What to eat so that there is no heartburn recipes. Diet for heartburn - menu, proper nutrition, what you can and cannot eat

Frequent bouts of heartburn not only cause discomfort, but also lead to damage to the esophagus, which can provoke cancer. To cope with unpleasant symptoms, you need to reconsider your diet. A diet for heartburn helps reduce inflammation of the mucous membrane of the digestive system, stop attacks, prevent complications, and improve the patient's quality of life.

Diet Features

The diet for heartburn is based on the following principles:

  • fractional nutrition: you need to eat 5-6 times a day;
  • mechanical sparing - maximum grinding of products during cooking;
  • slow chewing of food;
  • small portions (100–150 g);
  • limiting salt intake to 10 g per day;
  • eating at the same time, dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime (a glass of milk is allowed at night);
  • food temperature + 30 ... + 50 ° С (hot and cold foods irritate the esophagus and stomach);
  • compliance with the drinking regime: up to 2 liters of spring or filtered water should be consumed per day;
  • exclusion from the menu of fried, overly salty, smoked, sour, spicy, fatty, sweet foods.

When cooking, it is permissible to use spices that help eliminate burning in the esophagus: ginger, cinnamon, turmeric. To improve the taste of food, you can add fresh parsley, dill and dried tomatoes. It is better to subject fruits and vegetables to heat treatment, because when digesting raw fruits, gastric juice is produced in excess.

The most sparing food for the irritated mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract are cream soups, minced meat and fish products cooked in a double boiler or slow cooker, omelettes (preferably protein ones), cottage cheese and cereal puddings, mousses, jelly. Bread should be dried before use. To quickly stop an attack of heartburn, you can eat 2 tbsp. l. grated raw carrots or the same amount of oatmeal boiled in water. A banana will help relieve discomfort in the stomach and esophagus after eating.

During the diet, it is also important to follow these recommendations:

  • do not lie down immediately after eating;
  • avoid conditions that increase intra-abdominal pressure: lifting weights, working in an inclined position, wearing tight clothing and compressive belts;
  • avoid alcohol and smoking;
  • prevent constipation;
  • sleep on a high pillow;
  • reduce excess weight;
  • take alkaline mineral water as recommended by your doctor.

If the cause of heartburn was an exacerbation of the disease of the digestive system, the diet should be as sparing as possible. During the first week, it is necessary to completely exclude bakery products, vegetables and fruits in any form, broths, sauces, strong tea. The basis of the diet should be cereals cooked in half milk with water, meat and fish in the form of a soufflé or pate, protein omelet. From the second week, pureed vegetable soups, raw carrot salad, fresh cottage cheese are added.

Causes of heartburn

The activity of the digestive system is activated immediately after waking up: the production of saliva, gastric juice, bile in the liver increases. If food does not enter the body, the concentration of hydrochloric acid and bile increases, and they begin to irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

In violation of the tone of the cardiac sphincter, which during normal operation prevents the contents of the stomach from entering the esophagus, food is thrown in the opposite direction: the pharynx and oral cavity. This process is accompanied by a burning sensation behind the sternum and in the throat, belching, nausea.

Heartburn is common in pregnant women. This is due to the enlarged uterus, which puts pressure on the stomach, and with increased production of the hormone progesterone, which can relax the esophageal sphincter.

Heartburn can provoke the intake of fatty, smoked, too salty, spicy, fried foods, alcoholic beverages, plentiful food before bedtime. Unpleasant sensations often occur when following a mono-diet and skipping breakfast. As a result of eating disorders, the acidity of gastric juice increases, which aggressively acts on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

The causes of heartburn are also:

  • frequent overeating, because with an increase in the volume of the stomach, the esophageal sphincter relaxes;
  • stress, depression, nervous tension;
  • diseases of the digestive system: ulcers, duodenitis, gastritis, pathologies of the gallbladder and biliary tract, irritable bowel syndrome;
  • increased intra-abdominal pressure, provoked by abdominal trauma, surgery, constipation, diseases of the digestive tract;
  • gastric stasis.

List of allowed products

Nutrition for heartburn is based on the use of the following products:

  • lean meats: beef, veal, rabbit, turkey, chicken;
  • fish: cod, flounder, pollock, tuna, halibut, perch, blue whiting, pike;
  • bread made from wheat, oatmeal or corn flour (stale or oven-dried);
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • cereals: semolina, rice, oats, corn grits, buckwheat;
  • nuts, unroasted sunflower seeds;
  • non-acidic dairy products;
  • cheese: natural processed and goat;
  • vegetable oil (it is preferable to use corn, olive, linseed);
  • butter (add to ready meals);
  • vegetables: potatoes, all varieties of cabbage, except white cabbage, beets, carrots, lettuce, pumpkin, zucchini;
  • eggs (excluding fried and soft-boiled);
  • sweet fruits;
  • gourds;
  • low-calorie desserts: marshmallows, marshmallows, honey, natural marmalade, jelly;
  • dry biscuit, biscuit cookies;
  • green, white, black tea;
  • herbal teas (with the exception of mint);
  • compotes;
  • jelly;
  • freshly made juices from sweet fruits, diluted with water.

Prohibited Products

From the diet for heartburn, it is necessary to exclude:

Menu for the week

Nutrition for heartburn should include the least irritating to the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, fast-digesting meals. Cooking should be in a double boiler, slow cooker, oven. Immediately after waking up, you need to drink 200 ml of water at room temperature. After 20-30 minutes, you need to start breakfast. The weekly diet can be compiled as follows:


  • breakfast: buckwheat porridge, bread, dried fruit compote;
  • snack: bagged egg, carrot juice;
  • lunch: steamed vegetables, cod quenelles, white tea;
  • afternoon snack: banana;
  • dinner: boiled broccoli, cottage cheese pudding, rosehip broth.

