Elena the meaning of the name character and fate of marriage. The meaning of the name Elena (Lena)

Short form of the name Elena. Lena, Lenochka, Lenusya, Alyonka, Lesya, Elenya, Elya, Ela, Elyusha, Elyusya, Lusya, Elenka, Lena, Lyosya, Lyolya, Lenusha, Alin, Elin, Eli, Ella, Helya, Elenita, Lalla.
Synonyms for Elena. Alena, Olena, Helen, Ellen, Lenia, Elaine, Ilena, Ilena, Helen, Elena, Elina, Elin, Eliana, Elyan, Ilina, Helena, Helena, Helna, Eileen, Ilona, ​​Elona, ​​Ellon.
Origin of the name Elena The name Elena is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Elena is of Greek origin. Its translation is ambiguous, most likely, it means "chosen", "bright". Also, the name Elena can be interpreted as "torch", "fire", "light"; "light", "sparkling", "radiant", "brilliant", "sunny", "lunar", "fiery", "chosen". It is believed that the name Elena corresponds with the concepts of "sunbeam" or "sunshine", and the name Elena itself is a derivative name from the name of Helios, the god of the Sun in ancient Greek mythology.

According to the second version, the name Elena is related to how the Greeks called themselves - Hellenes. Hence the variations in the pronunciation of the name Elena in different countries. The name Elena in translation means "Greek".

The name Helen is most often associated with the ancient Greek heroine Helen of Troy (Spartan), because of which the Trojan War broke out, described in the epic of Homer. In the Christian tradition, the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Helena of Constantinople, the mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great, is especially revered. The great ruler of Kievan Rus, Princess Olga, was baptized under the name Elena (in 955).

Since then, the name Elena has been widely used in Rus', both in its original form and in folk versions - Olena, Olena, Alena, Yalena, Ilena, Elenia. The name was used both among the nobility and among the common people. For example, Elena (Olena) was the name of the first wife of Ivan Kalita, and Elena Glinskaya was the ruler of the Grand Duchy of Moscow with her young son Ivan IV. And the heroines of Russian fairy tales, Elena the Beautiful and Elena the Wise, are known to everyone.

In former times, the name Alena was considered one of the folk forms of the name Elena, but in modern times the names Alena and Elena are two different names. And, due to their similarity, these names are considered interchangeable for each other.

The short form of the name Elena - Lena - is also an independent, full name and can be used regardless of the name Elena. Also, the full name Lena can be associated with the name of the Siberian river Lena, with the Soviet leader V.I. Lenin and with the borrowed male name Lenard (Leonard), as a paired female name. In addition, the name Lena is a short form for many female names (Vilena, Vladlena, Elena, Lenina, Leonilla, Leonida, Leontina, Leonia, Leona, Leonty, Marlena, Eleanor and others).

In Russian, borrowed from other languages ​​​​variants of the name Elena are also used - Gelena, Helen, Elina, Ilona, ​​Elona (Ellona), Ilina. And some of these options are used as independent names, for example, Ilona, ​​Elina, Elona, ​​Ilina.

Diminutives Lesya, Elin (Elina), Ella are also independent names. The treatment of Eli is also an appeal to many other female names: for example, the name Eleanor, Eliana, Elizabeth (Elizabeth) and others.

Little Lena loves to listen to fairy tales. He keeps a little apart, especially among his peers, lives in his own inner world. She is very trusting, but when someone takes advantage of this quality of hers and deceives her, Elena will definitely punish the deceiver, while showing extraordinary resourcefulness. Elena's kindness is not active. She can lay eyes on a homeless puppy on the street, bring him to her, but if her father and mother demand to get rid of this "dirty lump", she will not show firmness and will obey.

Elena easily takes a great interest in any business. Tries to knit, stitch, embroider. She likes elegance in things. He teaches lessons from time to time, but, having a good memory, he does well at school. Personally, she is more like her dad. Mobility and love for sports are the hallmarks of Elena's difficult nature.

Elena is sociable, receptive and gullible. It is distinguished by a well-marked spirituality and increased excitability. Although the girl does not have a special sense of humor, she calmly and not critically perceives the opinions of others.

As a woman, Elena captivates and attracts. The girl has an innate sense of beauty. Like a delicate flower, sunlight is needed, it needs warmth and affection. However, as they sometimes say, laziness was born earlier than Lena. Often she puts things on the back burner. The girl's thinking is rather synthetic - she is not attentive to particulars. Elena is curious, talkative and well remembers everything that is in her field of vision.

Elena keeps somewhat aloof from other people. She lives, immersed in her inner world, in which lies her happiness. Despite such secrecy, Lena is caring and attentive to her loved ones. In life, she is cheerful and optimistic. Others see her as smart, quick and warm-hearted. However, in reality, the girl is an introvert. In her own world, where jewels, palaces and magnificent receptions live, Elena is most comfortable. On the one hand, the constant existence in her own world makes the girl lie and invent, and, on the other hand, makes her completely indifferent to the outside world.

Elena deserves the title of "Miss Sincerity". She trusts everyone, but she will never forgive those who abused her trust. All her life the girl struggles with her laziness, and this becomes the main engine of all her achievements. Elena is kind, but not active in doing good deeds.

