What is more important for weight loss: quality of food or calories? The most high-calorie food in the world The most kcal foods.

To always be in good physical shape, it is important to carefully choose the products that will be included in the diet. As a rule, in order to lose weight, you need to reduce the number of calories you consume. Many decide to exclude high-calorie foods from their menu, considering such a solution to overweight problems to be correct and logical.

Most of these foods are really harmful to the body, it is better not to eat them. But not all high-calorie foods are the cause of obesity, among them there are very useful ones, the rejection of which will lead to serious health problems.

What is the calorie content of food

The calorie content of food is determined by the chemical composition: the content of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in it. 1 g of protein contains about 4 kcal. The same number of calories contains 1 g of carbohydrates. Fats contain the largest amount of energy - 9.3 kcal per 1 g. For the normal functioning of the body, a complete and balanced diet is required, which includes all three components.

  • Fats aid in the digestion of food and the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and nutrients from food.
  • Protein is required by the body for the development and growth of muscles. They must be included in the daily menu of each person. But an excess of protein food with insufficient physical activity leads to the formation of adipose tissue.
  • Carbohydrates are a source of energy for the body. They provide most of the energy demand. Despite the fact that they burn in the body faster than proteins and fats, you need to carefully monitor their intake, because excess unused carbohydrates easily turn into fat.

When choosing food, you need to carefully study their composition, given that during heat treatment or when other components are added to the dish, the calorie content can change significantly.

High calorie fat foods

Foods high in fat have the highest calorie content. The list of such products includes:

  • Vegetable oil is the most high-calorie product. It contains 99.8 g of fat per 100 g and as many as 899 kilocalories!
  • Pork and chicken fat are inferior in calories quite a bit (885 kcal).
  • Butter with 82.5% fat content contains 747 kcal per 100 g. Margarine has approximately the same indicators.
  • Mayonnaise "Provencal" 68% - 624 kilocalories.
  • Nuts, depending on the type, contain an average of 600–700 kcal per 100 g. The most high-calorie nut is the Australian macadamia nut (720 kcal), the least high-calorie are pistachios and peanuts (about 555 kcal). The energy value of roasted and salted nuts increases by 50–70 kcal.
  • Sunflower seed contains 50% fat, and its calorie content is 582 kilocalories.

The intake of fats in the body is a prerequisite for the full functioning of all its systems. Their lack leads to health problems, so a complete rejection of fats is unacceptable!

The correct solution is to eat polyunsaturated fats, which are found in unrefined vegetable oils, fish and nuts. They lower blood cholesterol levels and provide the body with nutrients. Recent studies confirm that they contribute to the loss of excess weight, as they normalize metabolism.

calorie protein foods

A large amount of protein is found in dairy products, meat, fish and legumes. What are the highest calorie foods among them?

  • Cheese contains proteins and fats in approximately the same amount (26 g each). Thanks to such a rich content of nutrients, the cheese has an average calorie content of 350 kcal.
  • Cottage cheese with a fat content of 18%. Its nutritional value is 236 kcal per 100 g. Fat-free cottage cheese is a low-calorie food - only 85 kcal per 100 g.
  • Game meat: duck, goose contains 350 kilocalories per 100 g.
  • Fatty pork, calorie content of almost 500 kcal.
  • Sausages and sausages - these products are also very high in calories. For example, the energy value of 100 g of semi-smoked Servelat sausage is 420 kcal. She has even more salami. Their high calorie content is due to the increased content of saturated fats in the composition, which are deposited in the form of excess fat and negatively affect the activity of all body systems. It is better to completely refuse the use of such products.

Calorie content of foods high in carbohydrates

Foods that have a lot of carbohydrates in their chemical composition can be divided into two groups:

  • high in simple or fast carbohydrates,
  • containing complex (slow) carbohydrates.

The first group includes cakes, halva, waffles and cookies - the most high-calorie carbohydrate-containing foods. In addition to the carbohydrate content, they are also high in fat. The energy value of halva reaches 520 kcal, and waffles and cookies - an average of 430 kcal per 100g.

