Career and finances of a tiger woman. Tiger

In the mythology of China, where the Eastern horoscope came to us, the Tiger symbolizes military valor and courage. When the Year of the Tiger begins, Chinese astrologers advise preparing for a fight.

People's interests should be on the side of justice, only then will luck come to them. People born in the year of the Tiger have these traits throughout their lives: they are brave, active and must stand up for justice. Then their patron, the Tiger, will help them live a happy life. Years corresponding to the year of the Tiger in the Eastern horoscope: 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022.

Character of people born in the year of the Tiger

Tiger people have a large supply of vitality. They live actively, they care about everything. They are capable of becoming leaders, leaders, uncompromising fighters against evil. True, the Tiger also has a dark side: capriciousness, impulsiveness and cruelty. If the Tiger relies only on strength and forgets about the growth of spiritual qualities, then he can become a tyrant. Fortunately, most of these people have an innate nobility and aversion to bad things. Proud and brave Tigers do not reflect, do not look back, are ready to move towards new achievements, and this life-affirming position attracts people to them. As soon as the Tiger plans something, he soon acquires a mass of like-minded people and supporters. Sometimes it’s hard for them to be around the Tiger, he is too energetic and does not forgive other people’s weaknesses. The Tiger's big drawback is the inability to forgive weaknesses. He demands noble and honest behavior from those around him, and if his supporters admire the Tiger’s integrity, then people who are indifferent to him are perplexed: by what right, in general, does he demand something from them? The tiger does not remain indifferent to attempts to put him in his place and a war breaks out. If the Tiger learns to distinguish between something truly important to him and matters that are foreign to him, he will achieve much more in life.

People born in the year of the Tiger: compatibility in love

The tiger is attracted by thrills and strong feelings. A Tiger in love is passionate. He achieves the one he likes at any cost, and is ready to fight obstacles, indifference and ignorance. He puts all his strength into love. However, as soon as the relationship enters a calm channel, the Tiger begins to get bored. Therefore, even a loving Tiger does not refuse to have affairs on the side, and the risk of exposure only spurs him on. He needs not the experiences that an affair gives, but those that will be in a couple if the partner becomes aware of his “adventures”: quarrels, jealousy, reconciliation, passion, the need to win a partner again - this attracts the Tiger like a kind of drug. Usually the Tiger is paired with two types of people. Some are those who admire him and are ready to love him unselfishly, enduring possessive tendencies and betrayals. Oddly enough, the Tiger does not get tired of the constant admiration of his partner. He is noble and will not leave his partner, even if the relationship has begun to seem insipid to him. Such couples can be happy if the Tiger’s partner does not get tired of his cheating and does not leave. The second type of people suitable for the Tiger are people equal to him in strength, courageous, active, and not inclined to obey. Relationships with them are like war. Tiger likes it. The Tiger has the best compatibility in love with both (first type) and (second type).

People born in the year of the Tiger: compatibility in friendship

Tigers have more admired followers than equal friends. Why is this happening? After all, Tigers are sincere, courageous and incapable of meanness. Unfortunately, they are uncompromising and demanding of their friends. Therefore, only people equal in strength to them will become their friends, but the Tiger’s powerful charisma does not affect them and they are in no hurry to become his friends. In order for the Tiger to be lucky in friendship, he needs to learn forbearance. The bar that the Tiger sets for people is not something everyone can achieve. But those who meet the Tiger’s high requirements find in him a reliable, active, optimistic and courageous friend. Especially good friendship is obtained when people are united by a common goal, a common cause, work, business, political or social tasks. Such friendship is also not cloudless, but it lasts for a long time, despite quarrels and periods of cooling off. The best friends for a Tiger are Tiger, and.

People born in the year of the Tiger: compatibility at work

The Tiger's courage and leadership qualities make him an excellent leader, politician and businessman. He is not afraid of difficulties, goes ahead, is ready for war and competition, and knows how to make allies. Risk and excitement are integral features of the Tiger in business life. He achieves great heights in any business. He lacks cunning and caution, and he neglects the advice of insightful and cunning people. Therefore, it is better for the Tiger to avoid jobs in which diplomacy is more important than pressure and strength.