As a child, Elena is shy. She is cheerful, emotional, has a wild imagination. Over the years, the girl begins to push her parents somewhat, expanding her living space. The only way out then is to marry Elena. And to do this so that she does not come back.

Few people are more amorous than Elena. She finds her one and lays her whole life at his feet. For him, she will become a fabulous, joyful creature. To achieve, however, she will not do anything, she is more accustomed to go with the flow. Lena has an easy-going nature, and she knows how to get along with people and avoids unnecessary conflicts. In addition, the girl is not devoid of intuition, which faithfully serves her life plans.

For men, Elena is unusually attractive. Many are captivated by her charm and are ready for anything for her. She excites with great force, captures her fans entirely. However, only a male father, calmly enduring her antics, can become a companion of her life. Love in Lena's soul often appears along with suffering for someone who needs help, but she most likely will not respond to hot love with the same passion.

Between the rich and the one who needs help, Elena will choose the second husband for herself and, sacrificing herself to him, will demand the same from him. Lena does not allow work and hobbies to become more important than her husband, but she does not completely immerse herself in the family either. Although Elena is a homebody and a caring mother, diapers and everyday life will never be in the foreground for her. Within the walls of her house, she expects to see comfort and tranquility. Lena lovingly gives him a beautiful look. Being a homebody, she often enjoys quiet, domestic activities like knitting or embroidery.

Elena is very good at communicating with people, so her profession should be connected precisely with this. This is how she will achieve maximum success. True, she is not a fan of rushing to work, no light, no dawn, it is better for her to sleep longer. In addition, she is always interested in everything related to beauty. Therefore, often her choice falls on the career of an artist or fashion model.

Elena's name day

Famous people named Elena

  • Elena the Beautiful (character of ancient Greek mythology)
  • Elena the Wise (heroine of Russian fairy tales)
  • Elena Glinskaya (Grand Duchess of Moscow, mother of Ivan the Terrible)
  • Elena Vyalbe (skier)
  • Alena Apina (birth name - Elena Lyovochkina; Russian pop singer)
  • Alena Khmelnitskaya, Elena Khmelnitskaya (Russian film actress)
  • Olena Pchilka ((1849 - 1930) real name - Olga Kosach, Ukrainian writer, playwright, ethnographer)
  • Elena Blaginina (children's poetess)
  • Elena Isinbayeva (athlete, pole vaulter)
  • Elena Obraztsova (singer (mezzo-soprano), People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Elena Proklova (actress)
  • Elena Bonner (public and political figure, human rights activist, wife of Academician A.D. Sakharov)
  • Helena Roerich (religious philosopher)
  • Elena Gnesina (musician-teacher)
  • Elena Vodorezova (single skater, figure skating coach)
  • Elena Petushkova (Honored Master of Sports, Olympic champion in equestrian sports)
  • Elena Kamburova (singer, artistic director, People's Artist of Russia)
  • Elena Andreyanova ((1819 - 1857) ballet dancer, representative of the romantic direction)
  • Elena Rojo ((born 1944) Mexican theater and film actress)
  • Helena Modrzejewska ((1840 - 1909) Polish dramatic actress)
  • Helene Rusk (Norwegian model)
  • Elin Margrethe Brodin (Norwegian writer)
  • Helen Clark (Prime Minister of New Zealand 1999-2008)
  • Helen Mirren ((born 1945) real name - Elena Mironova; English film actress of Russian origin)
  • Helena Bonham Carter (English film actress)
  • Ellen Page (Canadian film actress)
  • Elayne Paige (English singer and actress)
  • Eileen Collins (American female astronaut)
  • Eileen Patterson ((born 1934) Scottish illustrator)
  • Helene Deutsch, Helena Deutsch ((1884 - 1982) Austrian and American psychoanalyst)
  • Elna Kimmestad ((1918 - 1997) Norwegian actress)
  • Elina Hirvonen (Finnish writer, journalist and documentary filmmaker)
  • Helena Christensen (Danish supermodel)
  • Lena Headey ((born 1973) English actress, starred in such films as Game of Thrones, The Brothers Grimm, The Jungle Book, 300 Spartans, Onegin, Terminator: The Battle for the Future, Red Baron", "Judge Dredd 3D", "Revealer", "Great Merlin" and many others)

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name: "Solar" (Greek)

Energy and character of the name "Alena, Elena"

Perhaps the main feature of the sound of the name Elena is that it begins much more energetically than it ends. Moreover, in fact, there is no great tension in it, however, the contrast between the "groovy" beginning and the calm ending can sharply increase even this insignificant tension. Something like a burning match, which is difficult to notice on a sunny day, but in the darkness of the night, sometimes its flame can be seen even for several kilometers. Usually this leads to the fact that an attentive person can pick up some tension in Elena's daily behavior. Sometimes this is expressed in Elena's restraint, perhaps even in her isolation, but it happens the other way around, when this internal excitement, which is not entirely clear to her, makes Lena act somewhat defiantly, as if she is only waiting for attacks from others.

Of course, such a trait of behavior does not appear in Lena's character right away, in childhood she usually grows up as a calm and affectionate child, and, in fact, she remains so, only from adolescence all this begins to disguise herself behind her inner struggle. Often people around do not even realize that most of the time Lenin's nerves are strained, but for her herself this can bring a lot of unpleasant minutes.