  • breakfast: oatmeal, dried loaf, tea with milk;
  • snack: sweet apple;
  • lunch: vegetable soup, boiled chicken, apple compote;
  • afternoon snack: biscuit cookies, berry jelly;
  • dinner: rice, stewed pollock, milk.
  • breakfast: steam omelette, grated carrots, tea;
  • snack: melon;
  • lunch: creamy cream soup, boiled pasta;
  • afternoon snack: apple baked with nuts and honey;
  • dinner: vegetable stew, steamed turkey, compote of dried apricots and raisins.
  • breakfast: cheesecakes cooked in a double boiler, compote;
  • snack: whole grain bread, cheese, tea;
  • lunch: pike fish soup, dumplings with potatoes, compote;
  • afternoon snack: hard-boiled egg, jelly;
  • dinner: boiled turkey, mashed potatoes, chamomile tea.

  • breakfast: rice porridge, oatmeal cookies, white tea;
  • snack: carrot and sweet apple salad;
  • lunch: cauliflower soup with egg, steamed veal cutlets;
  • afternoon snack: gingerbread cookies, homemade yogurt;
  • dinner: boiled vegetable salad, steam meatballs, dried apricot compote.
  • breakfast: cottage cheese casserole with raisins, tea;
  • snack: unsweetened crackers, jelly;
  • lunch: zucchini and potato soup, boiled beef, compote;
  • afternoon snack: banana pancakes, green tea;
  • dinner: cabbage rolls, milk.


  • breakfast: corn porridge, tea with honey;
  • snack: crackers, pear, ginger tea;
  • lunch: vegetable soup with rice, steamed lamb cutlet, raspberry jelly;
  • afternoon snack: cottage cheese soufflé, apple compote;
  • dinner: boiled cod, vegetable stew, milk.

Dish recipes

Vegetable soup with egg:

  1. Pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan, add salt and bring to a boil.
  2. Put 300 g of green beans, grated carrots and 2 diced potato tubers.
  3. Vegetables are boiled for 12 minutes.
  4. In a bowl, beat a raw egg with 20 g of sour cream.
  5. The mixture is poured into the boiling soup, stirring quickly.
  6. Chop 20 g of dill and parsley and add to the pan.
  7. The dish is brought to readiness within 2 minutes.

Pollock soufflé in a slow cooker:

  1. 200 g of pollock fillet, 100 g of white bread, raw egg, 150 ml of milk, salt are mixed in a blender.
  2. Grease a silicone mold with butter and fill with the resulting puree.
  3. Pour 500 ml of water into the multicooker bowl. A steamer container is placed on top, where a form with fish mass is placed.
  4. The multicooker is closed. Start the steam cooking program for 12 minutes.
  5. The finished soufflé is removed from the mold and cooled.

Fish quenelles:

  1. 10 g of stale white bread is soaked in 30 ml of cream.
  2. 100 g of cod fillet is passed through a meat grinder and mixed with soaked bread.
  3. 15 g of melted butter, salt, ground ginger are added to the minced meat.
  4. Form small balls.
  5. The blanks are dipped in boiling water and boiled for 5 minutes.

Steam cutlets:

  1. 1 kg of veal is cleaned of fat and films, washed and cut into small pieces.
  2. The meat is passed through a meat grinder twice.
  3. Also scroll 2 medium onions.
  4. 150 g of stale bread is soaked in 100 ml of milk and added to minced meat.
  5. 50 g of butter is beaten with 3 eggs and combined with the bulk.
  6. Minced meat is salted to taste and diluted with 100 ml of water for juiciness.
  7. Cutlets are formed and placed in the lower bowl of the steamer.
  8. Every 8 minutes, the products are turned over. The total cooking time is 40 minutes.

Curd soufflé:

  1. 20 g of gelatin is poured into 120 ml of milk and left at room temperature for 30 minutes.
  2. 300 g of cottage cheese with a fat content of 5% and 20 g of sugar are beaten in a food processor until smooth.
  3. The swollen gelatin, while stirring, is heated to +60 ° C, removed from the stove and combined with the curd mass. Stir until a homogeneous consistency.
  4. The base is transferred to a confectionery form and placed in the refrigerator for 4 hours.

Baked apples:

  1. 4 apples are prepared: they are washed, the upper part is removed along with the core so that no holes form in the lower part of the fruit.
  2. 40 g of raisins are poured over with boiling water and soaked in water for 20 minutes.
  3. Grind 60 g of walnuts.
  4. Each apple is filled with raisins and nuts, 5 g of sugar are added. You can sweeten the dessert with honey.
  5. Prepared fruits are laid out on a baking sheet and baked at 180 ° C until a golden hue appears (about 35 minutes).

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive aspects of dietary nutrition for heartburn are as follows:

  • the production of gastric juice is normalized, its reflux into the esophagus stops;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract decreases;
  • the functions of the digestive system are restored;
  • metabolism is activated;
  • body weight is reduced.

There are practically no cons of a therapeutic diet. Some patients quickly get bored with dietary restrictions, the ban on the use of hot spices and the use of fried foods. However, if you follow a dietary diet, the symptoms of heartburn can be completely eliminated after 1-2 weeks.

