Vici crab sticks: composition, calorie content, manufacturer. Vici crab sticks: composition, calorie content, manufacturer Video: making crab sticks

Having sent the editor-in-chief of Uralweb on vacation to Turkey, the rest of the natural scientists became sad. Everyone also wanted to sit on the seashore, look into the distance and eat lobster, lobster or crab. And do not write any checks.

Why don't we eat crab? - we thought, and sent the youngest naturalist to the store.

Returning from the store, he said that he didn’t find the crab, but he bought 6 packs of crab sticks, which is actually almost the same as crab. The knowledgeable people remained silent, the ignorant people rejoiced. Thus, we came up with the topic of the next check.

Japan can be considered the birthplace of crab sticks, where in 1973 a product called Kanikama, made from surimi, appeared. We decided to find out what is hidden under the name “surimi”, and found on the Internet that this term refers to fishing waste - small, damaged and other fish. A thorough study of the packaging finally convinced us that crab the sticks, contrary to their name, do not contain any crab meat at all, not a squeeze of crab, not even a hint that a crab had been found among the fishing waste.

I remembered an old joke about a guinea pig. “You don’t know how to swim, you’ve never been to the sea - why did they call you a marine? “I drowned three times.” Probably a similar story happened with surimi chopsticks.

So, our young naturalist brought the following types of crab sticks from the store:

Bottom line

In the end, I can only say that Vichi crab sticks are very tasty. Perfect packaging, each stick is separate and still juicy. After all, now more and more you can buy something that is not of the same quality and taste as you would like. I buy quite often and if you decide to do so, you can safely choose. They will perfectly complement the dish. And always before you buy something, look at the ingredients, it can tell you a lot. All the best to everyone. Bye.

The Japanese were the first to invent crab sticks. This happened back in 1973. The product was called Kanikama and was compressed fish waste. In Russia, similar products appeared a little later. Currently, this product is available under different brands. But the mass buyer is most familiar with Vici. To have an idea about this product, you need to learn as much as possible about it.

Manufacturing process

A product similar to modern crab sticks was produced in the Soviet Union in Murmansk back in the eighties. Then, according to GOST, it was pressed minced meat made from fish and shrimp raw materials with the addition of aromatic and flavoring additives, as well as various food colorings. Today, the popular Vici crab sticks are produced using almost the same technology.

The whole process consists of several stages:

  1. First, fish such as hake, blue whiting and pollock are caught in the seas of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.
  2. Then the raw materials undergo special processing and washing. The result is surimi minced meat. The unusual name of the semi-finished product is taken from the famous Japanese dish, which is prepared by freezing and then grinding the meat of shrimp or white fish.
  3. The resulting jelly mass is first frozen, and then the necessary additives are added to it and, by stirring, everything is turned into a homogeneous mixture.
  4. In special installations it is rolled into a layer and treated with steam.
  5. The cooled sheet material is rolled into a roll and then cut into separate pieces, having previously been wrapped in film.
  6. The sticks are placed in polymer packaging.
  7. In vacuum installations, the air is pumped out of them and then sealed.
  8. After this, the product is pasteurized.
  9. Next, the finished products are frozen (minus 18 degrees).

And after this, Vici crab sticks go to retail outlets, and from there to the consumer’s table.

Practical use

Each food product has its own area of ​​application. This is due to its characteristics, properties and taste characteristics. Vici crab sticks are most often used to make wonderful rolls, light and flavorful sandwiches, as well as all kinds of salads. In addition, pieces of tender pressed minced meat are sometimes baked in batter. The result is an original product like a hot sandwich. Although it will also be quite tasty when cold. In some cases, crab sticks are used as a basis for stuffing. All sorts of fillings are wrapped in them. Such products are ideal for buffet tables as a light snack. Sometimes, on the contrary, sticks as part of a complex mixture are wrapped, for example, in pita bread. Experienced housewives know how to prepare wonderful cutlets from ordinary crab sticks by mixing the crushed semi-finished product with grated cheese and semolina. Children really like these products. And any adult would be happy to treat himself to a couple of flavorful cutlets as a light breakfast. Some craftsmen even prepare cold soups from them. It all depends on desire, skills and flight of fancy.

Crab meat

On store shelves in familiar packaging you can sometimes find a product called “crab meat”. What is it and how does it differ from the usual sticks? Many people believe that there is no difference between these products.

