What will happen in the year of the twins. Rat - Libra

Gemini men are clean and always in fashion. They are popular with women. When he starts to speak, many cannot resist, especially from the words spoken in the ear. When you meet, you may get the impression that you do not know him at all. A sharp change of mood, up to a change in principles, is often incomprehensible to familiar people. The horoscope for 2018 Gemini man will tell you what to expect this year, not only in matters of the heart, but also in your career.


All or nothing is the motto of the air sign this year. The love mood at the beginning of the year will not be expressive. Telling what “I” is a good man will not work, so you will look at the girls with indifference. But the sign born in the constellation Bull will have a number of advantages over the weaker sex. The love horoscope of this man will be under the influence of Jupiter in January. A subtle connection with the cosmos will help curb chaotic thinking, showing everyone what an attentive and passionate lover you are.

The desire to immerse yourself in family life this year may come true before the arrival of spring. The compatibility horoscope announces effective unions between the man of the year of the Dog and the woman born in the year of the Horse. A warm cozy hearth can be provided by the Cancer girl. And Capricorns, according to the horoscope, will be able to unite your duality. If you have the opportunity to choose, then you should not delay, the love horoscope notifies you of the imminent opportunity to find a mate.

It is surprising how few women do not succumb to the charm of Gemini. The first acquaintance with a man will not pass without a trace. In a couple of hours of communication with a Gemini, born according to the eastern horoscope in the year of the Tiger, you can learn as much as you would learn in a couple of years. Easy, non-binding love relationships are his forte in 2018. If you are going to build a pair with him, then it is likely that nothing will work out. The horoscope says that not every woman can hold such a beast.

Lonely Gemini - Snakes will become the soul of the company. How successful the meetings will be will depend on your mood. The love horoscope wants to prepare a man for sudden sympathy from the environment. A man will not build a love union under the outgoing Venus. But around the end of May, she will do her job.

The horoscope for 2018 Gemini, the man promises that in the summer love feelings will heat up to redistribution. If you were born in the year of the Dragon, keep your eyes open, it will be easy for a man to marry. The Lioness woman will show you what love is.

Family men this year are in demand among free girls. Teach your man to distinguish between a simple compliment and a flirtation. The love horoscope promises petty quarrels. By the end of the year, Gemini, born in the year of the Boar, is likely to have news of a new addition to the family.


Horoscope for 2018 Gemini man will please with career prospects. Even for the two-faced consciousness of a man, there is something to do with himself this year. Your ability to easily make acquaintances and make the right impression will be useful to the employer. The horoscope advises to adhere to the norms of communication laid down at the beginning, otherwise it will be problematic to return the status of an omnipotent person.

Those born in the year of the Monkey and the Pig will feel all the disadvantages of their nature. The horoscope reminds you that you are who you are. Do not blame the stars for your failures, this year it is easier for men to realize all aspects of their character. Armed with knowledge and chastity, Gemini will move mountains, but do not forget about health. It can fail at the most inopportune moment.

Of all the generally accepted norms of behavior for men at work, one can judge only a few characteristic differences from other signs. Getting a new job, the horoscope notes, a man needs to know the following:

  • talkativeness (for people this is a little influencing factor on the attitude towards a person, and at work it will look like immaturity);
  • inability to work in a team (a sharp change in mood constantly interferes with collective thinking, physical work gets hard work);
  • sociability (do not lie to yourself, it can be difficult for you to talk to yourself).

The year will drag on for a long time for those who do not mind their own business. The key to any of your success lies only in yourself. You can find a calling occupation for the Gemini, who were born in the year of the Goat. A successful combination of circumstances will allow you to get the maximum effect from the concept of "man work". They will become a creative sector and will gush with creative ideas. All this will soon be reflected in the salary. But do not turn up your nose, among assistant colleagues, you can easily stumble upon ill-wishers who will gladly take advantage of your success, taking credit for themselves.


Gemini born in the Year of the Rooster will suddenly open up opportunities for fraud. It will seem to them that the money is almost in their pocket, but this is a delusion. The financial horoscope says that any use of other people's money will lead to losses and the sacrifice of personal savings. Be careful and don't give in to provocations!

