What is desirable to pronounce in the month of Rajab. The month of Rajab has begun

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, brothers and sisters! Insha Allah, with the onset of the evening prayer (Maghrib), on March 28, 2017, the blessed month of Rajab begins, in connection with which, we publish answers to frequently asked questions.

1. Dua read at the beginning of the month of Rajab

Question: We know that there is a dua that is read at the beginning of the month of Rajab, however, some people believe that it is unreliable, and reading it is an innovation. How will it be right?


Anas ibn Malik reports that the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) read the following dua when the month of Rajab came:

اَللّٰهُمَّ بَارِكْ لَناَ فِيْ رَجَبٍَ وَشَعْبانَ وَبَلّغْنَا رَمَضَانْ

Allahumma barik lana fi Rajaba wa Shabana wa baligna Ramadan

O Allah, bless us during the (months) of Rajab and Shaaban and help us reach Ramadan.

(Shu'abul Iman, hadith 3534, Ibni Sunni, hadith 660, Mukhtasar Zawaid Bazzar, hadith 662, also see Al-Azkar, hadith 549)

Hadith is considered weak, but it can be followed. To say that this dua is an innovation is an extreme.

Imam Nawawi (rahimahullah) said that this hadith has some weakness (Al-Azkar, hadith 549).

Hafiz Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali (rahimahullah) said that this hadith is suitable for proving the merits of this practice (reading the dua before the start of Rajab) (Lataif, p. 172).

Allama Muhammad Tahir al-Fatani (rahimahullah) says that this hadith is weak, but it can be followed in this case (Tazkiratul Maudwat, p. 117).

It should be said that weak hadiths, where this or that dua is given, can be practiced. (Mustadrak Hakim, the beginning of the chapter on dua and Nataijul Afkar of Hafiz Ibn Hajar, v.5, p.291)

2. Fasting on the first three days of the month of Rajab

Question: Is the following hadith about the virtue of fasting on the first three days of the month of Rajab reliable? the third day atones for the sins of one year, then the sins of one month are atoned for each day of fasting.”


Abu Muhammad al-Halla narrates this hadeeth with a very weak isnad, so this hadeeth should not be quoted. (See Jamiu s-Sagyr, Hadith 5051, Faydul Qadir and At-Taysir bi Sharhil Jami al-Sagyr. See also Al-Mughir of Ahmad Siddiq al-Ghumari).

However, Mulla Ali Kari (rahimahullah) writes that in general we should observe an additional (nafil) fast in the month of Rajab if possible. (Al-Adab fi Rajab, p. 30)

3. Asking for forgiveness during Rajab

Question: I recently received a message about a specific istighfar that should be recited during Rajab and Shaaban. Is there any basis for this hadith: “If someone reads the following istighfar seven times a day during Rajab and Shaaban, Allah will inform the angels who write down his deeds to tear the book of his sins: Astagfirullah azimi llazi la ilaha illa huwal hayyul qayyumu wa atubu ileihi taubatan "abdin zalim linafsihi la yamliki li nafsihi mautan bala haitan wa la nushur".


The report you are asking about is given in some books without an isnad, so I cannot comment on its authenticity (see al-adab fi Rajab, p. 39).

Rajab is one of the four holy months of the Islamic calendar (ash-shukhur khurum), so a person should increase all forms of worship in this month, including reciting istighfar many times.

Mulla Ali Qari (rahimahullah) writes that his teachers repeatedly said istighfar in Rajab (Al-Adab fi Rajab, p.38).

4. Celebrating the night of Raghaib (the night of the first Friday of Rajab) - is this a reliable practice?


In many Muslim countries, it is customary to celebrate the so-called. Night of Raghaib or Night of fulfillment of desires. It is believed that this is the night when the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) was conceived, therefore Allah gives the believers whatever they want on this night for the sake of His beloved Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam). On this night, mosques remain open all night until dawn, and believers perform a special prayer, salatul-Ragaib. What can you say about this practice?


The hadiths, which speak of the virtues of a special prayer on the night of Raghaib, were declared fictitious by most of the muhaddis of our ummah.

It is necessary to refrain both from quoting these messages, and from any special celebrations or acts of worship, and from any special celebrations or acts of worship on this night. Hafiz Ibn Rajab (rahimahullah) writes:

“There is no evidence to support the performance of special acts of worship that should be performed on this night. The hadiths, which say about the special salatul-raghaib prayer, performed on the night of the first Friday of Rajab, are false and fictitious. These actions are considered bad innovation (bid'ah) according to most scholars. Such a practice (to celebrate this night) appeared for the first time in the fifth century ... ". (Lataiful Maarif, p.228).

See also Tabinul Ajab Hafiz Ibn Hajar, p. 7; Tazkiratul Mawduat allama Muhammad Tahir al-Fatani, p. 116-117, Al-Masnu' Mulla Ali Qari, p.259, hadith 464, Al-Asarul Marfu'a Sheikh Abdul Hai Laqnavi, p.44 and 48; Raddul Mukhtar (Ibn Abidina), v.2, p.26.

5. Hadith about easing the position of the believer in the month of Rajab

Question: Please check the following hadeeth: “Whoever relieves the suffering of a Muslim in the month of Rajab, Allah will grant him a palace in Paradise.”