There is an opinion that crab meat is the pieces that remain in production after cutting the twisted rope into sticks. In fact, such a product can be considered production waste. But manufacturers do not agree with this. According to them, the mixture for the production of such meat contains broth. As a result, the finished product is softer and juicier. Indeed, this was the case before. Vacuum-packed pieces of meat always tasted more tender and flavorful than dryish sticks. Now the quality of both products is almost equal. At least this is the opinion of consumers. Therefore, for salads and other dishes where it is necessary to grind components, they buy meat, since in stores it, in addition to everything, is sold at a lower price.

Manufacturing company

Who produces the famous Vici crab sticks? The manufacturer and owner of the now well-known brand is the Lithuanian company Viciunai. It was formed in 1991 immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The main office of the company is located in the city of Kaunas, and the main production workshops are located on the territory of three former republics: Lithuania (city of Plunge), Estonia (Tallinn) and the Kaliningrad region (Sovetsk). Most of the company's products are exported.

Over many years of operation, the company has closely cooperated with more than 36 countries of the world. Currently, its representative offices are located in Estonia, Russia, Latvia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic and Belgium. In addition to the popular crab sticks, Vici produces many other products: frozen and smoked fish, as well as various products made from “crab meat” (claws, sausage). Over 25 years of fruitful work, the Vici brand has become an undeniable standard of quality and exquisite taste, and the company itself is recognized as the largest manufacturer of surimi, fish cooking and various seafood in the world.

Composition of the product

Thousands of people buy original red and white seafood in stores every day. Most of them, of course, know that there are no crabs in it. But this does not make the desire to eat it disappear. However, many are still interested in what Vici crab sticks are made from. The composition of this complex product is quite diverse.

In addition to surimi (minced fish), it includes: water, vegetable oil, salt, starch, egg white, as well as food additives:

  • dyes (E120, 160c, 131);
  • crab flavoring, identical to natural;
  • thickener (E407);
  • aroma and taste enhancers (E621, 627, 631).

The rich set of chemical components once again confirms the popular saying that not a single crab was harmed in the production process of the sticks. Yes, and it’s difficult to talk about fish as such in this product. After all, as you know, surimi is made from waste, so it’s not even worth talking about any taste or benefits. But this does not stop buyers who are happy to purchase a popular product, focusing solely on its name.

Natural supplements

Among the rich assortment of products from a well-known company, there are also items that are worth paying closer attention to. This is a new product from the Vici brand - crab sticks with natural crab meat.

There's really no cheating here. It does contain some crab meat. True, one cannot say that this greatly affects his taste. Although there is still a light, but quite pleasant aroma of shrimp. But the price for such a product is 2-3 times higher than usual. Nevertheless, the presence of such an additive makes many people choose this product. Of course, every buyer subconsciously strives for something natural. And it doesn’t matter at all how much of this precious component is contained there. To increase demand for a product, the manufacturer puts an appropriate inscription on the packaging, which naturally attracts the buyer’s attention. Information works as additional advertising and ultimately leads to the desired result.

Customers' opinions

Nowadays, there is probably no person who has never tried Vici crab sticks. Reviews about this product are nevertheless mixed. The vast majority of buyers confirm the good quality and good taste characteristics of the product.

Typically, such sticks have an elastic, juicy consistency and a pleasant, delicate smell. But sometimes there are packages in which the products practically crumble in your hands due to lack of moisture. In addition, in recent years, complaints of poisoning after eating dishes that included Vici chopsticks have become more frequent. This circumstance forced representatives of Roskontrol to more carefully study the products of a well-known company. The results were disappointing. Due to a number of indicators (underestimated amount of protein, as well as the presence of undeclared chemical additives), some product names were included in the “black list” and prohibited for sale in Russia.

Energy value of the product

According to nutritionists, there is no need to talk about any special benefits of crab sticks. True, fish raw materials are used to make this product.

But the manufacturers do not specify that surimi in factories is not made from freshly caught fish fillets, as it should ideally be. As a rule, frozen products or production waste are used. They are thoroughly washed to remove black films, bones and other substances. The result is an elastic, light-colored mince with a high gelling ability. The finished product is obtained after adding the remaining ingredients according to the recipe.

What is Vici in this case? Depending on the specific product, it can be 69-139.7 kilocalories. In principle, this is quite a bit. Sticks with reduced calorie content are most suitable for daily use, since they contain a higher percentage of minced fish. Accordingly, such products contain less harmful “chemicals”. It is these specimens that should be given preference.