The horoscope for 2018 warns Gemini that it is not worth spending the accumulated finances this year. Let it be cumulative. Use some connections with people absolutely free. Then next year you can make a good investment in an interesting project.

In mid-July, great prospects open up for those born in the year of the Rat. This is due to the acquisition of real estate or investing in a large project. The cunning of the mind and caution will become best friends during this period. Those who have long planned to buy their own home will be pleasantly surprised by the opportunity to fulfill their dream and earn money.

In the last ten days of October, there is a risk of losing or stealing money. The horoscope recommends not to take large sums with you. Gemini, who are daily connected with other people's finances, should be especially wary.

In the summer, it is possible to meet a new partner who will convince you to invest in production. By this time, your plans will be different, and you can ignore the offer. The horoscope says that if you make a deal, then in the future you will have a large profitable business. However, most issues will have to be resolved by the partner, although the Gemini are risky guys, they often lack elementary patience, perseverance and thorough analysis.

Some representatives of the sign may suddenly have a new source of income that will be associated with his hobby. At first, a hobby will seem to him a matter of a lifetime, but it will soon become clear that this is an unprofitable occupation. Gemini will immediately have a desire to quit everything and switch to something else. Take your time, if you do not accustom yourself to work and go towards the goal no matter what, you should not expect anything from fate.

If the Twins study the forecasts from the horoscope for 2018, they will be able to harmoniously feel themselves during this period. The heavenly bodies have prepared many surprises for those who know how to take risks and enjoy life. After reading the horoscope for 2018, Gemini will understand what bonuses and difficulties the Earth Dog has prepared for them. The patroness of 2018 will help lonely signs find love, and those who are confused will find a worthy way out of the situation. Financial victories await the most stubborn constellations. Luck will not be on the side of everyone, however, if it starts to lead in business, it will be for a long time.


At the beginning of the year, the horoscope advises men to show perseverance and perseverance in achieving their goals. If a Gemini man sets himself a task, then he should go to the end until he comes out to get what he wants. At the end of February, difficulties are expected in the family of married men. It is worth solving current problems for those who belong to such oriental animals: Bull, Snake, Horse and Rabbit. The horoscope indicates that it will not be superfluous for air men to visit a family psychologist with their wife. By giving preference to jogging and training in the fresh air, the zodiac sign will feel the desired harmony in late spring and early summer.

Single men do not need to forget about their parents. Throughout 2018, Gemini will be passionate about fun and relaxation, which can negatively affect communication with relatives. Rooster, Tiger and Boar need to think about finding the second half. This trio will have good chances if they decide to build a couple with an old friend or acquaintance. Free recommendations from the horoscope indicate that September will be the most successful period for any undertakings for the constellation. If air men decide to start a business with a relative, then it is important for them to think 100 times before doing so. The heavenly bodies predict that if you do things alone, you can succeed much faster.

Earth Dog will give men good intuition. If they feel that danger is lurking somewhere, then they should listen to their inner voice. Health problems await those who begin to abuse alcohol and nicotine. Particular attention should be paid to your well-being: Tiger, Rabbit and Ox. This trinity may have health problems due to overwork at work.


Having studied the horoscope for 2018, Gemini will be able to properly manage their lives. A Gemini woman must learn to save money and manage her budget wisely. Financial difficulties may arise in mid-January, as well as in October. Free horoscope predictions indicate that married women may have problems in marriage. It is important to pay more attention to the spouse at the end of May and the beginning of November (especially the Rooster, the Snake and the Horse). A rival may appear on the horizon, so you need to be more careful.

"Attention! In December, the Moon will endow airy women with unexpected determination. Such a mood will allow the fair sex to end an unpromising relationship, as well as insincere friendship. The stars warn women that they do not need to be afraid of such changes, since everything that is not done is for the better! Excellent prospects for this year to realize themselves in motherhood will appear in such signs: Dog, Tiger, Ox and Goat. The horoscope advises women not to be afraid of any changes, as Gemini is fully prepared for them.

