How to find out an unpaid administrative fine from the police. Where to view fines for administrative violations

The rest of the fines and types of punishments of this type fall on other areas of Russian life. Administrative responsibility in Russia is exercised by representative offices of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD). The basic claimants in this regard are:

  • bodies of the State Road Safety Inspectorate (STSI);
  • police;
  • investigative committee;
  • tax authorities.

Today there are not so many types of punishments for administrative violations. The main ones are rightfully considered:

  1. warnings;
  2. fines;
  3. confiscation of the subject of the violation;
  4. deprivation of special rights available to the offender in relation to which the offense was committed;
  5. administrative arrest;
  6. administrative expulsion from Russia;
  7. disqualification;
  8. suspension from activity for a certain period;
  9. compulsory work;
  10. administrative prohibitions of a different nature (for example, regarding visiting specific places).

Most often, in approximately 90% of all cases where administrative liability is imposed on citizens, penalties are applied in the form of punishment.

Conventionally, such fines can be subdivided based on violations of traffic rules, improper conduct of professional activities and violations in other areas of law.

Perhaps the presented basis on administrative responsibility in the Russian Federation is enough to understand its general essence. If you want to learn about it in more detail, any reader of our resource should turn to the study of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, and now let’s move on to a detailed consideration of administrative fines.

Amounts of penalties for administrative violations

Sometimes people don't even realize they have unpaid fines

Many people who have been subject to administrative liability are often interested in the severity of the fines imposed on them. Note that for most types of offenses the amount of penalties is fixed and is indicated in the relevant articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

For a smaller segment of violations, the fine is determined by the government agencies authorized in this regard and their representatives; the law for such violations specifies only the minimum and maximum thresholds of size.

Despite the relative uncertainty in terms of the size of administrative fines, the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation determines the minimum and maximum amounts for different violators. Regardless of the status of the latter, the minimum collection threshold is always at the level of 100 rubles.

The maximum dimension varies for different offenders, for example:

  • for ordinary citizens, the maximum for administrative fines is 5,000 rubles;
  • for legal entities – 1,000,000 rubles;
  • for officials - 50,000 rubles.

The amount of the penalty imposed for an administrative violation is always reflected in the decree issued to the violator. All representative offices of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and their employees are authorized to issue this document when a fact is identified.

In any case, the form of the resolution is standard and necessarily requires an indication of the amount of the fine. If desired, the offender can appeal the verdict regarding his situation, but in most cases this does not give anything and does not make much sense.

Taking this into account, it is much easier to simply pay the fine on time, especially in the absence of compelling reasons and facts to suggest a violation of the rights and freedoms of the offender in terms of issuing a decision in his name.

Checking the presence and determining the amount of penalties

Taxes must be paid on time!

Administrative fines on the territory of the Russian Federation must be paid within 60 days after the relevant decision is issued or the violator receives one.

Having overstayed the 2-month period, the person who previously violated administrative legislation undertakes to pay double the amount of the fine, but not less than 1,000 rubles.

Willful defaulters may also be subject to measures of administrative arrest or compulsory work. In addition, if there are unpaid administrative fines, no citizen will be able to leave the country, therefore, if you want to go abroad, you should make sure that there are no penalties in question.

Most citizens who have committed an administrative offense receive a corresponding resolution and can use it to collect information about:

  • dimensions of the imposed penalty;
  • the fact of the violation itself;
  • required deadlines for payment of the sanction.

But what to do if the resolution is lost, and there are grounds to believe that administrative penalties have not been paid? Naturally, look for the necessary information in alternative sources, since it is impossible to treat unpaid fines with disdain.

Today you can find out about your administrative fines in many ways, which are divided into online methods of searching for the necessary data and contacting specialized authorities. Below we will consider each possible option in more detail. Let's start by searching for information about fines via the Internet.

Online methods

The fine must be paid within 60 days

In the period of global informatization, the opportunity to find out the presence of fines in your name through the World Wide Web does not cause any surprise. The basic source of such information is the Gosuslugi portal, already known to all Russians.

In addition to this site, information about administrative violations is also reflected:

  1. on the pages of the Ministry of Internal Affairs resources (websites of the traffic police, local police departments, etc.);
  2. on the bailiffs portal (if the fine is overdue);
  3. on the tax service website.

