Essay on life with diabetes. Living with diabetes

Many people view diabetes as a death sentence, but this is far from the case. With the formation of a certain lifestyle, you can live in a state of compensation for many years and lead a happy life.

A healthy lifestyle is the most important task for a diabetic patient. If a person adheres to certain rules, he will achieve compensation for the disease. This does not mean that you have to deny yourself everything. Moderation should be the norm.

Proper nutrition for diabetes

A healthy lifestyle with diabetes is necessarily associated with nutrition. Dietary nutrition is extremely important for all therapeutic interventions to be successful. First of all, you need to eat fractionally - at least five times a day. Make sure that the breaks between meals are no more than three hours. Remember that fasting with diabetes is no less dangerous than overeating.

The nutrition of people with diabetes of the insulin-dependent type should be complete. The caloric content of the diet should be limited only in cases where there is excess weight. But most people with type 2 diabetes are overweight. Correction of excess weight and insulin resistance largely depends on the diet.

The transition to a sharp restriction of carbohydrates normalizes glucose levels and contributes to a good compensation for diabetes. At the same time, any products containing easily digestible carbohydrates, including starch, are prohibited. This approach contributes to a good compensation for diabetes, since the glucose level after a meal does not rise more than 6.1 mmol.

A healthy diet also includes the following principles:

  • never skip meals;
  • constantly control weight;
  • drink at least two liters of water a day;
  • sharply limit the use of alcoholic beverages;
  • take into account the number of products, separately counting the amount of carbohydrates in it;
  • Limit your salt intake to avoid overeating and high blood pressure.

Physical activity in diabetes

If you have diabetes, you need to exercise anyway. She helps to lose weight. Moderate physical activity in diabetes will be enjoyable. And in order for physical activity to give you pleasure, it is extremely necessary to choose exercises that do not exhaust you. Physically active people feel much better and have much more energy than those who do not exercise (and do not even have diabetes).

If diabetes of any type has led to complications, specially selected exercises with light dumbbells will help the patient. Their weight is from 0.5 to two kilograms. Exercises with such dumbbells are suitable for patients who are in poor physical shape. They can also be performed on those who develop retinopathy or kidney damage (nephropathy).

Exercises with light dumbbells are of great benefit in diabetes:

  • they train muscles and joints, improve their mobility;
  • such exercises prevent age-related degeneration of the joints;
  • reduce the risk of fractures in the elderly.

For diabetics of any type, running is very beneficial. It significantly improves well-being and prevents the development of severe diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Walking is the most accessible and healthy form of physical activity when you are sick. All patients need to walk, regardless of any complications. Get a dog to encourage you to get out of the house more often.

You can control your diabetes and enjoy swimming, cycling, and even strength training, leading a healthy lifestyle. The main thing is to feel the pleasure of such exercises. The portion of endorphins released during movements will have a healing effect on the body and prevent sugar surges.

Do not allow a significant increase in heart rate. This means that the heart is working hard and the body needs a break. And in order to avoid a heart attack, you must first be examined by a cardiologist. During training, you need to slow down the pace gradually.

Work with diabetes

The main recommendation for choosing a work activity for any type of diabetes is that it should not be associated with high risks and danger. Any professional activity will be effective only if diabetes is compensated.

If the patient is not prescribed insulin therapy for type 2 diabetes, and its compensation is achieved by a properly selected diet, glucose-lowering drugs, then a person can engage in any type of activity. It is forbidden to choose professions associated with a reaction or high risk for the patient. You need to provide yourself with such conditions at the workplace that would ensure the implementation of all the rules of a healthy lifestyle, in particular, fractional meals.

In insulin-dependent type diabetes, labor activity is limited. Remember that during the working day it is necessary to ensure the introduction of insulin, compliance with the daily routine. Patients are strictly forbidden to engage in such activities:

  • work in a hot shop;
  • work associated with excessive physical exertion;
  • work with unfavorable microclimate;
  • if there is a need for long business trips;
  • if you need to stay in one position for a long time;
  • work in canteens, bakeries and confectionery shops;
  • service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, fire brigade, Air Force;
  • work related to visual loads;
  • driving transport.

Remember that moderation is the key to working with any type of diabetes. Patients are prohibited from overwork, overload, and this is also associated with housework. You should not overload yourself in the summer cottage, and during the hours when the air temperature is highest, it is better to relax. You don't have to work long hours in the sun. In winter, work in the cold is limited.

At least twice a week should be devoted to rest. However, these days the physical activity does not stop. It must be alternated with periods of rest, the duration of which is selected depending on how you feel.

Alcohol and smoking in diabetes

Smoking with diabetes is absolutely unacceptable. It leads to narrowing of blood vessels, contributes to the development of heart disease. The patient should not smoke under any circumstances if he wants to live a long and full life.

Alcohol does not increase sugar. It can be consumed in diabetes, but this should be done very carefully, especially if the patient has insulin-dependent diabetes.

Be careful: different alcoholic drinks increase glucose levels if they contain sugar. So before drinking certain drinks, find out how much sugar they contain. In strong alcoholic beverages, there are no carbohydrates or they are contained in a minimal amount. Dry wine also does not contain sugar.

Beer contains carbohydrates, but different types of beer increase sugar to different degrees. The patient needs to check the level of sugar in the blood every time in order to find out how much this or that beer raises it.

Of course, when consuming any kind of beer, moderation must be observed. Sugar-containing cocktails, dessert wines are strictly prohibited.

Alcohol during meals can lower sugar. This is because they prevent the liver from converting protein into sugar normally. However, after drinking alcohol, a decrease in blood sugar - hypoglycemia - often occurs. Severe hypoglycemia is similar to alcohol intoxication, and others may not realize that the patient needs emergency help. You can distinguish hypoglycemia from intoxication only by measuring glucose.

So, a healthy lifestyle with diabetes in the first place involves moderation. It is not so difficult to observe it in order to live a full and high-quality life. Remember that diabetes can be controlled, and this does not require drastic complications in everyday life.

According to official data, in 2011 the number of patients with type 2 diabetes in Russia was about 3 million people. And according to doctors' estimates, 9 million Russians, or about 6% of the country's population, suffer from this disease. Every minute, six people on the planet die from complications of this disease.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease characterized by a violation of the body's sensitivity to insulin (insulin resistance), an increase in blood glucose levels and other functional and metabolic disorders.

Type 2 diabetes usually develops in middle-aged and older people. The disease is accompanied by an increase in body weight, damage to small and large vessels (angiopathy), diabetic damage to the kidneys, nervous system, retina. Kidney failure, transient cerebrovascular accidents, strokes, visual disturbances and blindness are just some of the complications of the disease in question.

