Cup of coffee with ice cream. Coffee with ice cream - the most delicious recipes for hot and cold drinks

Ice cream coffee is called glace (glace, glace). The term "glase" is French, translated as "ice". Like any coffee recipe, coffee with ice cream has its own history, secrets and features. It is popular in the south of Europe and is an excellent base for the most imaginative combinations.

Who and when invented coffee with ice cream

Why is coffee with ice cream called "iced" coffee, and even in the French manner? It is known that the best masters of Europe in the manufacture of ice cream were Italians. Their compatriot, Marco Polo, from his trip to China brought back a recipe for a dessert made from frozen juice and fruit. Italian ice cream masters were worth their weight in gold, and their fees made some poor monarchs turn pale with envy. They began to combine ice cream and coffee in one cup, approximately, in the third quarter of the 19th century. The Austrians claim that this happened in one of the Viennese coffee houses. From there, the original recipe traveled across Europe.

The French - famous gourmets and gourmets - quickly picked up the idea. The then European ice cream contained a lot of ice, and this word often appeared in the names of the dessert. So, the famous ice cream, which was served at the court of Maria Medici, was called "Ice Neapolitan". Therefore, the French chose a simple name for coffee with ice cream: glacé, that is, "Ice coffee".

The usual version of ice cream, with a high content of milk and butter, is a Russian recipe that was invented during the reign of Catherine the Great, and it went to the “people” in the 19th century.

Unusual ice cream coffee recipes

The classic iced coffee recipe is well known. It requires a serving of chilled sweetened natural coffee and a scoop of ice cream. Ice cream is placed at the bottom of the glass and poured with chilled coffee. Top a portion of the drink is decorated with whipped cream or sprinkles. We talked about a detailed algorithm for preparing such a recipe in one of our past articles.

The portion of coffee required for the recipe is usually determined independently, based on the desired volume of the drink. In the classic recipe, a serving of 120-150 ml is required. You can use natural coffee prepared by any method. If coffee is brewed in a cezve or cold brewed, then it must be carefully strained, preferably twice. Espresso or Americano does not need to be filtered.

But coffee with ice cream can be prepared in different ways. Several unusual drink recipes will enliven the menu, especially in the warm season.

Coffee with ice cream and orange juice (a recipe that you can try in different versions in Moscow coffee houses)

Ingredients: a portion of ready-made cold coffee, freshly squeezed orange juice, fruit syrup and popsicles.

How to cook: Brew and cool coffee. Place a scoop of popsicles on the bottom of a glass. Ideal citrus, not berry. Then pour in 30 ml of orange juice, 10 ml of fruit syrup and a serving of chilled coffee. For decoration, mint or orange-candy crumbs are suitable. The finished drink is very refreshing.

Coffee with ice cream "Tenderness" (the name is conditional, the recipe itself is from a small hotel in the south of France).

Ingredients: chilled coffee, cream, cream liqueur, caramel, vanilla ice cream.

How to cook: brew coffee, add cream to it - they should make up about a quarter of the volume of coffee. Pour a teaspoon of caramel syrup or homemade hot caramel into the mixture. Cool to room temperature. Put a scoop of vanilla ice cream on the bottom of a cup, add 25 ml of cream liqueur and pour in coffee with cream and caramel.

Masala coffee with ice cream (Indian recipe)

Ingredients: water, coconut milk, cinnamon stick, a few cardamom grains, coffee, almond or pistachio ice cream.

How to cook: boil half a glass of water, add chopped seasonings to it, boil for about 5-7 minutes. Then remove the seasonings, brew coffee on a spicy broth. Cool the drink. Put a scoop of ice cream into a cup, pour in coconut milk in a proportion of about a third of the volume of coffee, pour in chilled coffee.

Coffee with ice cream "Mint Delight" (recipe from the owner of a Milan cafe)

Ingredients: iced coffee with 1/3 teaspoon fructose, cinnamon syrup, mint ice cream, mint liqueur.

How to cook: put mint ice cream in the bottom of a cup, pour in mint liqueur and a teaspoon of cinnamon syrup, then coffee. Decorate with mint sprigs.

Ordinary sugar does not soften the bitterness of coffee, but emphasizes it. Want a really smooth taste? Add fructose to coffee, just keep in mind that it is sweeter than sugar, so you will need less of it.

