Job description of a marketer, job responsibilities of a marketer, sample job description of a marketer. Profession marketer What does a successful marketer need

This article will cause a wave of anger from my fellow marketers, but it needs to be published.

At a minimum, because it will be extremely useful to owners who, regardless of their niche and field of activity, will confidently say that finding a competent marketer is like finding a treasure.

So why the anger? Everything is simple! Most marketers who offer their services to the labor market are simply not suitable for these positions. As they say, no offense. Nothing personal, just business.

And we will start with philosophical (but quite practical) topics, and finish with dry specifics.


The first philosophical (practical) topic is sales. And the first thing we will discuss is why a marketer should be able to sell. How to find out if he can or not? Let the marketer at the interview answer the question:

- Have you ever sold anything?

Naturally, the sale of newspapers in childhood does not count. I mean serious sales - by phone, at a meeting.
I just feel that now slippers from marketers flew into me 🙂 Because:

- Why should I sell? The job of a marketer is to paint, find, make promotional materials, attract a client and that’s it (as the people say, “master the budget”)!

And here it is not. In my opinion, a marketer who has never sold anything is an empty place.

How did you not sell anything?

Better then a salesperson who decided to engage in marketing. And now I will explain why.

Someone will hook, but it is not known who. And now I am talking about the b2c sector, in which everything is quite simple. In the b2b segment, things are still much more difficult.

How difficult is it

He does not even know how the client will behave, which means that such a “lead marketer” cannot fully prepare promotional materials that will lead the client in accordance with the objection funnel.

This is all just what an entry-level Internet marketer should know and be able to do (that is, the basics of the basics). And now I don’t demand much from the future leading marketer at all. This is not even a tribute to fashion, but an ordinary routine.


By the way. I almost forgot about one more duty, which is spelled out in all job descriptions in passing.

A marketer (and even more so an Internet marketer) is an analyst. That is, the duties of a marketer in a company include, first of all, analysis of the effectiveness of advertising channels and their optimization.

From here, you have one more mandatory question to ask at the interview:

– What experience do you have in internet marketing or SMM?

And if there is none? Now I will answer.

Do you think that there should not be such trained specialists (you can’t call them differently)? In theory, yes. But in practice, everything is different.

A simple example. As part of a marketing consulting project, we helped one of our clients select a marketer.

The main requirements are a possible lack of extensive experience, but an understanding of marketing, sales, online marketing and analytics.

I, too, was fully convinced that it was impossible to find a novice marketer with such a wide range of knowledge.

But how wrong I was when I saw more than 10 applications from applicants with knowledge and experience in SMM, settings, work in and Google Analytics and so on. And all this, attention ... at the age of no more than 25 years and for no more than 30 thousand rubles a month.

common truths

I perfectly understand that 3 main responsibilities in the key of “be able to sell, be friends with Internet marketing and the ability to analyze” are unlikely to suit you.

Therefore, catch a list of duties that any, even the most useless (God forbid, of course!) marketer must comply with:

  1. Analysis of the target audience, company, product, markets, competitors;
  2. Preparation and coordination of the advertising budget based on the advertising policy of the company;
  3. Organization of various promotional activities (promotions, sales, events, etc.);
  4. Elaboration of pricing and assortment policy of the company as a whole;
  5. Analysis of the effectiveness of advertising activities carried out;
  6. Studying supply and demand for the company's products;
  7. Forecasting sales volumes;
  8. Optimization of marketing business processes;
  9. Preparing reports for senior management.

Briefly about the main

I agree, it’s hard to find such a golden marketer who will combine:

  1. Salesmanship;
  2. Ability to understand both offline and Internet marketing;
  3. Ability to analyze and systematize the information received.

Yes, if you can take a marketer with no sales experience and train him in this, then taking a marketer to a company with no experience in the Internet is just suicide.

And yes, this approach is quite justified in all areas. So the next time you ask yourself the question “What should a marketer know?”, read the last list of this article again, and you will no longer have it.

How to become a marketer?
Step 1: Graduate
Step 2: Get your certificates
Step 3: Get work experience

According to Google, these are the first three steps to becoming a marketing manager. Maybe this is true, but somewhat outdated. To begin with, every marketer knows that a specialized education is not at all necessary today - and that there is no one direct path to getting this position. There are infinitely many such paths. We will not list them all: we'd rather talk about the fastest one.

If you are just discovering the world of marketing, you will probably have the following questions:

  • Money. Are marketers well paid?
  • Interest. Is it an interesting job?
  • Time. How soon can you become a marketing manager?
  • Requirements. What skills and personal qualities should this specialist have?
  • Education. Is higher education necessary?
  • Certificates. Is it necessary to obtain any certifications for this job?
  • Expectations. What do employers expect from a marketer?

From our article today you will find out the answers to all these questions.

Why Become a Marketing Manager?

Do you even know why you want to become a marketer? If you know, feel free to skip this part. If not, then get ready to fall in love, because this is a very interesting job.

Good money

Depending on where you look - on Glassdoor, Paysa, LinkedIn or AngelList - annual salaries are listed in the range of $68,000 to $185,000, and the average is $72,000. Headhunter in Moscow gives a range of 55,000 to 300,000 rubles month.

There is no glass ceiling in marketing. As long as your salary is tied to income and you are achieving business results by meeting your KPIs, you can earn more and more and get a share in the income of your company.

Flexible schedule

Do you want to be a freelancer or work full time? One way or another, marketing allows you to work from anywhere in the world: you only need an Internet connection.

You will not be replaced by a robot

There were almost 205,900 marketing managers in 2016. By 2024, there will be a 9% increase by 2024. Therefore, while in many other places people are being replaced by robots, marketing managers. The chance of automation is only 1.4%, which means you are safe.

Broad set of skills

Marketing managers have a wide, versatile set of skills that are useful in any job, such as building startups or small businesses.
Of course, the job of a marketing manager can be stressful and time-consuming because you are personally responsible for meeting KPIs. But don't let that scare you: marketing pays off, and we'll talk about that later.