Answer: Hafiz Ibn Hajar (rahimahullah) called the text of this hadith fictitious. So the hadeeth cannot be cited. (See Tabiinul Ajab ‘Hafiz Ibn Hajar, p. 27, hadeeth: 12)

6. A fictitious hadith about the month of Rajab

Question: Is the following hadeeth authentic: The Prophet (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “Rajab is a month in which Allah multiplies good deeds. Therefore, one who fasts one day during Rajab is like one who fasted for a whole year; and for the one who fasts seven days, the seven gates of Hell are closed; and for the one who fasts eight days, eight gates of Paradise are opened to him; and whoever fasts for ten days will receive whatever he asks of Allah. And about the one who fasts fifteen days in it, there will be a voice from heaven: “Truly, you have been forgiven for everything that you have done (bad) in the past, so multiply your good deeds.” During Rajab, Allah brought Nuh (peace be upon him) into the ark for six months, the last of which fell on the day of 'Ashura, when he (the ark) stopped on Mount Judi, and Nuh fasted along with everyone who was with him, and even animals (keep fasting on this day) in gratitude to Allah ... ".

Answer: Imam Tabarani (rahimahullah) and other muhaddis recorded this message (Al-Mujamul Kabir, hadith 5538).

Imam Baikhaki (rahimahullah) denied the authenticity of this hadeeth. Hafiz Dhahabi (rahimahullah) classified the hadeeth as fabricated. So this hadeeth cannot be cited.

7. Are there any arguments that the night of Mi'raj falls on the 27th of Rajab?

Question: Are there any arguments that the Night of Mi'raj falls exactly on the 27th of the month of Rajab?

Answer: The date of the 27th of Rajab is the most popular date for the night of Mi'raj, and some scholars are of the opinion that this event occurred on this night. However, in general, the opinions of scientists regarding this date differed, so it is impossible to say with certainty that Mi'raj occurred on this particular night.

Hafiz Ibn Hajar Askalani (rahimahullah) writes that he knows more than ten opinions regarding the date of Mi'raj. (Fathul Bari, vol. 7, pp. 254-255, hadith 3887).

My teacher sheikh, muhaddis Fadlul Rahman Azami (hafizahullah) writes in a short article on the subject of Mi'raj:

"The crux of the matter is that it is impossible to establish any final date for the night of Mi'raj."

8. Are there any arguments for a special night of Mi'raj?

Question: I have a question about Mi'raj: is there any evidence from the Qur'an or hadith that this event happened exactly on the 27th of the month of Rajab? Are there any acts of worship that are desirable to perform on this night?

Answer: Most Muslims believe that the Prophet (PBUH) ascended to heaven on the 27th night of the month of Rajab. There are several reports that support this view, but there are other reports that indicate other dates. So we have no definite information at what time this night took place.

Az-Zurkani (rahimahullah) comes up with five different opinions about the month in which Mi'raj could occur: these are the months of Rabiul-Awwal, Rabiul-Akhir, Rajab, Ramadan and Shawwal. Muhaddis Abdul-Hakk Dehlavi (rahimahullah) notes that most scholars believe that most likely Mi'raj occurred in the month of Ramadan or Rabiul-Awwal.

The fact that scholars do not lean toward a specific date for this event indicates that there are no specific acts of worship to be performed on that particular night. If there would be some special merit in performing some Ibadat on this night, then, of course, the companions of the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) conveyed messages about this to us. The Sahaba (may Allah be pleased with them all) kept all the details of the life of our beloved Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam), so that they would have transmitted from them about some special practice of worship that should be done this night (if such a practice existed).

If someone wants to spend this night in worship, he can perform any Ibadat that is desirable to do on any night: perform additional prayers, read the Koran, dhikr, make dua, etc. However, this should not be done with the conviction that there will be some special reward for performing Ibadah on that night.

Finally, since people often gather in mosques on this night, imams and scholars should use this time to call people to good and warn against evil, clarifying the correct opinion about this night. (Fatawa Mahmudiya, 3/283-285, Farukiya), (Islamic months, 49-63, Maarif).

Sajid ibn Shabbir, student of Darul-ift.

Reviewed and approved by Mufti Ibrahim Desai.

9. Are there any arguments for the desirability of fasting on the 27th of Rajab?

Question: Is there any evidence that it is desirable to fast on the 27th of Rajab?

Answer: The scholars of hadith are unanimous in that there are no hadiths that confirm the desirability of fasting on any special day of the month of Rajab.

There are several hadiths that confirm the general virtue of fasting on any day of the month of Rajab, since Rajab is one of the four holy months. Any Ibadah performed in one of these months (Rajab, Zul-Qada, Zul-Hijjah, Muharram) will be more valuable. (Tabiynul Ajab, p. 7-11, Lataiful Maarif, p. 228, Al-Adab fi Rajab, p. 25).

In the light of the foregoing, it should be noted that a person, inshaAllah, will be rewarded for fasting on any day of Rajab, but one should not but should not assume that there will be any special reward on fasting on the 27th of Rajab.

One of my teachers, Sheikhul-Hadith Fadlul Rahman Azami (hafizahullah) wrote in an article about Miraj:

“As for fasting in the month of Rajab: there are no authentic hadiths that confirm the virtues of fasting on any of its days. However, there are several fictitious or extremely weak hadiths that speak of the virtues of fasting Rajab. Allama Suyuty (rahimahullah) wrote down such hadiths and pointed out their weakness.

And Allah knows best.

RAJAB is one of the three holy months (Rajab, Shaaban, Ramadan), which are the greatest mercy of Allah Almighty to His servants.

During these months, the reward for good deeds and worship, Almighty Allah, increases many times and forgives the sins of those who sincerely repent of them.
One of the hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) says: “If you want peace before death, a happy ending (death as a Muslim) and protection from shaitan, respect these months by fasting and regretting sins.”

According to another hadith, retribution (reward for good deeds and punishment for sins) in the month of Rajab increases 70 times. Rajab is also one of the 4 forbidden months (Rajab, Zul-Qaada, Zul-Hijja, Muharram), in which the Almighty especially forbade sins and conflicts.

