Route sheet form for health day. Rules for drawing up a route sheet

A waybill for a truck of an individual entrepreneur must be issued for each vehicle, and if several drivers are assigned to a given truck, then for each driver.

Waybill: features for an IP truck

Details of the waybill for an individual entrepreneur's truck

Which form of a truck waybill should an individual entrepreneur use?

Where to find a sample truck waybill for individual entrepreneurs

Waybill: features for an IP truck

Individual entrepreneurs - owners of trucks used in their business activities are required to fill out waybills for each vehicle. One waybill can be issued for a period from 1 to 30 days.

As a rule, waybills are issued daily, except in cases where the driver will carry out the order for a long time without returning to the permanent parking place. If several drivers work in shifts on a vehicle, a waybill is filled out for each of them.

If the individual entrepreneur who owns the car is also the driver, he is also obliged to issue a waybill for himself. It contains all the necessary information about the dates of work and the distance covered. This data is necessary to calculate the cost of transport services provided, the driver’s salary and the cost of fuel consumed.

If a truck is stopped by traffic police, the driver must show documents for the cargo - not only transport documents, for example, a waybill, but also a waybill.

When the labor inspectorate checks the entrepreneur’s compliance with labor legislation in relation to hired personnel, waybills will be required, since they can be used to track the driver’s work schedule and determine the correctness of salary calculations. Based on these data, it will be clear whether the entrepreneur complied with the rules of remuneration for overtime working hours (this is relevant if long flights are carried out).

Also, the waybill will definitely be of interest to tax inspectors. After examining these documents, they will receive information about whether transportation costs were calculated correctly.

The shelf life of the waybill is 5 years. If the waybill is drawn up incorrectly, the individual entrepreneur and the driver will bear joint responsibility, although penalties are still applied to the entrepreneur.

Read more about the storage periods for such primary documents in the article“What is the shelf life of waybills (nuances)?”

Details of the waybill for an individual entrepreneur's truck


Truck waybill: what is it used for, types, sample filling

The work of many business entities involves the use of vehicles in their activities. The legislation establishes that the use of vehicles, regardless of whether they are owned or hired under lease agreements, requires special documentation. Let's look at how a truck waybill is compiled in 2018.

Why is it necessary to create waybills?

If a company uses vehicles, then it must organize proper recording of its performance indicators.

This is necessary not only to plan the costs of its operation and justify tax expenses, but also to ensure the safety of the machines for both company employees and third parties.

For these purposes, entities can develop and use waybills that reflect transport operating time, mileage, downtime, amount of cargo transported, etc. There are document forms recommended by Rosstat, which are divided into two types - 4-C and 4-P.

The waybill contains notes from all responsible persons responsible for its safety regarding the permission of both the vehicle and the driver to operate. In this form, the tanker reflects the amount of fuel issued to this vehicle, and the calculator determines its planned and actual consumption.


Attention! In this document, the driver reflects the detailed route of the car, recording the exact addresses. This allows management to determine how assigned tasks are being performed and to prove to clients that the appropriate services have been provided.

A waybill can be issued for every day, and, if necessary, for a work shift. When transporting cargo and passengers, the waybill is one of the most important documents.

Types of waybills for trucks

Depending on what indicators are used to record vehicle operation, there are two types of waybills - 4-C and 4-P.

Form 4-P

Waybill 4-P is used in cases where the operation of transport is recorded on the basis of recording the time of its operation. This document is filled out when the fee for using a car is calculated based on time rates.

For example, when a vehicle transports goods, and payment is made not for the tonnage transported, but for the time the vehicle is in operation. However, there is a limitation in its application. Such a waybill can be issued if cargo is delivered to no more than two destinations per day.

Form 4-C

This form 4-C is most often used to document the operation of vehicles. It allows you to take into account the piecework indicators of vehicle use.

This waybill is used by carriers who charge per ton-kilometer.

Truck waybill form 2018 free download

Sample of filling out a waybill in 2018

According to form 4-P

Front side

Such a waybill is used if the driver is paid according to the hourly payment system. It is intended for only two flights, and to record them, there are two tear-off coupons on the form, which are issued and handed over to customers.

Filling out the form must begin from the top. The company stamp is affixed in the right corner. Next, you must indicate the series and number of the document, and the date when it was compiled.

In the columns on the left side of the form, information about the car and the driver is recorded. Here you must enter the make of the car, its garage and license plate number, full name. driver and his driver's license details. Next are the columns where you can indicate information about the trailers working with the machine - their brand, license plate and garage.