If in 2018 the fair sex feels guilty before friends or loved ones, then do not be afraid to apologize. The fighting spirit of women (especially the Rooster and the Snake) can lead to disastrous consequences. Yoga and dance classes will help to become kinder and calmer. If women like martial arts, then they should not deny themselves this kind of active leisure either.


2018 will be a year of discovery for Gemini. Many will find new and rather attractive character traits in their partner. Other signs will prepare to move to another level - living together or even a wedding. Free horoscope predictions will help women cope with their fears. The fair sex at the beginning of spring does not need to doubt the decisions made. If the girls came to the conclusion to get together or part with their beloved, then this is only their conscious step. More often, especially in the autumn, women should consult with experienced family friends. Advice from the side will avoid many difficulties (especially the Snake, Ox and Dog).

Having become acquainted with the love horoscope for 2018, Gemini men will be able to improve mutual understanding in their couple. The love horoscope predicts that many guys will be ready for a serious relationship and even the birth of a child. Deciding to take a serious step is important for the Rooster, Tiger and Rabbit. Family men will have to fight the temptations to sin in the arms of a beautiful friend. Treason can take place in such months: April, December and October. With the help of love advice, the stronger sex will avoid many troubles. In order for the situation not to reach adultery, it is necessary to drink less (or completely abandon alcohol) in large companies.

A love horoscope will allow you to avoid most problems in your personal life absolutely free of charge. If the Twins study the love forecast carefully, they will understand in what situations it is necessary to behave more carefully. Singles, according to the love horoscope, have a good chance of falling in love in 2018. If singles stop being afraid and succumb to feelings, then a love tandem can be built (in February, March, and also October).


By carefully studying the financial horoscope, the constellations will be able to properly handle money. Big expenses await those born under the element of Air in September and late August. It is relevant during this period to spend money on repairs, as well as travel. This year, an unexpected rise in the career ladder awaits those who have been going to him for a long time. It's time for the Goat, the Tiger and the Ox to prepare for honors. Small financial difficulties await the Rooster, the Snake and the Rabbit. This trinity needs to learn how to handle money properly.

Free predictions from the stars advise representatives of the element Air to invest in their development. Getting a second education, attending courses and seminars is what is extremely important for the constellation! If Gemini feels that the time has come to learn foreign languages, then there is no need to spare money for new knowledge. Attending courses with experienced teachers will make it profitable to invest finances. Having studied the horoscope for the upcoming 2018, Gemini will better understand what points they should pay attention to. The heavenly bodies say that the Earth Dog will offer good options for improving the financial situation; the main thing is to consider the possibilities.

It is useful to spend money on visiting a sanatorium in the autumn for those who need rest. Morning jogs and walks in nature on weekends will help you improve your health absolutely free of charge. In the middle of the year, there is a high probability of receiving an unexpected gift or even an inheritance. The horoscope recommends Gemini in 2018 to learn how to save money for a deposit.

From Pavel Globa

Advice from Pavel Globa will help you arrange your personal happiness. The astrologer recommends paying attention to the following points:

  • Stop worrying about the future and enjoy today. This advice is especially necessary for the Tiger, Ox, Snake and Boar. This four will try to think through all the moments in advance, which will interfere with building love relationships and enjoying life;
  • Conflict less with others and begin to resolve issues peacefully. Often love to quarrel those who were born under the sign: Rooster, Snake and Rabbit. If this trio begins to behave calmer and more restrained, then those around them will be drawn to them. It is important to adhere to this recommendation in the workplace;
  • Spend more time on your personal life. Lonely constellations will be lucky only if they are determined to build a love tandem. It is important for family Gemini not to run away from problems in a couple, but to confidently solve them;
  • Try not to borrow money. Representatives of the element Air are not very economical, which in 2018 will have a bad effect on their current situation.

If in the year of the Earth Dog, those born during this period behave reasonably and forget about rash acts, then the stars will definitely give them new opportunities!

