What is a quest in the game zombie farm. Zombie farm secrets

Currently, there are a huge number of different games: puzzles, arcades, racing, but browser games are the most popular. In this review, we will tell you some secrets that will help you quickly move through the storyline in. Absolutely all users who have an account in, or Facebook can play it.


Already from the first minutes of the gameplay it is clear that the Belarusian developers have done their best. The game attracts gamers not only with colorful visualization, excellent detailing, but also with non-standard gameplay. It is worth noting that each character has his own unique image and voice. In the virtual store, users can buy various wardrobe items to make their ward even more unique. In addition to the advantages described above, the game is also very positive. This is not another project about a zombie apocalypse, where chaos, devastation and crowds of the walking dead are trying to increase their ranks around, using the civilian population, but a positive game.

The main character is a cute and kind zombie. Once he met a girl who won his heart and now he is trying to become a real person for her sake. After users download the hacked version of Zombie Farm for Android, players will have at their disposal a small plot of land where they will need to build various buildings and grow crops. The main task of the user is to earn the maximum amount of gold in order to become a man in the end.

Not a step without a brain

The main resource in the game is brains. If you don't have them, then your character is completely incapacitated. You can replenish the "luggage" of brains for elite currency, which is bought in turn for real money. The second way to get brains is to "bury" your friend. Note that the more friends you have, the more brains you can get to work with. It is important to remember that as soon as your friend enters the game and "digs" his hero, one brain is automatically canceled from you, which means that one zombie is sent to his crypt before the free brain appears.

Tip one: regularly invite new friends to the game to get the maximum amount of brains. In addition, you can go to the official Zombie Farm for Android group and find additional neighbors for your farm there. Friends will not only bring you a valuable resource, but will also regularly give you exclusive gifts that you will need to upgrade buildings.

Game currency

In total, the game provides two types of currency: coins and zombiebucks. Gold can be obtained by completing story missions, found in treasures, or by selling crops. Hypnosun is considered the most profitable crop. It grows quite quickly and gives a good income when sold. Other cultures can also be sold, but they bring less coins.

Tip two: use the entire free area for a garden.

There is an opinion that it is very profitable to brew various potions and sell them. This is not entirely true, because spent resources very rarely bring the same capital as if they were sold one by one.

Tip three: Don't waste your time making the potion. Turns in Zombie Farm for Android should only be used for story missions. Having collected enough coins - expand your possessions. After all, the larger the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden, the more capital you can earn. Then you can buy one "tent" with a lumberjack and a stonecutter.

Another way to help increase coins is by selling gifts. Here, the “advice first” automatically works, because the more friends, the more gifts, which means more coins. Remember that all users love reciprocity. Try to give gifts to your neighbors every day to receive gratitude from them. Please note that a wish list will be “lit” above each icon of your neighbor. When choosing a gift, this aspect should be taken into account so as not to give “trash” to users. Don't forget that you can also set up your own list of desired gifts yourself.


Zombiebucks is an elite currency in Zombie Farm for Android. It can be purchased in unlimited quantities for real money. However, there are tasks that will help you earn a few extra banknotes. In addition, if users enter the game daily, they can additionally play roulette, where there is also a chance to win zombiebucks.


Each building makes it possible to produce additional resources. For example, after the Crypt is fully built, users can start making green paint or pipes, in the Lighthouse - a bucket, red paint and wire, in the Hut - additional brains for amorous deeds, and so on. Remember that each new element is another “brick” for creating the next building, and each completed building is an additional experience and the next step to a new level.

Dig with your hands and dig with a shovel!

At their neighbor's farm, players can take five actions to unearth valuable items, gold, and treasure. If you think that there is no difference where to dig, it is not so at all. Do not dig on perfectly flat beds and in the field, as there the chance to find the treasure is almost zero. It is best to examine single, bulging objects. For example, a stone on the edge of the map, a small bush, an inconspicuous decorative figurine, and so on.