In a venerable hadith narrated by Sayyidin Hassan, the beloved grandson of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), it is said:
“There are four nights in the year on which Mercy, Forgiveness, Generosity, Blessings and Gifts of Allah fall on the earth like rain (i.e. in innumerable amounts). And blessed are those who know or learn the true meaning and value of such nights, namely:
1) The first night of the month of Rajab
2) Night 15 Shaaban
3) The night of Ramadan and
4) Night in Eid al-Adha.

Since in Islam we follow the lunar calendar, the calculation of each day begins at sunset (ie, in the evening). Thus, the 1st night of Rajab is exactly the night when Rajab has just begun (and it is followed by the 1st day of Rajab), the Night of 15 Shaaban means the night from 14 to 15 Shaaban, the Night of Ramadan means the night before the Eid al-Adha- Bayram, and the Night in Kurban-Bayram, respectively, means the night before the holiday of Kurban-Bayram (that is, the night from 9 to 10 Zul-Hijja).

Those people who appreciate the great significance of these nights, of course, spend them not in disobedience or sin, but in worship and humility, in performing charitable and other good deeds, in prayers, dua, reading the Holy Quran and dhikr. And on such special nights, intelligent people make every effort to make the Almighty pleased with them. These nights give them the opportunity to draw closer and closer to God.

Sauban, one of the venerable companions (may Allah be pleased with him), reported: “I was with the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) when we entered the cemetery. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) stopped and tears flowed down his face. He was crying so hard that his shirt across his chest was wet with tears. Then I approached him and asked: “O Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), why are you crying? Has a Divine Revelation been sent down to you now?”
To which the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) replied: “O Sauban, those who lie here, the dead, who are buried in this cemetery, suffer from grave punishments. That's why I cried."

What is the Greatest Mercy and Generosity with which Allah honored this special night - the 1st night of the month of Rajab! After all, not only the worshiper himself will be forgiven, but he will also receive permission to intercede for 70 people! What grandeur, what grace of this extraordinary night! And what can we say to those who do not appreciate the blessings of this night, who spend it in disobedience and sin, who do not value their lives or the lives of others (whom they could save), and throw this opportunity to the wind!

If a man was going to throw his gold and diamonds into the sea, destroy his house in which he lives, and burn down his dwelling, then we would begin to feel sorry for such a man, regretfully saying about him that “he must have completely lost his mind ".
And we would be right to pity him. But, in the end, he could have had the opportunity to make good money in the future, and he would have been able to recoup everything lost. But no money, no work in the world can give us back our lost life, years, days, nights, hours, lost minutes! And this means that our lives are much more valuable than gold, diamonds or anything like that.

Previously, the servants in the Kaaba kept it open throughout the month of Rajab, from the 1st day to the last, as a sign of reverence and respect for this Holy month. And in other months, they opened the Kaaba only on Mondays and Fridays. They said, “This month (Rajab) is the month of the Lord, and this House (Kaaba) is the House of the Lord. And since people are servants of God, how can we keep them away from the House of the Lord in the Month of the Lord?

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Remember, Rajab is the month of the Almighty, whoever fasts at least one day in this month, Allah will be pleased with that.”

Rajab is called the month of the Almighty for the huge rewards and bounties sent down in this month.
The word "Rajab" consists of three letters (there are no vowels in Arabic): "R" means "rahmat" (the mercy of the Almighty), "j" - "jurmul'abdi" (sins of the servants of Allah) and "b" - "birru Allah Ta'ala" (Goodness of Allah Almighty). And Allah says: “O My servants, I have made sure that your sins are enclosed between My mercy and My good.”

The month of Rajab has several names:

1) . Rajab Mudar (Rajab of the Mudar tribe),
2). Munsil (Mansal al-Asinna) (eliminator of arrowheads, spears, etc.),
3). Shahrullah al-Asamm (deaf month of Allah),
4). Shahrullah al-Asaab (Month of the Bounty of Allah),
5). Ash-shahrul-Mutahkhir (month of purification),
6). Ash-shahrus-Saabik (outstanding, previous),
7). Ash-shahrul-fard (secluded, lonely).

Rajab Mudar (Rajab of the Mudar tribe). How this name is connected with the month of Rajab, it becomes clear from the following hadith: “There are 12 months in a year, 4 of which are sacred. 3 of them follow in turn one after another - Zul-Qaada, Zul-Hijja, Muharram, and the fourth one separately from them is the month of Rajab (Mudar tribe), which is between the months Jamada-Sani and Shaaban.” Thus, the place of Rajab between the months of Jamad-Sani and Shaaban was clearly defined.

This completely cut off the path to any attempt to transfer (postpone) this holy month, which was practiced by the Arabs in the pre-Islamic period (the period of Jahiliyya - ignorance). In those days, the pagan Arabs asked the heads of the tribes to transfer the month of Muharram to Safar in order to avoid certain prohibitions imposed by the obligations of the holy month. This is mentioned in the Holy Quran, 9:37.

2) The month of Rajab received the name Munsil (Mansal al-Asinna) (eliminating arrowheads, spears, etc.), since the Arabs, in preparation for this month, removed the points of arrowheads from their their arrows and sheathed swords and sabers (i.e. did not use them) as a sign of respect for the holy month of Rajab. Moreover, in the period of jahiliyah, even a person
who was going to commit blood vengeance for a murdered relative, having met the enemy in the month of Rajab, did nothing, but, on the contrary, pretended as if he did not notice him. As for the prohibition of battles in this month, there is a disagreement among the Ulama. Most theological scholars say that the taboo has been repealed. This is indicated by Imam Ahmad and other imams, and it is also confirmed by the actions of the companions (may Allah be pleased with them all), who did not stop jihad during the forbidden months.

