Administrative territory. Administrative-territorial division of Russia Which of the listed administrative-territorial units is allocated

  • 2.3. The procedure for the adoption and revision of the Constitution of the Russian Federation
  • Control questions and tasks
  • Bibliographic list
  • Section 2. The constitutional system of the Russian Federation and its foundations
  • 3. Constitutional consolidation of the role of the state in the system of the constitutional system
  • 3.1. The concept of the constitutional order and its foundations
  • 3.2. The main characteristics of the Russian state
  • Control questions and tasks
  • 4. Socio-economic foundations of the constitutional order of the Russian Federation
  • 4.1. The concept and structure of civil society
  • 4.2. The concept of the economic system of the state and the principles of a market economy in the Russian Federation
  • The main differences between a market economy and a planned one
  • 4.3. Forms of ownership in the Russian Federation
  • Control questions and tasks
  • 5. Ideological and political foundations of the constitutional order of the Russian Federation
  • 5.1. The concept of ideological and political diversity
  • 5.2. Constitutional status of public associations
  • Control questions and tasks
  • Bibliographic list
  • Section 3. Fundamentals of the legal status of a person
  • 6. Constitutional foundations of the legal status of the individual
  • 6.1. The concept of the legal status of the individual
  • 6.2. Constitutional status of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  • 6.3. Constitutional foundations of the legal status of foreign citizens and stateless persons
  • Control questions and tasks
  • 7. Citizenship of the Russian Federation
  • 7.1. The concept of citizenship
  • 7.2. Current nationality law
  • Control questions and tasks
  • 8. Fundamental rights, freedoms and duties of man and citizen
  • 8.1. The concept and legal nature of the fundamental rights, freedoms and duties of a person and a citizen
  • 8.2. The main duties of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  • 8.3. Development of a system of guarantees of fundamental rights and freedoms
  • Control questions and tasks
  • Bibliographic list
  • Section 4. The federal structure of Russia and the system of authorities of the federal state
  • 9. The constitutional and legal status of Russia as a federal state
  • 9.1. The concept and forms of government
  • 9.2. Status of the Russian Federation as a sovereign federal state
  • Control questions and tasks
  • 10. Subjects of the Russian Federation and their administrative-territorial structure
  • 10.1. Status of subjects of the Russian Federation
  • 10.2. The concept and principles of the administrative-territorial structure
  • 10.3. Types of administrative-territorial units, their characteristics
  • Control questions and tasks
  • 11. The constitutional system of public authorities of the Russian Federation
  • 11.1. The concept and signs of a state body
  • 11.2. System and types of state bodies
  • Control questions and tasks
  • Bibliographic list
  • Section 5. Federal bodies of state power and the procedure for their formation (President and Federal Assembly)
  • 12. Suffrage and electoral systems in the Russian Federation
  • 12.1. Concepts of elections and suffrage
  • 12.2. Types of electoral systems
  • 1 2.3. The electoral process and its stages
  • Control questions and tasks
  • 13. President of the Russian Federation in the constitutional system of state bodies
  • 1 3.1. The President of the Russian Federation is the head of state, the procedure for his election and removal from office.
  • 13.2. The competence of the President of the Russian Federation, his relationship with other state bodies, acts of the President of the Russian Federation.
  • 13.3. Administration of the President of the Russian Federation
  • Control questions and tasks
  • 14. Federal Assembly - Parliament of Russia
  • 14.1. The procedure for the formation and work of the chambers of the Federal Assembly
  • 14.2. Competence and acts of the chambers of the Federal Assembly
  • Control questions and tasks
  • 15. Legislative process and the status of deputies in Russia
  • 15. 1. Legislative process in the Russian Federation
  • 15. 2. Constitutional and legal status of deputies
  • 15. 1. Legislative process in the Russian Federation
  • 15.2. Constitutional and legal status of deputies
  • Control questions and tasks
  • Bibliographic list
  • Section 6. Federal bodies of state power (Government, courts, prosecutor's office)
  • 16. Government of the Russian Federation
  • 16.1. Executive power: the concept and system of the procedure for the formation of the Government of the Russian Federation.
  • 16.2. Competence of the Government of the Russian Federation, its acts
  • 16.3. System and structure of federal executive bodies
  • Control questions and tasks
  • 17. Constitutional foundations of the judiciary in the Russian Federation
  • 17.1. Concept and principles of justice
  • 1 7.2. The judicial system and the procedure for the formation of courts
  • 17.3. Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation
  • Control questions and tasks
  • 18. Bodies of prosecutorial supervision and the investigative committee in the Russian Federation
  • 18.1. The place and role of the Russian prosecutor's office in the system of public authorities
  • 18.2. The functions of the prosecutor's office and the principles of its activities
  • 1 8.3. Prosecutorial system
  • Control questions and tasks
  • Bibliographic list
  • Section 7. Authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments
  • 19. State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
  • 19.1. Features of the system of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
  • 19.2. Legislative (representative) bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
  • 19.3. Executive and other public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
  • Control questions and tasks
  • 20. Local self-government in the Russian Federation
  • 20.1. The concept and powers of local government
  • 2 0.2. Forms of direct democracy
  • 2 0.3. Local governments
  • Control questions and tasks
  • Bibliographic list
  • Conclusion
  • Table of contents
  • Section 6. Federal bodies of state power (Government, courts, prosecutor's office) 153
  • Section 7. Authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments 183
  • 10.2. The concept and principles of the administrative-territorial structure

    Administrative-territorial structure- this is the division of the territory of the state into parts (regions, provinces, states, etc.), in accordance with which the system of state authorities and local self-government is built and functions. They are called administrative-territorial units.