The following table records the task for the driver - the name of the company at whose disposal he comes, the time of arrival and departure, the number of hours of work and flights. In total, you can enter information about two routes.

Under the table, the dispatcher indicates the amount of fuel that needs to be filled into the car, and with a signature confirms admission to the flight. Below, the admission note is made by the doctor.

On the right, the dispatcher enters information into the tables. At the top, he must enter data about the day, month, hours and minutes according to the schedule, mileage according to the speedometer, and actual time indicators. These indicators must be indicated for both departure and return.

The following table contains data on the movement of fuel. Here you need to write down its name, how much was filled, the remainder in the tank when leaving and returning to the garage. Data on the idle operating time of special equipment and the engine can also be indicated here.

Confirming signatures are placed under the sign by the tanker, mechanic and dispatcher.

At the bottom there are two cutting coupons. On this side of the form they are filled out by the owner of the vehicle. Here information about the waybill for which they are issued, indicators for calculation and their tariff rates are entered. At the bottom of the tear-off coupon, the cost of the services provided is summed up, after which the signatures are placed by the accountant and the person in charge.

Reverse side

The reverse side is partially filled in by the transportation customer. It consists of two parts, each is filled in the same way.

First you need to indicate the name of the customer, the date and time of arrival and departure, and the speedometer readings at that moment. Then you need to enter information about the invoices on which the goods were transported, the number of flights, and route points.

If there were downtimes on the line, then they need to be entered into a special table, indicating the reasons and start and end dates.

The table at the bottom contains the indicators used to calculate the work, and the total cost for the customer is summed up.

Each invoice is signed by the payer and the person responsible for receiving the service.

Below is the second side of the cutting coupons. Here the data is also entered by the customer of the service. Here you need to enter the name of the car owner, its make and license plate number, the name of the customer, the date and time of arrival and departure of the car, and the speedometer readings at each of these moments.

The information about invoices is duplicated below. In conclusion, it is necessary to summarize the number of invoices, the number of flights, and indicate whether a forwarder was involved during the trip.

According to form 4-C

Front side

This waybill should be used when using piecework indicators.

Despite the innovations, they did not require changing the form of the old form. Its filling starts from the top. In the left corner you need to put the organization’s stamp, then in the middle the series, document number and date of its execution are written down.

The right block of the graph is filled in by the dispatcher. It records data about the planned day, month, hours and minutes of work, speedometer readings, and actual departure data. All these indicators are indicated first at the time of leaving the garage, and then when returning.

Next is a table with information about the movement of fuel. Here you need to enter the brand of fuel, how much was in the tank when leaving and returning, and how much was filled. To correctly calculate consumption, you can also indicate here the time during which the engine was idling, or special equipment was used.

The tanker, mechanic and dispatcher put their signatures under the data on the movement of fuel, confirming the entered data.

The following table spans the entire width of the document. Here you need to indicate where the car is sent, the time of loading and unloading, the name of the cargo, the mileage and tonnage of the trip and other data. If several flights are planned per working day, they can all be entered here on separate lines.

The lower part is intended for affixing signatures by responsible persons. On the left side, the dispatcher indicates how much fuel the car needs to be filled, confirms the readiness of the car and the driver for work. The lower level of travel clearance is given by a staff physician.

On the right side there are empty columns for other marks of responsible persons in the organization.

Reverse side

This should indicate:

  • Loading and unloading points;
  • Date, hours and minutes of loading and unloading;
  • Information about the operation of the trailer;
  • Data on the trade documents used to transport the goods;
  • Information and signature of the responsible person from the sender or recipient.

If several flights were performed per day, then each one must be entered into the table in a separate line.

The following table is filled in if there was downtime during the working day. The reason, start and end times, and the signature of the responsible person are indicated.

The last table on this side summarizes the vehicle's performance and can be used for payroll purposes.

Here are the following:

  • Data on fuel consumption according to norm and fact;
  • Information about the operating time of the vehicle and trailer, with explanation;
  • Number of flights and total mileage;
  • Tonnage of transported goods;
  • Accrual code and wage amount.

The signature of the responsible person is placed under the table.

Document storage order

The storage of waybills is regulated by several documents at once - Order of the Ministry of Transport No. 152 and Order of the Ministry of Culture No. 558. However, there is some inconsistency in the information in these documents.

Thus, the order of the Ministry of Transport establishes that it is necessary to store travel forms for a minimum of 5 years. The organization may, at its discretion, extend this period for any period.

But the order of the Ministry of Culture states that the storage period for the voucher is 5 years, but on the condition that during this time it was checked by regulatory authorities.

