Why do you need a work book when applying. Labor relations without a work book: is it worth it? What could be the basis for making

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The form of the work book approved in 1938 lasted 35 years. And only in September 1973, the Council of Ministers adopted a new resolution “On work books for workers and employees”, which stated that the work book is the main document on the labor activity of citizens. After that, the form of the work book did not change for another 30 years.

Today in the Russian Federation there are labor books of three types: 1938, 1973 and 2003. All three types of work books are valid and do not require replacement.

History of the work book

For the first time work books were introduced by the Soviet government in 1919. After the Civil War, labor became an identity card, since there were no passports in the USSR until 1932. Data on the participation of workers in public works and the performance of labor duties were to be regularly entered into the book. Those who evaded receiving a book were threatened with a six-month prison sentence, and for the loss of a book - a fine of 25 rubles (in 1938). It is worth noting that in the late 1930s, the average monthly pension of a Soviet citizen was just 25 rubles, which could buy about 40 kilograms of bread.

The work book at that time was the basis for receiving food rations and the main identity card. In it, in addition to records of places of work, earnings, benefits and insurance premiums, data were entered on marriage, registration and military service - as well as on the payment of contributions to social security and labor protection.

In 1922, a new Labor Code began to operate, which no longer provided for work books. They were replaced by "paybooks" that all workers and employees received at the place of work.

In 1926, a new document was introduced - the "Labor List", in which the employer had to enter general data about the employee: date of employment, position, salary, etc. When employees move from one institution or enterprise to another, labor lists handed over to them. When applying for a new job, employees were required to have labor lists from the places of their previous service.

On December 20, 1938, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR adopted a resolution "On the introduction of work books." To have or not to have this document, each Soviet worker could determine for himself. But those who did not have books were deprived of the right to receive food cards. It was necessary to start a book for any worker employed at the enterprise for more than five days. An employee was charged a fee of 50 kopecks for receiving a book.

Labor books of the 1938 model remained unchanged until 1973, and the last form changed in 2003.

Russian work book

The Russian work book appeared in January 2004. On it, the coat of arms of the USSR was replaced with the coat of arms of Russia, and the cover itself was made not green, but gray. In addition, the format of the document was reduced and pages were added - instead of the previous 40 pages, the new work book became 44. The document also has additional means of protection against counterfeiting: the inscription "Work book" luminous in ultraviolet light, a special seam that fastens the sheets of forms, and special paper with a watermark.

Employment history. Photo: FSUE GOZNAK official website

To whom is a workbook issued?

Employment books are issued today for all employees who have worked in the organization for more than 5 days, for whom this work is the main one (Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

When applying for a job in order to conclude an employment contract, the employee must provide a work book along with all other necessary documents, such as a passport, education documents, etc. And if a person is hired for the first time, then the employer must provide a work book. After dismissal, the book must be returned to its owner. If you are a part-time job and want to add a line about part-time work to your work book, then you have the legal right to receive such an entry. To do this, you need to bring to your main place of work a document confirming that you are working part-time, and the “main” employer will make a corresponding note in the document.

What role does the workbook play today?

Until now, the work book, according to Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, “is the main document on the work activity and work experience of an employee,” however, many functions of this document have long been taken over by an employment contract and a personalized accounting system in the FIU.

So, from January 1, 1997, the FSS and the Pension Fund keep records of the length of service and work of Russians - so that the registration of a pension, which was previously impossible without a work book, no longer depends on it. Now anyone can get an extract about their experience from the PFR data for free. In addition, copies of hiring and firing orders serve as proof of work. Whereas earlier the work book was the main document confirming the work experience. She ensured the execution of the pension case, and it was almost impossible to issue a pension without presenting it.

Photo: RIA Novosti / Mikhail Mordasov

She lost the work book and the function of recording various qualifications in it. Previously, if a person went to work as a locksmith of the 3rd category, and he was awarded the qualification of a locksmith of the 4th category, then with a new employment, the only document confirming this was a work book. Now the qualification system in this form has disappeared. You can read about changing qualifications and career growth in a resume, and not in a work book.