In general, the procedure for searching for information of interest is not complicated. In order to find out your administrative fines you will need:

  • Enter a query in a search engine regarding one of the resources noted above, for example, “public services portal.”
  • Follow the first link found.
  • Understand the interface of the open portal (as a rule, this happens on an intuitive level) and register on it.
  • Please note that when registering, it is important to enter only reliable information about the identity of the person in whose name administrative penalties will be applied. As a rule, for registration you will need a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and SNILS (less often other documents).

After registration, all that remains is to find the tab of interest on the site, click on it and request the necessary data. So, on the State Services website, the search for the necessary information is carried out through the sections:

  1. Traffic police fines;
  2. Information by departments.

It’s not difficult to figure out how to search for data, since all government portals are well thought out and easy to use. You can read more about each of them and their use in other articles on our resource.

Note! On most websites of government agencies - from State Service to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate portal, it is possible not only to check the presence of administrative penalties, but also to pay them off online. If you wish, no one forbids you to take advantage of this opportunity, remember this.

Search for fines in real time

You can pay an administrative fine online

In the event that you are “not getting along” with the Internet or computer, you will have to spend time visiting government agencies to check your administrative fines. In this regard, government agencies such as:

  • traffic police;
  • police departments;
  • tax service;
  • mail;
  • multifunctional centers.

To obtain the information you are interested in, it is enough to personally visit one of the designated government agencies, provide its employees with your passport and request the necessary data.

As a rule, within a few minutes the corresponding printout is issued or citizens are told orally about the presence of any outstanding penalties. Of course, in terms of standing in queues, this option of searching for information is not convenient, but if there are no other opportunities to find out about your administrative fines, then you will have to endure such inconveniences.

With this, perhaps, the most important information on the topic of today’s article has come to an end. We hope the above material was useful to you and provided answers to your questions. Good luck to you in all your endeavors!

A short video will teach you how to independently check fines, tax and bailiffs:

Any monetary obligation arises in financial relationships with banks, government agencies and other organizations. If the debt taken is not returned or a citizen of the Russian Federation violates the law, where the punishment is the imposition of a fine, a debt automatically arises for its payment.

For any administrative penalty, there is a deadline for its payment, be it an unpaid loan or a traffic violation; if the invoice is not paid, a debt is formed, which includes a number of additional penalties and interest charges, which increase daily within the framework of the concluded agreement and the law. This is a type of punishment expressed in monetary terms.

Also, such monetary penalties can be expressed in the form of a fine, administrative punishment or enforcement proceedings.

In what cases is debt formed?

Fines are, first of all, the main deductions that go to the state treasury, but they are also an excellent motivation for people who like to flout the law. This is a monetary penalty that arises in the event of failure to fulfill one’s obligations, generally accepted rules and other norms provided for by an individual agreement.

Debt may arise in the following cases:

  • non-compliance with traffic rules;
  • late payment of interest on loans;
  • violation of internal regulations at the workplace;
  • causing damage to property;
  • moral injury;
  • causing bodily harm.

After each type of violation, a corresponding requirement to pay the accrued fine is issued, and if this does not happen, then after a certain time a debt is formed. Bailiffs begin to deal with such “neglected” cases, whose powers include the possibility of seizing the accounts of debtors and their property in order to collect the amount due and established by law.

However, as a rule, they are formed automatically, thanks to the use of various programs, systems and equipment. However, nothing is perfect and everything requires personal verification.

Ways to clarify debt on traffic police fines by last name

The best thing to do is to immediately register on government portals such as or It is enough to know your TIN or driver's license number. However, after completing a simple registration and receiving your personal data, you can quickly go to the site and automatically view your violations before the law.

The main resources containing information about them include:

  • official portals of the traffic police, tax and judicial services;
  • automatic connection notification via SMS messages;
  • regional services;
  • personal visit to the Traffic Police Department.

If a person has a different place of registration and actual residence, then it is necessary to regularly inquire about the existence of debt, since letters from regulatory authorities may not reach the addressee, but this will not relieve him of liability.

How to find out the administrative fine of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by last name

Thanks to the variety of information resources, you can find out by your last name your existing debt for fines and other administrative violations. This can be done through the FSSP website -

It is impossible to find out the debt on traffic police fines by last name alone. The right service will definitely request data from the driver’s license and the car’s technical passport, which is used to determine all the information about the owner of the car.