Ask a marketing manager what he does all day and you're bound to get confused, for two reasons:

1. Marketers have specific jargon.
2. Marketers perform many different tasks every day.

If you ask the same question to Google, you will read a bunch of outdated, trite answers based on what marketing managers were doing before the Internet.

So what are they doing? It happens completely differently.

It depends on whether this manager works in a huge corporation or in a small company. If this is an employee of a corporation, then he probably specializes in a specific channel, for example, in attracting customers or promoting in social networks. And if a marketer works with a startup, then he probably combines several positions at once.

The main job of a marketing manager is... He generates ideas, implements them through campaigns, analyzes the results and reports on them. Campaigns usually require additional resources, and therefore, marketers often work with other specialists, find freelancers and do organizational work. Here's what Katie Hurst, marketing manager at OpenSesame, has to say about this:

“Marketing pervades all processes in the company, and I bring different teams together. For example, I need to know about new product features so that I can host webinars to answer questions and create new FAQ pages on the site. I also make sure that the sales team gets relevant leads, and the content marketing team has all the tools they need to delight readers.”

What do employers require from a marketing manager?

Above all, employers want the marketing manager to help the company grow. Joe Pulizzi, Founder, Content Marketing Institute:

“I need a marketer who understands how to grow and retain an audience so that we can constantly communicate directly with buyers and potential customers. This means that a marketing manager must be able to build relationships with a group of people and own all the tools necessary for this.

At the end of the day, marketing is all about growth: increase revenue by attracting customers. To do this, a specialist needs a set of basic skills and tools, and then we will talk about them.

What skills do I need?

It all depends on the size of the company. But, one way or another, all marketing managers should have a good understanding of the marketing landscape as a whole. You don't have to be an expert in all of the areas listed below: in most of them, it's enough to have basic skills and be a generalist.

Required Social Skills

The main skills that you cannot do without are, first of all, social ones, that is, a combination of personal qualities that make it easy to navigate the world around you, work effectively with other people and achieve your goals using appropriate professional skills (we will talk about them later) .

Ability to do your job effectively

The ability to do your job effectively is one of the most important requirements. Kevan Lee, Chief Marketing Officer at Buffer:

“Can a person stick to a given strategy or implement projects? Is he able to follow the schedule? Does he do a good job? The marketing manager must deliver results with some strategic support (usually from the marketing director, vice president, or in-house team). The ability to follow a plan is one of the main requirements.”

Work with people

To accomplish their tasks, a marketing manager must be able to work with others, both inside and outside their department. The main thing that working with people requires is this. Kevan Lee, Marketing Director at Buffer:

“Empathy is important for the personal relationships you build with your team members. A marketing manager should have interpersonal skills, but they mean nothing if he is not capable of empathy. Empathy - the ability to see the world from the point of view of another - is indispensable.

Who does the marketing manager work with?

Depending on the size of the company, your boss could be the chief marketing officer, vice president of marketing, or, in small firms, the CEO or founder of the company. Marketing managers working with startups may not have reports other than a couple of interns. In larger companies, you are more likely to have assistants or partners.

Learning and adaptability

The marketing landscape is constantly changing and you will have to constantly adapt to it and learn new tactics and tools that appear weekly, if not daily. Rod Austin, Director of Marketing at Pagely:

“The digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving and there is a need to hire people who can adapt to changes in the industry. Learnability is a skill that is not easy to acquire.”

Creative problem solving and critical thinking

Growth hacking is just creative problem solving. Marketing managers face complex challenges every day. Why is income declining? ? How to drive more traffic to your landing page? And in most cases, you will have to deal with these issues with limited resources.

These are just some of the tasks facing the marketing manager, and professional skills are needed to solve them.

Required professional skills

Job skills are specific skills that can be acquired and measured. These include writing, math, reading, typing, software skills, and so on. Learning all this is much easier than mastering social skills.

Of course, it can be difficult to acquire skills that have nothing to do with what you learned before. Eli Schwartz, Director of Marketing at SurveyMonkey:

“Every marketing manager in our company must have both creativity and analytical skills. I need someone who truly understands data and uses their knowledge to develop creative marketing strategies.”


The vast majority of marketing executives expect managers to be able to make data-driven decisions. Rod Austin, Director of Marketing at Pagely:

“We need a person who makes decisions based on concrete indicators, not intuition.”

X. Therefore, you must be able to work with analytics tools and, having received data, draw the necessary conclusions from them.

For example, if you see that there is more traffic and less conversion, you will need to hypothesize about the causes of this problem and conduct experiments to solve it as soon as possible.

Digital Advertising

According to a 2017 MarketingProfs report, digital advertising is the most essential marketing skill. It includes paid advertising on social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vkontakte and others), AdWords, retargeting, etc.

This year, social media ad spend is likely to exceed $35,000,000,000, accounting for 16% of all digital ad spend globally. Facebook is the platform of choice for most advertisers; Instagram is not far behind. Facebook's ad revenue was $6,800,000,000 last year, up from $4,300,000,000 last year. Instagram, which has only had paid ads for two years, made about $1,530,000,000. That's two times more than these social networks earned in the first year.

Content Marketing

According to a MarketingProfs report, the second most important skill in digital marketing is content marketing, creating and distributing content (blog posts, ebooks, videos, pictures, and more) that doesn't directly advertise your company, but rather answers questions from your target audience. . Instead of bombarding her with ads, you educate her - and better convert potential customers who will tell all their friends about you, even if you didn't directly ask for it.

Communication (written and visual)

Marketing is about getting your message across to your target audience and thereby pushing them to take the desired action. In today's world, there are many ways to communicate, but first of all, a marketing manager must be a good writer and designer.

For example, he comes up with the text for a landing page and designs it, and then writes or edits a blog post and creates original pictures and graphics to make that post visually appealing.