Among other lost functions is the receipt of a sick leave. On January 1, 2007, the law on temporary ability to work came into force, which abolished the norm on continuous work experience (which is fixed by the work book) for receiving a sick leave.

Until 2007, sick leave pay was calculated depending on the length of service of employees. For workers with continuous work experience of up to 5 years, payments amounted to 60 percent of earnings, from 5 to 8 years - 80 percent. And employees with more than 8 years of uninterrupted service could expect that their total income would not decrease due to illness. Since 2007, the continuity of experience in the calculation of the sick leave is no longer taken.

In addition, a break in the length of service, according to, no longer has any effect on the amount of the future pension, since its size does not depend on the length of service, but on the amount of contributions to the pension fund. The minimum length of service for receiving an old-age labor pension by 2025 will reach 15 years, now it is five years. In addition, a minimum of 30 points will be required to accrue a pension. And for citizens born before 1967, only the insurance part of the pension will be valid. Young Russians will be able to participate in the insurance system or choose a non-state pension fund.

Why do they want to cancel the work book?

Employment books wanted to cancel repeatedly. They started talking about another cancellation of work books in connection with the preparation of a bill by the Russian Ministry of Economic Development on the abolition of seals for commercial companies. Along with the abolition of printing, representatives of business organizations consider it appropriate to abolish work books.

The Ministry of Health and Social Development does not rule out a 10-year transitional period, so as not to shock people for whom entry into the labor force is a necessary element of the relationship with the employer. However, many employers have long switched to a contract work scheme, and for them work books look like an anachronism. Having concluded an employment contract with an employee, the employer and employee stipulate in it all the positions that are important to them. In the case of an employment contract, the employer does not know about unpleasant entries in the work book, for example, dismissal under an article for violation of labor discipline, etc.

Since neither the employee, nor the employer, nor the state needs work books, it can be assumed that they will eventually be canceled.

The easiest way to get a work book is to issue this document with the employer. Most large organizations start it for an employee who is employed for the first time. The organization itself purchases forms of work books, the employee of the personnel department enters in them the last names, first names and patronymics of new employees, their level of education and profession. The owner of the book confirms this information with his personal signature. After that, the book is kept at the enterprise until the employee is fired or leaves. In some cases, the employee is charged for the form of the book. This, but it is necessary that the transfer of money be documented, in the form of an entry in a special registration book. The cost of the form is usually low, since organizations have the opportunity to buy them in bulk. If the company has work books, purchase the form yourself. They are in stationery stores and even in street newsstands. Please make sure that the form of the work book is correct. The first page should contain information about the employee, then information about the place of work, then about awards. With the purchased work book form, come to the personnel department of your organization. The specialist will fill out a book, enter a record of your employment in it, and you will be considered an officially working person. It can also be noted that you can draw up a work book not only at employment, but also during work, if this has not been done before. For example, if you started working under an employment contract, the employer may subsequently agree to make an entry in the work book. In this case, the document is processed according to the scheme described above. The only difference may be in the indication of the date of employment. It may coincide with actual employment or with the moment the book was issued.

The work book in Russia is the main document of every officially working person. And although, according to the statement of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev and representatives of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, work books can be canceled from 2012, for the time being, when applying for a job, the personnel department or the accounting department are required to open a work book for a new employee.


Give the new employee the necessary documents to open a labor office. This is a passport (or a document replacing it), a military ID (if any), a certificate of higher, secondary special or secondary education. If a person has an incomplete higher education, or is in the process of studying, he must provide a student card or a certificate from the dean's office about his educational status.

Enter all the basic information about the employee on the title page of the work book. Be sure to write off passport data from the document so as not to make a mistake in the correct spelling of the last name, first name, patronymic or date of birth. Do not make any abbreviations, such as "Andrey Alexander. Ivanov" or "September 6, 1977) Date of birth only in Arabic numerals in the format 06 09 1977, as well as the date of filling out the work book.

Fill in the "Education" column, even if you only have a school certificate or student ID. In the event that a new employee does not yet have a documented profession, write in the appropriate column the specialty for which the employee is accepted into your organization. If a person has a certificate of passing any advanced training courses, retraining, and so on, you should indicate the specialty that is indicated in the course completion document.