After a certain fine is issued, 60 days are given to pay it, and if the debtor does not meet this deadline, the case is transferred to the bailiffs. These control services will already be engaged in forced collection. This database contains information about cases that have overdue payment terms and actual debt.

How to find out debt by last name through the FSSP

After an administrative offense has been issued, the rights to collect are transferred to the bailiffs. The FSSP officer initiates enforcement proceedings. This document contains information about the personal data of the debtor, the fact of the existing delay and the deadline for its payment. Moreover, if the obligations under the writ of execution are not fulfilled within seven days, the debtor will have to pay another 7% of the debt amount.

To check the presence of debt and open legal proceedings, just go to the FSSP website to the section “Database of enforcement proceedings”. On the page that opens, you must enter your full name, region of registration and date of birth. The window that appears will contain information about all debts, the number of enforcement proceedings and articles of violations. You can also make payments online and the funds will be used to pay off the debt.

However, if the debtor refuses to pay his obligations, then the powers of the bailiff include the right to seize property, salary accounts, and in more serious cases, the person is subject to administrative punishment by arrest for 15 days.

It is better to periodically review the bailiff database so as not to spoil your vacation that you want to spend abroad.

If there is a serious debt, customs control may require you to pay off your debts or even deliver. Also, such information is useful when choosing a counterparty or business partner, who can be checked for debts in this way.

Debt repayment rules

Before you pay your bills, it's important to make sure you have any debt. This can be done through information resources and personal contact with the services that issued a specific fine. It doesn’t matter at all whether it’s a debt from the traffic police, the bailiff service or an administrative fine, Each document must contain a payment receipt indicating the details for depositing funds.

  • The traffic police fine is paid within 40 days from the date of the decision on traffic violation. If the deadlines are violated, you will have to pay double the amount or serve your sentence by arrest for 15 days.
  • An administrative fine can be paid at any bank, including in your personal account. An automatic payment service is available, all incoming fines are notified via SMS.
  • The writ of execution from the bailiffs also contains information about the current account where you can transfer the amount of the resulting debt. It is also paid directly through the executor or according to a payment notification from those services that sent the case for collection through the FSSP.

If a person disagrees with the decision made to pay a fine, he can appeal it in court within 10 days from the date of receipt of the relevant notification. At each traffic police department you can get a printout of all available fines, making sure they are available. If you use online resources, you need to register only on well-known portals so as not to transfer money to the account of scammers.

In addition to the bank branch, you can pay all fines at an ATM. To do this, use your bank card and select the “Repayment of traffic police fines” section. Using the fine identification number, which is entered upon request, funds are debited to the required account. It is important to make copies of receipts and keep them for at least three years.

How to avoid falling for scammers

No one is immune from traffic violations, and in most cases, such situations arise not at all consciously, for example, due to inattention or ignorance of the city. Before agreeing to issue a monetary penalty, you need to make sure that the traffic police officer is exactly who he says he is and has permission to patrol this particular section of the road.

When a person receives a fine in the form of a written notice, with a photo and explanation, they should also contact the department in person to confirm the violation.

You also need to know that not all types of traffic violations fall into a single database. It is better to check the actual presence of a violation at the traffic police department after two weeks before rushing to pay for it.

It is enough to regularly visit information portals of government services, as well as view them in order to find out about your debt in time. This will allow timely attempts to appeal illegally assigned administrative penalties, reduce them or write them off.

Timely payment of violations will avoid their doubling, administrative arrest and payment of additional fees to the FSSP.

In many cases, punishment can be avoided if you comply with the speed limit and install a radar detector in your car, which can notify the driver in advance about the presence of speed cameras. If this does happen, then it is better not to delay payment. It is worth checking your data, filling out the payment notice correctly and paying according to your obligations.

Car owners who have been fined should know how to check traffic police fines by name and where the database of fines for violators is located. Why is this necessary? Every road user should know that if traffic rules are violated, the driver will be issued a traffic ticket, which must be paid no later than 60 days.

If payment is not made properly, the penalties for this will be as follows:

  • if the amount is not repaid, after the expiration of the allotted period for its repayment, the case will be transferred to the bailiff department, and enforcement proceedings will be initiated against the debtor;
  • if the amount exceeds 10 thousand rubles, then the driver may receive a ban on traveling outside Russia;
  • the amount of fines can be doubled.
In addition, car owners may end up in a traffic camera if they violate traffic rules. At the same time, the driver himself may not suspect that he has committed an offense, but he will already be included in the traffic police database.

