Aquarium turtles. Red-eared turtle and fish in the same aquarium What kind of fish can be kept with a red-eared turtle

The yellow-bellied or red-eared tortoise (Trachemys scripta) is a species belonging to the family of freshwater American tortoises. This freshwater reptile is deservedly one of the most common and very popular species among lovers of exotic pets such as turtles.

Characteristics of the red-eared turtle

Experts recommend purchasing a reptile in early spring, which will allow the baby to adapt to the new conditions as easily as possible during the summer period. A seasonal feature of reptiles purchased in the fall is slow adaptation and slowing down of growth processes, as well as the risk of developing rickets, beriberi, or pneumonia.

When buying a red-eared turtle, you should pay attention to the condition of the reptile's shell. It must be undeformed and not soft, of correct shape, without scratches or any other damage. There should be no cracks or spots on the skin of the reptile. Sick and dehydrated animals have sunken eyes surrounded by a small "notch". The eyes of the red-eared turtle should be free of discharge and puffiness. The mouth of the turtle should not have a whitish coating, abrasions or wounds.

This is interesting! A strange-looking formation located on the plastron is most often the residual part of the yolk sac - a food source for a small turtle. Such a formation resolves on its own, after which the reptile begins to actively feed.

It is important to be able to independently determine the sex of the red-eared turtle, and also to remember that very small turtles, regardless of gender, look exactly the same. It is only as they mature that the differences between females and males become apparent. The latter become sexually mature more quickly, having a shell of about 10-12 cm in size by this age, but the females of this species are noticeably larger. Among other things, males have longer claws, which are located on the front pair of legs, as well as concave plastrons and a longer, thicker tail. The cloaca of the male is located closer to the middle part of the tail.

Aquarium device, filling

Proper Diet for Turtles

In captivity, the red-eared turtle should be fed lean, preferably river fish, and raw beef liver is given to the freshwater reptile once every two weeks. The diet of an exotic pet must be supplemented with snails, as well as crickets, fodder cockroaches, earthworms and medium-sized aquarium fish. The vegetable part of the diet can be represented by various aquarium plants, leaf lettuce, dandelion and plantain leaves.

This is interesting! When placing food in an aqua terrarium, it must be remembered that red-eared turtles do not chew food until they completely submerge their head under water, which is due to the lack of saliva.

The aquarium water should contain calcium in the form of Vitakraft Seria mineral stone. Many owners of red-eared turtles feed their pets with special ready-made diets: Tetra ReptoMin, Sera and JBL. From vegetable crops, preference should be given to carrots, which, in crushed form, are given to freshwater reptiles no more than once a month. Turtles under one year of age should be fed daily, while older turtles should be fed once every two or three days.

Caring for the red-eared turtle

Friendly and rather unpretentious, red-eared turtles require simple, but specific care.. Clean water is the key to the active growth of young animals and the preservation of the health of adult animals. To fill the aqua terrarium, you should use water that has been settled for five days. By installing a powerful filter system, the frequency of water changes can be reduced. To maintain optimal temperature performance, you can use a traditional incandescent lamp, the light from which should be directed directly to the island of land. In this case, aquarium water will not require too active additional heating.

Important! It is erroneous to believe that cramped turtles do not grow and remain attractively small. Under such conditions, the reptile can die very quickly.

After some time, the adapted animal learns to take all its food exclusively on land, which makes the feeding process very convenient, and also prevents the risk of water pollution too quickly. It is desirable that the island for resting and feeding the reptile has a textured surface. Experts consider it inappropriate to keep turtles inside one aqua terrarium, which have noticeable differences in size.

It should be noted that the sluggishness and slowness of the red-eared turtle is often very deceptive, so sometimes such domestic exotics are able to show tangible activity not only in water, but also on an island of land. It is for this reason that it is very important to choose the right dwelling for a reptile. The minimum height of the walls should be approximately 35-45 cm. Too low walls of the aqua terrarium can cause the turtle to jump out and quickly die from severe injury, dehydration or starvation.

Health, disease and prevention

Almost 90% of all diseases of the red-eared turtle result from improper maintenance or non-compliance with care requirements. The presence of dirty water in the aquarium quickly causes a sharp deterioration in the turtle's health.