Give the employee a completed work book so that he checks the correctness of all the data on the title page. If he finds an error, it is impossible to correct it in this work book: the document should be canceled and a new one should be created. If all the data is correct, the employee must put his official signature (the same as in the passport) at the bottom of the title page. If the signature is illegible, you can write a transcript (surname) next to it in brackets.

Sign the title page of the work book if you are a responsible person in the organization, or give the book for signature to such a person. Then put the seal of the company at the bottom of the title page next to the signature. On the first page after the title page, make a note that, according to the order of such and such date, the employee was hired for such and such a position in such and such an organization. An employee and the head of the enterprise must sign next to this entry. From this moment, the labor is considered open.


  • "Employment history"

Enterprises, organizations, as well as individual entrepreneurs are required to draw up work books for employees in accordance with labor legislation. In accordance with the rules for maintaining work books, the employer enters into it information about the work of an employee who has worked for him for more than five days.

You will need

  • employee's documents, a blank form of the work book, a pen, documents on admission / dismissal from the position, the labor code, the seal of the organization, documents of the enterprise.


Make sure that the employee has not yet started a work book. If the employee did not present it to you, and you wanted to issue it in accordance with all the rules, draw up an act stating that he refused to present it. This document is signed by witnesses with a transcript and an indication of their positions.

Take a blank form of the work book and write down the full name, first name, patronymic of the employee, date (day, month, year) and place of birth (region, city) on the title page. In accordance with the document on education, write its status (higher, secondary, secondary professional, secondary special), as well as the specialty, profession received by the employee during his studies at the institute, etc. The person responsible for maintaining work books writes the title of the position, surname, initials, signs and the actual date of filling out the form. Familiarize the employee against signature with the completed title page of his work book.

In the first column, put the serial number of the record in Arabic numerals. In this case, it corresponds to the number one. In the second - indicate the date of employment of a specialist (day, month, year).

In the information about the work, enter the name of the position, structural unit where you hired the employee. Indicate the name of your enterprise in accordance with the constituent documents or the surname, name, patronymic of an individual in accordance with an identity document if you are an individual entrepreneur.

In the grounds for making the entry, write the number and date of publication of the administrative document signed by the head of the organization and certified by the seal of the company.

When dismissing an employee from a position, indicate the date of dismissal corresponding to the date of issuance of the dismissal order, in the information about work, enter a link to the article of the labor code, in the grounds - the date and number of the order to dismiss the employee.

The record of dismissal is certified by the seal of the enterprise, the signature of the responsible person indicating his position, surname and initials. Familiarize the employee with it against signature.

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  • How to fill out a work book

For newly hired employees, employers, including individual entrepreneurs, are required to draw up work books in accordance with the rules for maintaining work books. If the employee previously had a work book, but for some reason he did not submit it, then at the request of the specialist it is allowed to draw up a new work book, but it is not necessary to make entries about previous places of work.

You will need

  • - a blank form of the work book;
  • - an identity document;
  • - education document;
  • - pen;
  • - enterprise documents;
  • - seal;
  • - hiring/dismissal order;
  • - book of accounting of work books.


Get a blank work book. On its title page, enter the last name, first name, patronymic of the employee in accordance with the identity document. Enter the date and place of his birth. Write the education status (higher, secondary, secondary vocational, secondary specialized, higher professional) of this employee in accordance with the education document (diploma, certificate). Indicate the name of the profession, specialty received during training at an educational institution. Enter the actual date of completion of the work book. Put the signature of the person responsible for accounting and maintaining work books. Ask the employee to sign in the appropriate field.

Enter the serial number of the entry. In this case, it corresponds to one. Enter the date on which this employee was hired. In the information about work, enter the full and abbreviated name of the enterprise in accordance with the constituent documents or the surname, name, patronymic of an individual in accordance with an identity document, if the organizational and legal form of the organization is an individual entrepreneur. Indicate the fact of employment. Enter the name of the position for which the specialist was hired, in accordance with the staffing table, the name of the structural unit. The basis of the employment record is the order. Enter its number and date of publication.

