How to make a health amulet for your child. Video: history of mizuhiki needlework

Amulet for a child in the Slavic tradition - an integral part of our culture. The amulets given to a child not only protect him from harm, but also help to set the mood in his soul, helping the little person to grow up well and well. The traditions of Slavic amulets for children require that a newborn be wrapped in old parental clothes. Amulet for a boy is father's shirt, amulet for a newborn girl- mother's shirt. Children under three years of age were not wearing body amulets, believing that this would interfere with their independent growth. Then there are different rules. Read the details in this article.

Why do you need a talisman for a child? For the same thing as an adult - to develop the body, nurture the soul.

Amulet for a child 0-3 years old

A newborn child first of all needs parental protection, which was provided by the parents' worn clothes (a boy - his father's shirt, a girl - his mother's). Previously, clothes had embroidered protective patterns and their presence created a protective cloud around the child.

Example of a pattern for a newborn

The child’s amulet, of course, was the cradle and the walls of the house themselves. In the room where the cradle was hung, amulets were traditionally placed: on the door - a Kupala wreath, on the altar with images of the Gods - an embroidered towel.

Nowadays it is difficult for a city person to recreate the protective power of his home, but you can get closer by hanging signs next to the cradle or crib (which were traditionally embroidered on protective towels). Charms can be embroidered (on a blanket, or separate panels on the wall, or napkins) or made of wood (birch, spruce, etc.), even painted - on the bed, curtains, on the wall, etc.

An example of a traditional protective sign is “alatyr”, which protected a child from scratch (and throughout his life):

This sign also includes the “Sign of the Family”, which is appropriate from “zero” age and throughout life.

Traditional children's amulets for newborns and beyond:

  • bell - it was believed that the sound of a silver bell (or many of them) drove away evil spirits from the baby;
  • horse - wooden rocking horse (small floor swing);
  • diaper doll - a protective doll that was always placed in the bed of an infant;
  • Sun;
  • bunny

Amulet for a child 3 - 7 years old

From the age of three, the child was already wearing personal amulets. They were made from wood, fabric, silver, and in the north - from bone, horn, and birch bark. There was no special embroidery on clothes. Boys and girls ran around in identical linen shirts, altered from adult clothes. Slavic amulets for children even at this age did not have much difference - up to the age of seven, the amulet for both boys and girls were “Ladins” - signs of almost forgotten veneration of the Goddess Lada (the “alatyr” sign could now move from a wall or embroidered sign to a body sign amulet).

Examples of signs of the Goddess Lada for children from three years old:

Traditionally, “kopoushki” (a kind of small spoons) and “keys” were hung on the belt, and “bells” were sewn onto clothes.

So, traditional children's Slavic amulets of this age:

  • spoon;
  • copushka;
  • beater (rattle);
  • wooden toy;
  • ring;
  • bells;
  • pendants - woven, leather, birch bark, etc. with the signs “Ladinets”, “Molvinets”, “light”, “family”.

Amulet for a child 7 years old - 11/14 years old

After seven years, they began to take a closer look at the child’s abilities and show the girl and boy the basics of “adult” crafts. Accordingly, the amulets were suitable: for boys - anvils, images of tools, for girls - spindles. Images of totem animals were also considered Slavic amulets for children.

For girls, in addition to symbols of family and crafts, wood and plant ornaments served as amulets:

Earth symbols, but different from adults:

And remember that Before initiation, girls did not wear the characteristic decoration for girls and women - the moon.

Amulet for a child after 11/14 years

This age, at which a child reaches puberty, was accompanied by rites of initiation and naming. Thus, during the naming ceremony, the child was given not only a name that connected him with the clan and reflected the qualities of the child’s soul, but also a talisman that he would wear for some time so that the name would “stick.” The ritual was carried out starting from the age when the child could no longer be called a “child” or “child,” but a “youth” (teenager). During the naming ceremony, the child received the Slavic amulet at approximately 11-14 years of age.

The signs on the amulets related to spirits, totems, or Native Gods who patronized this particular family. In this case, we talk about the continuity of generic qualities, character, characteristics and even class.

From this age you can wear “Kolyadnik”, “Rodimich”, “Makosh”, “Kolovrat”, “Yarovik”, “Perun’s Axe”, “Fern Flower”, etc.