Chocolate and sweets also have a very high calorie content - 560 kcal per 100 g. Dark chocolate without foreign components improves blood circulation in the brain, normalizes blood pressure, and reduces the risk of heart attack. Milk chocolate is very high in sugar and fat, so it is best to consume it in limited quantities.

It is customary to include all cereals, legumes and vegetables in the second group of carbohydrate-containing products. Their calorie content is low.

What you need to know about simple and complex carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrates - saccharides - are called so because of their structure and ability to quickly saturate the body with energy. They are necessary to activate the work of the brain and maintain the desired level of insulin. With high physical exertion, simple carbohydrates help to quickly restore strength.

Nutritionists advise eating foods containing slow carbohydrates in the first half of the day. Foods high in saccharides are recommended to be included in the diet as little as possible, as they contain a large number of "empty calories" and have a high glycemic index (from 70 units).

The relationship between the calorie content of foods and their glycemic index

The glycemic index (GI) is directly related to the rate at which carbohydrates are broken down in our body. The higher the index, the faster carbohydrates are absorbed into the blood, and the feeling of hunger sets in.

The glycemic index has nothing to do with the calorie content of the product. For example, dark chocolate is one of the most high-calorie foods, it has a low glycemic index of 22. In pumpkin, on the contrary, with a very low calorie content of 22 kcal, the GI is 75 units. When compiling the right diet, it is important to consider both indicators.

What are the highest calorie low GI foods?

Products that contain complex carbohydrates have a low glycemic index - up to 40 units. But among them there are high-calorie ones.

For example, oat groats contain 345 kilocalories per 100 g. Millet, semolina and rice groats have slightly less nutritional value. Therefore, cereals from these cereals give a feeling of satiety for a long time. A serving of oatmeal boiled in milk (200 g) will contain about 220 kcal. And this is not so little!

The most high-calorie vegetable is the potato. It helps to normalize metabolism and removes excess water and salt. But with a serving of mashed potatoes, the body will receive about 200 kcal, and fried potatoes or french fries will add twice as many calories. Potato chips have an even greater energy value - 530 kcal.

Durum wheat pasta also has a low index, but a high calorie content: a standard serving of boiled pasta contains 250 kcal.

The most high-calorie fruits

Almost all fruits contain simple carbohydrates and have a high glycemic index. What is the highest calorie fruit?

  • The calorie champion among fruits is avocado (250 kcal). Bananas, contrary to popular belief, are not so nutritious - 87 kcal. But, given that the average banana weighs 200 g, then with it the body will receive about 170 kilocalories. In dried form, its calorie content is even higher - 390 kcal! All dried fruits have a high nutritional value: 100 g of raisins - 265 kcal, and dates - 300.
  • High-calorie and fruit juices, especially grape, pomegranate and cherry. A glass contains from 120 to 135 kcal.

Thus, not only the energy value of food is important for a person, but also the speed of its assimilation. Therefore, even the most high-calorie foods - vegetable oil, nuts, cheese and dark chocolate, if eaten in moderation, will not harm the figure. But it is better to completely exclude high-calorie foods such as mayonnaise, chips, sausages, chocolate bars from your diet, as they harm the figure and negatively affect the entire body. They have no place in a healthy diet.

Most calories are found in fats, so the most high-calorie foods are not at all carbohydrate bread and potatoes, but fatty ones - butter, fatty meat and cream cakes.

Highest calorie content of all foods Sunflower oil (900 kcal), butter (750 kcal), bacon, fatty pork, raw smoked sausage (470 kcal), mayonnaise (630 kcal), nuts, chocolate and cream-filled confectionery have.

Fortunately, sunflower oil is not drunk in glasses, but it is not worth cooking already fatty meat on it, otherwise the calorie content of the dish will increase significantly.

Hidden fats are especially dangerous. If the fat can be cut off from the pork tenderloin, the fat skin can be removed from the chicken, and the schnitzel (337 calories per 100 g) can be blotted with napkins, then the cream-soaked cake is unlikely to be secure. For example, 100 g of Napoleon cake contains 550 kcal!

Also high in calories beef, lamb, half-smoked sausage, boiled sausage (doctor's - 260 kcal), cheese, sour cream, fatty cottage cheese, herring, bread (rye - 214 kcal, white - 250 kcal), pasta, sugar, honey, jam.