In case of dismissal of an employee from this organization, in the information about work, enter the fact of dismissal, referring to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (depends on the conditions of dismissal: one's own desire, agreement of the parties, and so on). In the grounds, indicate the number and date of issuance of the dismissal order. Upon dismissal, the record must be certified with the seal of the enterprise and the signature of the person responsible for maintaining and accounting for work books. The employee should be familiarized with the record against signature.

Register a new work book in the work book record book. Enter its series, number, date of issue and date of issue. Indicate the name of the employee and give him a work book upon dismissal against signature.


  • How to fill out a work book

A work book is an official document that records all the facts about an employee’s work activity: hiring, dismissal, transfers, periods of “unemployed” status, etc.

You will need

  • - Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on work books;
  • - Instructions for filling out work books;
  • - Directory of personnel officer.


A work book is needed, first of all, to confirm and calculate the total work experience for all employers for whom the employee worked, as well as continuous work for one specific employer. In turn, the determination of the length of service is necessary for the calculation and payment of various benefits, compensations and the provision of various guarantees.

Familiarize yourself with the main regulatory documents governing the procedure for maintaining and storing work books: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225 and Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of October 10, 2003 No. 69.

With properly organized accounting work, a work book is the main document that can confirm the existence of an employment relationship. If you are an employer, be sure to keep a record of work books. Entrust the accountant with maintaining the income and expense book for accounting for the forms of the work book and the insert in it indicating the series and number, and for the personnel officer - the book for recording the movement of work books (hiring, dismissal, issuing duplicates, transfers, etc.).

Fill out the work book according to the Instructions of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, do not allow abbreviations and corrections. Keep numbering through each section of the work book.

Often citizens are interested in where to get a work book? This can be done at the first employment. The employer is obliged to issue this document to the employee in his actual absence. As a rule, he turns to the employer with a statement.

Sample Application

The application indicates the reason for the absence of the document (did not work before).

Not everyone knows at what age you can start a work book. It is issued from the moment when a citizen begins to officially work. As a rule, people who have reached the age of 16 are hired. But, according to article 63 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, children under this age can get a job. True, for this you need to obtain permission from the parents of the teenager and guardianship authorities.

Second work book

The question of how to start a second work book arises before a citizen when he:

  • decided to hide unpleasant facts from his professional activity from the employer;
  • trying to change profession;
  • lost the first form and does not want to waste time looking for it;
  • trying to get two jobs at the same time.

The only legal way to get a second form is to write a statement to the employer about the loss of the first copy.

If the lost document is subsequently found, it will have to be accepted and maintained. The second instance will need to be destroyed.

If the words about the loss turn out to be a lie, the employer has the right to dismiss such an employee for providing knowingly false information and concealing documents. Therefore, before you think: "Can I get a second work book?", You need to find out about the responsibility for the decision.


What happens if you start a second work book? Here are some options.

    A citizen who has provided knowingly false information when applying for a job may be dismissed on the basis of paragraph 11 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    Since tax deductions are made at one place of work, it is worth knowing that if a person works somewhere else, the second employer will have the right to recover the amount of the tax deduction from such an employee in court.

    When applying for a pension, the PFR will not accept a second document on a person's length of service.

    Compensation payments that he received on sick leave can be forcibly collected from a citizen, because temporary disability benefits can only be received at one place of work. Attempts to receive benefits in two places at once can be regarded as illicit enrichment.

    A person may be held criminally liable in accordance with Articles 159 and 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Of course, it is difficult to call the second form fictitious if, according to all the rules, entries were made in it by personnel department employees. But the fact that it is the second document acting as the first is illegal.

But if violations were made in the preparation of this document, the problem will open up and capture both the employee who will have to restore seniority or run around the authorities, and the employer, to whom this can be imputed.

In some cases illegally issued labor will cause litigation, fines and many troubles.

To prevent this from happening, both the employer and the employee should monitor the proper execution of the Labor Code.

How to get a work book for an employee

If you are applying for a job and you do not yet have a work book, you should not worry about this. Naturally, you can only be hired in a place where work experience in your specialty is not required. Your specialty will be indicated in the educational documents, which may include:

  • Diploma of Higher Education;
  • diploma of secondary specialized education;
  • certificates of course completion;
  • specialty certificates;
  • similar documents;
  • a copy of the school certificate.

