Brownie Kuzka main 5 proposals. Encyclopedia of fairy-tale characters: "Kuzka the Brownie"

Title of the work: Brownie Kuzya

Year of writing: 1977

Genre of work: fairy tale

Main characters: Brownie Kuzya, Leshik(granddaughter of Leshy), grandfather Diodochus, Nafanya, girl Natasha, Baba Yaga, mermaids And Water

The world of the writer Aleksanrova is full of fantastic adventures, the main storyline of one of her works can be traced by reading the summary of the fairy tale "Kuzya Brownie" for the reader's diary.


Mom, dad and girl Natasha, seven years old, moved into a new apartment. While the adults were dragging things, the girl was cleaning up. Hearing a sneeze, she found a tiny brownie under the broom. He was still very young - he was barely 7 centuries old, and the name of the foundling was Kuzey.

Natasha quickly made friends with a new acquaintance, fed and washed. And for his kindness and care, he shared his difficult life story with the girl. It turns out he lived in another house, but there was a fire. Kuzya escaped in the forest, taking his magic chest. Many adventures happened to him in the forest: meeting with the granddaughter of the goblin Diadokh Leshik, games-hide-and-seek from the annoying Grandmother-Hedgehog, meetings with Vodyany and mermaids. Upon returning from a forest trip, Kuzma did not find any traces of the old house, a new one grew in its place. So he ended up in Natasha's apartment. Now Kuzya will live in her room.

Conclusion (my opinion)

A kind fairy tale teaches its little reader to understand the meaning of friendship and its value, and also explains that sometimes you need to sacrifice your interests in order to help those who are nearby.

Alexandrova T. fairy tale "Brownie Kuzka"

Genre: literary fairy tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "Brownie Kuzka" and their characteristics

  1. Natasha, a little girl of seven years old, kind and curious, quickly became friends with a brownie
  2. Kuzka, brownie, seven centuries old. Kind, curious, cowardly. sometimes lazy, sweet
  3. Leshik. Goblin of seven centuries. A good friend, a good comrade who will not leave you in trouble.
  4. Diadochus. Grandfather Leshik, a hundred centuries. Very smart, wise, knows everything, can do everything.
  5. Baba Yaga. Two-faced. Now harmful and terrible, then kind and affectionate. Cunning and insidious.
  6. Watery, big and scary, but cowardly and lazy.
  7. Bear. Kind and strong.
  8. Fox. Cunning, smart, smart, kind.
The shortest content of the fairy tale "Brownie Kuzka" for the reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. Girl Natasha discovers a strange creature at home and meets Kuzka, a brownie
  2. Kuzka runs away from the fire and ends up in the forest together with the magic chest.
  3. Kuzka meets goblin and goes to Baba Yaga's house for the winter
  4. Baba Yaga spoils Kuzka and his character deteriorates, he becomes lazy and rude
  5. Leshik and Kuzka run away from Baba Yaga, but the kikimors take away their magic chest.
  6. The fox returns the chest by cunning, and Kuzka finds his new home and meets Natasha's great-grandmother.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Brownie Kuzka"
Without a brownie, a house is not a house; without a goblin, a forest is not a forest.

What does the fairy tale "Brownie Kuzka" teach
The tale teaches friendship and fidelity, mutual assistance and mutual assistance. It teaches to distinguish good from evil, not to believe false beautiful words, but to believe in deeds. Teaches respect for nature. teaches not to play with fire. Learn to remember your ancestors.

Review of the fairy tale "Brownie Kuzka"
I really liked this tale. Its main character is a little brownie who has been living for seven centuries, quite a bit by the standards of brownies, and therefore he still does not know much. But thanks to the help of true friends, Kuzka overcomes all difficulties. He becomes an exemplary and respectable brownie who keeps order in the house and makes friends with people. He is kind and of course magical.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "Brownie Kuzka"
Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.
Every house is kept by the owner.
Woe to him who lives in disorder in the house.
Each hut has its own toys.
A forest without a goblin is not worth it.