    The main task of the administrative-territorial structure is to ensure the functioning of the state mechanism, the efficient operation of the state apparatus, its connection with local governments, with the population. No less important are fiscal goals, that is, organizing the collection of taxes from the population, and police goals - ensuring public law and order in a given territory.

    In tsarist Russia, there was a very high degree of centralization of the country with strict subordination of grassroots structures to the top. On its territory (in modern borders) there were 56 provinces and regions, 476 counties and districts and 10,606 volosts. Some outlying provinces united into governor-generals.

    In the first years of Soviet power, an administrative reform was carried out based on new principles that took into account the interests of the economic and cultural development of the country as a whole and its individual regions and regions, ensuring the needs of the free development of all the nations and nationalities of Russia.

    The most important principle administrative-territorial structure is the economic principle. When establishing the boundaries of regions, districts, natural-historical and economic conditions, the availability of natural resources, the profile and level of economic development, communication routes, the number and density of the population, the presence of centers of economic gravity are taken into account. The economic principle contributes to the development of the country's productive forces and enables local bodies to independently solve economic and socio-economic problems.

    In the conditions of a multinational state, which is the Russian Federation, an important role is played by the national principle, which implies the need for a comprehensive account of the national composition of the population living in a given territory. The successful solution of the tasks facing them by public authorities and local self-government depends largely on their proximity to the population, the possibility of better satisfying its needs and requests, relying on its initiative and initiative. Therefore, the need to bring the state apparatus as close as possible to the population is also taken into account in the administrative-territorial structure of the Russian Federation. The need to bring the state apparatus closer to economically important enterprises (industrial, mining, agricultural) is also taken into account, which makes it possible to quickly influence the development of the economy.

    Previously, issues of the administrative-territorial structure within the constituent entities of the Russian Federation were resolved in Moscow by the Presidium of the Supreme Council, now this falls within the competence of the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    10.3. Types of administrative-territorial units, their characteristics

    Many authors believe that the administrative-territorial structure is inherent only in the subjects of the Russian Federation, but in practice the division of the Russian Federation (as of January 1, 2010) into 83 equal subjects is the first federal level of the administrative-territorial division of the country.

    Administrative-territorial division within the subjects of the Russian Federation is carried out on the basis of their laws. For example, in accordance with the law of the Novosibirsk region, the administrative-territorial structure (division) of the region is the territorial organization of the region, which is a system of administrative-territorial units, in accordance with which the system of state authorities and local self-government is built.

    An administrative-territorial unit is a part of the territory of a region within fixed boundaries with one or more settlements, which has a statutory status, a name, and is under the jurisdiction of state authorities and local self-government.

    In most subjects of the Russian Federation, two levels of division are still maintained: basic and primary.

    Base the level represents the division of the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation into rural areas and cities of republican, regional, regional significance.

    The primary level is the division of districts into cities of district significance, settlements, village councils (there are districts consisting only of village councils), and cities of regional (and other) significance - into urban districts.

    There are the following administrative-territorial units:

    - Republic, territory, region, autonomous regionlast- These are the largest administrative-territorial units within the Russian Federation, which are a complex economic complex with industrial centers and agricultural regions.

      Cities of federal significance (GFZ)- Moscow and St. Petersburg. These are the largest political and economic, cultural and administrative centers. In addition, Moscow has the status of the capital of the Russian Federation, and St. Petersburg is the former capital of Russia and the second largest city in the country.

      Autonomous regions- this is a form of national-state structure for the small peoples of the North and the Far East. They, as a rule, are part of the regions and territories. The Chukotka Autonomous Okrug separated from the Magadan Region and became an independent administrative-territorial unit.

      Area(municipal district) - the main administrative-territorial unit in rural areas. The leading place here belongs to agricultural production and processing of agricultural products. In addition, this is the most important base for all types of socio-cultural services for the entire rural population of the region.

    An exceptionally important role in the political, economic and cultural life of the country is played by cities. According to subordination, population, industrial and cultural level, cities are divided into two main groups.

      Cities of republican, regional and other significance- these are the administrative centers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the largest cities with a population of more than 50 thousand people, they contain the industrial potential of the region, these are centers of economic gravity, cultural and scientific centers. In the Novosibirsk region, these include: Novosibirsk, Berdsk, Kuibyshev, Barabinsk, Tatarsk, Iskitim, Ob. These cities may have the status city ​​district equated to the status municipal area. IN The cities of Novosibirsk, Berdsk, Iskitim, Ob, as well as the science city of Koltsovo have the status of an urban district in the Novosibirsk Region. special status science city receive urban settlements that are centers of science. In cities with a population of more than 100 thousand people, urban areas can be created.