What were Slavic amulets for children made of?

Of course, natural materials were used:

  • linen, silk, cotton;
  • threads – linen, silk, cotton;
  • birch bark;
  • metal – silver, bronze;
  • tree;
  • cleaned bone
  • horns.

Fangs and claws were not used for children's amulets.

How to revive amulets for a child

Purification is not required if the item was made by a good person. It is believed that if a master keeps good thoughts in his head and heart all the time, this means that the result of his work will be good and pure. If the amulet was bought in a store from strangers or there are doubts about its purity, then the item should be placed in salt for several days.

To revive the amulet, you must take it in your hand. If adults themselves can mentally or verbally address the amulet, consciously wear it, pay attention, take it out, stroke it, repeat the spell, then small children cannot do this. That’s why parents revive the amulet - mother or father, or grandmother, or grandfather. The conspiracy itself is addressed to higher powers, the Native Gods, asking for protection and amulet for the child.

Slavic amulets for children are placed in the following places:

  • over cribs, cradles, cradles;
  • under the child’s sleeping place;
  • under the pillow, mattress, at the head;
  • let the child play like a toy;
  • put on the body;
  • above the door at the entrance to the bedroom where the baby is, or above the windows;
  • The mother carries it with her when she holds the child in her arms.

When choosing a Slavic amulet for your child, you need to pay attention to certain rules:

  1. Signs and symbols of the fire element do not apply to babies and young children who are not yet 11-14 years old.
  2. It is desirable that fabric amulets be made with red threads when the sign itself is embroidered or woven.
  3. Determine what exactly the amulet will serve for - to cure a disease, give a sound sleep to a child, attract good luck, attract the protection of the patron gods, and more.

The rules for selecting a talisman for a child presupposed basic ideas about the world order - it was believed that children came from the World of Navi and were in an intermediate state until they were seven years old. In the world of Reveal, the child has not yet become sufficiently strengthened or strengthened, therefore he needs protection from the forces of evil and darkness. After seven years, the attitude towards the child changed and was recognized as strengthened and definite. After initiation, a person was recognized as an adult and capable of taking responsibility for his actions.

Slavic amulets for children, as well as magical guardians for pregnant women - this is the topic of this article. What ancient, generation-tested objects of Power exist in Slavic traditions and in the practices of Russian witchcraft? I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will begin the article by explaining how to use Slavic amulets for a newborn child.

Ancient amulets - reliable magical protection for children

The moment a child appears in a family changes the entire way of life, making the man and woman who become parents collected and responsible for a new life. This event affects the life and behavior of all family members, not just young spouses. However, the lion's share of responsibility lies with the mother, since she is the one assigned by nature to take care of the children, their life and health, and protect them from dangers.

In the old days, a pregnant woman expecting the birth of a baby cared not only about physical comfort, but also about magical protection. It was customary in families to create amulets for the birth of a child with their own hands.

It is not surprising that Slavic amulets and talismans for children are so diverse and numerous. For centuries, women, with whom all of us now living are connected by invisible ties, have tried to do everything possible to protect and protect the child from the dangers of the human world and from the influence of evil forces.

The red thread against the evil eye is a well-known Slavic amulet for young children.

There are common Slavic amulets for babies that are still used everywhere today. And here is one of these amulets against the evil eye for a child who has barely been born - a thread.

Protection from the evil eye - red and blue threads

The magical amulet for a baby is simple, but strong with the protective energy of the parents. To make a strong amulet for a child, you need to pull out red and blue threads from the parents’ worn clothes. Weave it together and tie it on the baby's arm. The blue thread symbolizes the father's protection, the red thread symbolizes the mother's care and protection.

Amulet - infant belt

In the old days, belts were not just a haberdashery item. Belts with protective signs printed on them performed protective functions. They were worn by adults; and for babies they were supposed to have their own belts - a red thread prepared in a special way. To make a talisman for a child, the thread was spun and twisted in the direction of the sun, and then the thread was tied around the baby’s body.

