Kundalini Energy: The Secret Power Hidden Within You! The method of conscious words is the energy that we control. In other words, you can describe it like this.

- I announce webinars in a simple way. The next 2 webinars are closely related to the living energy of a person. About physical activity, vitality and health. And then - also relevant topics.

  • February 29 "How to turn on the Kundalini safely"
  • February 9 “Functional body. Health” (Wednesday, moved to a working day)
  • March 14 “Decision making. Removal of barriers and expansion of consciousness” (next month)


- in a simple way, in theses and metaphors:

  • "an awl in the pope"
  • "inner fire"
  • energy born in the coccyx (“a snake coiled in a ring”)
  • energy that makes a person alive, vital
  • finding the meaning and desire of life (heaviness and fatigue go away)
  • energy of creativity and inspiration
  • the energy of doing the "impossible" in the moment
  • energy of health, immunity, invulnerability
  • an inexhaustible internal source of physical and mental activity
  • harmony of male and female in a person
  • supports spatial perception, life in the world of energies, expanded consciousness
  • alternative orgasm (full body orgasm)
  • deep contact with a partner
  • energy that nourishes clarity of consciousness, intuition, clairvoyance
  • nourishes a sense of connection with the world, people, animals and nature
  • the energy of "totality", self-acceptance and pure action
  • feeling the potential of strength inside and calmness
  • promotes "awakening" and "liberation"
  • etc.

You can find many other descriptions of kundalini. These metaphors are not canonical descriptions, but my own metaphors from observation and practice, experience, results of direct and indirect awakening of kundalini in other people.

Why study your Kundalini

Let's start with the fact that, contrary to many claims about the exclusivity and uniqueness of Kundalini practices, it works for every person. And everyone experienced its manifestation in the form of insights, clarity of perception, extraordinary liveliness and other moments described above.

Just remember the moments when nothing was impossible for you, there was extraordinary clarity, you felt a turbo broom at the fifth point and the inability to sit still, physically (at the moment of danger) performed some inexplicable action, etc.

It was your Kundalini that instantly or gradually woke up, and then gradually fell asleep, leaving freshness and purity in the body, perception, satisfaction, calmness and a feeling of strength inside.

So why should we study it if it works by itself?

Three key reasons:

Regular and conscious application of Kundalini

As you may have noticed, most of the described manifestations of Kundalini are spontaneous for most people or depend on external circumstances.

  • An artist or writer can wait for months for inspiration, and then - rrraz, and write a masterpiece. Therefore, he is looking for sources of inspiration outside.
  • An athlete is in "peak shape" and "mood", which are easily lost. Together with the coach, he is looking for the keys to his condition, how to be in "totality and inclusion"
  • Many people need an unexpected, stressful, spontaneous situation - to go beyond their limits.
  • Stuck in senselessness and weakness, a person is looking for "feeding" and "meaning", and suddenly turns on.
  • Some people find places where the Kundalini is activated. Often this is associated with some danger and the proximity of death.
    • Extreme
    • Sales, public speaking
    • Magical and romantic moments, "feats", some dances
    • And other
  • Having a fight with a partner, you can get breathtakingly bright sex

That is, for many, the application of Kundalini is uncontrollable. Others find certain sequences of their actions or circumstances that periodically bring them into an “on state”.

Imagine being able to activate your Kundalini on your own at any given time?

What would you do then?

  • How many things would you do without getting tired?
  • What body, health, weight would you have?
  • What kind of relationship and interaction would you have with a partner?
  • How boldly would you act in what is scary to do, but really want to?
  • What brightness of life would you have?
  • How would you draw others along with you?
  • What opportunities for self-development (material, social, spiritual) would open up before you?

Want to? We'll talk about it at the seminar.

Power and duration of action

This fall, I studied the action of Kundalini on the physical plane: the impact on sports and on health (immunity).

At the level of sports, this meant turning on the Kundalini and running. And it turned out that it was not so easy to keep Kundalini for a long time. Concentration gets lost, you get distracted - and hop, again you run on muscles, and not on energy.

Kundalini is often an impulse. Moreover, it has such power that it is enough either for long work (I painted a picture in one impulse) or for a powerful jerk (I jumped over the fence, I didn’t understand how).

I remember how I was cut in the center of Moscow by car. In a fraction of a second, I gathered myself, assessed the situation, looked in the rearview mirror, assessed the braking distance, slowed down, turned to the desired angle, and fit into a parallel stream, leaving the accident in one second. I still remember that feeling of clarity and clarity of thinking, the slowing down of time, the accuracy and totality of action.

Of course, the unconscious skills and habits are important. However, wakefulness itself turned on and gave energy for an overreaction - Kundalini. Adrenaline is inertial, it physically does not have time to act somehow through the blood in a split second (it rolls later, and shakes the body for some more time). Such moments are higher nervous activity (awareness) and energy (awakening it).

Kundalini in its normal state can be compared to "inner fire". Either burns slowly or burns out in one flash. And then comes HUNGER. I want to eat well, and without gaining weight.

Why is that? Because the internal resource of a person is used, which is limited. You can mobilize it, but what to do next?

And imagine that you can turn on the potential of an inexhaustible source of internal energy?

At least several orders of magnitude more powerful?

From flash - go to controlled "burning", with a constant supply of fuel, and adjustment. And, gradually learning the management of accumulation / spending - to increase the combustion power?