In any of the cases in which an offense was registered, it is necessary to check the traffic police fines by last name, first name, patronymic and other details yourself, otherwise at the most inopportune moment you may end up on the list of debtors.

Also, to check traffic police fines by name, you can contact the traffic police department itself directly to check with a representative of the inspectorate for information about existing debts. To do this, you will need data from your driver's license and passport.

The caveat of this method is that it will take a lot of time. Today there are quite a lot of free services where any car owner can check their traffic police fines by name and other details.

Is it possible to check fines by last name on the official website of the traffic police?

On the official website of the traffic police, you can see a lot of useful and relevant information, which is constantly updated. Their portal is not just an information portal, but also an official source of data, according to which every car owner has the right to check for free the data on the presence or absence of offenses.

You can also watch a video review of step-by-step instructions for checking fines on the traffic police website

Important: to find out the required data on the traffic police resource, initials will not be enough. You should prepare a vehicle registration certificate and its license plate.

At the legislative level, the issue of simplifying the procedure and introducing the ability to search only by last name has been discussed for a long time. As a result, it was decided to abandon such simplifications. This decision was made on the basis that in Russia there are quite a lot of people with more than just the same initials. Therefore, to identify and uniqueize each user, it was decided to enter additional details during the search.

In order to check traffic police fines, you must first go to the official website. In the window that opens, you can see the latest news in the center of the window and the main menu located in the left column and at the top.

Information of interest on finding violations is located in the tab at the top of the Services window. We hover the mouse cursor over it and a menu opens.

In the first field, enter the complete license plate number. In the second, enter the series and number of the certificate, which are located at the very bottom of the document

Please note: there are many scam portals on the Internet. If you are asked to enter mobile phone numbers, bank details or disable a service, know that this is being done by criminals. By law, information on traffic violations is publicly available and does not require a fee.

Do I need a decree number or a car number?

As noted above, to check the information on the official traffic police portal, the last name will not be enough. Any Internet service that provides this service or mobile application will always require you to enter extended information on the details of the car and title.

However, this applies to services that are provided remotely. You can check which fines were issued without other details about the car when you visit the road inspection department. All an employee may need is to know their last name and initials, passport details or driver’s license number. Another option to find out information about violations is to call the traffic police department and clarify the information of interest from the operator.

Find out fines on the bailiffs website

There is an exception, in the form of an Internet resource, where you can find out about your debts, both to creditors and to government agencies, without additional details. Such as a driver's license number or passport data. This is the bailiffs portal.

After the commission of an offense and its recording, a decision is made to hold the offender accountable in the form of a sum of money in the amount established by law. After this, the information is submitted to the control of employees of the bailiff service, which monitors the execution of these decisions and, in the absence of payment, collects it forcibly.

All information on debts is stored in their database. Access to it is open and if you have a surname and initials, as well as passport data, a person can check whether he has debts for offenses.

This is one of the easiest options for unpaid fines online and by name. It should be remembered that there are many namesakes and when you enter only the last name, the database will provide the entire list of debtors listed under these initials. For a more efficient search, it is better to fill out all fields for details.

In order to test yourself, you first need to go to the official portal of the service. When you open it, you immediately get to the main page where there is already a subheading, learn about your debts.

To filter out unnecessary similar results for a query, use the advanced search, which is marked in the figure with a red frame

In the menu that opens, enter:

  • last name;
  • surname;
  • full date of birth;
  • the region in which you live, for example, Kemerovo, Sverdlovsk region or Altai region.

Next, click find and wait for the data processing to complete. At this time, the system may require you to enter the code from the picture. This is aimed at protecting against hacker attacks. In the list generated upon request, you can see the debt and the date it was incurred. The resource also provides a pay function. If you have a bank card or e-wallet, then payment can be made in a couple of minutes.

You can also watch a video review of step-by-step instructions for checking fines on the bailiffs website

What other ways to check traffic police fines exist?

In addition to the methods listed above, car owners can track the presence of debts in other systems. The second resource in demand, after the road inspection website, is the government servants portal.