A sick aquatic animal must be kept at a temperature increased by about 2-3 ° C, which helps to improve the functioning of the immune system. It is also necessary to monitor the turtle's drinking regimen, since dehydration can cause the death of a freshwater turtle against the background of the rapid development of kidney failure.

The characteristic of the movements of the swimming red-eared turtle testifies to the ill health of the animal. A sick pet most often moves in the “on its side” position or simply sinks to the bottom. If the infectious nature of the disease is suspected, all pet care items should be carefully treated with an antiseptic that is safe for the pet. As a rule, the first symptomatology of a bacterial infection is represented by the appearance of edema and necrotic changes. In this case, an antibiotic treatment regimen is prescribed, and a complete replacement of the water in the aquarium is carried out.

When injured, the red-eared turtle, under the influence of an infection that has entered the body, develops blood poisoning, accompanied by reddening of the paws and very pronounced lethargy. Such a pathology belongs to the category of intractable, therefore, it requires urgent and qualified assistance from specialists. Untimely treatment often causes the death of a pet as a result of a violation of the functions of internal organs.

Preventive measures are presented:

  • daily inspection of the turtle;
  • regular cleaning of the aqua terrarium;
  • regular change of water in the aqua terrarium;
  • proper catering;
  • prevention of hypothermia;
  • regular checks of illuminators, as well as heating and filtering devices;
  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene when caring for a pet;
  • systematic cleaning of the tortoise shell from algae;
  • mandatory quarantine for sick or newly acquired turtles;
  • limiting contact of the sick turtle with any other pets and family members;
  • control of the movement of the animal outside the aqua terrarium;
  • periodic ultraviolet irradiation and sunbathing;
  • regular checkups with a veterinarian.

If the diet is incorrectly compiled, a freshwater animal develops a calcium deficiency, which manifests itself in the form of a curvature or severe softening of the shell. Too much calcium deficiency greatly increases the risk of death for the red-eared turtle. In order to quickly normalize the general condition of the reptile, the veterinarian prescribes calcium preparations in injections.

Aquarium turtles are reptiles that most often become pets. Many freshwater breeds were quickly cultivated. And although turtles cannot be called unpretentious inhabitants, they are popular with aquarists.

Such pets need comfortable conditions, high-quality and regular care, equipped with a tank. However, even such needs do not scare away the owners - many decide to start such reptiles. But how to choose the most suitable pet among the abundance of breeds, because they differ in size, behavior, character? It is worth considering the most popular representatives.

In the conditions of an aquarium, these animals, whose homeland is North America, can live a quarter of a century. Reptiles are colored greenish, and behind each of the eyes are stripes of a bright, scarlet hue. Males have a long, compacted tail, elongated claws on the forelimbs, and a smaller dorsal shield than females. Plastorn - abdominal shield, concave type, in females it is straight.

The red-eared turtle is an aquatic species, so it needs a tank of water. Young individuals prefer animal food - they eat fish, mollusks, insects. As they grow older, their gastronomic preferences change, reptiles switch to a plant-based diet.

Aquarium pets are encouraged to feed varied, giving foods containing vegetable and animal proteins. To keep the tank clean much longer, it is advisable to give your pet food outside of it. Naturally, the meal will require more time and attention of the host.

For a comfortable habitat for an exotic pet, you must purchase an aquarium with a volume of at least 150 liters. Only in a spacious tank will a red-bellied turtle feel good. A quarter of the tank should be occupied by a sloping shore, it should be installed in such a way that the earth embankment does not end up in the water.

Water should be prepared in advance: clean, defend, temperature index 20 ° -22 ° С. It is replaced every week, filtering is optional, but acceptable. It is desirable to equip the tank with an additional source of ultraviolet rays and illumination.

In summer, when the aquarium is constantly illuminated by sunlight, red-eared turtles start breeding. It is recommended to place duckweed, filamentous algae in the tank.

The reptile has a small carapace, the length of which is approximately 20 cm. But the limbs have large nail plates, and the paws are webbed. Almost the entire body and shell are covered with small spots, lighter than the main color.