      Cities of regional significance- industrial and cultural centers with a population of at least 12 thousand people. Sometimes a condition is set that workers, employees and members of their families make up at least 85%.

    Urban areas also include urban villages, smaller cities and smaller populations. There are three types of villages:

    - work camp- a settlement with a population of at least 3 thousand people, on the territory of which there are industrial enterprises, construction sites, railway junctions, scientific centers and other economically important objects;

    - resort village- a settlement in the resort area with a population of more than 2 thousand people, provided that the number of people who annually come for rest and treatment is more than 50% of the permanent population;

    - suburban village- a locality serving major cities as summer holiday destinations.

    The most numerous administrative-territorial unit at present are rural settlements: villages, villages, villages, farms, auls, etc. Most of their inhabitants are engaged in agriculture and its maintenance. The territory of a rural settlement as an administrative-territorial unit is called rural municipality.

    There are features of administrative division in cities of federal significance. For example, Moscow is divided into administrative districts (basic level), and they are divided into municipal districts (primary level).

    Taking into account the opinion of the majority of the population, national districts and village councils.

    In addition, closed administrative-territorial formations can be created, on the territory of which a special regime for the safe functioning and protection of state secrets is required, including special living conditions for citizens, their status is determined by federal law.

    In all cities there are non-administrative formations called neighborhoods, V they can create bodies of territorial public self-government.

    In 2000, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the territory of the country was divided into seven federal districts (in 2009, the eighth federal district, the North Caucasus, was created). They appointed plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation, who, no doubt, will have a certain influence on the solution of the tasks facing the administrative-territorial structure of the country.

    The concept and principles of the administrative-territorial structure of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Legal consolidation of the administrative-territorial structure of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the constitutions and charters of the subjects.

    Constitutional and legal status of the Russian Federation.

    In the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in general, the principle of state sovereignty of the modern Russian state is enshrined (Articles 2 and 3 of the Constitution). It means that the federal state power of the Russian Federation has the supremacy, independence and independence from any other authorities both on the territory of the Russian Federation itself and in its relations with foreign states.

    Sovereignty This is the qualitative state of state power. It is expressed through the definition of "the totality of the sovereign rights of the state, that is, the most important, fundamental rights."

    At the same time, they characterize the Russian Federation as a state 1) the right of constituent power, i.e. the right to develop, adopt its own Constitution, make the necessary changes, additions and amendments to it; 2) the right to establish a system of federal bodies of legislative, executive and judicial power, the procedure for their organization and activities, the right to adopt federal constitutional laws and federal laws, to exercise control over their observance; 3) the right to have one's Russian citizenship, acquisition and termination ~ is carried out in accordance with federal laws; 4) the right to have Russian armed forces to ensure and protect the state sovereignty of the Russian Federation; 5) the right to have their own state language throughout the territory of the Russian Federation - the Russian language; 6) the right to have their own symbols of state sovereignty; coat of arms, flag, anthem and capital.

    The sovereign rights of the Russian Federation as an independent state constitute the core of its competence. It is through the powers and subjects of its own jurisdiction (and joint jurisdiction with the subjects) that the Russian Federation exercises state sovereignty.

    THEME # 12

    The Russian Federation has the following principles of formation of the territory of the subjects of the Russian Federation: 1) territorial principle; 2) national principle; 3) national-territorial (mixed) principle.

    Territorial principle The formation of a subject of the Russian Federation means that the boundaries of such a subject are determined solely by the presence of a large covered territory and a large number of residents. According to this principle, as a rule, territories, regions, as well as cities of federal significance are formed.

    National principle means that the formation of a subject of the Russian Federation is associated with the characteristics of the national composition of the population. The subjects of the Russian Federation, formed according to the national principle, often have a small territory, but include associations of the peoples of Russia and therefore are separated into independent subjects of the Russian Federation.

    mixed type formation of the subject of the Russian Federation includes the features of both the national and territorial principles.

    signs subjects of the Russian Federation: 1) do not have state sovereignty; 2) do not have the right to self-determination by virtue of the principle of the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation; 3) the status of citizens of the Russian Federation is the same throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, regardless of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in which the citizen lives; 4) exercise powers in accordance with federal legislation; 5) all subjects of the Russian Federation are equal.

    Administrative-territorial structure of the state- this is the division of its territory into certain parts, in accordance with which the system of local government bodies and local self-government bodies is built. Such parts are called administrative-territorial units.

    Administrative-territorial structure of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation based on a number of principles. The most important of them is economic principle, requiring the formation of administrative-territorial units to take into account the features of the economic profile, the direction of development of the economy, the number of population, the state of communications.

    In a multinational state, an important role is played by national principle administrative-territorial structure. It involves a comprehensive consideration of the national composition of the population and its characteristics in the creation and change of administrative-territorial units.

