What does the dream of betrayal of a husband mean. Change your husband according to the dream book

That your husband betrayed you or in a dream - this means that your relationship is very strong and you are happy. You do not need to be upset, because in fact your husband is faithful.

If you caught your husband in a dream, and he leaves the family, without any explanation, this means that in your family life you are haunted by difficulties, scandals and nervous breakdowns.

Pull yourself together and do not swear, so that there are no dire consequences.

If in a dream you only suspect your husband of betrayal, but do not notice him, it means that in reality you are thinking about whether your husband is cheating on you or not. No need to torment yourself with guesses, exhaust yourself with questions - you should talk with your spouse, and only in this way will you find out all the questions.

If the husband that he cheated on his wife, in reality he can be accused of illegal activities.

Interpretation of treason according to different dream books

Miller's dream book. Cheating on his wife in a dream is a charge of illegality. This case will be quiet, but will leave its mark.

The husband cheated in a dream - this means that your soul mate is abusing your trust.

Wangi's dream book. If in a dream you had a desire to change, but changed your mind at the last minute, this means that you have willpower that will help you achieve success. Well, if betrayal did happen, feelings will soon go out, all plans will be violated, which will lead to deep depression.

Freud's dream book. The betrayal itself in a dream shows that you either want to do it, or something similar has already happened in life. Maybe there was no betrayal in fact, but there was a possibility. Cheating in a dream is a lack of attention from the husband. You have fears on a subconscious level and insane jealousy.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus. Cheating in a dream is an upcoming change. The interpretation of sleep depends on the specific situation that the sleeping person sees. A wife who sees her husband's betrayal in a dream means that the woman opposes her husband's will, wants to change the state of things, does not want to change, or harbors a grudge against her husband.

Loff's dream book. Seeing betrayal in a dream means you will have a very strong marriage. If in a dream you regret what you have done, then you are not satisfied with what is happening in life. The dream promises that you are ready for various tricks and tricks, only to change the situation in your favor.

Dream Interpretation Longo. Cheating in a dream suggests that you have a desire to consciously taste the forbidden fruit, not even in a dream.

In order to correctly interpret what the husband’s betrayal is dreaming of, you must try to remember as many details and details of the dream you saw as possible. Every seemingly insignificant detail can be decisive. It is also important what emotions a woman experienced in her nightly dreams.

Most often, a dream of betrayal committed by a beloved spouse does not at all portend similar events in reality. Rather, a woman is simply waiting for serious life changes, initiated by a man. The sleeping woman will actively resist them. But this is not worth doing, the dream suggests that sooner or later you will still have to come to terms with the changes proposed by your spouse. It is possible that in the end they will become joyful for the girl.

Many modern dream books (including Miller and Tsvetkov) suggest that the plot with the betrayal of a spouse often turns out to be inspired by guilt, which has been bothering the dreamer for several days. A woman in the past or present has committed an act that can cause condemnation in her husband. This is not necessarily adultery. If the dream has just such a meaning, then in it the girl will experience unreasonable fear and experience serious excitement, the imprint of which will remain even in the morning.

If, according to the plot, a woman does not see the process of betrayal, but learns about it from her husband himself, this is a clear sign that a crisis has come regarding the spouses in reality. The dream may well come true. But you shouldn't worry too much about this. There is still an opportunity to correct the situation and establish relationships with your loved one. The main thing is to start acting actively as soon as possible.

I dreamed of cheating on my husband with a man - meaning

According to popular dream books, cheating on a husband with a same-sex partner in his wife's night dreams can be interpreted in a very diverse way.

There are several options for the meaning of such a dream:

  1. A woman does not experience satisfaction in her sexual life and does not know how to tell her husband about it. Probably, the dreamer herself even thinks about a possible betrayal of her lover.
  2. A man has recently begun to pay too little attention to his soulmate. As a result, the girl feels forgotten, lonely and unhappy.
  3. The sleeping woman dreams of diversifying her own sex life by venturing into experiments: same-sex relationships, threesomes, etc. A woman is not ready to admit this to her husband, so her wild imagination sends her bold pictures in her night dreams.

In any of the above options, the solution to the problem will be a frank conversation with your spouse. Hushing up one's own grievances and desires always leads to serious conflicts in the future.