The right choice of foods and drinks, sparing nutrition are the easiest ways to avoid burning behind the sternum. A patient who is prescribed a diet for heartburn by a doctor should follow all recommendations. Expert advice refers not only to the definition of a set of dishes, but also to the methods of culinary processing, the basic principles of cooking and eating food.

If the lower sphincter of the stomach does not cope with its functions, then acid is thrown into the esophagus (gastroesophageal reflux). There is a burning pain in the upper abdomen and behind the sternum, discomfort in the throat due to sour or bitter belching. Heartburn often occurs when the stomach is too acid. Affects its appearance and abuse of certain foods and dishes.

The habit of "putting out the fire" in the esophagus with soda or other antacids is a temporary help. It is necessary to get rid of the conditions of discomfort.

Causes of heartburn:

  • diseases (reflux esophagitis, spasm of the esophageal sphincter, gastritis, etc.);
  • abuse of alcohol, coffee, strong tea;
  • decreased tone of the esophageal sphincter;
  • tight belt, tight-fitting clothing;
  • food intolerance;
  • food dry, in a hurry;
  • weight lifting;
  • overweight;
  • pregnancy;
  • smoking;
  • stress.

With digestive disorders and some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heartburn appears day and night, combined with belching, bloating. Aggressive contents that have entered the esophagus cause irritation and inflammation. In these cases, treatment with adsorbents, prokinetics, H2-antihistamines, proton pump inhibitors will be required.

Proper nutrition for heartburn allows you to do without medication or reduce medication.

You need to chew your food thoroughly. Well-chopped food, richly moistened with saliva, irritates the esophagus less, digests faster and leaves the stomach.

Other rules:

  1. Reduce the intake of fats that slow down digestion in the stomach, alcohol and chocolate, which cause a decrease in the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter.
  2. For heartburn and gastritis with high acidity, use juices from fresh fruits and vegetables diluted with water.
  3. Drink more milk (in the absence of intolerance), which helps fight heartburn and lose weight.
  4. Eat a balanced diet rich in protein and fiber.
  5. Avoid overeating, which stimulates the production of excess acid.
  6. Replace sweet carbonated drinks with herbal teas, fruit drinks.
  7. Reduce consumption of coffee, fresh bread, strong tea.
  8. You can not eat before bedtime, eat at night.

You should follow the basic rule - do not eat too much at one time.

After a large meal, more acid is produced to digest the food. When the stomach is full, pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter increases, causing reflux.

Allowed foods for heartburn

Dishes should be chosen with knowledge of their composition and method of preparation. Certain foods and cooking methods are considered more gentle on the stomach. For example, a popular dish for the treatment of heartburn and gastritis is oatmeal or cereal soaked overnight, boiled until thick after draining the water.

Foods and drinks that do not cause or worsen burning in the esophagus

Meat and fishLow-fat varieties of fish, poultry, meat.
Flour and cerealsWhite bread (not fresh), wholemeal pasta, white and brown rice, oatmeal, couscous.
DairySkimmed milk and dairy products.
CheeseFeta, goat, creamy.
VegetablesZucchini, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, spinach, potatoes (baked and in their skins).
FruitsBanana, grapes, mango, pear, melon, strawberry, apple.
OilsOlive, rapeseed, linseed.
SpicesGround ginger, dried onion, parsley, coriander, tarragon, basil, thyme, dill.
BeveragesMineral water without gas, apple juice, unsweetened tea.

Wholly or partially restricted products

Each person should find out for himself what food causes heartburn. You can enjoy fresh white bread, relax after dinner and not suffer the consequences of your habits. After some time, even after one cup of sweet tea with jam, heartburn occurs. To avoid this situation, you need to avoid certain foods or reduce their consumption to a minimum.

Foods and drinks that cause heartburn

Meat and fishFatty meats, ground beef, chicken nuggets and fried wings, sausages and smoked meats, bacon.
Flour and cerealsFresh and toasted bread, pasta with cheese sauce.
VegetableMashed potatoes, french fries, raw onions, sauerkraut, tomato salad, potato chips.
Fruits and juices from themRaspberry, orange, grapefruit, tangerine, lemon.
DairySour cream, fat cottage cheese, milkshake, ice cream.
SaucesFatty mayonnaise, salad dressing with vinegar and oil.
Herbs and spicesPeppers: chili, red, black and white; mustard, curry, fresh garlic.
SweetChocolate, sweets, waffles, shortbread, cakes, cream cake.
BeveragesAlcohol, soda.

Features of the diet during pregnancy

Heartburn usually occurs in the second and last trimesters. A change in the level of hormones in pregnant women leads to a decrease in the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter. The uterus gradually increases and presses on the stomach.

A combination of several factors is the cause of persistent heartburn in the second half of pregnancy.

You should follow certain rules in food:

  1. Eat more often during the day, avoid excesses during the main meals.
  2. It is not too late to have dinner, between the last meal and sleep should be 2 hours.
  3. Instead of soda, drink juices, weak tea, water.
  4. Choose fresh low-fat foods.
  5. Eat slowly, chew thoroughly.

Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

A pregnant woman can eat a banana to stimulate the production of mucus to protect the esophagus and stomach. It is useful for heartburn to chew almonds, raw carrots, drink milk. Oatmeal or white bread crackers help to reduce the acidity of the stomach contents.

Menu for the week with high acidity

The diet must contain fresh and stewed vegetables, cereals, dairy products, fruits. Of the drinks, bifidok, kefir, green tea are preferable.