    The successful solution by local governments and local governments of the tasks facing them largely depends on their proximity to the population, which allows them to better meet the daily needs and demands of the population. That's why maximum approximation both the state apparatus and local self-government to the population is also becoming an important principle of the administrative-territorial structure of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    The current Constitution of the Russian Federation does not regulate issues of administrative-territorial structure. These issues are the area of ​​activity, mainly, of the subjects of the Russian Federation, each of which solves these issues independently, in relation to its specific conditions. These decisions are reflected in the constitutions of the republics within the Russian Federation, as well as in the charters of other subjects of the Russian Federation.

    The constitutions and charters of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation distinguish basic And primary administrative-territorial units of subjects of the Russian Federation. To the first of these are districts and cities of republican, regional (territorial) subordination. To the second include cities of regional subordination, districts in cities, towns, rural settlements.

    Area- an administrative-territorial unit that is part of a republic, territory, region, autonomous region. In economic terms, each district is a complex diversified organism, including agricultural enterprises for the processing of agricultural raw materials, public utilities and trade and purchasing organizations.

    An exceptionally important role in the political, economic and cultural life of the country is played by cities. By subordination, depending on the significance of the city, its population, its industrial and cultural level, they are divided into the following main types: cities of republican significance; cities of regional, regional, district significance; regional cities.

    Ensuring the normal functioning of the largest cities necessitated their division into smaller administrative-territorial units - urban areas. Urban areas are part of these cities and represent a grassroots administrative-territorial unit. Urban settlements, which are one of the types of administrative-territorial units, also include settlements. They differ from cities in their smaller territory and population. Villages fall into three categories: workers, resort and country houses.

    To the category of workers' settlements includes settlements on the territory of which there are industrial enterprises, construction sites, railway junctions and other economically important objects. Resort villages are settlements located in areas of medical importance. To holiday villages include settlements whose main purpose is to serve cities as a summer holiday destination.

    On the territory of some subjects of the Federation, national districts are created for compactly residing numerically small groups of nationalities.

    The Russian Federation also has closed administrative-territorial formations. Closed administrative-territorial An entity is recognized as a territorial entity having local self-government bodies, within which industrial enterprises are located for the development, manufacture, storage and disposal of weapons of mass destruction, processing of radioactive and other materials. A closed administrative-territorial entity is an administrative-territorial unit. Its territory and boundaries are determined on the basis of a special security regime for the operation of facilities, as well as taking into account the needs of the development of settlements.

    Any state is inherent in the division into separate parts of its entire territory. This is necessary for the creation of local self-government, the implementation of management activities. The administrative territorial unit forms the structure of the state. These are formal regions that have political and economic meaning.

    The totality of such units constitutes the administrative and political division of the country. Moreover, the division procedure can be considered both as a process of creating a certain structure, and as its final result. As a result, various administrative units are formed.

    general characteristics

    The part of the state that forms the political administrative map of the country. In accordance with this division, a system of local self-government is being built. This is a special case of zoning, which is carried out by public authorities.

    The division of the territory of a sovereign state into separate regions is determined by political, natural, ethnic and other factors. Federal states also have similar units of local government, since such countries are unitary. Their device is special.

    Such states are characterized by a federal structure. Each of their subjects has a unitary structure, but they can also be separate federations. Administrative units are managed by local governments. Their rights are regulated by law.

    Features of the division of countries

    The division of the country into separate parts has an ancient origin. This has been the case in many states, past and present. The difference lies only in the complexity of such a device.

    In some countries, when they break up, the borders of the regions can form separate states. In this case, multiple territorial disputes may arise.

    Features of division in the Russian Federation

    Administrative-territorial units of Russia formed under the influence of the legislative activity of representative bodies. There are certain principles by which such a process occurs. Legislation regulates the powers of local self-government bodies.

    Relations between the state and its regions have a simple form. Therefore, the government can change the zoning without the approval of local authorities of such decisions.

    Principles of formation of regions in the Russian Federation

    Russian territorial-administrative units are formed according to several principles. These include territorial, national and mixed approaches. In the first case, it is supposed to allocate a territorial unit in the presence of a large area and a large number of people living here. This principle is the basis for the formation of the region, region, city.

    According to the national principle, the subjects of the Russian Federation are formed, in which a certain ethnic group of the population lives. If a certain people that is part of the federation lives in a specific small area, this area is also distinguished into a separate unit.

    The mixed principle has features of national and territorial division. Signs of the subject is the lack of state sovereignty, the inability to independently change borders or secede from the state. The population living in such areas is endowed with the same rights. All residents are citizens of the Russian Federation. All subjects have equal rights.

    Separation factors

    There are several main factors that shape each main administrative-territorial unit. This happens under the influence of natural-geographical, ethnic, cultural, social and economic features of development. In this regard, several groups of factors can be distinguished. They determine the formation of the system.

    Ethnocultural factors determine the territorial structure in multinational states. Such areas have clearly defined objects on the ground. To avoid the separatism of national minorities, the government rarely defines the boundaries of the region according to this principle.

    Historical factors developed many centuries ago. Having survived to this day, they can form a map of the country. The settlement system (demographic factor) can also influence this process. In some cases, territorial units are formed under the influence of natural (geographical) factors.

    The economic factor is important today. It determines the division of the territory according to the profile of production, the direction of economic activity.