In a dream, the husband cheated with his sister or girlfriend

First of all, such a plot can be caused by banal jealousy. Perhaps the day before in real life, the spouse complimented the heroine of the dream or singled her out in some other way. It is worth asking a man directly about the reasons for his behavior and not torturing yourself with groundless suspicions.

It happens that such dreams appear if a girl actively competes with her sister or girlfriend in reality. A woman feels that she is inferior to her rival in some way and is very worried about this.

Sometimes cheating on a husband in a dream with any relative of a girl portends serious conflicts in the family. It is the spouse of the sleeping woman who may be the main culprit in the quarrels that arise.

Why dream of betrayal of a loved one?

It is interesting that sometimes a dream in which one has to experience the betrayal of a loved one has a positive interpretation. For example, if a girl is completely calmly watching what is happening or listening to a story about what happened and at the same time does not experience any negative emotions. In this case, the discussed unpleasant dream can symbolize harmony and warmth between a man and a woman in real life.

The man had a dream

If a representative of the stronger sex in night dreams saw pictures of his wife's betrayal and felt obvious injections of jealousy at the same time, then, probably, in reality he is not satisfied with how the girl behaves with other young people. In order not to bring the situation to a critical point, you need to openly communicate your dissatisfaction with your beloved.

It happens that the sleeper not only clearly sees the process of betrayal, but also distinguishes the face of an opponent who turns out to be familiar to him. Such a plot portends trouble with this person in reality. It is unlikely that the man he sees poses a threat to the dreamer's intimate life, but he can influence his career growth and work in general extremely negatively.

A woman dreamed of cheating

If an unmarried girl in reality had a dream in which her husband was cheating on her, then no troubles should be expected. The plot is a harbinger of fun adventures and new novels.

A dream in which a woman behaves aggressively upon learning about the betrayal of her second half means that in reality there were disagreements between the spouses. Husband and wife cannot reach a compromise on some fundamental issue for both. In order not to bring the situation to a serious conflict, the sleeping woman should be the first to make concessions.

If you dreamed of a spouse who had died in reality, who was cheating on the dreamer, then the meaning of sleep changes dramatically. Often a soulmate who has gone into another world appears in night dreams on the eve of serious financial difficulties. The betrayal of the late husband in a dream is a sign that you need to be more careful about money. It is especially important in the near future to abandon large expenses and not lend funds even to the closest people.

A lover who has died in reality, cheating on a woman with a rival in a dream right in front of others, warns the sleeping woman about a possible deception. It is worth paying attention to whom the betrayal is committed. There is a high probability that this particular person will want to circle the dreamer around his finger for his own benefit.

Change is a bad thing. It hurts the human soul. Dealing with pain is very difficult. Sometimes it takes months, even years.

Every person is afraid to face the betrayal of a loved one in reality. Subconsciously, people already anticipate their actions in the event of such news.

But if not every person met betrayal in reality, then every woman saw a dream with the betrayal of her beloved spouse. What does it mean, let's try to figure it out.

Psychologists say that if you dreamed that your husband was cheating in a dream, this is a reflection of the girl's subconscious fear. She constantly thinks about betrayal, is afraid of losing her beloved.

This dream also symbolizes the woman's guilt in front of her husband in front of present or past deeds.

It is worth interpreting dreams about the betrayal of a spouse based on the details: with whom he changed, when and how.

Therefore, to solve dreams, you need to remember the nuances:

  1. See how a spouse cheats with another woman. This action symbolizes mutual understanding, trust, love, tenderness and reverent attitude in a couple. This is a sign of devotion and reliability of a partner.
  2. See cheating with a friend. Pay attention to the behavior of a friend in reality. Perhaps she is seriously interested in your spouse and wants to recapture him.
  3. The husband confessed to betrayal. The dream warns that peace has been disturbed in the family, the spouses began to move away from each other, respect, mutual understanding have disappeared, marriage is striving for divorce.

    Analyze the situation, seek help from a family psychologist to solve problems. Do your best to save your marriage.

    If this is not done, then, most likely, the husband will go to the side due to a lack of understanding on the part of the wife.

  4. To know. Take a close look at your loved one. There was a disagreement between the man and you. He is ready to make a change.

    It is advisable to check the circle of his acquaintances, SMS in a mobile phone, emails to prevent this fact. Talk to your husband, build a relationship.

  5. Seeing an ex-husband/boyfriend kiss. A woman subconsciously wants to renew a relationship with a former lover.
  6. Beat her husband after infidelity. This is for peace and grace in the family.
  7. Cry after betrayal to violent emotions.