Type 2 diabetes develops due to insulin resistance, so insulin injections cannot control the course of this disease. Diet and exercise are the main treatments in the early stages of the disease. Doctors prescribe medication for severe diabetes mellitus. Drugs reduce the absorption of glucose, increase the sensitivity of tissues to insulin, and correct metabolic disorders.

In this article, you will find information about the diet and lifestyle of a patient with type 2 diabetes. It will help you control the disease and prevent the development of complications.

Diet for type 2 diabetes

As noted above, type 2 diabetes is usually accompanied by obesity. The patient must reduce body weight by 6-10% in order to normalize metabolism and prevent further development of the disease. A therapeutic diet is one of the ways to control body weight and normalize metabolism in diabetes.

Overweight individuals should reduce their total calorie intake in order to lose weight. The need of a particular organism for calories depends on the lifestyle, degree of obesity, age and gender of the patient. Therefore, contact your doctor to determine the number of calories you need per day.

Eliminate or drastically reduce your intake of high-calorie foods. We are talking about fatty and sweet foods first of all. You will have to forget about fatty meats, sausages, sour cream and other fatty dairy products, mayonnaise. Confectionery, alcohol, and sugary drinks are also among the foods to avoid if you have type 2 diabetes.

Patients with type 2 diabetes are shown a protein-vegetable diet. You can eat any vegetables except potatoes without restrictions. Give preference to unsweetened fruits and berries. Lean meats and fish, as well as low-fat dairy products, can also be consumed.

Diet is the main method of therapy
  • Eat 5-6 small meals a day. Intervals between meals should not exceed three hours. This helps to avoid strong feelings of hunger and overeating associated with it. Drink plenty of water and unsweetened beverages.
  • Make vegetables and some cereals (for example, buckwheat, oatmeal) the basis of your diet. Choose whole grains that are high in fiber.
  • Regularly consume foods that reduce the absorption of glucose by the body. These include raw vegetables, unsweetened fruits, greens.
  • If you can’t completely give up sweets, prefer natural sweets to confectionery. Dried apricots, raisins, a small amount of honey - these products should replace chocolate and cookies for you. However, remember that with type 2 diabetes, it is necessary to limit the use of even natural sweets.
  • Regularly consume low-fat dairy products that normalize digestion. Avoid constipation in type 2 diabetes, as it aggravates the course of the disease.

Do not forget about the dangers of radical diets and starvation. They often cause the development of acute conditions, for example, acidotic coma.

Lifestyle in type 2 diabetes

Insulin resistance is the main pathogenetic link in the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus. The cells and tissues of the body become insensitive to insulin, which is why the patient experiences persistent hyperglycemia. Increasing physical activity is one way to combat insulin resistance. Exercise increases the body's sensitivity to insulin and reduces blood glucose levels. They also help control body weight.

Talk to your doctor before expanding your physical activity regimen. This will avoid the development of complications of the disease. The following tips will help you increase physical activity without harm to the body:

  • Walk as much as possible. Walking is the most natural and gentle way to increase activity. It is available to almost all patients and has no contraindications in the absence of acute diseases and serious complications of diabetes. If possible, do not use personal and public transport to get to work. Get a dog and walk it daily. Try to use the elevator less often if you live in a high-rise building.
  • In the absence of contraindications, exercise. Morning exercise, cycling, swimming, jogging, yoga - choose the way to take care of your health that suits you.
  • If you have a sedentary job, be sure to get up from your desk every hour. Do a set of physical exercises or go for a walk.
  • If possible, visit the country regularly. This will provide you with moderate exercise in the fresh air. Avoid overwork, prolonged exposure to the sun.

Thus, diet and physical activity are the main components of the lifestyle of a patient with type 2 diabetes. They help control body weight and lower blood glucose levels. Be sure to consult with your doctor regarding the optimal diet and exercise regimen to avoid worsening the condition.

Walk, exercise, give up sweet, fatty and starchy foods. This will allow you to control the disease and prevent the development of complications.

All of you are well aware that everyone has their own diabetes, with their own unique character. Therefore, while mastering the difficult science of controlling this disease, it is not enough to be an active reader and an exemplary student of the "diabetes school" - you need to study and analyze your own diabetes! This is especially important for children and their parents. Doctors do not tire of reminding that one must be very attentive to the individual manifestations of hypoglycemia and its precursors - such episodes during diabetes are especially common in young patients.

To once again convince you of the importance of this problem, we asked the participants of the summer camp-school "Life with Diabetes" to write an essay on the topic "My hypoglycemia". Children tried to complete the task not only in writing, but also in their drawings.

Until I was diagnosed with diabetes, I was often hypoval. I felt like I was in a dream. Mom once gave me a candy, and I felt better. When diabetes was diagnosed and I learned what hypoglycemia was, I began to recognize its symptoms and immediately ate glucose. True, when the glucometer lied (when my feelings did not coincide with the readings of the glucometer), I, of course, did not do this.

My feelings are different depending on the sugars. With low sugar, hands tremble and the heartbeat quickens. And at low there is sweat, dizziness, weakness, I see worse. At school, I rarely have hypoglycemia. But before, while I lived without the XE factor, sugar was difficult to regulate, and when I learned about the XE factor, life became much easier.

Hypa is dangerous, you can fall into a coma. And if no one helps, then you can die.

Poplevko Egor, 12 years old.

I don't remember my first gig very well. Then she began to notice: breathing intensifies, dizziness, and if the sugar dropped very much, then there may be bad imaginations. I know that when a person is hyped, his brain cells die. But I rarely have gips, and this is very good.

Kozlovskaya Polina, 14 years old.

At this time, I feel: a sharp throw into the sweat, I am in a fog, I don’t understand anything, I have no strength, monsters seem.

Some children are very happy with hype, but I don't understand it! I don't like to hype.

Marshalova Victoria, 14 years old.

Hypoglycemia is rare. Then, basically, my hands are shaking, sometimes goosebumps all over my body, my eyes are cloudy, for some reason my reaction is accelerating.

Once, when I was already sick with diabetes, I tried to smoke and was very frightened (I thought I was hype), but after 1-2 minutes it passed. After some time, I went in for sports and generally do not smoke anymore, even with friends. Alcohol - a little, mostly with parents (New Year, birthday).

Previously, I often gibbered and began to notice that it was getting harder and harder for me to study, memorize information, memorize poems. But when I found out that hypoglycemia impairs memory and generally has a bad effect on the brain, I try to hypoglycemic as little as possible - thanks for explaining this to me.