Have a good day everyone. I want to tell you about Vichi crab sticks. It is something.

It’s just a godsend that the name contains the word crab, but in reality you won’t find it there.

It's a pity. It’s simply artificially made from surimi protein or simply chopped white fish meat, or more accurately called minced meat. The color is the only thing it can resemble. Like a crab claw nothing more.

They appeared, or rather the name, in 1973 in Japan. And then gradually to distant countries. Of course, their taste is simply gorgeous and gives the opportunity to use imagination in cooking. They are fried and eaten as they are bought.

Since I am a fan of salad with crab sticks, I buy them quite often and I can’t say that some simply let me down and the salad was simply terrible. But when I tried Vichi crab sticks, yes...

Even when purchasing, I noticed the inscription juicy, and that’s what they turned out to be. The manufacturer writes that they contain 30% surimi and there are none of the so familiar Eshki. There are just a ton of them from different manufacturers. The composition on the package says surimi, water, vegetable oil, wheat starch, sugar, salt, egg white, and only food additives. Unfortunately, they forget to put crab meat in the crab sticks, but still they don’t change the name.

The calorie content of sticks per hundred grams is 73 kcal.

Another positive opinion can be said about the packaging itself; it looks simple, but there is still something that distinguishes them from the rest. Opening them is simple and easy. Just pull the corner. Ready.

You can make a wonderful salad or some unusual appetizer from Vichi crab sticks; they are delicious in their simple form and do not require anything additional. Still, it’s much better to buy Vichi, which are not expensive and are packaged perfectly. After all, they are not frozen. And the view is always appetizing. You can easily unfold the wand and come up with something special. Just look how many recipes there are from such a tasty ingredient.

In the end, I can only say that Vichi crab sticks are very tasty. Perfect packaging, each stick is separate and still juicy. After all, now more and more you can buy something that is not of the same quality and taste as you would like. I buy quite often and if you decide to do so, you can safely choose. They will perfectly complement the dish. And always before you buy something, look at the ingredients, it can tell you a lot. All the best to everyone. Bye.

Crab sticks are a ready-to-eat product with a specific fishy taste and aroma. The name itself is a successful marketing ploy, because the true composition differs from what was expected. The product is made from minced fish, but many manufacturers save money by focusing on egg whites, starch and food additives. To purchase quality sticks, you should carefully study the composition on the packaging.

Composition of crab sticks

Crab meat is not used in the production of the product, as evidenced by the note on almost all packages - “imitation”. These sticks are based on surimi, minced fish made from oceanic and tropical varieties of white fish. The raw materials are thoroughly washed, squeezed, and due to the characteristics of the meat used, it has neither a pronounced aroma nor taste.

Other ingredients of the sticks and their quantity depend on the manufacturer:

  • different types of starch (a binding link for minced meat particles, thanks to which the sticks retain elasticity even after exposure to temperature);
  • water;
  • egg white;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • Flavor enhancers, sweeteners, dyes, preservatives - ingredients in this group can be harmful to humans.

In most of the products offered in this category, the mass fraction of fish (in terms of the amount of protein included in the composition) does not exceed 30-35%. There is no GOST for crab sticks, so the content of components can vary greatly among different manufacturers. There is no particular benefit from the product, since in the process of creating and processing minced fish, all valuable components disappear from it.

Which manufacturer has the best composition?

When buying crab sticks, the main difficulty is choosing a manufacturer, since visually they are no different from each other. It is important to study the composition and choose a safe product:

  1. Santa Bremor. The mass fraction of fish does not exceed 30%, and the presence of egg white in the composition indicates that the amount of fish protein is even less. The composition includes wheat, potato and modified starch, table salt, glutamic acid, phosphates. No preservatives are used in production, which makes the product safe, but of little use;
  2. Vici. Contains surimi, wheat starch, butter, egg white, sugar, table salt and food additives. There are no dangerous preservatives or monosodium glutamate enhancer among the ingredients;
  3. Meridian– sticks with a high protein content and a minimum amount of salt. A negative point is the presence of polyphosphate in the composition - a moisture-retaining component;
  4. Russian Sea. The fish share does not exceed 30%, the bulk of the sticks is water and starches (wheat, potato and corn). The composition includes vegetable oil, egg white, a large amount of salt, glutamic acid;
  5. water world. The composition of these sticks contains muscle fibers of fish meat, which is a good indicator. In addition to surimim, the ingredients include water, potato starch, egg white, oil, salt, sugar, food coloring, stabilizers and natural snow crab flavor.