Colder, even colder!

The hardest part about making coffee with ice cream is not the recipe itself, but waiting for the brewed coffee to cool down to a temperature that will not allow the scoop of ice cream to melt instantly.

You do not have to stand at the stove with a Turk, and then wait for hours for the drink to cool. You can prepare coffee in a cold way, for example, in a French press. Just fill the ground coffee with cold water in the required proportions and leave overnight. In the morning it will remain to squeeze the thick. A drink ready to be combined with ice cream is completely ready and does not need additional cooling.

Calorie content and other characteristics of coffee with ice cream

Coffee with ice cream belongs to the class of dessert drinks. Its calorie content depends on the selected ingredients.

  • 1 scoop of ice cream weighing 50 g adds 115 kcal to coffee.
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar adds another 20 calories.
  • 1 teaspoon of syrup "will cost" 15 kcal.
  • A portion of milk with a fat content of 2.5%, equal to 20 ml, will add another 10-12 kcal to the total amount.
  • The same portion of cream with a fat content of 10% - 25 kcal.

Thus, a portion of the drink according to the classic recipe contains approximately 135-140 kcal.

Espresso-based ice cream coffee contains exactly the same amount of caffeine as a shot of espresso, between 40 and 90 mg. The effect of caffeine on the body somewhat weakens the milk fat and sugar found in ice cream. The drink raises the level of sugar in the blood and causes a surge of energy, including intellectual.

Coffee with ice cream has one more plus: unlike most sweet desserts, it does not arouse appetite, but effectively suppresses hunger, thanks to the content of caffeine and milk fat.

If you are preparing a recipe based on cold-brewed coffee, then there will be more caffeine in it. The cold brew method releases more caffeine from the beans compared to the traditional hot brew method.

Ice cream coffee cost

A portion of coffee in a glass costs in a cafe from 120-150 rubles. Home cooking will reduce the cost of the drink to 40-60 rubles, even with Baskin Robbins ice cream. Although, to be honest, domestic ice cream goes much better with coffee.

Drink or eat: how to use coffee with ice cream

Coffee with ice cream is served in glassware. Glasses for Irish cream, tall glasses are suitable. In some establishments, coffee with ice cream is served in shots with a thick bottom. Coffee is served with a straw. They drink coffee through it.

Coffee with ice cream is a high-calorie drink, so desserts are not supposed to go with it. You can use it in between meals, in terms of calories, it completely replaces a snack. Temperamental Italians believe that it should be consumed in the first half of the day, the French replace them with an afternoon snack, and sometimes dinner. They agree on one thing - this dessert is for independent consumption, and not after a hearty meal.

Our Conclusion

  • coffee with ice cream is called glaze,
  • is a light dessert
  • invented in Europe
  • can be cooked in different ways
  • tastier with domestic ice-cream.

Julia Vern 5 754 0

In the summer heat and not only, you can pamper your taste buds by preparing coffee with ice cream for yourself and your loved ones according to your own or proven recipe. The drink will be refreshing, aromatic with all the properties of coffee. Probably, almost everyone knows that this combination is called coffee glace. But besides the classic version, there are many recipes that harmoniously combine coffee and ice cream.

There is no reliable information about the appearance of an unusual, but quite predictable mix. However, there is one legend that leads to interesting thoughts about the origin of iced coffee.

The main "culprit" of the appearance is considered to be the Austrian cook of the Archduke, who prepared coffee for his master. Maximilian I (namely, we are talking about him) simply adored the drink for the combination of taste and aroma, without limiting himself too much in quantity.

On one of the usual days, when the chef was preparing the favorite drink of the ruler, a piece of dessert from oranges with ice soaked in milk accidentally got into the cup. There was no time to replace the drink and the chef took the risk of presenting the cocktail as coffee in a new recipe. The ruler took great pleasure in tasting and suggested that the chef prepare such a drink for him more often.

It is not known how true this story is, however, the recipe for coffee with dessert has survived to this day, although it has undergone some changes. The drink was called "glase", which means "cold" in French.

Iced coffee - what you need to know

What associations does coffee evoke? For most, this is a rich aroma, a slightly bitter taste and always a good mood and cheerfulness. Indeed, even one cup of natural high-quality coffee can increase tone, relieve physical and mental fatigue, normalize mental activity, and start the digestive system.