Content marketing and SEO can be likened to a caviar and butter sandwich. Content marketing is the main ingredient (caviar), while SEO is the butter spread on bread (website) to improve taste or experience. As you publish each post, you should optimize it for organic search.


A marketing manager must build relationships. This often means reaching out to other blog or site editors with various requests, such as backlinking to your site or publishing a guest post.

Branding and storytelling

It is only when you have these must-have skills that HR managers start asking if you know how to work with specific platforms, programs and tools.

How is marketing success measured?

Marketing can be a challenging and nerve-wracking job because it is directly tied to the revenue of a business. At least that's how it is in many companies. For example, in LiveChat, each employee has his own area of ​​responsibility, so it is quite easy to track where the company is growing and where it is stagnating. The main KPI for LiveChat is the growth rate of the customer base, and every month the company reports on it publicly. Szymon Klimczak, Head of Marketing at LiveChat:

“It is easy for us to translate the work and results of each employee from the marketing team into the results of the entire company. Incoming traffic, the number of trial accounts, the characteristics of these accounts are the KPIs that we rely on when analyzing the results.”

Each company has its own set of KPIs. For example, in a company where there is only one marketing manager, he may focus on the number of new users or leads, and in a company where there are several marketing managers, each of them will most likely be responsible for one thing: blog traffic , brand awareness, etc.

How to become a marketing manager in the 21st century?

“To become a marketing manager, first learn how to market yourself. This way you will not only gain relevant experience in marketing, but also show that you know your business. I recommend volunteering in marketing positions, a tactic I myself have used to gain experience and instill confidence in others with my skills.” — Dan McGaw, Head of Marketing at Effin Amazing.

Don't misunderstand this advice though: if you have a job in marketing in mind, grab it. First of all, you need to gain experience.

“You have to go up the stairs. If you have worked in marketing for 1.5 years, you can usually get a higher paying job at another company. Career-minded people take the next step every year or two.” — Jon Westenberg, Manager, Creatomic

Westenberg started out in music marketing, which is very different from the world of startups and technology. Therefore, proving his worth, Westenberg created phenomenal content, conducted research, led projects, sites and communities. In this way, Westenberg demonstrated his ability to effectively engage in marketing in any field and attracted the attention of startups from around the world.


Now it's your turn to attract the attention of companies from all over the world. Nothing is stopping you, you know how to quickly become a marketer, and now it's up to you. All you need to do is start working and gaining experience.

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Oddly enough, although marketing is a popular area, not everyone knows what exactly is in the competence of a marketer. Even if an “experienced marketer” comes to the interview, he still asks the question: “What will I do?”. In short, marketing. Below we will consider in more detail the question of what a marketer should do in a company.

Who is a marketer


This is a specialist who studies the market, the needs and preferences of consumers. He evaluates which products will be in the greatest demand, and finds out why this is happening.

His responsibilities include finding ways to promote new products and increase sales of existing products, collecting and analyzing statistical data, evaluating the actions of competitors, monitoring the industry, organizing research to determine customer preferences, processing the information obtained, forecasting and preparing recommendations.

Marketing in its modern sense was born in 1985-1986. It appeared in connection with the need to regulate trade with foreign markets. This required a skilled approach.

Of course, the use of marketing technologies took place before (during the NEP and in the 60-70s, when international tension was discharged), but marketing became a serious direction only during the period of perestroika.

Due to the emergence of private property and the liberalization of prices, which led to a fall in the solvency of the population, marketing began to develop rapidly. Companies began to consider it as a necessary tool for their activities.

Currently, marketers are in great demand in the labor market, and specialists of various levels are needed (from assistants to managers).

The profession of a marketer is popular, so many universities open entire departments or faculties of marketing, but diplomas from specialized educational institutions are of the greatest value.

To work as a marketer, you need an economic education. However, it is necessary to have knowledge in related areas: sociology, psychology, history, legislation. They help organize research and analyze their results, correctly interpret the information received.

In this regard, marketers are not content with graduating from a specialized educational institution, but are striving to obtain an MBA degree.

What does a marketer do in a company?

There are not so many tasks assigned to a marketer, but his job responsibilities are quite serious and responsible.

This is not all that a marketer in a company should do.

The tasks of its activity can be supplemented with the following list:

  • conduct an audit of outlets (usually in large companies selling consumer goods);
  • write articles, press releases and publish them in specialized media;
  • participate in exhibitions and conferences;
  • maintain and develop Internet resources (mainly of an advisory nature).

What kind of marketer do you need in the company


This specialist is engaged in solving any problems in the field of marketing. It will be great if such a marketer appears on the staff of your company. Then you don't have to worry about possible jambs in the organization of production and marketing of products, taking into account market requirements.

For example, if your competitor has a marketer on staff who specializes exclusively in advertising, then it is obvious that he will be more successful in developing and implementing advertising campaigns.

A marketer-generalist is necessary for an enterprise if the competition in the market is low. Then his knowledge and experience will be sufficient to conduct effective marketing activities.

In addition, such a specialist is a way out for a small company that does not have the ability to maintain a large staff of marketers in various areas.

But in this case, there is another option - to entrust the conduct of marketing activities to an outsourcing company, since the knowledge and experience of a generalist marketer may not be enough to effectively confront competitors.

Submit your application

Marketing Specialist

Such a marketer is strong in a certain direction of marketing. This is either directly marketing, or advertising, or branding. There are other directions, narrower. For example, marketing research, segmentation, new product development.

Advantages . If you have a specialist in your company who is fluent in one of the areas, you are very lucky. He knows his business like no one else, and it is not easy to find equals to him.

Minuses . Marketing is a system technology. Therefore, if the company works successfully in some of its areas, and not so much in others, then the overall level of marketing will not be high. This is the main disadvantage of having a marketer in the direction.

A company needs such a specialist only if a specific issue arises that requires a quality solution. And the presence of a marketer in the direction in the state is not appropriate.