They choose reservoirs with fresh water and a bottom covered with a layer of silt as their habitat. They hunt mainly in the daytime, feed on various small animals. Among domestic turtles, the marsh one is distinguished by a decent size - the weight of individuals reaches 2 kg.

The reptile has an elongated tail, it helps it to regulate the trajectory while moving in the water. In adult turtles, the shell becomes dark - brownish, brownish or rich olive, yellow specks are located on the main background. The eyes are yellow or orange.

These reptiles are able to stay under water for a long time, being excellent swimmers. Almost any live food can be used as food - from larvae to small crustaceans and fish. You can give food yourself or place it on a special hanging feeder. Bog turtles only swallow food when they are in the water. It is impossible to include minced meat in the diet of pets.

Water can be filtered. Suitable water temperature varies from 25 ° to 28 ° C, the depth should be no more than 20 cm. In addition, the tank must be equipped with additional devices:

  • heating lamps that do not give light;
  • UV lamp;
  • low-pressure mercury gas-discharge lighting device (luminescent);
  • thermometer;
  • aquafilter;
  • aquarium heater, with which you can adjust the temperature of the water.

If a pet is provided with proper care, its life expectancy can be about three decades. In addition to these popular aquarium inhabitants, there are several breeds of smaller turtles that are kept as pets.

small turtles for home aquariums

Armored reptiles, whose size in captivity does not exceed 12-13 cm, are also widely used by lovers of exotic reptiles. Despite the more modest dimensions, such aquarium inhabitants need special care and quality maintenance.

Among the variety of species, the following turtles can be found more often in artificial tanks.

Flat (flat-bodied)

The length of individuals does not exceed 6-8 cm with a weight of not more than 170 g. They are able to live in a small container, their diet consists of moisture-loving vegetation, which is not deficient. This is one of the most unpretentious turtles with a charming appearance, so many owners prefer to keep and breed them.

Endemic breeds native to North America and Africa. There are several subspecies of these reptiles: silty red-cheeked, silty yellow-mouthed, ordinary musky and musk keeled. In an artificial environment, they grow up to 13 cm in length, but more often the aquarium is inhabited by 7-8 cm individuals. In nature, their size reaches 20 cm.

Closing turtles were named because they can completely connect the lower edges of the plastron and the upper ones - the carapace, using two hinges located in the lower part of the body. Most representatives of the species prefer to spend almost all the time in the aquatic environment. During the rainy season, some turtles are able to go on land to find food.

Among the withdrawing individuals, there are both nocturnal inhabitants and those that are active only in the daytime. Some of the reptiles are quite active at any time of the day. Turtles that live in warm climates with high humidity are active throughout the year. In areas with severe winters and desert areas, they are able to hibernate for a long time.

Females are inferior to males in size. Males have a long tail and a strong claw of epidermal origin. These turtles are not very romantic, and during the mating season they do not use any rituals to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Their mating takes place in the water.

After fertilization, the females are engaged in arranging the nest and laying in it. Reptiles of this species are quite prolific and lay eggs 5-6 times a year. The eggs are oblong in shape, 2.5-4.5 cm in size by 1.5-2.5 cm. Turtles hatch from them 75 days after laying. The sex of the offspring is determined by the temperature regime of the nest - with an increase or a significant decrease in indicators, females are born, at an average temperature - males.

Another miniature representatives of the aquarium world, whose size does not exceed 15 cm, more often in the aquarium environment they do not grow more than 12 cm. There are several varieties, they all have similar characteristics, including relative unpretentiousness.

Turtles have an oval dorsal carapace, in young individuals it can be decorated with three longitudinal ridges. The main sexual difference is the presence in males of a shortened plastron, an elongated tail and spike-like scales that cover the inner surface of the hind limbs (with which the male clings to the female's shell during mating).

The basis of the diet of these turtles are small fish, mollusks, aquatic insects and plants. They are also not averse to "feasting" on carrion, which makes musk turtles the orderlies of the reservoir.

Individuals mate only under water, and females lay eggs in pits, which most often they find ready, if there are none, they dig them up. This period for these reptiles lasts from mid-spring to July. Incubation lasts from 8 to 14 weeks if the ambient temperature varies from 25° to 29°C.


