). Analysis of the poem Tenderness (Pasternak B

The poem "Tenderness" is dedicated to Evgenia Lurie.

The lyrical hero in the poem foresees the onset of true feelings with the onset of night, describing the sunset in this way: "Blinding with brilliance (and it is known that the sunset always shines in the clouds and windows), it was evening at seven."

Other people for the lyrical hero are mannequins, he sees not them, but himself and the image of his beloved. The hero feels the onset of passion, he talks about the universe, because his feelings are commensurate only with it. He, like the poet himself, knows that there is only one step from melancholy to passion: "... Only passion with longing leads the Universe with its groping hand."

By the end of the poem, the hero is no longer able to hold on to real feelings, he makes his last attempts to hide them, but he fails: "The heart under the palm of a trembling betrays flight and pursuit, trembling and flight."

In the very last stanza, the hero no longer wants to hold on to feelings, he understands that freedom is the best thing for them: "Feeling free is free light, as if a horse in a mouthpiece is tearing the reins."

Many personifications are used in the poem, for example, "a shadow approached", "passion leads the hand", "the heart betrays", "feeling free to freedom".

Updated: 2017-09-19

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    Poem analysis plan
    1. Elements of a commentary on a poem:
    - Time (place) of writing, history of creation;
    - Genre originality;
    - The place of this poem in the poet's work or in a series of poems on a similar topic (with a similar motive, plot, structure, etc.);
    - Explanation of obscure places, complex metaphors and other transcripts.
    2. Feelings expressed by the lyrical hero of the poem; the feelings that the poem evokes in the reader.
    3. The movement of the author's thoughts, feelings from the beginning to the end of the poem.
    4. Interdependence of the content of the poem and its artistic form:
    - Compositional solutions;
    - Features of self-expression of the lyrical hero and the nature of the narrative;
    - The sound range of the poem, the use of sound recording, assonance, alliteration;
    - Rhythm, stanza, graphics, their semantic role;
    - Motivation and accuracy of the use of expressive means.
    4. Associations caused by this poem (literary, life, musical, pictorial - any).
    5. The typicality and originality of this poem in the poet's work, the deep moral or philosophical meaning of the work, which was revealed as a result of the analysis; the degree of "eternity" of the issues raised or their interpretation. Riddles and secrets of the poem.
    6. Additional (free) reflections.

    as far as I remember, my analysis of 1 verse was on 2 A4 sheets

    Isn't Google helping people anymore?

blinding with brilliance,
Evening at seven.
From the streets to the curtains
Darkness came up.
People are mannequins
Only passion with longing
Leads the Universe
Shaking hand.
Heart under the palm
Gives a shudder
Run and chase
Thrill and flight.
Feeling free
Freely light,
Just tearing the reins
Horse in the mouthpiece.

Analysis of the poem "Tenderness" by Pasternak

The love lyrics of Boris Leonidovich Pasternak are ambiguous and metaphorical. "Tenderness" is dedicated to his first wife.

The poem was written in 1928. Its author is 38 years old, and this is a short time when the Soviet authorities accept his work condescendingly, almost favorably. He is married to the artist Evgenia Lurie, a son is growing up in the family. Biting in words, a supporter of joint housekeeping without any exceptions, a little jealous of his success, the wife unwittingly created tension in their relationship. Domestic disorder made the situation even more nervous. Only a few years remained before this marriage was destroyed. And B. Pasternak himself will do it. He expected from her not only self-evident fidelity, but also faith - in him, in his art. Naturalness and mutual understanding - that seemed to him the basis of a trusting relationship. The image of the first meeting, carefully preserved by the poet, protected this marriage. However, after the break, they continued to correspond with each other, and in one of the letters, E. Lurie admitted how precious the life and fate of B. Pasternak were to her.

Impersonal syntactic constructions focus the reader's attention not on the action, but on the state that they cause: blinding, evening. "Freedom is free", in fact, a tautology. “Feeling free” - the lyrical hero is free not externally, but internally. Perhaps there is some bitter irony here, the hero knows that a kind of surveillance is going on behind the movements of his soul, there is an invisible confrontation between two wills: his and hers. "Passion with longing" is looking for new victims, the whole universe, according to the poet, in its invisible networks. A household sketch draws the city with a few strokes: from the streets to the curtains, it was evening at seven.

The mouthpiece is part of the horse harness. This detail is very painful for the horse, it teaches him unconditional obedience through pain. And in inexperienced hands, it becomes torture at all. “Tears the reins”: urged on by an imperious rider, beside himself with pain, the horse tries to throw him off, rears up, but cannot get rid of him. Personifications: darkness approached, passion leads the hand. Comparisons: people are mannequins, feeling is like a horse. Rhythm breathless. "Escape, chase, awe, flight" - perhaps the quintessence of the poet's feelings from these relationships.

The work of B. Pasternak is a phenomenon in Russian poetry in the first half of the 20th century. The ability to combine expression with a verified form, depth of content and psychologism is also characteristic of the 1928 poem "Tenderness".

"Tenderness" Boris Pasternak

blinding with brilliance,
Evening at seven.
From the streets to the curtains
Darkness came up.
People are mannequins
Only passion with longing
Leads the Universe
Shaking hand.
Heart under the palm
Gives a shudder
Run and chase
Thrill and flight.
Feeling free
Freely light,
Just tearing the reins
Horse in the mouthpiece.