Dates of birth: 21.05 - 21.06

Ruling planet of Gemini: Mercury.

Element Gemini: Air.

Gemini Symbols: twins, mask, hand, star.

Happy Gemini Days: Wednesday, Sunday.

Bad day for Gemini: Thursday.

Gemini Metal: mercury, gold, amalgam, silver.

Gemini Gemstone: aquamarine.

Gemini Plant: fern.

Gemini Numerology: number 7.

Gemini's most inspiring color: bright yellow.

Opposite sign of Gemini: Sagittarius

Gemini should not think that if everything is going well for them today, then this will continue for a long time. In the year of the Yellow Dog, representatives of the sign will experience the sensations of a thorny path more than once, they will have to go astray and stumble more than once. The stars do not promise Gemini high rises and incredible luck, but at the same time they do not portend any special difficulties and problems, the solution of which will cause serious difficulties.

2018 will be a period of high activity for us. Most representatives of this zodiac sign may face the fact that their goals and plans will not be realized as they would like. The energetic and active disposition of the mistress of the year will allow Gemini to show these character traits in their behavior to the maximum extent. Gemini will want to be in time everywhere, moreover, such a rhythm of life will be within their power, they will succeed, but by doing so they can complicate their lives. If the Gemini does not begin to concentrate, then it will not be possible to achieve a good result in any of the directions. Representatives of the star sign are advised to decide on specific tasks.

Representatives of the sign in 2018 should abandon numerous projects and choose only the most significant of them. The Year of Yellow will require discipline from Gemini, the ability to prioritize, even to the detriment of their plans and ideas. If the representatives of the sign manage to get together, learn to separate the wheat from the chaff, then they will be close to success and will be able to achieve their goals.

The correct distribution of priorities and priorities will allow Gemini to look at many things easier, to relate easily to what is happening, and not to bother with unnecessary problems. This will help them not to expose their psyche to destruction, protect themselves from negativity and feel great.

Jobs for Gemini in 2018

Success in professional activities in 2018 will depend not so much on the position of the stars in the sky or luck, but on the actions of the representatives of the sign themselves. The outcome of situations that will arise in a team or in business will entirely depend on how the Twins behave. The patroness of the year, the Dog, will especially vividly show the activity and restlessness of Gemini, provoke them to take on one thing or another. The heads of the representatives of the sign will be overwhelmed with an abundance of plans and ideas, they will want to realize everything at once, however, in an attempt to cover such volumes, and even cope with it qualitatively, it will not work. In many ways, this will cause a breakdown, a waste of energy. Gemini will have to direct all their activity in the right direction, make a reasonable choice in favor of this or that business in order to get a positive result and, as a result, financial reward.

Representatives of the sign, whose work activity is concentrated in a team, the stars warn of the likelihood of a feeling of disgust, collective work will become oppressive. There is a possibility that the state when the meaning of development and guidelines are lost will have a detrimental effect on mental health and in many areas of life. To avoid such situations, it is important for Gemini to have clear guidelines, despite obstacles, to go towards their goal.

Correctly set goals, good professional training and the ability to find an approach to people will allow you to find a good job, many representatives of the sign will be able to enlist the support of acquaintances to get the desired position. Many Gemini get the opportunity to develop in those professions where they will not be "tied" to one place, but which allow them to travel and communicate a lot.

Financial horoscope for 2018 for Gemini

Overall, 2018 will be a financially stable year for most Geminis. Expenses for family needs or helping friends are not excluded, despite the fact that such expenses will be of a temporary nature, at the same time they will hit the pocket quite hard. However, over time, everything will fall into place, the situation will improve and the material issue will not be put at the forefront by representatives of the sign. Small expenses will be associated with helping the family, representatives of the sign will not refuse money to loved ones.

The stars warn of the danger of falling for the bait of scammers, the period at the beginning of the year will be especially dangerous in this regard. Representatives of the sign must be very careful with money, not invest in any dubious projects, and this is not only their own savings, but also the spending of funds that they were entrusted with. This can be fraught with extremely unpleasant consequences, up to criminal punishment.