Read a summary, a brief retelling of the fairy tale "Kuzka Brownie" chapter by chapter:
Chapter 1
The girl Natasha moved with her parents to a new house, and while her parents were away, she decided to do some cleaning. She took the broom and recoiled. Behind him stood someone shaggy and in a red shirt.
Natasha greeted and the creature sneezed in response.
The creature told Natasha that it was afraid of her and suggested that she move away while it hides. Then he began to ask if Natasha would offend him. Finally, it jumped out from behind the broom and began to jump around the room. Natasha said that she would never offend this creature, and then it declared that it was very brave.
Chapter 2
The stranger said that his name was Kuzka and demanded to take a steam bath for him. And when Natasha said that they did not have a bathhouse, he was indignant and took her to the bathroom. There Natasha steamed him in the washbasin, since the bath seemed to Kuzka too deep.
The girl washed Kuzka's hair and it turned golden. She also washed Kuzka's bast shoes.
Kuzka admired himself and said that he was a good fellow.
And then Kuzka asked for food.
Chapter 3
Natasha brought Kuzka a box of cookies, which were made in the form of flowers. And Kuzka decided that she was treating him with real flowers. He was offended, and Natasha laughed. Kuzka could not stand this and grabbed a biscuit. He liked them very much and ate ten of them, and then counted the rest, deciding who else he could treat them to. Kuzka decided that there wouldn’t be enough tasty ollyushek for everyone.
Chapter 4
Kuzka announced that a birthday at home happens only once in a lifetime and began to list whom he would invite to a housewarming party. It turned out to be an impressive list. That's just the envious Longshanks Kuzka decided not to invite - no one is friends with him.
Natasha tried to imagine Kuzka's friends, but Kuzka began to look out the window.
Chapter 5
Clouds floated outside the window and an airplane flew. Kuzka showed him his tongue and said that two of his friends were already living in this house, only on other floors. The sparrow told him about it. In gratitude, Kuzka threw one little deer into the puddle as a sparrow.
Then he began to call a car with things into the house, but it drove to another house. Then Kuzka began to call the plane, not listening to Natasha, who said that the plane would not fit in the house.
But the plane also flew by, and Kuzka decided that he was offended because he showed him his tongue.
Chapter 6
Natasha decided not to laugh at Kuzka, but he suddenly began to shout in different ways. And like a sparrow and like an animal, and dozens of other voices. He said that he knew a lot of languages ​​and Natasha looked at him with respect.
She asked who Kuzka was, and he was just getting ready to answer when the doorbell rang.
Chapter 7
An unfamiliar uncle came, who asked if it was necessary to upholster the door with oilcloth. Natasha closed the door and returned to find Kuzka in the cabinet under the sink, where they put the trash can. Kuzka was upset by this, because he decided that he had found himself an excellent house.
Again the doorbell rang. It was a neighbor who asked for matches. Natasha returned and searched for Kuzka for a long time. He ended up in the oven. Natasha told him about the gas and fire, and Kuzka immediately jumped out of the oven.
He was afraid of fire. And the doorbell rang again.
Chapter 8
The television master came, but after learning that there was no TV yet, he left. Natasha looked for Kuzka for a long time and even began to cry. But then I heard his voice from the refrigerator and then the door began to break.
Natasha opened the door and various things were brought into the apartment.
Natasha secretly released Kuzka from the refrigerator. He was cold and upset. They rattled and rattled in the room, and the frightened Kuzka said that he would hide himself, and Natasha ordered to take a chest for a broom and cherish it like the apple of an eye.
But there was no broom, a closet took its place and Natasha began to cry. There was a voice from above.
Chapter 9
Papa's friend stood over Natasha and held out a chest to her. Natasha was delighted and ran to look for where to hide him. She immediately found her future room, the brightest, sunniest, and there Kuzka was sitting in a box with toys.
Kuzka was delighted and began to rattle and blow. Dad's friend came in again and took Kuzka and said that strange toys were now being made. Kuzka sat without moving, and his father's friend called him a brownie.
And Natasha understood who Kuzka was and why he was already seven centuries old. But she was afraid that he would now remain just a toy and would not tell her his story. And Kuzka blinked his eyes and told.
Chapter 10 In a small village
A century and a half ago, in a small village near the river, little houses lived under the stove. And then one day they were alone in the house. They began to play cat and mouse, and real mice teased them. Suddenly Kuzka saw a red piece of coal fall to the floor and offered to play firemen. The brownies inflated the coal and the fire began to roar and devour everything.
The brownies got scared, started crying, and then their grandfather Papila began to pull them out through the fire. He saved everyone, rushed into the fire and carried out two chests, a large one and a small one. He handed a small chest to Kuzka and told him to take care of it. And Kuzka grabbed the chest and ran away from the fire.
And from above the Baba Yaga flew in a mortar. I saw a brownie with a chest, I wanted to catch it, only Kuzka ran into the forest.

