What is more important for weight loss: quality of food or calories? The most high-calorie food in the world What foods are high-calorie and not harmful.

Having taken up weight loss, we begin to monitor the calorie content of the food that we eat every day. In conditions when we are allowed to eat a strictly defined number of calories per day, we have to be very selective in our diet - what is high in calories, we try to replace with what they are less in order to be able to satisfy our hunger (that is, eat more food) without harm to the figure.

High-calorie foods leave our diet until better times.

When counting calories, it is useful to know what the calorie content of a meal depends on. The foods we eat consist of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, they contain vitamins, minerals, various beneficial bacteria, amino acids, etc. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates have energy value. These nutrients, when ingested, begin to be broken down into elements, and when they are broken down, energy is formed that allows us to move, breathe, grow, think and live. Something that has a lot of calories gives a lot of energy. Low-calorie energy foods provide little. High calorie food, on the one hand, is beneficial if you need a lot of energy for intense physical activity, etc., on the other hand, if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, you don’t need so much energy, because the body has unused nutrients substances are stored in fat.

The calorie content of a meal depends on how many calories are in carbohydrates, proteins and fats contained in it. enters our body. The most "heavy" in terms of calories are fats. Fatty foods are just what are high in calories: 1 g of fat provides approximately 9.1 kcal when broken down. At the same time, it is quite difficult for the body to break down fats, and it prefers to simply store them. Unsaturated fats are the easiest to break down in the body - vegetable oils and fish oil, they are the least harmful to the figure than animal fats or trans fats.

When broken down, proteins give about 4 kcal per 1 g. Their plus is that they are digested for a very long time, the body spends a lot of energy on their processing, which is why everyone who loses weight loves them so much. The disadvantage of proteins is that if there are too many of them in the diet, the digestive and excretory system begins to suffer, since the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver are subjected to a very large load during the processing of proteins.

Carbohydrates are the main energy resource of the body, its fuel. How many calories are in carbohydrates? About the same amount as in proteins, but they break down much easier, the body almost does not have to make an effort to get energy from them, so we can say that the total calorie content of carbohydrates is higher than the calorie content of proteins. Moreover, carbohydrates are different, and your weight is affected not only by how many calories are in carbohydrates, but also by what carbohydrates you eat. Carbohydrates are divided into fast and slow. The calorie content of carbohydrates is the same for both, but the breakdown rate is not. Fast carbohydrates are very quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and give the body a lot of energy at once, but it ends quickly. The body uses almost no energy to process these carbohydrates, and, accordingly, does not spend calories. Slow carbohydrates are more difficult to process, the body has to make an effort to get energy from them, but this energy is enough for a longer time, because it is released and consumed gradually. Therefore, with the same calorie content of carbohydrates of different types, slow carbohydrates are more useful for the figure.

What should be the calorie content of food

During the day, you should get at least 60% of all your calories from carbohydrates. At the same time, remembering the calorie content of carbohydrates and their different types, it must be borne in mind that fast carbohydrates in the daily diet should be 10-15 times less than slow ones. The rest of your calories should be roughly equal in fat and protein. At the same time, something that has a lot of calories, especially sweets, is better to eat in the morning, before 16:00, and in the evening it is better to eat something light, protein or vegetable, something that is quickly digested. Your breakfast should be high-calorie and satisfying, lunch should be hearty millet, and dinner should be as light as possible. Calorie intake during the day should be something like this: 40% before 12:00; 40% until 16:00 and the remaining 20% ​​until 20:00.

What are many calories

The highest calorie foods have a lot of carbohydrates (especially simple ones) or a lot of fat. Please note: Foods containing fiber actually contain fewer calories than indicated on their packaging, since fiber is practically not absorbed in the body.

Here is an approximate list of what is high in calories - these are high-calorie foods, whose consumption you should carefully monitor:

  • sugar, sugar-containing products;
  • potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, sweet potato;
  • flour, flour products, foods high in starch;
  • processed cereals, cereals, semolina, white polished rice;
  • muesli;
  • candied fruits, dried fruits;
  • nuts, seeds;
  • fatty meats, poultry, fish, fish roe, lard, mutton fat tail and other animal fats;
  • hydrogenated fats (trans fats) - margarine, etc.;
  • vegetable oils;
  • butter;
  • strong meat broths;
  • semi-finished meat products, sausage products, smoked, salted and spicy meat and fish snacks, canned food;
  • industrial fruit juices;
  • ketchup, mayonnaise and other industrial sauces;
  • industrial yoghurts, fatty cheeses, fatty fermented milk products, sweet fermented milk products;
  • fast food, chips, chocolate bars, milk chocolate, confectionery, soufflé, meringue, marshmallows, etc., pastries, pastry cream, cocoa;
  • alcohol.