3) Shahrullah al-Asamm (the deaf month of Allah, in the sense that the wrath of Allah is "not heard" in Rajab).
Uthman ibn Affan (may Allah be pleased with him) once said after the khutbah: “The quiet month of Allah has come. In this month, one should pay zakat, pay off debts and give alms.(That is, this month is 'deaf' to the tricks of those who want to delay the payment of zakat, etc.).

4) Shahrullah al-Asaab - Month of the bounty of Allah.

The Hadith says: “He who fasts at least 1 day in the month of Rajab, will deserve the great mercy and blessing of Allah.

fasting 2 day will receive a double reward, each of which is the size of a mountain.

For the fasting 3 day, a huge ditch will be created to separate this person from the Hellfire. And this ditch will be so wide that it will take a whole year to cross it from beginning to end.

The one who fasts 4 day will be protected from madness, elephantiasis and leprosy, and, what is very important, will be protected from the evil of the Dajjal.
For the one who fasts 5 days - will be protected from punishment in the grave.

The one who fasts 6 days, will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment with a face shining brighter and more beautiful than the full moon.

7 days - Allah will close the 7 doors of Hell so that this person does not get there.

8 days - Allah will open the doors of Paradise for this person.

14 days - Allah will reward the fasting person with something so beautiful that not a single living soul has heard of.

For the one who fasts 15 days in Rajab, Allah will give such a status that not one of the approximate angels and not one of the Prophet-Messengers (peace be upon them) will pass by this person without saying

"Congratulations to you, as you are saved and safe." Abu Kallaba (may Allah have mercy on him) also said: “In Paradise, there is a castle for fasting people in Rajab.”

Those who fasted 16 days, they will be the first to see Allah Almighty (with a special vision).

The man who fasted 17 days without difficulty cross the Sirat bridge (the bridge over Hell).

To the one who fasted 18 days the Prophet Ibrahim will come, peace be upon him.

The one who fasted 19 days will become a neighbor of the Prophet Adam, peace be upon him.

And if the number of days reaches 20 the sins of this man will be washed away.

If a person fasts all 30 days, the Voice from above will say to him: "O Waliyallah (close to Allah), great joy awaits you on the Day when everyone will be saddened by his difficulty."

5) Ash-Shahrul-Mutahkhir is a cleansing month. The one who fasts in Rajab is cleansed of sins.
According to the hadith narrated by Imam Hibatullah ibn al-Mubarak As-Sadati (may Allah have mercy on him): “He who fasts 1 day in the month of Rajab will receive a sawab (reward) as for fasting 30 years.”

“A fasting person in the month of Rajab will receive at least 10 du’a (prayer, request) in the evening, or in Ahira (eternal life) he will be prepared as a reward much better than what he asked for in his du’a.”

A huge savab is promised to those who fast the entire month of Rajab (or almost the entire month).

Abdullah ibn Az-Zubayr (may Allah have mercy on him) reported: “Whoever saves a believer from troubles in the month of Rajab, Allah will give him a place in Paradise, insha Allah.”

Narrated by Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him): “Fast in the month of Rajab, as fasting in this month is accepted by Allah as a special kind of repentance.”

Many of our righteous ancestors fasted this month completely. Of these, Ibn Umar, Hasan Basri, Abu Iskah Sabi'i (may Allah have mercy on them). Savri said: “Most of all, I like to fast during the forbidden months.” However, imams such as Ahmad and Shafi'i said that it is undesirable to liken any other month of Ramadan by fasting the entire month.

Meanwhile, this does not apply to the person who wants to fast for several months in a row.

6) Ash-shahrus-Saabik - the previous month. Means that Rajab is the first (preceding) holy month. One of the great wali of Allah Zun-nun Misri (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “In Rajab, sowing, in Shaaban - watering, in Ramadan - harvesting. Rajab is the month of forgiveness and mercy, Shaaban is the month of purification and spiritualization, and Ramadan is the acquisition of blessings.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), except for the obligatory fast in the month of Ramadan, did not fast so much in any other months as in Rajab and Shaaban.

Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated the words of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): "Rajab is the month of Allah, Shaaban is my month, and Ramadan is the month of my ummah (community)."

7) Ash-shahrul-fard (secluded, lonely). This name is explained by the fact that Rajab is separate from the other three sacred months. The hadiths say about this: “A river flows in the Garden of Eden, its name is Rajab. It is whiter than milk and sweeter (tastier) than honey. And the one who fasted at least one day in the month of Rajab, Allah will make it possible to remove thirst from this river.
Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “In Paradise there is such a palace where no one can enter, except for those who often fasted in the month of Rajab.”

The first day and first night, the first Thursday of Rajab, the 15th day and 15th night and the 27th day and night of the month of Rajab are especially valuable (on the night of 26 to 27 Rajab, the Prophet (peace be upon him) performed Miraj - ascension).
It is advisable to spend these nights in prayers and remembrance of Allah, and the days in fasting. The hadith says: “He who spends the first night of the month of Rajab in worship of the Almighty, his heart will not die when the body gives up the spirit. Allah pours good into him through his head, and he will come out of his sins, as if his mother had just given birth to him. He will receive the right to intercede and intercede (shafaat) for 70 thousand sinners who were supposed to go to Hell.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) conveyed that on the first night of Rajab, dua (requests) are accepted by Allah. On this blessed night, Amin's daughter Wahba carried in her womb Muhammad (peace be upon him) the last Prophet of God. Also from the hadiths on this subject: “Fast on the first, fifteenth and last day of the month of Rajab and you will receive the same reward as for a whole month of fasting, because it is written ten times. And don't forget the night first Friday of Rajab"

This is Laylat-ul-Ragaib - Night Raghaib,- when the marriage of the parents of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, Abdullah and Amina took place.