Sample menu for the week

BreakfastSnackDinnerafternoon teaDinner
1 dayOatmeal with banana and nuts, green teaMilk with crackersChicken breast soup, vegetable stew, carrot juiceTea with biscuitsSteamed pasta with fish, compote
2 dayBuckwheat pancakes, compoteYogurtOatmeal soup, steam meatballs, carrot puree, dried fruit compoteBananaJacket potatoes, low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream
3 daySoft-boiled egg, dried bread, herbal teaBaked appleMilk soup, steamed chicken, compotebifidocRice casserole, boiled vegetables, jelly
Day 4Steam omelet with parsley, teaKissel with cookiesRice soup, boiled veal with vegetable puree, compotePearBoiled potatoes, rosehip tea
Day 5Cheesecakes, herbal teaBiscuits with milkSoup with barley grits, minced chicken meatballs, boiled rice, juiceBaked appleMacaroni and cheese, kissel
Day 6Low-fat cottage cheese and sour cream, teaCookies, curdled milkVegetable soup-puree, fish cakes, compoteCupcake with fruit fillingRice porridge with vegetables, jelly
Day 7Semolina pudding with jam, teaTea with dryersZucchini cream soup, fish baked in foil with carrots and herbs, compoteLow-fat cottage cheese with jamVareniki with potatoes, kissel

Heartburn is an unpleasant sensation, but it is not an independent disease. Excruciating heartburn is accompanied by gastritis, peptic ulcer.

Burning behind the sternum in the absence of pathologies of the esophagus and stomach occurs rarely, quickly passes.

With the irregular appearance of burning pain in the esophagus, it is enough to stick to a diet. It is important to avoid foods rich in fats and carbohydrates, alcohol. Preference should be given to foods rich in easily digestible proteins. If heartburn appears several times a week or daily, then you should contact a gastroenterologist.

Diet for heartburn plays a big role. Treatment, drugs will not be effective if you do not adhere to proper nutrition. If you follow the diet, eat healthy foods, saturate the menu and diet with vitamins, heartburn will not bother a person. By following a diet, you can get rid of heartburn forever.

Since the main cause of heartburn is hyperacidity, all foods from the menu that provoke the production of excess gastric juice should be excluded. Causes of increased pH - gastric ulcer, gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis. Treatment of such diseases must be carried out on time to avoid serious complications, including cancer. But no matter what reasons led to the production of a large amount of gastric juice, you need to stick to a diet.

Basic nutrition rules

  • The heartburn diet provides for fractional proper nutrition, that is, it is better to eat in small portions, but often.
  • Doctors speak out against overeating, against other diets at the time when treatment is in progress.
  • The last meal is carried out no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
  • It is necessary to drink plenty of fluids - at least 2.5 liters of water.
  • Exclude fried, salty, smoked foods, marinades, fast foods from the menu (foods fried to a golden crust are very harmful, and the golden crust is the purest cholesterol).
  • If a person smokes, then immediately you need to eat something, and only then smoke.
  • In order for the treatment of heartburn to be effective, alcohol and carbonated water, coffee should be abolished, you can drink tea, kissels, herbal decoctions, compotes.
  • With increased acidity, fasting is prohibited.
  • When treatment is in progress, after eating, you can not take a horizontal position of the body for 40 minutes.
  • Food is steamed, you can cook dishes in the oven, slow cooker.
  • The energy value of products is not less than 2700 kcal.
  • Before going to bed, the menu should not contain heavy foods and foods.
  • To eliminate the causes of heartburn, food should be crushed as much as possible, it is better to grind it in a blender, or in a meat grinder.
  • The diet provides for small portions (in order to eliminate the causes of heartburn, it is important not to overload the stomach).
  • It is necessary to exclude the consumption of hot and cold dishes from the menu, they must be warm, only in this case the treatment will give a result.
  • Reduce salt intake.
  • Proper nutrition for heartburn, the diet provides for the exclusion of foods that increase the production of gastric juice - alcohol, lemons, oranges, tangerines, spicy seasonings.
  • A diet for stomach ulcers, gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should be followed regularly.

Important! Diet for heartburn must be agreed with the doctor.

We must not forget that proper nutrition for heartburn depends on whether the acidity of the stomach in a person is low or high. Heartburn with high acidity is more common than with low acidity. Accordingly, a person with increased production of hydrochloric acid should be excluded from the menu of the foods that caused heartburn. If the pH of the stomach is lowered, it is necessary, on the contrary, to eat foods that cause an increase in the level of acidity.

First of all, it is necessary to establish the causes of discomfort - a stomach ulcer or other pathologies. The doctor, after the examination, will be able to say what you can and cannot eat with heartburn, help you make a diet, determine the foods that cause heartburn.

Allowed foods for high acidity

  • lean meats and fish;
  • low-fat broths, it is better to give preference to vegetable broths, from chicken breast, beef;
  • soft-boiled eggs, scrambled eggs;
  • greens - parsley, dill;
  • potato;
  • zucchini, carrots, sweet peppers, eggplants, beets - during remission;
  • cereals;
  • pasta;
  • sausages, sausages, ham (you can sausages);
  • mushrooms;
  • kissels, compotes from non-acid fruits;
  • sweet apples, peaches, melons, bananas, sweet grapes, strawberries;
  • low-fat, milk, cottage cheese, hard cheeses, fermented baked milk, yogurt, sourdough;
  • green tea;
  • White bread;
  • baking on yeast-free dough;
  • butter - infrequently;
  • olive oil (can be sunflower).