Chapter 11
Kuzka ran for a long time through the forest, but ran into a tree and fell. Magpies yelled around, frightened Kuzka, wanted to drive him out of the forest. And Kuzka saw a green snake and hit it.
But it turned out to be not a snake, but a strange forest dweller, all green and looking like a twig.
He told Kuzka how they would go back, calling the trees by their names. And he asked what forest Kuzka was from.
And Kuzka said that he was not from the forest, but from home, from the village. But the forest dweller did not know these words.
Chapter 12
It started to rain and Kuzka hid under the spruce. And the green stranger began to inquire who he was and what he was hiding. Kuzka said that he was a brownie, but the green man laughed and said that there were no brownies, that these were fairy tales. He said that he was a forester and his name was Leshik. That he is five centuries old, and his grandfather Diadochus is a hundred centuries old.
Kuzka heard many terrible stories about the goblin and therefore rushed away. But the rain caught him and hung him on a bush. Kuzka remained hanging there.
Leshik decided that Kuzka really was a brownie, since he did not know his grandfather, and said that in fact he was a kind and caring owner, without whom the forest could not be.
Kuzka asked if Diadoch knew his village, and Leshik offered to run to him. But first it was necessary to bow to the bush, which turned out to have saved Kuzka, because the stream dragged him into the ravine.
Chapter 13
Kuzka, following Leshik, ran out into the clearing and saw a huge clumsy stump, which caught a fox and ordered her not to catch young hares. This was grandfather Diadoch.
Diadoch saw that Kuzka was trembling all over and dragged him under the stump into the hole, where he put him in a warm box. It was the first time he saw brownies and even decided at first that this was a strange goblin.
Diadoch put Kuzka and his chest.
Kuzka got warm and began to ask for food. Diadoch offered him a dry frog, then a bunch of fresh grass, but Kuzka replied that he was eating pancakes, pies and porridge.
Here Diadoch suggested that Kuzka look around and choose what he eats himself. Kuzka saw nuts and Diadoch laughed, saying that he tasted like a squirrel. And then he brought a deck of honey, and then Kuzka showed what he was capable of.
Chapter 14
Kuzka fell ill and Diadokh treated him with bitter bark and herbs, and he himself asked Kuzka to remember how brownies are treated for diseases. Kuzka remembered the house, his comrades, and the conspiracy he remembered from the fever. He invited her and other illnesses to come yesterday and immediately felt better.
The Bear came to visit him, brought berries. Kuzka asks him about the house, but the Bear does not know what it is. As he heard about the stove, he said that it was only harm from it, it was better to grow hair.
Fox came and Kuzka asked her about the house. And the Fox asked about chickens, but said that not all food grows in the forest, some runs.
Soon Kuzka recovered and Diadokh and Leshik brought a basket of lizards to treat the animals. They say the storm raged violently towards the end, and Diadoch at the seven winds asked about the village, if anyone would know.
Chapter 15
Kuzka did not want to wait, grabbed the chest and ran. Hears dogs barking, ran to bark. And then Diadoch and Leshik transplant trees, and sing songs. Kuzka runs in the other direction, hears the sound of an ax. He comes running, and there Diadokh and Leshik are felling dry trees.
The next morning, Kuzka ran against the wind, in his native direction. Hears the whip clicks, runs towards the sound. And then Diadoch claps his hands, drives herds of squirrels.
Kuzka runs again, hears people calling to each other, looking for mushrooms. He comes running, otherwise Diadokh and Leshik collect red berries, lily of the valley seeds.
Diadokh and Leshik do not know what to do with Kuzka, he is languishing without a home.
Chapter 16
The autumn holiday has come, quiet and beautiful. Kuzka with goblin walked in the forest admiring. Complained that the holiday without refreshments. And Diadoch taught him that this is what a holiday is for, that without refreshments. otherwise the wolves will treat themselves to hares, and so on.
Then the goblin began to sing songs and turn into different animals. Leaves swirled around. And Kuzka caught a leaf on which he saw his village. He said that as soon as we sleep, we will go to the village.
And the goblin agree, for them winter is like night, they will go to bed in the fall, they will get up in the spring.
Chapter 17
Goblin lay down to sleep. Kuzka was waiting for them to wake up, he did not wait. Started to wake up. He woke up Leshik, and he was upset that Kuzka had not slept all winter. I decided to take him to Baba Yaga's house. The one that's worse. He thought that Baba Yaga lives in a bad house in summer, and in a good house in winter. So he suggested that Kuzka spend the winter in a bad house.
Kuzka was scared, but there was nowhere to go. They went to Baba Yaga. They looked at the toadstools, if the hats are not knocked down, then there is no Baba Yaga at home.
Chapter 18 Home for a bad mood
Kuzka and Leshik came to the hut on chicken legs. In front of her, a skinny cat sits on a chain, saw the guests climbed into the kennels.
Leshik ordered the hut to stand in front of him, but that one did not. But the woodpecker flew in, knocked on the roof, the hut turned.
Friends came into the house. And there dust, dirt, cobwebs, mice are apparently invisible. Kuzka immediately wanted to clean up, but Leshik stopped him. You can’t say, this is a house of a bad mood.
Then the Baba Yaga flew in, Leshik Kuzka hid in the iron.
Leshik greeted Baba Yaga, after all, distant relatives. I started asking about the village. And then about brownies. The Baba Yaga said that the brownies were her seventh water on jelly, that's why she eats them with jelly.
Then Kuzka sneezed in the pot, jumped out, he and Leshik ran out, the first bush hid them. And Baba Yaga turned around and went to bed, snoring.
Chapter 19
Baba Yaga's trough floated near the shore. Friends got into it and the trough swam against the current. We reached the golden bridge with bells. And in the middle of the clearing there is a real house. A roof made of shortbread, windows made of candy, instead of a threshold, a pie.
Friends came into the house, and there the cat is sitting fat and happy, washes the guests. Everything is clean in the house, the samovar puffs, the pies themselves climb into your mouth.
Baba Yaga comes in. Good foreshadowing! She saw Kuzka, was delighted, calls her a dear guest, a relative of diamonds. Fed, guests, watered, prepared a bed.
Chapter 20
Kuzka stayed with Baba Yaga to live. When Leshik comes to visit, he praises everything at home, and treats. And Leshik says that Diadoch does not like this house, bad legends tell about him.
Baba Yaga secretly from Kuzka asked Leshik to bring his chest, but Leshik did not do this. He said goodbye to his friend and returned to the lair, went to sleep for the winter.
Fox came here, who found a village, but because of the chickens she was delayed, she sees the goblin are sleeping, Kuzka is not there, and left.