It follows that if a given area has not been subject to inspections for 5 years, then the company has no right to destroy documents. Separately, the order mentions that if a voucher is the only document that can confirm the harmfulness of an employee’s work, then its storage period must be at least 75 years.


Attention! In addition, since the voucher acts as an accounting or tax document, it is also subject to the provisions of the Tax Code and the accounting law. The first determines the storage period of documents for at least 4 years, and in the second - 5 years.

Liability and penalties

For incorrect registration or absence of a waybill, a fine can be imposed by both the Federal Tax Service and traffic police officers.

Sanctions for the driver not having a document are specified in the Code of Administrative Offenses. Since the driver himself is responsible for his transport, a fine of 500 rubles may be issued to him for driving without a ticket.

In addition, a company official may be held liable because he did not provide the driver with a document. For this, a fine of 20 thousand rubles is issued. If the punishment is imposed directly on the organization, then the fine will be set at 100 thousand rubles.

A fine may also be issued for incorrect execution of the travel form. If there is no mark on it about a medical examination, then a fine of 30 thousand rubles is issued. for the company itself, and 5 thousand rubles. - to the responsible person. The same amount of sanctions is imposed if the technical inspection rules were not followed.

The Code stipulates that entrepreneurs bear equal responsibility with companies for violations with waybills.

In addition to fines from the traffic police, the tax authority will also check the presence of waybills as part of the company’s documentation. Their absence or loss will be considered a violation of the rules for accounting for income and expenses, with a fine of 10 thousand rubles.


Important! For several similar violations during one reporting period, the amount of sanctions may be increased to 30 thousand rubles. If, due to the loss of waybills, the tax office considers that the tax base has been underestimated, then the fine will be 20% of the underpayment.


Working with waybills in 1C

According to the general rules for working with route documents, before starting work, the driver receives a waybill, according to which he completes the task. After completing the task, the driver hands over the waybill to the dispatcher. Only after this the dispatcher has the right to issue the driver a new waybill.

As a rule, a document is issued for one day or shift, but the program allows you to issue documents for a month or for any other period. When working with the program, we will also adhere to this rule - issue a new waybill only after the previous one has been completed.

Let's roughly divide the work into 2 stages.

1. Creating a waybill, printing and issuing to the driver

Let's look at the example of a truck waybill (form No. 4-C).

Let's create a new document. To do this, go to “Waysheets” > “Truck Waybill (Form No. 4-C).”

To enter a new waybill into the program, use the “Create” button, after which the editing form will open.

Organization and divisions are filled in automatically from the default value (can be specified in the TS card or as a constant), or by selection by clicking.

The date must correspond to the date the vehicle left the garage.

Select a car from the directory by clicking. If a trailer is attached to the car, it will be automatically filled in the “Trailer No. 1” line, or select the appropriate one by clicking.

Fill in the line “Driver 1” by clicking.

The date and time of leaving the garage in the “Work and fuels and lubricants” block are filled in automatically and are equal to the date of the document.

When leaving, the speedometer and fuel indicators will be filled in automatically from the previous waybill, or if initial data has been entered for this vehicle.

If necessary, you can forcefully update your balances upon departure and recalculate your waybill. This is convenient when correcting documents retroactively. For group recalculation, use the “Fuel and Speedometer Recalculation” processing.

You can select any previously saved address, not necessarily belonging to the selected customer.

At this stage, you can print out the waybill, put the appropriate signatures and give it to the driver. You can print with or without return data.

Then press. The document will be recorded, but will not be posted. We will carry it out at the next stage, after the driver returns the document. Leaving a document unchecked is also convenient because you can immediately see which documents were issued, but not returned or processed.

2. Receiving a waybill from the driver, filling in the actual data and conducting

At the end of the shift, the driver hands over a waybill, where he will have filled in: speedometer and fuel indicators when entering the garage, the amount of fuel issued according to the refueling sheet for that day, trips, the amount of cargo transported. We need this data to correctly calculate fuel standards.

To do this, go to the item “Waysheets” > “Truck Waybills (Form No. 4-C)” or “Waysheets (all)”, find the waybill, open and fill in all the missing data: date and time when entering the garage , “zero mileage” (if it is known how many kilometers the vehicle moved without a load), fuel and lubricants were issued, a tabular part, namely, to accurately calculate the fuel consumption according to the norm, you need to fill in the columns where mileage for all trips.

The correction factor (D) is filled in either automatically from the car (if this factor was taken into account when entering in the “Vehicles” reference book), or manually, guided by section 2, clause 5, clause 6 of the methodological recommendations Standards for the consumption of fuels and lubricants in road transport or vehicle specification.