Gemini in 2018 should forget about what financial fraud is, no matter how the representatives of the sign dislike risk and excitement, an imprudent attempt to get rich quickly will disappoint them bitterly. The most optimal tactic for people born under the sign of Gemini would be to save the funds that are available at the moment. Very soon they will be able to use them with benefit, there will be an excellent option to increase capital legally, safely and efficiently.

Love horoscope for 2018 for Gemini

The beginning of the year will be marked by not the easiest times in the amorous affairs of the Gemini. Representatives of the sign will endlessly promise themselves to end relationships that have become obsolete, but each time they will give themselves and their partner the last chance to restore them, saying that the relationship is not as hopeless as it might seem. It is likely that most of the Twins will be able to find the strength in themselves and break with this utopia. The stars do not exclude the possibility that after a relationship that has exhausted itself, the representatives of the sign will find their man. Whether they push away new love, remembering past failures, or plunge into a new relationship as if into a pool with their heads, will depend only on the Gemini themselves. Even with the most unfavorable forecasts, in the face of a new person, representatives of the sign will make a good friend.

Married twins may not fear for their relationship, no significant changes are expected. Those who are not satisfied with their family life and relationships will not destroy relationships. The stars advise them to find common interests with their soulmate, try to change their views or provoke a partner to change. If the Gemini will complete this work, then they will be able to establish relationships with their loved one and make life shine with new colors and emotions.

In the middle of summer, Gemini will have pleasant surprises in the form of marriages and the birth of children. Lonely representatives of the sign will feel a strong desire to seduce, but will do it rather in order to amuse their pride and for the sake of self-expression. There is a risk that love games of this kind will not end in anything good, with a partner it is better to be extremely careful, delicate and not cause them heartache, remembering the boomerang effect.

At the end of the year, love will awaken with special force to your own children and parents. Such a surge of feelings will be very timely, because it is at this time that the family will require care and love. Gemini should take an active part in the lives of dear and beloved people, offer them their loyalty and care.

The stars promise a year of optimism, freedom, knowledge of the world. Openness to the new, plus a share of recklessness, will begin to push the representatives of this zodiac sign to unexpected actions. Sometimes they will even have to humble themselves, and also remember the word "responsibility." A detailed horoscope for 2018 for the Gemini will give a complete picture of what to expect in the Year of the Dog.

In the cycle of new acquaintances, they will have to take a different look at their familiar environment. Not always such an analysis will be pleasant. They will be able to reveal with special insight the true motives of people, which means that parting or breaking off old friendships is inevitable. However, there is a positive grain: it will be possible to consider those whom the Gemini often did not notice next to them. Accordingly, some of them will be lucky enough to find a loved one or close friend.

  • January will pass easily, naturally, carefree. Representatives of the air element will move along the path of least resistance, not burdening themselves with solving minor problems.
  • February will give popularity, Gemini will be the soul of the company, wherever they appear. Accordingly, they will make many useful acquaintances, or maybe they will come up with a couple of ideas for additional income.
  • March will allow you to quickly increase income, thanks to the ability to profitably manipulate money.
  • April is the time to reconsider. Representatives of this sign will not be satisfied with financial income. Those who are subordinate will want to be promoted or leave altogether to start their own business.
  • May is the month of relaxation. There will be a wave of laziness and indifference. If in April the Twin did not decide where he intends to move on, then in May there is a risk that the loss of the course of development will be detrimental to health. He may become addicted to alcohol, drugs or other types of addiction.
  • June will give you an opportunity to cheer up. Gemini can be entrusted with responsible work, which he can handle. Apathy will remain in the past, optimism and cheerfulness will take over.
  • July can give a fatal meeting that will make the representative of the sign in love and happy. He will lose his head because of the desire to be with a loved one. Some actions will seem reckless, decisions - hasty.
  • August is the time for love, dating, charm.
  • September is the time to pay attention to health.
  • October will provide an expansion of horizons both territorially and mentally. Short trips are possible. And also a representative of a curious sign will show interest in alternative medicine.
  • November will be dedicated to loved ones, family, children.
  • December will give the realization that it is time to stop searching. Everything I was looking for is already there: security, prosperity and a person who warms the soul.