Chapter 21
Kuzka does not know what to do with Baba Yaga. Everything is done by itself. The towel gets out in the face itself, wipes. The broom sweeps up the rubbish. Kuzka wanted to play with the cat, and he rushes across the clearing after butterflies. The wing will tear off and chase the next one.
It's winter everywhere, but it's still summer in Baba Yaga's clearing.
Kuzka asked Baba Yaga why the cat was chasing butterflies, and she replied that she was mad about fat. And Kuzka went to drink tea.
Chapter 22
All winter Kuzka lived with the Baba Yaga. At first he ran to play snowballs, lick icicles, then he became afraid of even the slightest frost. Everyone sat on the stove, but ate delicious dishes.
And the Baba Yaga undertook to scold the goblin, they supposedly appropriated the chest, and they don’t want to give it back. Kuzka listened to her, listened, and believed it himself. also began to scold the goblin.
Chapter 22
Leshik woke up early in the spring and ran to his friend. He ran, looked in the window, Kuzka was sleeping, the cat was sleeping and the Baba Yaga was sleeping. Leshik sat on the porch, looks in again. Kuzka is in command of Baba Yaga. What to serve, what to treat yourself. He became rude, gloomy, and already thicker than a cat.
Goblin came in, greeted him, the Baba Yaga questions him, but Kuzka does not even look at his friend.
Here the Baba Yaga asked about the chest, but Kuzka started up. He called Leshik a thief and a robber, demanded a chest and immediately fell asleep.
Chapter 23
Lushik took the chest, wanders back to Baba Yaga, does not want to give the chest back. But he came, handed the chest to Kuzka, but Kuzka did not look at the chest. And the Baba Yaga snatched out the chest, began to turn it around. And the one in her hands turned into a simple chest. And the Bab Yaga keeps wondering what kind of joy comes from this chest, and tells Kuzkina about the road to the village.
Then she tried to open the chest with a knife, the knife broke, she wanted to use a poker - the poker bent, she hit the chest with a chest, the tabletop in half.
The Baba Yaga got angry, threw the chest into the fire, but it does not burn even in the fire.
Kuzka cursed, demanded to give the chest, since the Baba Yaga does not know how to handle it.
And the Baba Yaga demands that Kuzka go with her to the house for a bad mood, where he will quickly speak. And Kuzka replies that she should fly off, but first clean up that house, and then you can go there.
Baba Yaga flew in the house for a bad mood to clean up.
Chapter 24
Leshik wants to take Kuzka away, but he wants to eat everything. But then the stove said that it was time and honor to know, the tong began to push Kuzka to the door, and whip the broom. The house itself exposed Kuzka.
And Leshik led him through the black swamp where the kikimors lived.
He hid Kuzka under the Christmas tree, looking for a passage through the swamp. And then Baba Yaga returned, attacked the cat. Where did the guests go? And the cat in the direction of the den shows who wants the guest to be the owner. Baba Yaga attacked the golden bridge, why didn't the echo call her. And the echo is silent. Baba Yaga screams, trees bend. Kuzka was frightened, he understood what Baba Yaga really is.
And the Baba Yaga rushed in one direction, and Kuzka and Leshik in the other. The Baba Yaga wandered through the forest, the bushes clung to her, the birds pecked, she herself got lost, she barely went out to the house for a bad mood. I decided to fly in pursuit, but there was a broom and a mortar in the gingerbread house. Baba Yaga sailed there in a trough, ate, calmed down. What a dream, he thinks, he dreamed about some brownies.
Chapter 25
Friends make their way through the swamp, Leshik scares Kuzka with kikimors. And Kuzka keeps falling, already all dirty. Here some gray heads protrude. Kikimory. Kuzka thought that they were not terrible at all and complained that trouble, trouble, chagrin. And the kikimors answer that water-water-wetting and food-food-treat.
Kikimoras began to dance around Kuzka, teasing. It's entertainment for them. But then Leshik returned, cleared Kuzka and led him away from the swamp. And the kikimors follow, playing tag. And so the elder kikimora snatched out a chest and handed over another. Only they saw him. Kuzka shouted and cursed, but it was too late.
Chapter 26
Kuzka and Leshik sat on the edge of the swamp and wept. Kuzka looked at the sunset and remembered life in the village. Now he knew she wasn't far at all. He recalled his friend Vukolochka, with whom he had fun playing.
Then the frogs croaked and promised to help. They jumped in the swamp and found the chest, but could not get it.
Then mermaids appeared from the river. They began to tickle Kuzka, told him that all the brownies had already lost him. And Kuzka told them about the chest. The mermaids began to call Uncle Vodyany.