The portal is quite multifaceted and aims to combine all the services that the state can provide via the Internet in one place. Through it you can perform the following actions:

  • submit an application for marriage registration;
  • prepare documents for obtaining a foreign passport;
  • find out about violations in the traffic police;
  • enroll children in kindergarten;
  • find out tax debts;
  • get medical help.

The listed services are considered the most popular among the population. In total, there are more than a hundred services, which can be found in the catalog on the main page.

Advice: before you start using the site, be sure to register in your personal account. The procedure is not long and takes no more than 10 minutes. In the registration fields you must indicate your mobile phone number, full name, and passport details. After confirmation of registration, access to all available services on the site will be open.

To obtain data on violations, select the service catalog tab.

In the directory that appears, select the transport and driving section, then the traffic police fines line.

The system will now provide several lines for entering data. They will need to indicate the same details that were used when searching on the road inspection portal.

The system will conduct a search and produce a list in which all offenses listed according to the entered details will be listed. Also, on the site it is possible to immediately pay the resulting debt using a bank card or e-wallet.

You can also watch a video review of step-by-step instructions for checking fines on the government services website

Search through Sberbank ATMs

Another popular way to check unpaid fines and pay them is to search through Sberbank ATMs. Their menus already have a built-in function to search for the information the user needs. You just need to take one nuance into account. Payment is made only according to the barcode of the receipt received when drawing up the offense. Without it, it will be impossible to pay off the debt.

To start the search, insert your bank card and enter your password. The main menu will open, where you should select the payments tab in your region.

After this, present the barcode to the data reader. As soon as the document is scanned, information about the amount and other details will be displayed on the screen. Select the pay option and insert the money into the bill acceptor.

Many large banks offer users to install virtual personal accounts on their mobile devices. Where you can control your account and make payments. They also have a violation payment service.

Owners of wallets in the Yandex service can check traffic police fines online by last name. The service has the same functions as bank terminals and is great for paying debts and making purchases via the Internet. For ease of use, you can link a bank card to the virtual wallet.

To check your debt, go to the goods and services tab. In the menu that opens, select fines. A window will open with fields to fill out.

Fill in all the required details and click pay.

As for mobile applications for checking crime, you should be careful about installing them on your device. Nowadays, the service of checking traffic police fines by last name is quite common, and cases have become more frequent when hackers introduce malicious codes into such programs that can steal personal information or even leave the owner without money on a bank card. Before installing, always read reviews about this product and check it for viruses.

Administrative penalty. How to find out debt by last name on the Internet. How not to become “restricted to travel.” Types of penalties, payment terms. If you are going on vacation outside the Russian Federation, then it would be a good idea to check whether you have any outstanding administrative fines.

What is an administrative fine? This is a punishment of a citizen for a committed administrative offense, expressed in monetary form.

The amount of each penalty for unlawful acts committed is different. Administrative fines, find out the debt according to which by last name there are a lot of citizens today. Just go to the relevant sites.

There are two types of penalties:

  • the amount of money varies “from” and “to”, the amount of the fine is determined by representatives of regulatory organizations;
  • a specific fine amount that is clearly established and unchangeable (for example, for drinking alcohol in public places or traveling without a ticket in public transport).

Payment amount a administrative fines, find out the debt by which you can by last name for individuals it starts from one hundred rubles and ends with five thousand. Their value directly depends on the severity of the offense committed. Legal entities or officials are subject to more severe penalties, the amount in these cases is much higher.

Payment deadlines and what happens in case of non-payment of debt

In our country, the deadline for voluntary payment of such penalties is up to two calendar months after it was imposed on the citizen.

If payment has not been made within 60 days, then all documents on the outstanding debt are given to the bailiffs. A protocol on non-payment is drawn up administrative fine, find out the debt by which you can by last name.

In this case, you risk being forced to undergo community service (about 50 hours); pay twice the amount of the previously imposed penalty; go to jail for up to 15 days.

Besides this myself by last name which is quite easy, may cause restrictions on travel abroad. The debt reflected in the bailiff service is the main point limiting the travel of citizens to other countries for recreation and tourism.

Many people think that to get on this list you need to commit a large number of offenses, but in fact administrative fine, find out the debt by which you can by last name may also be imposed for unpaid utility bills. They will serve as the basis for issuing a court order and placing citizens on the list of “not allowed to travel.”

For various reasons, most Russians are not even aware of the initiation of enforcement proceedings for various reasons.