When choosing cheese in a store, be sure to look at its fat content. The higher the percentage of fat in cheese, the more calories it has. In some soft varieties of French cheese, the fat content reaches 75%, these are the so-called triple fat cheeses. Traditional Brie cheese has a fat content of at least 45%. The calorie content of cheese can be recognized by its appearance. The fatter the cheese, the softer and more delicate its texture, the easier it is spread.

Of the hard cheeses, the most dietary varieties are Camembert, Mozzarella and Lithuanian, and the most high-calorie is Cheddar cheese - 400 kcal, fat content 45-48%!

Pasta is not so dangerous if you do not add oil and fatty sauces to them, of which the most satisfying are “4 cheeses” and “Carbonara”. So that the pasta is digested more slowly, and not completely, they should be slightly undercooked. Durum wheat pasta contains slower carbohydrates, i.e. those that are more slowly absorbed compared to cheap pasta from soft varieties.

Moderate calorie compared to other foods have chickens, chicken, turkey, rabbit meat, chicken eggs (157 kcal), sturgeon, bold cottage cheese.

Even less calories milk, kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, cod (75 kcal), pike perch, pike, hake, flounder, berries (except cranberries), fruits and vegetables.

Foods with a high water content have the lowest calorie content. The more water in vegetables, the lower their calorie content. The fiber content also affects the calorie content. The more fiber, the lighter the product. You can artificially add fiber, for example, in the form of bran, to any dish. This will reduce its calorie content. A light vegetable salad is a good start to lunch. Vegetables fill the stomach and create a feeling of satiety.

The most non-caloric foods- these are zucchini, cabbage, cucumbers (15 kcal), radishes, turnips, lettuce, tomatoes (19 kcal), sweet peppers, pumpkin, cranberries, mushrooms, for example, champignons.

The main condition of our life is food.

Much depends on what we eat and how much: our general condition, image and life expectancy ...

Therefore, you need to organize your diet wisely. Especially wisely, one should approach the issue of weight: whether it is its reduction, gain or retention.

Calories are the amount of energy that we get from food and must be utilized, because if the balance between intake and expenditure is not maintained, a person will certainly.

Who and how determined that, for example, there are 20 of them in cucumbers, and 200 in meat? It turns out that there are many methods for this. The main one is the use of a calorimeter - a special thermally insulated chamber in which the product is burned and it turns out how much heat (energy) is released.
In fact, the same thing happens in our body, and a person uses the received energy for himself: for metabolism, for physical activity and for heat production.

Energy is a category necessary for maintaining the vital activity of an organism. We get energy from food, but we spend it not only during physical activity (as many people think), but even when we are actually doing nothing.

Even when we are watching TV or sleeping, a huge amount of energy is spent on maintaining the vital functions of organs: breathing, contracting the heart, digesting food, maintaining a constant body temperature, etc.
Therefore, it is very important that a person receives a sufficient amount of energy every day, which is necessary for maintaining health.

The units of energy contained in food and expended by the body are calories. The word "calorie" comes from the Latin language, it means "warmth". One calorie is enough energy to heat one liter of water by 1°C. For example, the energy of a product containing 100 calories is enough to boil one liter of water. Calories or kilocalories (kcal) are used to measure the energy value of foods. Knowing the calorie content of certain foods, you can accurately calculate the calorie content of the dish that needs to be prepared.

At the same time, in most cases, knowing only the calorie content of foods will not be enough, in addition to the caloric content of foods, one must take into account their chemical composition - the amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, as well as the content of liquid and other useful substances.

Calories are found in almost everything you eat and drink (except water, black tea, diet drinks, and dried herbs). At the same time, all products consist of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which contain a different amount of calories, determined by their chemical composition.
Fats contain the largest amount of energy - about 9 kcal per 1 gram. Carbohydrates and protein contain about 4 kcal per 1 gram. Alcohol contains 7 calories per gram.
Foods with a high water content have fewer calories and contribute less to obesity. These foods include fruits and vegetables.