    If a woman saw a dream while pregnant, then this is a reflection of her fears for the safety of the family. During this period, a woman's hormonal background changes greatly.

She becomes emotional, irritable, nervous, insecure. Therefore, he often thinks about the bad development of events.

If in a dream the girl herself is cheating, then this means that she did not keep her word or did not repay the debt. Also, this dream can reflect the girl's real desire to change her spouse. After all, there are no barriers in a dream, which means there is an opportunity to experience all the delights of betrayal without betraying your spouse.

If in a dream an unmarried young lady has become a wife and is cheating on her husband, then she should expect to meet a young man. You should not set yourself up for a long and serious relationship with this guy. He will help diversify life, gain experience in sexual life, but will not become your spouse in the future.

Interpretation according to different dream books

dream interpretation Interpretation
Miller The betrayal of a loved one with another girl indicates discord in the family.
The meaning of the dream in which the wife finds out about the betrayal. This dream warns that the dreamer is a gullible person.
You have to be careful with people.
Changed, but repents. The dreamer is dissatisfied with his own life.
Wangi See. Expect the collapse of plans, dreams will not come true, the plan is not given to come true.
The husband had a desire to go to the side, but he did not. This is to achieve the goal.
Freud What he sees reflects the woman's fear.
Nostradamus See. Expect changes in your life.
To see him with an outsider - the husband is authoritarian in the family, and the woman does not want to accept his authority.
Loffa Revenge change. The dream symbolizes a happy, strong and long marriage.
Hassa Betrayal with a girlfriend or sister speaks of the collapse of hopes.
Betrayal with a strange woman portends happiness in the family.
Tsvetkova See. The dreamer greatly overestimates his abilities.
Longo A woman unreasonably suspects her beloved. He is faithful to her.
Esoteric A sign to trust your spouse.
English Expect devotion from your significant other.
Medea Adultery to the presence of conspiracies against the family to destroy.
Change to difficulties.
If you managed to resist infidelity, the dreamer will succeed.
Erotic Infidelity with a familiar girl to the failure of hopes.
Unwillingness to put up with the circumstances.
The promise given to the dreamer will not be fulfilled.
Uncertainty in the sincerity of a loved one.
Unwillingness to take the side of a loved one.
white magician Unfounded suspicions.
21st century The dreamer expects obstacles on the way to achieving the goal.
Wanderer The dreamer expects a happy life.
Simone Kananita Relations between spouses will improve.
Vedic The dreamer expects the appearance of unsolvable problems.
Autumn Your husband is cheating on you.
summer A quarrel awaits the dreamer.
Small Velesov Expect fire.
Love See - expect a divorce.
I saw an unmarried young lady. This is to the abundance of fans and sexual partners.
Oriental The dreamer expects grief, trouble.

The dream of a betrayal of a spouse is a reflection of the internal state of the wife.

She worries that her husband will cheat on her, that the marriage will collapse. Such a dream symbolizes the wife's emotional fatigue from constant worries.

Interpretation by days of the week

A dream from Thursday to Friday is credited with a magical meaning. According to astrologers and psychics, a dream seen from Thursday to Friday will definitely come true.

A dream seen at the beginning of the week should not be taken as a sign. These days I have dreams from the past. A woman can see the betrayal of her ex-boyfriend, her beloved, which was the reason for the breakup.

The dream happened on Wednesday. Expect the fulfillment of the dream.

The dream seen on Saturday and Sunday has no emotional and psychological load.


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Surely each of us has dreams, they are different: funny, frightening, mysterious, incomprehensible, black and white and color. Let's talk today about adultery, which a woman dreamed about in a dream.

We can say with confidence that lovely ladies sometimes saw in a dream the betrayal of their adored husband and, waking up, were at a loss, guessing and deciphering what they saw. Did the partner really dare to change, found another, or maybe there wasn’t, and the dream needs to be interpreted differently. Let's figure it out.