There is a great danger here, since nervous tension causes fatigue and even mental pain, and Elena can unwittingly begin to perceive people and the life around her as a source of this pain. She may have the feeling that her pride, if not infringed, then at least ready for it, while the main enemy is in herself, and getting rid of it is not so difficult. You just have to not expect sincerity from people, but try to start first, saving your pride from pain.

Love and relationships named "Alena, Elena"

However, this tension disappears very quickly, if Lena meets a person who is able to understand her and love her, then her true spiritual qualities manifest themselves. Yes, and she herself, freed from an obscure inner pain, often experiences great relief, which makes her love truly disinterested and strong. At the same time, if living alone, Elena was prone to some laziness, then in love her hidden powers are released, which usually makes her not only an excellent hostess, but also gives her the opportunity to reveal her talents in any career. But one should be afraid that the inevitable family conflicts again lead to an increase in tension in her soul. If this happens, then, alas, happiness will be short-lived.

Interestingly, if Elena manages to find a source of peace of mind in herself and get rid of nervous tension without fear of showing her kind attitude towards people, she, firstly, will receive insurance against many life difficulties, and secondly, she will have a chance to find amazing, perhaps even supernatural abilities, as happened with Helena Blavatsky and Helena Roerich.

Secrets of communication: When communicating with Elena, one should never forget that, whatever her mask, a vulnerable and sensitive soul is hidden behind her. Show her a little warmth - and a completely different person will appear in front of you!

Famous people with the name "Alena, Elena"

Helena Roerich

“As if she had absorbed the beauty of all the women of the world for all the millennia since the creation of the world,” one of her contemporaries wrote about Helena Roerich (1879–1955), the founder of the Living Ethics teaching. The fate of this woman was amazing. Growing up in a wealthy family in St. Petersburg, she, the great-granddaughter of the great commander Kutuzov and the great-niece of the composer Mussorgsky, the beauty for whom all the capital's suitors "dried", turned out to be a homebody, preferring to while away the time not at social events, but alone with a book.

Having married the famous artist Nicholas Roerich, Elena Ivanovna began her spiritual journey with her husband, and their adventures are more like a fairy tale: they traveled around India, Europe and America, climbed the Himalayas, and Elena Roerich turned out to be the first European woman who managed to overcome twenty-five thousand kilometers through the dangerous Himalayan passes, in conditions where the air temperature sometimes dropped to fifty degrees below zero.

It is not known whether the travelers actually managed to reach the legendary Shambhala - the abode of the wise half-humans-demigods, but we can safely say: if this place really exists, then it was they who were destined to find it. In any case, after returning from their first trip, the couple conveyed the spiritual message of the inhabitants of Shambhala to the Soviet government, after which they returned to India, where they lived the rest of their lives.

Nikolai Roerich called his wife “the holder of the world”, and she herself believed that an era was coming when a particularly responsible mission would be entrusted to a woman. "The coming time should," wrote Helena Roerich, "as in the best times of mankind, give a woman a place at the helm of life, a place next to a man, her eternal companion and collaborator."

According to Florensky

One of the etymologies of the name Elena leads him to the original word selena, that is, the moon. The name Elena signifies female nature, but not in the bodily moment of marriage and birth, as well as not in the spiritual moment of eternal femininity: Elena is eternal femininity. It is most determined by the spiritual moment of the female organization, the spiritual properties of a woman, the very ones that, in the usual sense, constitute the essence of the female character. The absence of a solid principle of norms in behavior and thoughts, the predominance of emotions that do not flow in a strictly defined channel, the fragmentation and whimsicalness of spiritual life - these are the features. This does not mean that Elena does not have a mind, just as the same cannot be said about the mental warehouse of a typical woman in general. But the mind here obviously plays a subordinate role and each time receives special orders from an unexpectedly emerging spiritual impulse. Therefore, the theoretical activity of the mind is not characteristic of Elena, just as disinterested reflection is not characteristic. But she is able to achieve her goals and show great mental resourcefulness and perseverance here. This quality of Elena, with spiritual bad manners, easily turns into cunning.

According to Popov

Having named their daughter Lenochka, the parents do not even suspect that the more time passes, the less living space this affectionate, but stubborn creature will leave them. The only way to spread your wings freely again is to marry the girl. Give out successfully so that she does not come back.

According to Mendelev

A magnificent and very beautiful name, reliable and bright. Every man's dream at all times. True, her response to the hottest love may not be as hot as expected, and the family never completely absorbs Elena. There is some secret in her, she is reserved and even slow; one gets the impression that she is above the fuss and trifles (maybe the impression is false). Most likely, it's just some laziness.

Elena will rarely achieve anything, she goes with the flow, but her happy character and ability to get along with people help her avoid troubles and upheavals.

Lena is more direct, cheerful and feminine, but much kinder and simpler, more earthly. It fits well into any society, everywhere in place, but the “brave” sign is much less pronounced in her, but the “reliable” sign is much more distinct. Lena studies, as a rule, well, but she doesn’t often reach professional heights, because she doesn’t particularly strive for them. By temperament, as a rule, she is sanguine, but it happens that she is phlegmatic, in any case, she is excited difficultly and not for long. It has a high intelligence, but is very impractical.