Polyagoshko Andrey, 16 years old.

When my sugar is below 3.1, I become irritable, sweaty, my legs hurt, I can’t stand, my eyes blur, double, my lips tremble. Then the poison should quickly drink sweet juice or eat glucose.

To avoid these situations, you need to eat additional XE before exercise, adjust your XE factor, do not make mistakes with the amount of insulin per injection. What is hypoglycemia? This is when the glucometer readings match your feelings.

Burdyuk Kirill, 12 years old.

I have different gips, sometimes I don't even feel them. But it happens that at this time I really want to sleep, I feel bad, my whole body is shaking. And once they even called an ambulance.

Zhurkevich Timofey, 12 years old.

I have a hypa due to the fact that I shot insulin, didn’t eat enough, moved a lot. But not all sweets will quickly eliminate hypu, because there are fast and slow XEs. To determine them, when buying something unfamiliar, I always read the label: if the fat is less than half the carbohydrates, these are "fast" XE, but it is best to take 0.5 XE of glucose per hip. Some people gorge themselves until the hypa disappears, but this is wrong. And you can’t remove the gipu with chocolate - it won’t help. I used to do that because I didn't know.

There is a heavy and a light hypa. For a light one, you can eat 0.5 XE of glucose, and if the hypa does not go away after 10 minutes, repeat. With heavy is not so easy. If a person is in a coma, he needs to inject glucagon into the muscle, if there is no glucagon, then you need to mix water with sugar and rub this viscous mass on the cheek, but in no case pour it into the mouth of an unconscious person, he can choke.

Thank you for teaching me how to deal with hypo and avoid it altogether.

Kuzmin Denis, 14 years old.

Everyone hype differently. For example, my lips are numb. Others laugh for no reason. There are many symptoms. I do my best to avoid hypoglycemia, and if it happens, I always look for reasons. I usually feel hypa at 3.0. The first time she was when she was in the hospital and my mother took me for a day. We walked around the city, and when we came home, I felt that something was wrong. I knew right away that it was hippa. Mom was very scared, and I immediately ate 1 XE grapes. After 30 minutes, measured sugar - 7.1.

Vasilevskaya Ksenia, 13 years old.

There are over 20,000,000 diabetics in the world. This disease equally affects people of both sexes and is considered incurable. In this article, we take a closer look at the lifestyle of people with diabetes.

Diabetes mellitus is understood as a chronic endocrine pathology provoked by a malfunction of the pancreas.

The essence of the disease lies in the fact that, which is necessary for the natural saturation of cells with glucose, is violated. The types of diabetes are shown in the table.

Table 1. Main types of diabetes.

Type of diabetes Description Treatment

The disease occurs in young people under 30 years of age. There is atrophy and complete destruction of pancreatic cells. Insulin synthesis is stopped.

Doctors call the main cause of the development of the disease a complication after suffering viral or infectious pathologies.

Type 1 disease is characterized by rapid, aggressive development. The symptoms are very pronounced.

Lifelong use of artificially synthesized insulin.

The disease proceeds in a "sparing" rhythm. Symptoms have been relieved. The diagnosis can be made at the next blood donation. The risk group includes people who are obese. Performing physical exercises, following the diet prescribed by the doctor.

What is the life expectancy?

The state of health of a young man suffering is aggravated against the background of complications.

Table 2. Complications of diabetes.

Complication Description

There is a violation of the vascular walls. This leads to a failure in the process of transporting oxygen to the tissues of the body. The risk of heart attack and stroke increases.

Vision deteriorates sharply. Some patients develop blindness.

Against this background, renal failure develops or.

This occurs against the background of impaired glucose metabolism. A person complains of muscle weakness, the sensitivity of the limbs is lost. The condition can lead to paralysis.

Wounds and cracks do not heal for a long time. Appear. This leads to the development of diabetic foot.

The patient often suffers from colds. His immune system wears out quickly.

The chart shows the % ratio of complications of type 1 diabetes.

Life expectancy for type 1 diabetes mellitus, if diagnosed at 14-15 years of age, is 26-36 years. Up to 50 years, only 10-15% of patients survive. The prognosis for people with type 2 disease is more favorable. Many patients live to old age.

Type 1 diabetics are 2.5 times more likely to die prematurely than people without any disease. Patients with type 2 diabetes live to old age 1.5 times less than healthy people.

Note! Life expectancy is affected by gender. The life of a diabetic woman is shortened by 20 years. Men on average live 12 years less.

The prognosis of life in children with diabetes worsens because parents cannot always control their nutrition.

Children of younger preschool age die on the background of ketoacidotic coma. The cause of death in children aged 5-15 years is hypoglycemia. The risk of mortality in adult diabetics increases with the abuse of alcohol and tobacco products.

Features of the patient's lifestyle

The instructions for people with diabetes are as follows:

  1. Pass a medical examination in a clinic that inspires confidence. All questions regarding changes in the condition should be discussed with the doctor.
  2. Strictly observe the prescribed diet.
  3. Observe the drinking regime.
  4. Regularly pay attention to sports training.
  5. Take medication prescribed by your doctor.
  6. Record test measurements regularly. A sheet for recording blood glucose levels is issued by the attending physician.
  7. Keep a food and exercise diary. If the situation worsens, this will help the doctor adjust the treatment regimen.
  8. Keep a sleep schedule. A diabetic should sleep at least 6 hours.
  9. To live an active lifestyle. If the disease is not advanced, it does not interfere with traveling and communicating with people.

Mandatory medical examination

Living with diabetes forces a person to be registered at the place of residence in a diabetes center. Dispensary observation of patients with diabetes mellitus is necessary to control treatment.

If a person is registered, he is prescribed medication and an annual examination is prescribed. The patient is not admitted to the hospital.

The diabetic is observed by the endocrinologist. If there is no such doctor in the district clinic, the medical examination is carried out by a general practitioner or general practitioner. The survey is preventive in nature. The main task is to identify the complications of diabetes at an early stage.

Table 3. Instrumental research methods.

Method Description What diseases can be identified? How many times a year to pass?

The level of platelets, hemoglobin, leukocytes, erythrocytes is estimated. Anemia. 2

Total cholesterol, calcium, magnesium, sodium, triglycerides are assessed. Fatty hepatosis, diabetic nephropathy, atherosclerosis. 2

The concentration of erythrocytes, glucose, leukocytes, acetone, bacteria is estimated. A specialist can determine the state of the urinary system and carbohydrate metabolism. Early stage diabetic nephropathy. 4

The state of the immune system is assessed. Pulmonary tuberculosis. All patients with diabetes are at risk. 2

Identified disorders in the work of the heart. Arrhythmias, myocardial ischemia. 2

Note! A diabetic undertakes to be checked by a neurologist and an ophthalmologist. Women must be registered with a gynecologist.

