Children's game crow rules. Mobile game "Crows"


In a group with children we play finger games, in round dance, didactic, games with a verbal description and of course in mobile. played in"sun and rain", "run all to me", "I'll catch up with you." We learned a new mobile game» crows». A game corresponds to age, if in others games the children all ran and ran away together, then in this game they need to find their own after the signal "house" it's still hard for them. Game by season,Can play on asphalt. If in winter we fed the birds in feeders, now you can throw crumbs.

A game passes through areas: physical, music can be turned on, communication (they know the name of the bird, chicks - crows, onomatopoeia kar-kar, text repetition, cognition (birds fly, peck grains, etc., socialization (run carefully, do not bump into each other).

mobile game« Ravens»

Task: Improve running. Develop attention, the ability to imitate. Learn to act according to the text. To evoke a sense of joy from joint actions.

Material:image emblems crow, dog toy.

Game progress: The teacher shows where the nests are (circles drawn) by the number of children who crows live, sit down and "sleep".The teacher reads the text. " Crows sleep soundly,

Everyone sits in nests

And wake up at dawn

They will croak in the yard.”

According to the text, children crows perform. At the last words of the text they wake up and pronounce: "kar-kar-kar" and flew off. An adult accompanies their actions words: "Flew, flew

,The crows flew:

Aunt went out on the path,

Crows sprinkles crumbs.

The crows have arrived,

Everyone pecked to the crumbs:

Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock-

Beaks banged."

Children - crows squat down and tap their fingers on the floor, pronouncing:Knock-Knock. An adult takes a dog toy and speaks:

"Tuzik walked around the yard,

Crows scared:

aw-aw, aw-aw!"

The dog is chasing crows fly away to their nests. This game can play in junior and middle groups, only with complication: you can change the houses, put hoops. the image of the dog can be a child, put on a dog mask. The text can be read by a child.

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"Crows and Sparrows" is an outdoor children's game that will be interesting for both primary school age and teenagers. The game is designed for the attention and dexterity of children, for their ability to play a team game, assess the situation and make decisions with lightning speed. Traditional mobile interesting games for children of 10 years old always cause a storm of positive emotions, give joy from physical exertion.

The benefits of the game "Crows and Sparrows"

The game is played in a limited area, the children are gathered into teams of interests, and victory depends on the quick change of tasks and their completion, so the game "Crows and Sparrows" teaches you to empathize with the participants and make a collective decision. "Stand up for each other!" - this is the motto of the children's game "Crows and Sparrows".

How to prepare for the game

Requires little preparation to play. In order for the outdoor game of Crows and Sparrows to take place, it is necessary to determine a safe place for the game, to outline the territory for crows and sparrows. The leader will stand on the demarcation line. And the course of the game depends on his sense of humor. His task is to confuse the players, dispel their vigilance, joke, distract and, at the most unforeseen moment, pronounce the word: “Crows” or “Sparrows”.

What precautions should be taken

The children's outdoor game Crows and Sparrows is considered dangerous, because it involves sudden movements of participants in the crowd, so there may be falls and bruises. It is better when the game is played in nature, in a spacious meadow. The fewer participants in the game, the safer, but not as fun and noisy as with a large company.

Children's game rules

Crows and Sparrows is a children's game with simple rules. Firstly, rivals are determined who will run after each other. Who will catch up with whom, the host decides. At the moment when the teams slowly converge to the line of demarcation, the host is constantly intriguing, not saying the word. Only syllables are heard: “Vo-”, “ro-” ... And then he suddenly says in full: “Crows or sparrows”, and the team that was called should run away to the house. And if the participant was captured by the enemy, then he is eliminated from the game. And so on until one of the teams loses, that is, it loses all the participants. It is on this principle that the mobile game Crows and Sparrows is built .

The result and rewarding in the children's game

As a result, the winner of the game is the team with more participants left. Like all children's games, Crows and Sparrows has several repeating stages, and each will have its own winner.

Two parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 1-1.5 meters. Another 4-5 meters are measured from them, and they are drawn along the line. The first two lines are the start lines, the second are the "houses". Teams line up with their backs to each other near the first lines, i.e. at a distance of 1-1.5 meters. There are two teams, one of them is called "sparrows", and the second - "ravens". The leader stands between the teams and calls the words: sparrows or crows. If the leader said: “crows”, then the crows are catching up with the sparrows, who are trying to escape for the second line, i.e. hide in the house. All captured sparrows become ravens. If the host says "sparrows", then the sparrows run and catch the crows. The game can continue until there are no players left in one team. Or the game goes a certain number of times, and then the team with the most players wins.

Two parallel lines are drawn on the ground three steps from one another. Stepping back from them in both directions for 20-25 steps, two more lines are drawn. The players are divided into two teams: one of them is called "crows", the other "sparrows". They become two ranks in the middle lines, facing in opposite directions. During the game, the leader loudly says "ravens" or "sparrows" pronouncing the last syllable abruptly, pausing in front of him. The named team runs to the far line in front of it, and the other team, turning around, pursues the enemy. It is necessary to stain the fleeing before he reaches the line. After counting those who have been tarnished, the teams take their starting position and the game is repeated four to six times. The team that tarnishes the greater number of "opponents" wins.

