dirty nails - treat yourself with disdain; breaking a nail - worrying about trifles; getting a manicure means working on yourself, your image.

Why do you dream about nails?

Islamic dream book

What does Nail mean - indicates the content of victory over enemies. They also say: seeing your nails in a dream means you have a good idea of ​​your capabilities in life. Seeing that your nails are broken promises death. White nails indicate good memory and quick memorization. A missing nail in a dream promises bankruptcy. If the nails seen in a dream correspond to their size standards in life, then their owner is sincere and pious in religion and in life. And cutting nails is following the Sunnah.

For a woman, painting her nail means that her husband will treat her well. Moderately long and beautiful nails - to an increase in the number of money and clothes. Too long nails in a dream mean that their owner can ruin the work he has begun with his excessive strength and ability.

Why do you dream about nails?

Big dream book

Nails - Long - disappointed hopes; short - haste; sick - disappointed hopes; pulling out nails means reconciliation with relatives. Fingers are very beautiful - happiness in love; pointing a finger means big changes; an extra finger is an inheritance; lost - litigation; scratching your finger - profit; cut off - trouble for a friend; burn - enter into a second marriage; a hand without fingers means losing children.

Why do you dream about nails?

Astrological dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book: Nails - healthy - to good health. Sick and dirty - to a contagious disease. Cutting your nails means loss, loss.

Why do you dream about nails?

Christian dream book

Cutting your nails means minor troubles. Imagine your nails growing back.

Why do you dream about nails?

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Nails – A warning about danger, someone’s or your own aggressiveness. Also a symbol of protection. Beautiful, well-groomed nails reflect security. (See also Fingers.) Cutting, biting nails, having them cut short - losses, powerlessness, disagreements. Seeing long nails, clinging to nails - showing vanity, cruel behavior. Getting a manicure means hiding your intentions.

Why do you dream about nails?

Women's dream book

What does it mean to see nails in a dream - Seeing nails in your dreams means a lot of work for little reward. Putting them in order means performing modest but noble work. Neglected or broken nails portend illness and failure in business. Seeing your dirty nails in a dream means shame and dishonor, which will fall on your home if you fail to critically assess the real state of things.

Why do you dream about nails?

Dream Interpretation of Dashka

symbolize health, but can be a means of magical manipulation.

Why do you dream about nails?

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

According to the legends of grandmothers, people with “rising suns,” or transverse lines on their nails, will be lucky.

Seeing white lines on your nails means new things, fortunately.

Paying attention to the nails of a stranger, on which the “rising suns” are clearly expressed, is a sign of envy and unkind attitude on the part of people you don’t even know.

To see a child who carefully cleans his nails - this dream indicates pedantry and panache that will be impossible to overcome; to a person who will make a lasting impression on you.

Why do you dream about nails?

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good meaning: If you dreamed that you were painting your nails, then in the near future you will find something valuable. To make this happen faster, cut your nails, put them in a glass, fill them with water and leave them in a dark place for a week, then pour them under a birch tree.

Bad meaning If you dreamed that you were cutting your nails, then now is a very unfavorable time for new beginnings. To know that this time has passed, pour half a glass of water, add corn oil on top and set it on fire. When the glass is empty, it means the unfavorable time is over.

Why do you dream about nails?

Dream book of catchphrases

NAILS, CLAWS - “to scratch out a place for yourself”, “to sharpen your claws on someone” (hatred, anger); “to scratch someone’s eyes out” - revenge, rivalry; “to grab something (someone) with your claws.” “Press to the nail” - expose, put in a hopeless position.

Why do you dream about nails?

Italian dream book Meneghetti

Nails – Nails, due to their shape, represent a phallic symbol. The most common image is the insertion of nails into something or, conversely, the removal of nails from something. If a man sees that he is inserting his nails into something, then this symbolizes his desire to express sexual activity, and also reflects some elements of aggressive behavior and violence.

If a woman sees a man putting his nails into something, then this reflects the woman’s desire to have sexual intercourse with this man. If a woman sees that she is digging her nails into something, this is due to her desire to be more masculine, that is, to have more strength, and, perhaps, aggressiveness. This may reflect some homosexual tendencies, as well as feelings of hostility and destructive tendencies.

If a man sees himself having difficulty inserting his nails into an object, this image may symbolize the fear of losing attractiveness to women and the fear of impotence.

If a woman sees a similar image, then this reflects her hidden desire for impotence for a man and the loss of his attractiveness for other women, I feel. that she is sexually frigid.

