Biological resources concept. Biological resources and their classification

Biological resources are objects of wildlife that a person uses for his own purposes. These include animals, plants, fungi, bacteria, algae, as well as their communities and ecosystems (grasslands, forests, swamps, rivers, seas). The cultivated representatives of flora and fauna equally belong to biological resources.

plant resources

The main feature of all biological resources, including plant ones, is their renewability and exhaustibility. The plant world is a collection of plant organisms that live in various ecosystems.

The most important resources on our planet are forest resources. Forests occupy about 30% of the entire land surface, and largely thanks to them, life on Earth became possible. By absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and producing valuable oxygen, plants form a solid foundation for the active life of all organisms.

Rice. 1. Forest resources.

Plants are the only organisms on Earth that can produce their own food by converting solar energy into food. This process is called photosynthesis. Thanks to him, water and carbon dioxide under the influence of the Sun are converted into oxygen and glucose.

Man uses plants in the following ways:

  • food source;
  • feed base for pets;
  • raw materials for the pharmaceutical industry;
  • source of wood;
  • raw materials for the textile industry.

Animal resources

Animals that inhabit the Earth are an integral part of any ecosystem. Thanks to them, the natural balance of the planet is maintained, since they play an important role in all natural processes: they improve soil structure, pollinate and fertilize plants, participate in their reproduction, purify water bodies, and are important elements in the food chain.

Rice. 2. Pets.

Since ancient times, man has learned to use animal resources for his own good. Their generous gifts include:

  • a variety of food products (meat, honey, milk, eggs);
  • materials (wool, raw silk);
  • medicines (bee products, fish liver extracts, snake venom);
  • fertilizers (animal manure is widely used in agriculture);
  • transport (horses, mules, camels, elephants have long been used as beasts of burden);
  • industry (leather, wool, wax, honey are industrial products).

Table “Biological resources”

Biological resources of Russia

Biological resources on the planet are unevenly distributed: in some regions they are in abundance, and in some they are acutely lacking.

Russia is the leader in terms of land resources. Dense forests grow on the impressive area occupied by the state. They make up about 40% of the entire area of ​​Russia, the predominant type of forest is coniferous.

The fauna is also rich, among the representatives of which fur-bearing animals (fox, arctic fox, mink, sable) are of the greatest interest for industrial purposes. The abundance of fresh and marine waters allows you to get a large number of commercial fish.

Russia is on the list of many countries in which biological resources are under the threat of complete extinction. The reason for this is a negligent attitude towards nature. Particular damage to the planet is caused by uncontrolled deforestation, which entails irreversible consequences in the surrounding world.

Rice. 3. Deforestation.

What have we learned?

When studying the topic “Biological Resources” in the 10th grade geography program, we learned how valuable biological resources are for humans. Without plants and animals, their close relationship with each other, life on our planet was impossible.

Topic quiz

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Average rating: 4.2. Total ratings received: 135.

Introduction ………………………………………………………….…………………3

The concept of bioresources, their meaning and varieties.….……..……………..4

How to evaluate bioresources? ………………………………………………….……6

Weight and structure of bioresources…………………………………..……….…….8

Man and economy in the biomass of the Earth ………………………………………….11

Productivity of the biosphere …………………………………………………….13

Provision of human bioresources ……………………………………….15

The state of biological resources in Russia ………………………………..16

This is interesting…………………………………………………………………..17

References …………………………………………………………….19


Bioresources is a concept that is not exactly unfamiliar, but not quite familiar. Most often, the phrase “natural resources” is associated with mineral raw materials, although everyone knows what forests, meadows or fish are and often talk about, for example, forest or fish resources. Meanwhile, all living nature can also be considered as a complex integral system of interconnected biological resources. Man in his physical incarnation is also part of it.

The significance of bioresources for human life is obvious and hardly needs separate explanations, and the assessment of their quantity, the ability to reproduce and the place of a person in the system is a vital and, finally, simply a very exciting task.

The concept of bioresources, their meaning and varieties.

Biological resources are a variety of natural resources and an integral part of the national wealth of any country.

Biological resources are understood as all living components of the biosphere that form the natural environment.

That is, biological resources are the sources and prerequisites for obtaining the material and spiritual benefits that people need, contained in objects of wildlife.

Biological resources are quantitatively renewable (through reproduction, growth, etc.) but practically not qualitatively renewable, since the loss of any living species, and even more so of a large systematic group, is irretrievable.

