Gastritis or ulcer how to distinguish the symptoms. How to distinguish gastritis from an ulcer: characteristic signs and symptoms of diseases

Changes in the stomach, inherent in gastritis, are diverse, dynamic and often appear at first as changes of a functional-nervous origin.

It will be necessary to be able to distinguish the pathology from other diseases with similar symptoms in order to subsequently quickly cure and prevent complications.

If a healthy diet, used as the main method of prevention and treatment, if suspected, does not harm health if the diagnosis is made incorrectly, the use of medicines can adversely affect the human body, lead to an aggravation of the disease, the emergence of new disorders in the body.

How to determine the presence of the disease at home

Installing gastritis at home is not an easy task that requires knowledge of the symptoms. The signs of the disease are varied and extensive, but the presence of symptoms will help in the identification.

Signs will help to recognize the disease:

Symptoms are necessarily evaluated in aggregate, and individually are considered concomitant signs of many diseases.

Pain syndrome

It is required to study separately, carefully, the sign is ambiguous, diverse in terms of pain strength, place of occurrence.

More often it is impossible to determine the localization, the whole stomach hurts. The sensation is caused by the fact that the mucous membrane of the nerve endings does not have, the stomach cannot hurt. The abdominal cavity hurts, as the pain is transmitted through the receptors of the muscles of other organs. The question arises: how to understand that the stomach hurts?

Painful sensations of the stomach are manifested in violation of the motor function of the organ. They are mainly localized to the left of the midline, at the top of the abdomen, but are allowed in the xiphoid process of the sternum, left hypochondrium.

It will be possible to clearly determine the disease by the pain syndrome in the abdomen, given that the pain occurs after eating food, and often junk food. It is typical for chronic gastritis, for example, that diet food does not cause pain, but alcoholic beverages do. Occurs after 30-60 minutes. after eating, lasts 1.5-2 hours, disappearing gradually when the stomach is empty. There is pain immediately after eating.

In addition to pain, after eating food, they are characteristic of certain body positions, physical activity, walking. For example, sitting pain intensifies, lying down - weaken.

Pain sensations are of a certain nature: from gradually aching to severe pain, characterized by a deterioration in health. In the younger generation, they are more pronounced, in the elderly they have an erased course. It is taken into account that the pain syndrome is individual.

Based solely on the pain syndrome, it is impossible to clearly differentiate the diagnosis, it is possible to establish only in conjunction with other signs of the disease.

Remember, gastritis can occur without pain, especially in the initial stage of the disease.

Types of gastritis

It is customary to distinguish between types of gastritis for reasons:

  1. According to the mechanism of occurrence;
  2. Morphological variant;
  3. Depending on the affected areas of the stomach (antral, fundic and pangastritis);

It is impossible to recognize types at home, diagnostics will be required in special institutions (fibrogastroduodenoscopy, x-rays, probe diagnostics, tomography) and the study of analyzes indicating gastritis.

Differences between acute gastritis and chronic

A characteristic symptom is sudden, acute pain after exposure to the stomach: the use of food that is harmful to the body, alcohol, and the time of leakage. The first pain syndrome manifests itself 4-8 hours after the cause of occurrence, accompanied by: the presence of heaviness in the abdominal cavity, the appearance of nausea, vomiting, weakness, dizziness. A person's skin turns pale, intestinal disorders are possible, for example, a swollen stomach.

Acute gastritis is short in time, mostly lasts no more than 48 hours, often does not entail consequences, in contrast to the chronic type.

Acute gastritis without treatment flows into a chronic form that lasts a long time, accompanied by a wide range of symptoms discussed in the article.

Types of chronic gastritis

You need to know the qualifications to be able to recognize gastritis. Types find different localization, causes of occurrence.

Type A - caused by immune failures that led to changes in the fundus of the stomach, and the antrum does not change. This type is characteristic of anemia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency. Not always associated with it. The type is characterized by atrophy of the inflamed parts, the disappearance of hydrochloric acid, high production of the hormone produced by the cells of the stomach. It is characteristic of the disease by close relatives, is hereditary.

Type B is not associated with immune processes, affects the antrum, then spreads to the fundus. Occurs as a consequence of infection with Helicobacter pylori. An important difference from autoimmune gastritis is the absence of antibodies against parietal cells. Able to proceed for a long time without visible symptoms, it is important to check in the laboratory.