Ancient amulets against child illnesses and for a good life

Crib-amulet - the cradle was decorated with skillful carvings, where each symbol had a sacred meaning. So, the cradle itself became the subject of protective magic, a strong amulet for a child against the evil eye and damage. There were also all kinds of children's amulets around. Quite often garlic was hung near the crib. And this plant, as you know, is a reliable protection against the evil eye and against small vampires of the astral plane.

Shirts with protective embroidery - among the Slavs, the custom has become widespread for children under three years of age to wear worn parental shirts with protective magical embroidery. This made a good amulet for the child against the evil eye, because magical symbolism spread its influence over him, and besides this, the baby seemed to be wrapped in the defensive energy of his mother or father, receiving immunity against everything.

A silver spoon is a good talisman for a child, and it is a wonderful tradition to give a newborn baby a silver spoon as a gift for his tooth. A beautiful carved spoon made of noble metal promises poverty and prosperity. It was from a careful spoon that in the old days they began to give complementary foods.

Rowan amulets against evil spirits - you can make a talisman for children with your own hands from two crossed rowan branches, tying them with red thread. Such an amulet, which protects access to evil spirits, is hung. You can even simply hang bunches of rowan trees with leaves, and this tree, which naturally has magic, will protect the child from other people’s spells, ward off black damage, and protect from the evil eye. Mothers made children's beads from rowan berries, and this was also a good do-it-yourself amulet for a child.

Children's amulet of protection with laurel leaves

This plant is also classified as magical, and is capable of fighting the forces of evil. Therefore, it makes sense to place laurel leaves in the corners of the children's room. You can make a children's amulet by placing dry bay leaves in a blue or yellow bag sewn with your own hands. For this purpose, only natural canvas is taken.

The talisman can be given additional strength by decorating the bag with embroidery with Slavic protective symbols. When the bag is full, visualize your baby; Imagine him cheerful, happy, bursting with health, and read the spell - a talisman for small children:

“The power of protection, the power of laurel to help. Whoever carries this laurel bag will forget all the bad things, will be protected from evil, protected from damage. All evil deeds will go away from him, all the evil thoughts of others will go away, the misfortune and misfortune of the baby (name) will not touch him, all sorcerers and evil people will touch him. My child (name) is protected from evil, and is protected from everything that harms. Let it be so".

Keep the bag on which you read the protective prayer for the newborn child in close proximity to it. For example, a charmed amulet can be placed near a pillow or under the mattress of a baby’s crib.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

The magic of talismans for conceiving a child

The situation when a young woman is healthy, but pregnancy does not occur, is quite common. There can be many reasons for this, and in each individual case they are different. The problem of conception has a good solution - a strong talisman for the birth of a child.

If the problem does not go away for a long time, and you cannot conceive, you can help yourself in ways related to Russian. To attract good luck and create favorable circumstances, I recommend buying or make your own amulet for conceiving a child.

A magical item of Power, properly prepared and activated, will help, first of all, to restore the normal flow of energy in a woman’s body. And, of course, such amulets have the characteristics of a protector and guardian. During pregnancy, they protect the health of the expectant mother and the baby who is about to come into this world, making childbirth easier. Your amulet for conceiving a child will accompany you throughout your pregnancy. Transformed into a strong amulet for pregnant women.

Orthodox prayer to the Mother of God - a strong amulet for pregnant women

An effective amulet during pregnancy is Orthodox prayer, turning with faith to the Christian Powers. If you trust the church egregor and expect support from him, read prayers more often - amulets for pregnant women. The text of the prayer can be written on a piece of paper and carried with you.

For those who are already carrying a child under their hearts, the prayer to the Mother of God will provide support and assistance, and for those who are only dreaming of a baby, the prayer amulet will help them become pregnant. This lucky amulet for conceiving a child and during pregnancy should be read daily in front of the icon of the Mother of God and with a lit church candle.

Test of a strong prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary for protection during pregnancy

“Most Holy Theotokos, give me, the servant of God (name of the rivers), hope for the healing of my womb, show me the trembling desire to give birth to a child, give me the strength to hope for such a heavenly gift. Bring me the light of the clear sun in my petition, give me the gift of motherhood so that I can hear mine calling me to you. Hear my cry of petition. I pray to you, Most Holy Theotokos, revive my womb, place a living heart in my womb, bring me a soul that will want to be born in my body for my joy, for the prolongation of my race. I will forever pray to You for Your omnipotence. You can give happiness a face. Turn to me, Most Holy Theotokos, smile at me with the hope of the happiness of motherhood. Do not deny me my hope of becoming a mother. I will praise Your name forever and ever. Amen".