When the tabular part is filled out, the speedometer indicator “at the end of the day” will be filled in automatically.

For buses, dump trucks, special vehicles, you need to fill out “T-Amount of special work. equipment."

If all the data is entered correctly, the consumption rate will be automatically calculated, which may or may not correspond to the actual consumption of fuel and lubricants.

If you want the actual flow rate to be equal to the standard flow rate, you can press the “=” button or set it manually.

The “Fuel” tab is filled in automatically; it makes sense to look into it only if the vehicle uses several types of fuel. On this tab, if necessary, you can manually edit “actual consumption” and “issued” for a specific type of fuel. Learn more about working with multiple fuels.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to write off fuel by the date of return (for example, if the waybill is issued for a long period and transfers to another month). In this case, check the “Enter return date” checkbox on the fuel tab. The next waybill must be later than the return date so that the sequence is not broken.

If the waybill was created based on “Requests” for transportation, then in the “Requests” tab you can view the list of these requests. Learn more about working with applications.

If the mileage between addresses is unknown, you can download it from a free online service. Learn more about automatic mileage completion.

If your vehicles have one of the supported transport monitoring systems installed, you can download mileage and route data from this system into the waybill. Learn more about setting up the Monitoring module.

This completes the creation of the waybill. We record and conduct. We print if necessary.

Modern economic conditions for commercial enterprises necessitate the creation and development of a flexible logistics system. This task requires a large number of investments and documentation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Enterprise logistics may involve the movement of various types of cargo, people and correspondence.

Route sheet

Large enterprises have on their balance sheets cars and trucks that perform various functions. Regardless of the direction of use, cars are supplied with accompanying documents, the main of which is a route sheet. The procedure for filling out, validity period, and form of travel forms depend on many factors. When working in a traveling nature, enterprises develop a route sheet for business trips, which has several practical meanings. Passenger cars that provide interaction between offices or branches of a company can also use a route sheet for more efficient work. This type of documentation is multifunctional and performs several functions.

Freight transportation

Most organizations prefer to use the services of specialized transport companies that ensure delivery of cargo to its destination and provide the customer with documents confirming their costs. In this case, the consignment note is a replacement for travel papers; the driver’s or forwarder’s route sheet may contain a faster travel scheme and be an addition to the main package of documents. All information about the cargo, the organization of the seller, the buyer, the transport company is contained in the TTN; this document also serves as confirmation of delivery of the goods, the basis for payment for the services of the delivery person and the calculation of wages for the driver and forwarder. In the case of delivery of several consignments of goods, it is practiced to issue a specification form for each flight; one route sheet is drawn up and contains mandatory confirmation of the time of arrival and loading and unloading operations. Transport companies providing delivery services develop a route sheet for each vehicle for a specific order, this allows you to track the movement of the vehicle and the time spent on the road.

Application in small enterprises

The vehicle route sheet used by the individual entrepreneur can also serve as a supplement to the technical specification when it comes to freight transportation of goods. Its content is standard. A passenger car or truck registered to the owner of the enterprise can be used as a vehicle. Often a vehicle is rented to reduce costs, in which case the driver must have a copy of the rental agreement and a trip itinerary.

Required fields

  • Serial number and date of the document.
  • Owner of a vehicle.
  • Driver’s personal data (passport, driver’s license).
  • Name of the shipper (full name, tax identification number, registration codes, address of the actual location of the loading warehouse).
  • Recipient (name, delivery address).
  • Information about the cargo (name, number of packages, weight, transportation conditions).

For individual entrepreneurs and small enterprises, the law does not provide for a single form of route sheet. The organization independently approves the form and the procedure for filling it out in its accounting policies. Internal documents also regulate the procedure for issuing it, the return period, and the persons who have the right to sign. In accordance with the requirements of the PBU, the route sheet must contain all the details and reflect the purposes of the trip, time and routes of travel. The waybill approved on November 27, 1997 by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation in Form 3 can be taken as a sample. The document is finalized taking into account the specifics of transportation and the direction of the company’s activities.

Advance report

Some groups of company employees are forced to spend a lot of time traveling. This is due to the specifics of the work or the interests of the business. Courier delivery service, sales representatives and sales managers, financial director, chief accountant, group of maintenance and repair area workers, etc. - each of the listed positions requires business trips or constant movement around the city. At the same time, as a rule, there is no permanent route, which entails the employee’s travel costs on various types of transport. Enterprises, under the terms of employment contracts, are obliged to reimburse employees for these expenses if they have supporting documents, which, in turn, must be posted through the enterprise’s accounting department and included in the costs. In most cases, an advance report is used for correct reflection in tax accounting, but due to the inconsistency of this document for accounting for transportation costs, a route sheet is additionally attached to it. There is no unified form, so the enterprise independently develops a form convenient for reporting. In this case, it is necessary to take into account not only the number of travel documents provided and their price, but also the suitability of the trips for the tasks of a particular employee.