The first night from Thursday to Friday (Raghaib Night) in Rajab is highly recommended to spend in Ibadat, as this is the night of "Wish Fulfillment".
In the evening from Thursday 1 to Friday of the month of Rajab, it is recommended to make next prayer: during the time between Maghrib prayer (Ahsham, evening) and Isha prayer (Yastu, night) (i.e. between 4 and 5 prayers), perform a prayer of 12 rak'ahs, read Al-Fatiha 1 time in each of them, Al-Qadr 3 times, Al-Ikhlas 12 times. Perform 12 rak'ahs in two (as in taraweeh).
After prayer, read salawat 70 times “Allahumma solli ‘ala Muhammadinin-Nabiyil-Ummiyi Wa ‘ala aalihi wa sallim.”
Then descend into sajda (earth bow) and say 70 times (in sajda) "Subbuuhun Kudduusun Rabbil-Malyayaikati va-r-Ruuh".
Then raise your head and say 70 times "Rabbi gfir va rham va tajaavaz ma ta'lam fainnakya Anta-l-Aziizul-A'zam"
And finally, go down to the 2nd sajda and say the same as in the first. And after that, while still in sajda, ask Allah for the desired (i.e. personal dua), and, insha-Allah, this dua will be fulfilled.
For this prayer, a huge reward is promised, the forgiveness of sins, and this prayer will be of great help in the grave and relieve loneliness (in the grave).

Among other things, they say that in Rajab Nuh (peace be upon him) entered the ark, Musa (peace be upon him) with his people made a miraculous crossing over the sea, the repentance of Adam (peace be upon him) was accepted, the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him), Isa ( peace be upon him) and Ali (may Allah be pleased with him).

In many hadiths, great importance is given to the distribution of sadak (alms) in the month of Rajab and the dedication of nights to the worship of Allah, prayers and dhikr. It is advisable to read Surah Ikhlyas more often this month.
It is highly recommended to do special prayer on the first day, in the middle and on the last day of Rajab. This prayer consists of 10 rak'ahs. In each rakah, Al-Fatiha is read - 1 time, then Al-Ikhlas - 3 times and Al-Kafirun - 3 times. After the last salam on the first day of Rajab, the following should be read:

Allahhumma la maani'a li ma a'taita wa la mu'tia li ma mana'ta wa la yanfa'u zal-jaddi minqal-jadd.

And after that, run your hands over your face, as after any du'a.

In the middle of the month of Rajab, after the last salam, the following should be read:

La ilaha illallahu Wahdah La shara Lah
Lahul-Mulku wa lahul-hamd Yuhyi wa yumiit
Wa huwa haiyu la yumiitbiya dihil-khair
wa huva 'ala kulli shayin Qadiir.
Ilyayahav-Vahidan Ahadan
Samadan Fardan Vitran
laya yattakhizu saakhibatav-va la valyada.

At the end of the month of Rajab, after the last salam, the following should be read:

La ilaha illallahu Wahdah La shara Lah
Lahul-Mulku wa lahul-hamd Yuhyi wa yumiit
Wa huwa haiyu la yumiitbiya dihil-khair
Wa huva 'ala kulli shayin Qadiir.
Sollallahu 'ala sayyidina Muhammadin wa 'ala
La haula wa la kuvvata illa billahil-´Aliyil-´Azyym.


With the month of Rajab, a spiritual period begins in the life of every believer, which lasts three sacred months - Rajab, Shaaban and Ramadan. In these three unparalleled months, the Almighty gives us the opportunity to cleanse ourselves of all the sins of the past year and earn His mercy and forgiveness.

The Messenger of Allah (S) said: “Rajab is the month of Allah, Shaban is my month, and Ramazan is the month of my ummah (that is, the Shiites).”

Fasting is recommended during the months of Rajab and Shaban, and even one day of fasting during these months has an incalculable reward. Salman Farsi narrates from the Messenger of Allah (S) that in the month of Rajab there are day and night, which are such that if a believer fasts on this day and stays awake on this night, then he will receive the reward of the one who fasts for 100 years and stays awake at night for 100 years . This day and night falls on the 27th of Rajab.

First Thursday of this month.

The 13th, 14th and 15th of this month are "ayamu baiz" ("days of radiance"), having a special program and "amal umm dawood" ("acts of Umm Dawood") for the fulfillment of any desire.

Aspirations for this month:

1. Fasting, at least one day of the month. Fasting on the 27th of Rajab is highly recommended. Imam Sadiq (A) also said: Whoever fasts on the last day of this month, it will become for him security from the mortal agony» ("Vasailu shia", volume 10, p.475).

2. After each obligatory prayer in this month, it is advisable to read the following dua:

بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

Bismi llahi rrahmani rrahim

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful!

Alahumma sally ala muhammadin wa aali muhammad

O Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad!

يَا مَنْ أَرْجُوهُ لِكُلِّ خَيْرٍ،

Ya man arjhuuhu lee cully khair

O He from Whom I seek all good,

وآمَنُ سَخَطَهُ عِنْدَ كُلِّ شَر

Wa amanu sahatahu Ainda kulli sharr

and I am safe from His wrath in all evil!

يَا مَنْ يُعْطِي الْكَثِيرَ بِالْقَلِيلِ،

Ya man yuAti l-kasira bil kaliil

O He Who gives much for little!