Until August last year, my maximum run was 8 km. I usually run about 5 kilometers. Muscles began to moan already at such a distance, and then they could hurt the next day.

And then I decided to just run on maximum muscle relaxation, having fun and connecting energy practices. And he ran 21 km without food, water, without feeling tired and hungry. My muscles didn't hurt the next day. I wrote about this in a separate article "".

I didn’t particularly study running techniques, I didn’t work out breathing, this is a sports path. I was interested in the energy aspect. All the way - I pumped up kundalini for pleasure (losing concentration from time to time), and ensured its smooth consumption.

In October I ran about 170 kilometers studying this. Now I'm aiming for a marathon (there is some kind of psychological barrier, this topic is very twisted) on energies. And now I'm already interested not only in relaxation, but also in performance.

Imagine that you can turn on not an impulse, but a constant flow of Kundalini and maintain it for a long time? What would you do?

  • What are the creative achievements?
  • How much would you achieve in sports?
  • How would you “job out” if you had such a resource?
  • (Men especially) How do you like the idea of ​​having sex for 3 hours at the peak of pleasure, experiencing an orgasm with the whole body, and passing this state to a partner? (these are not bare numbers, I have learned)

What hinders this, and how to come to a state of such an upsurge, we will analyze at the seminar.

Purity and harmony of practice

In any descriptions about Kundalini, one can read about caution and danger.

I will not wind up the negative much, and scare you. But it has to be a little scary.

  • Imagine that instead of the usual 60 km / h in a car, you accelerate to 200 km / h. What is the price of a mistake and a decrease in attention? How much more precisely should the steering wheel be turned?
  • A blow of the usual voltage in a 220V outlet or a lightning strike - is there a difference?
  • A monkey with a coconut in his hand or with a grenade - the scale of the danger? (the monkey is our restless mind)

More power means more responsibility. Unconscious and uncontrolled use of great energy - can harm both you and the people around you, on the energy and physical planes, affect emotional manifestations, health, karmic consequences.

For beginners, I do not recommend practicing Kundalini right away. Start by managing yourself. Basic energy practices of filling and saving energy are in many cases enough to already change your life. Master the scooter before you get behind the wheel of a race car.

If you need advice on what to do - write to the mail.

I cease to scare, I begin to positively orient.

As you understand, for great energy you need the ability to use it “for good”. This can be achieved:

  • Mindfulness and concentration
  • Habits and the subconscious
  • state

Mindfulness and concentration are important for choosing direction and for change. Gathered — and invested where necessary.

But we remember that the task is to learn to be in the flow for a long time, and concentration here is a very unreliable friend. Subconscious habits come to the fore. And it's better to get used to doing it right.

Besides, habits go a long way. What if the state changes? Remove excess from the energy field that can lead energy along a “crooked path”, and oh, it flows where it needs to. Usually this is exactly what is done in the classroom in the so-called "clean space / field".

This is what I teach in my classes regularly and constantly, and it affects not only the kundalini, but throughout life.

For independent practice, it is important to develop only one habit - maintaining inner purity.

I was taught to give pure practices, and to adhere to the basic principle of "do no harm."

Therefore, at the seminar we will analyze not only Kundalini, but also devote half of the time to cleanliness. And the safe use of Kundalini, and the ability to do it all on your own. It's much more important

We will work on all three levels: consciousness, subconscious and state. From the first lesson, I help to build in subconscious patterns of purity and harmony. Who needs it - I drive it into my head (with your consent).

And in no case do I give (my, your) full power at the first and open lesson. Feel, get acquainted, you can begin to feel the benefits. If you practice, we will gradually reveal your kundalini potential!

Webinar "Kundalini is safe and long-lasting"
Available on record

Lesson Plan

Already said a lot. What we will do is clear. In short:

  • What is Kundalini and why is it
  • Where does it live in the body and how does it work
  • Cleanliness and Safety
  • Key Cleanliness Practices
  • Gentle practice of "feel what it is"
  • 3 Ways to Awaken the Kundalini
  • Answers on questions
  • For those who wish - download the self-program "Long and safe Kundalini"


This lesson is already more serious than the previous two. Remember what work we did on the “Ideal Partner” and what it felt like the next day (energy work continued). They were still flowers.

The cost of the lesson is 1500 rubles.

Today I want to share with you what happens when images awaken.

A year ago, having discovered for ourselves the understanding that we think in images, transmit images to the surrounding World, and create our reality in the form of holograms of images, we did not even suspect the full power and significance of our discovery.

At that time, we had a solid practice of excavating deep-seated beliefs, and there was an understanding that inside we have a whole universe of experiences that, like information, are stored in our field and affect our reality.

During one of the sessions, when we replaced all the excavations with work with images, we went deeper, and, unexpectedly for me and for my client, something incredible happened. I saw a bright light (since during the session I feel everything that happens on the energy level with clients), which awakened in the area of ​​the first chakra (first seal) and spread upwards in waves throughout the body, and at the same time I felt vibrational waves of incredible strength and power , which passed through the entire body and ended in the area of ​​​​the 7th chakra (seventh seal), activating the dormant parts of the brain.

This wave was followed by a state of indescribable calmness, peace and Love, tears of liberation and memories - how could I forget it at all - this is my essence! The client was a little perplexed (joyful): she had never experienced anything like this. It was knowledge—her Truth, born from within, and experienced as the rapture of awareness-awakening.