Biological resources are divided into two large groups:

1. Plant resources;

2. Resources of the animal world.

Sometimes an intermediate group is distinguished - soils, although more often soils are considered as an independent resource.

Currently on the planet there is:

more than 500 thousand plant species,

· about 1.5 million species of animals, 2/3 of them are insects.

The diversity of flora and fauna is one of the most important features of the planet. The role and importance of plants and animals in human life and activity can hardly be overestimated, but one of their features must be highlighted in a separate line:
they are the most important genetic resource used by man to improve various areas of his life and activity.

Plants are the basis of life on Earth, a necessary and most important component of the human and animal habitat. They make up the main biomass of the planet and ensure the circulation of substances in the biosphere. They carry out photosynthesis, without which the existence of the biosphere is impossible: 6CO2 + 6H2O 'C6H12O6 + 6O2. They contribute to the formation of soil cover, affect the chemical composition of soils and fertility. They have soil-protective, climate-regulating, sanitary-hygienic and cultural-aesthetic significance. They are the main stabilizer of the carbon-oxygen balance of the atmosphere. (Plants annually extract 160 billion tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release about 100 billion tons of oxygen). They are a food source for humans and animals. They are a source of technical and medicinal raw materials, an object of aesthetic pleasure and relaxation. They are a source of building materials and other diverse and necessary things for a person.

Among the huge number of plants, 2 main types are distinguished:

woody and herbaceous vegetation (sometimes even shrubs).

How to evaluate bioresources?

Bioresources are the living matter of the Earth, mainly the flora and fauna.

To assess bioresources at the most general level, the following concepts are most often used:

Biomass - the mass of all living organisms;

· Phytomass - the total mass of plants;

Zoomass - the total mass of animals;

· Bioproductivity - increase in biomass per unit of time.

Bioresources are probably the most difficult object of evaluation.

First, bioresources are fundamentally different in terms of their potential uses, and an estimate of the total biomass by itself provides little information (unlike, for example, an estimate of oil or even hydrocarbon reserves in general). For example, wood is a building material, fuel and at the same time a source of oxygen and the main natural air purifier. Finally, this is a place of rest, i.e. recreational resource.

In addition, in some regions - both in Russia and other countries, the economic importance of hunting, fishing, picking berries, mushrooms, medicinal herbs and other crafts is still preserved. The natural environment continues to feed man. The biological resources of the World Ocean, primarily fish, are also mainly a source of food. It turns out that 70% of the Earth's surface occupied by the ocean is dominated by the "primitive", "appropriating" type of economy, albeit with the use of modern technical means.

Secondly, it is difficult to distinguish between bio- and agro-resources. The expansion of agricultural areas can only come at the expense of living nature - forests, steppes, peat bogs. In this case, do we consider it as a bio-resource in the form in which it is now, or as an agro-resource - potential or already existing (for example, natural pasture)? Now more than a third of the earth's land surface is occupied by agricultural land. Agricultural crops can be considered part of the total phytomass of the Earth, and domestic animals - part of its zoomass.

Thirdly, bioresources are renewable and at the same time vulnerable. Their volume is variable and depends on many factors. In addition, the ratio of volume and productivity for different types of bioresources differs sharply.

Therefore, for economic activity, biomass is “interesting” only in relation to its quality, possible use and growth rate.

Mass and structure of biological resources

The total biomass on Earth in terms of dry matter (i.e., excluding water, which makes up the bulk of the mass of living organisms) is estimated at 1.3 trillion. tons. At the same time, from the point of view of statistics (but not economics, not biology, not ecology), one could assume that all of it is on land.

The total biomass of the world's oceans is about 35 billion tons (less than 3% of the biomass of the Earth), of which fish, which accounts for 85% of our seafood consumption, is only 0.5 billion tons. It is probably interesting to compare, at least in terms of mass, the resources of water, air and living matter on Earth.

Thus, for 1 kg of living matter, there are almost 4000 cubic meters. m of air and more than 100 liters of only surface water in the liquid phase, which, in turn, constitutes an insignificant fraction of all water resources.

And in the first approximation, we can say that living matter on Earth is provided with the air and water it needs with a significant supply - of course, under the condition of a careful attitude to natural resources.