You need to cooperate with him only during the period of solving any issues. But if a company provides services in the field of marketing (this is its type of activity), then a specialist in the direction is simply necessary for her in the state. Its presence is a serious competitive advantage (unless, of course, your specialist is one of the best).

Project Marketing Specialist

Such a specialist is engaged in the implementation of turnkey projects. He has enough knowledge to develop any project from scratch, launch it and bring it to a successful conclusion.

Advantages . A significant plus of having a project marketer on staff is the possibility of his autonomous work and not the usual execution of instructions, but the independent achievement of goals. Such a specialist does not need explanations of what and at what time he should do. In addition, there is no need to control its work.

Minuses . Typically, project marketers act according to a well-established, time-tested scheme. They do not differ in creativity, but it is very important in marketing and helps to achieve success.

For such a specialist, the implementation of projects that he encounters for the first time is very difficult. For example, if a project marketer has previously worked in the automotive market, then it will not be so easy for him to switch to another type of product.

Such a specialist is necessary for an enterprise if it wants to diversify its activities. It is also recommended to hire him when organizing a new company. He will quickly put on his feet the next direction, and the newly opened company.

Internet Marketer

The competence of an Internet marketer is the strategic planning of promoting a company, product or service on the Internet. He also works with the target audience, attracts new customers and retains existing ones using online communication channels (web resources, web advertising, email newsletters, social media, etc.).

At the same time, an Internet marketer is more of a manager, not a performer. The implementation of technical tasks is carried out by the relevant specialists: traffic manager, designer, copywriter, programmer, etc.

Advantages . The main and most important advantage of having an Internet marketer on staff is that he will deal only with your project, which is quite logical, because he is a full-time specialist.

You can be sure that when a marketer works with one web resource, and not with 20, the results will be much better. After all, when a specialist sees one goal in front of him, he focuses only on it, and his activity is more effective than if he were torn into 20 different sites.

Obviously, another advantage is that a full-time Internet marketer knows absolutely everything about your activities. He can study the topic very deeply in order to understand it well and successfully conduct an advertising campaign on the Web.

It may sound funny, but trust me, it's true. In addition, it is safer to entrust your business to a person working for you in the state than to a marketing agency. Having your own marketer, you will get a big return: the content he creates will be of high quality, because he will understand all business processes.

A customer acquisition strategy should not be tied to just one advertising channel. There are many examples of companies that entered the channel when it was being formed, received a large flow of customers, and then died because the advertising channel either rose significantly in price or the flow of consumers from there decreased.

Any company needs to use at least 3-5 advertising channels. You also need to work on repackaging the goods on the website and other media and constantly monitor. An Internet marketer will try to apply his knowledge, which, as a rule, is not so much. Finding a super internet marketer is hard.

A key link in your company should be a project manager. It will help to balance advertising costs and revenues, to find a balance between internal and external contractors. Another option is to entrust the conduct of Internet marketing to an outsourcing company. Its specialists always keep their finger on the pulse.

What level of marketer do you need in the company

Marketing student

Such marketers are specialists with incomplete higher education in the field of marketing, that is, university students. They already have a certain baggage of theoretical knowledge and therefore they can be entrusted with the performance of certain tasks.

Advantages . A company that employs students has many benefits. Firstly, it must be said that the salary of such a specialist is less than that of a marketer with a diploma.

Secondly, students have a lot of energy and ideas, they are happy to take on any job. In addition, specialists with incomplete education work with great dedication (if, of course, they are motivated to do so), because they need to show themselves.

Minuses. The main disadvantage of having a marketing student on the staff is that they do not have enough experience. In addition, such a specialist cannot always work according to a standard schedule.

Novice marketer

Such a specialist has already completed his studies at the university and has a diploma, but he has no work experience.

Advantages . A novice marketer does not claim a large salary, while he can be entrusted with certain tasks, and he will perform them efficiently, without asking too many questions. Such a person can easily be adjusted to your company.

Minuses. The only drawback is the lack of work experience for a novice specialist, but it is quickly and easily eliminated.

You can hire a novice marketer by setting a trial period with a minimum remuneration. During this period, a person can be entrusted with routine work in order to unload highly qualified specialists. In addition, you can grow a suitable employee from a novice marketer.

Legionnaire Marketer

He is a marketing specialist who previously worked for competitors.

Advantages . The main advantage of having a legionnaire in the state is the experience of his work in a company competing with you. It will not be difficult for such a marketer to quickly and efficiently reproduce the business of competitors, which will ensure that some of their customers will go to you.

Minuses. The disadvantage is the use by a legionnaire marketer in his activities of the algorithms, methods and technologies that he used while working for competitors. On the one hand, this is good. But not all methods and techniques practiced by rivals are suitable for your company.

Therefore, the result of replenishing your staff with a marketer-legionary may be the emergence of contradictions in the company, and sometimes even its destruction. In addition, it is possible that the legionnaire is a spy for competitors and does not work for you, but for his real employer.

It is advisable to hire a legionnaire if you need to establish a certain business in a short period. But at the same time, everything needs to be well thought out so that the advantages that such a specialist gives do not turn out to be disadvantages.

Marketing Intern

This type of marketer includes specialists who have trained abroad.

Advantages . The main advantage of having a trainee in a company is that he is able to take marketing activities to a whole new level of quality, since he has gained experience in a firm operating in a more developed market.

He also has connections with foreign enterprises, which can be very useful.

Minuses . The main disadvantage is that there are significant differences between the Russian and foreign markets. And the use of experience gained abroad is not always appropriate, since it may not bring the desired result.

You can safely hire a trainee marketer if you are confident in the possibility of adapting his foreign experience to the real conditions of the domestic market. In addition, you will need an intern if you will enter foreign markets or work with foreign companies.

Marketing programmer

It should immediately be noted that such specialists have nothing to do with programming. This type of marketer is so called because they have a diploma or certificate confirming the successful completion of training in a particular marketing program.