Vodyanoy did not immediately respond, but now he became curious why he was called and he ordered the mermaids to tell. The mermaids told about the chest, but Vodyanoy did not want to mess with the kikimors. And the mermaids laugh. they say that they are not afraid of Vodyanoy's kikimors.
Vodyanoy was offended, got out of the river, went into the swamp.
Vodyanoy came to the swamp, swears at the kikimor, demands to give the chest, wants to keep it himself. And Kikimory Vodyanoy began to tease him with a goat. The waterman could not stand this, he ran away, hid under the water.
Chapter 27
Friends are sitting again on the edge of the swamp, suddenly the hares are running, the Bear is being led. The bear was delighted with his friends and let's roar, demand that the kikimors return the chest back. And the kikimors began to call names, to sing a stupid song.
Then the Fox appeared, but let's also call names on kikimor. Then she started throwing stones at them. And the kikimors, in response, take out stones from the bottom and throw them. And the Fox asks his friends to carry more stones and throws and throws everything.
And the bear threw a huge stone, the quagmire went in circles. Kikimoras cannot get a stone. Here the Fox hit one kikimora with a stone, she squealed, grabbed the chest and threw it. It went straight to Lisa. Kuzka was delighted and grabbed the chest.
Friends have already left, but the kikimors cannot calm down. Either they are worried that mosquitoes will suck up the whole swamp, then they are worried that the whole earth will become a swamp, where then can they get so many kikimors.
Chapter 28
Diadoch woke up, but Leshik was gone. A magpie flew in and said that the kikimors had drowned Kuzka, Leshik, and the fox and the bear. Diadoch ran to the black swamp, but then a woodpecker flew in, calmed him down and led him to a clearing where his friends were resting.
Everyone rejoiced and the spring festival began. Flowers bloomed, birch trees dressed up in earrings. The mermaids wanted to take Kuzka home and began to dance round dances.
And then the moon rose. Kuzka took a terrible oath from his friends, said magic words and the chest opened. Kuzka drew something on a piece of paper and threw it into the chest. and the chest says "Chiriki-pochiriki, dashes and holes, that's the whole story about you.
It turned out that the chest was called magical because it could compose any fairy tale about what was drawn and put into it. And then tell.
But no matter how many goblin and mermaids drew, nothing came out of them. And Kuzka realized that only people can truly draw.
Then the Baba Yaga appeared on the trough. She began to call Kuzka back, but she turned over and Vodyanoy swore at her, drove her away from the water.
Chapter 29
Kuzka sat down in the trough and swam home. He sailed for a long time, looking at the village and the house. Yes, but this is a strange village, not his. This is for mermaids, all houses are the same.
But Kuzka went to the house. He climbed over the threshold, and take the floorboard and creak. Kuzka hid behind a broom. The girl Nastenka comes out with a doll. Thought the wind was blowing. I decided to sweep the floor, grab a broom, and there Kuzka. I run under the stove.
And the girl screams that the brownie didn’t stay in the old house, he moved to the new one.
And Kuzka began to live in this house, and make good. And the fame of him went to all the villages. And they heard about that brownie from his native village, which did not burn down at all. And Vukolochka and grandfather Papila came to visit Kuzka. And they left the chest for Kuzka.
Chapter 30
This story was told to Natasha by a magic chest, when, at the request of Kuzka, she painted his portrait and put it in the chest. When the fairy tale ended, Kuzka looked into the chest, but there was no longer any portrait there. He was delighted, so the whole tale is told.
Natasha asks, who is Nastenka, and Kuzka answers that this is her great-grandmother. Natasha asks where the small village is now, and Kuzka replies that this house stands in its place. And the river is now flowing in a pipe.
Rain pounded on the window, and Kuzka told Natasha to open the door. The girl went and opened it, but there was no one behind the door. And when she returned, she saw wet footprints in the toys of two brownies. Only the second was smaller and all red. Kuzka said that it was Vukolochka.
Suddenly, Natasha heard a splash and saw someone in an aquarium with fish. Kuzka explained that it was a little merman that Vukolochka had found. And he asked permission to live in the house for sixty years, until he grows up a little.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Brownie Kuzka"