In the structure of biomass on land, the main part belongs to phytomass, in other words, to plants. In terms of dry matter, this is almost 1.24 trillion. tons. In the same way, from the point of view of "global" statistics (but not real life, which requires taking into account many details), it can be said that almost all of the biomass of the Earth is terrestrial phytomass and, mainly, forests. The forest accounts for 87% of phytomass (65% - forest zones proper, 22% - forests and plantations within other natural zones) - more than 1 trillion. tons. Zoomassus sushi accounts for “only” 30 billion tons, or 3 × 10 13 kg.

The table below shows how unevenly the terrestrial biomass is distributed.

Resource type Weight, tons % to the biomass of the Earth Surface area, ha Biomass per unit area, t/ha
Biomass of the Earth as a whole 1,300 billion 100,0% 51 billion 25 ,5
Terrestrial Biomass 1,265 billion 97,7% 15 billion 84 ,4
Phytomass of land 1,237 billion 95,5% 15 billion 82,5
including forests 1,077 billion 83,1% 4.5 billion 239,3
including the rest of the land 160 billion 12,4% 10.5 billion 15, 2
Zoomassa sushi 28 billion 2,2% 15 billion 1,9
Biomass of the oceans 35 billion 2,7% 36 billion 1,0
including fish 0.5 billion 0,04% 0.014 (14 kg)

Tab.2. The structure of the Earth's biomass and its distribution over the earth's surface

Simply put, for 1 kg of meat on Earth there are 50 kg of trees, grass and leaves. A particular example with a bull in a meadow quite accurately illustrates the global relationship.

The most "weighty" of the biological resources is the forest, which is most often considered as a source of timber. We partly covered this issue in an article on land resources.

The total area of ​​forests on Earth is estimated at 4.5 billion hectares (45 million sq. km, or 30% of the earth's land area), and wood reserves - at 350 billion cubic meters. m, in other words, on average - 75-80 cubic meters. m per 1 hectare of forest area.

Knowing the density of a tree, one can notice a discrepancy between the phytomass of forests - more than 1 trillion. tons and about four times less weight of wood. In this case, an adjustment should be made for the fact that not all forest phytomass, not all parts of a tree, and even not all trees can be classified as “wood”, as well as for the approximation of all such calculations in general.

Geography and biology were my favorite subjects at school. Therefore, as in those years, now I love to study these disciplines, as well as conduct conversations on related topics. And so, when I saw this question, I just couldn't get past it.

What are biological resources

We humans love to categorize everything. Therefore, we subdivide our entire planet into spheres (atmosphere, hydrosphere, etc.). One such area is the biosphere. So, biological resources are that part of the biosphere that is important and / or suitable for human use. That is, almost all.

There are 2 main indicators that characterize bioresources: biomass and bioproductivity. The first reflects the total volume of biological resources. The second is the speed of their reproduction.

Why are these metrics so important? Of course, to ensure the lives of people. Without taking these indicators into account, it is impossible to adequately distribute resources among the population.

The amount of bioresources varies from country to country. It, in turn, is determined by finding out the ratio of the volume of fertile land to the number of people living in the territory. This figure is very high in Australia, and low - in Japan. And there are places where it is almost zero (states located in deserts).

What are bioresources

As we found out above, biological resources are all living things that are suitable for human consumption. Namely:

  • all kinds of plants (including trees);
  • plant fruits (vegetables, fruits, cereals, etc.);
  • animals (their meat and skin);
  • microorganisms.

Resources from each of the above categories are very important for the normal existence of a person. Even microorganisms are necessary for us. For example, humanity has learned to use them to treat infectious diseases (antibiotics).

Biological resources are extremely important for humanity and are even more important than almost all others. The general well-being of people largely depends on their volume in the country, although not always in the modern world (an example is Japan).

Topic: Forest and biological resources of the Russian Federation

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Introduction 3

1. Biological resources 4

1.1. Plant resources 5

1.2. Animal resources 6

2. Forest resources 8

3. Forest complex 9

Conclusion 12

References 13


Natural resources are means of subsistence without which man cannot live and which he finds in nature. They give us food, clothing, shelter, fuel, energy and raw materials for the operation of industry, from which man creates comfort items, machines and medicines.

Natural resources include land, water, fuel, mineral raw materials, biological, resources of the World Ocean, recreational resources.

In this control work, the forest and biological resources of the Russian Federation will be considered in detail.

  1. biological resources.