For example, according to the popular program "NIMA-marketing", "MBA-marketing", as well as others, not so well-known and promoted.

Advantages . If a marketer has a certificate or diploma stating that he has been trained in some program, then you can be sure of his high qualifications.

Also, by hiring a marketer-programmer, you seem to declare to your partners and competitors that you are serious about marketing and that you have enough resources to maintain a highly paid qualified specialist.

Minuses . Usually, for all programs that marketers are trained in, sharpening for a specific worldview, a certain type of economy is typical. Therefore, there is no guarantee that they will work in other conditions.

Even if a specialist is highly qualified, this does not guarantee that his activity will be effective. Also, after training in such programs, the creative abilities of marketers are significantly reduced.

It is advisable to hire a marketing programmer only if you will work in the conditions under which the corresponding marketing program was developed. Otherwise, you will lose more than you gain.

3 questions that concern all employers looking for a marketer in the company

  1. How quickly can you find the right marketer?

Expect that you will spend a month searching. At the same time, keep in mind that in the summer and in November-December it is more difficult to find a specialist. The activity of marketers increases in the autumn months and after the new year, when they are rested and full of energy.

  1. What age is acceptable for a marketer?

When you're looking for newcomers, consider not only students, but also candidates in their 30s and professionals who have worked in a different field but decide to change direction. There is no need to train them. They are distinguished by responsibility, discipline.

They are familiar with corporate culture and ethics. Graduates of educational institutions get used to the work schedule for a long time, it is difficult for them to quickly and without reminders to fulfill their duties.

  1. What if the newcomer learns everything and leaves?

Nobody is immune from this. Any employee may want to leave to work for another company, so the possible dismissal of a newcomer should not scare you.

If you hire an experienced marketer, there is no guarantee that he will not quit soon, and he will have to pay more than an inexperienced one. And one more thing: novice specialists stay longer at their first job, because they are grateful to the company for training and experience.

How to write a marketing job ad

You need to sell vacancies for a company, including a marketer. Therefore, they must be original and different from similar vacancies on the labor market.

For example, those who share the values ​​of the firm, or applicants of a certain generation. This is especially true, because it is not always possible to indicate age preferences in job descriptions.

So, generation Y especially focuses on the external form. Its representatives, who are looking for a job, consider the brand of the company to be an important aspect. The original job description is mainly designed for young marketers.

But you must not see originality as an end in itself. The use of youth slang will also be undesirable. The presence of words like “drive”, “goodies” in the job description does not guarantee that it will make a holistic impression.

This mistake is often made when writing job descriptions for generation Y. Job seekers see that the slang they are used to is not native to recruiters.

If the vacancy is not consistent with the corporate culture of the company, it will look forced and even funny, no matter how creative it may be.

Creative job descriptions are necessary exactly for the enterprises of the “Greek” generation: these are employers whose main requirements for job seekers are mobility, dynamism and creativity. Such qualities can be positioned as the main ones required by the candidate only if the company as a whole shares these values.

There are a few tricks suggested by the experts to dilute the dry template to hook the job seeker. There should not be many bright details, otherwise your description will become like an advertisement that they themselves view with interest, recommend to friends, but for some reason do not take the product.

Informativity should not suffer from creativity. After all, first of all, a person is interested in information related directly to work.

  1. Informal ad style. Try to move away from the template of standard job postings, do not use business style. Include motivating slogans in the description, contact applicants for you.
  2. A vacancy announcement will not hurt and a little literature. It is not necessary to write poetry in prose. You can add coherent text to duties and requirements by including stylistic figures in it. For example: “Good mood even on Mondays, theme parties on Fridays, work in a friendly and positive team every day.”
  3. Very important for Generation Y physical comfort. Therefore, promise the applicant a workplace by the window, free coffee, a cozy office.
  4. Include in the ad not only the website address, but also a link to social networks. It will stand out from the bulk of job postings, and the person will be able to get a better picture of your company. Gen Yers tend to have more confidence in social media than in a job posting.
  5. And of course don't forget that job posting is not always just text. Create motivating banners, incendiary videos, interactive games on the company's branded page.

For example, you can place a short ad directly on the photo of the office, pointing to an empty desktop with an arrow and signing: “There is not enough marketer with three years of work experience here.”

However, when creating rich media ads, be careful. An image will support text only if it directly relates to it. Otherwise, it should not dominate the text so as not to distract from the content.

It happens that job advertisements are created with the help of employees whose duty is to work with the text. First, the line manager formulates what he wants. Next, a study of the target audience by SMM marketers is carried out. And special editors are working on the creation of the text.

Recruiters are not involved at all in the process. The final product might look like this:

The example of this vacancy announcement shows that the advertising message can be combined with informative content. By providing this combination, there is no doubt that the job posting will be successful. It doesn't matter if you need a construction company marketer or a pharmaceutical company marketer.

How to test candidates for a marketing position in a company

Before inviting an applicant for an interview, ask him to take a test. This will help you weed out inattentive candidates. The first part of the test may contain simple questions like "What is the CPA model and how does it differ from the CRO model?". Even if a person does not know the answer, he can find it on the Internet.

The second part of the task should help you find out if the applicant can think. Questions should be such that they cannot be answered on the Web. This will allow you to see the course of reasoning of the applicant and understand whether he has knowledge.

Eg:“What is the difference between the advertising campaigns of an online store of goods for children and a beauty salon?”. It’s bad if the answer is short and non-specific: “Their audience is different. Promote children's products more effectively with the help of contextual advertising, and a beauty salon - with the help of social media.

A good answer should be clear and versatile: “The target audience in both cases are mostly women. For a children's goods store, these are mothers, and for a beauty salon, all women. The activity of an online store can cover the whole country, while a beauty salon is tied to a place. Seasonality here is also different, and the choice of advertising channels depends on this.