A drink with ice cream - cold coffee is in no way inferior to a hot analogue prepared according to a traditional recipe. Just like regular coffee, it helps to recharge your batteries and helps fight excess weight. An additional effect is refreshing.

Glace has a low calorie content, only 153 kcal per 100 grams with an optimal ratio of BJU (15.1% - 15.1% -69.8%, respectively). It can be a stretch to call a diet drink, however, it is suitable as an alternative to the usual desserts. Even for those who follow a strict diet, a drink several times a week will not harm, moreover, it will give a portion of good mood and energy.

Timeless classic - traditional glace recipe

To prepare coffee with a scoop of ice cream in the classic version, you first need to brew a regular strong drink from freshly ground coffee beans. The finished drink is cooled to a temperature of 40 degrees, thus preventing the rapid melting of ice cream.

Prepared coffee is poured into a special cone-shaped glass for cocktails, a ball of ice cream is added. Those who like sweet coffee are advised to add sugar to taste at the stage of brewing the drink.

Cinnamon - a noble spicy flavor for connoisseurs of oriental coffee

Recently, it has become fashionable to add spices to drinks, giving them piquancy, coloring the taste and aroma with new colors. Cinnamon is one of the simplest and most affordable spices that goes well with coffee.

Making cinnamon glaze is very easy. Following the algorithm for preparing a drink in the classic version, in conclusion, you can sprinkle the foam and the ice cream ball with cinnamon. As an option, it is allowed to add spice at the stage of preparing coffee in a Turk, allowing its aroma to open up with greater force.

Alcoholic glass - for connoisseurs of non-standard solutions

Those who love the exquisite smell and aftertaste of good alcohol should try the recipe for coffee with ice cream with the addition of alcohol. This combination will not only please with taste and aroma, but also warm, help to relax after a hard day's work.

To prepare a drink, a ball of vanilla ice cream is added to ready-made coffee brewed in a Turk according to the classic recipe, pouring a teaspoon of brandy or cognac on its surface. The combination of components is harmonious and holistic.

Foamy coffee with ice cream - a creative approach

Fans of cocktails and a shaker for mixing them should prepare a delicious and unusual cocktail based on coffee and ice cream at home. Using a shaker, the chilled drink is mixed with ice cream or any other ice cream to taste, served in a tall glass, decorating with an umbrella, straw, chocolate, cinnamon stick.

The highlight of this drink is a high coffee and milk foam, on which you can draw anything you like using a special stencil.

Nourishing Glaze with Egg Yolk

An interesting recipe at home that allows you to prepare a drink that can replace one meal. We are talking about coffee with egg yolk, which significantly increases the calorie content of the drink.

To prepare a nutritious cocktail you will need:

  • a cup of freshly brewed coffee (no more than 100 ml);
  • a teaspoon of sugar;
  • one egg yolk;
  • a scoop of ice cream to taste (preferably ice cream).

Start by making coffee, a traditional americano or espresso to taste. The next step is to mix the yolk with sugar until smooth. To achieve the desired result faster, it is better to use the egg at room temperature.

Coffee is added to the prepared mixture, after which it is continued to be boiled for 15 minutes in a water bath. The finished drink is poured into a large coffee cup, cooled and ice cream is spread on top.

Iced coffee with liqueur

Similar to making glace with brandy or cognac, you can mix a cocktail with the addition of liquor. The only addition is ice cubes, which will not only cool the drink, but also make it less caloric. For preparation, 150 ml of freshly brewed coffee, a few ice cubes and two tablespoons of liquor to taste will be enough.

Just like the previous recipes, traditional coffee is prepared with or without added sugar. Liqueur is poured into a tall glass (15% of the coffee volume), ice is poured in and only then coffee is added. Ice cream spread on top, decorating the cocktail.

Dietary glace - how to make at home

To prepare a low-calorie drink, you can use:

  • classic espresso;
  • 100 ml cream with a minimum percentage of fat;
  • several cubes of dark chocolate;
  • 50 g ice cream.

They start with the preparation of chocolate - it is melted in a water bath, after which cream and coffee are added to it, brought to a boil and allowed to cool. Ice cream and ice are placed at the bottom of the prepared glass, poured with coffee mixture and decorated with a straw.