Lyolya is simpler, brighter and more resourceful, cunning and practical. Worldly success accompanies her much more often than Elena and Lena. It is “louder”, it can explode, but this state does not last long. There is something from Olga and Ella in her.

A common feature of all bearers of this name in all its forms is gullibility. They tend to uncritically perceive the opinions of others, and Elena's sense of humor is clearly not well developed.

In general, the name is perceived as something very good, as a symbol of a free, abundant, prosperous life.

Love for this name is strong and unchanged for many decades in a row.

The colors of the name are bright green and scarlet.

Sexy portrait of a name (by Higiru)

She is endowed with a clearly defined sexual personality. Elena is rarely very passionate or impenetrably cold, as a rule, she does not experience many of the strong emotions that are familiar to other women. However, she will always protest against any attempt to belittle the importance of the intimate side of her life. Her creative nature strives for perfection, so she is often intolerant of the mistakes of others and tries not to repeat them. She can be an ideal partner for a restrained man with a moderate temperament. Stormy passions are unknown to her, in her family life sex becomes a ritual, invariably associated with the night time. She will neatly and efficiently finish her evening dress and, reading a book, will be waiting for her husband in bed. At the same time, she sincerely believes that this is how intimate relationships of family people should look like.

Sexuality of the name "Elena"

Perhaps Elena's husband would like to possess her at least once, breaking this ritual, among the clothes scattered on the floor, inhaling the smell of her body, and not exquisite perfumery. Elena can give up a lot for the sake of her husband, she is a faithful and devoted wife, but just do not do it, because she herself does not feel such a need. Elena loves to patronize unfortunate men. Often, consoling someone who has suffered a love failure, she herself can fall in love with this poor fellow. At the same time, her sexual attraction to a weak man who seeks sympathy borders on compassion, some kind of maternal feeling. "Winter" Elena has many qualities that do not adorn a woman, which other Elenas do not have. She is selfish, wayward, callous. Sexy - unlike others, in bed she likes to lead the sexual process. He talks about sex with restraint and caution, allowing himself to be frank in the circle of only very close friends. She is able to intuitively feel the situation, but she cannot extend this intuition to her partners, often changing them.

1. Personality: the perfect being is the pride of the kingdom

2. Color: yellow

3. Main features: intuition - sociability - susceptibility - excitability

4. Totem plant: orchid

5 Spirit Animal: Cod

6. Sign: twins

7. Type. Too excitable and receptive. Unnecessarily impressionable, especially when it comes to the beautiful aspects of life. They have an innate sense of beauty. These little ones should not be allowed to play the role of a princess in the family. Prone to laziness, slow. They like to procrastinate things. Like their flower, the orchid is a greenhouse plant that needs sun and warmth.

8. Psyche. Introverts feel good only in their own world, where they dream of jewels, palaces and lavish receptions. They live in a fictional world, which involuntarily forces them to constantly lie.

9. Will. This seemingly gentle woman-child hides a surprisingly strong will.

10. Excitability. Too excitable, capricious, which is both weakness and charm. Relationships with other women are difficult, without much affection. They are more friendly with men, but quickly turn them into their slaves. Defeat for them is like a personal insult.

11. Speed ​​of reaction. They hardly forgive insults, they never forget about the insult inflicted. They are capable in their studies, but even here they show their originality. So, they can get carried away with geography, because the teacher has beautiful eyes ...

12. Field of activity. Interested in everything that is connected with the beautiful. Among them there are artists, models, fashion models, but do not demand that they get up at seven in the morning and go to the factory. Very independent.

13. Intuition. Serves their life plans, although they are a bit of a schemer.

14. Intelligence. They have a synthetic type of thinking. They seize on the whole and do not trouble themselves with particulars. They are curious, like cats, talkative, have a good visual memory.

15. Susceptibility. They either like it or they don't like it. In the latter case, you'd better step aside. When they love, they can simply die of happiness today, and tomorrow they can forget about you.

16. Morality. It would be surprising if such natures did not make some compromises with their own conscience.

17. Health. Not very good. There are minor ailments of a nervous nature. You need to pay attention to the pancreas and kidneys, as well as take care of the spine (daily two-hour walks!) And the intestines

18. Sexuality: the life of such women. These are women-girls, women-flowers who excite, capture, drive their fans to despair, until they meet a father-man on their way, who will not be scared away by their antics ... Although, who knows, for how long?

19. Activity. They have the ability to use others, especially their loved ones.

20. Sociability. Friendly, although not so much involved in the affairs of others as involving others in their own problems.

21. Conclusion. Women bearing the name Barbara and others like him must restrain their excessive sensuality.

By Higiru

The word is of pre-Greek origin, the interpretation is unclear, perhaps: chosen, bright.

From early childhood he loves fairy tales. A little closed, never completely merges with the children's team, always a little aloof, in her inner world. She is gullible, but, having met with deceit, especially based on the use of her gullibility, she will certainly try to punish the person who deceived her, while showing extraordinary ingenuity. Elena is kind, but her kindness in childhood is rarely active. So, she can bring a dirty street kitten into the house, give him milk to drink, cry over his bitter fate, but she will not show firmness when her parents expel the "new settler" on the night street that same evening.