Analysis of Pasternak's poem "Tenderness"

The marriage union of Boris Pasternak and Evgenia Lurie was rather strange and unpredictable. It is hard to imagine what could have connected such different people for almost 10 years. Nevertheless, the poet recalls these years of his life as one of the brightest and happiest. And this despite the fact that his wife turned out to be far from being the most ideal housewife, having charged her chosen one with all the issues related to housekeeping. Evgenia Lurie was an artist, impulsive, very talented and at the same time unpredictable. She did not have a stable psyche, constantly made scandals and was not at all interested in raising her only son, who actually grew up in the arms of his father. But it was to this capricious and deeply unhappy woman in her soul that Boris Pasternak dedicated the poem "Tenderness", written in 1928.

The poet's ability to organically combine simple everyday things and lofty feelings is reflected in many of his works. It is for this reason that the entourage in which the events of this poem unfold can be suitable for any modern apartment. But on the condition that a special atmosphere of love reigns in it, thanks to which even ordinary curtains become a formidable weapon, reliably protecting the hearth from the approaching darkness. Warmth, comfort, a special atmosphere of peace and tranquility - all this creates an amazing contrast with what is happening on the street. There, according to the poet's definition, "people - mannequins" are scurrying about, in which such conflicting feelings as "passion with longing" are mixed in their souls. Rushing from one extreme to another, they cannot understand what is really happening. And this causes a feeling of compassion in the soul of the poet. After all, the author himself knows that from passion to longing is one step, but at the same time he skillfully balances on the verge of such conflicting feelings. He is well aware of "flight and chase, awe and flight", but all this is drowned in the all-consuming tenderness that the poet feels for his chosen one. And this feeling for him is so natural and simple that it does not require any explanation. Parsnip compares his tenderness with unbridled passion, "like a horse in a mouthpiece tearing the reins." But this does not in the least frighten the author, who is convinced that one does not need to restrain one's emotions if they are positive. Pasternak still does not realize that in a marriage union one person always loves more than another, and expects reciprocal feelings from his wife, not assuming that creativity interests her much more than her family.

Hello everyone, we urgently need an analysis of the verse Tenderness (BL Pasternak) help pliz. and got the best answer

Answer from User deleted[guru]
Among the Russian poets of the Silver Age B. Pasternak occupies a special place. His works are distinguished by a philosophical attitude, regardless of whether he wrote about nature, or about the state of his own soul, or about complex human relationships.
A penchant for philosophical understanding of life characterizes all of B. Pasternak's work. He is a poet-thinker, and from his earliest poems he thinks about the essence of the world. The central category of B. Pasternak's poetic philosophy is "living life". She is a powerful all-encompassing element that unites the human personality and its environment.
The poem was written for the novel "Doctor Zhivago", but was not included in the "poems from the novel".
Sinyavsky: “Pasternak was fascinated by the task - within the limits of the poem, to recreate the all-encompassing atmosphere of being, to convey the “sense of shortness with the universe” that possesses the poet. In his poems, the lyrical narrative does not develop sequentially, from phenomenon to phenomenon, but jumps "above the barriers", gravitating towards broad sketchiness, towards a sweeping depiction of the whole. With the help of allegories, figurative meanings, things move from their homes and come into a stormy chaotic movement, designed to capture reality in its natural disorder.
“He [Pasternak] develops a poetic phrase in all the complexity of subordinations, interrupts himself, omits, as happens in everyday life, some connecting links, and most importantly, strives for free, uninhibited poetic speech, which has a wide breath and is built on the development of large and holistic intonations. periods. The ability to think and speak in poetry not in separate lines, but in stanzas, periods, revolutions ... "
The second kind of complexity is the complexity of poetic explanation. And the difficulty of the external perception of poetry arising from it for the reader. At the same time, the understanding of the essence of the verse, that is, poetry, becomes difficult or even excluded. That is, the lexical and verbal material of poetry: phraseology, syntax, rhythm, strophic and other elements of the language can themselves be complex. In addition, there are elements of the verse itself, special literary devices that are called tropes, such as, for example, metaphor. Such a complexity, the second, in itself is neither an advantage nor a disadvantage. This is the originality of style, artistic manner.
In early Pasternak, such complexity was justified by brilliant poetry and is inseparable from it. For style, in the final analysis, is not a set of technical devices and is not something subjectively intentional, but something objective. An expression, an imprint of the artist's individuality.
The late Pasternak strives to write about the most important thing: about the essence of the world, about the meaning of life, about the place and purpose of man in the stream of universal being. Even time and space, given to the early Pasternak in sensation, like earth and air, now become for him an object of intense poetic comprehension.
Sound repetitions and coincidences - all serve the same purpose: to enhance the sense of mystery, the magic of what is happening. The whole sound pattern expresses the secrecy, the extraordinary nature of what is happening.
The artist is the empowered eternity, the herald of the highest principles, and his activity is an unceasing, tirelessly accomplished feat.
In this poem, the title does not match the content at all. Tenderness in this case is the state of the author's soul when he describes his feelings in the evening hours.