Year: 1977

Genre: fairy tale

Main characters: brownie Kuzya, Leshik, grandfather Diodokh, Nafanya, girl Natasha, Baba Yaga, mermaids, Water


Girl Natasha moves into a new house while her mom and dad are unpacking the boxes, she decides to tidy up and finds a little man under a broom. At first they were afraid, but realizing that they did not provide danger to each other, they begin to be friends.

First of all, the little brownie demands to take him to the bathhouse, Natasha takes Kuzka to the bathroom, but he opposes that the bath is too big for him. Then Kuzka takes a shower in the sink, taking off only his bast shoes. Having bathed, he was satisfied. Kuzya dries on the radiator, and meanwhile Natasha offers him cakes, but he refuses, because he is not a goat to eat flowers, which, by the way, are made of cream.

The girl persuaded the brownie to try them, he called the dessert - deer, after which he ate 10 of them at once, and left the rest to his relatives. Kuzka decides to stay in the house and celebrate housewarming. He approached the invitation of guests seriously and compiled a huge list of invitees. Natasha asked how the guests would know about the invitation. To which he replied, with the help of a magpie. The girl noticed that the brownie's shoes were several times larger than himself. Being on the windowsill, Kuzya continues to think about who else to invite and talks about the brownies living in the neighborhood. To the question: how does he know about them, he told about the sparrow Flyer. Kuzka wants to invite the truck and the plane that he saw from the window. What made Natasha terribly laugh, to which he replied that he would not have called the car because it was too big, unlike the plane. And to the laughter of the girl, he said that if she continued, he would leave.

Their friendship eventually became so strong that Kuzka decides to tell the girl his story about how a fire broke out while playing with matches and he escaped from his home with a magic chest and at the same time saved his brothers. After escaping, he ended up in the forest, where he made friends with the grandson of the goblin, who came out of him. But Kuza does not like living there and he asks his forest friend to take him to a house with a stove. So, he ends up in the house of Baba Yaga, who surrounds him with worries.

He lived with her until spring and became terribly capricious and the goblin took him and they fled, but when they reached the swamp they were stopped by kikimors, who took away his chest from the brownie. The fox helped return the lost, she threw stones at them, they threw a chest at the fox, so Kuze got back what he had lost. During the spring holiday, Kuzka discovered the secret of the chest, it turned out that the chest can tell tales of those drawings that were placed in it. But nothing happened at the cloisters of the forest, then Kuzya decides that only people and Santa Claus can do it. And they go looking. But Baba Yaga interferes with them and Kuzya on a trough along the stream swam to the house and climbed under the broom. Then you know everything.