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500 rub In addition to his ardent and courageous character, which in itself leads the Tiger to leadership positions, he also has a predisposition to certain professions. Tigers are excellent scientists, writers, athletes and soldiers. They make inquisitive and tireless researchers. And strong character, passion and enthusiasm help the Tiger to work successfully as a teacher, best of all - with children, and not at a university. With colleagues and subordinates, the Tiger is domineering, demanding and does not forgive mistakes. His undoubted advantage is his ability to inspire enthusiasm. It will work well with the Tiger, and.

Eastern horoscope, Tiger sign: legend, character, money and career; what is the zodiac sign of Tiger; Tiger compatibility horoscope


1926 - fiery year

1938 - earthen

1950 – metal

1962 – water

1974 – wooden

1986 - fiery year

1998 – earthen

2010 – metal

2022 – water year

Eastern horoscope Tiger: Chinese legend

According to it, twelve animals arrived at the call of Buddha, having first swam across a stormy river. Because of the Rat's cunning, the Ox, who swam first, took second place. Next came the Tiger. Strong people, Bulls and Tigers, also constantly compete. The Bull is stronger, the Tiger should give in and disappear from the Bull’s environment. The tiger was rewarded, the third year of the cycle is his year. Each animal gives its own character to those born in the year they protect. Asians consider the Tiger to be a wonderful sign, the embodiment of the power of the earth, an emblem of human protection.

Tiger: character

Leader, rebel, hot-tempered, does not live by the rules, always resists his superiors, even undisciplined. Tigers are revolutionaries, leaders. They always look for new, interesting, promising roads instead of the beaten ones. They can take possession of a lot at once, but also lose everything at once.

Tigers despise hierarchy, superior authority, and conservatism. They themselves do not obey anyone, but with their magnetism and irresistible charm they force those around them to obey them. Tigers are respected, but they do not dare to tell the truth. But Tigers, captivating others with their ineradicable enthusiasm, are risky leaders. Their ideas are interesting, their speech is passionate and sincere, they are inspirers and organizers. However, those around you, before acting on the call, should think carefully and even restrain the Tiger: with his love of risk, he can lead to disaster. Tigers often find it difficult to distinguish between a successful project and a dangerous adventure.

Tigers can become military leaders, leaders, but also dangerous criminals. After all, without risk, they are not interested in any enterprise. Life for them is an unknown adventure, most of the ideas are non-standard, they sincerely believe in themselves, are prone to maximalism, and often go all-in. They need adrenaline, which is why they often get involved in some extreme sports or choose a dangerous profession.

Despite their charm, Tigers' relationships with others are complex. Directness develops into harshness and offends; reluctance to obey creates problems at work. It is not easy for the Tigers themselves with their rebellious, impetuous, impulsive character. Especially in love: with their directness, pressure, and passion, they often scare off their chosen ones. However, the family life of tigers is always rich, amazing, and full of deep, sincere feelings.

Tigers are paradoxical. Enthusiasts, they may not make an important decision until it is too late. Hot-tempered, conflictual, they can sacrifice themselves in the name of a common cause. Petty egoists are capable of selflessness in great matters. These are people of violent death, but also of extraordinary luck. A tiger can save a house from 3 misfortunes: fire, cunning people, thieves.

Tigers in general are sensitive, reflective, but strong, courageous, noble people. They, waving a knightly sword, make a lot of mistakes, but with sincere motives. These are flaming hearts that can sometimes change the course of history.

Tiger: career, money

The tiger is impetuous and unpredictable, and so is his career: dizzying ascents give way to sudden falls. However, the Tiger believes in humanity, in itself, so it still moves upward. This is also helped by his talent and infectious enthusiasm.

With money it’s the same. The tiger is not inclined to accumulate in order to provide for old age. He often takes risks: he invests capital in an unknown and obscure enterprise, and plays on the stock exchange. So he may suddenly become the owner of a huge fortune or an absolute bankrupt. Usually the Tiger's money slips away like sand through his fingers. At the same time, he is able to get them out of nowhere; his pockets are rarely empty.