Should you avoid foods that are high in calories?

We do not need too much energy - as a rule, we do not spend more than 2000-2500 kcal per day, unless, of course, we do sports or hard physical work. Therefore, in our diet, it makes sense to replace what is high in calories with less high-calorie foods.. For example, instead of fatty meat, eat lean meat, instead of strong broth - light, instead of chocolate - dried fruits, instead of jam - fruit jelly. But this does not mean that we should cross out high-calorie foods from our lives. Fatty fish, caviar, dark chocolate, honey, nuts, cereals and cereals, whole grain bread, and many other high-calorie foods are very useful for our body. Watching the calorie content of food, you must also take into account the usefulness of the products; for your diet, choose only natural high-quality products that do not contain preservatives and other chemicals. Sometimes something with a lot of calories can be more useful than something with less calories, but less natural. For example, high-calorie nuts are much healthier than gummies, although the latter has half the calories. And there are times when we just need to eat something that has a lot of calories in order to restore strength after physical exertion, or to increase our performance, for example, in an exam. Also, high-calorie food is useful for those who do not always have the opportunity to eat - for example, you can’t do without it on hikes.

The most high-calorie types of food are fats. Any product - both natural and processed - contains fats.

List of high calorie foods

Vegetable and animal oils - sunflower, olive, pork fat, margarine, butter.

Meat- pork, lamb, sausages, sausages.

nuts- Brazilian, walnut, hazelnuts, pistachios, cashews, cedar, peanuts and others.

Fish- caviar, some varieties of fish.

Some vegetables, cereals - cereals, olives, avocados.

Other products- cakes, pastries, cookies, crackers, canned chocolate, sausages, chips, french fries, pizza.

What does the consumption of high-calorie foods lead to?

Calorie foods are one of the main causes of atherosclerosis and its consequences (heart attacks and strokes). They contribute to obesity and therefore, people should not abuse them.

You should not use oils such as margarine and spreads - hydrogenated oils. Of course, the sick and those who are overweight also need to limit themselves to high-calorie foods.

Myths about the most high-calorie foods

If you are asked to complete list of high calorie foods where do you start? With cheese, meat, eggs, chocolate? So, you are a prisoner of stereotypes.

Previously, these products were banned by nutritionists: a lot of fats, calories, cholesterol ... But then it turned out: there are so many pluses that they more than outweigh the minuses.


Most cheeses are high in calories but they are high in calcium. This product also contains linoleic acid, which reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. And it also ... contributes to weight loss, as it does not allow fat to be deposited.


Fatty varieties with a strong aroma and rich flavors such as feta, parmesan, blue cheese. Even a small piece will be enough to get enough and enjoy.


Cheeses with a low fat content (18–20%). Such varieties, unfortunately, are not tasty enough and practically odorless, which means they do not cause rapid satiety and can be easily overeaten.


Cocoa butter, thanks to its antioxidants, protects against cardiovascular and oncological diseases.

Don't let the calorie content of chocolate fool you. because they are mostly monounsaturated, and do not increase the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.

If in moments of sadness you involuntarily reach for a bar of chocolate, do not rush to withdraw your hand. Chocolate stimulates the production of a special substance in the brain - serotonin, which, as you know, is responsible for mood.


Bitter chocolate. It is the most useful, as it contains the largest amount of cocoa butter; flavored varieties. You will be able to get enough of them faster and save on calories.


Chocolate bars with various fatty and sweet fillings, such as nuts, caramel, cookies, whipped cream with sugar. They are too high in calories.


Milk- a rich source of calcium, but many women neglect it because of fear of gaining weight. Meanwhile, milk helps prevent osteoporosis (a disease that causes brittle and thinning bones) and lowers blood pressure, as well as fight excess weight.


skimmed milk, in one glass of which contains only 80 kcal. If you are used to whole milk, then first go to 2%, then to 1%, and only then to completely skimmed.

Cook hot chocolate and various cereals with milk: this will give the dishes a pleasant creamy flavor and will keep you feeling full longer.


Milk soups, cream soups and sauces with milk, as they are high in fat and calories.


Many women seek to reduce their consumption of eggs because eggs are high in cholesterol, but scientists believe that saturated fat, not cholesterol, is the main culprit in heart disease. Eggs, on the other hand, contain a low percentage of fat (less than 5 g in 1 egg), in addition, they contain lutein, which is necessary for maintaining vision.