Route sheet: sample

Scheme of movement of the sales representative of Teremok LLC I. A. Vasechkin for the period from 07/15/2012 to 07/18/2012.


Purpose of the trip

Kind of transport

Name of travel document


LLC "Lira"

Discussion of contractual terms

Bus route No. 2

Ticket No. 0000036


Delivery of product samples

Travel card


Delivery of financial documents

Bus route No. 2

Ticket No. 0000089

LLC "Snegiryok"

Conclusion of a product supply agreement

Bus route No. 4

Ticket No. 0023891

Attached documents: 4 pcs.

The route sheet was handed over by sales representative I. A. Vasechkin __________ (signature, date)

The route sheet was accepted by accountant A. V. Kuznetsova _____________ (signature, date)


The reverse side of the report is filled out by the accountant who accepted it and entered it into the appropriate registers after verification. The report amount is also subject to approval. A mandatory condition for filling out is the indication of dates and their compliance with travel documents. All confirmation forms must be clearly readable and correspond to the information reflected in the developed register. The route sheet is submitted with an advance report within three days from the date of issuance of funds. Many couriers and company sales representatives use this type of document to optimize working time. The route sheet is drawn up for each day; it contains the order of visits to the places planned by the employee. When developing it, traffic patterns, travel time are taken into account, a route is selected that will allow it to correspond to the planned time of business meetings, etc.

Business trips

For many enterprises, it is important to use a route sheet when employees are traveling. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a business trip is a trip on behalf of the employer to fulfill assigned production tasks. Reimbursement of incurred travel expenses is regulated by Art. 168.1 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. To recognize expenses, you must correctly draw up a route sheet and attach travel documents to it. For tax accounting and recognition of travel expenses as expenses, the following documents are required:

  • An order confirming the business purpose of the trip.
  • Employee report on expenses incurred.
  • Route list of movements.
  • Completed travel documents confirming the provision of services.

The amount of expenses is checked by the accounting department, after which the report, approved by the manager, is submitted for reimbursement or repayment of the amount received for the report. The form of the route sheet is developed by the enterprise independently and reflected in the relevant constituent documents.

Employees of an organization who, due to their activities, often make business trips several times a day, are usually compensated for travel expenses. To document them, a route sheet is drawn up. You can learn how to fill out this document correctly from this article, as well as download the form for a business trip itinerary sheet for free.

What is a route sheet

A route sheet is a document that reflects all trips made by an employee. It can be used by the following categories of employees:

  • drivers working in both company and personal vehicles;
  • couriers;
  • employees who have a traveling nature of work, according to the job description;
  • employees who, due to their activities, travel on business (accountants, lawyers, managers, etc.).

This is not an exhaustive list. The categories of employees who must maintain a route sheet are determined by order of the manager.

Route sheet: what is it for?

Drawing up a route sheet can serve the following purposes:

  • confirm the employee’s travel expenses incurred;
  • confirm the employee’s arrival at a particular place;
  • serve as the basis for payment of transportation expenses to the employee;
  • serve for analysis and optimization of routes.

Depending on the purpose for which the route sheet is drawn up, it can be sent:

  • to accounting;
  • the employee's immediate supervisor.

Note! There is no need to confuse the ticket and the driver’s route sheet, these are two different documents. The first is approved by law, and the application of the second remains at the discretion of the employer.

Route sheet: sample

In order to answer the question of how to draw up a route sheet, it is necessary to determine for what purposes it will be used.

How to make a route sheet

As mentioned above, in order to confirm the employee’s movements and his transportation expenses, a route sheet is drawn up. The form of this document is not approved by law, so its content remains entirely at the discretion of the employer. At the end of the article you can download the route sheet (form) for free. A sample of this document may contain the following information:

  • Full name of the employee who fills it, position and structural unit;
  • date or period of the route sheet. You can draw up and submit this document every day, or you can maintain it for a week or a month;
  • addresses, arrivals and departures;
  • arrival and departure times (if necessary);
  • the cost of the trip and a document confirming it. As a rule, these are travel documents (tickets, travel cards, taxi receipts, etc.). Supporting documents are attached to the route sheet;
  • arrival and departure notes. Serves as confirmation that the employee was actually present at the specified location.