Gets carried away with a little bit of everything. And she tries to knit, and sew, and embroider - everything beautiful attracts her. Lessons are taught from time to time. He studies well, in some subjects even excellent, mainly due to his good memory and the teacher he liked.

Elena most often looks like her father. In any case, she inherits his character exactly. To him, the name of Elena generously adds emotionality and categoricalness. Emotions in Elena's life generally play a big role.

In her youth, she gives the impression of being closed and shy, but upon close acquaintance it becomes clear that she is a cheerful person, a great dreamer and optimist. Most of all, Elena succeeds in areas that require communication.

Love and marriage named "Elena"

Love as a feeling in Elena is secondary, it appears as a result of compassion. Elena, most likely, will not marry a rich and handsome, prosperous person in all respects, but will prefer him a person whom she will regret. Not sparing herself in her sacrificial love, Elena expects the same attitude towards herself. She is sensitive to everything that takes her husband away from her - his friends, hobbies and affections. Immersed in the world of her emotional experiences, she is indifferent to the imperfection of everyday life, easily manages with small things, and is picky. At home, Elena usually reigns peace and tranquility. She is a homebody, caring mother. A good hostess happens only by mood. The rest of the time, she treats the kitchen as a boring but necessary element of life.

Elena will be happy with Dmitry, Igor, Ruslan Roman, Andrey, Yuri, Stanislav. Happiness with Anatoly, Stepan, Taras, Mark is unlikely.

Few people have not heard of the skittish beauty Helen of Troy or the beautiful Helen the Wise. It is surprising that so many legendary heroines of the folk epos and fairy tales bore this name. What is the reason for such a great love for Lena and what character this name gives to its owners - we will tell below.

Origin and meaning of the name

The name Elena came to us from the Greek language, in translation from which “bright”, “fire”, “torch”, “brilliant”, “lunar”. Some linguists believe that it is rooted in mythology, being derived from the name of the sun god Helios. According to the second version, this appeal arose from the name of the people - Hellenes. Due to its "light" meaning, the name quickly spread and gained popularity around the world.

Day Angel

May 21 marks the day of the Holy Empress Helena of Constantinople. She was not only the mother of Tsar Constantine, but also a well-known philanthropist who helped the poor and was engaged in the construction of temples and churches. Christian chroniclers also claim that during her visit to Jerusalem, the queen led the excavations, during which the Holy Sepulcher, the Life-Giving Cross and many other relics were discovered.

Did you know? The most popular female name in the world is Anna. This is the name of almost 100 million women.

Thanks to their patronesses, Helena celebrate name day twice a year, the second holiday (November 12) is dedicated to St. Helena, who was the mother of the Serbian King Stefan. In her life she was wise, virtuous, put an end to family strife and was engaged in charity towards orphans. At the end of her life, she dedicated herself to God and led a monastic life.

Short and diminutive address

The popularity of the name Elena is also due to the presence of a large number of abbreviated and affectionate forms. Relatives call the girls Lenochka, Lenusy, Elami, Elya, Elyusha, Elenki, Heli, Lenusha, Lyusya, Lely. Some like the more original Ellen, Ilana, Eileen, Elyan. Some forms that were once abbreviations have become names in their own right today:

  • Alyona;
  • Lesya;
  • Ilona, ​​who descended from Ilena;
  • Elina;
  • Eleanor.
By the way, the name Lena, which is often used for girls, can mean not only Elena, but, interestingly, Vilena, Leon, Vladlena.

Did you know? In France, there lived a family that instead of a surname had a set of numbers - 1792. Children in it were also called in an original way: January, February, March and April.

Name in different languages ​​of the world

The sound and even spelling of the name Elena varies from country to country:

  • In England, on the street you can meet Helen (Helen), Nell, Nelle (Nell), Ellen (Ellen).
  • Among the Germans, in addition to the standard Helena (Helena), they use Lena (Lena), Leneli (Leneli), Lenchen (Lenchen).
  • Romantic Spaniards will affectionately call Helena (Elena) or Elenita (Elenita), Ele (Ele).
  • This name was transformed in a very original way in the Romanian language: Elenica (Elenika), Elenuica (Elenutsika), Nuica (Nutsika).
  • In Ukrainian, Olena and more gentle Olenka, Olenonka, Olenochka are used.
  • A number of Scandinavian countries have their own form: Helene (Helene), Eline (Eline), Helna (Helna), Lene (Lene).
  • Elena's beautiful name in Armenian is Հեղինե (Egine).
  • The Chinese language has its own variation - 叶列娜 (Yellena).
  • In Arabic, you can find - إلينا (Аylyna).
  • In Japanese, there are even several forms, the most popular of which is 太陽他 - Taieta.

Having figured out how the name Elena sounds in different languages, let's talk about what it means for a woman, what character it carries.

Character traits, temperament and behavior

Little Lena is more like a dad, believes in others and loves castles in the air that hover in her fantasies. Her gullibility sometimes fails the baby, but the person who deceived the girl will never be able to win her trust again. And at an older age, fragile Lenochka will also find a way to take revenge on the offender.