يَا مَنْ يُعْطَي مَنْ سَأَلَهُ

Ya man yuAti man sa-alahu

O He Who gives to those who ask Him!

يَا مَنْ يُعْطي مَنْ لَمْ يَسْأَلْهُ وَمَنْ لَمْ يَعْرِفْهُ

Ya man yuAti man lam yas-alhu wa man lam yaarifhu

O He Who gives even to those who do not ask Him and do not know Him

تَحَنُّناً مِنْهُ وَرَحْمَةً،

Tahannoonan minhu wa rahmatan

by His generosity and mercy!

أَعْطِنِي بِمَسْأَلتِي إيَّاكَ ،

aAtyni bi mas-alati iyyak

Grant me at my request from You

وَجَمِيعِ خَيْرِ الآخِرَةِ

جَمِيعِ خَيْرِ الدُّنْيَا

jamiA kheiri ddunya wa jamiA kheiri l-ahira

every good thing in the present life and every good thing in the life to come!

وَاصْرِفْ عَنّي بِمَسْألَتي إيَّاكَ جَميعَ شَرِّ الدُّنْيا وَشَرِّ الآخِرَة

wasrif anni bi mas-alati iyyak jamiA sharri ddunya wa sharri l-ahira

And turn away from me at my request from You all the evil of this life and all the evil of the life to come,

فَإنَّهُ غَيْرُ مَنْقُوصٍ مَا أَعْطَيْتَ،

Fa innahu geira mankuusin ma aatite

for there is no one who would reduce what You have given -

وَزِدْنِي مِنْ سَعَةِ فَضْلِكَ يَا كَرِيمُ.

Vazidni min fazlika ya kariim

and multiply for me according to Your generosity, O Magnanimous One!

يَا ذَاَ الْجَلالِ وَالإكْرَامِ،

Ya zal jalali wal ikram

O Possessor of majesty and glory!

يَا ذَاَ النَّعْمَاءِ وَالْجُودِ،

Ya zal naAmaai wal juud

O Possessor of blessings and generosity!

يَا ذَاَ الْمَنِّ وَالطَّوْلِ،

Ya zal manni wa ttaul

O Possessor of endowment and majesty!

حَرِّمْ شَيْبَتِي عَلَى النَّارِ.

Harrim sheibati Alya nnar

Protect my gray hair from the Fire!

It is reported that Imam Sadiq (A) read this dua to one of his companions in response to a request to teach him such a dua in the month of Rajab, so that Allah would answer and help him.

3. Every day in the month of Rajab it is advisable to read.

4. During the month of Rajab, it is advisable to read Salman Farsi prayer, which was taught to him by the Messenger of Allah (S).

The Messenger of Allah (S) said to Salman Farsi: “O Salman, there is not a single believer or believer who would read 30 rak'ahs in the month of Rajab, so that Allah would not forgive him all his sins and would not give him the reward of the one who fasted the whole month. His death will be similar to the death of a martyr. He will be resurrected along with the martyrs of Badr. His position will rise a thousand steps.”

Gabriel said: “O Muhammad! This prayer is a sign of distinction between your followers and hypocrites, because hypocrites do not read this prayer.

Namaz Salman consists of 30 rak'ahs, of which 10 rak'ahs are read on the first Rajab, 10 rak'ahs on the fifteenth and another 10 on the last day of the month.

All rak'ahs are read in prayers of two rak'ahs each. In the first 10 rak'ahs, in each rak'ah, we read the Fatiha sura once, then the Ikhlyas sura three times and then the Unbelievers sura three times. Between each two rak'ahs (that is, between each prayer, two rak'ahs), we raise our hands and say:

Then we say:

On the fifteenth rajab, we read 10 rak'ahs in the same way as described above, but between every two rak'ahs we say:

Then we say:

On the last day of the Rajab, we read 10 rak'ahs in the same way as described above, but between every two rak'ahs we say:

Then we say:

5. Asking for forgiveness from Allah a lot. To do this, it is recommended to say this phrase every day 1000 times:

أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللّهَ ذَاَ الْجَلالِ وَالإكْرَامِ مِنْ جَمِيعِ الذُّنُوبِ وَالآثَامِ

Astagfiru Allah Zal Jalaali Wal Ikraam Min JamiAi Zzunubi Wal Aasaam

"I ask forgiveness from Allah, the Possessor of majesty and glory, for all sins and mistakes."

It is also advisable to repeat as much as you can:

أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللّه وَأَسْأَلُهُ التَّوْبَةَ

Astagfiru Allah wa as-aluhu ttauba

“I ask forgiveness from Allah and ask Him to turn to me.”

6. Give sadaqah this month.

7. On the night of the seventh Rajab, it is recommended to perform a special prayer. The Messenger of Allah (S) said: “Whoever reads this prayer, Allah will place him under the shadow of His Throne, ease the pangs of death for him and save him from squeezing in the grave. He will die only after seeing his place in Paradise and will be delivered from the horrors of the Day of Judgment.

This prayer consists of two prayers of two rak'ahs each. In each rak'ah after the "Fatiha" we read the sura "Ikhlyas" three times, then - "Dawn" once and "People" once.

After completing the prayer, we read salawat 10 times and tasbihat arbā 10 times ( subhana llahi wal hamdu lillahi wa la ilaha illa llahu wallahu akbar- "Exalted is Allah, and praise be to Allah, and there is no god but Allah, and Allah is great").

8. The 13th, 14th and 15th of Rajab, Sha'ban and Ramadan are called "ayamu bayz" ("days of radiance"). Imam Sadiq (A) said: “He who prays at night on the days of radiance stands in front of the gates of great mercy and goodness.”