    Types of territorial units

    To understand what is the name of the territorial administrative unit in the Russian Federation, it is necessary to consider their existing types. They are primary and basic. The first category of entities includes district cities, urban settlements, and settlements. The second category of entities includes districts, cities of republican or regional subordination.

    A district is a constituent part of a krai, autonomous okrug or region. It is a diversified economic structure. It includes public utilities, agricultural, trade and purchasing enterprises.

    A city is a unit that is important for the cultural, political and economic activities of the country. They are divided into types depending on a number of organizational factors. There are cities of republican, regional, regional, district, district significance. Urban areas are part of them, the smallest structural unit.

    Townships are also considered a separate part of the territorial system. They differ from cities in smaller sizes. There are dacha, resort and workers' settlements.

    Subordination Format

    Administrative-territorial units of the country may differ in varying degrees of subordination to state authorities. Depending on this, there are several formats for organizing structural elements.

    The autonomous region has a high political status. Their level of self-government is high. Most often, such units are distinguished on an ethnocultural basis.

    The second type of subordination includes regions in which there is a special order of governance. Such structural units may include regions with a special geopolitical situation. Most often they live in conditions of strict control by the centralized government.

    The third form are areas with a lowered political status. Such regions may not have at all or only a part of the features of the subjects. They have a small number of inhabitants or a small size.

    Capital districts are characterized by the presence of a large city, which have some autonomy or special rights.

    Extraterritorial territories are distinguished by ethnicity. There are also overseas territories that were formed after the collapse of the colonies. They are called possessions. There are also uncontrolled regions.

    Name of the structural unit

    To figure it out what is the administrative-territorial unit functions in the region, it is necessary to consider the peculiarities of their toponomics. There are names and names of similar structural elements of states. The name means synonyms of formal regions. They may be common to many countries or occur exclusively in one state.

    Conventionally, the word “province” can be used to define the concept of a territorial administrative unit in any country. The rest of the forms are considered derivatives of it.

    In most states, one name is used for structural units. However, for complex federations, a more complex organization is possible. In this case, the names may be formed as a result of historical factors, the size of the territory, etc.

    The name is set for a specific territory with unique characteristics.

    Detail level

    Included in the structure of a certain number of elements. Their number determines the level of fragmentation of the state. The optimal parameters of this concept are related to the choice of an adequate controllable structure.

    The index of fragmentation depends on the number of inhabitants in the country, its size and the degree of its dismemberment in accordance with various characteristics. For each state, there is an optimal number of structural units. Moreover, it does not depend on the size of the territory and the number of inhabitants. Each structural element must have high controllability.

    The number of structural units for an average state is about 18 pieces. This is the historically established optimum level. However, this does not mean that any state should form its structure in accordance with this value.

    Administrative center

    Has such an element as the center. For full-fledged management, its location is important, as well as its capital. The last principle has several types.

    The dominant center is the largest city in the region. It has a great influence on other structural units. Dominance is determined by the concentration of the population in it relative to the entire region, as well as economic potential.

    The competitively dominant center is the capital, which is one of several major cities in the region. The function center may be small, but it performs administrative functions.

    Another form of capital city is the historical center. The city may not be large, but it has been performing administrative functions for many centuries.

    Closed formations

    In Russia, it may be closed. Such formations include structural elements that have self-government bodies and industrial enterprises for the production of weapons of mass destruction, processing of radioactive waste, etc.

    It is also a territorial administrative unit. Its boundaries are determined in accordance with the current security regime, as well as the needs of its development.

    Having considered the basic principles for the allocation of administrative-territorial units, one can delve deeper into the principles of state division and subordination of regions in the Russian Federation and other countries of the world.

    Administrative territory

    "... An administrative territory is a territorial unit consisting of one or more rural settlements that are not included in the boundaries of rural settlements and are administratively subordinate to a city (regional or district subordination) or an urban-type settlement, and forming a common territory with a city or urban-type settlement organized for the implementation of local self-government ... "


    Law of the Moscow Region dated January 17, 2001 N 12/2001-OZ

    "On the administrative-territorial structure of the Moscow region"

    (adopted by the decision of the Moscow Regional Duma dated December 27, 2000 N 20/119)

    (together with the "Procedure for resolving issues of the administrative-territorial structure of the Moscow region")

    Official terminology. 2012 .

    See what "Administrative territory" is in other dictionaries:

      TERRITORY- (lat. Territorium, from terra earth). All lands of a state, city or any department. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. TERRITORY land, area belonging to a well-known state; all in.… … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

      Territory (multiplayer online game)- "Territory" Developer IT Territory Publisher IT Territory Release date April 12, 2004 Genre BBMMORPG Age ... Wikipedia

      TERRITORY Encyclopedia of Sociology

      Territory (disambiguation)- Territory (from lat. territorium) can mean: Territory - land space with certain boundaries. Territory is an administrative unit. In the USA, Canada and some other federal states: special ... ... Wikipedia