A simpler option with replacing chocolate with cocoa powder with the addition of vanilla and berries for decoration. The drink is prepared in the same way as in the previous case, using cocoa instead of chocolate and decorating the finished cocktail with berries.

Frozen glace - a drink for cheerfulness

Having found out the name of coffee with ice cream and that in translation “glase” is “ice”, you should try to make a drink that fully corresponds to the name. Iced coffee is an interesting and unconventional recipe that deserves attention. The calorie content of the finished cocktail is only 115 kcal per serving, making it simple and quick.

For several servings you will need 50 g of coffee, a liter of water, 200 ml of cream, vanillin, 100 g of sugar and powdered sugar, ice cream of at least 200 g (can be replaced with sour cream).

The recipe is as follows:

  1. Heat the cezve, add half the coffee to it and pour boiling water over it.
  2. Boil for 20 minutes, then add the rest of the coffee and pour boiling water again.
  3. Drink continue to cook for another 7 minutes in a water bath.
  4. Pass the prepared coffee through the filter, add sugar.
  5. Cool the drink and add the cream.
  6. Put the cocktail in the freezer, stirring it from time to time.
  7. As soon as the coffee is converted into a coarse mass, it is laid out in tall glasses.

Decorate frozen glaze with ice cream or sour cream with vanilla and sugar.

As additions to each of the cocktail options, you can add cream, including from a can, chocolate chips, grated nuts, caramel, coconut, syrups with different flavors, and even colored candies.

Coffee can be sweet and bitter, cold and hot, warming and cooling. Most of the recipes for this drink appeared as a result of a random coincidence, such as glace.

The history of an unusual combination

Coffee with ice cream began to be prepared in Austria, although the name itself is of French origin, because glass, and this is the name of the drink, in French means cold or frozen.

Nothing is known about the reliability and veracity of the history of the appearance of the glase. But the story goes that 2 in 1 cool coffee was first served to Archduke Maximilian I by his personal chef. The royal was very fond of the invigorating drink and drank it too often. Once again, the duke demanded to quickly serve him a cup of coffee, but the cook hesitated, moreover, a piece of cold dessert - a frozen orange in milk - accidentally fell into a cup with a drink. In order not to anger the ruler, the cook served him coffee in this form. The drink was to the taste and became a frequent guest on the table of the Archduke.

Soon the tradition of preparing cold coffee with dessert migrated to the people, acquired new interpretations and was called glace. This is how this word is spelled correctly, and not in the glass, as many mistakenly do.

Original presentation of a relative of the glace - affogato

But glace is not the only option for making a cold drink. What is another name for ice cream coffee? This is an affogato, the preparation technology of which differs from the classical one. These two types of drinks have one thing in common - a combination of an invigorating effect from ground grains and a pleasant taste sensation from a dessert. Undoubtedly, the calorie content of both is much higher than the classic espresso and is approximately 125 kcal. Therefore, regularly drinking such delicious coffee is harmful to the figure.

During the preparation process, depending on the technology, ice cream can be put first and pour coffee over it, or vice versa, cold ice cream can be added to espresso. In addition to these two ingredients, chocolate, caramel, syrup, milk and even alcohol in the form of cognac can be used. Most espresso or latte based recipes can be replicated at home.

cooking recipes

Traditionally, black coffee with ice cream is served in tall Irish glasses or wine glasses with straws and a long-handled dessert spoon.

To make classic coffee glaze, you need:

  1. Prepare 2 shots of espresso (from 2 tsp. ground beans to 140-150 ml of water) in a coffee machine or Turk.
  2. Cool down to 10 degrees.
  3. Pour into a glass and put creamy ice cream (regular ice cream without fillers).

The correct proportion is 1:4. This means that the ice cream should be 1/4 of the espresso. Black coffee with ice cream can be prepared on the basis of an instant drink. The technology is the same.

whipped glace recipe

  1. Brew 200 ml of natural coffee, cool.
  2. Pour into a shaker, add 2 tbsp. l. ice cream, sugar optional and 3-4 ice cubes.
  3. Shake until foamy, pour into tall glasses.

Such a drink quenches thirst well and gives strength.