Deciphering dreams about a husband's betrayal according to interpretation from various dream books

Freud's dream book

Such a dream will tell that in dreams the dreamer dreams of adultery or recalls past betrayal. It excites him and leads to indescribable delight. There is also the possibility of seeing things in a different way. A woman lacks sexual attention from her husband, her energy is not wasted, she longs to diversify her intimate life. And a representative of the weaker sex may subconsciously fear betrayal or be very jealous of her husband.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

The dream will tell you that feelings in the family are gradually fading away, which entails self-doubt in one's own abilities. If a woman in a dream saw with her own eyes the betrayal of her husband, then this suggests that she needs to start to fear for her relationship, because there has been a split in them, feelings are cooling down, a collapse of family life is possible. And the dream says that in life a woman can be humiliated, insulted. Probably the anger will come from the husband. She should be careful, think about the actions spoken by the words.

Miller's dream book

Did you see your husband cheating in a dream? Perhaps you will commit a rash, stupid act. Try to follow your thoughts, think before you do something, especially for your husband. A wife needs to change her attitude and behavior regarding her husband, especially if she has an imperious character. Be softer, more gentle, otherwise you should expect deception, betrayal. Does not exclude sleep and meanness on the part of a woman.

If a girl had a dream, where she found out about her husband's betrayal, she should take a closer look at the comrades of the faithful. Probably, among them there are those who turn the beloved man against you. These are imaginary friends who clouded her husband's head.

Loff's dream book

In Loff's dream book, cheating on her husband in a dream is deciphered more rosy. Treason suggests that the family union is strong, reliable and you should not be afraid of going to the left of your lover.
If the husband repented of his deed in a dream, the spouse is cunning in something, goes to tricks, trying to convince you of an erroneous opinion about any controversial situation.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkova

The betrayal of the husband suggests that the one who saw the dream is planning to do something grandiose, but he should take a close look at his dreams and carefully study the details again. Do not rush, everything you need should be approached thoughtfully, think through everything to the smallest detail.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

The betrayal of her husband, who dreamed in a dream, suggests that a woman will have the destruction of her dreams, hopes, and illusions. But not everything is so critical. You need to put your thoughts in order, start taking care of yourself, and be more indulgent towards your partner. Then he will look at you with different eyes. Perhaps cheating suggests that the husband wants to bring spice to the relationship, add spice. But be careful, fearing trouble, meanness, offensive speeches, deeds.

Deciphering dreams according to who the spouse cheated on

  • Cheating husband with another in a dream

Agree, the dream is unusual. Probably, the spouse intends to deceive you, is cunning behind your back. Be careful and expect meanness, a dirty trick from your lover or friends.

  • Dreamed of cheating with a man

Most likely, your marriage is in for a pleasant surprise, happiness, but this is the case if in a dream you caught a scene of betrayal and saw everything with your own eyes. Probably, the dreamer will receive a pleasant surprise, a gift from his spouse.

  • Dream of cheating on a husband with a girlfriend

If in your dream your husband is harassing your best friend, cheating on her, then you can be sure that in fact your husband loves only you. There is no need to be afraid of this. But it’s worth thinking about the fact that envy and resentment are eating your girlfriend. She probably induces gossip, says offensive things, condemns you, chuckles. Take a closer look at the surroundings, perhaps the enemy is nearby. Do not be frank once again, it is better to share your thoughts with your husband, he will understand and support.

  • Cheating husband with sister in a dream

If you dreamed that your spouse is making love to your sister, then this is not entirely good. Sleep promises trouble in business, failure in endeavors. If you want to open your own business, start from scratch, then you should change, postpone the planned, otherwise you will fail, the idea will only disappoint, upset.

Dreams about treason to see

  • I dreamed of treason in front of my eyes

If in a dream the husband indulges in adultery before your eyes, this indicates that the dreamer is tormented by guilt, something is disturbing, disturbing. The dream does not concern betrayal, but refers to the fact that your significant other condemns you, does not understand. To dream about how your spouse is cheating

Do not worry, in real life your loved one is faithful to you and does not even think about adultery, but nevertheless you should keep your ears open and be on the alert.

  • In a dream, the husband confessed to treason

The dream tells that the hubby is thinking about cheating, but has not yet gone to the side. Try to look closely at the actions of your spouse, think about family relationships. You need to become more caring, give your husband more warmth and affection.

  • Find out in a dream about her husband's betrayal

This suggests that in real life your lover is trying to attract your attention by any means. Do not leave a dream without due attention, try to remember the details, they will play a role in the future.

Deciphering dreams for wives, girls about treason

  • Why did a woman dream about cheating on her husband

This suggests that the lady is far from innocent, but she herself is prone to treason, betrayal.