How to prolong the life of a diabetic?

How to prolong the life of people with diabetes?

People with type 1 diabetes, in addition to dieting, should do the following:

  1. Constantly monitor blood sugar levels. Insulin injections should be regular.
  2. Maintain normal weight.
  3. Learn how to deal with stressful situations. Strong emotional upheavals can provoke an increase in the concentration of glucose in the body.
  4. Take good care of your feet. This will help prevent the occurrence of trophic ulcers.

The lifestyle of diabetic patients does not involve a very strict diet.

Proteins and fats do not affect the concentration of sugar in the blood. For this reason, a diabetic can eat meat and fish in the same amount as a healthy person. If the patient is overweight, the diet should be adjusted to reduce fat.

  • low-fat varieties of cheese;
  • lean meat;
  • vegetable oil;
  • fruits;
  • low-fat milk.

If there are no problems with weight, strict calorie counting is not needed.


Table 4. The benefits of nuts.

type of nuts What does the product contain? What's the use?

Proteins, unsaturated fats, trace elements, vitamins. Reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol.

Vitamin A, B, unsaturated fats. It improves the functioning of blood vessels and the heart, strengthens the immune system, and reduces the concentration of bad cholesterol in the blood.
Folic acid, vitamin E. Fights beriberi.

Phosphorus, calcium, iron. Improves metabolism, promotes the recovery of the skin, hair, teeth.

Vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron. Relieve fatigue, improve the condition of hypertension.

Vitamin C Helps with neurosis, improves the condition of the skin.

Products with chromium

The main effect of chromium is associated with an increase in tissue sensitivity to insulin. Also, this microelement allows you to fight obesity. Products with chromium content (mcg) are presented in the diagram.

Note! The daily norm of chromium is 0.2-0.25 mg.

Diet for Type 1 Diabetes

Dietary nutrition involves the inclusion in the diet of foods with a low concentration of carbohydrates. Recommended foods for diabetics are shown in the table.

Table 5. What can you eat if you have type 1 diabetes?

Product Short description Daily Value (g)

It is advisable to eat bran, rye or whole grain bread. 100

Soups should be cooked in low-fat broth. 1 serving plate.

You can eat chicken, turkey, diabetic sausage. 100-150

They can be boiled and baked. Particular attention should be paid to cabbage. 200-300

The menu should include peaches, oranges, quince. 200-300

Preference should be given to cereals made from buckwheat and oatmeal. 150-200
It is advisable to eat curdled milk, fermented baked milk, natural yogurt. Up to 250 ml.

You can eat cookies that contain a sugar substitute. 30-50.

The basic principles of nutrition in% ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats are presented in the diagram.

Note! It is advisable to include in the menu foods that are quickly absorbed by the intestines. Preference should be given to complex carbohydrates and substances high in fiber and gluten.

Diet for Type 2 Diabetes

Approved products for diabetics are presented in the table.

Table 6. What can you eat if you have type 2 diabetes?

Product Features of preparation and use


Boil, use in salads.

There is in its pure form, without sour cream and sugar.

It is advisable to add some milk.

It should be used in cooking.

You need to drink it between meals.

All foods allowed for type 1 diabetes are also allowed.

Lifestyle in type 2 diabetes involves strict calorie control. You can eat high-calorie foods, but you need to ensure that sugar does not rise.

The daily norm of high-calorie products (g) is shown in the diagram.

Potatoes can be replaced with pasta. Water and drinks should be drunk before meals.

How to relieve hunger after dinner?

The last meal should be 4 hours before bedtime. If after dinner a person experiences excruciating hunger, he is allowed to eat any product containing a minimum amount of carbohydrates. Such foods are called "free snacks".

Table 7. How to satisfy hunger after dinner?

Product A portion

1 jar

6 items.

2 pieces.

1 piece.

1 piece.

You can not load the body at night. The digestive organs must finish their work, rest and recover.

Sports loads

Is diabetes a lifestyle or a disease?

If a person listens to his doctor, he can learn to perceive the disease correctly. In many ways, this is facilitated by correctly selected sports training.

Note! Physicians call sports "invisible insulin". Against the background of physical activity, the need for this element decreases.

Table 8. What sports can diabetics do?

Kind of sport Workout time

40-60 minutes.

120-180 minutes.

40-80 minutes.

25 minutes.

120-180 minutes.

60-120 minutes.

60-120 minutes.

Life with diabetes allows the use of the following sports nutrition that does not contain carbohydrates:

  • whey protein;
  • amino acids;
  • creatine.

Gainers, protein-carbohydrate mixtures, protein bars are strictly contraindicated for diabetics.

Professional activity

Where to go to work?

The chart shows (in %) which professions young people with type 1 diabetes choose.

Work and severity of illness

The table indicates the types of work that are contraindicated for diabetics.

Table 9. Specialty and severity of the disease.

Also, life with type 1 diabetes does not allow military service, work in infectious diseases hospitals and laboratories.

How to improve sleep?

Proper sleep helps to reduce various manifestations of diabetes. Blood sugar level drops, blood pressure returns to normal.

  1. Take 1 tablet of any antihistamine. The instructions should indicate that the drug does not increase blood pressure. The safest antihistamine for diabetics is Corcidin-HBP. Its price is 150 rubles.
  2. If sleep is interrupted, it is allowed to take up to 30 drops of valerian tincture. There should be 4 hours between taking this remedy and the antihistamine.
  3. As a preventive measure, you can take 1 tablet of calcium or magnesium.

Eating a small amount of protein food helps to improve sleep. You can eat some white chicken or a handful of almonds.


Every 10 resident of Russia suffers from diabetes. This statistic is getting worse every year. The reason for this, according to doctors, is the lifestyle that the vast majority of Russians lead.

It is not the disease itself that is terrible, but its complications. The video in this article will tell you more about this, as well as other recommendations for diabetes.


Diabetes is a fairly common disease. But the patients who have just fallen ill and the parents of sick children feel very uncomfortable, if not bewildered. Each new patient experiences a feeling of abandonment, misunderstanding, and sometimes even anger. It becomes very difficult to find contact with others, conflicts arise in the family, difficulties associated directly with diabetes.

This situation is created because a person with diabetes or the parents of a sick child often do not know how to behave after being discharged from the hospital where they were diagnosed. The existing state system of care for patients with diabetes, unfortunately, can not always provide a state of mental comfort. Let's go on a little historical excursion.