All popular brands produce products with a similar composition and a minimum of harmful additives. The advantage may be a higher protein content and a minimal amount of salt than the Meridian and Water World sticks can boast. In general, the bulk of the product is starch and water, which cannot cause harm, but if the package contains additives E160, E420, E450 and E171, then it is better not to purchase such a product.

When purchasing, you should definitely pay attention to the appearance of the product - the sticks should be neat, juicy and elastic. Dry, frozen goods completely lose even the small benefits that they carry, not to mention their taste.

Nutritional value of the product

Calorie content of sticks– 88 cal per 100 grams of product. The BJU ratio for the vast majority of products averages 80%, 20% and 0%.

Video: making crab sticks

The production of crab sticks is a multi-stage technological process that involves repeated processing of minced fish. How exactly the popular product is made is shown in detail in this video.

Having sent the editor-in-chief of Uralweb on vacation to Turkey, the rest of the natural scientists became sad. Everyone also wanted to sit on the seashore, look into the distance and eat lobster, lobster or crab. And do not write any checks.

Why don't we eat crab? - we thought, and sent the youngest naturalist to the store.

Seasoned textured white fish with added water and starch. Improved Japanese style pieces. The best ingredients, the highest level of content in the fish and the original original Japanese recipe. The high quality surimi style of crab joints is the result of years of experience and a faithful commitment to the highest standards. We create our products with passion and combine them with modern technology.

Nutritional Information Chart. Ingredients in bold. Contains grains containing gluten. Once opened, store in the refrigerator and consume within 24 hours. The above data has been prepared to help you select suitable products. Products and their ingredients are subject to change.

Returning from the store, he said that he didn’t find the crab, but he bought 6 packs of crab sticks, which is actually almost the same thing as crab. The knowledgeable people remained silent, the ignorant people rejoiced. Thus, we came up with the topic of the next check.

Japan can be considered the birthplace of crab sticks, where in 1973 a product called Kanikama, made from surimi, appeared. We decided to find out what is hidden under the name “surimi”, and found on the Internet that this term refers to fishing waste - small, damaged and other fish. A thorough study of the packaging finally convinced us that crab the sticks, contrary to their name, do not contain any crab meat at all, not a squeeze of crab, not even a hint that a crab had been found among the fishing waste.

You should always read the label before consuming or using a product and never rely solely on the information presented here. For all other products, please contact the manufacturer. This information is provided for personal use only.

They look and probably taste like dead minnows! I like to drown mine in seafood sauce so they don't really taste like it. Brought previous recommendations, but they are still tasteless. To be honest, we thought they had very little flavor and were disappointed.

I remembered an old joke about a guinea pig. “You don’t know how to swim, you’ve never been to the sea - why did they call you a marine? “I drowned three times.” Probably a similar story happened with surimi chopsticks.

So, our young naturalist brought the following types of crab sticks from the store:

1. VICI Snow Crab
2. Crab sticks from VICI
3. Crab sticks "Bremor"
4. Crab sticks "Bay of Plenty"
5. Sea Castle crab sticks.
6. Little Coraya Crab Sticks

Will not buy again and will stick to core ranges. They deserve every 5 star review they receive. They are really superior and they are not much more expensive. These are by far the best crab sticks we've tried. We know little about surimi due to the too vague law and companies that are not interested in deepening the subject. The legislation does not establish a minimum quantity of fish or quality in particular. For this reason, surimi is considered an ingredient in itself, rather than a food preparation based on cellulose and other substances.

Snow crab from VICI

These crab sticks were produced by Vichyunay-Rus LLC in the Kaliningrad region, Sovetsk, literally 50 km from the Baltic Sea.

A package weighing 150 g cost 62 rubles. 70 kopecks

Ingredients: minced fish surimi, water, starch, sugar, salt, egg white, egg yolk, food additives: flavor identical to natural crab, dyes: carmines, paprika oil resins. Does not contain GMOs.

The label must appear next to the trade name "surimi" in the list of ingredients. You can also specify the types of fish used by specifying the percentage. This will eventually become clear, eliminating the misunderstanding that will turn "surimi" into an ingredient when in fact it is a real food preparation consisting of starch, additional flour.