Orthodox prayer can serve amulet for a pregnant girl against the evil eye, to protect the believer from philistine negativity and evil people. They say that this prayer also removes the curse on the birth of children. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will not mislead my readers, and therefore I will not repeat this cliché. If the damage is strong, done by a professionally practicing magician, prayer alone will not be enough to neutralize the curse.

We need strong rituals to remove the damage caused. An integrated approach will be required, because for successful conception, gestation and childbirth, magical rehabilitation of a woman who has been subjected to witchcraft rituals of inducing damage is necessary.

Slavic talisman for conceiving a child - Rozhanitsa doll

The ancient tradition of Slavic witchcraft has its own amulets and amulets for this case. The protective doll Rozhanitsa is incredibly strong. As a rule, such a talisman for a pregnant woman, who wants to conceive, bear and safely give birth to a child, was made with her own hands. Such a doll is made from scraps of natural fabric without the use of piercing or cutting objects.

Under the skirt of the amulet doll for pregnant women, another, small, swaddled one was placed, which symbolized pregnancy, preparing to come into the manifest world of people.

The diaper doll was hidden under the skirt if the tasks of the Rozhanitsa included magical assistance in conception. Sometimes one or two bundles were tied to the doll, the same swaddle dolls, but depicting newborn babies.

  • The woman in labor was done without hands, because the concern of a pregnant woman and one who has just given birth is her own health and the health of the baby, and not at all work.
  • This strong amulet for a pregnant woman is never taken out of the house or given into the wrong hands, so that she does not lose her strength.

To make the doll magical amulet for a pregnant woman, it was necessary to perform witchcraft rituals of white magic with her. So, for example, the figurine was tied with two ribbons or threads of red and blue, where the red thread symbolized the feminine principle, and the blue one symbolized the masculine principle.

To enhance the energy of the Rozhanitsa doll, this amulet for pregnant women against the evil eye and witchcraft can be supplemented with other Slavic magical symbols of protection. In this case, the effectiveness of the amulet increases, and the sphere of influence significantly expands. Here we can already talk not only about the fertility of a young woman, but also about the prosperity of the entire family.

Do not forget that purchased amulets for pregnant women or protectingamulets against the evil eye for children need cleansing. They can be washed in running water, fumigated with incense, or carried over a candle flame several times as the sun moves. If you call upon the Powers of a church egregor, it makes sense to use a church candle. You can clean a protective amulet for a pregnant woman using salt. To do this, you need to immerse the magical item of Power in salt and leave it overnight. After this, the salt cannot be used; it must be thrown away.

It is believed that children, especially those under seven years of age, are very easily susceptible to the evil eye and damage. At this age, the human biofield is not yet protected, which makes them vulnerable. Anyone can have the evil eye: your neighbor, relatives, and even your parents themselves. It happens that a strong emotion, even a positive one, breaks through the child’s weak energy field, and as a result he receives the evil eye.

How to protect your child from negative influences and be sure that not a sidelong glance or a word can harm him? In the old days, special amulets for children came to the rescue. So, what methods of protection against the evil eye and damage did our grandmothers and great-grandmothers use?

Tulle curtain

It is customary to protect infants from prying eyes with the help of a tulle curtain that was hung on the stroller. It is believed that a thin white fabric protects from the evil eye and does not allow negative energy to pass through. The tradition of covering a child in a stroller

Amulet doll

A do-it-yourself amulet doll, made with your own hands, can become a strong protective amulet against negative influences and diseases. In the old days, a protective doll was created by a woman before the birth of a child or in the first months after childbirth. If this amulet was made by the mother, then its effect will be the strongest. A prerequisite is that the doll must be made from scraps of parents’ clothing. This doll should not have a face. A needle and scissors cannot be used in its creation.