These representatives of the suborder of secretive turtles are amphibious reptiles that grow up to 13 cm in an aquarium environment. They have a black background of the carapace covered with yellow spots, which enlivens the overall appearance of the animal. The ventral carapace is black with an orange, yellow or red border.

Spotted turtles are excellent inhabitants of aquaterrariums, they take root perfectly in a tank where there is land and aquatic environment. For a long time it was believed that it is undesirable to keep these pets in captivity, since their age is short.

During the study of the breed, it was possible to find out that turtles die when they live in unsuitable water, the quality of which they are extremely sensitive to. It should be acidified and soft. To meet these parameters, it is specially prepared:

  • subjected to heat, but not boiled;
  • alder cones are placed in it for 1/2 days;
  • cleaned with a peat filter.

After such events, the water becomes brown, but does not lose transparency. It is poured into the tank, and it is desirable to place the fallen leaves of almonds or magnolia on the bottom.

Chinese three-keel

Peaceful and calm inhabitants of aquariums, which are also called Reeves turtles, golden-haired or green-haired turtles. The breed received its additional beautiful names because the old members of the family are densely overgrown with long algae. The same feature made the little turtle at home - in China, a sacred animal, a symbol of longevity. In addition, these inhabitants are found in Korean and Taiwanese freshwater swamps, streams and channels.

Individuals are small in size - 10-13 cm, on their head and neck they have an original pattern of yellow stripes and marks that look like hieroglyphs. In males, the pattern darkens with age. Chinese three-keeled turtles can live in a small 100-liter tank and do not require complex care.

Aquarium turtles are interesting, peculiar pets that are of interest to breeders. When purchasing such exotic, it is important to take into account the needs of reptiles, their preferences and characteristics. Only in this way the pet will delight the owner for many years.

In the modern world, not only cats or dogs, but also decorative reptiles can be pets. Often very exotic, but no less beloved, little turtles become family pets. They cannot damage furniture and do not take up much space. Turtles are not a source of wool, and with proper care, the owners will not face allergy and odor problems.

Turtles don't have fur

Variety of choice

The usual length of small turtles is from seven to thirteen centimeters. When buying a water baby about five centimeters, you must understand in advance that it may increase slightly in size over time. For quick adaptation to home keeping, several types of turtles are well suited.

Musk (Sternoterus)

It is a representative of the genus of mud turtles, and the smallest specimen. Its length does not exceed fourteen centimeters, and the average size of the shell is seven centimeters.

A feature of the structure of the musk turtle is a long neck. She can easily reach her hind legs with her jaw. Its carapace is smooth, but at an early age it has three distinct furrows. The turtle has a dark solid color, only there are light stripes on the head.

This turtle has a long neck.

In its natural environment, this waterfowl lives in the south and east of the United States, much less often in Canada. Small reptiles prefer freshwater reservoirs with a muddy bottom. They spend most of their lives in the water.

These aquatic turtles at home are quite unpretentious, and therefore have gained well-deserved popularity among numerous owners. This variety was called musky because of the periodically emanating specific smell. At the moment of fright, special receptors on her body secrete mucus with the appropriate aroma.

Spotted (Clemmys guttata)

A fairly common type of turtle among lovers of the exotic. Domestic aquatic little beauties are recognizable by yellow spots located along the entire plane of the carapace - the dorsal shield of the turtle shell. Such spots are also present on the head, neck and legs.

This species can reach a length of no more than twelve centimeters. The neck of this turtle is rather short. In spotted turtles, the ventral shell shield (plastron) is creamy yellow with large black spots over the entire area.

In their natural environment, these creatures live almost along the entire Atlantic coast of the United States. Rarely seen in Canada. In wildlife, they prefer swamps, small rivers with a silty bottom, marshy wooded areas. They overwinter on the muddy bottom of water bodies.

12 cm - the maximum height of this turtle

Between themselves, these aquatic turtles can differ in the color of the skull: yellow, orange and red.

Flat (Platemys platycephala)

It is a species of the snake-necked turtle family, as well as the only representative of the flat turtle species. The usual length of the body is 14-15 centimeters, rare specimens reach eighteen.