  • Pregnant dreamed of cheating on her husband

Very often, a dream suggests that a pregnant girl is afraid of losing her beauty and strives to preserve it by all means available to her in order to remain desirable for her husband.

  • The girl in her dream saw her husband's betrayal

If a girl is not yet married, but she saw such a dream, the girl will have pleasant dates, meetings, light flirting, romance.

To see a guy cheat means that you need to stop putting pressure on your lover, give him more freedom and try not to dictate your rules to him.

  • Cheating husband in a dream with whom you live in a civil marriage

In real life, a woman will experience shame, she can be humiliated or offended by a loved one. It can be your husband, if the relationship has cooled off, ceased to bring joy, pleasure.

Other interpretations of cheating husband in a dream

To see in your dream the betrayal of your ex-husband - not being able to keep under control the surging feelings for another man. You should try not to humiliate your husband and try to build relationships.

To see betrayal in a dream and not experience disappointment. It means that the husband in real life has cooled off towards you, is indifferent.

The husband overcame the temptation and managed to get away from his mistress in a dream. This is a good dream, promises understanding in relationships, the family will be able to avoid a serious disagreement.

I dreamed about the betrayal of my ex-husband, he will tell you that you are not satisfied with your sex life with your missus. It is worth talking to him frankly, this will help to establish a sexual life.

Husband kissed another. A woman expects an affair, light flirting.

In a dream, seeing the betrayal of her husband, there was a desire to take revenge on him, to offend. The dream says that the former passion will flare up in the family, the fire of love will flare up again.

As you can see, a dream can be deciphered in different ways. The main thing is not to forget that the dream was dreamed for a reason and to pay more attention to your family.

Publication date: 12/11/17

Sometimes, waking up in the morning, we realize that there is no mood at all. The reason may lie in the subconscious. A dream seen at night is projected onto our reality, causing a state of joy or anxiety. Therefore, pleasant light dreams cheer you up, and nightmares drive you into depression.

Unpleasant visions are not always interpreted literally. Often their negative color, on the contrary, portends some pleasant events in life. Therefore, before getting upset, it is better to look into the dream book.

Interpretation of dreams about a husband's infidelity according to various dream books

If in a dream you see your husband's betrayal, according to Freud's dream book, this means that in reality you are actually very worried about this outcome of events. Your jealousy goes beyond all limits, and completely occupies thoughts. It is worth calming down and starting to trust your spouse more.

Based on Miller's dream book, cheating on your spouse means that you are a very open and naive person. This circumstance is abused by the surrounding people. If a husband in a dream deliberately took this step to evil you, this promises well-being and harmony in family relationships. However, if the spouse asks for forgiveness for treason - beware! A dream portends an unsatisfactory completion of some business.

The unfavorable meaning of adultery seen in a dream is revealed by Vanga's dream book. It means the inevitable collapse of important hopes and plans, which can lead to prolonged depression. It is recommended to pay attention to the details of the dream. If the husband had a desire to go left, but at the last moment he clenched his teeth and did not do this, then such a dream promises you an incredible strength of spirit that will help you cope with any obstacles and obstacles.

Loff's dream book gives an explanation of a dream about her husband's betrayal similar to Miller's dream book. If the husband cheated on purpose to take revenge, this prophesies happiness and a strong relationship. But if a lover is haunted by guilt for what he has done and he repents, you are not satisfied with the current state of some affairs. Moreover, in order to change the unfavorable outcome in them and to achieve your goal, you will go to various tricks and deceit.

According to the dream book of Nostradamus, the infidelity of the second half promises some changes in life. At the same time, the dream shows that the views of the wife on the relationship with her husband have long been formed. She does not want to recognize the strength and power of her betrothed. Because of this, disagreements and quarrels occur in the family.

The interpretation of the dream about the betrayal of the second half according to the esoteric dream book promises a strong joyful relationship between spouses.

Partners when committing adultery by a husband in a dream

Depending on who exactly the faithful husband cheated on you in a dream, the interpretation of sleep can also have different meanings.

A husband's betrayal with another man speaks of a woman's dissatisfaction with her intimate life. Most likely, she has not experienced vivid emotions from communicating with her other half for a long time. This negatively affects their union. You should discuss the problem with your husband and take some steps to get closer.

If a husband succumbed to temptation with your girlfriend in a dream, this is a signal that you are striving to be like your friend. This is due not so much to its positive qualities, but because of your self-doubt.