This story teaches us not to do anything rash and to always be kind, friendly, and true to ourselves.

Picture or drawing Alexandrov - Brownie Kuzka

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Electronic reader's diary based on the book "Domovenok Kuzya"

Author of the reader's diary

Book Information

Title and author of the book Theme, idea of ​​the book Main characters Plot Date of reading
"Domovenok Kuzya" / T. Alexandrova The theme of the fairy tale: the most valuable thing is friendship, a good attitude towards each other, mutual assistance. You need to learn to live in such a way that you find friends and that friends find you. Brownie Kuzka, girl Natasha, Forest dweller Leshik, grandfather Diadokh, brownie Nafanya, Baba - Yaga, kikimora, Vodyanoy, mermaids. The main character, Kuzka, a brownie, suddenly found himself in Natasha's apartment. Having got to know each other better, Natasha and the brownie became friends. In addition to Natasha, there were other friends in Kuzki: these were the forest dwellers Leshik and his grandfather Diadokh, brownies with whom he had lived before, even before Natasha's apartment. During a trip that happened more than a hundred years ago, Kuzka met Baba Yaga, kikimor, Vodyanoy, mermaids. Now Kuzka is 7 centuries old, and he is still quite small. 10/18/2017

book cover illustration

About the author of the book

Tatyana Ivanovna Alexandrova. January 10, 1929 - December 22, 1983 Russian Soviet children's writer, artist. Tatyana Aleksandrova was born in Kazan, but her childhood was spent in Moscow. Father is a logging engineer, often on business trips. Mother is a doctor, who often stayed on night duty, and therefore the household fell on her and her older sister Natasha. During the war, in evacuation, she worked as a teacher in a kindergarten, and then for the first time she began to compose fairy tales and stories. After graduation, she entered the Institute of Cinematography. As a student at the Institute of Cinematography, Tatyana Ivanovna often traveled to sketches near Tarusa and Polenovo, painted the surroundings of the Oka: forests, fields, villages, interiors of peasant huts, portraits of village children, to whom she told fairy tales, and they answered her with their little stories about brownies.

About the book

The history of the creation of the book

You must have read a book about the brownie Kuzya, but did you know that the brownie has a mother - kind, affectionate, loving, like all mothers in the world. Her name is Tatyana Ivanovna Aleksandrova. However, Tatyana Alexandrova is not only a writer, but also an artist. She loved to draw since childhood. And then she studied, worked at an animation studio, taught classes at the Palace of Pioneers - she worked with children and often drew them, and so that they sat still, she told them fairy tales. And earlier, during her practice at the institute, she went to the village - she made sketches of boys and girls, and they shared stories with her about all sorts of amazing creatures - goblin, water, brownies, kikimors. So Kuzya - then just a shaggy brownie - she first drew, and then - on October 8, 1972 - she began to compose a story about him. It is this date that is considered the birthday of the brownie Kuzi. Good books come into the world in many different ways. It happens that only the author published a work, and it immediately became famous, and it happens that many years will pass before it is loved and appreciated. So the path of the brownie Kuzi turned out to be much longer than it should have been. In 1977, the first story about brownie Kuzya was published, but Tatyana Aleksandrova was not allowed to draw illustrations for it, and Kuzka turned out to be fat and somehow old. And the book went almost unnoticed. In 1983, Tatyana Alexandrova died - she was only fifty-four. And after her death, the cartoon “A House for Kuzka” was published - the first cartoon about a brownie that glorified Kuzya throughout the country. The script for it was written by V. Berestov, and the brownie was already the way it should be - very similar to the one that T. Aleksandrova painted: small, funny, in huge bast shoes, with a head like the sun. And then a book came out with all three stories about a brownie - like the one you hold in your hands. It was then that we, the readers, finally had the opportunity to find out everything, everything, everything about Kuzya!

word cloud

mental map

creative work

My impressions of the book

Tatyana Alexandrova's book "Kuzka the Little Brownie" is amazing, curious, interesting, kind, and instructive. A good, sweet tale about a little brownie. Reading is not boring. Some points require a joint discussion of children and parents. The book "Domovyonok Kuzya" is an ideal option for joint loud reading. The book contains many old Russian sayings. The book is fun and easy to read. The wide variety of publishers, book cover options and beautiful illustrations are striking. The brownie himself is a memorable, colorful character. This book will be read by our children for a long time to come. Everyone will like her.