The role of living organisms in the life of the Earth is enormous. It is living organisms that enrich the atmosphere with oxygen, create a fertile soil layer on the border of "living" and "dead" nature.

Vegetation significantly affects the climate: the moisture it evaporates participates in the water cycle. Moreover, vegetation, along with microorganisms, created the modern atmosphere and maintains its gas composition.

Plants enrich the soil with organic residues, thereby improving its fertility.

Planting forest strips help snow retention and moisture conservation. Forest plantations create a barrier to moving sands. Trees, shrubs and grasses protect the soil from erosion.

Plant remains and dead animal organisms fill the lake basins with sapropelic silts and build up peat bogs. Large accumulations of organic remains become the material that composes the rocks.

Of course, in wildlife there are harmful weeds, predators, blood-sucking insects with which a person has to fight. However, one should always remember the numerous connections that exist in nature. For example, most birds of prey exterminate harmful rodents. Therefore, to draw an unambiguous conclusion that birds of prey bring harm to humans means that it is too primitive to perceive complex relationships in nature.

Organisms on Earth are one of the most complex and striking components, defining the appearance of almost all geographic landscapes.

The role of flora and fauna in human life can hardly be overestimated. The development of natural resources by people began with the development of biological resources.

Distinguish between plant resources and animal resources.

  1. plant resources.

The plant world provides man with food and feed, fuel and raw materials. For a long time, people have used the fruits of useful wild plants - berries, nuts, fruits, mushrooms. Man has learned to breed useful plants for him, to cultivate them.

A few figures: there are 11,400 species of vascular plants in Russia; 1370 - bryophytes; more than 9,000 algae, about 3,000 lichen species, more than 30,000 fungi. 1363 species have various beneficial properties, of which 1103 species are used in medicine

It should be noted that according to some estimates, the volume of commercial stocks of wild plants is about 50% of biological stocks.

Russia is a country of forests (suffice it to say that our territory contains 22% of all forests on the planet). This is almost 1.2 billion hectares. But a significant part of Russian forests was exploited so intensively during the 20th century that it is now depleted. Therefore, only about 55% of the forest can actually be used now. The total stock of wood in the forest fund is almost 82 billion cubic meters.

The positive moments in afforestation include the fact that during 2000 the forestry enterprises created almost 25 thousand hectares of protective forest plantations. From this, in particular, agriculture has benefited, and the soils have become more fertile.

  1. Animal resources.

Resources of the animal world are, first of all, hunting and commercial resources.

Hunting is one of the most ancient occupations of man. The squirrel, arctic fox, fox, white hare are among the main commercial fur animals in Russia. More rare fur-bearing animals are marten, weasel, otter, beaver.

The territory of Russia is huge - over 17 million square kilometers. Natural conditions are varied. Therefore, a significant part of the world's biological diversity is located in our country. Let's think about the number - 1513. That is how many species of vertebrates there are in Russia, namely:

320 species of mammals, 732 species of birds, 80 species of reptiles, 29 species of amphibians, 343 species of freshwater fish, 9 species of cyclostomes.

In addition, about 1,500 species of marine fish live in the seas washing our country.

As for the invertebrate fauna, it has up to 150,000 species, of which 97 percent are insects.

And many of these species exist only in our country, they are not found anywhere else in the world. Scientists call these species endemic.

Hunting in Russia is allowed for 60 species of mammals and 70 species of birds. According to the State Service for Hunting Resources, the number of game animals is stabilizing.

Game reserves also play a positive role - now there are more than a thousand of them, with a total area of ​​​​almost 44 million hectares. In most of the reserves, the density of animals is much higher than in adjacent areas. And over time, animals from the reserves naturally move to adjacent territories.

In 2000, the total allowable catch of fish in freshwater bodies of Russia was over 111,000 tons. As in other years, the main part (more than 41%) are small-sized fish; bream and whitefish species (16% each); very little sturgeon and salmon. This is not surprising, because the stocks of valuable fish species (sturgeon, salmon, zander) are declining, as are the stocks and numbers of predatory fish species such as pike, burbot, and catfish.

In general, the most intensively used fish stocks of reservoirs in the European part of Russia - about 80% of fish are caught here from reservoirs. And the reservoirs of the Urals and Western Siberia account for up to 70% of the total catch of river fish.