On the basis of these documents, as well as a civil passport, you have the right to look for work in the specialty indicated in your documents, but without work experience. You will gain work experience after you fill out a work book, and you have worked for a certain time at the first enterprise in your working life.

After working for some time, you will have work experience in the specialty that any employer or personnel officer can determine. For you, this will be a definite advantage, which will allow you to look for more favorable working conditions.

Registration of a work book when applying for a job for the first time - a sample of filling out the title page:

Job details:

Where to apply?

At first you come to the employer without a work book. You inform him that you have no experience, you have not worked anywhere. It makes no sense to start a conversation about the fact that you need a work book, that you don’t have it yet. This may characterize you as an incompetent person.

You need to know that the employer must issue a labor form to fill out. After he hires you, he will need to get a TC on you.

Even if you work for a week, you have the right to demand a book. You have no right to refuse.

However, keep in mind that for people who are getting a job for the first time, presence is provided when filling out the book. On this basis, a week after getting a job, take an interest in the fate of your labor.

From your side proof must be submitted what you were doing before joining this organization. For example:

  • studied at school;
  • in a technical school, college or lyceum;
  • at an institute or university;
  • attended courses;
  • served in the ranks of the Russian Armed Forces.

Present the documents that you have after graduating from these institutions, as well as a military ID if you have just been demobilized. In principle, citizens liable for military service must always present it when applying for a job.

If you have not received a certificate of education, for example:

  • did not pass the exams;
  • have been expelled

you will have to submit proof.

If spoiled

If the book has been damaged, you need to establish the source of responsibility. Of course, it will need to be replaced, but this should be done by the person responsible for the improper storage of documents. The labor force is restored from the resources of the perpetrator.

If you are guilty, then when applying for a job you will need to submit a certificate from the last place of work (or without it) and request in accordance with article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Of course, it will not take into account the length of service for the previous period, but you can continue to work, and gradually collect all the lost experience.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Chapter 11, Article 65. Documents presented at the conclusion of an employment contract

Unless otherwise established by this Code, other federal laws, when concluding an employment contract, a person applying for a job presents to the employer:

  • passport or other identity document;
  • a work book, except for cases when an employment contract is concluded for the first time or an employee goes to work on a part-time job;
  • insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance;
  • military registration documents - for those liable for military service and persons subject to conscription for military service;
  • a document on education and (or) qualifications or the availability of special knowledge - when applying for a job that requires special knowledge or special training;
  • a certificate of the presence (absence) of a criminal record and (or) the fact of criminal prosecution or the termination of criminal prosecution on rehabilitating grounds, issued in the manner and in the form established by the federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of internal affairs - when applying for a job related to activities, to the implementation of which, in accordance with this Code, other federal law, persons who have or have had a criminal record, are or have been subjected to criminal prosecution are not allowed.

In some cases, taking into account the specifics of work, this Code, other federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation may provide for the need to present additional documents when concluding an employment contract.

It is prohibited to demand from a person applying for a job documents other than those provided for by this Code, other federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation.

When concluding an employment contract for the first time, a work book and an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance are drawn up by the employer.

If a person applying for a job does not have a work book due to its loss, damage or for any other reason, the employer is obliged, upon a written application of this person (indicating the reason for the absence of a work book), to issue a new work book.

Documents are required to get a job. These include:

  1. Passport.
  2. Education document.
  3. References, certificates, certificates, certificates confirming qualification or category.
  4. If you have changed your last name, bring proof of this fact.

In some cases, after providing the documents and their photocopies, the employer proceeds to fill out the employment contract and does not start talking about filling out the labor contract - this is a very good sign, which means that this company takes great care of employees.

In particular, some promotions, including employment, paid by the enterprise (organization) from its own funds. You should not be impatient and worry about whether the personnel officer forgot to get you a shopping mall.

For such forgetfulness, he will be charged with a serious fine, and in any case, you will be given a labor contract. The book, according to the instructions, must be filled out in your presence.

How to issue and make a work book: application

Some personnel officers offer to write an application in order to start a new book for newly settled persons. This is necessary in order to deduct the cost of labor from your salary. In this case it is free-form, in the name of the employer, with the obligatory indication of the fact that you need a shopping mall.