Also, when testing applicants, check whether they are responsible, attentive, whether they are diligent. Use different methods for this. For example, specify a different email address for sending the completed test, indicate what the subject of the letter should be and by what time it must be sent (for example, before 2:00 pm on Wednesday).

It is not uncommon for applicants to fail to meet these conditions. Such people may be irresponsible in their work.

The purpose of the interview for the manager- checking the candidate's readiness to work. To understand which of the applicants is ready for learning and hard work, ask a question, answering which, a person will reveal his goals and priorities. For example: “Learning what materials, reading what books, and what kind of work will help you become a project marketer?”.

If you do not receive an answer, it will be clear: the applicant did not take the time to study this issue, although he wants to gain knowledge and experience, he will not make efforts for this.

If the candidate tells you what courses you can take, what literature to read, what skills to consolidate, do not hesitate: he chose the profession consciously, he strives for development and spares no time and effort for this.

To identify an approach to work you can ask how it is more convenient for the applicant to plan working time and receive tasks from the manager. The main thing is that you have a similar opinion on this issue. If a person knows how to organize his time, then he has the ability to self-learn.

The World's Coolest Marketers Your Newbie Can Learn From

Who are they, the world's best marketers, in whose hands are the fates of international companies that they can raise to the top of Olympus or plunge into oblivion? Let's talk about the most famous experts in the field of marketing, who showed the whole world how important the ability to persuade is.

Howard Schultz, Starbucks Marketer

Many experienced professionals, hearing the phrase "the most famous marketers", involuntarily recall Howard Schultz. Working for Starbucks, this man was able to turn it into a chain of coffee shops located around the world. The company stopped making losses, its profit increased by 300%. What is the secret of such success?

Howard Schultz developed a massive advertising campaign, carried out a technical update and came up with some unusual innovations. For example, reheated sandwiches were removed from the menu because they did not smell of coffee, and health insurance costs for staff were doubled.

Now Schultz is one of the main business media newsmakers, he constantly comes up with something new, develops new products. USA TODAY calls him "Coffee Bill Gates".

In 1997, his book, Pour Your Heart Into It: How Starbucks Was Built Cup by Cup, was released and became very popular.

Quote from Howard Schultz:

“Remember, you will feel empty if you come to the finish line alone. If you run with the whole team, you will feel the satisfaction when everyone touches the finish line together.

You will want to be surrounded not only by cheering spectators, but by a crowd of winners celebrating victory together. Victory is much more significant when it is not the result of the efforts of an individual, but the joint achievements of many.

The euphoria lasts only when all participants follow their hearts, winning not only for themselves, but also for the sake of others. Success is sweeter when shared with someone else."

Sergio Ziman, marketing manager at The Coca-Cola Company

Probably, there are no people who would not try Coca-Cola. But few people know that the creators of this drink wanted to rename it to New Coke. At that time (in the 80s), Sergio Ziman was the company's chief marketer, and he developed this famous marketing campaign that ended in failure.

The new drink did not last even three months. The return of the original Coca-Cola took place 77 days after the launch of the novelty. However, Sergio did not give up.

Within five years of launching the Always Coca-Cola campaign, sales increased by 50% - from 10 to 15 billion cases!

Quote from Sergio Zaiman:

“Ask questions. Be observant, insatiably curious, be creative. Creativity, however, involves the destruction of old ideas, but this is normal. Every day is a new day."

Steve Jobs, founder of Apple

Apple employees say their boss, Steve Jobs, hated the words "marketing" and "brand." He believed that they cause people to associate with television and advertising. In his opinion, the main thing is the attitude of the consumer to the product. Therefore, the term "brand" was considered indecent in the company.

But wait, isn't marketing what Apple does best? How could a leader consider this word unacceptable? Everything is simple.

Apple saw the purpose of its campaigns in informing the target audience about its products. At the same time, they were presented through the prism of how you can improve your life with their help.

The cooperation of marketers at Apple with developers was important. Only in this case it was possible to understand what goals the creators of the devices pursued, what drives them and what impact, in accordance with the idea, the product should have on the lives of consumers.

So Steve Jobs became a very famous marketer, although he frankly did not like marketing.

Quote from Steve Jobs:

“When you start solving a problem, the most difficult solutions come to mind first, and most people stop there. But if you continue to think further, if you delve into the problem, if you remove the husk layer by layer, as if you are peeling an onion, then you come to the most elegant and simple solution.

Most people just don't have the energy or time to do it. We consider our clients to be smart people, they need things that are thought out to the smallest detail.”

Albert Lasker, one of the founders of modern advertising

The fact that we know when to chew and when to talk, what they do in Villabage and Villaribe, what we should drink and where to rest is the merit of Albert Lasker, the inventor of advertising in the modern sense.

It is not known whether anyone would now remember Wridley chewing gum, Lucky Strike cigarettes, Pepsodent toothpaste and Palmolive soap, if Lasker had not promoted them and helped them earn millions. He is the only one who managed to make such a profit on advertising.

Lasker enjoyed working with problem clients and used market research as an important tool in the advertising business. At that time, there were no examples of turning to statistics or surveys.

Lasker understood that the only way to increase tobacco sales was to expand the reach of the audience. The smoking woman is his "invention". Women smoked before, but there were few of them. It was considered indecent.

Albert's wife was smoking in an attempt to lose weight, and this gave him an idea. He understood: it is necessary to make the image of a smoking woman attractive.

He began to popularize the thinness that was fashionable at that time, created a romantic image of a girl in a cloud of cigarette smoke and confidently declared that tobacco had healing properties. His advertisements featuring actresses, singers and athletes have been seen by millions of American women. And, coming home, for the first time they tried to smoke Lucky Strike cigarettes.

We told you about these famous marketers to make sure that marketing is a combination of science and art. Success cannot be achieved without knowledge. As well as without marketing flair.

All the marketers we mentioned conducted research, analysis of rival enterprises and therefore perfectly knew their target audience and the competitive advantages of their own products in detail.