Nails - If a person, regardless of gender, sees the image of extracting nails from something, this is a reflection of sexual guilt, a desire to withdraw, to withdraw from sexual or emotional contact. If a person sees that he is scratching himself, then this image speaks of aversion to sexual contact and negative emotions in connection with sexual activity.

The image of nails may indicate existing difficulties caused by the suppression of the inner essence of another person through alien interventions and influences. In some cases, if this image is present, you should pay close attention to the state of the body and the presence of somatic pathology.

Why do you dream about nails?

Old Russian dream book

long - disappointed hopes; short ones - haste.

Why do you dream about nails?

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

Long nails mean profit.

Cutting your nails in a dream means loss, illness, trouble.

Why do you dream about nails?

Dream book of the future

Nails, if they are beautiful and clean, mean success in business, good luck and profit; if ugly and dirty - to melancholy, poverty and chagrin.

Why do you dream about nails?

Idiomatic dream book

“To scratch out a place for yourself”, “to sharpen your claws on someone” - hatred, anger; “to scratch someone’s eyes out” - revenge, rivalry; “to grab onto something (someone) with your claws”, “to press to your nail” - to expose, to put in a hopeless position.

Why do you dream about nails?

Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

Nails, due to their shape, represent a phallic symbol. The most common image is the insertion of nails into something or, conversely, the removal of nails from something.

If a man sees that he is inserting his nails into something, this symbolizes his desire to express sexual activity, and also reflects some elements of aggressive behavior and violence.

If a woman sees a man putting his nails into something, this reflects the woman’s desire to have sexual intercourse with this man.

If a woman sees that she is digging her nails into something, this is due to her desire to be more masculine, that is, to have more strength, and, perhaps, aggressiveness. This may reflect some homosexual tendencies, as well as feelings of hostility and destructive tendencies.

If a man sees that he is having difficulty trying to insert his nails into some object, this image can symbolize the fear of losing attractiveness to women and the fear of impotence.

If a woman sees a similar image, this reflects her hidden desire for impotence for a man and the loss of his attractiveness for other women, I feel that she is sexually frigid.

If a person, regardless of gender, sees the image of removing nails from something, this is a reflection of sexual guilt, a desire to distance himself, to withdraw from sexual or emotional contact.

If a person sees that he is scratching himself, this image speaks of aversion to sexual contact and negative emotions in connection with sexual activity.

The image of nails may indicate existing difficulties caused by the suppression of the inner essence of a person’s “in this” through alien interventions and influences. In some cases, if this image is present, you should pay close attention to the state of the body and the presence of somatic pathology.

Why do you dream about nails?

Online dream book

According to the dream book, fingernails promise you happiness.

If you see them on your toes, expect problems and troubles.

If they are healthy and have a good manicure, this portends your material well-being.

Seeing them unkempt and dirty means one of the youngest relatives will tarnish the reputation of your entire family.

If you dream that your nails are very long - beware of all sorts of problems and aggression.

If your nails are cut short, you will have a lot of trouble and worries, you will get tired of the mass of everyday problems that will fall on you out of the blue.

If you dream of false nails - your titanic efforts will not be appreciated, you will not receive the expected reward for your backbreaking work.

If your nails are affected by some kind of disease, serious trials and hardships await you, and you will have to ask people close to you for help.

Seeing in a dream that your nails are unkempt or peeling is a warning that disappointments and health problems await you, but everything is not so scary and you will quickly return to normal.

Cleaning your nails - the one who does this is very vain and narcissistic, self-love completely absorbs, and nothing can be done about it. Perhaps you will soon meet an extraordinary person who will amaze you to the core.

If you shorten them, someone will upset you, misunderstandings and conflicts are possible.

Chew them - someone will give you a present.

You are being tortured by tearing them off or driving needles under them - restore justice in the fight against competitors and achieve success.

Cutting off an ingrown toenail - be prepared for lack of money and losses.

According to the dream book, doing a manicure, in particular filing your nails, is a sign that you will have to do unsightly work for the benefit of others; over time, your efforts will be rewarded.

They are pierced into your skin - the health of one of your relatives may deteriorate sharply, and you will struggle with a huge number of problems.

You cut your nails - a sign that you are striving to achieve inner harmony. Now there are no trifles for you, the slightest nuance arouses your great interest and is significant to you.

Women have a dream in which she cuts her nails

If you dreamed of your own hands, on which the nails are very beautiful, influential people will provide you with their assistance and patronage, you will be incredibly lucky in all areas of life.

The dream book interprets beautiful, long nails as a symbol of your speedy enrichment, which will happen as if by itself, without your efforts.

According to the dream book, painting your nails with varnish means that in reality you will receive an unexpected, but very pleasant and expensive gift from fate that is favorable to you.