Tigers - celebrities

Beethoven, Maria Stuart, Friedrich Hegel, Karl Marx, Agatha Christie, H.G. Wells, Bon Jovi, Isidora Duncan, Stevie Wonder, Marco Polo, Charles De Gaulle, Marilyn Monroe, Niccolo Paganini, Dwight Eisenhower, Maximilian Robespierre, Admiral Nelson, Francis Goya , Oscar Wilde.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Tiger

Capricorn is the most reasonable; He avoids trouble very well.

Aquarius - smart; his thinking and action are in reasonable balance.

Pisces - slightly crazy Tiger. Funny, but dangerous... especially for himself.

Aries - Beware! Increased reaction, it is possible to overcome the sound barrier.

Taurus – balance. The Tiger is too susceptible, even scrupulous.

Gemini - for adventurous, crazy enterprises, capable of achieving success in them.

Cancer is the most inactive Tiger. The way of life is to sit by the fire.

Leo is a true Leo. The tiger of action, achieves goals.

Virgo is an aristocrat, a subtle nervous system, called upon to bring beauty.

Libra - tamed Tiger Cub. A pleasant business companion, especially in matters of trade.

Scorpio – it’s difficult with this Tiger. You can expect anything.

Sagittarius - Tiger is real. It might go far...too far.

Tiger compatibility horoscope

Excellent: Dog, Dragon, Horse;

Not bad: Cat, Tiger, Rat, Boar, Rooster, Sheep;

Bad: Monkey, Snake, Ox.

The Tiger can create an alliance with the Horse, whose honesty appeals to him; The Dragon, bringing caution and strength to the Tiger; A faithful Dog, ready to support great things, to always be there.

The very smart Snake Tiger will not understand. The cunning, unscrupulous, dexterous Monkey is dangerous for him; the Tiger cannot trust her in anything. The Bull constantly competes with the Tiger, suppresses it, attacks in order to destroy it. It is better for the Tiger to leave the house where the Ox lives.

The cat constantly annoys the Tiger, it will be difficult to get along, although these cats understand each other. The same goes for a pair of Tigers.

If a person belongs to the Chinese calendar sign of the Tiger, a variety of professions are suitable for him. He probably speaks superbly, can lead entire crowds, with the help of words he turns devils into angels, so he can be a very successful politician, artist, public figure.

These people have the soul and mind of an inventor. In the modern era, the Tiger feels great in professions related to any new technologies, including information technologies. Humanity owes much of its progress to this sign of the eastern horoscope, because these people always enthusiastically open up new paths and pave paths in art and science. It's no wonder they quickly find themselves in the spotlight. Many Tigers already become popular and respected people in their young years.

Tiger: work and career

Any position that includes the words “boss” or “chief” is especially close and warms the hearts of those born during the years under the auspices of this animal. Tigers are not particularly modest in their work and professional needs. And if they cannot be prime ministers or presidents, then they would at least agree to the role of a boss or director. The tiger works in such a way as to quickly get higher in the service hierarchy, and does not stand behind the price. In this matter he is very purposeful, although he has the sin of abandoning current affairs, carried away by a new idea. A tiger may also be interested in a career for the sake of principle, because he is used to winning.

Tiger: money horoscope, earnings, expenses

As the financial horoscope warns, the Tiger is a real spendthrift in money matters. There is no amount that he would regret spending on wine, women and entertainment. It’s good if he is accompanied through life by a sane partner, because the Tiger’s “anti-talents” in the financial sector can lead the family to the brink of bankruptcy.

Your Chinese horoscope


A person born in the year of the Tiger is a leader and a rebel. The rules that everyone must obey are not for him; the Tiger lives by his own laws, following the dictates of his restless heart. Instead of following the beaten path, in almost everything he undertakes, he prefers to look for new, more promising and interesting paths, and sometimes he actually finds them. And sometimes he loses absolutely everything.