Important! The girl feels great alone with her thoughts, fantasies, but at the same time she is quite sociable in the company, although Len has few real friends in life.

At first, parental attention and affection are very important for a girl, because in her fantasies she is a fairy princess that everyone loves and cherishes. Such girls are characterized by kindness, and they do not know how to firmly defend their interests even in adulthood. But this does not prevent them from being shy optimists who always look at the world with confidence.

Some may say that Lenochka is a little lazy. In fact, they just have a little slow reaction, and they also like to put off work until later. Len's shortcomings can also be attributed to frequent whims, cunning, extreme curiosity. These disadvantages of their character occasionally do not play in favor of Len. The owners of the name Lena have a rather peculiar character and demeanor. They are not one of those who will forge their own destiny and work painstakingly to achieve the goal. What matters to her is a leisurely, smooth movement along the river of life, during which she observes with interest what awaits her around the next turn.

Important! Despite her rather calm, phlegmatic character, such a girl can envy someone else's success if her personal ambitions are not satisfied.

Study, professions and career

Since it is not proper for princesses to teach mathematics, little Lenas do not have much love for learning. They are saved from deuces by an excellent memory and the ability to establish contact with others. But the love of beauty helps the Lenas to be well versed in music, art, endows them with artistic abilities. Therefore, often in life they choose the profession of artists, fashion models, singers, actresses. Surprisingly, thanks to her high intellect and curiosity, Elena can become both a professor of philosophy and a culturologist. Whatever profession she chooses, a girl with such a character is disgusted by early rises in the morning and life on a schedule. As for business, entrepreneurship, it is rare that a sophisticated Lenochka will take this path. Money means little to her, but personal peace, a comfortable and measured rhythm of life are much more important.

Health and hobbies

Lenin's laziness manifests itself from birth. She sleeps a lot, eats unimportantly, which upsets her mother. Despite this, such girls are quite strong, they are rare.

Important! Elena's psyche, vision, stomach and lungs are at risk.

Due to her soft but artistic nature, Len may have an unstable psyche, nervous breakdowns or prolonged depression. Colds in girls provoke complications in the eyes, therefore, with age, Len's vision becomes worse, cataracts may develop. Regarding the digestive system, little Lenusi, twisted in the clouds, often forget to eat in a timely manner, so it is important to protect them during this vulnerable period. Otherwise, children's problems will remain with them for life. As for Lena's hobbies and hobbies, they are mostly related to art (singing, drawing) or a quiet pastime (embroidery, knitting, macrame). In childhood, during more active periods of life, girls can get involved in sports (gymnastics, dancing), but their passion rarely lasts long.

Love relationships and family

A beautiful princess must have a fairytale prince, and Elena is firmly convinced of this. She will try to consider her betrothed in every young man, being amorous in her youth. She usually has a lot of admirers, because fate gives Elena a soft and pleasant character, which is important for many men, so the owners of this name have no problems with dates.

Important! However, when Elena finds her mate, her love will be strong and selfless. This young lady plunges headlong into feelings, relationships and demands the same from her partner.

The stars recommend looking for a betrothed named Andrei, Alexei, Dmitry, Alexander, Bogdan or Kirill. But men who want to win Lenochka's heart should remember one nuance: such a girl is more likely to fall in love with someone in need of help, whom she can do good, than a successful and rich person who does not require anyone's support. In love, she is more attracted to sacrifice than passion. Lena will be a wonderful mother and will provide a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in the house, but you should not expect her to rush to wash dishes or do laundry with pleasure - a household routine is not for her.

The name Elena first appeared in ancient Greece, presumably comes from the word helenos, which means bright, sunny, radiant. The sound of the name resembles a delicate, thin, climbing plant, stretching towards the light.

In Rus', the name began to spread at the time of the baptism of Rus' by Prince Vladimir in 988. The name sounded both in its original form and in variations - Olena and Alena, Elena. Basically, this was the name of daughters in noble families, for example, Elena was the name of the wife of Prince Yaropolk Vladimirovich and the wife of Ivan Kolita, the Polish queen was also called Elena.

The love for this name has been firmly held for many centuries, and does not lose its popularity to this day. The name Elena is strongly associated with the epithet Beautiful - the eternal heroine of many Russian fairy tales, always invariably kind and wise.

Among celebrities there are many bearers of this beautiful name. For example, actresses Elena Yakovleva and Elena Proklova, TV presenters Elena Kizyakova and Elena Perova, singers Elena Exemplary and Elena Vaenga, athletes Elena Isinbaeva and Elena Ilyina.

Elena's name day

The patroness of all Helens is Helena Equal-to-the-Apostles (Constantinople), who was the mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine - the very one in whose honor the city of Constantinople is named. Emperor Constantine elevated Christianity to the rank of state religion, and his mother became his faithful companion.

This wise and educated woman received a divine sign, in which she was shown the divine places where the relics associated with Jesus Christ were hidden. Elena Equal-to-the-Apostles was supposed to find these relics and give them to people.