Then there were many more such sessions and flashes of light - the awakening of light from within. And, every time this energy passed through the brain, both I and the clients felt an expansion of consciousness.

Know yourselfand you will know the universe and the gods

Inscription in the Delphic Temple

Now I want to share with you what happens at the moment of remembering the true image.

How many of you have heard the term kundalini energy?

Kundalini is an ancient concept, and in the ancient scriptures about this energy it is said that it rests in every human being in the form of a sleeping snake or dragon, that this dragon or snake energy of life, curled up in a ring, is located at the base of the human spine.

Ancient teachings also say that when this snake unrolls its coils and rises, something extremely amazing and unusual happens. And this energy is not like the one that comes from the first, second and third seals. It is something like a huge mass of quanta.

This is a certain substance that is stored in the human body for a special purpose, it is hidden, and the hidden reserve of this energy is intended for human evolution. It is believed that when the snake rises, it splits in two.

The brainstem, higher up in an area called the reticulum, surrounds the reptilian brain. This formation is similar to a cellular web woven from threads.

The subconscious is not located in the midbrain - it is in the reptilian brain. The subconscious is located in the lower cerebellum. Moreover, this network formation is a whole set of switches that let in certain information and then allow it to enter the cerebral cortex.

This is a computer. Everything that is programmed into it becomes a reality, especially what concerns the physical body of a person. So, when the serpentine energy of kundalini ascends the spinal column, it ionizes with polarized energy the entire liquid medium that flows along the spinal column, up and down. When the kundalini hits the grid formation, it turns off all of its switches.

Read also:. This energy is in you initially, you just need to help it wake up and learn how to direct it to create the desired events in your life.

And what does it mean?

This means that all the doors to the subconscious are thrown wide open. Further, the energy moves forward like a swiftly marching conqueror, destroying and setting on fire everything that meets him on the way. This is the procession of the kundalini energy.

When it reaches that part of the brain which is called the midbrain, it affects this creature called the thalamus, known in ancient times as the "gatekeeper." Kundalini acts on this door to open it. The thalamus, being located in the midbrain, shows itself to be a rather strict guardian, because it is also the protector of the pineal gland. But the thalamus is the place where all the stem canals that originate from the nerve endings meet, and also all the fibers that originate from the mesh formation meet there, i.e. the thalamus is the switching point.

When the kundalini activates its energy, what actually happens is that everything that was hidden from you in your subconscious is released and rushes to a special point in the brain, here in this area, in the frontal lobe of the brain.

Why does kundalini have such a powerful, impressive effect? Because kundalini opens all channels and passages, allowing ancient knowledge to come to the surface, which provides the subconscious with truly complete and absolute access to your conscious mind.

We call kundalini a gift that makes a huge contribution to achieving enlightenment, because absolute enlightenment means that by penetrating through the veil, you get the opportunity to know what no one has ever known.

You get the opportunity to experience everything that is hidden there in one moment, and in one moment you will know everything that is there. In a flash of blinding light, you can instantly see all the lives you have ever lived and all the lives you have yet to live, and in a single moment you will know them all.

How is this possible?

The meaning of the kundalini energy or, as it is called in the Middle East, the dragon force, which rests at the base of the spine, has been deciphered. The kundalini energy was placed in the human body to serve as, so to speak, rocket fuel for enlightenment.

The moments of awakening of true images, many practitioners of the Technology of Image Creation, experience and describe as moments of enlightenment of consciousness.

Here is how Maria Nosko described her experience after awakening the image of “Love” on an open broadcast:

To your question, what is "love" for me, 5 images came out:
1st image - of my mother - heavy love, suffering, strain, everything was always done through the "should" in the family, etc.;
2nd image - a young man whom I loved very much 3 years ago, he drank a lot of strength and juice from me, he was a very dirty person in terms of energy - treason, deceit.
3rd - the universe, and spears, arrows, bombs, military operations, smoke, brown dust fly from the Earth into the universe.
4th image - a family estate, I am in a medieval dress - a duchess, on my face there is fright, fear, anxiety from the fact that my sister gives birth in the next room and dies from childbirth, the child is alive, I don’t see my sister’s face.
The 5th image arose after your words "go down" - a picture of my cells arose, I saw how the blood circulates and moves - very warm, pleasant, calm, beautiful, abundant.

This is what arose: I saw a couple, beautiful in their beauty and energy: a man and a woman - abundant, filled with love, overflowing, radiant, luminous. I watched how they were together at night, saw how they merged with each other, and when their souls merged, a new soul was born (conceiving a child is scientific 🙂

This woman was the spitting image of me, only much calmer and happier, trusted her man and he to her, it was felt that they loved each other infinitely, 200% security around, she felt his support.

I feel like I saw a universal miracle. The previous 4 images were not so sensual for me, but this one is here and now, it feels like I was there, no, not as if I was there, I was present.

It turns out that in 3 minutes I saw about 7-12 of my love programs + past experiences + I saw the real myself and, it turns out imperceptibly already, the necessary program and not one based on love (in fact, everything in life is tied to love) downloaded. And it doesn’t even matter what waves were there 🙂

Already 3 hours have passed since the meditation, and I am so bursting, I am already writing plans for the year, this image of Divine Love is still inside. According to theta-healing, I would have to do at least 5-8 sessions for this, and it’s not even a fact that it would work.