And also with an expression of a request that the cost of the form be deducted from wages. If you pay the cost at the box office in cash, an application may not be required.

The cost of TC can vary significantly. It all depends on which batches of labor forms are purchased and in what time frame they were purchased. How much does a workbook cost? Their current prices are:

  1. For a batch of 5 to 99 pieces - 190 rubles each.
  2. For a batch of over 100 pieces - 110 rubles each.

If the price of the form differs significantly from the indicated one, the employer overestimates it. He has no legal right to sell it at an inflated price compared to the one at which he acquired it.

When purchasing book forms, they are drawn up in special lists of statements, indicating the number of your form and the purchase price.

It is easy to check and at the first check of the GIT inspectors, such an enterprising personnel officer (employer) will be fined. If the amount is significantly underestimated:

  1. Forms were purchased before the price change and were cheaper.
  2. The company compensates part of the cost of the form.

Properly executed work book - sample and examples:

Step by step instructions for the employer

If you are an employer or, you need to approach the issue of registration of books very carefully. The slightest violation can be fraught with the development of problems. Therefore, keep in mind that you must fill out the form very carefully, and if by chance you make a blot or mistake, the form must be replaced.

For a person applying for a job for the first time, a work book will need to be filled out in his presence. To do this, he must provide you with a passport and a document on education.. Labor must correspond to passport data.

And if a different surname is entered in the document on education (qualification), demand a document confirming its change. For example, if a woman is married, she must submit a marriage certificate and a copy of it. A copy must be certified and put in her personal file along with copies of other documents.

Filling out the title page will not be difficult, as it indicates what information you need to enter. But need to comply with the standards established by legislative documents. In particular:

  1. Fill out the form legibly, neatly, without blots.
  2. Use a blue or purple ballpoint pen, you can write with ink.
  3. Dates should be given in Arabic numerals only.

They must be kept in the safe of the accounting department, along with the income and expense ledger. You can take the form only against a receipt, which indicates which employee a work book is started in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Labor for No. 69.

If the form is damaged, it must be written off by an act and destroyed, and the next one must be taken to fill out. It is not forbidden to store the forms with a person authorized to maintain the Labor Code, as well as with the employer.

If you are a beginner entrepreneur and do not know how to purchase forms, go to the website and order forms from intermediaries. They have a specialized power of attorney from Goznak and a license to distribute TC and forms.

Get the right batch right away and store it in the organization so that they are always available, since the provision of a labor worker must be within 5 days from the day the employment contract is concluded.

If these deadlines are violated or other violations are committed, then the GIT inspectors will impose fines that, at a minimum, fit in the amount of 300 to 5,000 rubles.

Before you start filling out the TC, you need legal grounds. These include:

  • application for a job;
  • The order of acceptance to work;
  • an order to issue and fill out a labor form.

After the title page is filled out, the owner of the labor puts a signature at the bottom. Signed below:

  • head of the personnel department;
  • or employer;
  • or an authorized person.

If the enterprise is small, which does not have a staff of persons responsible for office work, as well as a personnel department or similar, the employer has the right to grant the right to fill in the labor to the chief accountant, in accordance with the legislatively approved Rules of April 16, 2003, No. 225.

However, if he filled out the labor instead of the head without an order, using a facsimile seal with his signature, this will be considered a violation.

When signing, be sure to follow the sequence, and put:

  • job title;
  • signature (stroke);
  • its decoding with initials.

When hiring a foreign citizen, it is not necessary to start a shopping mall if he can be employed under a work contract or otherwise.

However, at his request and demand, the TC will have to start. Moreover, in accordance with Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer does not have the right to refuse a person in official employment. It is unacceptable to accept labor from foreign countries or take into account the length of service entered in the book of a foreign citizen, worked out outside the Russian Federation.

In this case, it is necessary to clarify in accordance with the list, its professional suitability. For persons with Soviet-style education documents, the right to education is preserved. For others, qualification confirmation is provided if the educational institution is not included in the list of generally significant ones.

Without this condition, the personnel officer fills out the shopping mall by analogy with an uneducated worker. The exception is invited specialists of a high professional level according to a collegially agreed official decision.