At the request of the manager, any other information can be included in the route sheet form.

Typically, the route sheet form is approved by local acts of the organization.

How to fill out a route sheet

Filling out the route sheet is as follows:

  • The route sheet is drawn up on the official letterhead of the enterprise, or the name of the organization is indicated. Since in some cases (when reimbursement of transportation costs) the route sheet will be the primary accounting document, it is advisable to indicate the name in full;
  • The name of the document, number (if available) and date of preparation are indicated. If the route sheet is drawn up for more than one day, then the period is indicated;
  • For convenience, further information is placed in a table, each row of which is allocated to one place that the employee visits. The table is filled in as needed. This is done manually by the employee himself. If the route sheet serves as confirmation of the employee’s location, then a representative of another organization must put a mark in the appropriate column. This can be a signature and decoding, or a seal (from the HR department, for documents, etc.)

After the route sheet is completed, the employee signs it and submits it to the accounting department or to his immediate supervisor. A route sheet is a document that confirms an employee’s movements and travel expenses. It is developed and approved in each organization independently, since there is no unified form for this document

The route sheet is filled out when employees of enterprises and organizations must confirm their transportation expenses incurred in the process of carrying out work-related assignments. In this case, expenses can be incurred both to pay for gasoline for the employee’s personal vehicle, and to pay for tickets for public transport.

Subsequently, the route sheet, together with a report on the use of funds, becomes the basis for paying compensation to the employee in accordance with his expenses, and also serves as an accounting and tax document.


Who needs a route sheet

The preparation of this document is necessary for drivers, courier service employees, sales representatives, accountants, lawyers, sales managers, etc. It is these categories of workers who most often travel around the city for business purposes. In addition, route sheets are used by those business travelers who go on business trips in their own cars.

In some cases, in addition to the fiscal significance, route sheets are needed by the management of organizations to analyze the routes of employees in order to find the most optimal, shortest routes, which in turn can significantly reduce the costs of the enterprise for the movement of employees around the city.

The procedure for issuing route sheets

The form of the route sheet is approved in the accounting policy of the organization. The frequency (daily, weekly, monthly), as well as the order of its execution, is also prescribed here.

It is worth noting that in order to recognize expenses incurred by an employee on business trips, it is necessary not only to correctly draw up the route sheet, but also to attach other supporting documents to it as separate attachments. In particular:

  • an order that will serve as confirmation of a trip for official purposes;
  • employee report on expenses incurred;
  • clearly readable travel documents that will prove the provision of services.

Expenses are checked by specialists in the accounting department, after which the document is submitted to the manager for signature, and then submitted for repayment or reimbursement of the accountable amount. Additional payments to employees who use personal vehicles when traveling for work or who use public transport are considered expenses by organizations and directly affect taxation when calculating income tax.

Rules for filling out the route sheet

There is no unified form of the route sheet; enterprises and organizations can develop a route sheet template on their own or write it in free form. The main thing is that it must include all trips in order, committed by an employee in a certain period of time, indicating their goals, as well as links to primary documents. It can be drawn up either on a regular A4 sheet or on the company’s letterhead.

Itinerary must be drawn up in duplicate, one of which is transferred to the organization’s accounting department, the second remains in the hands of the employee. There is no need to certify it with a seal, since it relates to internal document flow.

Instructions for filling out the route sheet

The route sheet is always written according to standard office work rules, so it should not cause any special difficulties. This sample examines the route sheet, which is drawn up by the driver based on the results of his trips around the city in one day.

  1. At the top of the document, in the center of the line, its name is written, and just below the locality in which it is issued and the date are indicated: day, month (in words), year.
  2. Then enter the last name, first name, and patronymic of the employee for whom it is being compiled, indicate his position, make of the car, and the purpose of the trip.
  3. Next, a table is entered into the document, into which the date of the trip, the destination (address), marks of arrival and departure (hours and minutes with precision), a document confirming the costs (number, date), as well as the amount of money spent are entered in order.
  4. The route sheet must be signed by the employee for whom it is issued, as well as by the company’s accountant.

After completing the route sheet

After the route sheet is properly drawn up and certified, it becomes a tax and accounting document. In the event of tax audits, this document may also be drawn to the attention of regulatory authorities.

In addition to the route sheet, tax authorities may request other primary documentation, including travel tickets, payment documents from gas stations and waybills.

In addition, controllers will compare the compliance of employees’ work duties and their movements. It is unlikely that an accountant’s trip to a bank or a lawyer’s trip to court will raise questions, so such subtleties must also be taken into account.