Recipe for coffee with ice cream and cream

  1. Brew 150 ml espresso.
  2. Beat 2 tbsp. l. heavy cream (33%) with 1 tsp. powdered sugar.
  3. Pour chilled coffee after ice cream, which is placed 50 grams at the bottom of the glass.
  4. Pour whipped cream on top and sprinkle with chocolate.

In this recipe, an unusual way to prepare the coffee itself. To deprive him of bitterness, 1 tsp is first put in the Turk. sugar, a pinch of salt and then ground grains. Next, the ingredients are poured with water and put on fire. The first foam is removed and laid out in a glass. Again put the Turk on the fire and warm up to a new portion of foam. Remove the cezve from the fire and throw in an ice cube to cool.

Such a drink has a rich and delicate taste, they drink it through a straw.

Recipe with cognac

  1. Boil 100 ml of espresso with sugar in a Turk, let it cool.
  2. Pour into an Irish glass and top with a scoop of ice cream.
  3. Top with 5 ml brandy.

If cognac is not suitable for this dessert due to its high strength, it can be replaced with liquor.

Recipe for white glace with milk

  1. Boil 100 ml of strong espresso with sugar, cool.
  2. Add 100 ml of chilled milk.
  3. Put in a scoop of ice cream.
  4. Decorate the dessert with chocolate chips.

This is a very gentle, beautiful and delicious coffee with a cap of ice cream, it is not for nothing that it is called white.

There are recipes for how to make coffee with ice cream called affogato. It uses hot espresso coffee, which is traditionally poured over a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Additionally, liqueurs or toppings can be used, which are poured over ice cream, and after that everything is poured with espresso. Dessert is served in glass bowls with a spoon. Ordinary vanilla ice cream can be replaced with chocolate ice cream or another, but not fruit or berry. These are all variations on the affogato theme.

They make delicious summer cocktails with ice cream and coffee. Their preparation involves the use, in addition to the two main ingredients, also milk, syrups, sugar, ice. The easiest way is to beat the ingredients in a mixer or blender until thick and airy and serve in cocktail glasses.

Glace and affogato are seasonal drinks from the 2 in 1 series. Their popularity peaks in July-August in summer cafes. It is also very easy to repeat them at home, the main thing is to find your favorite recipe.

Many people love the taste of this magical, invigorating and unusually tasty drink, but not everyone knows the name of coffee with ice cream. And the name of this drink is very original and extravagant - coffee glace.

Drink with unknown pedigree

History is silent about who invented the glass. Some sources claim that the recipe was invented in France, others are sure that it was first prepared in Austria. But in fact, no one knows for sure where the drink was invented and where its name came from. Therefore, most often you can hear the unpretentious name - "coffee with ice cream."

The easiest way to remember the name of coffee with ice cream is for those who speak at least a little French: "glace" in French means "icy", "frozen". However, if history hides information about the country in which this wonderful drink was invented, then it is not difficult to guess the time of the year in which it was prepared for the first time. Of course it was summer!

cool treat

Many people cannot imagine their life without an indispensable cup of coffee: someone without it cannot finally wake up and cheer up in the morning, someone suffers from hypotension and, with the help of coffee, normalizes blood pressure. And many simply love this drink more than all others, considering a cup of aromatic coffee as a kind of ritual.

In the summer, coffee lovers are somewhat humble. After all, drinking a hot drink in the sweltering heat is not very pleasant. However, the summer heat does not interfere with enjoying your favorite delicacy at all, if you remember the magical combination of hot and cold and the name of coffee with ice cream.

Glace coffee recipes: find your favorite!

There are many recipes for making glace: with ice, and with liquor, and with egg yolks, and even with lollipops and chocolate syrup! Among the huge variety of different variations, everyone will find exactly their favorite taste. But first, let's learn how to prepare a drink in its most common, classic version - just coffee with ice cream, the recipe of which will be the very first in our article.

The classic coffee-glace recipe is the easiest to make. It requires very few ingredients. To prepare the classic version of the glace, you will need ground coffee beans, sugar and ice cream (it is desirable that it be ice cream, but ordinary, milky, in a waffle cup is also suitable):

  1. Brew your espresso - whatever strength you like - and pour it into a cup or glass.
  2. Place sugar or sweetener of your choice in a cup.
  3. Gently add ice cream with a teaspoon and stir.
  4. Try it! Is it really tasty?