As a rule, they catch the most where there are valuable fish species and, of course, a market. Thus, in the Yenisei basin in 2000, 1.7 thousand tons were mined, in Lake Baikal - 2.6 thousand tons, in the Rybinsk reservoir - about 1.5 thousand tons. tons, in Kuibyshevsky - 2.8 thousand tons, and in Tsimlyansky - 7.4 thousand tons (although this is below the level of 1999).

Hundreds of millions of juveniles of partial fish - carp, bream, pike perch - are annually released into natural reservoirs. And the catches show the high efficiency of work on the artificial reproduction of their stocks. Thanks to the activities of the Tsimlyansky fish hatchery, a commercial herd of silver carp has been formed in the reservoir of the same name. Commercial stocks of herbivorous fish appeared in the Krasnodar, Volgograd, Saratov and other reservoirs.

  1. Forest resources.

Forest resources are of great importance among biological resources. In terms of wood reserves, Russia ranks first in the world.

The forested area of ​​Russia is 774.3 million hectares, i.e. 22% of the world's forest area, or 46.1% of temperate forests. A quarter of the world's timber reserves are concentrated in our country - 81.9 billion m 3, located mainly in the north of the European part of the country, in Siberia and the Far East. Unlike other countries, primary, old-growth forests have been preserved on large areas.

The main forest resources are located in the eastern regions of the country, which account for 79% of the reserves. 21% of forest resources are concentrated in the European part.

The most forested areas are Western Siberia (Tyumen Region), Eastern Siberia (Krasnoyarsk Territory and Irkutsk Region), the Far East (Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and Khabarovsk Territory), the European North, the Urals (Sverdlovsk Region and the Udmurt Republic), as well as Kirov and Nizhny Novgorod regions.

About 1500 species of trees and shrubs grow in the forests of Russia? The main ones are forest-forming species, they account for 82%, softwood - 16, hardwood - 2%. Coniferous forests of the European North of the country, Siberia and the Far East have valuable wood.

The most common species in Russia are larch, pine, spruce and Siberian cedar pine.

3. Forest complex.

Russia is the largest timber industry country in the world. The share of the forest complex in the country's industrial production is 4.7% (at the beginning of 2001), in the main production assets - 3.2%, in the average annual number of industrial and production personnel - more than 8%. The timber industry complex (LPK) belongs to export-oriented industries, the share of forest industry products in the export of the Russian Federation is 5%. At the same time, about 50% of the total volume of timber industry production is sold on the foreign market.

The forest complex includes harvesting, mechanical processing and chemical processing of wood, produces the following main types of products: industrial wood, sawn timber, wood-based panels, plywood, market pulp, paper, cardboard, furniture, etc. The main industries in the timber industry complex are as follows :

  1. Logging industry - harvesting and export of timber. Despite the fact that the main resources of mature and overmature timber are located in the eastern regions of Russia, the leading logging areas are the European territories of the North and the northern part of the Volga region, which leads to overcutting and harms forest resources. In the area of ​​the main production forests, the most accessible and high-quality stands have already been cut down, the productivity of mature and overmature stands is below average. For this reason, in the European part of Russia, in the coming decades, there will be a shortage of high-quality coniferous wood. The share of regions of Siberia and the Far East, where 3/4 of Russia's forest reserves are concentrated, does not exceed 40% of the total volume of timber exports in the country.
  2. The sawmill industry is the production of sawn timber, but in the North-Western, Siberian and Ural federal districts of Kotlas, Mezen, Perm, Omsk, Barnaul, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Igarka, Chita, Khabarovsk, etc. The largest sawmill enterprises LDZ and JV "Igirma-Tayriku" in the Irkutsk region.
  3. Woodworking industry - production of plywood, building parts, standard houses, furniture, matches, etc. Half of the production plywood in the country is concentrated in the North-Western and Ural federal districts. The main plywood production centers are St. Petersburg, Cherepovets, Bratsk (JSC Bratskcomplexholding), the Tyumen plywood plant, the Biysk plywood and match plant, the Beregovoi lumberyard-Bratsk, the Lesosibirsk and Novoeniseysk woodworking and Ust-Ilimsk timber processing complexes.
  4. The pulp and paper industry (production of cellulose, paper, cardboard, etc.) includes both chemical and mechanical processing of wood raw materials. Chemical and chemical-mechanical processing of wood contribute to a more rational use of forest resources (At the same time, waste is disposed of: sawdust, shavings, branches, needles). The main centers of the pulp and paper industry are Arkhangelsk, Kotlas (Arkhangelsk region), Syktyvkar (Komi Republic); Kondopoga, Segezha (Republic of Karelia), Krasnokamsk, Solikamsk, Krasnovishersk (Perm Region), Novaya Lyalya (Sverdlovsk Region), Balakhna (Nizhny Novgorod Region), Volzhsk (Republic of Mari El) and others. 3 of the whole paper.
  5. Wood chemistry (production of rosin, phenol, turpentine, ethyl and methyl alcohol, glucose, acetone, camphor, glue, etc.).