Elena, I now know that I am different!!! Previously, there was aexalted, closed, and now I know and feel that there is so much universal Love in me, that I can give a man so much love, so much happiness! And give so much to the world!

I did the meditation of love on theta-healing, and I felt that I was entering the theta state, bathed in pearl light, but what I experienced today and now experience, I didn’t have in theta, although I really respect theta healers, and all this technique.

There are undoubtedly results, and despite the fact that I used only your free material, it is interesting to see what happens after the training.

Also, my mother gave me 5 thousand rubles when I was leaving. for training in cutting, and bought a warm winter hat, I didn’t expect this either 🙂

There are changes, and I feel that I still need to change many things in myself, there is something that gives me doubts and does not allow me to act.

It also began to get lucky every time I went somewhere, when I went to my parents, they took me in a warm car and didn’t wait long, usually I drove in a dirty cold bus, I drove back - in a warm clean transport, I go to the subway - there are always places free.

Most importantly, I will now forever have a clear vision of the source and root cause of any event, situation or proposal.

I receive a lot of mailing lists with offers to purchase something, I used to be torn, it seemed to me that I MUST acquire everything, otherwise I will lose a lot, now I clearly and clearly see the message and intention with which this offer was sent, and artificial the feeling of loss is gone, I choose only valuable offers.

I want to thank you, because only thanks to you, I began to appreciate myself, I now realize and accept that I deserve a good, beautiful life, abundant in all areas. and plans are completely different now.

I also began to take care of myself like a true lady - I developed it as a habit: creams, scrubs, masks, etc., I still stopped succumbing to external fuss, I’m not in a hurry now for no reason, I have a craving for solitude - I began to like to be alone with I just fell in love with silence, began to not endure the sounds of broadcasts on the radio and TV, I immediately went to another room and closed the doors so as not to listen, but yesterday was a day - I spent 5 hours at the TV - and these were wonderful programs with bright and wonderful people.

I was brought up in the family with the phrase "you must": "you must wash the entire floor around the house and the dishes for the arrival of your parents", "you must obey", "you must get good grades", etc. It was 25 years that I was "reeled into a coil" - it is not surprising that I was with a debt program.

After studying with you, I felt that I no longer have this program, and now I am thinking how to earn money, and not how to borrow - this is a very big relief.

I have many events in my puzzles, and I very easily saw the REASONS for all these events in my life. The only thing is, I don’t quite see how to unravel the relationship of my parents, and there is a complete cesspool, sorry for the expression :), and their dislike and hatred for each other, due to the fact that their mothers and fathers also did not live in love. Can you imagine what happened to my karma?! 🙂

Something is clear, and I already see shifts - my father, who does not love me, to put it mildly, got a job, albeit as a builder at a cold construction site), he has not worked for 8-10 years and has been sitting on my mother's neck (i.e. e. it is supported by my mother), and 4 thousand rubles. gave me for the new year for courses on cutting clothes, this, of course, is not the entire amount for training, but the very fact that he did this for me was unexpected, my dad had not given me anything for 7 years, probably, and then and he himself earned money for a gift to me, and did not ask for anything in return. I was pleasantly dumbfounded by this and was looking for all the catch.

I did the ThetaHealing love meditation for 7 days in a row, and every evening I attended webinars on these topics with exercises. I felt little and, no matter how hard I tried, I did not find results. After the events with you, the results appeared, maybe a little so far, maybe something will happen further 🙂

I began to feel deeper and more natural some phenomena, for example, when I brew tea in a teapot - right in the water I see how the rolled leaves from the balls straighten into long petals (I have brewed tea a thousand times in my life, but I never noticed how these the leaves are blooming), I began to clearly see curls of steam from food - I can almost see a white column wriggling about 50 centimeters above the plate, its entire pattern (I also ate freshly cooked frozen vegetables hundreds of times, but I did not notice this phenomenon).

There are many ways to awaken the kundalini. A few years ago, while practicing yoga, I felt the awakening of the kundalini, like a tickling feeling in the center of the spine, which moved for a week along the vertebra, but then stopped in the neck area. And that feeling cannot be compared with this soft and warm, sometimes stormy, river that you feel when you awaken true images, knowledge about all things and objects that we knew from the beginning.

We have always believed that there is a quick and easy way to heal ourselves and others. And our faith has led us inside ourselves - to where there are answers to all our questions, even those that have not yet arisen. Go boldly inside yourself, find your own truth, and it will make you truly free.

To the point: If you are practicing Imaginative Creation Technology and there are moments of downturns or disbelief, the Awakening of Light project will provide you with support and direction, tips and help. Create your new life together with like-minded people. Join now! (Start a new thread every month)

With love and faith in your inner light,


The article uses materials from Ramt's book "How to create your reality"

In our lives, we are constantly solving the question of how to live in this world and not quarrel with ourselves.

A person's speech reflects his way of thinking, and as a person thinks, so he forms the space of his life.

If in our life something happens “good” or “bad”, then feelings will definitely prompt. And they will also tell you how real the connection between your words and thoughts is, how much you are aware of what you are saying ...

The master is aware of this connection between his thoughts, feelings and actions that form the quality of life that he lives directly and directly in the moment "now".