If in a dream your nails are covered with varnish, you should think not only about your appearance, but also about your inner content; you lack spiritual development.

Seeing them break is a sign that something bad is coming, all your plans may collapse or health problems may arise, but at the same time it means that everything in your life depends only on you, confidently step towards your goal.

A dream in which your nails are unkempt and broken foreshadows unforeseen circumstances that will greatly harm you, and they can arise in any area of ​​your life; you will have to work hard to cope with them.

If you dreamed of dirt under your nails, perhaps you are acting unseemly, think about your current lifestyle. Or someone’s evil tongues can bring trouble to you, dishonor you or quarrel with others.

If you dreamed that your nails fell off - you will experience severe remorse; you will understand that you have done something truly terrible, and you will be afraid of the impending retribution.

Biting your nails means big problems and losses await you, you may lose a lot, and you will not be able to fix anything, so take action before it’s too late.

Why do you dream about nails?

Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing beautiful, well-groomed nails is a sign of health; crumbling, crooked nails - to illness.

Why do you dream about nails?

Egyptian dream book of pharaohs

If a person sees himself tearing out nails from his fingers in a dream, it is bad; the work of his hands will be taken away.

Why do you dream about nails?

Lunar dream book

Long - disappointed hopes; short - haste; dirty - annoyance; to gnaw - to have a grudge.

Why do you dream about nails?

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Cutting nails is a loss; big quarrels.

Why do you dream about nails?

Russian dream book

Nails symbolize health, but can be a means of magical manipulation.

Why do you dream about nails?

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Seeing nails in a dream means feeling your own desire to fight and dominate; nails are a symbol of action, struggle, resistance to someone; fabric, the edge of which can be painlessly parted with if necessary.

Cropped nails (cut) - you have been deprived of benefits.

Made up dreaming about nails - people’s behavior in achieving goals. Red nails, the interpretation of the dream according to the dream book will be activity and unceremoniousness, moving over the heads, using sexuality and physical passion for one’s own person for one’s own purposes. Pink - to see everything in a better light than it really is, to have your head in the clouds. Blacks, on the contrary, have a pessimistic view of the situation and the people around them, a suspicion of a dirty trick. Green – respect and correct treatment of partners. Painted on the legs - the attitude towards both loved ones and strangers is the same and equal. Men wearing makeup is a non-standard way out of an uncomfortable situation. A woman with painted nails - try to be careful - your enemies are not asleep.

What did you do in your dream

In a dream paint nail polish - an attempt to prepare in order to provide a worthy rebuff or a favorable impression (depending on the current situation). For example: painting with red varnish means preparing for a fight when the interests of the parties are little taken into account. Painting on your hands is a desire to control what is happening. Painting on your feet means a desire to withstand the pressure of passions. Washing the varnish is a respite in defending positions.

In a dream cut nails (cut, trim, cut, cut off) - go to peace, try to find a compromise and possibilities for a conflict-free solution to the problem. Cutting your hands means loosening control and pressure. To cut your legs means to trust your friends and family. To cut another person's hair is to disarm the enemy. Trimming another person's legs is a way to win them over and inspire trust. If you get your hair cut, you will be deprived of the chance to gain a special status. File to nag nails (file) - try to find a consensus.

Gnaw nails according to the dream book means dissatisfaction with the current situation. Others bite at you - they are dissatisfied with you, you are a strong irritant for someone. Deliberately break a nail in a dream (breaking) means depriving the one who was broken of all advantages. To break yourself is to consciously give up a head start. tear off nails (pulling out) - destroying any opportunity to surpass you, not paying attention to the feelings of other people. Take off from the finger nail plate - deprive (lose) of help and support, expose weak points.

“Why, according to the dream book, do you break the nail on your thumb?” Lose the benefits that power and leadership provide.

Clean– “whitewash” oneself in the eyes of society. Squeeze out pus from under the marigold - to wash dirty linen in public, to bring to light unpleasant secrets, conflicts, enmity.

Ramp up marigolds - attract all kinds of helpers, information and funds from outside. Lose extended nail plates - your fuss will be useless.

Other dreams about nails

Tears nail (fell off, fell off, came off) - defenselessness, vulnerability, accessibility. Broke nails (break) - find yourself without support, lose benefits. Broken on your hand - in business or personal relationships you will be at a disadvantage. If you break your leg, you will be left without cover. Marigold cracked- a nuisance that deprived some benefits. Layer off nail plates (peel off) - in the pursuit of advantages, you even lose what you had.

Manicure– the desire to balance needs and opportunities, to improve personal image in the eyes of others. Varnish for nails - the desire to improve life, relationships with others. File for nails (file) – methods of conflict resolution, search for compromises.