It should be borne in mind that all products have a different ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. For example, potatoes contain a lot of carbohydrates, but there are also a certain amount of proteins and carbohydrates. The steak contains a lot of proteins and fats, and there are no carbohydrates at all.
It is very important that all calories entering the body are in a certain ratio. That is, you can not try to eat only carbohydrates, or only proteins, such a diet is harmful to the body.

All products can be conditionally divided into several groups, thereby forming a conditional table of caloric content of products.

high calorie foods

The highest calorie foods (450-900 kcal per 100 g):

Sunflower oil, ghee, butter,

Fat, smoked sausages, fatty pork.

Chocolate, nuts cream cakes.

High calorie foods (200-449 kcal per 100 g):

Meat pork, beef of the 1st category, lamb of the 1st category,
- half-smoked, boiled-smoked, boiled sausages, sausages, meat loaves, sausages,
- ducks, geese,
- hard, processed, pickled cheeses,
- sour cream, cottage cheese curds, fat cottage cheese,
- autumn capelin, saury, bonito, stellate sturgeon, eel, Pacific herring, caviar,
- bread, donuts and pasta,
- sugar, jam, honey.

Medium calorie foods

Medium-calorie products are considered products 100-199 kcal per 100 g,
These include:

Broiler chickens, category II turkeys, chicken eggs, category II chickens, quail eggs,

Zuban, mackerel, asp, lean Atlantic herring, horse mackerel, mackerel, macrorus, sturgeon,

Yoghurt 6% fat, semi-fat cottage cheese.

low calorie foods

Products (30-99 kcal per 100 g) of the low-calorie group:

Kefir, milk, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt 1.5% and 3.2% fat, curdled milk, koumiss,
- hake, cod, zander, carp, pike, flounder,
- fruits, berries (except cranberries),
- swede, cabbage, green peas, potatoes, carrots, radishes, beans, beets.

Extremely low calorie foods (less than 30 kcal per 100 g):

cabbage, broccoli, zucchini, cucumbers, turnips, radishes, lettuce, sweet peppers, tomatoes, pumpkin, fresh mushrooms, cranberries.

Food calories and weight loss

It is very important to take into account the calorie content of the diet for those who want to quickly and effectively lose weight. Only in this way is it possible to properly regulate the energy balance in the body.

When buying products, pay attention to the packaging, as it always reflects information about exactly how many calories this product contains. And already when cooking, if it combines several different products, it is necessary to carefully calculate the final energy value of the resulting dish. This calculation is made by simply adding up all the ingredients of the dish.

For example, you want to cook buckwheat porridge:

The calorie content of buckwheat indicated on the package is 335 kcal per 100g. You take 100 g of dry buckwheat. Add water 2:1, that is, 200 g. And then fry 50 g of onion (45 kcal per 100 g) in 20 g of oil (900 kcal per 100 g).

Product Weight (g) Kcal/100g

Buckwheat 100 335

Oil 20 900

Total: 370 (335*1+0*2+45*0.5 +900*0.2)/3.7=139.2

Thus, the energy value of buckwheat porridge will be 139.2 kcal per 100 g.

Gradually, over time, an individual plate will be created with the most frequent set of dishes, in which information about the calories of your entire daily menu will be entered. By grouping all these calculations, you can greatly facilitate the process.

We figured out how to count calories, but it’s much more important to decide where to put them.
The main part of the energy of a modern sedentary person (over 60%) is spent on building the structure of the body. He spends very little on physical activity - 25-30%, while he should - about 50%.
The danger is not even that they began to eat more fat, but that they began to move less. Now an active lifestyle leads 5-8% of the population. A person immobilized himself (cars, elevators, TV, even a hydraulic booster on the steering wheel) and approached the lower limit: energy costs are only 2000-2500 kcal per day - these are already critical figures. If it continues like this, people will develop muscular dystrophy, lethargy, the risk of obesity will increase by 3-5 times, followed by problems with the heart and blood vessels, diabetes ...

Knowing the calorie content is necessary to calculate the energy value that a person spends throughout the day. According to published data, a woman on average loses about 2200-2600 kcal per day, provided that she leads the so-called "average" lifestyle. That is, she is not actively involved in sports, and at the same time her daily routine is not passive.