This cute little aquarium turtle variant features an orange-yellow head pattern that resembles a crown. The carapace of the babies is dark brown in color with a yellow edging, and the plastron is colored in yellow tones. This color scheme often plays a decisive role in the decision to keep this species in the home.

The only species of the genus is flat turtles, to which some other species of the family were also previously assigned.

The neck of a flat turtle is long with small spines. The dark tail and paws contrast beautifully with the variegated color of the smooth and somewhat flattened shell. The chin is decorated with a cute mustache.

This species often lives at home due to its bright appearance and calm nature. Flat turtles can be kept in several specimens in one aquarium. A calm atmosphere can only be disturbed by males during the mating season.

In the wild, it lives in South America. It prefers to live in shallow waters, spending most of its time there.

Reeves' pond turtle

This variety (Chinemys reevesii) is often found in domestic pet stores. The length of the oval-shaped shell in adults does not exceed thirteen centimeters, so they can be kept in an aquarium without any problems.

The carapace of the Reeves pond turtle can be of different colors: yellow-brown, dark brown, black. The paws and neck are usually black, gray-green or olive in color with white or yellow lines on the sides.

This species of small domestic turtles is distinguished by a peaceful nature. It is allowed to keep several specimens in one aquarium. The pond turtle is diurnal and can give a lot of funny moments to their owners. Very quickly tamed, each instance has an individual character.

Similar turtles are peaceful

The homeland of the Reeves pond turtle is China and Japan, less often individuals are found in Taiwan and Korea. Natural habitats are ponds and streams. In sunny weather, Reeves likes to crawl out onto clay and sandbanks.


The simple rules for caring for an aquatic turtle require, first of all, proper nutrition. It must be remembered that you should feed your beloved pet only in water. Meals are first taken twice a day and gradually decreases to one. After the turtle reaches the age of two, it will be enough to feed it twice a week.

The diet of small turtles may contain:

  • vegetables - zucchini, carrots, cucumbers;
  • fruits - bananas, pears, apples;
  • seafood - low-fat varieties of fish, shrimp, mussels;
  • raw or boiled meat - chicken, beef, liver;
  • greens - mint, clover, dandelion leaves, alfalfa;
  • earthworms, beetles, snails, crickets, locusts;
  • mineral supplements, eggshell, shell rock, bone meal;
  • sunflower seeds and germinated wheat.

Do not forget about the right diet for these turtles

Before eating, the turtle should warm up, which will improve the digestion process. You should also include sprigs of pear or apple trees in the diet, since the animal must gnaw to prevent deformation of the jaw.

Do not leave food in the water. Often, owners prefer to feed water turtles with dry food. This is not recommended, because animals need natural food.

For a comfortable and healthy life of a pet, the owner must be able to care for aquatic turtles. It is desirable to bring the conditions of her life as close as possible to the natural habitat.

There are a number of recommendations for the care of turtles

Aquatic or semi-aquatic decorative reptiles should be in the water a lot. It is better for the turtle not to walk around the apartment because there is a high risk of injury and colds.

In the process of caring for an aquatic turtle at home, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. The size of a glass aquarium should be at least five times the size of the turtle itself, which needs space. A container with a capacity of 150-200 liters is perfect.
  2. The aquarium should be filled with water ten centimeters for a small turtle. As the animal grows, the water level should increase.
  3. It is necessary to immediately install a lamp with ultraviolet light. The distance between the lamp and the aquarium should be one and a half meters. For a small turtle, it can be turned on twice a week for five minutes, then the time should be gradually increased to half an hour.
  4. At the bottom of the aquarium under ultraviolet lighting, you should install large rough stones that will be used by the pet for islands, and fairly large branches.
  5. The water temperature should be approximately equal to 25 degrees. On land, the temperature regime should not fall below 28 degrees.
  6. Water changes should be done once a week. It is better to use filtered liquid.
  7. It is recommended to leave live plants on the surface of the water, which will serve as food for the turtle.
  8. It is recommended to keep the food bowl outside the tank.
  9. The animal sometimes needs to be taken out of the aquarium, and in the summer it can be taken outside for a short time.