As for prayer on the night of the 13th, 14th and 15th of Rajab, they should be performed as follows:

- On the night of the 13th Rajab, we read a prayer in two rak'ahs: in each rak'ah, after the "Fatiha", the sura "Ya.Sin" is read, then "Power" and "Ikhlyas".

- On the night of the 14th Rajab, we perform two prayers of two rak'ahs each. In each of the rak'ahs we read the same surahs.

- On the night of the 15th Rajab, we perform three prayers, two rak'ahs each, in each of which we read the same surahs.

On the night of the 15th Rajab, it is also advisable to read (A) for the 1st Rajab, the 15th Rajab and the 15th Sha'ban.

On the day of the 15th Rajab, it is advisable to perform a ghusl and read 10 rak'ahs of Salman Farsi prayer, as mentioned above.

Dates for this month:

The first day of this month is the birthday of Imam Bakir (A); the second or fifth is Imam Hadi (A), the tenth is Imam Javad (A), the thirteenth is Imam Ali (A).

Other dates this month:

- The fifteenth Rajab - the day of the death of Zeinab bint Ali (A).

- The 25th of Rajab is the day of Shahadat by Imam Kazim (A).

- The 26th Rajab is the day of the death of the father of Imam Ali (A) and the "guardian of Islam" Abu Talib.

- 9th Rajab - the birth of the son of Imam Hussein Ali Asghar.

- 12th Rajab - the death of the uncle of the Prophet (S) Abbas.

- 20th Rajab - the birth of the daughter of Imam Hussein Sakina.

- 24 Rajab - the battle of Khaibar (7th year of the Hijri).

- 28th Rajab - Imam Hussein (A) left Medina.

- 29th Rajab - Battle of Tabuk (9th year of the Hijri).

The beginning of the month of Rajab was greeted by most Muslims with great joy, being sure that it was one of the best periods of time for worship, especially for fasting. The Muslim Ummah got another opportunity to celebrate one of the three blessed months - Rajab - the month of mercy and forgiveness. Being one of the months preceding Ramadan, Rajab is a preparation for this period, and a Muslim should do spiritual cleansing and fasting.

However, some people do not like that Muslims will worship more this month, moreover, they are categorically against fasting this month. For this purpose, a message is sent via instant messengers and distributed on social networks, allegedly confirming the undesirability, and sometimes even the ban on fasting in the month of Rajab.

Let's consider this question... Is it really so and is it so bad to fast this month.

Month of Rajab is one of the four months forbidden for wars, and it is especially marked by significant events in the history of Islam. And no one can doubt the desirability of fasting during the forbidden months, for the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said in a hadith quoted by Abu Dawud:

صُمْ مِنَ الحُرُمِ وَاتْرُكْ، صُمْ مِنَ الحُرُمِ وَاتْرُكْ، صُمْ مِنَ الحُرُمِ وَاتْرُكْ

« ... fast during the forbidden months and break the fast, fast during the forbidden months and break the fast, fast during the forbidden months and break the fast ". (Abu Dawood).

Imam an-Nawawi in the book "Sharh al-Muslim" writes about this hadeeth as follows:

وَفِي سُنَن أَبِي دَاوُدَ أَنَّ رَسُول اللَّه صَلَّى اللَّه عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ نَدَبَ إِلَى الصَّوْم مِنْ الْأَشْهُر الْحُرُم ، وَرَجَب أَحَدهَا . وَاَللَّهُ أَعْلَمُ

« The Sunan (collection of hadiths) of Abu Dawud says that, indeed, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) encouraged fasting in the forbidden months (ashkhur al-khurum), and Rajab refers to them. Allah knows best ”(Commentary to Hadith No. 1960, 4/167).

Therefore, Imam Khatib Ash-Shirbini writes the following in his book “Mugni al-Muhtaj”:

خاتمة أفضل الشهور للصوم بعد رمضان الأشهر الحرم وأفضلها المحرم لخبر مسلم أفضل الصوم بعد رمضان شهر الله المحرم ثم رجب خروجا من خلاف من فضله على الأشهر الحرم ثم باقيها ثم شعبان لما في رواية مسلم

كان صلى الله عليه وسلم يصوم شعبان كله وفي رواية كان يصوم شعبان إلا قليلا

« The best months for fasting after the month of Ramadan are the forbidden months (ashkhur al-khurum), and the most worthy of them is the month of Muharram (the first month of the year in the lunar calendar), according to the hadith quoted by Imam Muslim: " The best fast after Ramadan is fasting in the forbidden month of Allah Muharram "After him (Muharram), RAJAB IS CONSIDERED THE BEST MONTH FOR LENTING, so as not to contradict those scholars who claim that EXACTLY RAJAB IS THE BEST OF FORBIDDEN MONTHS.

Then (according to the merit of fasting) there are other forbidden months, and after them comes Shaban, according to the hadith, which is reported by Muslim: " The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) fasted in the month of Sha'ban completely. "And in another version of this hadith, it is said that he (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) fasted almost the entire month of Sha'ban ". (“Mugni al-muhtaj”, 1/605)

As you can see, some scholars believe that month of Rajab is the best month to fast after Ramadan, but most of them agree that it is Muharram.

It is worth noting that in these reports, as an argument, the words of Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani, a great scholar, imam of the Muhaddiths, are cited as an argument that the dignity month of Rajab, about the virtue of fasting for the whole month or part of it, or staying awake on a certain night, there is no certain reliable hadith that could be cited as evidence.