      Territory of the Russian Empire as of 1914- Map of the Russian Empire in 1912 By 1914, the length of the territory of the Russian Empire was 4383.2 miles from north to south (467 ... Wikipedia

      territory- 1) the name of any part of the land surface; can refer to any taxon of the spatial hierarchy - area, city, district, etc. At the same time, this is an empirical expression of the abstract concept of space. The territory has the property ... ... Geographic Encyclopedia

      TERRITORY- English. territory; German territory. 1. The space of the land, internal and coastal waters, including the airspace above them with certain boundaries. 2. In some states, special administrative districts. 3. Special administrative unit ... Explanatory Dictionary of Sociology

      Territory of action- Can be set for a license agreement by agreement of the parties within the territory of the patent, i.e. on the territory of the Russian Federation, this may be an oblast, district, krai, region, or any other officially recognized ... ... Legal Dictionary of Patent Licensing Operations

      Ungava (territory)- This term has other meanings, see Ungava. Ungava (fr. Le district de l Ungava) is an administrative territory (district), allocated in 1895 1912 during the British colonization of Canada. For a long time it was considered as a part of it. ... ... Wikipedia

    The administrative-territorial structure of the state is the division of its territory into certain parts, in accordance with which the system of regional state authorities and local governments is built. Such parts are called administrative-territorial units. The administrative-territorial structure is an attribute of any state.

    The form of government is the national and administrative-territorial structure of the state, which reveals the nature of the relationship between its constituent parts, between central and local authorities.

    There are simple (unitary state) and complex (federal and confederal) state structures. A unitary state is itself divided into administrative-territorial units, and in a federal state only subjects of the federation have such a division.

    unitary state- a single state entity, consisting of administrative-territorial units that are subordinate to the central authorities and do not have the features of statehood.

    Signs of a unitary state:

    • a single power center, i.e. unified system of state bodies;
    • on the territory there is one Constitution and a single legislative system, a single monetary unit, a single citizenship;
    • administrative-territorial units do not possess the features of statehood;
    • in the international arena, the country is represented by the highest bodies of state power;
    • unified armed forces.

    Unitary states are usually small on the territory of the state with a compact homogeneous population.

    Federation - voluntary unification of several previously independent state formations into one union state.

    Federation features:

    • the territory of the federation consists of the territories of its individual subjects (states, republics, lands);
    • the competence between the federation and se subject is delimited by the Constitution;
    • subjects have the right to adopt their own Constitution;
    • the subjects have their own executive, legislative, judicial bodies parallel to the federal ones, but subordinate to them according to the legislatively fixed terms of reference;
    • in most federations there is union citizenship and citizenship of federative units;
    • bicameral structure of parliament and two-channel (or more) tax system;
    • after joining the federation, its subjects in sovereignty are limited;
    • in the international arena, the country is represented by federal government bodies.

    Federation types:

    • contractual and constitutional;
    • territorial (USA, Germany), national (Belgium, India) and mixed (Russia).

    Territorial federations are based on the principle of division of the country on a territorial basis. The ego is done in order to facilitate management in large states.

    Confederation- a temporary legal union of sovereign states, created to ensure their common interests (Switzerland for a confederal union).

    Signs of a confederation:

    • does not have its own legislative, executive and judicial bodies;
    • does not have its own army;
    • there is no unified system of taxes and the state budget;
    • retains the citizenship of the member states of the union;
    • fragility;
    • each subject retains its sovereignty;
    • created to achieve certain goals;
    • creation is fixed by the contract;
    • subjects have the right of nullification (cancellation of acts of confederation on their territory);
    • the members of a confederation may withdraw from a nes on the basis of a legally justified unilateral decision.

    In the Russian Federation, the administrative-territorial structure of its subjects is based on a number of principles that institutionalize the administrative-territorial division, internally filling state-legal and administrative-legal relations with the relevant subjects:

    • economic principle. It requires taking into account the features of the economic profile, the direction of development of the economy, the size and density of the population, the presence of centers of economic gravity and the state of communications. The implementation of this principle contributes both to the development of the productive forces of the country and its parts, and the successful implementation by local government bodies and local governments of the tasks facing them in the field of economic and social development of the respective territories;
    • national principle. In accordance with it, the national composition of the population and its characteristics are taken into account when creating and changing administrative-territorial units, which contributes to the socio-cultural development of small nations and nationalities of the Russian Federation;
    • the principle of bringing power closer to the population. The successful solution of the tasks facing them by regional state authorities and local self-government bodies largely depends on their proximity to the population, which allows them to better meet the daily needs and demands of people, rely on their help.

    The system of administrative-territorial units currently in force in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation developed mainly during the years of Soviet power, adopting the administrative-territorial division of the Russian Empire (province - county - volost) created by Catherine II, which was gradually replaced by new administrative-territorial units (republic - region (krai) - district - district, and then (after the liquidation of the district) region (krai) - district).

    The current Constitution of the Russian Federation does not regulate issues of administrative-territorial structure. They are the sphere of activity mainly of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, each of which resolves these issues independently, in relation to its specific conditions in the constitutions of the republics within the Russian Federation, as well as in the charters of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    Thus, according to the Constitution of the Republic of Komi (Article 70), this republic consists of the following administrative-territorial formations: districts - Izhma, Knyazhpogost, Koygorodsky, Kortkerossky, etc.; cities of republican subordination - Syktyvkar, Vorkuta, Vuktyl, Inta, Pechora, Sosnogorsk, Usinsk and Ukhta - with territories subordinate to them.