Zombie Farm for Android provides a huge number of different collections. By collecting one of the available combinations, users can get not only valuable resources, but even a few zombiebucks. You can find missing items for collections both on your site and on a neighbor's farm. Often collecting a collection is part of a story mission, so don't rush to exchange it right away. Selling collections makes sense if you have a solid capital of gold coins and you just need to get extra points to increase the level. For example, the collections "Beach", "Teenager", "Santa Claus" - give 500 experience. Selling collections for the sake of increasing gold is not profitable.

Do not rush to build certain buildings.

Make sure you have the required amount of materials.

Build the Crypt at the start of the game. This will be your first building you will build. It will be the main source of resources at the initial levels. After that, build a Lighthouse and a Pyramid, they will generate gold and materials.

You will be rewarded for completing tasks. zombies. Try not to waste this valuable currency, and collect it to buy really valuable and important things, for example, a watchman. It will protect the territory of your farm from visitors. So your friends will not be able to steal suitcases and bonuses from you.

One of the most useful buildings at the beginning of the game will be Bridge. Try to build it and then, every 3 hours suitcases will appear. In them you can find materials and plants to which you have yet to grow and grow. Drops are things like garlic, roses, yellow and red paint, springs, lilies, eye peas, red and blue tiles, and a host of other useful stuff. To build a bridge, you need ropes. They can be asked from friends or received for spring collection. Unfortunately, without a watchman they can be opened by everyone who came to dig treasures from you.

At first focus on clearing the area of ​​excess trees, bushes, and rocks. This will allow you to plant more. There are chests with experience, money and collections. It is best to immediately buy a pair of woodcutters and stonemasons, they do everything faster and quickly pay off.

The main advice here is - you need attract as many friends as possible to the game and acquaintances. The Zombie Farm game also rewards for inviting more people to the game. Every day, friends give you one free gift, which will be extremely useful for a successful game. There is no limit on the number of invited friends, so you can call as many as you need.

Save all collections that you find, they will still be useful to you. Try to keep 15 of each collection in stock. The accumulation of collections is often part of a task. Thus, you will be able to collect collections even before the appearance of the official "Tasks", which means that when you receive the task, it will be possible to complete it in just a few seconds. The only exception is when you really need a "prize" for the collected collection (for example, to complete another task).

The most useful activity cherry cultivation. This is the most profitable tree of all. It gives the most sought after collections of all that drop from chests. These are secret, infernal and hyper collections.

Become a Pirate

To become a pirate, you need to complete a pirate quest. After that, you can go on a trip by sea with your friends. You can also make your own ship, recruit a crew and go in search of new islands and treasures. On the new island, with a high probability, you can dig up precious items and collections. The main treasure is the Dead Man's Chest.

Update your list of requests

You can tell your friends which gifts you should give. Perhaps you desperately need some item or ingredient, but friends give you not what you need. They may not know what to give you, so let them know.

Bury your friends (this applies to the game)

Brains, for your employees, can be obtained for free by burying a friend or several friends. Near the image of brains, there is an inscription +1. Click on it to bury a friend. Do not worry, nothing bad will happen to a friend, this is a normal phenomenon in the Zombie Farm game.

Dig treasure

Dig treasures on the territory of your friends' farm. Come visit them and dig everything they have. Under some buildings, you can dig up valuable collections and materials. For example, under "watchman" you can accumulate a lot of love. For convenience, you can view information about what to look for and where it is worth digging, and where not.

Free gifts every day.

Give your friends free gifts and they will do the same for you. It is allowed to send one gift to each friend per day. It is advisable to give what they ask for, because the gift should be useful (remember the advice above). It's easy to do - choose a free gift, click donate, check the box "show everyone who is looking for this." You can also write a comment and ask for help.

Regularly complete tasks, they are not only on the left, but also at the bottom there are several pages with tasks. For their implementation, you will be rewarded with useful resources and bonuses.