Poached eggs (poached in boiling water without a shell), hard boiled or in a bag - they contain little cholesterol;

Vegetable casseroles. Vegetables provide the body with fiber and a wide variety of nutrients.

Egg white omelet. If you remove the yolk, you will cut calories.


Scrambled eggs with bacon and sausages, as well as biscuits with butter. These products do not mix well with eggs.


You can break the habit of eating chicken breast, making a good chop. Beef is an excellent source of protein, as well as zinc, iron, and vitamin B12 (which are the ones we most often lack).


Lean cuts containing no more than 4.5 g of saturated fat per 100 g; technologies of fast frying and baking in the oven. These methods allow you to get by with a minimum amount of fat.


Meat on ribs- it has twice the fat and calories than lean fillets, sausages and sausages.


They are high in calories and rich in monounsaturated fats, which reduce the risk of heart disease.

Nuts you can satisfy your hunger for a long time, and therefore lose weight. Those who included them in their diet lost an average of 4 kg in 6 weeks, according to studies conducted in Boston. And magnesium, which is part of the nuts, helps with premenstrual syndrome: relieves swelling, relieves mood swings and headaches.


A small handful of nuts (about 170 kcal). This amount will be enough to satisfy hunger between main meals or before bedtime;

Salads, casseroles or other low-fat dishes with nuts - they enhance the taste and nutrition of food.


Nuts in meals that are themselves rich in fat and calories, such as chocolate brownies, ice cream, cookies.

Technically, one calorie is the amount of energy required to heat one gram of water by 1 ºC. In one kilocalorie (kcal) - 1,000 calories, and in this case we are not talking about a gram, but about a kilogram.

What is the food here? Proteins, fats and carbohydrates, of which it is composed, contain energy. This energy is measured in calories.

2. Calories keep us alive, create new tissues, and give us the energy to move.

Every time you eat, your body uses the incoming energy for a variety of purposes. It is primarily used to support vital functions such as regulating breathing and pumping blood.

The required minimum energy for survival is called the basal metabolic rate. Its value for adult women with normal weight is about 1330 kcal, for adult men with normal weight - about 1680 kcal human energy requirements.

The remaining calories and nutrients go to building and repairing tissues. That is why a high-calorie diet is prescribed for burns. It also takes energy to create: new tissue will not build itself.

Any additional calories are expended during physical activity. And any movement counts. But if you don't burn off the rest, it will be stored as fat.

Finally, there is also digestion: 10-15% of incoming calories are spent on this process.

3. Your Body May Need More Than 2,000 Calories Per Day

4. Quantity and quality of calories are equally important.

You can also lose weight on sweets if there are few of them, as one American professor did Twinkie diet helps nutrition professor lose 27 pounds. But the number of calories is only one side of the coin. The nutrients in food also matter.

Let's say you decide to have a snack. Fat-free cookies, which are only 100 calories, are not the best choice because they are low in nutrients and a lot of sugar. Peanut butter with 190 kcal will bring more benefits: it has less sugar, more protein and vitamins.

5. There are no negative calorie foods.

It is believed that some fruits and vegetables are so low in calories that they require more energy to digest than they can provide. Lie. As already mentioned, the body spends 10-15% of incoming calories on food processing. So everyone else, albeit in a negligibly small amount, stays with you.

6. Calories from carbohydrates are not universal evil.

Some diets are based on limited carbohydrate intake. But the weight gain is not because of them, but because of the excess calories. So extra pounds can be gained on the chicken breast, if you absorb it without measure.

In general, carbohydrates and carbohydrates are different. Harmful ones like candy and soda are devoid of nutrients. Healthy foods such as whole grains and fruits, on the other hand, are rich in nutrients and fiber.

7. The 3,500 calorie rule is wrong.

In nutrition, it is a common statement that 3,500 kcal equals 0.5 kg (that is, if you consume 500 kcal less during the week, you will lose half a kilo). Such figures first appeared in 1958, but they are now outdated. Farewell to the 3,500-Calorie Rule.

The bottom line is that weight loss is individual and depends on metabolism and other factors. So 3,500 kcal, like the consumption rate, can only be considered an approximate average.

8. Calorie counting doesn't work for everyone.

An obsession with calories can be detrimental to your health. Let's say if you prefer to take pretzels instead of almonds just because of their lower calorie content.

On the other hand, it really helps to maintain a normal weight. True, not everyone.