Wood chemistry, primarily hydrolysis production, focuses mainly on raw materials (waste from logging, sawmilling and woodworking).

The main product of hydrolysis production - ethyl alcohol - is used in the food industry, agriculture, in the production of building materials, and medicine. The main centers of hydrolysis production are Arkhangelsk, St. Petersburg, Saratov, Volgograd, Solikamsk, Sokol, Tavda, Krasnoyarsk, Zima, Tulun, Bratsk, Biryusa, Kansk, in the Khabarovsk Territory, the village of Khorsky. Hydrolysis production is developed in Tatarstan and Bashkortostan.


The main goal of the environmental policy of states is to provide environmentally friendly living conditions for people, rational use and protection of natural resources. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to consistently restructure the production sector, implement a technical policy based on resource saving, the use of low-waste and waste-free technologies.

The irrational distribution of forest industries leads to the fact that, in the presence of huge forest resources in certain regions of Russia, there is an acute shortage of raw materials, as a result of which there is a need to reduce production and increase the export of forest raw materials and products from other countries. This deficit refers primarily to the European regions of Russia, where there are significant overcuts and insufficient reforestation work. At the same time, valuable timber is disappearing in many forest regions of Siberia, and the number of mature and overmature trees is increasing. Nevertheless, the expansion of logging in the Asian part of the country requires significant capital investments and is planned only in the future.

Increasing the productivity of forests is the most important task of the branches of the forestry complex. Its solution requires further improvement of the methods of reproduction of forest resources and the species composition of crops, taking into account forest zones, types of forests and the intensity of forestry production. Especially necessary is the care of the forest, its protection and protection.

The problems of preserving natural resources can be solved only on the basis of objective international agreements. The ultimate goal of preserving natural resources is to provide favorable living conditions for the present and future generations of people, for the development of the national economy, industry and science.


  1. Skopin A.Yu. Economic Geography of Russia: Textbook. - M.: TK Velby, Prospekt Publishing House, 2003.
  2. Komar I.V. Rational use of natural resources, Moscow, 1986.
  3. Economic geography of Russia. Textbook / Under the general. Ed. Vidyapina V.I. - M: INFRA-M, REA 1999.
  4. Economic and social geography of Russia. Textbook for universities / Ed. Khrushchev A.T. - M: KRON-PRESS 1997.
  5. Regional economy: problems, strategy for the development of the agro-industrial complex. Ed. Kuznetsova V. V. Rostov-on-Don, 1998.

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The role of living organisms in the life of the Earth huge. It is living organisms that enrich the atmosphere with oxygen, create a fertile soil layer on the border of "living" and "dead" nature.

Vegetation significantly affects the climate: the moisture it evaporates participates in the water cycle. Moreover, vegetation, along with microorganisms, created the modern atmosphere and maintains its gas composition.

Plants enrich the soil with organic residues, thereby improving its fertility.

Planting forest strips help snow retention and moisture conservation. Forest plantations create a barrier to moving sands. Trees, shrubs and grasses protect the soil from erosion.

Living organisms, especially microorganisms, play a large role in biological weathering. Bacteria contribute to the decomposition of organic matter and are involved in the supply of soil with nitrogen. At the same time, some bacteria infect water bodies with hydrogen sulfide.

Plant remains and dead animal organisms fill the lake basins with sapropelic silts and build up peat bogs. Large accumulations of organic remains become the material that composes the rocks.

Remember how limestone was formed; coal.

Many animals - earthworms, burrowing rodents - are actively involved in soil formation.

There are animals that carry the seeds and fruits of plants, helping them to settle.