Use the clicker

clicker- This is a special program that simulates mouse clicks, only at a faster speed. A very necessary thing when you have many friends and more than 300 free gifts come every day. You can also dig from friends using the clicker. On the Internet, you can find many options for these programs.

In order to speed up the spinning press the "start" button and move on to the next roulette. You will still receive a win without waiting for the result. By building a Hypersphere using zombiebucks, you can speed up this process several times more.

Accompany your gifts with a signature

Thus, the likelihood that you will be answered is higher. In the comments, you can indicate what item you want to receive in return.

Visit friends below level 50

On farms with a higher level, there is a chance to meet a watchman. In this case, you will not be able to find suitcases, buckets of fishermen, bags of treasure hunters.

Use your holidays effectively

Collect coins for the holidays to buy as many free holiday buildings as possible.

Build hangars on paid islands

You rarely visit such islands, so this territory can be built up with hangars.

Having removed the mobile phone and tent buildings, you can block access to your friends to the islands Mobile and Dense.

Build as many casinos as possible, but play there. Spin the zombie fortune roulette for 5 chips. This way you can replenish the stocks of glue.

Build a business center

Build a business center where you can sell lilies and roses at a better price.

Get secret treasures

Finding such a treasure on the farm of a friend who has few buildings (for example, the Maya Islands) will not be difficult.

Do not unpack all gifts at once

When you have a quest that requires a collection item, the best way to get this item is to unpack the gift box.

Answers to popular questions

Where to get zombies

  • Zombucks are given for exchanging collections such as Emerald and Halloween.
  • Given as a reward for completing missions.
  • Win at roulette.
  • If you complete the construction of gift buildings, such as the "House of Fear", "Emerald Palace" and others.
  • If you catch a pirate and he does not have time to sail.
  • Zombucks can be made from zombaxid in Babylon.
  • Buy for real money.

How to become a pirate

You need to complete a pirate quest, buy a tavern and win a chest.

Pirate target- find a chest in the warehouse and then bury it on the Treasure Island, where you can sail on the ship. Whether you're doing this quest on your own ship or a requisitioned ship, you can collect treasure along the way.

To become a real pirate, you need to take part in a special game roulette, which is held once a week for free and at any time at the request of the player for doubloons. It is here, in roulette, that the pirates win a chest to be buried on the island.

Buried treasures must be protected! A corsair who has lost his vigilance, who is caught by 15 or more townspeople, has exactly a day to sail away. If he does not have time to do this, the treasures from the chest are divided among the townspeople.

Where to dig for treasure

In almost all cases, the treasure will be under some special item on the map. It can be a healthy stone, a balloon, some unusual flower. The probability that the treasure will be buried somewhere in the field and without any landmarks is extremely small.

How to get a lot of coins quickly

  1. The fastest way to earn coins - sell nails. This business can enrich you by 3000 coins. But it takes a lot of friends.
  2. Use of golden shovels on the farms of friends. This method is very profitable in obtaining coins and experience. When finding secret treasures, you can get valuable collections and items.
  3. Growing tangerines and making marmalade. The cost of producing one unit of sweetness is 56245, which in turn is the sum of the price of 10 tangerines (55540) and 5 roses (705). Thus, 56245= 55540 + 705. The cost of selling marmalade is 100842. Subtract the cost of production from the resulting amount and we get 44597 coins of net profit.
  4. Cooking Claverhell and making red paint out of it. This requires a lighthouse to be built. We grow Pumpkinhell and Clover, after that from 1 Pumpkinhell (worth 40 coins) and 2 Clovers (10 coins each) we cook one portion of Cloverhell and get 210 coins. After that, in the lighthouse we produce red paint from Claverhell and 1000 coins. We sell the finished paint for 1800, in total we get 740 coins of net benefit (60 + 1000 = 1060. 1800 - 1060 = 740). This option is faster, but you need to be online and follow the actions of the chefs.
  5. Sale of free gifts received from friends. The most precious gift is Love. For 1000 Love Gifts sold, you can earn 1 million gold coins. Thus, the more friends you have, the more you will sell.
  6. Walking on the trees is also quite lucrative. The limit for putting free gingerbread into Christmas trees is 150 per day. For each gingerbread, you will receive a reward in the form of 2 units of some material, worth 500 coins. Thus, for each gingerbread you get 1000 coins. If you invest all the gingerbread that you can in a day, then you get an amount of 150 thousand, practically from nothing.