Of course, there is a chance that you will be in the right place at the right time and become a winner, but in most cases, success comes at a risk. Do not be afraid of this: even if you lose, but draw the right conclusions, you can climb to the top. The examples described above also testify to this.

Of course, there have been failures in history. An example is a failed brand marketing campaign. Zara.

In 2014, consumers were shocked by the release of children's striped pajamas. What was wrong?

Cute home clothes were similar to the uniforms of prisoners in concentration camps during the Second World War. And the yellow star on the chest evoked associations with the Star of David.

The company was forced to withdraw this collection and apologize to buyers. She stated that it was a coincidence. Then it became known that the designers were inspired to create the collection by the star of the sheriff from the films about the Wild West.

Product Marketer- a specialist responsible for creating an innovative product or service, improving the characteristics of old product lines. The specialist is responsible for the assortment of the company, analyzes the market and product requirements. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in economics and psychology (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Short description

This specialist works closely with in-house marketers, accountants, distributors, and other employees.

A product marketer is responsible for a single product or a small group of products that he or she is very familiar with. His responsibilities include bringing innovative goods or services to the market, improving those products that have been on the market for a long time. A professional marketer knows all about what kind of advertising is needed for the products he is promoting.

Features of the profession

In large companies, the number of products can exceed 1,000, so managers hire product marketers to track the dynamics of the promotion of different product groups. The standard duties of this specialist are as follows:

  • creation of new and improvement of old products;
  • promotion;
  • planning the budget needed to develop the product and launch it;
  • creating custom scenarios and models;
  • pricing tracking;
  • control of economic indicators;
  • planning KPI, tracking this indicator after the launch of the product;
  • advising company personnel, distributors, salespeople and other employees;
  • market and target audience analysis;
  • assistance in licensing created goods or services;
  • tracking similar products in competing lines of the company or competitors;
  • creation of all types of advertising materials (printed advertising, press releases, online advertising, promotions, etc.);
  • communication with representatives of partner companies.

The responsibilities of a product marketer depend on the company with which he works. For example, if he cooperates with a car insurance company, then his duties include the implementation and increase of sales, expansion of the client base. If he is engaged in non-food products in chain stores, then he must track the dynamics of sales, understand what was the impetus for a decrease or increase in consumer interest, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages


  1. High salary and bonuses, the size of which depends on the dynamics of sales.
  2. Career growth is possible.
  3. Work in an office, but occasional business trips are possible.
  4. Teamwork.


  1. Lots of extra responsibilities.
  2. stressful situations.
  3. Suitable only for creative people.

Important Personal Qualities

A product marketer must be creative and highly talented. These character traits should be combined with mathematical thinking, the ability to communicate with subordinates, a focus on results, intuition, developed taste, and an entrepreneurial streak.

  1. Responsibility for the decisions made.
  2. Self-esteem.
  3. Well developed creative thinking.
  4. The makings of a leader.
  5. Diligence.
  6. Independence in the formation of one's opinion.
  7. Prudence.
  8. Literacy.
  9. Intelligence.
  10. Correctness.
  11. Ability to make managerial decisions

An experienced specialist spends a lot of time at the computer, so perseverance and concentration are important.

Product Marketing Training

To master the profession, you need to get a higher education in the specialty "Management", "Economics of the enterprise", "Marketing", "Industry marketing of goods and services".

The applicant must pass the exam in mathematics, social studies, the Russian language, a foreign language (not all universities). To enter some universities, a student must take the exam or pass an interview in a foreign language.


University "Netology", form of study - online webinars

Here, students will learn how to create a product concept, conduct analysis, create user scenarios, gaining knowledge during online webinars. Educational lectures can be viewed at any time of the day, course participants are given homework, they are given practical lessons. The university has discounts for students, so you can save up to 30% on tuition. The program will be of interest to marketers and economists who wish to retrain as product marketers.

The Russian Institute of Vocational Education "IPO" - recruits students to receive a specialty through a remote program of professional retraining and advanced training. Studying at the IPO is a convenient and fast way to receive distance education. 200+ training courses. 8000+ graduates from 200 cities. Short deadlines for paperwork and external training, interest-free installments from the institute and individual discounts. Contact us!

On this course, you can get the profession of a marketer in 3 months and 15,000 rubles:
— One of the most affordable prices in Russia;
– Diploma of professional retraining of the established sample;
– Education in a completely remote format;
— The largest educational institution of additional prof. education in Russia.


A product marketer can eventually take the position of product director, head of marketing department, analyst, but to achieve these heights, you need to constantly learn and show excellent results at work.

What a Product Marketer Should Know

  1. Higher education in marketing or economics.
  2. Knowledge of foreign language.
  3. Knowledge of modern marketing techniques and brand management techniques, jurisprudence, design basics, psychology.
  4. Working with a PC (basic software package, graphic editors, 1C, databases, information search).
  5. Knowledge of the specifics of the product group with which to work.
  6. The ability to drive a car, the presence of a driver's license.

Studying markets, analyzing competitors, drawing up balance sheets and plans for product promotion - this is what marketers do. Want to know more?

Average salary: 89,000 rubles per month




entry barrier


A marketer is a specialist whose duties include studying the preferences of customers and increasing the level of turnover of the company for which he works. The success and level of sales of the promoted products depends on this specialist, because he conveys the opinion of the consumer to the manufacturer.


Marketing appeared as an independent type of specialization relatively recently. But, like all young professions, it is developing rapidly and dynamically, delighting marketers with good salaries. Initially, marketing was not a separate branch of knowledge and was interpreted as advertising based on the needs of customers, and not just slogans. But over time, it developed rapidly, and in 1902, for the first time in US universities, they began to lecture on marketing. In 1926, the first marketing association appeared in the same states. Later, similar associations began to spread to Europe and other parts of the world. In the USSR, the first marketing chamber came into existence in 1970, and this is how our history of marketing began.