This skill, to be aware, is developed if you set a goal - to get out of the automatic mental and emotional programs of your ego.

The overcomings that we have to make lead us to an amazing effect: we not only become free from our fears, but also receive qualitative changes in our personal lives, in our professional activities, health becomes the norm, and the “control panel” is in our hands.

So how do automatic words - phrases differ from conscious, free thinking?

Your thoughts reflect your inner picture of the world, they are for you and about you. Automatisms “speak” not about you personally, but obsessively “offer” generalizations taken from the mass consciousness; there is no information about you personally.

In other words, you can describe it like this:

I am waiting for a ready answer, to which “the mental program taught me, I forgot how to think for myself and for myself.”

How does thinking affect our perception and our reactions?

What exactly hinders the fulfillment of desires?

Everyone can double-check themselves once again: what controls my life - an automatic program or a conscious choice?

Are you ready to deal with it now?

I bring to your attention the method of conscious words, which helps to practically work through this topic.

comment Svetlana Oria, psychologist


Words are the result of thoughts.

Whatever thoughts a person has in his head, such are the words in his tongue. Therefore, according to the lexicon that a person uses, one can clearly say what he thinks about.

Thought is energy. The word is also energy.

And the more certain thoughts we think, the more certain words we speak, the more energy we direct to those images that we speak and think about.

Everything in a person's life is determined by the level of consciousness.

The higher this level, the more information is available to a person, the more opportunities such a person has. Please note that we are talking about the level of consciousness, and not about the level of education.

Therefore, I repeat - everything in a person's life depends on the level of his consciousness.

The higher the level of consciousness, the more attention a person pays to what he thinks about, how he thinks, and what and how he says.

He is able to track the consequences of his thoughts, emotions and actions.

In the speech of such a person, words always create certain images that reflect reality without strong distortions.

Today you feel that you are limited by the feeling of a certain reality.

You perceive this world, yourself in it, seven billion other people, animals, plants, etc.

These are your limits.

And besides, you are limited by the fact that you do not see either causes or effects, or active forces in full manifestation.

Also, a child, seeing the parts of the constructor in front of him, does not immediately notice the logic and interconnection inherent in them.

Logic will develop, but the main thing is not to lose touch with the holistic perception of all things on an intuitive level.

Bank robbers spray a special gas into the air to see the laser beams of security devices.

So we want to see those threads that are stretched from the general field of forces, with intuitive vision.

Having understood these relationships, you will be able to improve your life - for starters, at least in this world, with yourself.

But that's not all.

After all, your body is “drawn” in your sensations.

A new article in the Svoboda Slova newspaper where we are happy to share with you our recipes for conscious energy management 

It was under this name that the world's first children's competitions were held in the Kuban, where children participated in sports games and relay races with a black bandage over their eyes.

Believe your eyes

Newspaper "Time"

Almaty residents Oleg NOVIKOV and Lilia MIKHAILYCHENKO teach people to see without eyes. Their wards can distinguish colors, images, and even read in
absolute darkness. Some believe that this is a miracle, others call everything that happens charlatanism. Oleg and Lilia say that both sides are far from the truth.

I, however, like most people who have already found themselves in my place, immediately began to look for a catch. Lily brought me a new mask, which usually
their subordinates work. I scrutinized her. I put it on my eyes - complete darkness. I tried to peep: I slightly shifted the mask, lifted it,
I tried to make it so that a small gap formed below, - from the side it was immediately noticeable. Tested the bandage and our photographer - nothing is visible.
- This is the most common mask for relaxation - explained Lily. - The person who puts it on realizes almost immediately that it is impossible to peep and it is necessary
try to see in some other way. Actually, it's not about the mask, it's only needed to teach a person to concentrate. Approximately through
a month of classes, we remove it and work with upside down pictures or put the images that the student should name in an opaque envelope.

- But skeptics still say that your students are peeping?
Yes, most people think that way. Show, hypnosis, the child has already seen all these pictures and knows in advance what they will show him. Some people think that we are somehow
We formulate questions in a special way. At first we ourselves were skeptics, but when we saw that a completely blind person twenty minutes after
the beginning of the lesson can already distinguish between two colors, doubts have disappeared. They believed that the method worked and stopped trying to convince skeptics. If a person does not believe
It's hard for him to prove anything.
During classes, nothing special happens, and I personally did not manage to understand due to what a person has such abilities. I was watching
how Oleg and Lilia worked with an eight-year-old boy who came to class for the first time. They just talked, teachers unobtrusively
asked the child questions related to his life: “What do you like to do?”, “Where do you like to go?”. The boy, who always wore a mask, answered. And in
at some point, Oleg gave him a red sheet of paper and offered to name the color. The child thought for a moment and unmistakably answered the question. Me and his mom from
faces stretched in surprise. Further - more: colors, images in the pictures, the number and color of the glasses exposed by the pyramid. Boy, of course
sometimes wrong, but still the percentage of hits was impressive. We could only shrug.
- We activate certain areas of the brain, thanks to which a person begins to perceive information in a new way, directly, he does not need
eyes, - Oleg tries to explain. - And there is nothing miraculous about it, anyone can do it. A child - after one or two lessons, an adult - after five. In adults
logical thinking, we doubt everything, we cannot believe that this is possible, so we need more time to discover in ourselves
such abilities.