Hair on the nail plate - monetary benefit.

Nails in a dream warn of one’s own or someone else’s aggression, danger, and conflicts. At the same time, they are a symbol of acquisition, rigorous progress towards the goal and low-paid work. Popular dream books will answer the question: why does the designated dream image appear in a dream?

According to Miller's dream book

Did you dream about your own short nails? You have to work long and hard, but the reward will not justify the effort.

If you had a chance to get a manicure in a dream, then the dream book predicts a noble deed. Seeing broken or neglected nails means that a period of failure and illness is approaching.

Why do you dream about very dirty nails? If you fail to correctly assess the situation and take action in time, then you face dishonor and shame.

According to the dream book of the Winter spouses

In a dream, the condition of the nails indicates the main character traits of the dreamer and his usual behavior. Well-groomed nails hint: the ability to behave in society and good manners will help in the implementation of your plans.

Seeing nails painted with varnish can indicate cunning, slyness and deception. Did you see very long, and even sharp nails? There will be a quarrel. Why do you dream about broken nails? The dream book is sure: some conflict will cause long-term worries. Nibbled nails indicate powerlessness and uncertainty.

Did you have a chance to cut your nails in a dream? It is necessary to restrain your emotions and, in general, tame your explosive temper a little. Did you dream of a friend’s clean and neat nails? The dream book thinks that in business he will be just as honest and reliable.

According to Aesop's dream book

Why do you dream of nails with white dots on them? The dream book is sure that in the near future you will be able to buy yourself a new thing and experience happiness. Seeing blackheads is worse. This is a sign of small but annoying problems. If in a dream your nails are covered with yellow spots, then get ready for illness. Did you dream that your nails fell off? You will quarrel with a loved one, lose money or lose your life itself.

Why do you dream of another person’s nails that have the indicated marks? In reality, you will experience the bad attitude and envy of complete strangers. Did you dream of a child who, in a daydream, is intently cleaning his nails? Meet someone who will have a strange influence on you. The same plot hints at excessive pedantry, which the dream book advises to get rid of.

According to the dream book of the Yellow Emperor

Why do you dream about your nails? In a dream, they symbolize readiness for struggle, action, resistance, as well as domination over others. Have you seen very long nails? You will find yourself in limited conditions and will not be able to act due to strong interference from outside. Seeing your nails like this means that you are well aware of your inadequacy. You have done everything, but the results will be minimal.

What else do nails mean? Often this image betrays anger and a desire to resolve the situation by any means. At the same time, long nails, according to the dream book, indicate disappointed hopes, mistakes, and pointless actions, while short nails indicate hasty and therefore useless decisions. Did you dream of short-cut or broken nails? In reality, it will be possible to get rid of the problem, but this will not change the situation.

Why do you dream about sore nails, with dots, hangnails, peeling nails, etc.? In a dream, they hint at liver disease and imbalance of internal energy. This is a sign of a stop in movement and development, therefore the interpretation is always unfavorable.

According to the dream book from A to Z

Why do you dream about your own fingernails? Any predictions about them have a positive meaning. If attention is focused on the legs in a dream, then the interpretation of the dream is always negative.

Did you dream about very long nails? You will get into trouble and ask your friends for help. You can see chewed or very short nails before sad events. If you happen to cut your nails at night, then in reality you will find yourself in an almost hopeless situation. Getting a manicure done while you sleep is no better. The dream book believes that you will have to accept unfavorable conditions. If you dreamed that you were getting a pedicure, then difficult work will bring neither pleasure nor money.

Why do you dream about broken nails? You will be misled or all the secrets will not be fully revealed. Did you dream about sore nails or their complete absence? There is real need to be experienced. Seeing nails covered with red varnish in a dream means that you will make peace with your loved ones after a long feud.

What does it mean in a dream if needles are driven under the nails or nail plates are pulled out? In reality, you will be able to achieve success and take revenge on your offenders. Did you dream that you were painfully scratched by nails? Prepare for illness and failure. Was there dirt under your nails in your dream? Expect a decline in business and a quarrel with your loved one. If in your dreams your claws have grown like a cat's, then you will get into trouble by pursuing dubious pleasure.

According to the new family dream book

Why do you dream about legs? The dream book prophesies work for a tiny reward. The interpretation is especially relevant if the nails in the dream were too short and unkempt. Did you dream about getting a manicure done? A favorable period is approaching when you can relax, have fun and show yourself.