“In the past, surimi was made from valuable fish such as Alaska or Pollak,” continues Tepedino, “which gave a very different flavor and consistency to the current recipe derived from less valuable but cheaper fish. The liberal use of salt and flavor enhancers such as glutamate serves to add flavor to an almost tasteless product. In many cases, a minimum number of crabs or crustaceans is not allowed to ensure the sale of kosher food, since Observant Jews cannot consume crustaceans.

Shelf life - 75 days, can be stored at temperatures from 0 to + 5 C.

The opinions of the testers differed greatly, some liked them very much and gave them 5 points (these were ladies), but the male part gave them 1 or 2 points. Total average score is 2.6.

The sticks were juicy, but too soft and did not hold their shape well. Salted moderately. They can be used as a snack, but they are unlikely to be used for stuffing.

Thus, surimi has become a product of poor marketability, while in Japan the traditional dish is traditionally used on New Year's Eve. The quality of surimi must be packaged with suitable and very fresh fish species, kneading and baking pulp. If done in the classic way, processed fish is a dish rich in protein and poor in fat. In fact, the one sold in Europe resembles the original version, both in taste and consistency. Of course, this is a microbiological product that is safe, but it is very different both in the preparation method and in the ingredients and quantity of fish used.

Crab sticks from VICI

The manufacturer is still the same - Vichyunay-Rus LLC from the Kaliningrad region, Sovetsk.

A package weighing 240 g costs 40 rubles. 50 kopecks

Ingredients: minced fish surimi, water, starch, vegetable oil, sugar, salt, egg white, food additives: flavor identical to natural crab, dyes: E120, E160c, E171, flavor and aroma enhancers E621, E627, E631, thickener E407. Does not contain GMOs.

Snow crab from VICI

Now the American market has sushi popper, surimi steak to eat on the street. Surimi is one of those foods that is ideal for a summer dinner, it is quick to prepare, has an exotic look, tastes good and is eaten cold. But there is something that many consumers don't know. What we call surimi is a product associated with the Japanese tradition, where "table fish" have been consumed for centuries. Over the past 30 years, land-based fish have spread throughout the world thanks to industrial production.

The shelf life is already much longer - 18 months, but can be stored at a temperature no higher than -18 C.

The ratings given by the natural scientists were equal, with a final score of 3.1 points. Most of the ladies noted that they did not spare the salt.

The sticks themselves are quite elastic and juicy. You can make a salad and stuff it.

Crab sticks "Bremor"

The one sold in Italy is made in the form of colored cylinders, orange on the outside and white on the inside. The appearance is very nice and when reading the ingredients list, it is noted that these are layers of fish cellulose - real surimi - rolled up and held together by thickeners and other ingredients.

For this reason, in many cases it is difficult to identify the species, also because the compound is often obtained from industrial waste or waste that, during the production process, is crushed, pressed and mixed with various substances slightly similar to it. When the box is opened, surimi appears as a surrogate for crab and makes it possible that the taste is tamed by the aromas.

Manufacturer: JV "Santa Bremor", Brest.

For a package weighing 200 g we paid 27 rubles. 50 kopecks

The composition simply amazed us with the number of ingredients: minced fish surimi, thickeners potato starch, wheat E1442, egg white, soybean oil, flavor identical to natural crab (flavor enhancers: monosodium glutamate, sodium ribonucleotide, thickener xanthan gum, preservative E202), emulsifier E322, sugar , salt, emulsifier soy protein, multifunctional mixture (acidity regulator E450i, complexing agent calcium sulfate, thickener sodium alginate, emulsifier E470a, thickener carrageenan), dyes (natural food grade: carmine, paprika extract), sugar coloring, antioxidants, titanium dioxide, water.

There are many options on the market: the most common are chelated surimi, smoked salmon and so-called sea slices. Companies love this product because it allows them to use cheap fish while giving them the appearance of quality products such as crab or other crustaceans, so that about 2% of the world's fish is turned into surimi, says the US blog Fusukate. The product is packaged in two seasons: semi-finished fish-based products are prepared directly on ships, then frozen and transported to land to complete processing.

Inscriptions - Does not contain GMOs! - were not found.

Despite this "sheet", these crab sticks received the highest average score - 4.0.

Shelf life: 18 months, must be stored at a temperature not exceeding -18 C.