The intermediate type represents a form between types A and B of chronic gastritis (type AB), is a lesion of the antrum and fundus. Recognized as a common form. Has common symptoms of gastritis.

Type C represents a superficial lesion of the fundus of the stomach. It is typical for hernias of the esophageal opening or with bile spillage as a result of duodenogastric reflux after surgery.

Chronic gastritis

Types for the causes of gastritis

Associated with Helicobacter pylori infection is associated with an increase in stomach acidity, characterized by: pain in the lower part of the stomach, about 2 hours after eating, sour belching, constipation, heartburn. For the described type of gastritis, it is not a lack of appetite that is characteristic, but, on the contrary, an increase. With advanced disease, there are additionally: indigestion, diarrhea, belching and weight loss.

Autoimmune gastritis is characterized by a malfunction of the immune system, after which antibodies are produced against the stomach's own cells. In addition to the main signs of gastritis, it is accompanied by specific signs caused by vitamin deficiency: vision deteriorates, gums bleed, wounds form in the corners of the mouth.

The idiopathic type is characteristic when the causes of erosion are not established. It goes away without symptoms. Only sometimes there are bouts of nausea.

Drug - provoking the disease occurs as a result of various drugs that adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract. At the beginning of the disease, it does not manifest itself in any way, sometimes after-dinner heaviness is noticeable. A neglected disease leads to internal bleeding.

Harbingers of the disease, their significance for determining the diagnosis

We offer to find out the factors that cause the disease. Information, together with the signs of the disease, will give a complete picture of the presence or absence of gastritis, the type of disease.

Without one of the components, the clinical picture does not carry complete information, leading to confusion, while ignoring the cause of the onset or existing symptoms.

Common factors are recognized as harbingers of the disease:

  • malnutrition: the use of fatty, spicy, heavily fried, poorly digested, very low or high temperature food. Harmful overeating, long periods between meals, intake of poor quality, infected products;
  • drinking alcohol, nicotine;
  • uncontrolled use of drugs;
  • chronic diseases;
  • burn, frostbite;
  • chronic infections;
  • poor circulation;
  • violation of the nervous system, endocrine organs;
  • heredity.

All of the above symptoms and signs of the disease clearly indicate the presence of the disease. Remember, gastritis can be established with absolute certainty by conducting special studies in specialized institutions. Therefore, if there are signs of the disease, it is better to consult a doctor. The doctor will select the correct and competent treatment.

Wrong lifestyle and poor nutrition negatively affect the human digestive system. Increasingly, there are common diseases of gastritis and stomach ulcers. The symptoms of the diseases are similar. Even a gastroenterologist is not always able to understand what is bothering the patient. To determine the exact clinical picture, studies are carried out - FGDS and x-rays of the stomach.

The main difference between gastritis and stomach ulcers is that with gastritis an inflammatory process is formed on the mucous membrane, and with an ulcer it is focal, with deep tissue damage.


Gastritis is an inflammation of the mucous wall of the stomach, of varying intensity, as a result of the disease, a violation of the secretory function occurs. The disease is milder than a stomach ulcer. Simple forms can be treated with only a special diet. In connection with what has been said, a person often does not attach importance to his own ailments. The longer the patient neglects the symptoms, the greater the likelihood of inflammation of the submucosal layers.

In case of violation of the proper functioning of the inner lining of the stomach, wounds are formed on the mucous membrane - erosion. Erosive, or ulcerative, gastritis is much more severe and is considered the first stage of peptic ulcer disease. During an exacerbation, the patient suffers from incessant pain and vomiting after eating.

Stomach ulcer

Peptic ulcer is a pathological change in the wall of the stomach of a certain localization. It occurs as a result of constant exposure to aggressive acids on the gastric mucosa.

Symptoms of gastritis

The disease occurs in two forms: acute and chronic. There are gastritis with high and low acidity. A lot of people suffer from moderately severe gastritis in a long-term form, recognizable by symptoms:

  • Pain in the epigastric region, aggravated after eating.
  • Heaviness.
  • Nausea.
  • Heartburn.
  • Decreased appetite.