The participants of the game line up in a column one at a time (one step apart) in the middle of the site and count on the first or second. The first numbers - one team, the second - another. Objects are laid out on both sides of the players: towns (“ravens”) on the right, tennis balls (“sparrows”) on the left. There are half as many objects as there are participants in the game. The players, at the direction of the leader, perform various simple movements on the spot (arms to the sides, up, sit down, stand up, march in place, etc.). Then the leader of the syllables pronounces one of the words. If this word is “in-ro-ny”, then all the players rush to the towns to the syllable “ny”, but if it is “ro-by”, then when the last syllable is pronounced, all players run to the balls, trying to grab one object. Since there are fewer items than players, only the most attentive and fast get them, for which the team is awarded winning points. The game is played 7-9 times, after which the number of successful starts of each team is counted and the score is announced accordingly.

We offer two variants of the rules of the mobile game "Sparrows and Crows". Both options are suitable for playing on the playground, at a children's party or in the classroom.

Rules of the game "Sparrows and Crows" - option number 1

  1. The participants are divided into two teams. One team will be "sparrows", the other - "ravens". Teams are placed opposite each other at a distance of 2-3 meters.
  2. At the command of the driver (adult) "Sparrows!" the team of sparrows should rush to catch up with the team of crows, and on the command “Crows!” - vice versa. The game continues until the chasing team catches all the players of the escaping team.
  3. The trick is that the driver pronounces the commands in syllables slowly: “Voooh - rooooo - ... WE!” or "Woooo - rooooo - ... GO!", so until the very last moment, the players do not know whether to catch up with them or run away. By the way, a cunning driver can also call completely different words: “Voooh - rooooo - ... TA!”, “Voooh - rooooo - ... ZHBA!”, “Voooh - rooooo - ... VKA!”, Which adds to the game more fun. And yet, to complicate the game, you can line up teams with their backs to each other. Then it will be easy to run away, and it will be difficult to catch up.

Rules of the game "Crows and Sparrows" - option number 2

In the second version of the game, two teams are also required, only now two types of different items are required - for example, balls and cubes. Items are laid out on opposite sides of the teams. Players, on the commands of an adult driver, perform simple tasks (squat, bend over, raise an arm or leg). The driver may suddenly say the word “sparrows” (then everyone runs and grabs the ball) or “crows” (then everyone should grab a cube). For each correct item brought, the team receives a point. The team with the most points after several rounds wins.

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Game Crows - sparrows

Fun children's entertainment suitable for younger students and preschoolers. It includes 4 game varieties with similar rules. Two of them are inactive, with elementary movements in a sitting position. They can be used on trips, at home children's holidays. The other two - active, dynamic - options for the street or for large rooms.

The purpose of the game "Crows - Sparrows": the formation of attention, emotional responsiveness of children, learning to act in pairs and one at a time.

Rules of the game first sedentary option

The rules of the game "Crows - Sparrows" in this case look like this:

  1. Participants are seated in twos, hands are extended to a neighbor, but not connected.
  2. In all pairs, one child is a “raven”, the other is a “sparrow”.
  3. The host pronounces the words "sparrow" and "raven" in discord. The player whose word is called should lightly touch the neighbor in the pair. He tries to quickly withdraw his hand.

The second version of the sitting game

In this version, the rules of the game "Crows - Sparrows" change somewhat:

  1. A leader is selected to explain the conditions for completing tasks and conduct the game.
  2. At the first stage, with the word "crows" - clap in front of you, and with the word "sparrows" - the left hand behind the head.
  3. At the second stage, the word "crow" is accompanied by a nod of the head, and with the word "sparrow" - the right hand to the shoulder.
  4. The host pronounces the words "crow" and "sparrow" in random order, randomly. He tries to confuse the players: he speaks the first syllables slowly, then stops before pronouncing the last and quickly pronounces it.
  5. Players must correctly execute the appropriate movements. Anyone who makes a mistake is immediately out of the game.
  6. Entertainment continues until a single winner is revealed.

In the mobile version of entertainment, there are also 2 possible scenarios for the development of events. The task in both versions: to develop attention and dexterity, the ability to run not to bump into each other, to respond in time and accurately by changing movements to the words of the leader.

Getting acquainted with the first version of the active version of the game

Learning how to play the game "Crows - Sparrows" is simple, you need to know a few points:

  1. Children are built in one column and are conditionally divided into 2 teams. Tennis balls (sparrows) and skittles (crows) are placed to the right and left of the column.
  2. As shown by the leader, everyone makes a series of simple movements: half-squats, take their hands to the sides, march in place, jump on the 1st leg.
  3. Suddenly, the leader pronounces one of the words (crows or sparrows). Players rush to the right items.
  4. Entertainment is repeated if desired.
  5. The team that lifted more items won.

Let's start studying the second option

In this version, the game "Crows - Sparrows" goes like this:

  1. Players stand in 2 columns at a short distance from each other. They are conditionally subdivided into teams of "sparrows" and "crows".
  2. In the middle, at an equal distance from the players, a line (border) is drawn, beyond which neither one nor the other team can cross.
  3. The players listen carefully to the leader, who randomly calls the word "crows", then "sparrows"
  4. Members of the named team must react quickly and try to touch one of the members of the opposing team.
  5. The players of the other team at this time are trying to escape from the border line.
  6. The one (running away), who was touched by the hand, replenishes the team of opponents.
  7. The host has the right to pronounce not only these names of birds, but also use words with the same beginning “VORO ...”, for example, “crow”, “collar”, “funnel”, etc. This is done to complicate the game and develop the attention of its participants .
  8. The team that managed to increase its ranks at the expense of the players of the opposing team is considered the winner.

This entertainment will not bother your child for a long time, and most importantly, to carry it out you absolutely do not need to spend money or try to build some kind of game equipment.