From the very beginning, Oleg and Lilia began to work with blind children. We had to study together. They did not know what color was, they had never seen animals and
the plants they had to guess from the picture naturally couldn't read normal books. We just stumbled upon one of these. There are five in a group
children of all ages, all have vision problems. Some do not see anything from birth, others have lost this ability after serious illnesses -
retinoblastoma or cancer. Their occupation also began with a conversation.
- Let's travel, - suggested Oleg. - Imagine the house where you live. What is he? Where are you at?
Insignificant, it would seem, the conversation smoothly flows into a practical lesson. First, the simplest - the definition of color. Someone calls him right away, someone
thinking for a long time. Children get to the point and make mistakes, sometimes they cannot say at all what is drawn on a piece of paper. But when a completely blind girl
says that in front of her lies a picture with a yellow chrysanthemum, and her neighbor, who has not seen since birth, unmistakably outlines the contours of a tiger cub with her finger,
depicted on the card, we skeptics can only shrug.
“I don’t understand how she does it,” admits Almagul RAKHIMOVA, the mother of one of the girls. - When we came home after the second lesson in this center,
the daughter went to the table, took the mug and unmistakably said: “It is red.” From that moment on, my husband and I began to doubt the correctness of the diagnosis, which she
ophthalmologists put it, - our Togzhan has retinopathy of prematurity, and she has not seen since birth. I can't explain what's going on, but every time
make sure the kids see.

- Or maybe all this is a show built on the principles of probability theory?
- Our students do not just guess the colors or images in the pictures, - says Oleg. - They read with their eyes closed, easily find hidden
objects - an unprepared person will not be able to do this. After our classes, people consciously use the information that they constantly receive:
In other words, develop your intuition. Thanks to this, healthy children begin to study better at school, adults distinguish truth from lies, better understand
in people. Each of us had cases when the thought flashed through our heads: “Don’t go there”, “Don’t communicate with this person”. But this information came by chance,
and we learn to catch such moments. Anyone can do it!

And if so, we offered Oleg and Lilia to teach infovision to a child who has lost his sight, whom we will choose at the request of readers. Let someone benefit

The results of the experiment with the newspaper "Vremya" were summed up
Eyes wide shut

My vision has not changed, but I began to see better, - this paradoxical phrase characterized
everything that happened to him, the participant of our experiment, the visually impaired Farhat YUSUPJANOV. He
I learned to see without the help of my eyes, and, as it turned out, not in vain.

Let me remind you: a couple of months ago I met the leaders of the energy management center
Oleg NOVIKOV and Lilia MIKHAILYCHENKO (see “Believe your eyes”, “Vremya” dated February 28, 2013), was
in the classes that they conduct for blind children. The children identified the colors of objects and
images on pictures - it looked like an inexplicable miracle! Then I suggested
experiment, in which our reader will take part. They became 29-year-old Farhat. He agreed
to take part in our venture out of interest, with little hope for any result. Since childhood, our hero
sees only blurry outlines of objects. But that didn't stop him from getting great.
education: Farhat - simultaneous interpreter from English and German. After college
Studied in Japan, had an internship in America. Now heads a public fund,
dealing with the problems of people with disabilities. Actually, Farhat with his
education and the mind of a materialist, he was initially skeptical: at the first lesson he sat,
crossed his arms, now and then entered into discussions with his teachers. But then things got going. Already in
during the trial lesson, Farhat learned to distinguish colors, although initially he divided everything into
dark and light.
- What is color? - Oleg shows a blue plate.
- Dark, - answers Farhat.
- It's blue, remember it, - continues the teacher.
Then, in a certain sequence, Farhat was shown green, red, yellow,
orange. He had to compare them, understand how they differ, and fix this
information. By the end of the lesson, Farhat was not unmistakable, but he already distinguished these colors. He still had to
learn to perceive information in a new way, to understand that the eyes are not the most important thing. After
The first lesson he came out a little dazed.

Liked? I asked.
“Yes, I’m interested, I’ll continue,” the young man replied.

Our hero was given a homework assignment - every hour he had to be distracted from his affairs for a couple
minutes and imagine that he is sleeping. At the same time, remember all your feelings and try to concentrate
on what is going on around. And learn to pay attention to details. For example, once
the teachers invited Farhat to carefully examine the glasses and plates from which he
constantly eating and drinking. Oleg and Lilia assure that such simple exercises train the brain and teach
perceive information more carefully.
- I began to consider everything that surrounds me in more detail, - says Farhat. - For example, I go and
I say to myself: “There are three people sitting there”, I try to understand what color objects surround me.
At first, my doubts that something would come of this experiment only grew. Sometimes
we argued with Oleg and Lilia. But gradually I learned to use the possibilities of my body,
which I didn't know about before. Wearing a mask or with eyes closed, learned to distinguish colors and images
on the pictures. Of course, I would not have been able to do this before. Believe in what you can see without help
Farhat admits that it was a revelation for him. At first he tried to explain everything
what happens logically: “It's random. I'm just guessing." But he was given the following picture and
they said, "OK, guess what." And inside again it was as if an inner voice appeared.
- You sit with your eyes closed, but still seem to be looking closely, - shares his
Farhat's feelings. - Gradually, some spots appear, then outlines. You, for example,
you see the white background and the dimensions of the picture shown on the sheet. Show outlines first, and
then, as if by itself, from somewhere comes the thought of what is drawn. Of course, I didn't always get
to the point, but there were many correct answers.