The main cause of the development of pathology today is the bacterium Helicobacter Pelori, the causative agent of peptic ulcer, gastritis and gastroduodenitis. The presence of bacteria is found out during the endoscopy procedure when taking a scraping from the mucous membrane.

Eating disorders are considered the leading cause, these include:

  • the use of fatty, smoked and spicy foods;
  • irregular meals;
  • the presence in the diet of a large amount of dry food;
  • intake of poorly chewed foods;
  • binge eating.

Among the reasons are also:

  • alcohol and smoking;
  • stress and nervous disorders;
  • taking selected medications (painkillers, anti-inflammatory and other drugs that irritate the stomach);
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • lack of vitamins.

How to independently distinguish gastritis from an ulcer

Getting to a good doctor today is not easy, many people tend to independently determine the presence of diseases. The main thing is not to abuse, only the doctor has the right to make the right conclusion.

As mentioned earlier, the symptoms of the two diseases are similar. If you look closely at the body, it becomes clear the difference between gastritis and ulcers. Let's look at a number of factors.

Pain localization

With gastritis, discomfort disturbs the patient constantly or periodically. An ulcer is characterized by sharp pain with a clear localization. A person is able to specifically indicate where it hurts.

Time of onset of pain

Unlike gastritis, the pain of an ulcer worries a person day and night. A small meal will help relieve pain.

Periods of exacerbations

Gastritis bothers a person at any time of the year, regardless of the season. Exacerbation depends more on the violation of the diet. For ulcers, exacerbation is typical in the autumn-spring periods.

Exacerbation of gastritis

hungry pains

Most patients with gastritis and ulcers experience pain during hunger, but there are differences. If hunger pains appear 3-4 hours after eating, it is probably gastritis. If it starts to hurt soon after eating, causing nausea and even vomiting, an ulcer is implied.

Gastritis differs from stomach ulcers in that the patient's blood counts remain normal. With an ulcer, hemoglobin often decreases. A person is worried about fatigue, dizziness, loose stools with blood (or vice versa, hard), vomiting with blood.

Among the external signs in ulcers, there is a plaque on the tongue, excessive sweating of the hands. Those suffering from gastritis do not experience such symptoms.

Peptic ulcer can be almost asymptomatic ("silent ulcers") and not differ from gastritis. This is typical for older people with diabetes, for those taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In such cases, the patient is confident in his own health until the development of complications forces him to seek medical help.

Treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers

Both diseases require urgent treatment. Gastritis in advanced form soon turns into an ulcer, which is a danger to human life. Today, physicians distinguish within ten types of gastritis of varying severity. An experienced gastroenterologist is able to make an accurate diagnosis. According to the results of FGDS, the form of gastritis, staging, acidity in the stomach and the causes of the disease are determined.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on the stage of the disease and the patient's attitude to following the doctor's instructions. Violation of the prescribed diet, smoking and drinking alcohol will significantly complicate the treatment.

When prescribing therapy, doctors today consider not the acidity of gastric juice, but the condition of the mucosa, based on the results of endoscopy. In the acute form, treatment is initially aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptoms. Medications neutralize the acidity in the stomach, reducing inflammation and pain. Dieting is a must.

  • Anesthesia. Antispasmodics No-shpa, Drotaverine and others will help relieve pain.
  • Antacids are drugs that reduce acidity. They act more slowly, but more effectively and longer, thanks to the antiseptic and absorbent properties. The drugs include: Phosphalugel, Almagel, Maalox.
  • Proton pump blockers - drugs that reduce the secretion of the glands of the stomach. By acting on the mucous membrane, it is established that hydrochloric acid is secreted in the stomach in an extremely small amount. This category includes drugs Robeprazole, Lansoprazole, Omeprazole. Using the listed medicines, the acidity of the stomach decreases for a long time, irritation decreases.

For the treatment of Helicobacter Pelori bacteria, in addition to proton pump blockers, antibiotics are prescribed - amoxicillin, clarithromycin and trichopolum.

Ulcer treatment is carried out seriously, aimed at eliminating Helicobacter Pelori - as the main source of peptic ulcer. Without antibiotics, treatment is not possible. Drugs are prescribed that form a protective film on the mucous membrane, which promotes the healing of ulcers.

Ulcers should strictly follow a diet and avoid nervous tension.