Many enterprises have business trips, which can be permanent and directly related to work. In such cases, a route sheet must be drawn up, which contains all information, tangent to the route developed for the employee.

Most often, traveling work is necessary for the purpose of selling a product, studying the state of demand, or, conversely, resolving a purchase issue. Based on this, the route sheet has following goals:

  • route planning, correct distribution of the sequence of stopping points, spending less time and less fuel;
  • a visual report on the work done, how much was accomplished within the set deadline;
  • a report on how much fuel and lubricants were spent, how far the vehicle traveled, in what quantity and what kind of product was sold.

What is it needed for

Based on the purposes of the route sheet, we can conclude that it is necessary in order to properly plan a business trip and make a route. Also, for the driver he is a certain cheat sheet, which indicates to which address and what needs to be delivered.

In addition, accounting and management require a route sheet as a report of where did the money allocated for fuels and lubricants go?. And in cases of breakdowns or accidents, it will be able to be proof that the driver actually made a trip to certain addresses.

If an employee uses his personal transport for official travel, then upon presentation of the route sheet to him must compensate transport maintenance costs.

The order of filling out the main sections

Although the route sheet is a mandatory document, there is no single unified form of its form. Each organization itself develops a form convenient for itself, which it establishes in its accounting policies. The main thing is that it contains all the necessary data.

Mandatory details are:

  • document number and date;
  • employee information;
  • vehicle information;
  • route data.

The route sheet is drawn up in two copies, one of which remains with the employee himself, and the second goes to the accountant’s reporting. This document not required to be certified with a seal.

There is nothing complicated in filling out the route sheet; it consists of a header and a tabular part, which contains all the instructions:

  1. The first line is the name of the document and its serial number.
  2. Next, write down the full last name, first name and patronymic of the driver.
  3. Car information is filled in.
  4. On what basis is this trip being made?

After completing the header, you can proceed to the table, part of which is filled out immediately, and the second half during the trip. The table itself consists of several columns that should contain the following information:

  • serial number of the position;
  • date of travel to this destination;
  • information about the place of arrival, name of the organization, address of the recipient;
  • a time stamp of arrival is placed upon arrival;
  • a stamp indicating the time of departure from the point is also placed upon departure;
  • name of the product or service provided, which is the purpose of the trip;
  • the amount in rubles, if we are talking about any product;
  • a document confirming the purchase of a product or service, most often this is a sales receipt number;
  • signature from the receiving party, which confirms the veracity of everything written.

After the table, at the end of all trips, a personal signature is placed on the driver, as well as the accountant who received him.

Route sheet No. 4

Driver: Goryainov Vladimir Viktorovich

Car: Gazelle №AT211Х

Reason: Business trip to deliver goods as requested.

No. date Arrival information Arrival time Departure time Name of product Amount, in rubles Base Recipient's signature
6 02/01/2017 Ekaterinburg, st. Lenina, 8, apt. 60

7 952 698 21 54

washing machine Bosch 5684 12 990 Sales receipt No.IN1235/123
7 02/01/2017 LLC "Veles"

Ekaterinburg, st. Sapozhnikov, 12

7 900 203 18 23

printer-copier-copier Adver 32 23 460 Sales receipt No.IN8561/984
8 02/01/2017 Ekaterinburg, st. Beregovaya, 11, apt. thirty

7 952 630 19 04

refrigerator Indesit T-1300 36 590 Sales receipt No.IN7413/951
The route sheet was handed over by the driver V.V. Goryainov.

The route sheet was accepted by accountant O.A. Baranova.

Submission to accounting department

After all the trips planned in the itinerary have been completed, one copy must be submitted to the accounting department to confirm all actions.

In addition to the route sheet, you must attach following documents:

  • an order from the manager on the basis of which a business trip is permitted, what its purposes are and agreement on reimbursement of expenses;
  • confirming expenses, these can be receipts from gas stations;
  • travel tickets, if available.

After the accountant calculates the expenses and checks the correctness of all documents provided to him and their authenticity, he passes them on to the manager for review.

As soon as the manager signs all the forms and gives his consent, the driver can go to the company’s cash desk and receive a refund or wait for it along with his salary.

Verified route sheets are stored at responsible person, most often this is an accountant. He carefully puts all the documents in order into a separate folder and puts them in their place.

Quarterly, if the driver’s work is carried out several times a week, and a sufficient number of papers accumulate, they can be stitch into one big report and archive organizations.