The fairy tale "Brownie Kuzka" is considered one of the favorites not only among children, but also among adults. Almost every phrase of the brownie is a quote that circulates throughout the expanses of the entire post-Soviet space. The image of a shaggy and grimy creature is firmly rooted in folklore and the minds of kids and parents, and even the school curriculum requires a summary for the reader's diary. Brownie Kuzka is even now very popular among modern youth, but already because of the specific phrases inherent only to him.

Iconic hero of all time

According to Alexandrova's fairy tale "Brownie Kuzka", the hero is seven centuries old, which is quite a bit, as he himself assures. Outwardly, he looks like a little boy with blond hair and a round face resembling the sun, very homely and neat, likes to show his commanding character and just loves to eat deliciously.

He has incredible charisma and fantastic charm, his speech is quite colorful, full of old Russian expressions and phraseological units. Kuzka wears a red shirt and straw bast shoes, and, despite the fact that he is an exemplary owner, he doesn’t like to walk clean and tidy brownie, choosing secluded places to live in the house (it can be an attic, a corner or a Russian stove) - that’s why a grubby one often walks and dusty. It is these features of the protagonist of the fairy tale "Kuzka the Little Brownie" that should be indicated in the summary for the reader's diary in the first place.

Minor Heroes

Alexandrova's tale about brownie Kuzka tells about his adventures: in each chapter he gets into different stories and meets new characters. Perhaps the most memorable was the mistress of the forest Baba Yaga. Throughout the tale, she tries to steal and tame the brownie, coaxing him with pastries, sweets and home comfort. She also has a talkative cat friend who is quite resourceful and lives in a dog kennel.

The fairy tale contains such mysterious personalities as grandfather Diadokh, Leshik and Soroka. The best friend for Kuzka is the wise and very old brownie Nafanya. But the girl Natasha became the closest person for the eccentric keeper of the house order. This calm and cheerful baby quickly found a common language with a harmful creature.

All the main characters in "Domovenka Kuzka" are bright, interesting and have a unique flavor inherent in the Russian epic. The main character shows the younger generation how to be kind and sympathetic, economic, how to be hardworking. Selfless friendship and devotion is the basis of this simple story.

Screen adaptation of a fairy tale

The cartoon about Kuzya was first released in 1984 and immediately became popular on Soviet television. It consists of four parts:

  • The first issue is called "Kuzka's House", and in it you can get acquainted with the main character himself: the brownie Kuzka and the girl Natasha.
  • The continuation of the cartoon came out a year later, the series told about the adventures of a brownie in the forest. The script was taken from the yet unpublished parts of the story "Kuzka to the Forest" and "Kuzka at Baba Yaga".
  • It was followed by another part, and a year later, the last one (in 1988).

The plot of the cartoon itself does not intersect well with the original content of the book. Due to the originality of the text, Marina Vishnevetskaya (the main screenwriter) had to re-write the script almost from scratch, so the chronology was broken. Many readers, after watching the cartoon, decided that this was a common blunder.

The songs for the first episodes were written by Tatyana Alexandrova's husband. An interesting fact: the role of Kuzka was voiced by the famous domestic theater and film actor Georgy Vitsin, and Baba Yaga speaks in the voice of the Honored Artist of Russia Tatyana Peltzer.

"Domovenok Kuzka": a summary for the reader's diary

Having moved with her parents to a new apartment, the seven-year-old girl Natasha discovered that someone was already living in it: behind a broom she found a small shaggy creature with a dirty face and big eyes. The strange creature turned out to be an ordinary brownie named Kuzka. He lived for seven centuries, and by the standards of brownies, this is not so much. The fantastic pet was immediately afraid of the girl, but they quickly became friends: Kuzya began to tell Natasha tales from his magic chest, about how his house was demolished, about adventures in the forest, about meeting Leshik and much more.

Alexandrova's book has become mandatory reading in schools and kindergartens: every year this story is included in the list and a summary is required for the reader's diary. "Domovenok Kuzka" became the most read work in Russian-speaking countries. It is believed that the fairy tale is too complicated for self-study and many children find it difficult to master the full edition. Cartoons can come to the rescue here, although they differ significantly from the book itself and distort the main idea of ​​the author Alexandrova. "Brownie Kuzka" in the book version differs significantly from the animated version.