Herbal amulet

Herbs are considered another effective remedy against the evil eye and damage for children. Since ancient times, plants and trees have been attributed healing and protective properties. It is known that every tree and plant has a certain energy. To protect the child from the evil eye and damage, rowan berries, thistles, acorns, garlic, bay leaves and hawthorn were used. Twigs or dried leaves of the plant were placed in a bag. This bag was placed either under the baby’s pillow or under the crib.


One of the most powerful amulets for children is considered to be a toy that their mother or father played with as a child. Such inheritance of a toy strengthens the energy connection of the child with the family and, in particular, with the parents. This means that the energy of mom and dad will always guard the baby’s peace and health.

Red threads

Another ancient amulet that our ancestors used to protect children from the evil eye and damage is three red woolen threads tied around the baby’s hand. The red thread on the wrist was considered the strongest amulet at all times. Many people wear this talisman to this day. For children, they use triple protection, so they tie not just one thread, but three.

To strengthen the amulets, it is recommended to read spells or prayers on them. You can choose any amulet. Its action and effectiveness will depend on your faith in it, love and desire to protect the child. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

19.02.2015 09:17

Today, almost every person has enemies and envious people. You won't be good to everyone, but...

Amulet for a child in the Slavic tradition - an integral part of our culture. The amulets given to a child not only protect him from harm, but also help to set the mood in his soul, helping the little person to grow up well and well. The traditions of Slavic amulets for children require that a newborn be wrapped in old parental clothes. Amulet for a boy is father's shirt, amulet for a newborn girl- mother's shirt. Children under three years of age were not wearing body amulets, believing that this would interfere with their independent growth. Then there are different rules. Read the details in this article.

Why do you need a talisman for a child? For the same thing as an adult - to develop the body, nurture the soul.

Amulet for a child 0-3 years old

A newborn child first of all needs parental protection, which was provided by the parents' worn clothes (a boy - his father's shirt, a girl - his mother's). Previously, clothes had embroidered protective patterns and their presence created a protective cloud around the child.

Example of a pattern for a newborn

The child’s amulet, of course, was the cradle and the walls of the house themselves. In the room where the cradle was hung, amulets were traditionally placed: on the door - a Kupala wreath, on the altar with images of the Gods - an embroidered towel.

Nowadays it is difficult for a city person to recreate the protective power of his home, but you can get closer by hanging signs next to the cradle or crib (which were traditionally embroidered on protective towels). Charms can be embroidered (on a blanket, or separate panels on the wall, or napkins) or made of wood (birch, spruce, etc.), even painted - on the bed, curtains, on the wall, etc.

An example of a traditional protective sign is “alatyr”, which protected a child from scratch (and throughout his life):

This sign also includes the “Sign of the Family”, which is appropriate from “zero” age and throughout life.

Traditional children's amulets for newborns and beyond:

  • bell - it was believed that the sound of a silver bell (or many of them) drove away evil spirits from the baby;
  • horse - wooden rocking horse (small floor swing);
  • diaper doll - a protective doll that was always placed in the bed of an infant;
  • Sun;
  • bunny

Amulet for a child 3 - 7 years old

From the age of three, the child was already wearing personal amulets. They were made from wood, fabric, silver, and in the north - from bone, horn, and birch bark. There was no special embroidery on clothes. Boys and girls ran around in identical linen shirts, altered from adult clothes. Slavic amulets for children even at this age did not have much difference - up to the age of seven, the amulet for both boys and girls were “Ladins” - signs of almost forgotten veneration of the Goddess Lada (the “alatyr” sign could now move from a wall or embroidered sign to a body sign amulet).

Examples of signs of the Goddess Lada for children from three years old:

Traditionally, “kopoushki” (a kind of small spoons) and “keys” were hung on the belt, and “bells” were sewn onto clothes.

So, traditional children's Slavic amulets of this age:

  • spoon;
  • copushka;
  • beater (rattle);
  • wooden toy;
  • ring;
  • bells;
  • pendants - woven, leather, birch bark, etc. with the signs “Ladinets”, “Molvinets”, “light”, “family”.

Amulet for a child 7 years old - 11/14 years old

After seven years, they began to take a closer look at the child’s abilities and show the girl and boy the basics of “adult” crafts. Accordingly, the amulets were suitable: for boys - anvils, images of tools, for girls - spindles. Images of totem animals were also considered Slavic amulets for children.