An important point will be filling in the last name, first name and patronymic in Russian. In order for it to be entered correctly, a separate application from the employee will be required, in which he will personally confirm the correctness of the entered data corresponding to the passport data in his native language.

If the personnel officer is the owner of the labor

When applying for a job in the personnel department, a person should not fill out his own TC, since he always has alternative opportunities. In addition to the personnel officer, the employer can fill out any book. The labor personnel officer will not be an exception.

Accordingly, he can sign only in the place where the owner of the labor is signed, and below:

  • signed by the employer;
  • or a working (other) personnel officer;
  • or a special authorized person.

The authorized person must be determined by a special order.

Among the negative reasons in this regard is the one that does not consider a person without a labor (see) - a full-fledged employee, even if there is an order and an employment contract. If we are talking about dismissal, the question can be put a little differently.


Filling out the shopping mall during the initial registration of an employee is an important step. In this case, it makes no sense to take actions that are not regulated by law and treat this issue arbitrarily. After the book is properly executed, it must be registered in the ledger and stored in a place that meets the rules, for example, in a safe.

Deputy Minister of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation: I think that it would be quite possible and appropriate to make a decision ( about the cancellation of work books) in 2012.
(Can) provide for a 10-year transition period for those people who are used to the work book so that they can complete their work activities with it.
The workbook must be cancelled. It is the employment contract that is the most effective method of protecting the rights of the employee.
The work book in Soviet times was almost the only document confirming the rights of workers.
Previously, the work book provided registration of the pension case. Now this replaces personalized accounting in the FIU. The work book no longer fulfills this function completely.
The work book is morally obsolete also because the system for assigning qualifications to an employee has disappeared. Each qualification is earned by a person's career.

Andrey Isaev, head of the committee on labor and social policy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation: I think that in general the initiative is correct. Labor books exist today only in Russia. No other civilized country in the world has such an instrument for regulating labor relations.
I would suggest doing a smooth gradual variation. Starting from 2012, stop issuing work books to newly employed citizens. The state does not need a work book to exist.
For a certain part of the workers, labor is an extremely big nuisance. Let me give an example of a case when, at the age of 19, a person was fired for absenteeism, because he walked late with a girl and slept the next day, as a result, this incident remains a stain for life, which prevents him from finding a normal job.
At the same time, there are many people who value their work books and entries in them. I am sure that it is necessary to give the employee the right to choose.
For those who already have a work book, you can make its further filling out optional. That is, if the employee wants, then he presents the book to the employer and has the right to ask him to make an appropriate entry, but the employer will not have the right to demand a work book from him.
Moreover, it is possible to leave such a right to the employee not for a certain period, but for life.
Currently, at the onset of retirement age for certain categories of people - with a long record of service or for those who received government and departmental awards (information about them is now registered in the labor), there are benefits. All benefits will remain.
Retirement benefits provide certain rewards, as well as seniority. All awards are confirmed by the relevant certificates. And the experience is fixed by the pension fund. The pension fund has absolute completeness of information, where and when a person worked, in what position, and what salary he received.
In the process of regulating labor relations in modern society, an insurance certificate of state pension insurance is quite enough.

Alexander Pochinok, member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, ex-Minister of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation: The work book is really an absolute anachronism, because there is a database of the Tax Service and the Pension Fund. The calculation of the pension does not depend on the work book, it depends on the data that enters the Pension Fund. It is very easy to forge a work book now.
Therefore, it is necessary to amend the legislation to allow citizens to receive data from the Pension Fund and the Tax Service database. Everything's there.
That is, if you do not want to show where you used to work, then you do not show anyone. If, on the contrary, you think that your work is useful, you use materials from the state database, everything about you is there, about your length of service, work experience, and so on. If it's useful to you, you take references from former employers; if it's not useful to you, you don't take it. That's all.
It's not that data about you can become known, it's a security problem. Another thing is that the databases of both the Tax and the Pension Fund have more complete, detailed, clear information than in work books. And the use of data from a person’s work book, in principle, will not bring much harm. Another thing is that now the employer can say: "I'll write you a wolf's ticket, write a dismissal under the article in the work book, and then walk wherever you want." And now there will be no such threat to a person, and this is very, very good. Agree, forcing a person to carry 10 kg of all sorts of papers with him is an absolute anachronism. You, we, all now have electronic passports, there is a person's identification data. We have universal electronic cards, which have everything, why else an unnecessary document? By the way, it costs money, by the way.
Those who want to leave her can do so. Who is used to it, well, why not? But forcing people who have been on the Internet since the age of three to draw up paper books is an anachronism. You can’t do anything instantly, you can’t cancel and forget everything. If a person is used to a work book, yes please! Let him have it. If he does not want to work with the Internet, if he is used to living the way he lived, well, let him go with these documents. That is, they will not cancel the effect of work books, but will introduce a transitional period, make it voluntary for a person, and gradually allow the country to abandon them. There are no work books in any developed country.