All this Farhat learned to do in seven lessons. Before my eyes, he read short words written
in small print, with closed eyes, determined what was shown in the picture, and practically
unmistakably named colors. For him personally, the experiment was a success, and the world around him became a little brighter and more diverse.

Savor every bite

There are only a few days left until summer arrives. Of course, each of us wants to look great during this period, because on the beach and by the pool we all wear open bathing suits.

The authors of the method of conscious energy management (MOUKiDE), psychologists Oleg Novikov and Lilia Mikhailichenko, shared with the readers of "Freedom of Speech" an interesting method for developing consciousness "Ideal figure through awareness", designed to help all people achieve the desired proportions without debilitating diets.

What precedes the desire to open the refrigerator? Many do not realize that the emotional component plays a major role in this process. People eat, obeying the concepts of "mode", "diet", "breakfast", "lunch", "dinner". Let's take a closer look at what emotion we are trying to "feed"? What kind of thoughts, feelings, experiences do we have in the process of eating? So we ate. Surely we feel a pleasant fullness in the stomach, a surge of strength and energy. But we stopped tracking the long chain of sensations.

Oleg and Lilia Mikhailichenko invite us to think about how we eat. So, they have a word.

- Let's do an experiment: we'll eat, but we'll do it consciously! Stop, don't read any further, go shopping first for your favorite treat, like a chocolate bar. Did you go? Then let's get started.

Step #1. The emotion of anticipation will work first. Here you are looking at your chocolate bar ... Do not rush to pounce on it. Decide now how much chocolate in your usual diet would you eat? Someone will say: all, someone: half. Remember this thought.

Step #2. The second emotion from visualization. Here you bring your subconscious understanding of how the color of the package, the font, the label design, the shape of the chocolate affects you to the level of consciousness. After all, you would hardly want to eat a shapeless piece of melted chocolate wrapped in a dirty piece of paper.

Step #3. Third comes the emotion from the action. Slowly unroll your treat. Feel the smoothness of the wrapper with your fingers, pay attention to the foil, how deliciously it crunches, reminiscent of scenes from New Year's children's parties, feel how the tile at first resists the pressure of your fingers, but then yields to your desire and breaks like thin ice into symmetrical pieces.

Step number 4. Feeling emotion. Take a piece of chocolate in your hand. See what a deep, velvety color it has, what a pleasant smell of cocoa it exudes from the sunny tropics, making you part of the pleasures and adventures in romantic, warm countries.

Step number 5. The next step is the taste emotion. Slowly place a piece of chocolate on your tongue. Don't rush to eat it. Let the taste buds on your tongue recognize the full range of flavors of this culinary masterpiece. You will discover a whole bouquet of smells and tastes of essences, oils, sweet molasses and a bitter aftertaste of cocoa. Feel how the piece of chocolate slowly dissolves in your mouth. Now you no longer see the product, but completely trust your feelings, which tell you that some kind of pleasant energy is coming inside.

Step number 6. The emotion of energy. Now we just have to accept this energy, endowing it with the properties to give your body youth, strength and beauty. Be sure to decide for yourself why you ate this chocolate now. Let it give you only joy, happiness, positive emotions and the energy necessary for life.

Step number 7. Now you can start to fill your stomach. Notice that through experienced and conscious emotions, you have already fed your self, and it does not require more. It turns out that in order to get enough, you didn’t even need half a bar, just one piece of chocolate was enough. Now calmly eat exactly as much as you want and as much as your stomach can hold. He will no longer need the amount that you are used to absorbing.

Psychologists assure: if in the future you start every meal according to our method, it will become a habit, it will not take much time and will become part of your conscious attitude to food. Over time, you will realize that you are eating less food, and you will not have to reduce its volumes on purpose. Important: the technique works only with everyday use!

"Information around us" - an interview with the founders of the MOUKiDE method

Today I am pleased to introduce my new respondents, these are Lilia Mikhailichenko and Oleg Novikov - the founders of MOUKiDE (Method of Conscious Energy Management) in Almaty. Their results are admired by those who have personally tested the technique on themselves, while others consider it all to be pseudoscience or some kind of psychological trick game, but few deny that their method is able to work. Although they have repeatedly become guests on KTK and Channel 31, where they presented their ideas and principles of education, we will find out from them what they still offer!

Oleg, Lilia, today I would like to talk about such an intangible entity as information, although there are different views on this, everyone now wants to measure and classify it, and some even succeed - which is not bad at all! Tell us a little about what you do, you have already been participants in various talk shows and TV programs, where you talked a lot about your method of learning information around us, can you briefly tell those who do not know!?

In short, the technique is called MOUKiDE, which is an abbreviation of the words Method of Conscious Energy Management. Information is also energy and this energy can and should be controlled. We were convinced of this, having gone through a difficult path, for 5 years working with blind and visually impaired people. Among them were those who lost their sight and totally blind people from birth. Many TV channels and newspapers wrote about our activities, conducted various experiments, each time making sure and proving the effectiveness of our methodology.

- What is the essence of your methodology?