Horoscope for 2018 for Gemini women


A playful lady will easily seduce men. Sometimes it's just to boost your ego. Don't get too carried away with these games. Broken hearts and inflicted heartache could boomerang back by December. It is bitter to realize: that a promising year for love has been missed, and the woman is still alone.

In autumn, ladies will be carried away by the search for wealthy admirers. And if you are ready to play the role of a mistress, then the goal will become achievable. Those who are more oriented towards feelings will be able to see the friend of the heart in an already familiar person.

In the love horoscope for 2018 for Gemini, the stars promise that long-term relationships will change status and become registered. And already established families can boast of the news of pregnancy or the imminent birth of a child.


You need to focus on solving important issues in the spring. The year will bring profit in everything related to additional sources of income. A permanent job will not provide the desired income. If there are plans to consider vacancies, then you need to do this in April.

You should be careful with dubious offers: chasing quick money, you can get involved in financial fraud. Such troubles will lead to the loss of company funds, personal savings, and the trust of superiors. The best tactic for 2018 on how to handle finances is saving, investing, multiplying.

It may happen that a twin woman will improve her financial situation due to a successful marriage. At least many of them will begin to strive for this from the summer.

Women's health horoscope

In autumn, a woman may become interested in oriental medicine, which will entail a change in eating habits. This will only benefit the body. It is also recommended to exercise in the morning, especially running or walking for long distances. Regular fitness classes will strengthen the overall muscle tone.

For those women who are critical of their appearance and want to change it slightly, the stars are advised not to do plastic correction. The horoscope for 2018 warns Gemini about the dangers of any operations. Surgery should be postponed or completely abandoned.

You need to monitor the condition of the bones, eat foods rich in calcium. Then the risk of injury by negligence is definitely not terrible.

Horoscope for Gemini men


From the beginning of the year, he will lead a carefree life. The representative of the air sign is confident in his irresistibility and that the choice is always his. He knows how to choose the right tactics of behavior with different girls: to be a cute erudite or an assertive invader. The first half of the year promises a rich sex life.

By the beginning of summer, true love will overtake a man. If the feeling is not mutual, it will be an unexpected blow for the seducer. It depends only on his sincerity whether it will be possible to create a trusting and lasting relationship.

For family people, summer will also become bright and memorable. A married couple can please relatives with the news of an addition to the family. A couple who have tested marriage with time will want to conduct a wedding ceremony.


In the spring, men will look for additional income. 2018 favors those who work in trade, are engaged in resale, offer services, and organize holidays. Thanks to mobility and sociability, in the summer they will be able to boast of rapid career growth.

Autumn promises a lot of spending, there is a danger of getting into debt. Business trips are also coming from the end of September. A man can act as a sales representative of the company, go on frequent business trips, communicate with customers.

By the end of the year, the level of prosperity will reach the desired mark. A man will spend the December days relaxing, relaxing, spending the money he has earned.

Male health horoscope

From the beginning of the year, men need to remember the consequences of a frivolous attitude to health. Possible food poisoning, liver disease. If pain occurs, then a thorough examination is necessary.

In addition, the skeletal system and pancreas are at risk for 2018. You also need to closely monitor your blood sugar levels.

A mature Gemini man should avoid nervous strain, this is fraught with a heart attack. Careful health care, attention to diet, physical activity will help to avoid unpleasant consequences.

What awaits your zodiac sign, the horoscope for 2018 (Gemini) will tell. Find out if you are lucky in your career, in love and in family life. What will be the prospects in terms of career growth, is it worth hoping to meet your "soul mate"? The stars will tell about this and much more!

For energetic Gemini, the year of the Yellow Earth Dog will bring many fresh, innovative ideas. But, since the forces of any person are not unlimited, you will have to choose the vector of your development yourself. Perhaps you should focus on finding the right partner for marriage? Or is it time to think about a more promising and highly paid job? Or should material concerns be relegated to the background and engage in creative self-realization? Dare - everything is in your hands!