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Elena was already an elderly woman when she set out on foot for Palestine. There she found the places that were pointed out to her in the sign. Thus, artifacts important throughout the Christian world were found, such as the Cross and the Holy Sepulcher, as well as the nails with which Jesus was nailed to the cross. The discovery of these relics marked the beginning of a great church holiday - the Exaltation of the Cross.

Throughout her life, Elena Equal-to-the-Apostles was engaged in charity work, opened churches and hospitals, redeemed captives, debtors and prisoners.

The name Elena also has many other patrons: Elena the Martyr (daughter of the Apostle), Elena the Serbian, New Martyr Elena.

Elena celebrates birthdays several times a year: January 28, March 19, June 3.8 and 10, July 24, August 10, September 17, November 12.

Name characteristic

Elena is the embodiment of femininity, her essence is the lack of clarity and firmness in her behavior and thoughts, the predominance of emotions, the fragmentation and whimsicalness of her spiritual life. She is prone to unexpected whims and whims, quite cunning - in a word, she is a real woman.

As a rule, Elena inherits the appearance and character of her father, but adds notes of emotionality and integrity to him. She is a trusting, gentle and cheerful person. It can give the impression of a closed and shy personality, but this is only at first glance. If he manages to liberate himself, he becomes the soul of the company.

Elena has a sparkling sense of humor, so there are always a lot of friends around her. She knows how to make friends and even sacrifice herself in the name of friendship. She is smart, not afraid of danger and does not tolerate lies in any of its manifestations.

In everyday life, Elena is not picky, she can get by with little. Her biggest shortcomings are laziness and slowness, with which Elena will have to fight all her life. She treats housekeeping, cooking and cleaning as the most boring pastime in the world. From early childhood, Elena attaches great importance to her emotional experiences and inner emotions, and everything domestic fades into the background.

By type of character, Elena is an introvert - she lives in her own special world, where there are luxurious palaces, haute couture outfits, jewelry and magnificent receptions. But these inflated dreams by no means make her fastidious in everyday life. Being in dreams, she can completely abandon all current duties. Lena generally likes to leave everything for later.

Elena is very curious, but she does not know how to keep other people's secrets at all. She is capricious and emotional, does not know how to forgive insults. Easily compromises his own conscience. Lena is envious, treats other people's successes painfully.

Elena prefers to be friends with men, and she skillfully uses her many admirers for her own purposes. Despite the sincerity, it is common for her to always and in everything look for benefits. Lena knows how to learn from the mistakes of others and not repeat them.

Elena rarely has clear life goals, she prefers to go with the flow. Her happy nature and ability to get along with people allow her to avoid the big upheavals of life.

Elena in childhood

Little Lenochka is a great lover of fairy tales, for whom life seems to be a continuous holiday. When in real life she fails to become a princess, she withdraws into herself and finds it difficult to find a common language with her peers. Therefore, in early childhood, she prefers to play alone or with one friend, but not in a big noisy company. The girl really needs parental affection and approval.

Lenochka is kind, sympathetic and trusting, but recognizing the deceit, she will not forgive and can take cruel revenge. The girl has a good memory and imagination, so studying is easy for her, but she does not show much effort. She likes well-dressed, stylish teachers - she falls in love with them and always does well in their subjects.

Lena loves to sing and draw, she is very artistic - these are the talents that parents need to develop in every possible way. The girl needs maximum workload at school - this will teach her to fight laziness.

Growing up, Elena discovers a world of friends, her social circle expands noticeably. She learns to flirt, her sexuality wakes up early. The attention of the boys flatters her, bringing fairy princes and princesses back to the world.

Elena's sexuality

Elena is a real queen, whose favor many men are trying to win. She shamelessly enjoys male adoration, using men to her advantage. Elena loves to play with men - today she pretends to be in love, and tomorrow she pretends that they are even strangers.

Elena loves flirting, sex itself is of little interest to her. She is jealous, and if she notices that her admirer is paying attention to another woman, she will do everything to return him to the ranks of her fans, even if this man is completely uninteresting to her.

Elena is never too passionate or too cold, she does not know violent passions. She will be an ideal partner for a man with an average temperament. In bed, she is restrained, but for the sake of her beloved man she can remove all prohibitions.

Elena married, compatibility

Elena is a woman-child, a woman-flower, but she will marry a man-father. In love, the sacrifice inherent in all Helens, and even pity, is released. Her love is often secondary, as a result of pity for a man. Choosing between a rich man and someone who needs her guardianship, she will always choose the second.

Having sacrificed herself, she will expect the same attitude towards herself. This does not always coincide with the desire of the husband and results in conflicts. She will want to have her husband entirely, painfully relating to everything that takes him away - to work, friends, hobbies, and so on.

Elena will not make an exemplary hostess, but she knows how to create an atmosphere of peace and tranquility in the house. Lena will love and pamper children, however, like her husband. A homebody by nature, Elena is often fond of needlework, such as sewing or knitting. She does household chores exclusively by mood.

A successful marriage is possible with men named Andrei, Bogdan, Vladimir, Dmitry, Ignat, Igor, Kirill, Mikhail, Roman and Yaroslav. Relations with Alexander, Anatoly, Vasily, Zakhar and Stepan should be avoided.

Elena's health

Lenochka can be born prematurely, often seven months old, she eats sluggishly and quickly switches to artificial feeding. But, despite this, the girl grows up as a healthy child with good immunity.