A bit of history. Diabetes mellitus was known in ancient Egypt as early as 170 BC. Doctors tried to find ways to treat, but they did not know the cause of the disease; and people with diabetes mellitus were doomed to death. This went on for many centuries.

Only at the end of the last century, doctors conducted an experiment to remove the pancreas from a dog. After the operation, the animal developed diabetes mellitus. It seemed that the cause of diabetes mellitus became clear, but many more years passed before, in 1921, in the city of Toronto, a young doctor and medical student isolated a special substance

dog pancreas. It turned out that this substance reduces blood sugar levels in dogs with diabetes. This substance was called insulin. Already in January 1922, the first patient with diabetes began to receive insulin injections, and this saved his life.

Two years after the discovery of insulin, a young doctor from Portugal who treated patients with diabetes thought about the fact that diabetes is not just a disease, but a very special way of life. To learn it, the patient needs solid knowledge about his disease. Then the world's first school for patients with diabetes appeared. Now there are many such schools. All over the world, patients with diabetes and their families have the opportunity to learn about the disease, and this helps them to be full members of society.

What is diabetes mellitus? Diabetes is chronically high blood sugar. This is the definition given to this disease all over the world. Why? Yes, because all the complications that are associated with diabetes arise precisely “due to” high blood sugar levels.

If you learn to control your body so well that blood sugar remains at a normal level almost all the time, then diabetes will turn from a disease into a special way of life. It is a way of life, not a disease. Only with this lifestyle, you can avoid all the complications associated with diabetes.

This lifestyle will differ depending on what type of diabetes. There are two different types of diabetes.

The first type is insulin dependent, develops in people with low insulin production. Most often it appears at an early age: in children, adolescents, young people. But this does not mean that type 1 diabetes is only found in young people.

We will talk about the causes of the development of type 1 diabetes later. In this type of diabetes, the patient must constantly inject himself with insulin.

The second type is insulin-independent, sometimes occurs even with an excess of insulin in the blood. But even with this type of diabetes, insulin is not enough to normalize blood sugar levels. This type of diabetes appears in adulthood, often after the age of 40. Its development is associated with increased body weight. In type 2 diabetes, it is necessary to change the diet, increase the intensity of physical activity and lose some weight in order to get rid of the disease. It is not enough just to take pills. It is likely that complications associated with high blood sugar will develop if all lifestyle recommendations for type 2 diabetes are not followed.

Why does blood sugar rise? A patient with any type of diabetes mellitus has an elevated blood sugar level. And if there is “extra” sugar in the blood, it means that it is not enough somewhere. Where? In the cells of our body, which desperately need glucose as energy.

Glucose is to cells what wood is to a stove or gasoline is to a car. But glucose can enter the cell only with the help of insulin. If there is not enough insulin, then sugar, having entered the blood from the intestines or from the liver, remains in the blood. But the cells of the body are starving. It is important to understand that the feeling of hunger in diabetes does not arise from a lack of nutrition, but because the cells do not have enough glucose due to the lack of insulin.

Imagine a person who is placed in a glass aquarium and allowed to swim down a river in hot weather. A person will die of thirst, despite the fact that there is a lot of water around, because this water cannot penetrate into the aquarium. The same thing happens with the cells of the body: around the blood is full of sugar, and the cells are hungry.

How can you lower blood sugar? The only substance that can lower blood sugar levels is insulin.

What is insulin? Insulin is a protein hormone which is produced in the pancreas by special cells. In a person without diabetes, the necessary amount of insulin is constantly supplied to the blood, according to the feedback principle. That is, when blood sugar levels rise, the pancreas increases insulin production, and when it decreases, it decreases.

There is always a certain amount of carbohydrates in the blood, so small portions of insulin continuously enter the bloodstream from the pancreas. After eating a meal containing carbohydrates, a lot of glucose immediately enters the bloodstream, then an additional amount of insulin is released from the pancreas. That is, insulin is produced and enters the bloodstream according to changes in blood sugar levels. This is a kind of "autopilot" of the pancreas.

It is possible to help your body by following certain rules, which will differ from each other depending on what type of diabetes. But before discussing the differences between the two types

Diabetes mellitus, we will find out the general points regarding the causes that affect blood sugar levels.

How does insulin affect blood sugar levels? Some patients report that insulin breaks down blood sugar. It is not right.

If this happened, then we could safely drink tea with sugar, after pouring insulin into a cup. But the action of insulin is much more complex. In the body, insulin helps sugar get from the blood into the cell, just like the key to the apartment helps the owner to open the lock on the door and get home. When there is no insulin, sugar stays in the blood and does not get into the cell. At the same time, the cells of the body starve, and the person experiences a feeling of hunger.

A type 1 diabetic with high blood sugar and hunger should take an extra insulin injection rather than eating, as taking extra carbohydrates in the absence of insulin will not result in satiety. The more you eat, the higher the blood sugar level will be, and the feeling of hunger will not decrease.

Only additional insulin can help glucose get into the cells, and this will relieve the feeling of hunger.

If hunger is unbearable, then you can eat foods that do not raise blood sugar levels and do not add extra calories to your diet. From excess calories a person recovers, and being overweight is the main cause of type 2 diabetes. Low-calorie foods include vegetables: cabbage or tomatoes, for example. So, with a strong feeling of hunger and high blood sugar, patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus should satisfy their hunger with vegetable salad, and sandwiches or porridge.

Patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus often ask:

“Is it possible to administer insulin not with injections, but with the help of tablets, for example? » Unfortunately, this is not yet possible. Insulin is a protein hormone that, when it enters the stomach, is digested and can no longer perform its functions. Over time, other ways of administering insulin to the human body will certainly be created. Currently, scientists around the world are working on this. But now insulin can only be administered by subcutaneous injection.

Where does blood sugar come from? There are two sources of high blood sugar: carbohydrates from food and glucose from the liver. The liver is the body's storehouse of sugar. Therefore, it is impossible to achieve a decrease in blood sugar only by limiting the intake of carbohydrates.

Under such conditions, the liver will simply increase the release of sugar into the blood, and the blood sugar level will still remain high. Blood sugar levels do not rise above normal, but only in the presence of sufficient insulin.

If there is not enough insulin in the blood, the blood sugar level after eating does not decrease and goes beyond the normal range. The more carbohydrates you eat, the more your blood sugar levels rise.

What blood sugar level is considered normal? For people without diabetes, fasting blood sugar is 3.3 - 5.5 mmol / l or 60 - 100 mg%. After eating, the blood sugar level in a person without diabetes rises to 7.8 mmol / l.