To increase energy consumption, you need to regularly perform various physical exercises for weight loss and lead an active lifestyle - rollerblading, cycling, running, swimming, aerobics, dancing, etc.

Below are the types of activities that allow you to approximately get rid of the following number of calories in one hour:

Aerobics - 420 kilocalories;
- Swimming - 250-400 kilocalories;
- Jogging - 500-600 kilocalories;
- Fast walking - 450-480 kilocalories;
- Biking - 250-450 kilocalories;
- Basketball - 300-350 kilocalories;
- Bowling - 220 kilocalories;
- Dancing - 150-250 kilocalories;
- Skating (rollers) - 200-250 kilocalories;
- Tennis - 400 kilocalories;
- Jumping rope - 400-450 kilocalories;
- Trouble in the kitchen - 70-90 kilocalories;
- Work on a personal plot - 100-120 kilocalories;
- Climbing up the stairs - 500-700 kilocalories.

Simple carbohydrates, which we eat with buns, fruits, honey, sugar, etc., begin to break down immediately, while still in the oral cavity. The remaining unprocessed carbohydrates will be deposited in the liver as body fat. If you ate 2 extra pieces of sugar (about 10 g) - this is about 40 kcal. Of these, almost 3 g of fat is synthesized. If these extra pieces are consumed daily, they will be enough to gain more than 1 kg of excess weight within a year.

As you know, proteins and fats go to thermoregulation, renewal, growth and regeneration of tissues.

To provide the body with essential chemicals per day you need to consume at least 400 grams of carbohydrates, 80 grams of protein and 100 grams of fat.

Thus, knowing exactly how many calories a day is consumed and how much is spent, you can influence the process of losing weight. To do this, you just need to choose the most suitable diet, control calories in cooking and consume them in the required amount, lead an active lifestyle and exercise.

We get these vital substances from staple foods, so it is desirable to know their exact composition.

With the help of a food calorie table, no doubt, you can improve your diet and make your diet healthier, but you can’t equate everyone with the same comb. It is best to consult with a nutritionist who will calculate your personal daily diet according to your gender, body constitution, type of activity and goals.

How to stay slim

Many are convinced that in order to easily get rid of excess weight, you need to consume a small amount of calories or not consume them at all. Actually this is not a solution to the problem. Because in this case, the body receives a signal that you are “starving”, and your metabolic processes slow down. Maya Plisetskaya's principle "you need to eat less" (sorry for being direct) does not always work - someone may misunderstand the interpretation and get into the habit of eating three fatty chops, half a loaf or sitting on one salad seasoned with a liter of mayonnaise. Losing weight and feeling good with such a routine will definitely not work.

A "calorie bomb", like a custard bun, would be nice to replace with a human healthy breakfast - cottage cheese with berries and herbal tea. Instead of pan-fried meat, cook it in the oven or double boiler. And from lunch, according to Soviet canteen standards - soup, salad and hot, it is quite possible to exclude hot.

Food calorie content: in the first dish - 370 calories, 13 g of fat, in the second - 370 calories, 11 g of fat.

Let's look at examples of options for breakfast, lunch or dinner with the calculation of the calorie content of foods. Believe me, it is very easy to find an alternative to high-calorie and useless foods!


When it’s too lazy to cook in the morning, we limit ourselves to a sandwich with butter, cheese or sausage, as well as pastries. Look at it another way: in one tiny muffin with a banana-nut filling, whole 530 calories and 23 g fat! For your own health and slim figure, it is better to prepare a full breakfast consisting of soft-boiled eggs, fresh strawberries with low-fat yogurt, English scones and a cup of coffee with skim milk. 100 calories and 12 grams less fat!

In the first version - muesli, low-fat yogurt, strawberries, banana and honey. Total: 809 calories, 26g fat. It may seem strange, but the second breakfast is less caloric: low-fat yogurt, strawberries and blueberries (instead of bananas), French toast, maple syrup, some bacon, a cup of coffee. Total: 575 calories, 18 grams of fat.