For girls, in addition to symbols of family and crafts, wood and plant ornaments served as amulets:

Earth symbols, but different from adults:

And remember that Before initiation, girls did not wear the characteristic decoration for girls and women - the moon.

Amulet for a child after 11/14 years

This age, at which a child reaches puberty, was accompanied by rites of initiation and naming. Thus, during the naming ceremony, the child was given not only a name that connected him with the clan and reflected the qualities of the child’s soul, but also a talisman that he would wear for some time so that the name would “stick.” The ritual was carried out starting from the age when the child could no longer be called a “child” or “child,” but a “youth” (teenager). During the naming ceremony, the child received the Slavic amulet at approximately 11-14 years of age.

The signs on the amulets related to spirits, totems, or Native Gods who patronized this particular family. In this case, we talk about the continuity of generic qualities, character, characteristics and even class.

From this age you can wear “Kolyadnik”, “Rodimich”, “Makosh”, “Kolovrat”, “Yarovik”, “Perun’s Axe”, “Fern Flower”, etc.

What were Slavic amulets for children made of?

Of course, natural materials were used:

  • linen, silk, cotton;
  • threads – linen, silk, cotton;
  • birch bark;
  • metal – silver, bronze;
  • tree;
  • cleaned bone
  • horns.

Fangs and claws were not used for children's amulets.

How to revive amulets for a child

Purification is not required if the item was made by a good person. It is believed that if a master keeps good thoughts in his head and heart all the time, this means that the result of his work will be good and pure. If the amulet was bought in a store from strangers or there are doubts about its purity, then the item should be placed in salt for several days.

To revive the amulet, you must take it in your hand. If adults themselves can mentally or verbally address the amulet, consciously wear it, pay attention, take it out, stroke it, repeat the spell, then small children cannot do this. That’s why parents revive the amulet - mother or father, or grandmother, or grandfather. The conspiracy itself is addressed to higher powers, the Native Gods, asking for protection and amulet for the child.

Slavic amulets for children are placed in the following places:

  • over cribs, cradles, cradles;
  • under the child’s sleeping place;
  • under the pillow, mattress, at the head;
  • let the child play like a toy;
  • put on the body;
  • above the door at the entrance to the bedroom where the baby is, or above the windows;
  • The mother carries it with her when she holds the child in her arms.

When choosing a Slavic amulet for your child, you need to pay attention to certain rules:

  1. Signs and symbols of the fire element do not apply to babies and young children who are not yet 11-14 years old.
  2. It is desirable that fabric amulets be made with red threads when the sign itself is embroidered or woven.
  3. Determine what exactly the amulet will serve for - to cure a disease, give a sound sleep to a child, attract good luck, attract the protection of the patron gods, and more.

The rules for selecting a talisman for a child presupposed basic ideas about the world order - it was believed that children came from the World of Navi and were in an intermediate state until they were seven years old. In the world of Reveal, the child has not yet become sufficiently strengthened or strengthened, therefore he needs protection from the forces of evil and darkness. After seven years, the attitude towards the child changed and was recognized as strengthened and definite. After initiation, a person was recognized as an adult and capable of taking responsibility for his actions.

How to properly make a talisman for children? How can he protect your children? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. Do you know that every mother wants to save her child from troubles and troubles? And amulets can help in this matter.

Why do you need a talisman?

Who should make a talisman for children? Children tolerate negative influences much worse than adults. It is much easier to jinx them, and sometimes it is almost impossible to eliminate such influence. To prevent such a nuisance from happening, our ancestors made special amulets for children.

It is best for the baby’s mother to create such a trinket. After all, there is a powerful connection between these people. That is why the protection of such a talisman will be strong and effective. It is known that no one wants to protect a baby as much as his mother. If for some reason she could not make such a thing, the child’s grandmother took on this responsibility.

A talisman for children can be made from different raw materials. Sometimes the process is accompanied by conspiracies. It is advisable to make such items yourself, but you can also purchase them. If you don’t have time for needlework, the amulet you bought at the store needs to be cleaned and charged.


Do you know that you can make a talisman for children from a pin? Pins are the simplest, most common and ancient amulets that protect their owner from envy and the evil eye. These days they are used quite often. The pin must first be spoken and then pinned to the inside of the baby’s clothes. There is no need to change it, and you should not wash it with your clothes.