It all comes down to the fact that the words of Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani were cut out of context. Let's see what conclusion Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani himself made:

He quotes a hadeeth after which he says:

ففي هذا الخبر - وإن كان في إسناده من لا يعرف - ما يدل على استحباب صيام بعض رجب، لأنه أحد الأشهر الحرم

« In this hadith, even if there is someone unknown in the chain of transmitters, there is something that indicates the desirability of fasting some days of Rajab, because this month is one of the forbidden months (ashkhur al-khurum)» («»).

Why did the scientists make such a decision that it is still desirable to fast in the month of Rajab? This is again answered by Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani, who is referred to by those who consider this an innovation:

ولكن اشتهر أن أهل العلم يتسامحون في إيراد الأحاديث في الفضائل وإن كان فيها ضعف، ما لم تكن موضوعة

« However, leniency is known among scholars in citing hadith as an argument for doing good deeds, even if the hadith are weak, unless they are fictitious.» (« Tabyin al-ʻujb bi-ma varada fi shahr Rajab»).

This report also mentions that (may Allah be pleased with him) beat on the hands of those who refused to eat in the month of Rajab, and forced them to eat, saying: “ Eat! Indeed, this is the month that was exalted in the days of Jahiliyyah».

This is also answered by Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani:

فهذا النهى منصرف إلى من يصومه معظما لأمر الجاهلية

« This prohibition applies to those who fasted, exalting the deeds of pre-Islamic times.» (« Tabyin al-ʻujb bi-ma varada fi shahr Rajab»).

As for the fact that the post in month of Rajab is an innovation, then regarding this, Ibn Hajar Al-Haytami in the book "Fath al-Mubin" (sharh on the collection of hadiths of Imam An-Nawawi "Al-Arbaʻun") writes the following:

قيل: ومن البدع صوم رجب، وليس كذلك بل هو سنة فاضلة، كما بينته في الفتاوي وبسطت الكلام عليه

“There is an opinion that fasting in the month of Rajab is an innovation, but this is not so, on the contrary, FASTING IN THE MONTH OF RAJAB IS AN EXCELLENT GOOD SUNNAH (desirable deed), as I explained and expounded it in Al-Fatawa” (the book “Al -Fatawa al-kubra al-fiqhiya", 4/53-54)".

Fath al-mubin", 226; 5 hadith)

Based on the foregoing, we can say that in the month of Rajab is a desirable deed, for which a person receives a large reward, because the scientists of the Shafi madhhab, whose opinion is fundamental in the madhhab, refute the opinion that this is an innovation, not to mention its prohibition.

Therefore, dear brothers and sisters, you should not pay attention to such provocative messages and deprive yourself and your loved ones of a huge reward for observing the fast in the month of Rajab.

One of the voluntary acts of worship, especially valuable in the month of Rajab, is fasting. Fasting in Rajab has a special merit and carries many rewards, which are mentioned in reliable hadiths of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him).

We, as Muslims, in the pursuit of the pleasure of the Almighty, try to do all our acts of worship in a perfect and correct way. In the month of Rajab, Muslims who intend to sincerely observe a voluntary fast may have some questions that we will try to answer in this article:

Is fasting in the month of Rajab obligatory?

No, fasting in the month of Rajab is not obligatory. This is the sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him), not observing the fast in Rajab will not be considered a sin. The only month when a monthly fast is an obligation (fard) is the month of Ramadan.

One of the legends says: “In some years, the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) fasted for so long in the month of Rajab that we thought that he would never break his fast. And in some years he did not start fasting in the month of Rajab for so long that we thought that he would not fast at all.

ABOUT Is the fast of Rajab different from the fast of other months?

Fasting at any time of the year in its order and ritual is observed in the same way: from dawn to sunset. The only difference is the formality in the form of words in the intention depending on the month.

How many days of fasting should be observed in Rajab?

There is no definite clearly regulated number of days, how many must be observed in the month of Rajab. A believer can fast for 1 day, 2, 3, 14, etc. days. The more days he fasts, the more sawab, by the grace of Allah, he receives.

“Remember, Rajab? month of the Almighty. Whoever fasts even one day in this month, Allah will be pleased with him.”

According to the hadith, depending on the number of fasting days, the believer will receive the following rewards:

Day 1 - great mercy and blessing of Allah.

2 days - double reward.

3 days - a huge ditch separating this person from Hellfire

4 days - protection from madness, various diseases, the evil of Dajjal.

5 days - protection from punishment in the grave.

6 days - will be resurrected on Judgment Day with a face shining brighter and more beautiful than the full moon.

7 days - Allah will close the 7 doors of Hell so that this person does not get there.

8 days - Allah will open the doors of Paradise for this person.

14 days - Allah will reward the fasting person with something so beautiful that not a single living soul has heard of.

15 days of fasting in Rajab - Allah will give such a status that not one of the approximate angels and not one of the Prophets-messengers (peace be upon them) will pass by this person without saying: “Congratulations to you, since you are saved and are safe” .

What are the best days to fast?

Fasting in the month of Rajab can be observed on any day, but according to the Sunnah, following the example of the Prophet (peace be upon him), it is better to fast on Monday and Thursday, since it is on these days that a person’s deeds are presented to Allah.

Is it necessary to fast Rajab in a row or can it be on separate days?

As for the special instructions regarding fasting in Rajab, it is advisable to fast three days after three: fast for three days and rest for three days. Uninterrupted fasting is undesirable as it is likened to the month of Ramadan since continuous fasting is observed only in the month of Ramadan. Therefore, you can fast for a day, and two days, or more, also three after three, but you should not do this continuously.

Are there days on which it is forbidden to fast in Rajab?

Only a post on Friday is considered unapproved. The reason for this is simple: Friday is a holiday for a Muslim, a day of worship and visiting the mosque. “None of you should fast on Friday, except if he fasts the day before or the next day,” says the hadith of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him).

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