Elena's weak point is the nervous system, all her illnesses are “from the nerves”. Learning to relieve internal stress in acceptable ways is Elena's main task.

A woman needs to lead a healthy lifestyle, find time and money for sports and proper nutrition. You should also pay attention to problems with the kidneys and pancreas.

Business and career

Elena is good at communicating with people and manipulating them, so her profession should be related to communication. She will be interested in any creative profession related to beauty. Many find themselves in the modeling business or in design.

Elena hates routine, regular and monotonous work, in which there is no place for creativity. She does not like a strict schedule, when the service must be present at a strictly defined time and every day. Can become an excellent translator, actress, musician, model. The main thing is a free work schedule without the need to report to the authorities.

Elena will not come to great importance to money, she is a spender, she does not know how to save at all. She is too lazy to swim against the current, she is not a fighter in life. Therefore, it is better for Elena not to start her own business.

Even having chosen a profession to her liking, a woman will always strive home, to the family hearth.

Talismans for Elena

  • The ruling planet is Mercury.
  • The patronizing zodiac sign is Gemini.
  • A good time of the year is spring, a good day of the week is Wednesday.
  • The lucky color is yellow.
  • Totem animal - deer and cod. The deer represents fertility, purity and spiritual development. An adult deer is considered a symbol of nobility, abundance and prosperity. Cod symbolizes family happiness and financial well-being.
  • Totem plant - aster and orchid. Astra is a symbol of beauty, purity and charm. Orchid is a symbol of luxury, beauty and feminine charm.
  • The talisman stone is chalcedony, symbolizing health and longevity. It is believed that chalcedony drives away melancholy and despondency, protects from evil spirits and protects sleep.

Horoscope for Elena

Aries- domineering and open Elena, not in the rules of which to hide her thoughts and emotions. If she rejoices, then she is able to infect everyone around her with her fun, if she is sad, she will try to spoil the mood of everyone around her. She is not deprived of male attention, but not every man can withstand her authoritarian nature. Her husband is most often a classic henpecked.

Taurus- lazy Elena, in every possible way avoiding any responsibility. But on the other hand, she has the gift of eloquence and persuasion, therefore she is perfectly able to manipulate people. She will always be able to convince a person to act in her interests, while not forgetting to emphasize all her merits and virtues. Men like her, and if Elena falls in love for real, she will become a wonderful wife.

Twins- Cheerful optimist with a wide range of communication. Her life is like a holiday in which there is no place for dull life and routine. Elena knows how to splurge and live easily. She loves to flirt with men, but she takes marriage seriously.

Cancer- an insecure person who cannot complete a single task. A lot of plans and ideas are spinning in her head, the implementation of which she gladly shifts onto other people's shoulders. Elena-Rak blames anyone for her failures, but not herself. It is hard to experience defeats, and tends to exaggerate victories and achievements. He constantly terrorizes his partner with nit-picking and jealousy, requires increased attention and love for himself.

a lion- a proud and conceited nature, with difficulty finding a common language with others. She communicates condescendingly with interlocutors, because of this she is disliked in the team. She herself is convinced of her exclusivity and irresistibility. It is distinguished by passion, but men are frightened off by its arrogance.

Virgo- a principled person in whose life there is no place for emotions. Everything in her life is sorted out, her motto is stability and confidence in the future. She takes life hard, she really lacks lightness and a bit of frivolity. As a husband, a man with a good sense of humor, who has a simpler attitude to life, is ideal for her.

Scales- a direct and sociable woman who does not know how to keep other people's secrets at all. He likes to develop vigorous activity, takes an active part in public life. She values ​​her freedom very much, so her husband should not limit her in communication and work.

Scorpion- gifted and impressionable nature, very dependent on their emotions. She could have been successful if she had been driven by reason and cold calculation, and not by spiritual impulses. She can flare up like gunpowder for any reason, so she often conflicts with others. He brings his partner to white heat with nit-picking and resentment for any reason.

Sagittarius- independent and enterprising Elena, who does not know how to complete the work begun. There are a lot of ideas in her head that she is ready to discuss hotly, but is not ready to act. She loves everything new and unknown. Such inconstancy makes her a frivolous person. In her personal life, she will also forever look for novelty, constantly changing partners.

Capricorn- Reasonable and demanding nature, striving for order in everything. She does not tolerate petty and optional people, empty talk. She is equally careful about her speech and her appearance. She will never flirt with strangers, and with acquaintances she will be as restrained as possible. She rarely falls in love, but if this happens, she will give her chosen one all her unspent love and tenderness.

Aquarius- a well-mannered and restrained woman with good intuition. Very observant, notices and remembers everything around, but does not rush to conclusions. In communication, she is correct and friendly, but she does not let anyone into her inner world. Many novels happen in her life, but Elena is in no hurry to get married, as she values ​​\u200b\u200bher freedom and independence.

Fish- a sensitive and delicate person who does not know how to defend his opinion. Tries to stay in the shadows, very shy. In men, it causes a desire to protect and warm. It has a unique charm and charm, enjoys great success with the opposite sex. Elena-pisces knows how to love sincerely and disinterestedly. Her love is something like a mother's.