Seeing dirty, unkempt nails can lead to a series of failures and illness. Dirty nails also symbolize dishonor. Dream book advice: soberly assess the situation and do not get involved in adventures if you are not confident in your own abilities.

Why do you dream about fingernails and toenails?

Did you dream of beautifully trimmed fingernails? The image promises respect and unexpected money. If your fingernails or toenails are larger than usual, you are equally likely to make a profit or experience grief. Shortly cut nails on the toes and hands signify poverty, loss, hasty decisions, and vanity. You can see very small nails before a major failure.

Why do you dream about unnaturally long fingernails and especially toenails? This is a sign of trouble, cruelty, and destruction of the soul. A nail that is too long on the thumb indicates a sinful fall. If, on the other hand, your fingernails and toenails have been cut short, then you don't really have the strength to fight. Moreover, resistance in a well-known case is fraught with even greater danger. Cutting your nails with your own hands in a dream can mean resentment, irritation, or a quarrel.

What do long nails mean?

Have you seen long shiny nails? Receive very unexpected news. It is also a symbol of business acumen and new connections. If in a dream you had incredibly long nails, then in reality get ready for major troubles.

The same plot points to a long test, when you literally have to “climb” with all your might. However, moderately well-groomed nails signify success, well-being, and prosperity. The described image also indicates the presence of literary talent and a penchant for learning.

I dreamed of nails painted with varnish

Why do you dream of a woman’s nails painted with varnish for a man? Danger awaits him. If you had to paint your nails with too bright a polish, then in reality you will embarrass yourself in front of your friends. Seeing nails painted with varnish in calm shades means that some problems will be resolved successfully.

Why do you dream about painting another character’s nails with polish? In reality, danger comes from strangers. At the same time, nails painted with varnish hint at the need to use proven methods rather than experiment. If a woman paints her nails in a dream, then she will have to hide something.

What do dirty, broken nails symbolize, breaking them

Did you dream about broken and neglected nails? If you get sick, a series of failures will begin in your business. Did you dream about how you were fiddling around in the garden and your nails became ugly dirty? Prepare for real disaster. Dirty, gnarled, broken nails foretell shame for the family due to the stupid behavior of his young member.

If you cut your nails yourself, you risk losing your lover. In a dream, breaking your nails literally means: you have chosen your own path and are forced to undergo trials. Completely broken nails indicate the end of the testing period.

Why cut, file, or do a manicure in a dream?

Did you dream about getting your nails in order? Take up a low-paying but noble occupation. Filing and trimming your nails in a dream also means that a labor-intensive and low-paying job will suddenly open up bright prospects for you.

If a woman dreamed that she was getting a manicure, then she can prepare for expensive purchases. Why dream if you had to cut and file long nails with a beautiful manicure? Prepare for illness, decline, lack of money.

I ended up biting my nails at night

If you happened to bite your nails in a dream, then the plot reveals complete powerlessness and apathy. At the same time, he also points to a pleasant gift. If you happen to bite your nails at night, then in reality a problem has arisen that you should seriously think about. The same plot promises the approach of events that will lead you into absolute confusion and deprive you of the ability to act soberly.

Why do you dream of scratching with your nails?

If you dreamed that you were scratching other characters with your nails, then a bad mood will give rise to nagging and irritation. If you were scratched in a dream, then get ready to experience mental pain from attacks from enemies. Why do you dream about someone scratching with your nails? Be careful: you will be stabbed in the back, it is possible that it will be a person known to you.

Did you imagine that ordinary nails suddenly began to grow and turned into animal claws? In reality, you will find yourself in circumstances that will literally force you to show your worst qualities. The same image warns of a difficult struggle, and sometimes hints at the dreamer’s excessive aggression.

Nails in a dream - how to interpret correctly

The most accurate interpretation of a dream can be obtained if all the nuances of the dream are taken into account. It is necessary to decipher the condition, length, appearance of the nails, and also take into account the color of the coating and your own actions.