The limits of normal blood sugar levels range from 3.3 to 7.8 mmol/L. While maintaining a high level of sugar in the blood, the cells of the body gnaw, a person feels thirsty, weak, gets tired quickly, becomes unable to perform even ordinary work, and loses weight.

If the level of sugar in the blood exceeds normal for a long time, then various complications of diabetes begin to develop, which occur if the level of sugar in the blood remains normal. Patients with type 1 diabetes regulate their blood sugar levels by

insulin injections. Patients with type 2 diabetes need to follow a diet and exercise regimen to regulate their blood sugar levels, which will allow them to lose weight and stop taking pills.

There are two types of weight loss: "good" and "bad". In a good case, weight loss occurs by limiting calorie intake from food and increasing calorie expenditure during exercise. At the same time, cells are freed from excess fat, and insulin sensitivity is restored. In the worst case, weight loss occurs due to loss of energy and muscle mass, in addition, complications of diabetes mellitus associated with high blood sugar develop.

Why do I have diabetes? Now we need to touch on issues related to the causes of diabetes. Diabetes insulin-dependent mellitus often develops at a young age. But this does not mean that the first type of diabetes develops only in children. The disease can also begin in an adult. You must understand that diabetes does not develop from overeating sweets, stressful situations, overwork and similar reasons. One of the main theories explaining the causes of diabetes is the theory associated with viral infection and hereditary predisposition.

When a virus enters the human body, the body's immune system recognizes the foreign material and begins to produce antibodies that should destroy these viruses. But with some hereditary

features of immunity, after all viruses are destroyed, there is no “shutdown” of the body's defenses and antibodies continue to be produced. The attack on the cells of your own body begins. In the case of type 1 diabetes, these cells are pancreatic cells. The ones that produce insulin. Cells die - the amount of insulin produced decreases. When there are very few cells left, symptoms of diabetes mellitus appear: excretion of a large amount of urine, thirst, fatigue, weakness, weight loss, skin itching, slow healing of wounds, etc. But cell death does not occur instantly, although its speed may not be the same in different patients. For some time, living cells still cope with meeting the body's need for insulin, then, as the number of these cells decreases, the amount of insulin they produce also decreases.

It is the lack of insulin that ultimately leads to the development of type 1 diabetes. But from the moment the virus enters the body, until you have symptoms of diabetes, sometimes quite a long time passes. During this period, various events, including negative ones, may occur in your life, which had no effect on the development of your diabetes mellitus, but were psychologically very significant. The onset and development of diabetes mellitus should not be associated with these causes - even if no events had occurred in life, diabetes mellitus could still appear.

The role of heredity. Remember that diabetes itself is not inherited, but only a predisposition to it. That is, even if there is a predisposition, diabetes mellitus may not develop.

Many patients with the second type of diabetes mellitus say that since their relatives were sick with diabetes in adulthood, then “God himself ordered” them and they will not be able to get rid of their disease. This is not a correct judgment. Many people whose parents had type 2 diabetes in adulthood do not have this disease because they maintain a normal body weight. Diabetes mellitus will never appear if you try to keep your body weight normal.

And in the first type of diabetes mellitus, not diabetes mellitus itself is inherited, but only a predisposition to it. That is, even if none of the relatives of the sick person himself had diabetes, then each of his parents may have a gene in his genotype that predisposes to the development of diabetes.

This does not mean that all children in the family will have diabetes. Most likely, all other children will be healthy, since the likelihood that a parent with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus will pass such a gene to a child is very small (3-5%) - more in the article on pregnancy with diabetes. There are cases when only one of the twins fell ill with diabetes, while the other remained healthy. So even if there are genes in the human genotype that predispose to the development of diabetes, the disease may never occur if a person does not meet a certain virus.

Prevention. There is no prevention for type 1 diabetes. If there are relatives in the family who have type 1 diabetes, then try to harden your child, since colds most often affect and are more severe in immunocompromised children and adolescents. But even a hardened child can get diabetes, it's just that his risk of the disease will be lower than that of a non-hardened one.

In type 2 diabetes, prevention is possible. If one of the parents was obese and type 2 diabetes, then you need to carefully monitor your weight and prevent obesity from developing. In this case, there will be no diabetes.

Can diabetes be cured? The last question concerns alternative treatments for diabetes mellitus. Many "healers" promise to save patients from this disease. Do not use unexplored methods. All over the world, patients with insulin-dependent type of diabetes mellitus inject themselves with insulin, and patients with type 2 diabetes monitor their diet and reduce their weight.

Tests of "alternative methods" show that they are not helpful and often harmful.

There is no treatment for type 1 diabetes other than insulin. Before you decide to experiment with your body, remember again that cells need glucose, like air; and that it can only get into the cells with the help of insulin. What will replace insulin in a hypnosis session or in herbal treatment? Nothing.

Very often, "healers" accept patients for "treatment" only in the first year of the disease. They take advantage of the patient's ignorance of the situation.

The fact is that at the moment when an increase in blood sugar levels is first detected, diabetes is diagnosed and insulin therapy is prescribed, there are still about 10% of cells in the body that produce their own insulin.

But there are few of these cells, and they do not cope with their functions, they do not cope, in addition, their number continues to decrease due to the processes described above. With the beginning of insulin intake from the outside, an additional load is removed from these cells and, having “rested”, they begin to

produce slightly more insulin. During this period, the dose of insulin administered to yourself may decrease. Sometimes there is even no need for daily injections.

This process occurs in the first year of the disease. This state is called "honeymoon". In some patients it is long, and in some it is very short. This is individual.

But if in the period before the honeymoon the patient turns to alternative medicine, then the "healer" points to the beginning of the "honeymoon" as the beginning of a "miraculous recovery." Unfortunately, this condition never lasts. Sooner or later, insulin doses will increase again.

The “healers” in this case begin to talk about the “harmful influence of traditional medicine”, since the patient was again prescribed insulin.

We understand the desire to cure diabetes and refuse daily injections of insulin, especially if you have a sick child. But this is impossible. The only right path is the path to a lifestyle with diabetes. You should not spend money on untested methods of treatment, it is better to purchase self-control tools and start following the recommendations that we offer you. Then you are much more likely to prevent complications and live a full life, despite diabetes.

For type 2 diabetes you can use some folk remedies, but first of all think and consult with your doctor. Don't harm your body. The consequences of self-medication are often more difficult to cure than the disease that you tried to get rid of with it.