More tips and useful information can be found in the file, which you can download from the link below. There you will find the following information:

  • Tips and Tricks for playing Zombie Farm
  • Treasures and secret treasures in the game Zombie Farm
  • Where to get more brains in Zombie Farm
  • How to get zombucks for free in Zombie Farm
  • Popular Collections
  • Passage of game Zombie Farm
  • How to become human in Zombie Farm
  • Zombie Farm Explanatory Dictionary
You are very lucky that you are reading this article now. Because it was written for you by a real Zombie Farm player. And I didn’t think to read the advice of the old people when I started playing myself. So don't repeat my mistakes.

The main secret of this wonderful online game is friends!
Why? Yes, because friends can always help. And not just freebies. At first, I didn’t even know that you can ask friends for black marble, ropes, compasses, transformers and other useful things. And I bought them for zombies. Spent my money!

But I’ll immediately upset you that, for example, you will have to buy a watchman and Elvises for real money, because they are very expensive, you won’t gain so much by passing levels alone. And the Watchman and the Elvises are very helpful guys. The first one protects your bags and chests from thieving neighbors, and the second one helps you quickly harvest and plant new plants.

Beginners should definitely open the Bridge. It provides materials and plants that you have yet to grow and grow to. Drops are things like roses, garlic, yellow and red paint, eye peas, springs, lilies, red and blue tiles, and a lot of other useful stuff. To build a bridge, you need ropes. They can be asked from friends or received for the Spring Collection. You can dig up this collection from neighbors under Valentine, Watchman, Treasure Hunt, Leader, Fountain. Still need nails - they can be made in the Pyramid. And you will have to ask the neighbors for Sequoia Bars.

Make friends who are at higher levels. They can help with plants and materials that you need to complete quests.

Well, neighbors at lower levels will help you too. At least gifts. Here, I think, is the biggest secret.

Friends can be found in game communities on free resources - in Mail.ru and Odnoklassniki.

The next secret is how get the right gifts. They need to be specified in the so-called "Wishlist". You can install an item or plant in your Wishlist by clicking on the list of recipes, and under the desired plant, click the plus sign. Or by clicking on the building. And in the same way, install the necessary material. If you do not put the desired item in the filter, the neighbors will give you gifts at their discretion. Writing what you want in a nickname is usually useless.

To earn coins and experience, dig up your friends' beds every day. At first, you will do this five shovels a day for each neighbor. But at level 23, you will be able to buy and build the Diamond Eye. And you will have the opportunity to create your own shovels and dig up to 100 shovels from your neighbors daily.

Always send daily freebies. And your neighbors will reciprocate. Because some send gifts only in return. The reason is a lot of non-playing accounts and clones.

More Zombie Farm Secrets

To pass the levels faster you need to increase your experience. Therefore, it makes sense to collect and then sell collections.

The most expensive collections by experience:

  • Collection of toys - gives 400 experience
  • Hyper Collection - gives 400 experience
  • Spring Collection - gives 400 experience
  • Collection of Santa Claus - gives 500 experience
  • Teen Collection - gives 500 experience
  • Beach Collection - gives 500 experience

Other collections also give good bonuses. For example Emerald gives 1000 experience and 3 zombies! By the way, you can read how to earn zombucks in this article.

But do not rush to sell your collections, which are needed to complete quests.

(new 2019 Zombie Farm and Zombie Mania quests are on top, earlier ones are on the bottom)

In order to find a new zombie civilization, you need to go down to the ocean floor and solve the mystery of Zombatida. Rebuild the Idols, the Temple and you will discover many new values, materials and resources. Underwater adventures in Zombie Farm are just beginning!