The minimum shelf life of route sheets is 5 years. Depending on certain circumstances, such as working in harmful or difficult conditions, transporting dangerous goods, the period increases up to 75 years old All in all.

As soon as the statute of limitations for documents expires, the organization draws up a special act for the destruction of documents, after which they are disposed of in a special way.

Difference from travel

Despite the similarities, this two different documents, they have differences:

  1. The waybill contains a unified form; its form cannot be changed and is used equally by all organizations.
  2. The waybill contains much more accurate information: driver's license details, car registration number, permission to drive from the mechanic, amount of fuel before leaving the garage and after check-in, and much more.
  3. The itinerary is not mandatory, it can be requested if necessary, while the waybill is strictly necessary during business trips and business trips, in addition, it is a strict reporting form.
  4. A route sheet is usually drawn up for work related to the delivery of goods, courier service, actions of sales representatives, etc. The waybill is also drawn up when traveling on official transport, during business trips and executive trips; it serves as a supporting document for the advance report.
  5. If the route sheet has a minimum shelf life, then the route sheet must be preserved for the entire 75 years.

For sales representative

A sales representative needs a route sheet like no one else, because due to his position he must travel a lot and visit a large number of points. The route must be thought out carefully, based on the distance between points, their distance from the office or home, and the hours of their work.

The sales representative's route sheet includes the following information:

  • surname, name, patronymic of the employee;
  • the city of his activity;
  • date of travel;
  • purpose of the visit;
  • name of retail outlets;
  • actual address of their location;
  • client phone number, email address;
  • time of entry into the retail outlet;
  • time of leaving the outlet;
  • client's signature.

Sales representative route sheet

Full name: Krestyanskaya Lyudmila Viktorovna

Yekaterinburg city

Date: 09/06/2017

Goal: to familiarize grocery stores in the Leninsky district with the assortment of sausage products from the Kudesnitsa company

No. Name of outlet Actual address Phone number, email Arrival time Check out time Client signature
1 Grocery store "Verba" st. Pirogova, 3 8 965 845 32 96
2 Supermarket "Udacha" st. Astrakhanskaya, 17 8 951 632 78 54, udacha@yaya
3 Grocery store "Good" st. Marshala Rybalko, 1 8 953 654 78 23 horosho@yaya
4 Hypermarket "Vybor" st. Volgodonskaya, 26 8 987 963 45 63
5 Store of semi-finished products "Nadezhda" st. Komsomolskaya, 34 8 900 321 45 89

The sales representative's route sheet has clear goals:

  1. Act as a guide, indicate where to go and in what order.
  2. Serve as a report for reimbursement of gasoline costs, since sales representatives most often use their personal transport and travel not only around their city, but also throughout the region.
  3. Identify the employee’s performance and encourage him in case of a large amount of work performed.

For the driver

Not only couriers or sales representatives can make trips for official reasons; company drivers can also receive such orders for transportation of any official cargo. Most often these are truck drivers who have received orders to distribute some material to warehouses and areas.

In such a situation, based on the manager’s order, a route sheet is issued with all the necessary details and warehouse addresses.

Route sheet No. 2

Driver: Leontyev V.N.

Car: GAZ 52

Reason: transfer of raw materials for manufacturing products to production units

No. date Recipient's name Address of the recipient Delivery time Shipping Name Base Signature of the responsible person
1 07/12/2017 Warehouse No. 2 Metal staples, 4 kg
2 07/12/2017 Warehouse No. 2 Voronezh, st. Sadovaya, 4 Metal corners, 4 kg Invoice M-15 No. 6 dated July 12, 2017.
3 07/12/2017 Warehouse No. 3 Voronezh, st. Nagornaya, 2 Plywood, 50 m Invoice M-15 No. 7 dated July 12, 2017.

The route sheet is supported invoice for transfer of materials to the third party, on the basis of which delivery is permitted.

During business trips and official trips

Business trips and trips are not uncommon, especially in large organizations or those that have divisions or partners in other cities. The employee is given money for the duration of the trip, which must be used for accommodation, food and travel expenses.

If the purpose of the business trip is more of a courier nature, and you need to take the goods to another city, or a business trip has a final goal in the same locality and will not last long, a route sheet.

If the business trip is more business-oriented and is designed for a long journey, in this case it is better to issue a waybill that will show in more detail all fuel costs. It also provides more additional information about the vehicle's condition.

You should not think that the route sheet is not such an important document; on the contrary, it contains useful information that may be useful if any controversial issues arise. For this reason, you need to be careful about the execution and storage of this document, because we can talk about your own money and personal transport.

Details of registration for a sales representative are in this video.