Crab sticks "Bay of Plenty"

As it turned out upon closer examination, these crab sticks are also produced by the Santa Bremor joint venture in the city of Brest.

Harm of crab sticks

Marine Fish Labeling Ingredients offers ready-made surimi in brine made from bullion and catfish. From a nutritional perspective, surimi products are low in fat but high in sodium, and the protein content is quite low. It appears that the economic benefit for consumers is not so clear.

This is done by removing the bone, skin and grinding the meat of unprocessed white fish in a separator. It is washed thoroughly to remove the fat and remove all tastes and odors from the flesh. Most of the nine products tested come from cobalt, three of which are from Asia.

Another brand, the cost is slightly lower - 20 rubles. 90 kopecks. for 200 g, but the composition is almost the same, there is a mark - does not contain GMOs.

Ingredients: minced fish surimi, thickeners potato starch, wheat starch, wheat flour, egg white, sugar, salt, soybean oil, flavor identical to natural crab (flavor enhancers sodium ribonucleotide, thickener xanthan gum,
preservative E202, emulsifier E322, thickener carrageenan, multifunctional mixture (acidity regulator E450i, complexing agent calcium sulfate, thickener sodium alginate, emulsifier E470a), flavor enhancer: monosodium glutamate, dyes (natural food grade: carmine, paprika extract, thickener xanthan gum, preservative sorbate potassium, antioxidants ascorbyl palmitate, alpha-tocopherol), titanium dioxide, water.

The manufacturing process of the resulting nutritional value is adversely affected by added flavors, starch, egg and soybean and vegetable oil fats. In addition to the fish, starch, beans and vegetable oils are added to the crab sticks to provide the binding form and desired gelatin consistency.

The crabs did not contain any product

A small amount of meat can be used to create crab flavor, but we haven't encountered any competing products, he adds to Hoffman's process. If the crabs actually contain crab - just in flavor - it should be highlighted on the packaging.

Do you have a legitimate question? Why is it cheaper? Even lower % of surimi content?

And although there is plenty of “chemistry” in them, crab sticks from “Bay of Plenty” received 2.9 points and entered the top three. The taste is standard, it’s difficult to even comment on it.

Crab sticks “Sea Castle”.

Crab sticks from VICI

Crab meat is considered a real treat. Moreover, it is low in calories, so it is recommended by several experts to reduce the diet. On store shelves, however, you will usually find a substitute - crab sticks made from fish meat. When you take a closer look at the crab box packaging, you will probably notice that they are called "surimi". This is a Japanese term for a traditional dish.

Surimi is most often made from types of cod and hake, sometimes from seafood meat and conger eels. The fish is processed as follows for surimi: milk, leaching and dried to remove excess water. The goal is to obtain a paste that can be easily molded into different shapes - like crab sticks, for example. To avoid losing moldability, it cannot be used without sucrose or sorbitol, starch or oil is added, or the crab sticks get the right shak. Finally, on the surimi wrapper of crab sticks we see that they do not even contain fish meat - most often about 50 percent.

Manufacturer - Sea Castle plant, Moscow.

These are the cheapest crab sticks on our list. 240 g for 34 rub. 60 kopecks. with the longest shelf life - 24 months.

Ingredients: minced fish surimi, water, starch, vegetable oil, salt, sugar, crab flavoring identical to natural, dye E160C. Does not contain GMOs.

These sticks became a clear outsider and received 2.3 points. And they were also noted as the driest.

On the packaging we can see the following description: Cranberry with crab flavor with sugar and sweetener. Below is a long list of product ingredients: fish meal, wheat starch, vegetable oil, soy protein, salt, sugar, sorbitol, monosodium glutamate, cochineal, spices and flavorings, etc. suffice it to add that China is the country of origin.

The products were purchased from the assortment of a general hypermarket in the “everything with the word crab” style. However, in Europe and the United States, surimi is used as a substitute for crab or shrimp. Real crab cravings are catching up with manufacturers using additives such as shrimp, which are essentially an artificially created craving taste. On the shelves of Czech stores we most often encounter surimi in the form of frozen crab sticks or in crab salads. If you want to avoid these substitutes and avoid ending up with crab meat that the crab has never seen, read the food packaging information.

Crab sticks "Little Coraya"

And here is the leader of our hit parade in terms of cost. 171 rub! for 190 g of sticks and 20 g of mayonnaise.