The horoscope for Gemini for 2018 predicts that the representatives of your zodiac sign will not be bored! During the "rule" of the Yellow Earth Dog, you do not need to indulge in boring thoughts and analyze the situation. The voice of intuition will wake up in you, which will help you make most of the right decisions. If life takes you in a new direction, then you don’t need to resist it - what if you can see new opportunities for self-realization?

Horoscope for Gemini women for 2018. It cannot be said that this year you will be deprived of the attention of fans. However, only you can decide whether to start a light flirtation, a serious relationship, or completely ignore the next boyfriend. The horoscope for the Gemini zodiac sign for 2018 recommends that you focus not only on your personal life, but also on work affairs - in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, good prospects for career growth open up.

Horoscope for Gemini men for 2018. Your main priority for the next 12 months will be taking care of your loved ones. You may have thoughts about changing jobs - consider this decision carefully before taking any action. With the arrival of autumn, you will feel that your strength is running out, so try to plan your vacation for September. In November, refrain from large purchases or making dubious deals - the horoscope for your zodiac sign predicts that it is highly likely to run into a scammer.

Love horoscope for Gemini for 2018

Spring of the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog is a great time for romance! If you have a tender feeling for someone, then do not hesitate to admit this to the object of your sympathy. It is highly likely that your feelings will be reciprocated. Women who want to increase their attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex can use.

Lonely Gemini who want to find a mate - take a closer look at your immediate surroundings. Contrary to popular belief, in your case, even an office romance can be very successful. The Yellow Earth Dog has already agreed with Cupid on your account, and the prankster angel did not refuse to "borrow" you some of his arrows!

Family people in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog will have a good opportunity to restore a little faded feelings and return the former romance to the relationship. Moreover, for this they do not have to go on an expensive tour or arrange a banquet in the most prestigious restaurant in the city. It is enough to give your "soulmate" warmth and sympathy - and the response will not be long in coming!

Career and business horoscope for Gemini for 2018

Do you think that the work takes a lot of time and effort, and the results achieved do not meet your expectations? Yellow Earth Dog is ready to correct this egregious injustice! Entrepreneurs in 2018 will come up with fresh ideas that will help them start a new, more promising business. And employees can count on generous material bonuses from the employer!

The work of Gemini employees in 2018 will be appreciated. Now it is very important not to miss corporate events - from banal planning meetings and trainings to a New Year's party or the successful completion of a major deal. You must prove yourself not only as a talented, but also as a loyal employee. In this case, the authorities may well think about promoting you to a more promising position.

Gemini businessmen - during the first six months, try to save assets, collect capital. In the summer, you will have the opportunity to engage in a very promising and profitable business, but this will require a substantial amount of money. However, the horoscope for 2018 for the Gemini zodiac sign guarantees that your investment will pay off many times over and will allow you to reach a fundamentally new level in the future.

Health and Wellness

In February, chronic sores may worsen, which will adversely affect your performance. In order not to have to go on a forced vacation, take care of your immunity from the very beginning of the year. Be outdoors more often, do physical exercises daily - warm-ups and light physical activity can drive away all stagnation!

In July and August, hypertensive patients will have health problems, especially Gemini who live in large cities. Try to appear less often under the scorching sun, and if you have an air conditioner or a split system, then do not skimp on cooling the air! Health is more expensive than utility bills. Minimize the consumption of sweets and completely eliminate alcoholic beverages from your diet.

Talisman for 2018 for the Gemini sign

The optimal talismans for representatives of your zodiac sign will be. A small key will help attract material wealth into your life, while a small porcelain figurine in the form of a mask will allow you to establish more trusting relationships with others. This will be especially valuable for consultants, managers, politicians and other professions that involve close contact with people.

Do you have a cherished desire that you certainly want to fulfill in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog? In this case, we advise you from cardboard! This magical artifact is able to attract positive circumstances into your life, which will have a beneficial effect on the realization of desire.