Prohibited foods with high acidity

  • citrus fruits (forbidden for stomach ulcers and gastritis);
  • tomatoes, cucumbers (forbidden for stomach ulcers and gastritis);
  • fermented milk products (dishes that cause heartburn and belching with gastritis);
  • fatty foods, including soups;
  • onion, garlic, spicy food, sorrel;
  • pastry on yeast dough, cakes;
  • carbonated and alcoholic drinks;
  • coffee;
  • fatty meats, fish;
  • legumes;
  • Rye bread;
  • fried foods;
  • pickles, smoked meats and marinades.

Allowed foods for low acidity

  • vegetables can be eaten after heat treatment;
  • sour and sweet fruits, sour - infrequently;
  • dairy products, cheeses;
  • cereals;
  • sausages and frankfurters, ham;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • onion, garlic after heat treatment;
  • rye bread - infrequently;
  • butter, olive oil - infrequently;
  • coffee with milk;
  • kissels, compotes;
  • mushrooms;
  • legumes - not often;
  • eggs;
  • sauerkraut.

Prohibited Foods at Low pH

The prohibition with a low level of acidity, heartburn applies to fried, highly salted and smoked foods. Marinades and pickles, seasonings can be eaten, but infrequently.

Such a phenomenon as heartburn with low acidity is rare, but in order to exclude the appearance of discomfort, you should definitely follow the recommendation to know what dishes you can eat. A diet for heartburn, a diet, is compiled in each individual case, depending on the cause of heartburn.

Menu for the week with high acidity


  • breakfast - cottage cheese casserole, tea;
  • lunch - chicken breast soup, buckwheat porridge, veal cue ball, compote;
  • afternoon snack - diet biscuit, a glass of yogurt;
  • dinner - baked fish with potatoes, compote;
  • before going to bed - a glass of milk.
  • breakfast - cheesecakes, tea;
  • second breakfast - milk oatmeal (fruit can be added), bread with cheese, tea;
  • lunch - soup with meatballs, mashed potatoes, baked zucchini with herbs and sour cream;
  • afternoon snack - biscuit cookies, a glass of yogurt;
  • dinner - dumplings, a glass of compote;
  • before going to bed - a glass of milk.
  • breakfast - scrambled eggs, tea, bread with cheese;
  • second breakfast - milk buckwheat porridge, tea;
  • lunch - soup with dumplings, steamed beef cutlet, rice, beetroot salad with olive oil, jelly;
  • afternoon snack - potato pies baked from non-yeast dough;
  • dinner - barley porridge, beef stroganoff, tea;
  • before going to bed - a glass of yogurt.
  • breakfast - pasta with sausages, tea bread with cheese;
  • second breakfast - boiled eggs, jelly;
  • lunch - fish soup, dumplings with potatoes, compote;
  • afternoon snack - cottage cheese casserole, tea;
  • dinner - mashed potatoes, steam chicken cutlets, tea;
  • before going to bed - a glass of yogurt.
  • breakfast - milk soup with pasta, tea;
  • second breakfast - marshmallow / marmalade, jelly;
  • lunch - vegetable soup, pilaf with beef, compote;
  • afternoon snack - baked pies with jam, tea;
  • dinner - rice, steam chicken chop, jelly;
  • before going to bed - yogurt (it is allowed to add fruit).
  • breakfast - baked apples with honey, tea;
  • second breakfast - milk rice porridge (you can add fruit), jelly;
  • lunch - soup with pasta in chicken broth, buckwheat porridge, sausages, coleslaw (during remission of the disease), tea;
  • afternoon snack - fruit salad, jelly;
  • dinner - baked fish, mashed potatoes, tea;
  • before going to bed - a glass of fermented baked milk.


  • breakfast - pancakes with cottage cheese, tea;
  • second breakfast - scrambled eggs, jelly;
  • lunch - buckwheat soup, steam cutlets with rice, tea;
  • afternoon snack - two boiled eggs, bread with cheese, tea;
  • dinner - baked quail, potatoes, tea;
  • before going to bed - a glass of milk.

To get rid of heartburn, you need to follow simple rules and eat right. Following a diet and basic treatment for the cause of heartburn will help you quickly get rid of discomfort and disease.

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Heartburn is a serious disorder in the body that occurs after eating. The reason for the appearance is not always hidden in the increased acidity of the stomach.

But the appearance of this symptom depends on the individual. A heartburn diet can help you determine which foods may be causing your heartburn discomfort.

Heartburn is a consequence of acid reflux, in connection with which there is a reflux of the contents of the stomach along with acid into the esophagus, which causes an unpleasant burning sensation.

But sometimes pain can be not only in the stomach, but also give to the spine.

Many people, having such a symptom, very often perceive it as chest osteochondrosis and spend a lot of money in order to cure it.

Causes of heartburn

Not only foods alone can cause heartburn symptoms, but there are a number of other risk factors:

  1. Reception of a large amount of food.
  2. Failure to follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle.
  3. Increased susceptibility to food.
  4. Weakened abdominal muscles due to heavy lifting.
  5. Excess weight.
  6. Very common stress.
  7. Wrong nutrition.
  8. Clothing that squeezes the stomach.
  9. Food before bed.
  10. Side effects from taking medications.
  11. During pregnancy. This is due to the increase in the fetus and the fact that the child presses on the stomach.

This disease is very common. Every third inhabitant of the planet suffers from it.

Heartburn occurs in diseases such as gastritis with high acidity, duodenal or gastric ulcer, cholecystitis, diaphragmatic hernia.

It can also be cancer of the gastrointestinal tract, duodenitis, cholelithiasis.

is an important means of combating this symptom. It is also necessary to seek help from a doctor who will prescribe the necessary medications.