The famous diabetologist Joslin believed that in the future statistics will show:

those patients who follow all lifestyle recommendations with diabetes throughout their lives will live longer and have fewer other diseases than the rest of the non-diabetic population. This is due to the fact that patients with diabetes monitor their diet more, do more sports, and keep themselves in good shape. And that means they will live longer.

Nutrition for diabetes. There is not enough insulin in the body, because the cells that were responsible for its production have died and no longer perform their functions. Is it possible to eat the same as everyone else? You can. But for this you need to follow a number of rules that are included in the lifestyle of a patient with diabetes.

In order to understand these rules, let's remember how the pancreas works in a person without diabetes. Each time the blood sugar level rises, the pancreas increases the amount of insulin entering the bloodstream. As soon as the blood sugar level drops, the release of insulin into the blood slows down. Therefore, in a person without diabetes, the blood sugar level does not exceed 7.8 mmol / l. We called this mechanism the “autopilot” of the pancreas. But in a person with diabetes, this pilot refused. That is, it does not enter the bloodstream.

If there is no insulin in the blood, then there is no decrease in blood sugar levels after eating, the blood sugar level not only goes beyond the normal level, but also exceeds the renal threshold, so sugar begins to enter the urine.

Foods contain three main groups of nutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The food also contains vitamins, mineral salts and water. The most important component of all these is


Only carbohydrates immediately after eating raise blood sugar levels.

All other food components do not affect blood sugar levels after eating. If you eat a sandwich with butter, and after half an hour you have increased

Blood sugar, then it came from the bread, not from the butter.

Only foods containing carbohydrates raise blood sugar levels.

So, you need to take into account only these products in the diet.

First, let's take an "inventory" of carbohydrates. So: there are two types of carbohydrates: digestible and non-digestible. What does indigestible mean?

This means that we cannot eat the bark of trees like hares or eat grass alone like horses or cows. In our digestive organs, such carbohydrates are not digested, because the human body does not produce the enzymes necessary to break them down. Such indigestible carbohydrates include the paper on which this article is written and the table in the room.

All these things are not edible, although they are carbohydrates in chemical structure. If you swallow a stone from a cherry, then the level of sugar will not rise. Here from a soft cherry berry is another matter, since it contains digestible carbohydrates.

If indigestible carbs don't raise blood sugar, does that mean they shouldn't be eaten? No. Indigestible carbohydrates, in turn, are divided into soluble and insoluble. Nothing happens to insoluble carbohydrates in the digestive cycle, but soluble carbohydrates play an important role in the digestion process.

Soluble indigestible carbohydrates have at least three beneficial properties: Firstly they swell when ingested. A full stomach creates a feeling of satiety. This property of soluble carbohydrates is excellently demonstrated by cabbage. Cabbage salad will quickly satisfy your hunger, and there will be no increase in blood sugar. In this case, before eating, you must wait until the blood sugar level drops.

So satisfy your hunger with coleslaw, and postpone a full meal for half an hour.

Secondly, fiber contributes to the normal functioning of the intestines, which is important for people with constipation.

Third, on the mass of fiber swollen in the intestines, like on a sponge, the rest of the substances contained in the food are deposited, while the rate of their absorption from the intestines into the blood slows down. What is the right thing to do: first eat cabbage, and then ice cream, or first ice cream, and then cabbage? Of course, the first option is more correct: the cabbage will swell in the stomach, the ice cream that gets on it will be absorbed into the blood more slowly, which will make it easier to correct it.

Of course, this does not mean that additional insulin will not be needed,

but knowing these rules will allow you to better regulate your blood sugar levels.

Indigestible soluble carbohydrates delay the absorption of fats, which is important for maintaining normal body weight, as well as for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Now we have to talk about digestible carbohydrates. All of these carbohydrates increase blood sugar levels, but in different ways, as they are also divided into two groups: fast-digesting and slow-digesting. What is the difference? Those foods that contain fast-digesting carbohydrates are usually sweet in taste, and those containing slow-digesting carbohydrates do not taste sweet, but blood sugar levels still increase. This is because different carbohydrates have different structures and are broken down differently in the intestines.

Diabetes is not a disease, but a way of life. It means

that when a number of rules are followed, a person with diabetes is no different from other people. With a normal blood sugar level, a person feels absolutely healthy, all the symptoms of diabetes mellitus are absent, and complications do not develop. Therefore, the basic rules of life for a patient with diabetes should be aimed at maintaining

normal blood sugar levels.

Many factors influence the rise and fall of blood sugar levels. Inadequate doses of insulin, uncompensated physical activity, weight gain - lead to an increase in blood sugar levels, which in turn leads to complications.

In life, situations often arise when the blood sugar level can rise or fall sharply, and the patient does not always have time to respond correctly to this event. But with a good reserve, having a “margin of safety”, the body is easier to cope with changes in blood sugar levels.

The most physiological way to maintain health and create a reserve "margin of safety" for the body is physical activity. Physical activity is a necessary condition for the life of any person, one of the main components of the lifestyle of a person with diabetes.

The latest study by American diabetologists shows that patients with diabetes who regularly play sports have a more favorable prognosis for the development of complications: retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy. If complications already exist, then, with regular sports, they develop much more slowly.

At all stages of human existence, movement and physical activity have been an integral part of human life. In order not to die, a person hunted, made long transitions, ran away from wild animals, traveled, plowed the land, in a word, he spent his whole life in motion.

The modern way of life has brought its negative fruits. The more comfort in the outside world, the less natural physical activity. This is against human nature. The decrease in the intensity of natural physical activity has led to the emergence of the so-called. "diseases of civilization" - angina pectoris, peptic ulcer, atherosclerosis, obesity, etc.

Along with these diseases is diabetes mellitus. The number of patients with diabetes mellitus is most developed in industrialized countries, i.e. there is a direct link between the occurrence of diabetes mellitus

and decreased levels of physical activity. Japanese researchers have concluded that among people who own a car, the incidence of type 2 diabetes is higher than among those who walk.

Physical activity has a beneficial effect on all types of metabolism. Since human muscles are built mainly from proteins, by loading the muscles, we improve protein metabolism, and protein is the basis of life. With regular physical activity, the breakdown of fats increases, body weight decreases, and the fatty composition of the blood improves. This eliminates the prerequisites for the development of atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases. The fat composition of the blood is more important in the development of insulin resistance.

Physical activity also has a significant effect on carbohydrate metabolism. With intense physical activity, the sensitivity of insulin receptors to insulin increases, which leads to a decrease in blood sugar levels and a decrease in insulin dosages. This mechanism operates not only during physical activity as such, but is also fixed during regular physical education and sports. Many famous Olympic athletes have diabetes.