If you can't deny yourself a sweet tooth, at least don't opt ​​for a large cappuccino ( 904 calories, 57 g fat). It's better to "make it small" - drink a mocha with ice and skim milk and eat a couple of small healthy cookies, find out "what is good and what is bad" and reconsider your diet.
Based on materials from all-diety.ru, www.fat-man.ru, mama.zahav.ru, izum.ua

A calorie is the basic unit of energy that a person gets from food. The daily amount of calories a person needs varies. It depends on how old a person is, what gender he is, how much he weighs and on his physical activity. On average, the daily calorie intake is 2500 for people who are not engaged in physical labor. To properly plan your diet, you need to know what the most high-calorie food exists and how many calories and what foods contain.

Oils and fats

The most high-calorie foods are animal and vegetable fats. For example, 100 g of lard or fish oil contains as many as 900 calories, which makes them extremely high in calories.

Other fats have almost the same calorie content:

  • beef;
  • mutton;
  • poultry (chickens, ducks, geese);
  • cod liver;
  • confectionery and culinary.

Almost inferior in calories to animal fats and vegetable fats used for cooking first and second courses, baking, as well as for dressing salads:

  • sunflower;
  • olive;
  • corn;
  • peanut;
  • rapeseed;
  • linen;
  • coconut;
  • hemp;
  • soy;
  • walnut.

In second place among fats are natural butter and margarines - they contain about 750 calories.

Meat, poultry and sausages

Of this category of food, the most high-calorie is raw smoked pork belly. Its calorie content 600 calories. It is followed by fatty pork meat with a calorie content of almost 500 calories. The same number of calories in raw-smoked Amateur sausage of the first grade.

Slightly less calories

  • raw smoked Amateur sausage;
  • half-smoked Krakow sausage;
  • half-smoked loin.

They have 470-460 calories. Pork chops have the same energy value. 100 calories they lose veal and chicken cutlets (370-380 calories).

Of poultry, fried domestic goose (620 calories) is in first place in terms of calories, boiled goose is less high-calorie - 450 calories. Fattened goose liver is the fattest offal with over 400 calories. Domestic duck and chicken egg yolk contain 50 fewer calories.

Fish and seafood

Fish products do not lag behind in nutritional value from meat products. The gifts of rivers and seas are also very high in calories due to the fish oil they contain:

  • salmon of different types - 430-200;
  • dried smelt - 390;
  • dried chum salmon - 380;
  • beluga and Caspian lamprey - 330;
  • whitefish - 270;
  • Aral white-eye - 250;
  • shrimp fried in oil - 250;
  • dried roach and wavy croaker - 230;
  • dried bream and autumn capelin - 220;
  • scallop - 220;
  • fried catfish, sea bass and clams of all kinds - 200;
  • Siberian sturgeon - 200;
  • smoked mullet and Caspian sprat - 200;
  • fried carp and salted chum salmon - 180.

Fish caviar is also nutritious and tasty:

  • Lobanya caviar - 500;
  • Pacific herring caviar - 310;
  • sturgeon caviar - 290-200;
  • black and red caviar - 260;
  • caviar chum - 250;
  • caviar of beluga and pink salmon - 230;
  • stellate sturgeon caviar - 220.

Fish caviar is an expensive delicacy and decoration of any table. It is rich in valuable saturated fatty acids and easily digestible proteins, as well as vitamins A, E, D and iodine, which is in an accessible form, which is necessary for the functioning of the thyroid gland. Caviar keeps the human body in good shape, strengthens the heart and blood vessels, promotes the production of collagen protein, which keeps the skin young.

canned food

Canned foods, especially those with added oil, are also very high in calories. Of these, the most nutritious are the following:

  • cod liver - 610;
  • sprats in oil - 370;
  • canned black olives - 360;
  • Atlantic sardines in oil - 250;
  • flounder fried in oil - 250;
  • canned beluga - 230;
  • anchovy in oil - 200.

Therefore, even a small jar of canned food, eaten with other food, will not only diversify the menu, but also provide energy for the whole day.