You can recognize the Tiger by its impetuous movements, open face and charm, which, most likely, you will not be able to resist. His ideas are so interesting, and his words are sincere and passionate, that it is usually not difficult for him to infect others with his enthusiasm. Thanks to this, he often turns out to be the ideological inspirer of any business or event; It is easier for him than anyone else to organize people for a new project or to involve them in a new adventure.

At the same time, it doesn’t hurt those around you to remember that it can be difficult for the Tiger himself to discern the difference between a project and an adventure. After all, his whole life is full of the unknown and comparable to a dangerous adventure, which is why most of his non-standard ideas contain elements of risk. Most often, this risk lies in the Tiger’s ability to go all-in on his projects in order to ultimately get everything or nothing: for him, with his maximalism and sincere belief in his own abilities, this seems normal and acceptable. In addition, the Tiger’s love for adrenaline in the blood often manifests itself in his hobbies for dangerous sports or in the choice of a profession associated with risk, and sometimes it happens that his adventurous streak and natural self-confidence push him to break the law.

The impulsiveness of the Tiger is manifested in the fact that sometimes he is suddenly and persistently possessed by some feeling or thought, and some time later he forgets about it. The Tiger himself sometimes suffers the most from his difficult, rebellious and impetuous character. This is especially acute for him in love: with his passion, sincerity and stormy onslaught, the Tiger is able to frighten his chosen one, suffering a love fiasco. But if this still does not happen, the Tiger’s family life turns out to be rich and full of surprisingly deep feelings.

In general, despite all his natural charm, the Tiger’s relationships with others are usually difficult to call ideal. His directness borders on harshness and can offend, and his inability to obey creates many problems in life and at work. Being truthful by nature, the Tiger expects the same from others, and those around him are able to use his gullibility to their advantage. His unconventional thinking, unexpected actions and strength cause others to regard him with a mixture of respect, admiration and fear.

Brave, strong and noble, the Tiger is a knight by nature. Sometimes he thoughtlessly enters into battle and, swinging his sword, makes many mistakes, but he does this from the most sincere motives. A bright fire burns in his heart, and his unusual ideas and deeds can sometimes change the course of History.

Born 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

Chinese name for Tiger: Hu
Third sign of the Chinese Zodiac
Time of day under Tiger control: 3:00 - 5:00
Corresponding Western Zodiac sign:
Element: Tree
Polarity: Positive

Positive traits:
Tiger is distinguished by strength, courage, great imagination, ambition and has qualities that can make him a good leader.

Negative qualities:
Tigers restless (restless), impulsive, undisciplined, stubborn, aggressive, difficult to work with.

Recommendations for choosing a profession:
Tiger leader and can handle any situation related to management and leadership. Tigers could also make good private investigators or police inspectors, as they “see right through people.” Tigers love to travel and meet people, so they may be of great interest in work related to the media.

Main features of the Tiger:
Tigers known for their strength and determination. None other animal on earth does not combine so much beauty, strength and energy. Add to this courage, and you get a full list of enviable qualities given to the one who was born in the Year of the Tiger. On the physical and mental plane you are not without enemies. Although you are capable of winning many fights, combat is a different matter entirely. In any environment Tiger There are no people who can go unnoticed. You are an active revolutionary who will not remain an indifferent spectator when others are treated unfairly. And no one will even dare to intimidate you. You love battle, and few are better equipped to rise to the top. Being Tiger, you are impetuous and idealistic and are quick to find mistakes in others. Your reactions against authorities of any kind are always straightforward, especially if you see their corruption. You are a born leader - remember Karl Marx and its influence on the greatest revolutions in human history.

Being Tiger, you will take on any job that gives you the opportunity to show your courage and imagination. You care very much about your reputation, you like to call the shots and be the center of attention. You know how to present yourself well and publicly defend your rights, not only for your own sake, but also for the sake of what you represent.

Tiger Women very active and funny. You love to dress up for entertaining, and you are always a wonderful hostess at any event you organize. In addition, you are a good mother, although sometimes too strict. In any case, you raise your children well, so that they will not lack anything in their lives.

Tiger has many good qualities. You are brave and honest, and you radiate energy so that people tend to notice you. If you can cultivate patience, you will go far and live a good and fulfilling life.