    The Statute of the Saratov Region (Article 13) establishes that in administrative and territorial terms, the Saratov Region is divided into cities of regional significance and rural areas. Cities may include districts, and districts include villages, towns, cities of district significance.

    Thus, the constitutions and charters of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation distinguish between basic and primary administrative-territorial units of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The first of them include districts and cities of republican, regional (territorial) subordination, the second - cities of district subordination, districts in cities, towns, rural settlements.

    District - an administrative-territorial unit that is part of a republic, territory, region, autonomous region, autonomous district. In economic terms, each district is a complex diversified organism, including agricultural enterprises, as a rule, small industrial enterprises (mainly for the processing of agricultural raw materials), public utilities and trade and purchasing organizations. The leading place in the region belongs to agricultural production. In addition, each district is the base for all types of socio-cultural services for the rural population.

    Cities play an exceptionally important role in the political, economic and cultural life of the country. They are the location of the majority of industrial enterprises, a significant number of enterprises and institutions of public utilities, housing stock, medical, cultural, educational and other institutions related to public services. By subordination, depending on the significance of the city, its population, its industrial and cultural level, development prospects and a number of other conditions, all cities are divided into the following main types: cities of republican (republic within the Russian Federation) significance; cities of krai, oblast, district (autonomous okrug) significance; regional cities.

    Ensuring the normal functioning of the largest cities with their complex economy, vast territory and large population necessitated their division into smaller administrative-territorial units - urban areas. Urban districts have been created in many cities of republican, regional and regional significance, numbering over 100 thousand people. They are part of these cities and represent a grassroots administrative-territorial unit.

    Urban settlements, which are one of the types of administrative-territorial units, include the city and nearby rural settlements, as well as workers' settlements. They differ from urban districts in their smaller territory and population. Settlements are divided into three categories: workers, resorts and summer cottages.

    The category of workers' settlements includes settlements on the territory of which there are industrial enterprises, construction sites, railway junctions and other economically important facilities. Resort villages are settlements located in areas of medical or other recreational value. Dacha settlements are settlements whose main purpose is to serve cities as a place for summer recreation or sanatorium treatment.

    The most numerous administrative-territorial unit at present are rural settlements (villages, villages, villages, farms, auls, etc.), the vast majority of whose inhabitants are engaged in agriculture. The territory of a rural settlement as an administrative-territorial unit may cover one village or several villages, forming a rural district (volost, village council, etc.).

    In addition to the listed administrative-territorial units, which have become traditional for a long time, others have been created on the territory of the Russian Federation in recent years. So, the territory of Moscow today is divided not only into districts in the city, as it was before, but the average level of government in Moscow - administrative districts, which include the lower level of government in Moscow - district councils. An administrative district is an intra-city administrative-territorial unit, a government body based on centralized management in a city of federal significance as a subject of the Federation.

    There are also municipal districts that perform a limited range of functions in Moscow serving certain categories of residents (veterans of war and labor, juvenile delinquents, etc.). Municipal district - an administrative-territorial unit of Moscow, within the boundaries of which self-government of the population living in this territory is carried out. Municipal districts are formed taking into account the socio-economic characteristics of the respective territories, their urban planning and historical features, the presence of residential complexes and municipal infrastructure facilities. The boundaries and names of municipal districts are established by the Moscow City Duma on the proposal of the Mayor of Moscow.

    Outside of Moscow, the municipal district is divided into urban and rural settlements, in which bodies of territorial public self-government can be created. The boundaries and the name of the microdistrict are determined by the local self-government bodies of the municipal district. On the territory of some subjects of the Federation, national districts are created for compactly residing numerically small groups of nationalities. For example, German national regions have been created in the Altai Territory and in the Omsk Region.

    There are also closed administrative-territorial entities (ZATOs) in the Russian Federation. According to the Law of the Russian Federation of July 14, 1992 "On a Closed Administrative-Territorial Entity", ZATO is recognized as a territorial entity with local government bodies, within which industrial enterprises of defense significance are located, for the development, manufacture, storage and disposal of radioactive and other materials, military and other objects for which a special regime of safe functioning and protection of state secrets is established, including special living conditions for citizens.

    The entire territory of ZATO is the territory of a municipal formation with the status of an urban district. Its territory and boundaries are determined on the basis of a special regime for the safe operation of an enterprise and (or) facilities, as well as taking into account the needs of the development of settlements. The borders of ZATOs for the period of the special regime of safe functioning may not coincide with the borders of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Settlements located in ZATOs are part of the urban district.