If these recommendations are followed, the little turtle will be grateful to its owner and will give unforgettable emotions. The absence of diseases, mobility and good mood will certainly be transferred from an exotic inhabitant to its owner.

In this video, you will learn more about the diet of these turtles:

Many people, having decided to have a pet, opt for a turtle. Water turtles in this capacity are in greater demand than land turtles. The main species that are kept at home are the red-eared, musky, bog turtle and trionyx.

When choosing an animal, you need to take care of its proper nutrition and the creation of the necessary conditions for a full life.

Pond slider

The red-eared water turtle got its name due to its "ears". These are yellow, orange or red spots located on both sides of the head. The size of the reptile is average, 18-30 centimeters, depending on gender and age.

The round-oval, streamlined shell is covered with horn-shaped plates-shields. The armor pattern is very unusual - green and white wavy lines and spots. The fingers of the turtle connect the membranes, at the ends of their sharp claws. The head is covered with a hard stratum corneum.

The animal has a well-developed sense of smell and vision, but poor hearing. The red-eared water turtle, under good conditions, can live for thirty years.


The soft-bodied turtle has a long thin neck and webbed fingers, at the ends of which are sharp claws. The shell does not have hard horny plates, its length is 30-40 centimeters. The top of the shell is brown-green with yellowish spots, below it has a yellowish color. small in size with a dark line from the eyes to the neck. The male can be distinguished from the female by the length of the tail - in males it is longer.

A distinctive feature of this turtle is the presence of a proboscis with nostrils. The turtle weighs no more than four kilograms.

Turtles of this species like to rest during the day, burrowing into the sand or small pebbles, they are active at night. The water level in the aquarium should allow the animal to reach for air without getting out of the sand.

Trionics are predators, they must be kept separately from other types of turtles. Turtles of this species live 25 years.

musk turtle

This is a small water turtle with a shell length of 8-10 cm, in rare cases - 14 cm. The color of the musk turtle is unusual - the body is of a uniform dark shade, and the neck and head have bright stripes of light color along the edges of the shell. Males have a longer and thicker tail, in addition, they have scales on the inside of the hind legs, which are necessary in order to hold the female when mating.

This type of turtle is very unpretentious, they eat absolutely everything. Life expectancy - up to 55 years.

swamp turtle

The bog turtle is a pronounced predator. It has an average size (10-35 cm), body weight can reach 1.5 kg. The long tail, which serves as an additional rudder when swimming, keeps the animal in the correct position.

The tortoise shell can be dark olive, dark brown, brown or black, has small strokes, dots or yellow spots. The iris of the eyes is orange, reddish or yellow. Webbed fingers with sharp long claws.

The turtle swims well, can stay under water for a long time. He is very afraid of drafts, so do not abuse walks around the house.

To create optimal conditions for a pet, when buying, you need to ask what region it is from, lived in captivity or was caught in the wild. In addition, it is necessary to clarify the conditions of detention and the temperature regime that is suitable for this type of turtle.

Water turtle at home should be kept clean. Bacteria that develop with improper care can cause illness in your pet.

Aquatic turtles grow quickly, so the water in the terrarium must be constantly cleaned and changed. It is necessary to use water that has settled during the day or install water filters.

Aquatic Turtle Care

The shell of an aquatic turtle needs regular cleaning from overgrown algae. Cleaning must be done carefully to avoid damaging the turtle's shell.

It is not necessary to keep the reptile in the water all the time, it can be harmful to its health. Turtles also need to be on land.

The water temperature in the aquarium should not exceed 21 degrees. You can light the aquarium with simple or ultraviolet lamps.

They feed the turtle food of plant and animal origin. To avoid diseases, food should be varied. Young turtles are fed daily, starting at 3 years of age - three times a week.

Water turtles are afraid of the cold. In winter, they need to use a special ultraviolet lamp to warm them. It is necessary to warm up the animal three times a week. In summer, you can place the aquarium in fresh air, while making sure that it is not exposed to direct sunlight.

How to choose an aquarium

For a young little turtle, you can choose an aquarium at a pet store; for an adult, you will have to make it to order.

For a comfortable existence of a turtle, the aquarium must be quite roomy. Be sure to cover it with a lid so that the animal does not escape.