The famous hockey player Bobby Hull, who had type 1 diabetes since childhood, can be cited as an example. During active training, the daily requirement for insulin is 6-8 units per day. The usual dosage is 50-60 units per day.

Another example is Adrian Marples, world champion in triathlon, who has also had type 1 diabetes since the age of 13. During competitions, he always has glucose with him in case of hypoglycemia.

The list of famous people with diabetes can be continued: writer Herbert Wells, Mikhail Gorbachev, aircraft designer Tupolev, most of the US senators.

These examples are a vivid proof that with diabetes it is possible to achieve high results in all areas of life and even in professional sports. But the main condition is the achievement of normoglycemia. But it is possible only if you follow a special lifestyle.

With diabetes, including physical activity.

I would like to give one example: the United States is the only country in the world that has achieved a reduction in the number of cardiovascular diseases. This became possible thanks to the mass participation in sports. Morning jogging is very popular in America.

With regard to diabetes, all types of physical activity can be divided into short-term and long-term. Short-term, in turn, can be planned and unplanned. With different types of physical activity, the actions of a patient with diabetes will be different.

If you made one unplanned run, for example, caught up with a bus, suffered heavy weights, then you need to eat one quick-digesting bread unit to prevent hypoglycemia.

In the case of a short-term planned physical activity, it is necessary to eat one additional slow-digesting bread unit every half hour (an apple, a slice of bread).

With prolonged physical activity (hiking, digging the garden), depending on its duration and intensity, as well as the characteristics of your body, you need to reduce the dose of both short and long insulin by 20-50%. But if at the same time hypoglycemia still occurs, then they compensate for the intake of easily digestible carbohydrates (sweet juice).

With too intense physical activity and an excess level of insulin in the blood, the liver does not have time to release enough carbohydrates into the blood - hypoglycemia develops.

But not always physical activity unequivocally leads to a decrease in blood sugar levels. It happens that against the background of intense physical activity, blood sugar rises and even acetone appears.

At normal blood sugar levels, moderate-intensity exercise causes the amount of glucose released into the blood by the liver and the amount of glucose consumed by the muscles to balance; while the blood sugar level remains stable. But with a lack of insulin in the blood and intense physical activity, the cells starve. The liver, having received a signal that the cells are starving, throws out additional glucose. But even this glucose does not reach the goal, since it can only get into the cells with the help of insulin, and it is just not enough. The more intense the load, the more the liver releases sugar into the blood, the higher the blood sugar level.

Therefore, the basic rule for patients with diabetes is never

do not start physical activity when blood sugar is above 15 mmol / l.

First you need to wait for the decrease in blood sugar under the action of insulin.

One of the most important principles of physical activity is the uniform distribution of physical activity on all muscle groups. It is advisable to have approximately the same physical activity every day, which will allow better control of diabetes.

What is the best way to distribute physical activity during the day? In the morning it is best to do gymnastics, and we recommend leaving strength exercises for 16-18 hours of the day. There are basic principles of selection of physical activity that must be followed.

1. Individual selection of the intensity and methods of performing exercises for each individual, depending on age, capabilities and health status.

2. Systematic impact and ensuring a certain selection of exercises and the sequence of their implementation: from simple to complex, from known to unknown.

3. The regularity of the exercises, because. only with regular exercise, it is possible to achieve strengthening of the body.

4. Gradual increase in the duration of physical activity, because. restoration of disturbed body functions under the influence of physical exercises occurs gradually and only with prolonged training.

5. Gradual increase in the intensity of physical activity during a series of workouts.

6. Variety and novelty in the selection of exercises and the choice of the type of physical activity.

7. Moderation of impact; those. moderate, but prolonged physical activity is more appropriate than superintense, but short-term.

8. Compliance with cyclicity when performing exercises in accordance with indications: alternation of physical exercises and rest.

9. Comprehensive impact on the body in order to improve the neurohumoral mechanisms of regulation (water procedures).

A few tips.

Cooking food. Purchased products. Started preparing lunch and dinner. Don't try what you cook. You can "try out" for 2000KK a day. This is contraindicated for you. If necessary, ask someone close to taste the food.

Eating. If you live alone and cook only for yourself, then cook food "once" so as not to eat up what is left. Break cooked foods into several servings, which you keep separately.

To avoid overeating, get up from the table slightly hungry. The feeling of satiety does not come immediately, so leave some empty space in your stomach.

If you have a large family, never eat up after other members of your family, including a child. Any reason you betray is disrespectful.

Food and TV. Never eat in front of the TV. What is happening on the screen can absorb you so much that you forget that you have a whole bucket of sour cream in front of you, and eat it in half an hour. If you are used to chewing something while watching TV, then eat cabbage. You can pickled, but without bread and without butter.

Food and pleasure. Don't stop yourself from experiencing pleasure. But this pleasure should not be delivered to you by the food itself, but by the environment in which you eat. Lay out a pretty tablecloth and don't overwhelm it with too many plates.

Have a conversation around the table about what happened during the day. After all, a family dinner or Sunday lunch is the only time when all family members are together and no one is in a hurry. When to chat?

Photo on the refrigerator. You have already lost 10-15 kg. Surely many problems have been solved, and you are not going to stop monitoring nutrition.

If it's still hard for you, stick your old photo on the refrigerator, where your weight is more than today. There you can also hang a list of diseases that will kill you if you do not monitor your weight.

You can stick labels with inscriptions like: “Do not touch with your hands!”, “Do not eat me!”, “Where is your character?” on packages with products that you cannot eat. and so on. - Think of them for yourself.

Choose a company. You do not need to tell everyone around you about how many and what diseases you have suffered. Choose a company in which it is indecent to talk about diseases. Help others. Remember how hard it was for you in the beginning.

A bit of history………………………………………………………….1

What is diabetes mellitus? .............................................. .....................1

Why does blood sugar rise? .............................................. 2

What is insulin? .............................................................. ...................................3

How Does Insulin Affect Blood Sugar Levels?.................................3

Where does blood sugar come from? ..................4

What level of blood sugar is considered normal? .............................. 4

Why do I have diabetes? .............5

The role of heredity………………………………………………..6


Can diabetes be cured? ....6

Nutrition for diabetes………………………………………….8

Physical activity in diabetes………………………..10

A few tips……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



patients with diabetes.

1994 edition reviewer :

A.V. Dreval, prof. Department of Therapeutic Endocrinology

Compiled by:

Bogomolov Mikhail Vladimirovich

Vagina Inna Mikhailovna

Parkhomenko Alexander Dmitrievich

Rozina Natalya Viktorovna

Chernikova Natalya Albertovna