  • well-groomed – safety, well-being, health
  • beautiful - happiness in love
  • moderately long – satisfaction, stability
  • longer than usual - good profit
  • too long - tenacity, close wealth
  • grow before our eyes - extreme old age
  • grew up suddenly - life in luxury and wealth
  • short - disappointed hopes
  • shorter than usual - dissatisfaction, losses
  • too short - major losses, ruin
  • pure – success in business, profit, luck
  • dirty - melancholy, poverty, grief
  • curves - troubles
  • crumble - disease
  • turned green - death
  • sick - inability to act
  • exfoliated - lack of faith
  • ingrained - need, losses
  • with white dots - happiness, new things
  • with blacks - a bad disease
  • with hangnails - ineffectiveness of actions taken
  • no nails - ruin, complete loss of strength
  • biting nails - powerlessness, loss, disagreement
  • breaking - dishonor, self-harm, family squabbles
  • pull out - a confluence of bad events, up to the death of the dreamer
  • to cut your hair - resentment, losses, troubles
  • trim - family scandals
  • grab with nails - cruelty, aggression or glory, fame
  • doing a manicure - the desire to hide intentions, secrets
  • painting with varnish - dislike, bad habits, reluctance to get rid of them
  • scratching your nails - profit, thoughts
  • indicate - imminent changes
  • combing hair - honor, respect
  • scratch - rough sex, date
  • erasing varnish - meeting a dangerous person
  • nail polish - profit
  • white – worthy relationships, purity of thoughts
  • black – separation, melancholy, death
  • red – threat, passion, activity
  • pink – illusions, emotionality
  • purple – power, strength
  • yellow – insight, envy
  • orange – activity, pleasure
  • green – rest, relaxation
  • poisonous green – nervousness, overexertion
  • blue – danger, unrequited love
  • blue – daydreaming, fantasy
  • purple – strong passion, problems
  • golden – harmony, happiness
  • silver – mystical abilities, magic practice
  • purple – creativity
  • gray – disappointment, boredom
  • polish your nails - long-term relationship, wedding

If you happened to polish your nails in a dream, then in reality you will not be able to avoid unpleasant work.

Fingernails or toenails, appearing in a dream, can predict changes in various areas of a person’s life, tell about health, relationships with loved ones, and what awaits him in material terms.

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      Why do people dream about nails?

      The interpretation of a dream in which nails appeared is quite individual and should be based on what emotions the mention of nails evokes in a person.

      If such a dream appeared to a nail technician, then you should not look for a hidden meaning in it: real events simply penetrated the subconscious, and such a dream can only indicate that the person should take more rest from his work. It’s another matter if a person dreams of nails and doesn’t deal with them that often in reality. When interpreting, you should pay attention to the following details of the dream:

        • whether you dreamed about fingernails or toenails;
        • what was their appearance (color, length);
        • what was the degree of nail care (neat or dirty);
        • what actions were performed with nails in a dream.

        Key interpretations

        If a person dreams of nails, the first thing he will notice is whether they are on his hands or feet. According to Miller’s dream book, dreaming of fingernails is associated with a person’s health and personal life, and toenails are associated with his material and social life: affairs, work, business.

        Dreaming about fingernails can tell a person about the state of his health and how happy he is in his personal life. At the same time, even if the dream foreshadows something unkind, it will at the same time say that everything is in the hands of the person himself and he has the power to change the course of events.

        Length of fingernails

        Long nails seen in a dream speak of a person’s health, and what is important here is how strong and beautiful they are. Neat, strong, long nails symbolize an excellent state of health, which a person should not worry about at all now. If a patient dreams of such a dream, it should be taken as an unambiguous hint of a speedy recovery. Long but brittle nails indicate the need to take care of your health: the risk of disease is high, special attention should be paid to the musculoskeletal system. If a person sees in a dream how his long fingernails are breaking, it means that in reality he needs to be as careful and attentive as possible: the disease risks appearing in the coming days.

        Short nails symbolize self-doubt. When interpreting a dream associated with this, it is again worth paying attention to the condition of the nails. Specially cut, that is, short but strong nails dream of a situation in which a person can understand that he is capable of much, thus getting rid of uncertainty. Short and brittle nails, on the contrary, symbolize a very deep degree of despair of a person drowned in his complexes. In some cases, they may indicate depression. A person in real life tries to grasp at straws, but to no avail. Such a dream is a sign that in reality you need to give yourself a break and only then return to business, now you don’t have enough strength or positive emotions for them.

        When you dream about the nails on another person’s hands and you can’t see their length, it means that after waking up you should inquire about the state of health of the person you saw in the dream and advise him to undergo a medical examination.

        Fingernail color

        This or that color of fingernails in a dream speaks, first of all, about a person’s personal life: his relationship with his other half, parents and children.

        Unpainted nails of a natural pale pink (or flesh) color in a dream can symbolize two situations. On the one hand, they say that everything in life goes on as usual. Day follows day, no incredible events occur, a person does not experience vivid emotions. You shouldn’t expect any changes in the near future; you need to settle into a monotonous routine. On the other hand, a dream in which a woman sees nails on her hands without varnish warns her, talking about the possibility of destructive boredom in a love relationship. You need to show more emotions, try to diversify your life, pay attention to the sexual side of relationships, otherwise the possibility of a man developing an interest in other women is possible.