Nutrition for gastritis and ulcers

Diet and eating habits are important in the treatment of these diseases. Basic principles:

  1. Eat little and often, do not overeat.
  2. Take food warm.
  3. Exclude smoking and alcoholic drinks, spicy, smoked and fried.
  4. Refuse sour vegetables and fruits, rich broths and fatty meats. Reduce consumption of dairy products.

During an exacerbation, dairy-free cereals, light broths, rice and mashed potatoes with the addition of a small amount of butter should be eaten. With the onset of improvement, it is possible to diversify the menu, but the processing of products remains gentle (wiped, steamed). Eliminate spices, spicy snacks and coffee.

Food tolerance is different for each person, each patient has his own list of allowed and prohibited.


Everyone should follow the diet and lead a healthy lifestyle. This is the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases. If gastritis still appears, careful attention and accurate diagnosis will exclude the development of peptic ulcer.

Patients should undergo preventive examinations by a gastroenterologist at least 1-2 times a year. It is important to monitor the condition of the disease in order to prevent deterioration in time. Eating regularly and following a diet is the key to good health.

In the past few decades, a large number of people have experienced digestive difficulties, in particular with the stomach. According to statistics, more than seventy-five percent of the Russian population have symptoms similar to those of gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Unfortunately, more than half of the patients do not attach much importance to the unpleasant sensations that arise and do not consider it necessary to seek medical help.

Doctors explain the relentless statistics with insufficient attention to their own health, poor nutrition, leading to a deficiency of vitamins in the body.

Symptoms of stomach gastritis in adults are observed much more often than among the child population of the country, although statistics show that children are also susceptible to the disease.

Often there are cases: minor ailments associated with the stomach develop into a serious illness that not only provokes complications in the body, but leads to death. Consider how gastritis manifests itself, the causes of occurrence. Knowledge will help reduce the risk of complications (ulcers, internal bleeding, stomach cancer).

Among the frequently occurring diseases in the gastrointestinal tract are gastritis and stomach ulcers.


Gastritis of the stomach is called the disease of the century. Moreover, it happens that the pathology proceeds without pronounced signs.

There are several reasons for the occurrence. Gastritis in the stomach can be of several types, the individual nature of the course. The similarity of the variants is considered to be inflammation of the gastric mucosa, observed in gastritis and ulcers.

The prerequisites for the appearance of the disease are failures in the internal organs: circulatory disorders, diabetes mellitus, anemia, disruption of the liver, thyroid gland. These factors can interfere with the normal secretory work of the stomach, leading to gastritis.

There are other factors that explain the cause of the onset of the disease:

  • frequent use of various drugs, antibiotics;
  • alcohol abuse and smoking;
  • violation of the diet, frequent use of fast food;
  • the habit of eating too hot dishes, spicy and fatty foods, various semi-finished products;
  • in some cases, the decisive factor is hereditary predisposition.

The reasons have been known for a long time. At the beginning of the current century, an internal factor was identified, most often causing gastritis. This is the bacterium Helicobacter, present in most people in the body. When the immune system is weakened, the microbe is activated and contributes to inflammation.

Helicobacter pylori bacterium


The first signs of gastritis - discomfort after eating often appears in the solar plexus, pain, severe heartburn, unpleasant belching, dry mouth. In selected cases, there is a slight increase in body temperature, nausea or vomiting. It happens that the activity of the intestine is disturbed. Sometimes there is a decrease in appetite, flatulence, tachycardia.

Belching with gastritis leaves a sour taste in the mouth and an unpleasant odor. As for the disruption of the intestines, more often the patient is tormented by diarrhea, dehydration of the body occurs. Strong thirst and a "dry" mouth are formed.

Each of these signs can mean an ordinary indigestion, but if the symptoms are combined, there is a reason to sound the alarm and urgently make an appointment with a gastroenterologist. Gastritis in the stomach is considered the initial stage of serious ailments, including dangerous stomach ulcers and, if left untreated and neglected, fatal stomach cancer.

Sometimes a person simply does not feel sick, does not recognize the signs of gastritis and stomach ulcers. This happens in the chronic form of the disease. The disease has several types, only the attending physician is able to establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment after a thorough examination of the patient.