Nuts and seeds

All nuts are very high in calories due to the vegetable oils they contain. Among them, the first position is occupied by macadamia nuts, originally from Australia. Their energy value is 720 calories. But these exotic fruits are not always commercially available, and they are also expensive. Only 20 calories less in native walnuts and small but tasty hazelnuts (hazelnuts), which contain 700 calories per 100 g. Other nuts are inferior to the top three in terms of calories. They contain:

  • almonds - 650;
  • pine nuts and cashews - 630;
  • pistachios - 610;
  • peanuts - 550.

Very nutritious and everyone's favorite sunflower seeds (610 calories), as well as pumpkin seeds (580 calories). It should be noted that all these products, in addition to a large percentage of fats, also contain almost all vitamins and microelements necessary for the human body. Therefore, from time to time they must be included in your diet, even despite their high calorie content.

Sweets, pastries and sweets

It is known that all sweet and starchy foods contain a lot of calories. And indeed it is. You just have to look at the following list to be sure:

  • chocolate cake - 570;
  • puff pastry with cream filling - 550;
  • bitter, white and milk chocolate - 550-530;
  • waffles with filling - 530;
  • puff cake with cream and sunflower halva - 520;
  • kurabye cookies - 510;
  • corn sticks - 500;
  • wafer rolls with butter filling - 490;
  • chocolate cookies - 460;
  • puff pastry with apple filling - 450;
  • sherbet and ice cream - 450;
  • oatmeal cookies - 430;
  • puff with cottage cheese - 410;
  • cake with raisins - 380;
  • honey - 310.


Some nutritional drinks can easily match even the most high-calorie desserts. It all depends on their composition and the carbohydrates contained in them. In the first place among the drinks is hot chocolate. It has a whopping 490 calories. Adding cream to this drink further increases its calorie content.

Next to hot chocolate are alcoholic drinks. 100 g of these liquids contain calories:

  • in sweet liquor - 350;
  • in vodka, cognac, brandy, gin, whiskey and rum - 250;
  • in sweet wine - 100.

And if you consider that alcohol is usually eaten, then the overall nutritional value of such “food” increases significantly. And yet, despite this, you should not completely refuse good alcohol. In moderate doses, it not only does not harm the body, but also brings obvious benefits: it relieves stress, improves mood, digestion and blood circulation, normalizes metabolism, and prevents blood clots from forming. A portion of natural wine also enriches the body with vitamins, microelements and antioxidants.


  • Parmesan cheese - 430;
  • Swiss cheese - 400;
  • Russian cheese - 370;
  • Dutch cheese - 360;
  • Poshekhonsky cheese - 340.

Other popular milk products have lower calorie content:

  • curd mass - 340;
  • condensed milk with sugar - 315;
  • cheese - 260;
  • fatty cottage cheese and processed cheese - 230;
  • cream 20% fat and thick sour cream - 200.

Without exception, all dairy products are not only nutritious and tasty, but also very useful for the human body. For example, they, like fresh milk, contain a lot of easily digestible protein, as well as calcium and phosphorus, which makes these products indispensable for bone growth and keeping them in excellent condition.

Porridge and pasta

Most cereals and pasta are also nutritious due to the fact that they are 60-80% carbohydrates. For example, food prepared from them will differ in such nutritional value:

  • millet porridge and cereal muesli - 350;
  • corn porridge and pasta of the highest and 1st grade - 340;
  • buckwheat boiled in milk, semolina and barley porridge - 330;
  • brown rice and chickpea porridge - 330;
  • rice, wheat and barley porridge - 320;
  • buckwheat and pea porridge - 300.

The benefits of all types of cereals were noted by our ancestors - a variety of cereals were part of their daily diet and occupied a significant part of it. And today, it is impossible for anyone who adheres to the rules of a healthy diet to do without cereals, because, in addition to carbohydrates, which are a source of vital energy, they also contain a whole set of vitamins and minerals, and most importantly, fiber necessary for normal digestion.

Vegetables and fruits

This is the lowest calorie food, since all vegetables contain few carbohydrates and contain no fat at all. The calorie content of most vegetables does not exceed 50 calories.

The exceptions are:

  • boiled corn on the cob - 110 calories;
  • green peas - 90;
  • potatoes - 80-90.