Inside the aquarium, you need to equip a small island on which the turtle can easily climb. Above it is placed a lamp for heating water.

A large aquarium for a water turtle should be equipped with a special filter to purify the water. It changes as it gets dirty.

How and what to feed water turtles

Feeding water turtles should be given special attention. An animal that is free can get what it needs on its own. A water turtle at home is completely dependent on its owner. Reptiles need a balanced diet, with all the elements necessary for the body.

The turtle is fed during the day, during its activity. An adult turtle can be given beef and chicken meat, sometimes fish.

What to feed water turtles when they are still small? For feeding small reptiles, bloodworms, earthworms, tubifex are used. In addition, various beetles must be present in the diet of this animal.

A growing turtle can also be given vegetable food. It can be algae, duckweed, lettuce or dandelion leaves.

Don't give your turtle more food than it can eat. Residues can settle to the bottom and rot, in which case the water will have to be changed daily.

Communication with turtles

The turtle is a smart, agile and sociable animal, but it is somewhat difficult to communicate with it due to its habitat. But you should not let your pet out for long walks around the apartment, as the animal can get cold, dry out, swallow some object, hide in a gap, get injured.

But the turtle can be held in your arms, stroking or scratching, which will give her pleasure. At the same time, you should be careful, as many water turtles are predators and can be aggressive.

You need to tame the animal to your hands gradually, allowing him to get used to the owner and new living conditions. Having got used to it, the turtle itself will strive to communicate and respond to your appearance.

Basic Mistakes

It is very difficult to treat a reptile, so the maintenance of water turtles must be correct, for this you need to remember some features:

  • The water in which the animal is kept must be clean.
  • The turtle should have a gentle landfall, as it breathes air and can drown.
  • It is necessary to monitor the air temperature. If the animal is cold, it may refuse to come out of the water, and this is harmful to its health.
  • Several males should not be kept in one aquarium.
  • Large and small species of turtles are kept separately.
  • Wash your hands after interacting with your pet.
  • You need to remember to be careful when dealing with aggressive species of turtles.
  • If you notice that the animal's shell has become soft or crooked, the turtle refuses to eat, its eyes are swollen or constantly closed, the skin is flaky, a runny nose has appeared, you need to contact your veterinarian.

If you provide your pet with the right care, feeding and disease prevention, he will delight you for many years. Do not forget that you are not buying a toy, but a creature that needs care and attention.

The red-eared or yellow-bellied tortoise is the most common reptile among animal lovers. People call it a sea turtle, although it lives in fresh water. In pet stores, small turtles attract customers with their unusual coloring, pretty appearance. By purchasing it, people do not know how to care for a sea turtle.

The sea turtle feels good at home, so it is suitable for beginner animal lovers. They are considered long-livers (20–40 years), subject to the rules of care. By nature, the reptile is sometimes aggressive, while being strong and fast. When it comes to food, the red-eared turtle shows mental abilities. Therefore, in the wild in Australia, they supplanted their counterparts and are now considered outlaws and exterminated.

Buying a yellow-bellied tortoise

When buying a reptile in a pet store or in the market, it is recommended to take it to the veterinarian for examination. This is necessary to determine the general condition, whether there are diseases, and to view for injuries.

If there are already sea turtles at home, and you have purchased another one, then the new one must be kept separately for 90 days. And also it is impossible to keep adults and small ones in one place, this can lead to injury to the latter. Only turtles of approximately the same size are kept together.

After a change of residence, the turtle behaves inhibited or vice versa, actively. During this period, you must not disturb her, but do not forget to feed.

How to handle

When a person wants to pick up a turtle, it is recommended to remember that it is wet and slippery. She does not like these manipulations, so she hisses, can scratch, as she has large claws, and is even able to bite. Therefore, the pet must be held simultaneously with both hands.

After the time spent together with the reptile, you need to wash your hands with hygiene products, since it is a waterfowl, and there is its own microflora. Make sure that the feed and water in the tank are fresh. Turtles carry salmonella. Therefore, it is forbidden to wash the reptile in the sink in the kitchen and its accessories too.