Diet and its basic rules for heartburn

The diet is used to unload the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

The right foods will help normalize the work of the stomach, intestines, pancreas. Following simple rules will help restore the body.

  • Overeating must be avoided. There should be room in the stomach for food processing.
  • It is advisable to drink a glass of water 20 minutes before meals. This will help you not overeat.
  • You need to eat slowly. Chew all foods thoroughly.
  • Under the ban, everything is under the word "harmful". It is not advisable to eat fast food, processed foods, fatty foods, chewing gum, hot pastries and fish, as well as give up bad habits.
  • The use of animal fat must be replaced with vegetable fat.
  • Salt should be consumed as little as possible.
  • You need to take food at least 5 times a day.

It is also very important to prepare food properly. People who have symptoms of heartburn should eat food that has been steamed or boiled.

Avoid eating food that is too hot or cold.

Diet for gastritis

Gastritis, which has symptoms of hyperacidity, is treated with dietary nutrition. The diet is aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process.

It may consist in taking cereals. Before taking them, it is desirable to boil them very well. But you can not eat millet porridge.

It is necessary to exclude such foods as baked, boiled and stewed vegetables for heartburn. But eating raw vegetables with gastritis with high acidity is not recommended.

Bananas, apples and pears help to improve the functioning of the stomach with heartburn. You can't eat citrus fruits with it.

Diet for heartburn and belching

Proper nutrition for heartburn is similar to that used for gastritis.

  1. In the presence of high acidity, the use of herbal collection helps very well. It is good to combine valerian root, marsh cudweed herb, rhubarb root and St. John's wort herb. It is necessary to take 100 grams of this mixture and pour 5 glasses of dry red wine. Leave in direct sunlight for 20 days. It is necessary to drain the liquid and add 75 grams of golden mustache juice to it. This remedy must be taken. Before meals, 50 grams.
  2. Good help in the presence of heartburn, the use of honey. Combine liquid honey with aloe juice. You need to take this medicine 3 times a day.
  3. With increased acidity and heartburn, it is necessary to take burdock leaves. To do this, you will need to dry the leaves of burdock. It is advisable to grind them and pour 200 grams of hot boiled water and leave for several hours in a dark, warm place. You can use the infusion after eating.

Benefits of the diet

  1. There is a normalization of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. There is a normalization of the production of gastric juice and heartburn stops.
  3. The intake of low-calorie foods leads to the fact that a person additionally gets rid of a few extra pounds.

A diet with increased acidity and heartburn requires the exclusion of foods such as citrus fruits, okroshka, meat and mushroom soups.

Also, cabbage, tomatoes, sorrel, radish should not be used.

For example, such a diet is used. The menu can be changed to your liking.

For breakfast, steamed fish is suitable. From drinks, it is advisable to give preference to green tea or steamed fish.

Two hours after breakfast, you can eat the Pancake salad. It consists of boiled carrots and beets.

At lunchtime, you can cook for yourself mashed potatoes with a piece of boiled chicken meat. You can drink carrot juice. After a couple of hours, you can eat a couple of slices of melon.

In the evening, it is not advisable to load the stomach before going to bed. Dinner should be no later than three hours before going to bed. You can cook buckwheat porridge and stewed vegetables. You can drink apple juice.

Before going to bed for a couple of hours, you need to take kefir or an apple.

Nutrition during pregnancy

Very often during pregnancy there are manifestations of heartburn, in addition, belching may occur. These symptoms appear due to processes in the female body.

There is a change in the hormonal background of a woman during pregnancy, this leads to problems with the sphincter in the stomach and esophagus.

These symptoms may indicate the presence of heartburn.

Also, the fetus, which increases, puts pressure on the stomach and leads to heartburn. After childbirth, heartburn disappears completely.

Diet during pregnancy has the following rules:

  1. Food should be eaten in small portions several times a day. This rule women need to follow even before pregnancy, so as not to stretch the stomach.
  2. Food must be chewed very well. Shredded foods are able to be processed much more easily in the stomach. This reduces the risk of heartburn.
  3. After eating food, you can not take a horizontal position of the body. You can't play sports either. During pregnancy, after eating food, it is advisable to sit, but with a flat back, without pinching the stomach.
  4. It is necessary to drink 2 glasses of water half an hour before meals. After eating, it is advisable not to drink anything for 2 hours. But it is not recommended to take carbonated drinks during pregnancy, especially if they contain a dye.
  5. During pregnancy in the first three months you need to eat 4 times a day, in the second three months - 5 times and in the last three months - 6.
  6. A woman during pregnancy should have dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

The menu during pregnancy should not include fried, fatty foods. Do not use spicy and salty seasonings. You can not use mayonnaise, lard, sour cream.

You can eat fish and meat, but they must be low-fat varieties and cooked in the oven.

During pregnancy, you need to give up soup cooked in mushroom, meat or fish broth.

Individually, fermented milk products cause heartburn in some women during pregnancy.

It is necessary to exclude fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt. You can use cottage cheese, but not sour.

During pregnancy, it is advisable to try to reduce the use of drugs. Pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds will help eliminate an attack of heartburn.

If they are not at hand, you can replace them with hazelnuts. For the prevention of heartburn during pregnancy, it is advisable to use for breakfast.

The appearance of heartburn during pregnancy is a very common symptom, and the use of semolina, oatmeal or buckwheat porridge will help to avoid it.

Diet for severe heartburn

What foods can you eat with very severe heartburn? For example, it could be such a menu. Recipes can be found on the Internet.