All vegetable dishes are low in calories. For example, the nutritional value of 100 g of mashed potatoes is only 80-90 calories, so this dish can be eaten without fear by those who are afraid to get better. Fried potatoes are twice as high in calories as boiled potatoes. Its energy value is almost 200 calories.

100 calories each contain such famous dishes as vinaigrette and fried zucchini. From vegetable dishes, squash (120 calories) and eggplant caviar (150 calories) also stand out in terms of nutritional value.

Among fruits and dried fruits, the calorie content belongs to the exotic coconut. Its energy value is 350 calories.

It is followed by:

  • dried apricots and raisins - 290;
  • prunes - 230;
  • avocado - 160;
  • figs - 110;
  • bananas - 90;
  • pomegranate - 80.

The calorie content of most local fruits that are familiar to everyone often does not even reach 50-60 calories. Therefore, even overweight people can eat fresh fruits.

Every girl dreams of being slim and beautiful, but how can you achieve the desired result if you don’t want to go to the gym or deny yourself sweets? Dreams are dreams, but for an ideal figure, the quality of the diet taken, as well as the quality of the products themselves, is of great importance. If you are not serious about the dishes you eat and their quantity, then you can say that you will only dream of an ideal figure at night.

The seriousness of your desire to lose weight, will bring excellent results.

So which foods are among the most high-calorie? Which of them should be consumed in limited quantities, and which should be excluded altogether?

How to determine the maximum calories in a product? It's very simple. If the food contains more of such components as fats, proteins and carbohydrates, then this product is the most high-calorie.

In order not to get confused, it is necessary to separate the products as much as possible by the presence of these components. If necessary, keep a diary for easy selection of your diet. Visually, they can be divided into three types: medium-calorie, low-calorie and high-calorie.

The presence of protein is observed in such products as: fish and seafood, cottage cheese and kefir, meat and dairy products. You can safely attribute them to the first group - medium-calorie.

The presence of protein helps our body in the regeneration of old cells, they are involved as a building material for the growth and development of the body. It produces a lot of energy, so limiting protein intake can lead to irreparable consequences.

Do not try to consume proteins in large quantities, as its excess is deposited in the most problematic areas of the body in the form of body fat.

Calorie foods

One of the high-calorie foods is fat. Despite this, it produces much more energy when digested during digestion than when digesting proteins and carbohydrates. You need to stop eating fats, because. they greatly spoil the figure. Their use leads to the deposition of fat mass, which is highly undesirable for us. Be sure to control the use of such products in your diet.

High-calorie foods are: oil of any origin, fatty meat and fatty fish, and lard can also be included here. Those. These are the foods that are high in fat.

Carbohydrates are useful, but at the same time, high-calorie components. They can also spoil your figure. They are essential, as is protein, but try to minimize them in your diet.

The most high-calorie foods

Sweets - the most carbohydrate foods - various sweets, all kinds of sweets and desserts. Here it will be most difficult to refuse to take such food for a sweet tooth. Remember that the most acute and difficult period is the first 6-10 days. Then it will become more familiar and much easier.

In second place in terms of the amount of carbohydrates are pasta and bakery products. Here we will also include most of the cereals.

If the product contains both fats and carbohydrates, then this is just a killer mixture for you.

One of the golden rules of eating is not to eat fast. Give it at least half an hour and chew thoroughly - it has a beneficial effect on the stomach. Avoid fast foods and deep-fried foods. If possible, eliminate them from your diet. Consult with a nutritionist and choose an individual daily meal for yourself. It should include only healthy, and most importantly, low-calorie food.

If you simultaneously combine your healthy and proper diet with sports, you will doubly give your figure an irresistible look.

So let's recap.

TOP 10 most high-calorie foods that must be excluded from the diet during the diet:

  1. Sweets that contain a lot of sugar.
  2. Desserts (cakes, chocolate, ice cream)
  3. Macaroni, potato chips.
  4. Bakery products, cereals.
  5. Fatty meat, fat
  6. Oily fish.
  7. Butter and vegetable oil, mayonnaise, peanut butter.
  8. Nuts.
  9. Cream, sour cream, hard cheeses.
  10. Some fruits and vegetables (avocados, potatoes, grapes).

For example, you can use the calorie tables of products and ready-made dishes.