In general, the advice is simple: if life is easier and better with a calculator, continue; if not, then stop beating yourself up.

Below is a list of the most high-calorie foods that you can buy at any store. If you care about your weight, then cut down on these foods. No need to think that high-calorie foods are harmful, they just need to be consumed in moderation. If your goal is weight gain, then some of these foods are worth leaning more often.

No. 1 - Vegetable oil

Vegetable oils are high-calorie foods. There are about 800 - 900 kcal per 100 grams of oil, depending on the variety. There are 9 calories in 1 gram of fat, which means that in 100 grams there are 80-90 grams of vegetable fats. Sunflower oil contains vitamins A, E, D. Unrefined oil retains more vitamins and nutrients than refined oil. The table of the most high-calorie foods is presented below.

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No. 2 - Nuts

Nuts are one of the most high-calorie foods. Peanuts 550 kcal, cashews 630 kcal, hazelnuts 700 kcal, almonds 640 kcal, walnuts 630 kcal, hazelnuts 620 kcal, pistachios 550 kcal, apricot pits 519 kcal. Nuts contain a lot of vegetable fats and these fats are good for our body. Eat a handful of nuts every day, and your hair and skin will be beautiful. Nuts are a delicious product that children and adults love. Nuts can be added to various salads. Nuts are good for the brain, heart and remove bad cholesterol from the body. Nuts are rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

No. 3 - Cheeses

Depending on the variety, cheese contains between 100 and 450 calories. Cheeses contain vitamins B, C, E, PP, A. Cheese contains animal fats, and, as you know, they are not good for people. Buy low-fat cheeses, so you show more concern for your health. If you have an elevated level of cholesterol in the blood, then cheese is not desirable for you or only with a small fat content. Eat cheese in reasonable aisles, and everything will be fine.

No. 4 - Chocolate

Chocolate is different, bitter and sweet. Sweet is less useful, and bitter - on the contrary, is more useful. Dark chocolate has about 500-500 calories, and sweet chocolate has about the same. Chocolate is known to improve mood. Chocolate has a bad effect on the condition of the teeth, because it contains a lot of sugar.

No. 5 - Pork

Pork is one of the fattest meat products. 100 grams contains 400-550 calories depending on body part. Pork fat is not healthy, because it is animal fat. People who have gastritis - pork can cause significant harm to health. If you often have allergies, then pork should be eaten with caution.

No. 6 - Chips

In 100 grams of chips, about 500-600 calories. Chips are unhealthy food. It is recommended to eat 1-2 times a month, in small quantities. It is not necessary to abuse chips, there is a risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Many chips contain salt, flavor enhancers, fast-digesting starch, and unhealthy fats. Many people like to use chips as a snack for beer, but it is better to replace them with natural, healthy and lean meat. Limit the consumption of chips for children.

No. 7 - Chocolate bars

100 grams of chocolate bars contain 450-550 calories, depending on the manufacturer. The most carbohydrates, in the second place are fats, and the least proteins. Chocolate bars are not desirable for people with obesity and for patients with diabetes. If you eat a lot of chocolate bars, you will harm your health. Chocolate bars come with nougat, caramel, nut or fruit filling, bitter or milk chocolate. Chocolate bars are made from cocoa beans, milk, cocoa powder or butter, cream, sugar, sweeteners, caramel nougat.

List of high calorie foods:

  • Sausage
  • sausages
  • Oil
  • Margarine
  • egg yolks
  • Sweets
  • Chocolate
  • Chocolate bars
  • Chips
  • Fatty cheeses
  • Vegetable oil
  • nuts
  • Bakery products
  • Bakery
  • Cakes

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What is more important for weight loss: only the income-expenditure of calories per day or the source of these calories also matters? Who will lose more weight with the same calorie content - a person with a perfectly healthy diet or one who allows himself junk food?

calories and protein

Many studies have compared high and low protein diets. People who eat a lot of protein lose weight better with the same calorie intake. They have more muscle than in the low protein group. So even if both groups lost the same amount of weight, people in the high-protein group lost more fat and less muscle.

Even protein is better than fats and carbohydrates in controlling appetite. It takes longer to digest and keeps blood glucose levels stable.By the way, the effectiveness of low-carb diets is precisely in this. When a person refuses carbohydrates, limits fats, he has no choice but to fill in the missing calories with protein.

Protein is the second most important nutritional factor after calories., even for vegetarians, and it's out of the question these days.

Now the question changes slightly: With adequate protein in the meal, does the source of the remaining calories matter? We are talking about fats and carbohydrates in all forms.