        Regarding the shades of red on your dreamed nails, you need to take into account who is having the dream: a man or a woman. If a man sees nails on his hands painted red in a dream, it means that in real life he has to obey other people’s rules, dance to someone else’s tune, which not only causes him a feeling of wounded pride, but also negatively affects his business. A dream in which he sees red nails on a woman’s hands symbolizes the danger that threatens in reality. It is not at all necessary that this danger will come from a woman; often such a dream warns of the need to be careful when handling vehicles: do not exceed the speed limit, cross the road carefully.

        For a woman, such a dream has no negative connotation. The bright color of your fingernails symbolizes a surge of emotions in your personal life, foreshadows a new romantic relationship or a storm of passion in existing ones. It does not matter whether she dreams of her own nails painted red or on the hands of another woman; in this dream there is no need to look for a hint of the appearance of a rival.

        Black nails in a dream are always an unkind sign. When a person realizes in a dream that the black color of the nail plate is caused by mechanical damage, and not by the color of the applied varnish, this is a loud warning of a serious danger, both personal and health-related. A person who sees such a dream needs to exercise maximum caution over the next week, including trying not to sort things out with loved ones, this is fraught with scandals and breakups.

        Nails painted with black varnish are also an unpleasant sign, although they do not promise huge problems. After such a dream, a person will be haunted by failures for a short time; he will constantly quarrel with people, even without having the desire to do so. The consequences of this dream are loud, but not the most significant: arguments in the workplace, misunderstandings in the family, squabbles in line, swearing on public transport. Black nail polish in a dream indicates that a person needs to remain silent as much as possible in the near future.

        Yellow nail polish in a dream symbolizes a light affair in reality. If a person is in a serious relationship, he should be careful in communicating with the opposite sex: his words and actions may be interpreted incorrectly. If a man or woman is ready for new romantic adventures, now is the time for them. Most likely, they will not make love for life, but pleasant emotions are guaranteed.

        The yellow color of nails, often characteristic of smokers, is a different symbol and indicates that a person’s personal life has accumulated too many problems, unspoken claims, hidden grievances, which soon risk revealing themselves and ruining the relationship. After such a dream, a person should think about how much he values ​​the relationship he has, what would be more correct and less painful: try to talk with his partner and find a compromise or finally break the connection.

        Green fingernails are dreamed of by young-at-heart people who are ready for new adventures and who do not sit in one place. The personal life of such people is also filled with bright events. Such a dream guarantees harmony in the soul and tells a person that as far as his relationships with himself and with loved ones are concerned, he is doing everything right.

        Nails seen in a dream and painted with shiny varnish (gold or silver) indicate that in reality a person pays too much attention to the external side of life. For him, the priority is the appearance of his loved one, his social status, and not how comfortable he is with him. If a man sees a woman with gold or silver nails in a dream, this is a hint that in reality she does not have strong feelings for him, material interest comes first for her.

        Nails painted with dark-colored varnish (purple, dark blue, dirty gray, brown), appearing in a dream, foreshadow disappointments in your personal life, resentment and tears. Having seen such a dream, you should think about what might upset your partner in a relationship, and listen to your feelings.

        Degree of well-groomed fingernails

        Seeing unkempt, dirty nails in a dream is at least unpleasant. A dream in which such an image appears does not foreshadow anything; it speaks of problems that already exist in life at the moment. If the repulsive appearance of nails in a dream is associated only with their untidiness, then the problem should be looked for in the sphere of relationships with people. Something in the existing relationship with loved ones does not suit the person and causes him anxiety. Often seen in a dream, unkempt fingernails indicate that in reality a person is not confident in someone close to him, suggesting that he is being deceived. It is worth remembering that this dream does not predict anything; in most cases, such thoughts have no basis.

        If the nails are affected by fungus, the problems in real life are already deeper. According to Stepanova’s dream book, it matters which hand the nails with fungus are on: if on the left, the problems relate to personal life, on the right, the person’s health. Sick and unkempt nails on the left hand are a sign of a crisis in a relationship; they often dream of a possible betrayal of a loved one. Seeing such nails on your right hand in a dream indicates the need to pay attention to your health. The more unpleasant the appearance of the nails, the higher the risk of serious illness.

        Actions with fingernails

        If a person dreams that he simply sees nails on his hands, either his own or someone else’s, then such a dream does not have any additional meanings. You need to pay attention to interpretations related to the color, size and general appearance of the nails.

        If any actions are performed with nails in a dream, their appearance fades into the background.