  1. For breakfast, you can use the following options: boiled or steamed chicken meat, low-fat cottage cheese with a small amount of sour cream and sugar, low-fat cheese; buckwheat, oatmeal; juice, compote
  2. Late breakfast. Yogurt or kefir. The limitation is individual intolerance to these products. Green tea with the use of crackers, but not pastries.
  3. Dinner. You can use pumpkin porridge or vegetable soup in this menu. You can eat black bread or bread with bran. Steamed cutlets will do. You need to prepare a salad with beets. Vegetables must be pre-boiled.
  4. After dinner, it is advisable to consume sweet fruits, unsalted crackers, bran crackers.
  5. Dinner. The porridge needs to be cooked very well. Salad of boiled vegetables. Black bread sandwiches. It is better to drink green tea.

Menu for the week

For a week, you need to use the following menu, which is specially designed for people with heartburn:

First day

Breakfast. Prepare buckwheat porridge and a glass of green tea. It is advisable not to consume sugar.
Late breakfast. Yogurt.
Dinner. Soup puree from zucchini. Vegetable stew and meatballs.
afternoon tea. Banana.
Dinner. Lazy dumplings and a glass of compote.

Second day

Breakfast. Cheese casserole. Green tea with cracker.
Late breakfast. Kissel from fruits.
Dinner. Chicken soup. Apples baked in the oven.
After dinner, a glass of kefir.
Dinner. Mashed potatoes and boiled meat.

The third day

Breakfast. Semolina milk porridge. Fruit juice.
Late breakfast. Soft-boiled eggs. Dried black bread.
Dinner. Vegetable soup. Fruit jelly.
afternoon tea. Sweet fruits.
Dinner. Steamed meatballs. Cottage cheese casserole.

Fourth day

Morning. You need to cook oatmeal. Green tea. Steamed cheesecakes.
Late breakfast. Fresh sweet fruits.
Dinner. Carrot puree. Soup from buckwheat.
Dinner. Cutlets. Vegetable stew.

What not to eat

With heartburn and belching, you can not eat the following products:

  1. Fatty varieties of fish and meat.
  2. Vegetables that contain a lot of fiber. citruses.
  3. Marinated products.
  4. Coffee and chocolate.
  5. Yeast dough. Fresh bakery.
  6. Fatty dairy products.
  7. Sour juices.
  8. You need to completely abandon bad habits.

It is necessary to follow a diet with constant heartburn or during pregnancy. Thus, this symptom can be eliminated once and for all. Every housewife knows the recipes.

It is necessary to exclude products that cannot be taken with heartburn. It must be remembered that proper nutrition will help to avoid heartburn.

Useful video

Diet for heartburn is an important element of therapy. In its absence, the treatment will not work, and the symptoms of heartburn will occur again and again. Do not be afraid of the word "diet". The right approach will help you eat tasty and varied, while not harming your health.

Heartburn is a very common phenomenon that almost everyone has experienced at least once. It occurs due to increased acidity of the stomach. When the main digestive organ begins to produce gastric juice in excess of the norm, the sphincter ceases to fully perform its functions and begins to pass acid into the esophagus. Since the esophagus is characterized by a neutral environment, aggressive gastric juice begins to irritate its walls, causing an unpleasant sensation in the form of a burning sensation behind the sternum.

There are a lot of reasons why the mechanism of heartburn is triggered and they are varied. Among them:

  • Unhealthy poor quality food;
  • Excess body weight;
  • Abuse of bad habits. Even low-alcohol drinks can provoke heartburn;
  • Disturbed diet: skipping meals, overeating, refusal of a full meal in favor of a quick snack, strict diets;
  • Some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. So, gastritis can cause an increase in the level of acidity in the stomach.

Heartburn is often not perceived as a serious pathology and its treatment is neglected. In this case, you need to define the boundaries. If burning in the esophagus is a single phenomenon, then indeed in most cases it can be taken as the norm. But if heartburn begins to occur more often and becomes chronic, then you should not postpone seeing a doctor. It is important to determine the cause of the impaired functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and eliminate it.

In order to understand the seriousness of the situation, it must be pointed out that uncontrolled regular heartburn can subsequently lead to much more serious diseases, for example:

  • Gastritis with the formation of erosions on the mucous surfaces of the stomach;
  • Esophagitis. With it, erosion can also occur, only not in the stomach, but in the lower part of the esophagus;
  • Gastric ulcer. The more hydrochloric acid acts on the walls of the esophagus, the more it corrodes it. As a result, inflamed wounds, better known as an ulcer, form;
  • Cancer of the stomach or esophagus. These are the most dangerous pathologies that can lead to death.

That is why it is important to apply for a medical examination in a timely manner, because only treatment and the right approach to nutrition and lifestyle can permanently get rid of heartburn.

Rules and principles of the heartburn diet

In addition to treating patients with persistent heartburn, it is important to eat right. It is important not only to exclude a number of products from the daily diet, but it is also necessary to observe some nuances to eliminate the symptoms of heartburn.