The method of conscious energy management, when mastered and constantly applied in life, solves most of your problems and removes all psychological blocks that lead to illness, stress, depression, self-doubt and dissatisfaction with the world around you. In addition, it allows you to manage any energies that a person encounters in everyday life: the energy of information, time, feelings, emotions, intentions, words, mental images, desires, etc.

Classes are held within the framework of seminars with adults and individual lessons with children, after which both of them can continue to study our methodology in detail at the MOUKiDE center. Both at seminars and at regular classes, students examine in detail all these methods theoretically and in practice master the method of information energy management.

As a result of classes, you get the opportunity to find the answer to any question (request) at will from any open and closed sources, without using the senses (in common people this is called "opening the third eye" or the work of intuition). And also to see without the help of the eyes (all children without exception receive this skill), adults and children can know everything about any subject without having direct access to it.

You will develop these skills by yourself, by trial and error, by repetition and constant fixation on the result, derive your own formula for when and how your perception of information turns on, what you need to do to get it faster and more efficiently.

During classes according to our methodology, thanks to a deep immersion in the theory of the method of conscious energy management and repeated practical training of new ways of perceiving information, people perform various actions with their consciousness, for example: they train vision without the help of eyes in adults and children (this helps both to accept and know the answers directly (without sense organs and logical processing)), find external and internal storages of information and memory reserves, learn to correctly send requests into space, distinguish truth from lies, form and fulfill their desires. Also, over time, an understanding comes of how to think correctly so that fears and anxieties disappear from life, leaving a place for joy and a clean, new outlook on life, they form a new view of consciousness and the reality we have created.

This method allows you to realize, understand the principle of action, if necessary, transform and redirect any energy in the direction you need.

This happens without coding or hypnosis, because the very word CONSCIOUS suggests that you are fully conscious. In addition, we achieve such a result that in the future, if necessary, you yourself can use our methodology and act independently, without our help.

In general, there is such a definition that information is a signal for which they are waiting, however, I am sure that even when they are not waiting! What you teach is the perception of information with the help of what? We all know that we perceive information through our senses, is there anything else in your opinion?

To begin with, we suggest that you start thinking about the meaning of each word. What is information? It is information about the world around us. This is the classic wording. We suggest that you treat the concept of information as energy. In general, everything around us is a single energy. And only the fact that we use different organs of perception of this energy separates it. For visible information-energy, which manifests itself in the world around us in the form of particles, we use our five senses. And information of a different kind, in the form of a wave, is perceived by us either with the help of special devices, or the entire nervous system finely tuned and calibrated according to our method. We are engaged in this very setting and calibration in our center according to our universal method.

How do you think mediums, clairvoyants and others, casting aside charlatans, consume information from the outside thanks to the same method that you are talking about?

The technique of removing information from space by mediums and clairvoyants is comparable to ours. With the only difference - First - we are gathering pure information, mediums tend to use a personal interpretation based on their experience. Secondly, according to our methodology, anyone can learn this, and you don’t need to have any special gift at all. Otherwise, it's the same process. Request - fixing attention - receiving a response.

Some believe that there is such a thing as a "data bank of the universe", where, in general, that is, everything about all of us, what do you think about it, or is the information not structured in such forms?

Yes, indeed, everyone calls it differently: noosphere, bioenergy-information field, Akashic chronicles, but what is the mistake of such a view of information? That this view limits information in the form of a system. We are talking about such a structure that includes any system, is not limited to the field of the Earth or some other planet and permeates everything around. This, if you like, is another reality, not physical, but a reality of possibilities, which includes such concepts as parallel universes, the absence of the concept of time, and other laws and properties of matter. All this is allowed to reach their consciousness and is used by people who own our methodology.

- What about the future? Is there any information about the future?

The answer to this question follows from the previous one. If we are talking about the reality of possibilities, then the possibilities are not limited, that is, any version of the future exists in the form of information in this other reality. In physical reality, we choose only one. Obviously, without the presence of an observer who is aware of the observed future, no option is realized at all. The main task of our center is to teach people to “turn on” the observer and be able to observe the most effective option for the development of their future.

Have you encountered "rejection" of your view from people from a scientific or religious background? How do you even tie everything together?

The essence of our methodology leads to a new look at the environment. The philosophy of all-acceptance leads to the fact that the attitude towards people, religion, science is changing. Where “rejection” is seen by everyone, we can find constructive advice, a call for dialogue, a desire to understand our multifaceted methodology. Precisely because our methodology combines such concepts as Soul and Body, Consciousness and Intuition, precisely because some of these concepts are close to religion, others to science, we can successfully cooperate with any direction of science, religion, philosophy, without rejecting their laws, but only by enriching them with new ways of thinking.

What then is intuition?

Intuition for us is a multifaceted term. This is also a method of cognizing reality, which allows you to realize, understand the principle of action, if necessary, transform and redirect any energy in the direction you need. And the ability to observe our inner intention to create and see the world as we make it. And at the same time, the state of confidence that nothing is impossible for you!

- And finally, can you give advice to readers who want to expand the possibility of obtaining information? - We call you to constant awareness. Start researching all the information that comes to you right now. It contains in layers all the possibilities for your effective and convenient advancement in this reality towards the goals you set. Start by exploring our site and come to our seminars. 55 blind people have mastered the method and live a full life, taking information directly. Two of them are female students who entered universities on a general basis, where no one even guesses that they are blind. If all of them could do it, then you will definitely succeed!