Studies on diets with strict calorie control

These studies are very expensive and difficult to arrange, so they are in the minority and do not last long. Usually people are placed in a hospital where calories can be precisely controlled. Sometimes they just give out ready-made sets of food for the desired calorie content.

All studies show that under conditions of strict calorie control, you can change the amount of fats and carbohydrates in both directions - this does not affect the rate of weight loss and the quality of the weight lost. You can eat a lot of carbohydrates, you can eat a little. It's the same with fats.

But there is one caveat: the results can be influenced by the genetics and metabolism of a particular person. This is especially true for carbohydrates and insulin sensitivity. People with poor insulin sensitivity lose weight worse on a high carbohydrate diet with the same calories. But this is not the rule for everyone. This only shows thatdiet is not suitable for a particular person.

One more thing is misunderstood here. Faster weight loss on a low-carb diet with the same calories is due to the loss of water in the body. This has nothing to do with fat, which means it cannot be an argument in favor of the quality of calories.

If the amount of fats and carbohydrates is clear, then what about the source of both? Does the carbohydrate source play a role? There are not many such studies. But those that were conducted under conditions of the same caloric content showed that there was no difference in fat loss.. The same did for different sources of fat, and again did not find much difference.

P With strict calorie control, the carbohydrate or fat source plays no role in either the rate of weight loss or the quality of weight lost and body composition.

Studies where calories are not controlled

These studies are particularly good at proving the "not all calories are the same" theory, but they can't be used for that.

Some studies based on recommendations there is a certain amount nutrients. For example, reduce fats up to 30% of all calories. Or eat no more than 50 grams of carbohydrates per day.

The second studied diets that simply give people advice to eat right, without outside control. A person controls food on his own and then reports. There is little accuracy in this and such studies cannot be taken seriously. People make mistakes in the size of portions, they forget a lot of things, they are silent about something on purpose, and in general they greatly underestimate the number of calories eaten per day.

This happens even when a person wears a 24/7 camera that captures everything they eat. Even when he knows that he will be able to be tested, he still underestimates daily calories in the report, and very often - not on purpose. You can't rely on people's self-reports.

But all of these studies are good because they clearly show the real reason for their effectiveness. For example, in studies where fat is limited to 30% or less, a person automatically cuts calories and loses weight.Not because of the magical effect of the right amount of fat and its quality, but because in total they eat fewer calories. WITH recommendations to eat a certain amount of carbohydrates without controlling calories - the same story. By cutting carbs, people eat a lot less. without thinking about it.

M many diets are based on very simple advice: "reduce or remove X to lose weight." X - something that has a lot of calories, usually fatty and sweet. Butto explain the effect, these diets and nutritional systems use all kinds of pseudo-physiology, although everything is simple. If eating X adds a lot of calories to your diet, remove X. You will eat fewer calories and lose weight. It's not the magic of calorie quality, but their simple restriction.


  • A sufficient amount of protein will always be more effective than a protein-free diet for the same calories. Protein protects muscles and allows you to lose more weight precisely at the expense of fat.
  • If we control calories and eat enough protein, the rest of the calories can come from fat and carbohydrates in any ratio and from any source. The main thing is that it helps a person to control appetite.
  • Results for the same calorie intake can vary from person to person. It's not about the quality of calories, but about genetics and metabolic characteristics. But this is not the rule for everyone.

If you are honest about your caloric intake, eat enough protein, but all your other food can be fatty or sugary, you will still lose weight.The problem is that most people will not be able to control hunger on such a diet and this can lead to relapse and weight gain.

It is clear that fatty and sweet foods are much easier to sort out in calories than vegetables and herbs. Eating 3,000 calories from butter is easier than eating celery. Not a single living person is able to eat 3000 calories of celery, because it is 22 kilograms.

This is of great importance when calories are not controlled. That is why everything diets are based on the simple fact that you should eat fewer foods that are easy to eat a lot and/or eat more of those foods that are difficult to eat a lot. This automatically reduces calories and makes you lose weight. This can be explained for simplicity by the quality of calories, although this is not it.

Of course, this is not to say that the source of calories is not important at all. This affects other aspects of physiology outside of the figure.Health, energy levels, hunger, appetite, athletic performance, long-term dietary adherence and everything else also play a role and interact with each other.

But calories always come first in weight loss, and food quality only comes second. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals are things of a different order. Calories are responsible for energy balance and weight loss/weight gain. Everything else is for what we get at the end: a vigorous, healthy person with good skin, hair, muscles, or a sickly skinnyfat with a gray face.