These crab sticks were made in France by the BONGREN group.

All 20 sticks are neatly packaged in twos and a small jar of mayonnaise is included separately in the bag.

What to look for when buying crab sticks?

For example, a manufacturer may not designate surimi salad as “shrimp salad.” As a rule, the manufacturer reveals the whole truth, for example, crab sticks refer to the presence of only crab flavor. Recently, red paint, which is made from the nocturnal scorpion beetle, has been especially popular.

Real crab to see

  • Composition of the product.
  • Take the work and turn the lid.
  • Just a few seconds and find out whether crab sticks are made from crab or fish.
  • Beware of additives.
Why do manufacturers use fish to produce crab sticks?

The composition of the fish is indicated, which our producers do not have.

Ingredients: fish fillet 38%, water, rehydrated egg white, potato and cereal starch, rapeseed oil, natural crab flavor, sugar, stabilizers: sorbitol, polyphosphates, salt, flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate, natural coloring - paprika extract. Proud inscription - NO PRESERVATIVES!

The reason is the same as for other substitutes - price. If you've ever tried a feast at a real crab restaurant, you can get an idea of ​​the price. And the truth is that a Czech consumer complaining about supermarket leaflets would hardly have looked deeper into his pocket.

Getting real crab is almost impossible - at least I haven't had the chance yet. If you can find real crab in online stores, you will do very well. And therefore we can only envy states that have access to the sea. Or just wait for a holiday where we can try the real crab that was on the beach early in the morning. We got it while visiting friends in Oregon.

Shelf life: 3 months, can be stored at temperatures from 0 to +3 C.

The beautiful packaging impressed absolutely all naturalists, but not many were satisfied with the taste, and in the end - 2.4 points and penultimate place.

Let's summarize.

Have a good day everyone. I want to tell you about Vichi crab sticks. It is something.

The crab smells great - and how it tasted! When the Japanese talk about surimi, crab stick doesn't think about it, but its most important ingredient is minced paste. This is done by removing the meat from unprocessed white fish in a separator where the bones, skin and puree are softened. It is then washed thoroughly to remove the fat and remove all taste and flavour. The final step is to pressure-treat the purified raw material into a final paste and add phosphates and sorbitol to protect the muscle proteins from frost damage.

Crab sticks “Sea Castle”

In addition to the fish, the crab sticks add water, starch, protein and vegetable oils to ensure the shape of the sticks and the desired gelatin consistency. Of course, there are also tasty ingredients, because surimi by nature is tasteless and odorless. Crab meat is a food allergen and as such must be listed on the ingredient list so that it can be easily identified by consumers. Most white fish in surimi sticks destined for the European market come from the Baltic countries of Lithuania and Latvia.

Crab sticks

It’s just a godsend that the name contains the word crab, but in reality you won’t find it there. It's a pity. It’s simply artificially made from surimi protein or simply chopped white fish meat, or more accurately called minced meat. The color is the only thing it can resemble. Like a crab claw nothing more.

They appeared, or rather the name, in 1973 in Japan. And then gradually to distant countries. Of course, their taste is simply gorgeous and gives the opportunity to use imagination in cooking. They are fried and eaten as they are bought.

What are they?

Since I am a fan of salad with crab sticks, I buy them quite often and I can’t say that some simply let me down and the salad was simply terrible. But when I tried Vichi crab sticks, yes...

Even when purchasing, I noticed the inscription juicy, and that’s what they turned out to be. The manufacturer writes that they contain 30% surimi and there are none of the so familiar Eshki. There are just a ton of them from different manufacturers. The composition on the package says surimi, water, vegetable oil, wheat starch, sugar, salt, egg white, and only food additives. Unfortunately, they forget to put crab meat in the crab sticks, but still they don’t change the name.

The calorie content of sticks per hundred grams is 73 kcal.

Another positive opinion can be said about the packaging itself; it looks simple, but there is still something that distinguishes them from the rest. Opening them is simple and easy. Just pull the corner. Ready.

Bottom line

In the end, I can only say that Vichi crab sticks are very tasty. Perfect packaging, each stick is separate and still juicy. After all, now more and more you can buy something that is not of the same quality and taste as you would like. I buy quite often and if you decide to do so, you can safely choose. They will perfectly complement the dish. And always before you buy something, look at the ingredients, it can tell you a lot. All the best to everyone. Bye.