Glaze with ice cream and egg yolk is an unusual combination of the most common ingredients. To prepare this drink you need:

  1. Brew fresh coffee and leave it in the cezve.
  2. Separate the yolk from the protein and grind it with sugar and a pinch of vanilla in a separate bowl.
  3. Pour the egg-sugar mixture into the cezve. Heat, stirring constantly, over low heat for 15 minutes.
  4. Pour the drink into a transparent glass and add ice cream to taste, if desired, ice cream can be lightly sprinkled with ground cinnamon.
  5. Feel the magical aroma and fabulous taste!

With what to look?

Those who have mastered the simple science of cooking and remember the name of coffee with ice cream will surely want to treat their family and friends to this drink on a hot summer evening. It can be served with chocolates, fresh berries, cakes...

Try this wonderful drink at least once! Treat your friends and family! Experiment with recipes and ingredients. And then, for sure, a tender love for coffee with ice cream, the name of which is glyse, will forever settle in your soul!

Coffee is not just a drink, it's a whole philosophy! His recipes, as well as varieties, are countless. It goes well with cognac, milk and whipped cream, but coffee with ice cream deserves special attention. This unusual drink or even dessert warms in the cold and refreshes in the heat, and the combination of black and white, hot and cold, bitter and sweet gives the drink a special color and taste that will impress the most sophisticated gourmet. Each method of making coffee has its own name: cappuccino, amaretto, americano. What is iced coffee called?

You can learn how to prepare coffee with ice cream in the following video:

There is still debate about who first came up with the idea of ​​preparing coffee in this way: it is generally accepted that the recipe comes from Italy, although the Austrians consider themselves the discoverers of this drink. The most interesting thing is that its name comes from the French “glace” (ice), so coffee glace literally translates as frozen or cold coffee. But there are already quite a lot of ways to prepare a drink, and now glace is served not only cold, the temperature of which varies between 2-3 ° C, but also chilled (approximately 10 ° C). Russian coffee lovers, on the other hand, prefer a more warming option, when ice cream is added to hot coffee: this is not very good for the teeth and contradicts the classic recipe, but what can you do, our climatic conditions are such that preference is given to something warmer and more comfortable. More than one culinary column is devoted to how to make coffee with ice cream, and yet everyone does it in their own way. Let's find out how to make coffee according to the classic recipe.

Classic recipe

The traditional method of preparation implies the presence of the following ingredients:

  • Creamy ice cream
  • Whipped cream.

Ice cream coffee starts with a classic espresso, but if you don’t have a coffee machine, brew freshly ground coffee beans in a cezve. Do not think that making coffee is an easy task. To get a delicious drink, you need to have some experience. To do this, you need to practice and find the very balance of temperature, time and intensity of fire, which will allow all facets of coffee taste to be revealed.

Freshly brewed black coffee is cooled to about 10°C, and this time is used for whipping cream. Of course, you can use ready-made whipped cream in a can, but they are often only called cream, and are prepared on vegetable raw materials, which will certainly affect the taste of the drink. Therefore, if you want to get a delicate creamy taste, it is better to give preference to a dairy product and whip the cream yourself at home. To do this, pay attention to the fat content of the product, it should be more than 20%. Ice cream, it is better to use cream, spread on the bottom of the glass, chilled black coffee is poured on top and decorated with whipped cream. As an experiment, you can use creme brulee or chocolate ice cream, but not fruit ice cream, as it will interrupt the main taste and aroma of the drink. Drizzle a scoop of ice cream with chocolate or caramel syrup for a special savory taste.

How to properly apply a look?

The photo shows special glass Irish glasses with a short stem and a handle, in which it is customary to serve a drink. If there are no such glasses available, it is allowed to use ordinary glasses, but forgetting to serve a straw and a spoon with a drink is unforgivable! Cream and ice cream are eaten with a dessert spoon, and cold coffee is sipped with pleasure through a straw.

There are more and more recipes for coffee with ice cream every day, but one thing remains the same: at the heart of each of them are correctly prepared fresh aromatic coffee beans. Learn to cook them flawlessly, and each experiment will end with the birth of a culinary masterpiece!