Of course, in wildlife there are harmful weeds, predators, blood-sucking insects with which a person has to fight. However, one should always remember the numerous connections that exist in nature. For example, most birds of prey exterminate harmful rodents. Therefore, to draw an unambiguous conclusion that birds of prey bring harm to humans means that it is too primitive to perceive complex relationships in nature.

Organisms on Earth are one of the most complex and striking components, defining the appearance of almost all geographic landscapes.

The role of flora and fauna in human life hard to overestimate. The development of natural resources by people began with the development of biological resources.

Distinguish between plant resources and animal resources.

The plant world provides man with food and feed, fuel and raw materials. For a long time, people have used the fruits of useful wild plants - berries, nuts, fruits, mushrooms. Man has learned to breed useful plants for him, to cultivate them.


Ginseng is the “root of life”, giving a person heroic strength and longevity. This perennial herbaceous plant has survived in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories since warm preglacial times. Take a close look at the bizarre roots of the plant. They resemble the figurine of a living being. Ginseng is famous for its highly tonic action. It has long been used in folk medicine. Many fairy tales and legends are composed about the "root of life" in China and Korea.

Meadows, pastures, hayfields are an excellent fodder base for animal husbandry. Thousands of plants - herbs and shrubs - raw materials for the production of medicines. Medicinal plants have been used in medicine for a long time and very successfully, many of which came to it from folk recipes.

Forests give man, in addition to edible fruits, wood - ornamental and construction, chemical raw materials.

Animal resources- these are primarily hunting-pro-fishing resources. Hunting is one of the most ancient occupations of man. The squirrel, arctic fox, fox, white hare are among the main commercial fur animals in Russia. More rare fur-bearing animals are marten, weasel, otter, beaver. Sable fur is especially valued in the world market. On fur farms, mink, muskrat, etc. are bred. Russia has long been famous in the world fur markets for high-quality furs.

Other hunting products are skins, meat, as well as products for the manufacture of fertilizers and medicines.

Feathered game - hazel grouse, partridges, capercaillie, black grouse, quail - have long been delicacy dishes of Russian cuisine.

A special place is occupied by fishing and the extraction of other aquatic organisms.

According to the textbook, determine from which seas of Russia the most fish are caught.

Reserves and national parks of Russia. Flora and fauna most noticeably and severely suffer from human economic activity. Even in the last century, as a result of hunting, European bison, Caucasian deer, etc. were practically exterminated.

To protect individual species of plants and animals from complete destruction, reserves began to be created - specially protected territories (water areas), excluded from any economic activity for the sake of preserving intact natural complexes, as well as individual species of plants and animals.

So, in 1919, the first Soviet reserve, Astrakhansky, was established. It is located in the Volga Delta. In the Astrakhan Reserve, rare species of sturgeon fish, waterfowl, rare plants - lotus, water chestnut (chilim) are especially protected. Lotus and chilim are listed in the Red Book and are protected throughout the Astrakhan region.

At the beginning of the XXI century. in Russia there were 89 reserves (16 of them - biospheric). Biosphere reserves are created in accordance with the UNESCO program "Man and the Biosphere" in order to preserve and explore various natural areas. Each biosphere reserve has a monitoring service, that is, tracking the progress of all natural processes.

In reserves, the entire natural complex is most often protected. But especially much attention is paid to rare and endangered species of plants and animals, as well as unique natural formations (natural uniques), such as, for example, the Kivach waterfall in the Kivach nature reserve.

Many endangered species of animals and plants preserved in reserves are included in the Red Book of Russia. As an example, the following species can be mentioned: astragalus Olkhonsky, black crane, Siberian motley, Laptev walrus, small swan (tundra), pink gull, Rhodiola rosea - “golden root”, Putoran snow sheep, beautiful feather grass, bustard, Dahurian hedgehog, Siberian Crane, or White Crane, Demoiselle Crane, etc.

national park is a specially protected area and water area with intact complexes and unique natural and anthropogenic objects.

National parks, unlike nature reserves, combine the tasks of nature protection and strictly controlled recreational use, that is, short-term visits for the purpose of recreation and educational tourism. At the beginning of the XXI century. There were 29 national parks in the country.

Questions and tasks

  1. What role do plants and animals play in the life of the Earth?
  2. How do living organisms affect human life and economic activity?
  3. What are biological resources?
  4. Practical work No. 8. Determination of the role of specially protected natural areas in the conservation of nature in Russia.

    What is the purpose of the reserves? National parks?