So, you remember how to pin a child. The spell must be repeated if you change it to another item of your daughter or son’s wardrobe. The text of the conspiracy is as follows: “A sharp pin will send away all evil, pierce it, drive away everything evil, bad, and dashing from (name)! Sharp pin, protect (name) every minute and every day! Take care everywhere and always! Let it be so! Let it be so! Let it be so!"

There are many different opinions about how to properly attach a pin. Some say that our ancestors pinned it with the head down, others - with the point down, so that a bad tongue would be pricked, or up, to hurt an evil eye.

This amulet for a newborn baby is impractical. For infants, pins are not attached to clothing to avoid injury. But such an amulet can be placed near the head of the crib and stroller, in the safest place for the baby.

Red thread

The red thread can protect every child from the evil eye, envy and damage. Many people know that the red cabalistic thread is a powerful protective tool, which is very popular among Western celebrities.

In order to make this amulet for your baby yourself, you need to purchase such a thread, preferably natural. Tie seven knots on your hand and read the plot. You can tie three such amulets on your hand. As a rule, this should be done by mother or grandmother. To create a real amulet, you need to read the following lines: “I will tie a thread on my wrist, I will tie protection to (name)! Protection will drive away envy and anger, drive away all troubles! Let no one wish evil to (name), let no one interfere with his life! Let joy come into (name)’s life, let happiness enter every day! No one can interrupt this will! So be it!”

The red thread can protect both a small child and a teenager from the evil eye. You can make a bracelet from it in advance and give it to your child if you don’t want to read the plot in his presence.

DIY toy

The doll is a magnificent amulet for a child. In ancient times, our ancestors made motanka dolls, which not only served as entertainment for children, but also served as a protective amulet. The baby will play with his favorite doll, talk, and even sleep with her in his crib. He will believe that she will protect him from any evil.

Previously, at a wedding, an adult relative or midwife would place a “swaddle” doll on the bride’s lap. This amulet was supposed to protect the child even before conception. It was believed that if evil spirits see a “swaddled baby,” they will move into it instead of a real child. This doll “warmed” his bed even before the baby was born. And the “kuvadka” doll even took part in childbirth. When a woman gave birth in a bathhouse, the child’s father imitated childbirth in the waiting room, and the doll diverted dark forces from the real baby. “Kuvadki” were burned after childbirth. If such a ritual was not carried out, the doll served as a bright toy for the child.

In general, there are many types of motanka dolls. It is best to do them yourself. But even the most ordinary soft toy, sewn by mother, can be a magnificent amulet against evil forces. You need to remember that the baby must like her so that he is not separated from her.

You can buy a new toy, but only when the moon is waxing. The seller should not cause negative emotions. It is necessary that this little thing carries some information from you. Spray it with perfume or decorate it with your jewelry.

As a rule, conspiracies are read for such protective amulets for children. They can not only be spoken out loud, but also written on paper, which then needs to be hidden inside the toy.

Rowan amulet

What is a rowan amulet for a child? Rowan can protect a person from the negative influence of other people and evil spells. This tree is loved for its decorative, magical and healing properties. In ancient times, village people made beads or amulets from rowan berries. They were worn for a whole year until new ripe berries appeared, and then the old amulets were burned or buried. People protected livestock with a rowan cross, which they hung on the animal’s neck.

Very often, rowan leaves and branches are also used for protective purposes. There are many options for creating amulets for a baby from this tree. For example, you can make an equilateral cross from its branches. In this case, its two crossbars need to be tied with red thread. This amulet is usually hung over a baby's cradle.

Rowan is an excellent amulet for children against illnesses. The berries and leaves of this tree can be placed under the bed and changed occasionally. At the same time, they do not throw away the old rowan, but thank them and burn them on the street.

Stones amulets

Do you know that there are also amulets stones for children? These minerals contain a lot of feminine Yin energy, which strengthens and calms the child's aura. It is known that the mother is the main source of protection for the baby.


Amber contains both feminine and masculine energies. The solar nature of this stone actively protects the baby, fills it, strengthens it. This mineral is associated with the plant sphere (amber is the resin of a coniferous tree), so it contains sufficient Yin feminine energy. Amber improves baby's sleep, brings joy and peace.