A marketer is a specialist who analyzes the consumer market and designs a strategy for promoting goods among buyers. It examines all types of competitive products, highlighting the most popular brands. He studies their advertising projects and the opinion of consumers. Then the task of the marketer includes analytical work, he summarizes the information received and decomposes it into components of competent PR. Based on the data received, the marketer thinks through the moves to promote the products of the company for which he works.

Based on such a wide range of responsibilities, marketers were divided into two types:

  • Analytical marketers (analysts). Their responsibilities include the routine work of collecting information and conducting its analysis. It is analysts who study all the strategies of competitors and the dynamics of sales of their products after the start of active advertising. They then aggregate the data and provide insights to creatives.
  • Creative marketers (creatives). Having received analytical data, they create a concept with which they will promote their product in the consumer market. This is not just a plan for one advertisement, it is a strategy for rebranding, popularization, etc. The marketer creates a new name and new principles for the promoted brand. But it is important to clearly understand the difference between an advertising manager and a marketer. The latter offers a complete list of recommendations. On their basis, the manager creates an advertising product.

What specialties to study

In order to get a chance to get a job as a marketer, you should choose one of the following specialties upon admission:

  • Innovation. This is a specialization for creatives who will introduce new concepts in product advertising.
  • Management and its subspecies: marketing, production, tourism, small business management.

Where to study

These specializations or faculties are available in almost every university in the country. However, the most premium among employers are:

  • National Research University Higher School of Economics.
  • Institute of Business and Business Administration of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

These institutions are the gateway to the most prestigious marketing consulting firms.

What you have to do at work and specialization

The direct responsibilities of the marketer are:

  • Collection and analysis of data on the taste preferences of buyers. This process is carried out by analyzing sales from retail outlets or by marketing research.
  • Collection of information about sales, on the basis of which demand is analyzed.
  • Carrying out marketing research. To do this, hire interviewers who communicate directly with consumers.
  • Monitoring the industry in which the promoted product is located. This is an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of competitive brands.
  • Product promotion. Development of a concept and recommendations that can theoretically help increase sales.
  • Entering data into a program that will conduct a thorough analysis and present the result in the form of a convenient graph.
  • Preparation of reports and presentation of recommendations for promotion to superiors.

The work of a marketer is very multifaceted and interesting. After all, in addition to the complex and painstaking analytical part, you get a lot of adrenaline and opportunities to show your creative abilities.

Who is suitable for this profession

A marketer is first and foremost a comprehensively developed person. He should know almost everything.

A good marketer has:

  • Analytical mind and love to work with numbers. After all, those who do not like the work usually do not stay in this position for a long time.
  • Attentiveness. One inaccuracy can incorrectly reflect all the data, because of which the concept will be built incorrectly and production will go at a loss.
  • Sociability. Not only numbers from warehouses are important, but also from distributors and retail outlets. You need to be able to negotiate in such a way that you always know about the level of sales of both your product and competing brands. This quality is also necessary when organizing the work of interviewers.
  • Stress resistance. The job involves a lot of communication and a lot of responsibility. If you are ready to burst into tears at the slightest increase in voice at you, you are not a marketer.
  • Creativity and the ability to generate ideas. This is one of the most important qualities. The marketer, based on market trends, must provide recommendations for further promotion of the product.

If you are a responsible creative person who is not afraid of stress, and you are good with numbers, then a marketer is not a profession, but a vocation for you.


Almost every company needs a full-time marketer. This is a popular and highly paid profession. In addition to being in demand in manufacturing companies, marketers are always needed in specialized consulting companies.

How much do people working in this profession earn?

A marketer is one of the highest paid in Russia. At the start of a career, an inexperienced university graduate receives an income of 30,000 rubles per month. Then his earnings increase to the level of 50-60 thousand rubles a month. And this is far from the limit. After all, a career in this industry is developing rapidly, which guarantees a stable and high level of income. But the main thing to remember is that promotion is given only to the most hardworking and attentive employees.

Is it easy to get a job

In order to get a job as a marketer, you need to pass 1 or 2 interviews. Since one of the main criteria is stress tolerance, you should be prepared for group interviews. This is when, in addition to you, another 5-10 applicants are trying to get a job. At the same time, they will interview you at the same time. Thus, the most relaxed, purposeful and ready to fight applicants are selected - real marketing sharks.

At the end of the group stage, the strongest applicants are tested and held individual final interviews. It is on them that your immediate superiors are present, selecting the best of the best. Getting a job is quite difficult, but nothing is impossible. At the interview, it is important to prove yourself, demonstrate all the advantages, and the job is yours.

How is a career usually built?

The lowest link in the marketing chain is your starting position. This is a marketing assistant or intern. This position is usually taken by university graduates without work experience. You are engaged in the execution of small assignments and all routine work. Thus, practical learning takes place.

The next step is the position of a marketer or specialist. Your salary goes up and you get your assistant. At this stage, you should be as creative as possible, constantly generating ideas. Thus, you create the foundation for further climbing the career ladder.

The head of the marketing department is the first high stage in the development of a marketing career. You manage the staff of specialists and monitor their work, making comments and correcting if necessary.

The head of the marketing department is not the limit. Many companies select financial directors and senior managers from marketers. After all, a high-level manager must have an analytical mindset and communication skills.

If you are looking for career growth, then you should definitely choose the profession of a marketer.

Prospects for the profession

Marketing is one of the most promising professions. You get a lot of opportunities that are just waiting for the moment when you decide to use them. After all, in addition to simple highly specialized positions, doors to the highest management level open before you. Marketers always have something to strive for and where to grow. This is important and allows you to constantly improve yourself, even being at the very top of success.

One of the main advantages of this profession is its youth and a wide range of responsibilities. After all, having such a huge amount of knowledge, skills and abilities, even with a failed marketing career, you can easily find yourself in a number of more narrowly focused specialties.