Nutrition rules for regular heartburn:

  • Meals should be frequent, but not in large portions. Optimal - 5-6 times a day. This will allow the stomach to better absorb food;
  • Avoid starvation. If the gastric juice has nothing to digest, then it will begin to act more on the walls of the esophagus;
  • The last meal should be at least a couple of hours before bedtime;
  • Food must be chewed very carefully, so options for a quick snack on the go must be excluded;
  • It is important to take food slowly and at rest;
  • The food you eat should be warm or at room temperature. Very hot or, conversely, very cold food can irritate the esophagus. This also applies to drinks;
  • After eating, you need to lead your normal life. It is strongly not recommended to immediately take a lying position or, conversely, begin to move vigorously;
  • After eating, you can chew gum for a few minutes. This will help not only freshen your breath, but also cause profuse salivation, which can reduce the level of acidity;
  • It will be helpful to drink a glass of water after each meal. It perfectly cleanses the walls of the esophagus from the remnants of gastric juice. Water can be mineral, but in no case carbonated. It is important to consider that it is worth drinking water or any other liquid a few minutes after a meal, and not during it.

It is very convenient to develop a diet menu for heartburn for the whole week in advance. This will allow you to plan everything, purchase products and prevent the use of dishes that do not meet the requirements.

Here are some things to consider when designing a menu:

  • The products used must be from the permitted list;
  • The bulk of the dishes should be either boiled or steamed;
  • With severe heartburn, the components will need to be carefully crushed;
  • The use of spices should be kept to a minimum. If possible, it is better to refuse them altogether;
  • Vegetable fats should prevail over animal fats.

Among other things, it is necessary not to forget that not only the food consumed can provoke heartburn, but also, for example, too tight clothes in the abdomen. It is advisable for people suffering from this ailment to prefer loose-fitting clothing.

Products that provoke a pathological condition

Proper nutrition involves the exclusion of a fairly extensive list of products. This is all the food that can provoke increased acidity of the stomach, irritation of the walls of the esophagus, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. This list includes:

  • Fatty heavy food, which is prepared mainly by frying. Especially harmful are dishes from fast food chains;
  • Products with a high sugar content, sweets, confectionery;
  • Marinades and preserves;
  • Smoked products;
  • Too salty, spicy, sour foods. It is very important to reduce the use of spices to the minimum possible. Vinegar will also have to be abandoned;
  • Dairy and sour-milk products with a high percentage of fat content;
  • Onion and garlic. They are harmful in their raw form;
  • From vegetables: tomatoes;
  • From fruits: lemons, grapefruits, limes and other citrus fruits, sour varieties of apples, grapes;
  • From berries: cranberries, currants and other sour species;
  • From greens: mint;
  • Drinks: soda, alcohol, coffee.

As for baking, it is better to use yesterday's whole grain bread. Freshly baked products can contribute to gas formation and, as a result, the appearance of heartburn.

Approved Products

Do not be afraid that many familiar foods are banned for heartburn. In fact, the diet of a person with a similar pathology can be very diverse. Here's what to include in it:

  • Lean meat and lean fish;
  • Non-acidic types of vegetables. Great for: carrots, potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, beets, cauliflower, sweet peppers;
  • Fresh greens;
  • Non-acidic types of fruits and berries. The choice is very extensive: sweet apples, pears, peaches, bananas, watermelons;
  • Eggs;
  • Cheese. Only lightly salted varieties are suitable. Cheeses with spices are best avoided;
  • Dairy and sour-milk products with zero or low fat content;
  • Almost any cereal;
  • Whole wheat bread;
  • From drinks: still water, fruit drinks and compotes, herbal decoctions, if tea, then with milk.

And this is not the whole list of allowed products, it is very, very extensive.

What helps relieve heartburn?

There are different opinions about which foods can help relieve the symptoms of heartburn. In fact, this is a rather subjective approach, since some products help solve a problem for some, but not for others.

However, the most popular options are:

  • Drinking water. In this case, it is difficult to disagree, since it is really capable of diluting the acid and washing it off the walls of the esophagus;
  • Honey. This is a very effective natural product that can have a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Warm skim milk. Alternatively, it can be combined with honey. Get a double effect;
  • Unsalted nuts, such as almonds or walnuts;
  • Olive oil. It is advisable not to replace it with sunflower. This species, unlike many other species, does not harm health and does not clog blood vessels;
  • Herbal decoctions. With heartburn, it is especially recommended to pay attention to the wild rose.

A person with persistent heartburn can be advised to try different of the proposed products and find what really helps him relieve the condition.

Sample menu for a week with pathology

Many people are intimidated by the phrase "diet menu". The main stereotypes are that it is not tasty, monotonous, insatiable. Actually it is not. Below is a menu option for heartburn for a week.








Finding healthy recipes is easy. Even based on the proposed menu, you can make various options.

Such a diet will eliminate the burning sensation and prevent heartburn in the future.

Nutrition for pregnant women with heartburn

Every second pregnant woman experiences heartburn. This frequency is due to several factors:

  • Passive lifestyle. The more the belly grows, the harder it becomes for a woman to move around. She increasingly needs rest, and many more women exclude all physical activity, fearing in this way to harm the fetus;
  • Enhanced nutrition. In the people you can hear the phrase "eat for two." In fact, nature has provided everything so that the baby in the womb receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals. But in the minds of many women, it has become fixed that you need to eat during pregnancy in larger quantities than usual. The stomach begins to experience a double load;
  • Physical changes in the body. The more the uterus grows, the more it squeezes nearby organs, including the stomach, from which, under pressure, acid enters the esophagus.

In general, moderate heartburn during pregnancy is not considered a pathology and, as a rule, goes away on its own after the birth of a child. But in order to alleviate her condition, a pregnant woman should pay attention to her diet. He must:

  • Include frequent meals in small portions;
  • Include first courses and protein products;
  • Focus on fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • Minimize fried heavy foods.

This approach will not only eliminate or at least reduce heartburn attacks, but also improve the general condition of the expectant mother.