This amulet perfectly protects children from unkind glances, anger, and envious thoughts. Lithotherapists advise monitoring the color change of this stone during wear. If it gets dark, experts recommend looking for someone in the child’s environment who has a negative attitude towards him. If amber becomes brighter, it means that the baby’s energy and physical health are strengthened thanks to its influence.

In Rus', pregnant women wore protective amber jewelry. People believed that the stone would help give birth easily and painlessly. After the baby was born, a piece of this mineral was placed in his bed. Thus, amber can still be used today. You just need to make sure that the child does not swallow the stone or get hurt by it. This is one of the few minerals that is excellent at protecting newborns.


Like amber, it protects babies from evil spirits from the first days of life. It harmonizes the baby’s energy that has just begun to form. It is a mineral of stability and purity. It helps the baby develop naturally, without imposing his own programs on him and revealing the child’s natural talents. Rock crystal protects children from nightmares and has a positive effect on their sleep.

For teenagers, rock crystal helps cope with hyperactivity and outbursts of irritability. It improves intellectual abilities and teaches you to concentrate. Therefore, it is recommended to wear it for those who are just starting to learn. With its help, children become more peaceful and restrained.


Amethyst has the same calming effect as rock crystal, but has several important differences. Rock crystal cleanses, relaxes, teaches concentration, and amethyst makes the child more observant, awakens his thirst for knowledge, and helps him grow up. This mineral is associated with supernatural forces and is considered one of the most mysterious. Amethyst has very soft energy, so it is recommended for young children. It has long been worn as a talisman against human anger and evil magic. He attracts the patronage of higher powers to the children.

Amethyst is a stone of knowledge. A child who has this talisman becomes more inquisitive. He develops his own hobbies and begins to think about his future profession. This mineral also harmonizes children’s relationships with others, friends, and classmates. It helps to cope with aggressiveness, touchiness and teaches kids to defend their interests. Amethyst is suitable for both girls and boys.


The dominant element of aquamarine is Water. That is why it is indispensable in solving a child’s emotional problems. Aquamarine is recommended for children suffering from tearfulness, hysteria, and frequent mood swings. It calms and at the same time teaches children to express their emotions in acceptable ways. This mineral can awaken a love of creativity.

Aquamarine makes a child more open to peers and parents. It helps him become more responsive to affection, warm and sensitive. Aquamarine inspires kids to make new friends and promotes their sociability.

This stone protects children from emotional abuse from friends, family members, teachers and others. It will strengthen the child’s immunity if he is often sick due to his sensitivity to low temperatures. In the Middle Ages, aquamarine was a talisman for sailors. And today it is used to heal the fear of water. It will be very useful for a child suffering from such problems.


Malachite is the mineral of self-confident and strong women. It is such a mother who can nurture a well-rounded son or daughter. It should be used when the mother is very tired, does not pay enough attention to the baby, and he feels abandoned. Like other “feminine” stones, malachite has a relaxing effect. But it is better not to leave it with the child at night, since, despite the calming effect, this stone is very active.

Malachite is recommended for shy kids, whom adults have to constantly support. He helps them believe in themselves and eliminates their complexes. Malachite is especially good for girls, but boys can also wear it if they have an easy-going, gentle character. This mineral can be used by children who are three years old. For infants, its effects may be too severe.

How to wear amulets stones?

If you want to use the stone to strengthen the energy and protect the baby, sew a bag for it. Then put a stone in it and hide this amulet in the crib. It can also be attached to the stroller in which the baby walks. As a result, the baby will be protected from possible negative influences from strangers.

Small jewelry is suitable for teenagers. Minerals that have a calming effect, such as rock crystal, should be worn closer to the head. A boy can wear a stone on a chain or string, and a girl can wear earrings. You can buy an amulet bracelet for your child. If he doesn't want to wear jewelry, use a pin to attach a small mineral to the inside of his clothing.

Warn your child not to give the stone to other children, as it will be difficult for the mineral to “tune in” to the energy of the owner. Amethyst and malachite have a powerful effect, so it is better to remove them at night. Place minerals such as amber and rock crystal under your baby’s pillow - he will sleep great.