What is required for maintenance and care

In order to carry out proper care at home, you need to purchase:

  • for 150 l. aquarium;
  • filter;
  • heating for water;
  • lamp;
  • UV lamp;
  • thermometer for water and air;
  • island.

These are all things from a long list that a pet needs for a healthy life.

Turtle care

Sea turtles require water and land. Therefore, the first step is to purchase an aquarium in volume of at least 150 liters. If the reptile is small, then it grows relatively quickly. Because of this, it is recommended to buy a container "for growth". Water is poured so that there is enough for swimming and coups for the pet.

An island of sushi is placed in the aquarium, it is sold in a specialized store. The pet will periodically crawl out and bask under the installed lamp. The temperature on land exceeds the water temperature by 10 degrees. The island area should occupy a quarter of the aquarium. But exceeding the temperature regime on the island is unacceptable. This will lead to overheating, which means that care will not be performed properly.

Island requirements:

  • one side of the land must be immersed in water, that is, be half-submerged;
  • arrange the land so that the reptile does not get stuck between the glass of the aquarium and the side of the land;
  • made of safe materials;
  • kept well on the water so that the pet could not turn it over;
  • textured surface.

How to heat the island

Turtles love to bask on the sand in the sun. This must be done at home, but instead of the sun there will be a lamp. The reptile feels good when the shell temperature under the lamp is 30-35 degrees. To control this parameter, you must place a thermometer. If the thermometer values ​​exceed the norm, then the pet may get burns. We must not forget that the aquarium contains more than one turtle, they love to climb on top of each other. This makes it dangerous to approach the heating lamp.

When diving, a pet sprays drops in different directions. They can get on a working lamp, as a result, it will burst. So, the lamp is positioned so as to exclude all these moments.

What is an ultraviolet lamp for?

Heat and light are the two main components of a pet's health. Therefore, the aquarium is equipped with two lamps for heating and ultraviolet. Under the UV lamp, the body of the turtle absorbs calcium and produces vitamin B. If the body lacks these substances, the pet becomes ill with rickets, and its shell is deformed. The UV lamp is positioned directly above the reptile and must be operated at the same time as the heat lamp for 12 hours a day.

Water Requirements

The red-eared tortoise is a waterfowl. She feeds, empties herself, sleeps in the water. Therefore, water should always be clean and fresh. Dirty causes discomfort to the pet, is a source of disease.

The lowest water level in a container is measured by the size of its shell. She should calmly roll over on her stomach if she finds herself on her back. But the declared level is the lowest. Ideally, more water is recommended, then it stays clean longer.

When changing water, it must be defended for 24 hours. It is important to ensure that the water does not drop to 20 degrees, but is within 22–28 degrees. If necessary, water heating put a heater. The water temperature is controlled with a thermometer.

Since the pet does all its physiological needs in the aquarium, the water becomes polluted and smells unpleasant. To avoid this, the water is changed once every 7 days. To perform this procedure less often, you need to install a filter. The internal filter with water, after the turtle does not cope, it is weak. Of course, you can buy an external filter, it fits perfectly, but its price is not cheap.

How to feed a pet

The diet of the sea turtle is varied:

  • artificial food;
  • fish;
  • fish food;
  • vegetables;
  • insects;
  • plants for the aquarium.

But with all the variety, it is necessary to control so that the reptile does not overeat. To do this, it is recommended at times to use a diet with calcium. Petomitz loves to hunt for his prey, but he does not refuse carrion either. The main thing to remember about adding calcium to the menu. The turtle does not produce saliva while eating, so it pulls food into the water. This can be used to your advantage, that is, feeding the pet in another container of water, then the water in the aquarium will remain clean longer.

It is important to know that the older the turtle, the more plant foods it eats and less protein. Therefore, the diet of an adult or old turtle consists of 25% protein and 75% plant foods.


Under natural conditions, reptiles hibernate during the winter season. If the pet lives at home, then this is contraindicated. Reptile owners may not have the knowledge to properly organize sleep care or be unable to wake the turtle from hibernation.

When getting a pet, a person must understand what responsibility he takes on. After all, any living creature needs proper nutrition, most importantly, the love and attention of the owner.