        Biting nails is a bad habit in real life, but in a dream it symbolizes that in reality a person is preventing himself from achieving his goals. He is either too unsure of himself, or is wasting time and resources on the wrong things, or he himself does not fully understand what he wants. In rare cases, when a person dreams that someone else is biting his nails, this means that he is the obstacle in the implementation of plans.

        Parents often have dreams in which they prevent their children from biting their nails. Such dreams indicate that parents are doing everything right, including when the child accuses them of excessive attention and lack of freedom. Even if the child himself is already an adult, parents, having seen such a dream, should try not to lose touch with him in order to be able to protect him from serious problems.

        A dream in which a person dreams that he is doing a manicure or painting his nails does not promise waste or aimless pastime. For a man, such a dream is less favorable than for a woman. For him, it symbolizes someone else’s, imposed role that he has to play in reality. It is important to understand: who imposed this role on the man. If he is, then it’s time to abandon false values ​​and reconsider your life. If someone else, then it is necessary to realize why this was done. In any case, such a dream should be considered as an important warning.

        For a woman, a dream associated with a manicure promises the appearance of a new admirer and associated pleasant emotions and hopes.

        A dream in which a person cleans his nails is different from a dream associated with a manicure, although these actions are similar. If a person sees someone cleaning their nails, this means that in reality one of his acquaintances will move away from him, lose contact without good reason. Cleaning your nails yourself is a sign of establishing personal boundaries. This dream in itself is favorable, advising you to understand in real life who is yours and who is a stranger.

        You want to quickly forget an unpleasant dream in which a person sees the process of pulling out nails, but you need to try to remember whether the person pulled out his own nails or someone else and how necessary it was.

        If a person in a dream tore out his own healthy nails, this means that he soon risks making an irreparable mistake, and while there is still time to think, weigh the pros and cons, so that he does not have to regret it when nothing can be changed. If the torn nails were sick or infected with a fungus, the decision that the person is going to make is correct, although it will bring him pain. Often such dreams are dreamed by people who want to end a long, exhausting love relationship, but the habit of having a partner still persists and his absence in life causes suffering.

        Seeing how someone else pulls out a person’s nails means the appearance of a serious enemy who, out of envy, will deliberately interfere with the implementation of conceived ideas and the implementation of plans. The more painful the sensations in a dream, the more serious damage such an envious person will cause. Having seen a dream with a similar plot, a person urgently needs to think about who from his close circle is capable of betrayal.

        Another extremely unpleasant plot that sometimes appears in dreams is seeing nails, your own or someone else's, in food or feeling them in your mouth. Such a dream indicates that a person has an enemy who is spreading gossip about him. Despite the repulsive details, the dream does not promise serious problems; it advises not to pay attention to gossipers.


        Dreaming about toenails always reveals the essence of business relationships, speaks about a person’s finances and affairs, and in this regard, there are certain details that need to be paid attention to when interpreting dreams.

        Nails that are too long or too short are considered a negative sign. In both cases, they say that there are some difficulties that prevent the matter from moving forward. In the case of excessively long nails, the obstacle lies in the people surrounding the person who had the dream; it is they who, through their inept actions or lack of experience or knowledge, slow down the process. Too short nails symbolize a problem in the person himself, his reluctance to break away from the old and turn to the new. Toenails of medium length in a dream indicate well-being in financial matters, the balance in which a person lives.

        Regarding toenails, three options for their color are important: natural (without varnish), painted in any color, black:

        • Toenails without varnish dream of temporary difficulties in business and affairs. A person needs to pay attention to the progress of the matter; perhaps there are details that he overlooked that are preventing him from moving forward.
        • Colored toenails, even dark shades other than black, promise material profit and success in business.
        • A dream in which black toenails appear is considered a very bad sign. This is the only case in which toenails do not speak about the material side. Having seen such an image, a person urgently needs to pay attention to his life, especially to his health, since the black color in this dream can portend a serious illness, and in some cases indicate death.

        Feeling a nail strike in a dream means difficulties in your financial situation. You need to be prepared that a situation will arise in life that will require an immediate injection of funds. Getting a pedicure in a dream means new ideas and projects that will generate income. If a person currently has problems with money, such a dream promises him a new job or a profitable hobby.

        Seeing or feeling nails being pulled out in a dream means the breakdown of all agreements and plans. Unlike a similar plot in a dream associated with fingernails, in this particular case it has a clearly negative meaning. A person needs to prepare for the fact that everything that was planned will not succeed. Another question is that this may be for the better, but a person will only find out about it later.


        Toenails or fingernails, appearing in dreams, speak about various areas of human life: relationships with others and loved ones, about money and affairs, about health. In this regard, it is necessary to pay close attention to these images, trying to interpret them as thoroughly and in detail as possible.