    In the case of establishing the harmful effects of enterprises and (or) objects located in ZATOs on the territories adjacent to its borders, these territories, in accordance with the regulation approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, are assigned the status of an impact zone. The list of impact zones, their boundaries, land use regime, environmental measures are determined in accordance with the regulation approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    ZATO is under the jurisdiction of the federal state authorities on the establishment of administrative subordination, the boundaries of the specified entity; determining the powers of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in relation to this entity; ensuring a special regime for the safe operation of enterprises and (or) objects, including special living conditions for citizens, protecting public order and ensuring fire safety. The decision to create (abolish) ZATOs is taken by the President of the Russian Federation. The decision to create (to abolish) is made by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    An important issue is the procedure for the formation and transformation of various administrative-territorial units. The formation, abolition, amalgamation, establishment of boundaries of basic administrative-territorial units is carried out by the state authorities of the relevant subjects of the Federation, and primary administrative-territorial units - by state authorities or local governments of the basic administrative units, which include the corresponding primary administrative-territorial units

    The main principles of the federal national-state structure of the Russian Federation are as follows.

    • 1. Voluntary association of nations and nationalities in a federal state. This principle of building the Russian state was formed historically, starting from the 9th century, when Kiev, Novgorod, Smolensk, Polotsk, Chernigov and other principalities voluntarily united under the auspices of the Old Russian state. The creation of Russia knows cases of forced annexation of conquered peoples, however, most of the nations and nationalities entered the Russian state voluntarily on a contractual basis.
    • 2. Sovereignty and equality of nations. The essence of this principle is the recognition of the sovereign right of all nations and nationalities to free self-determination of a political form of existence. Already in the Preamble of the Constitution of the Russian Federation it is emphasized that the multinational people of the Russian Federation adopt their Constitution, "based on the universally recognized principles of equality and self-determination of peoples." In Art. 5 of the Constitution, among the principles underlying the federal structure, there is also the principle of equality and self-determination of peoples in the Russian Federation. The equality of nations follows from the equality of citizens, enshrined in the Constitution, regardless of race, nationality and language, enshrined in Art. 19 of the Constitution, which establishes a direct ban on any form of restriction of the rights of citizens on these grounds.
    • 3. Federalism combined with unitarism and autonomy. The Russian Federation is a historically formed federal state.

    Russia has all the features of a federation: the presence of a federal territory and territories of constituent entities; federal citizenship and citizenship of the republics included in the federation; the federal constitution and the constitution of the republics, etc. At the same time, Russia has as its subjects not only states, but also autonomous entities, as well as administrative-territorial units. Unitarism in the national-state structure of the Russian Federation is manifested in the fact that the sovereign republics that are part of Russia are unitary states that have their own territory, citizenship, constitution and other signs of statehood. The multinational nature of the population of Russia has historically determined the existence of autonomous national-state formations in the form of an autonomous region and autonomous districts.

    • 4. The national-territorial principle of formation of forms of statehood in combination with the territorial principle of formation of subjects of the Federation. The world practice of federal construction knows two main forms of its construction: on a territorial (USA, Germany, etc.) and national-territorial (former USSR, Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, etc.) basis. In the modern national-state structure of Russia, due to historical circumstances, both of these principles have found their embodiment. The essence of the national-territorial principle of building forms of national statehood of the subjects of the federation is that they are created on the basis of territories that are distinguished by the originality of the national composition of the population, compactly living in a historically developed and economically integral territory. According to this principle, all the republics within the Russian Federation, the autonomous region and autonomous districts were created. From 1918 to 1992, Russia was built only on the national-territorial principle. Its subjects were only nations self-determined in one form or another of statehood. Among them were states - autonomous republics and national-state formations - autonomous regions and autonomous regions.
    • 5. State integrity of the Russian Federation. The most important legal guarantee of the preservation of the state integrity of Russia is the absence of the right to secede from the Russian Federation. The provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation are aimed at ensuring state integrity, stating that on its territory it is not allowed to establish customs borders, duties, fees and other obstacles to the free movement of goods, services and financial resources (Article 74); established a single monetary unit - the ruble, a single system of taxes and fees throughout the federation (Article 75); the supremacy of the federal legislation is fixed; a unified system of executive bodies of state power was established (Article 77).
    • 6. Delimitation of the subjects of jurisdiction and powers of the federation and its subjects. Article 5 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, fixing the principles of the federal structure of Russia, also provides for the principle of delimitation of the subjects of jurisdiction and powers between the state authorities of the Russian Federation and the state authorities of its subjects. The implementation of this principle is carried out with the help of fixing in Art. 71 of the Constitution of the subject of the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation. The Constitution of Russia establishes the procedure for legal regulation of the subjects of jurisdiction and powers. On the subjects of the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws and federal laws are adopted that have direct effect on the entire territory of Russia. Federal laws and, in accordance with them, laws and other legal acts of the subjects of the Federation are issued on the subjects of joint jurisdiction of the Federation and its subjects.
    • 7. Equality of the subjects of the Federation. This principle follows from a more general principle of the national-state structure of the Russian Federation - the sovereignty and equality of nations. Analyzing the essence of the principle of equality of the subjects of the Federation, it should be noted that they cannot be completely equal due to the existence of various forms of statehood. Each of the types of subjects of the Federation has a different range of powers. Article 5 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes: "In relations with the federal state authorities, all subjects of the Russian Federation are equal among themselves."