Solving the riddle of Ups, you will have to open the islands: Suspicious, Mysterious and Tropical. You can finish the quest line by restoring all the buildings destroyed by Ups on the islands. For quests, the material Seine is given as a reward, and on the islands you can get the material Dragon's Tooth.

Get the Devil's Gate and get through them to Bald Mountain. Help the Witches from Bald Mountain prepare for the ritual and you will be surprised at the miracles that will happen on Bald Mountain. Items prepared for the ceremony will turn into decoration gift sets that can be opened with a click. A bald mountain can only be turned once, so think carefully about what will stand there before performing a magical rite.

After completing the first quests of the pirate line, you will get at your disposal a Tavern and, thanks to the roulette in it, you can be a Pirate or a Citizen - as you are lucky. The role of the Citizen gives you the opportunity to earn 1 zombaks by catching a pirate with a team of 15 citizens. The role of the Pirate is the most interesting. It allows you to travel to the islands with treasures using a special transport and a team of pirates assembled with it.

At the end of the Zombie Farm quest line about the chemistry lesson, we will be presented with a Toy tree. As soon as you put a toy tree on the ground, it will turn into a Sequoia tree. Choose your location well before placing the Toy Tree on the ground. The transformed sequoia cannot be moved - only demolished with the help of lifesaver or zombie lumberjacks, so choose the place where it will stand well.

Know how to make friends - it will be easier to live. Do you know where love is? Ask the zombie chefs. Go around all the workers around, it suddenly turns out that one of them is your friend. Help them with their work, they will thank you with care. Can't find a solution? A bribe is also an option, especially for corrupt zombies. But knowing the solution is one thing, achieving the goal is another. Learn to read and write to decipher the signs that guide you to the right path. And don't forget to be assertive.

A whole winter puzzle - how to get and build three Christmas trees of different sizes to get gingerbread? Small, big, huge... A blank for each of the Christmas trees can be found on a separate island with the corresponding name. Particularly confusing tasks will be tasks for transferring Christmas trees, but if you are careful and read all the tips for tasks, you can deal with the Christmas trees quickly enough and without much difficulty.

What? Where? How? All this will have to be learned by going through the training quest tasks of the Zombie Farm. The first planting, the first harvest, the first mining... This is just a small part of what you will have to learn during the first quests of the game. Build buildings, visit friends and get prizes that will be useful to you in the future. Do you want to become a successful zombie farmer? Read all clues in quests.

It would seem that what can surprise you in the farm genre that has already been hackneyed to holes? It turns out you can. Just add zombies and immediately everything plays with different colors. Although, the farm from this farm will not cease to be. Nevertheless, Zombie Farm has taken its place in the genre and is quite popular among users.

Ways to get coins in Zombie Farm

  • the most reliable and fastest way is to create and sell nails. Net profit, taking into account expenses, can be 1500 coins;
  • swarming with golden shovels on friendly farms;
  • cultivation of tangerines and production of marmalade. Net profit, taking into account the cost of tangerines and roses, will be in the region of 45 thousand coins;
  • creation of the Devil. Net profit, taking into account the cost of cherry jam, heli and bamboo, in the region of 42 thousand coins;
  • laying out gingerbread in Christmas trees. Limit 150 gingerbread per day. For each gingerbread we get 2 materials that can be sold for 500 coins each. Total 1000 coins from one gingerbread, i.e. 150 thousand coins per day.

Zombie farm tips

  • give free gifts;
  • don't waste zombucks if you can do without them;
  • the golden billion is a decor that brings an increase in experience. To get it, you need to collect 2 billion coins;
  • don't forget that Zombie Farm has a limit on life sticks: 400-600 pieces per day;
  • put important decor only on the home island;
  • selling free gifts can bring a lot of coins;
  • to find collections, dig up as many buildings and decor of friends as possible;
  • Add friends to receive a free gift.