Administrative fine, find out the debt by last name name, patronymic and date of birth can be found on certain websites on the Internet.

But if you are a business person who does not have enough time for such checks or are simply very forgetful, it is better to contact experienced lawyers so that your vacation trip is not overshadowed by a “not allowed to travel” verdict.

Editor: Igor Reshetov

Information about the amount and timing of payment of traffic police fines should always be timely. Failure to pay the fine entails serious violations: a ban on vehicle inspection, travel outside the country, criminal liability, and an increase in the amount of the fine.

Even if you are sure that you behaved within the law on the road, sometimes it is worth preventing unpleasant surprises from occurring.

For example, if you buy a used car and want to check the former owner for “sins” or find out how things are going with your relatives and friends. In addition, if you are caught by a video recorder that has recorded even a minor violation, this may also threaten you with an unexpected fine and further troubles.

How to find out unpaid traffic fines

There are several ways:

  1. Contact your district or city traffic police department directly
  2. Through the official website of the traffic police or other services on the Internet
  3. Using an SMS message sent to number 9112 with a specific text

In different cases, you will need to provide the relevant information: driver’s license, passport details, last name, car number, etc.

How to find out fines based on the driver's license and last name?

Knowing only the last name of the car owner, naturally, it is impossible to obtain information about fines. After all, in this imperfect world you probably have a lot of namesakes, and you can easily, by pure chance, pay their fines too.

And there is no question of confidentiality of information here - your name may be known to many people, which will allow anyone to obtain information.

To obtain reliable data, you must indicate the registration number of the vehicle, driver's license number and last name of the car owner. You will need this data both when you directly visit the State Traffic Inspectorate, and when sending SMS messages and when online checking the amount of the fine.

How to find out fines by car number

Here are the ways:

  1. Use Internet services. In this case, you can use both the official website of the traffic police and other services.

This site is quite easy to use:

  • find the option on the website about checking fines
  • indicate in the special column serial and registration number of the machine
  • indicate sign car registration
  • select field"Request"

Some services require additional information to provide this service, not just information about the car number:

  • number driver's license
  • serial number cars
  • registration number vehicles
  1. All data on fines that can be obtained via the Internet will be absolutely anonymous. Send an SMS message with the number of the corresponding service.
  2. Go directly to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.


  • this reliable way proven over the years
  • "live communication"— you can directly find out all the questions you are interested in by phone or by visiting this organization in person
  • reliability of the required first-hand information with receipt of a payment receipt form
  • you will receive accurate information about the location of the violation with photographic evidence


  • huge waste time
  • further need to visit the bank, filling out details, waiting for debt repayment (some sites offer instant services for paying fines, in which debts are immediately canceled)

Check traffic police fines online using your driver’s license through the GOST SERVICES website

Using the Internet to obtain information about traffic police debts has recently become very popular.


  • receiving the information online anytime, anywhere
  • opportunity to pay fines, which you learned about, also via the Internet without fuss and queues
  • information, obtained via the Internet will be absolutely confidential, because in order to obtain the presence or amount of a fine, the following data must match: last name, series and number of the car registration certificate and state registration number.


  • naturally, availability of the Internet
  • unreliability of information on some sites
  • on the sites you will not get information about the place where you violated the rules, you will only find out the article of your violation

The website is one of the reliable assistants for car owners, where you can find out only the most reliable information at any time. In addition, the site also offers services to pay off your debts.

How to do everything right:

  • register on the site
  • go to the “Electronic Services” section
  • indicate the region in which your car is registered
  • enter your driver's license number or car number
  • Click on the field “check for issued fines”

In addition to additional debt repayment services, after you have registered on the site, it will be possible to receive SMS messages on your phone and letters to your email address with information about the presence of fines and their payment.

If you paid a fine on the website, it is paid off instantly, unlike banking services.

SMS notification about debt


  • receiving information without leaving home
  • high speed of information acquisition
  • no need for internet access


  • paid service
  • Network failures lead to the fact that the necessary information does not reach the customer

What to do to find out about unwanted fines: Remember the number 9112 and send a message to it

with text:

Traffic police - space - indicate the identification number of your car - space - indicate the driver's license number.

It is important for everyone to know how much time you have in order to take further measures in this regard:

  • 10 days to appeal the decision
  • 60 days to pay the fine
  • 90 days for the traffic police to receive information about timely payment of the fine