Wife in a dream seduced by sister? Such a dream concerns your professional sphere. This is a negative sign, trying to warn you of communication problems with management and misunderstandings on the part of colleagues. Most likely, working projects will not receive proper support.

A dream in which a husband is cheating with your friend also carries hidden negative information about problems in relationships between spouses. It is worth taking a closer look at each other, analyzing life together, finding common activities and hobbies.

If the mother-in-law acts as a lover in a dream, then such a dream portends quarrels and scandals at work.

Sources of information about cheating husband in a dream

The way in which you learned about the committed adultery also affects the interpretation of sleep.

When you dream of cheating on your husband in front of your wife, this does not mean that your spouse is actually cheating on you. Most likely, you are overly jealous and suspicious. If a man knows that he is being watched and continues to indulge in passion, then such a dream signals problems in the relationship. Perhaps the issue is that you are taking on too much, not giving your soul mate a chance to express themselves and suppressing their masculinity.

To see the betrayal of a husband in a dream - to the separation of the spouses. This can be a regular pause in a relationship, or a complete break, which will lead to a divorce.

The husband himself confessed to treason - such a dream asks you to pay attention not to the fact of adultery itself, but to small details: addresses, objects, furnishings, spoken words. Any little thing from such dreams in the future will help solve some serious mystery and solve a number of problems.

If you learned about your husband's sex with another woman from well-wishers, then you should pay attention to these people in real life. It is likely that you are too supportive of them and this attitude has no good reason. Check again if these personalities are really that good.

Status and position of actors

If a woman dreams about the betrayal of her beloved, then this is an alarming bell for the spouse. Her husband's feelings grow cold towards her. But not all is lost, and the old relationship can be restored.

A young girl dreamed of her boyfriend's betrayal - also a bad sign. In reality, she annoys her chosen one with excessive anger and aggression. If you do not change behavior, feelings will fade away. But if an unmarried young lady dreams of her husband's betrayal, then such a dream, on the contrary, promises a bright and unforgettable relationship with a man, as well as a long and beautiful romance.

Dreams about betrayal in pregnant women carry their subconscious psycho-emotional state. During pregnancy, women most acutely feel the lack of intimate life, worry about changes in the body, feel unattractive. All these thoughts are reflected in dreams.

Cheating on an ex-husband in a dream may mean that you have not completely let go of this person from your life and are still living in memories. Another subtext of such dreams indicates a fear of repeating past experiences.

The deceased husband comes to your dreams when money spending is planned in life. If at the same time he begins to cheat on you, then such a dream gives reason for joy - the difficulties will be short-term and not too large.

If in a dream you saw that your future husband is having sex with an outsider, in reality you should reconsider your relationship with your chosen one. Such dreams indicate the instability of the situation and doubts about the correctness of the choice.

The betrayal of a civil husband in a dream also signals problems in relationships and a crisis in family life. It is necessary to heed such signs, taking measures to build relationships.

The result of adultery in dreams, how to interpret?

If, after betrayal in a dream, a husband goes to a rival, then in real life you should beware. A dream indicates an imminent discord in the family and quarrels.

Did the infidelity of the spouse in the dream lead to the collapse of the marriage and divorce? Such an event means that your soulmate appreciates and respects you very much, and there are trusting harmonious relationships in the family.

The most joyful and positive interpretation are those dreams where you beat your husband for treason. This speaks of complete understanding between the spouses, immense trust and love. It is worth sincerely rejoicing when you see such a dream at night.

Why dream of cheating on a spouse depending on the day of the week

On the night of Monday to Tuesday, dreams portend disagreements and conflicts between spouses.

From Tuesday to Wednesday, to see her husband's betrayal - you should pay attention to social life and financial condition.

Dreams seen from Wednesday to Thursday tell about the actual state of things. But don't take it literally. Since the ruling planet of this night, Jupiter, is responsible for labor activity, it is quite possible that this dream warns of impending difficulties at work.

From Thursday to Friday, prophetic visions are dreamed. The main thing in them is not the plot itself, but the emotional background and sensations. A dream about a husband’s betrayal, seen during this period, does not speak of real betrayal, but of your unbalanced state and doubts about him.

On the night from Friday to Saturday, prophetic dreams come. They talk about the obstacles that will have to be overcome in the near future.