Oleg Sokolov, Director of the Department of Social and Labor Relations of the FNPR: Employment books do not have a “semantic” load, therefore their cancellation will not affect the accounting of labor relations in any way (accounting for seniority, accrual of pensions). On the other hand, work books are a positive credit history, rewards are recorded there, while punishments are not noted.
The main problem of the abolition of work books is the perception of the population accustomed to them. That is why a long transition period is a priority of the new labor accounting system.
At the same time, employment contracts, as the main documents of labor accounting, must have a clear legal framework. To begin with, the Ministry of Health and Social Development and Rostrud should resolve the issues of popularizing employment contracts, achieve the legal implementation of the Labor Code in terms of the existence of an employment contract, and then you can think about canceling work books.
In this case, the calculation of pensions will not suffer. For a pension, it is not the time worked that is important, but insurance payments. For this, work books, it turns out, are not needed.

Sergey Vostretsov, chairman of the trade union association Sotsprof: Employment books do not play any role now, they are a relic of the Soviet past. Therefore, they can be canceled without resorting to a ten-year transition period.

Lyudmila Aivar, lawyer: The work book has outlived its usefulness for a long time - from the moment the market appeared in Russia and labor became free.
In Soviet times, the work book was the main document confirming the place of work and length of service. In our time, she has already outlived herself. Any entry can be put in the work book and, thus, plug any gap in labor activity.
The work book is irrelevant, for example, for individual entrepreneurs and lawyers. The bar does not provide for work books, since this is a non-profit partnership. The status of a lawyer actually replaces a work book. We are registered with the tax authorities, we pay taxes.
In order to confirm the length of service and receive a pension, a certificate from the tax authorities is sufficient. If work books are replaced with another document, then I do not see anything seditious in this.

Yuri Virovets, President of HeadHunter: I am sure that work books should be abolished long ago. They have turned into a pure bureaucratic formality that wastes the resources of enterprises senselessly. Instead of paying more attention to the real problems of personnel management, personnel departments are forced to practice unnecessary calligraphy.
In order to confirm the experience of a person, it is enough to raise the personalized accounting data in the FIU or look at employment contracts. In addition, no one canceled calls to previous jobs and letters of recommendation from managers with contacts.
In August 2010, our company conducted a survey among 330 Russian companies on the need for work books. Only half of HR specialists agreed that in modern conditions a work book is a necessary condition for employment. At the same time, 23% of personnel officers admitted that they could painlessly refuse to use them in their companies right now. Another 26% noted that a work book is needed only in a number of cases, but not always.
19% of the surveyed companies believe that the work book can be replaced by a single information base, for example, tax, pension, insurance or similar. Another 15% believe that the work book can be replaced with its electronic counterpart. 14% are sure that letters of recommendation can replace employment, 6% - an employment contract. Only 16% of companies do not see a replacement for the work book.

Valery Borshchev, MHG: Apparently, indeed, the work book itself is an atavism. We need to refuse it, but it is important that the rights of the worker are respected.
The main thing is that the personalized accounting, which is planned to be introduced instead of the work book, is transparent.
I have a work book. Next to the entry "department manager, member of the editorial board" there is an entry - "fireman of the Taganka Theater". I got this record in 1980, when I went to the dissidents.
But having a work book had certain advantages. This is a passport of labor and professional activity.