Often there is an exacerbation of gastritis that occurs with acute inflammation of the epithelium in the stomach. This happens due to non-compliance with a special diet, due to a burn of the mucous membrane, due to a metabolic disorder. When acidity rises, gastric juice contributes to irritation of the epithelium. During exacerbation, inflammation sometimes covers the thickness of the epithelial tissue of the stomach or the surface.

Endoscopy of the stomach

Signs of acute gastritis

  1. Nausea and vomiting;
  2. Violation of the activity of the intestine, in particular, diarrhea;
  3. Pale skin;
  4. Weakness, occasional dizziness;
  5. Heaviness in the abdomen;
  6. Dry mouth or, conversely, increased salivation;
  7. Coated tongue;
  8. On palpation of the stomach area, severe pain appears;
  9. Bitterness in the mouth with gastritis.

These symptoms of exacerbation of gastritis require immediate treatment. In the absence of proper therapy, acute gastritis will become chronic.

This form of the disease develops rapidly, sometimes within the first two or three hours after the provoking effects. Often, acute gastritis occurs against the background of infection with intestinal infections or from taking substances that damage or burn the lining of the stomach (alcohol, alkalis, acids).

Symptoms and treatment of chronic gastritis in adults

The presence of chronic gastritis in adults is approximately 50-80% of the population. The causes are the already known bacterium Helicobacter and other adverse factors. Symptoms of chronic gastritis - intense pain, often appear in the morning when the stomach is empty. There are aching intermittent pains that occur after eating. Often suffering from prolonged heartburn, dry mouth, sour belching, heaviness in the stomach. Vomiting, frequent stool disorders, lack of appetite, weakness are possible.

Chronic gastritis

If the disease is caused by Helicobacter pylori, antimicrobial treatment is used, including taking antibiotics, drugs: omeprazole, pariet, de-nol.

If the causes of the disease are different, gastritis is treated with drugs that reduce acidity in the stomach (phosphalugel, maalox), or with enveloping properties (sucralfate, etc.). Phytotherapy is used.

To determine exactly how to treat gastritis, a type of gastritis is established.

There is a negative effect of gastritis on the body, the most important functions of the digestive system are disrupted, the absorption of nutrients worsens, the stomach is unable to function fully and digest the incoming food. The situation is especially aggravated if the patient develops acute gastritis.

Terry gastritis is known, it is characterized by the most neglected condition. If such a diagnosis is made, it is likely that the appearance of an ulcer is just around the corner.


Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum is a chronic disease, the main symptom is the occurrence of sores or ulcers on the inner mucosal surface of the stomach and duodenum 12. Often regarded as symptoms of an exacerbation of peptic ulcer.

The main symptom of a stomach ulcer is pain associated with eating. Pain is divided into early, hungry pain or late.

The main causes of ulcers are malnutrition, frequent depression and stress, alcohol abuse, and smoking. The already mentioned Helicobacter bacterium becomes a frequent causative agent of ulcers and gastritis.

The main symptoms of gastritis and stomach ulcers: constant thirst, dry mouth, prolonged heartburn, pain, belching, dyspeptic manifestations. Signs are present in both gastritis and stomach ulcers.

More often, an ulcer occurs due to gastritis, if the patient was not treated correctly in time.

Differences between ulcers and gastritis

Ulcers and gastritis are similar in symptoms to the disease; in most cases, an ulcer is the result of gastritis. Distinguishing diseases is not always possible without consulting a doctor.

Let's name some signs that make it possible to distinguish diseases:

  • Gastritis is characterized by pain concentrated in the stomach area, an ulcer is characterized by sharp pain sensations that radiate to the back or to other areas, depending on the location of the ulcer.
  • Ulcers and gastritis cause hunger pains, but in gastritis, sensations occur four or five hours after eating. With an ulcer, a sharp pain appears after an hour and a half after eating.
  • Ulcers are characterized by seasonal exacerbations, gastritis causes inconvenience at any time of the year, exacerbation is caused by malnutrition.
  • An ulcer can manifest itself as night pains that pass after a snack; gastritis does not bother at night.
  • Perhaps an approximate definition of the disease by a general blood test, with peptic ulcer will show reduced hemoglobin.
  • If suddenly there is a sharp pain, vomiting with blood content, weakness, decreased pressure - there are signs of perforation of the ulcer, when internal bleeding is possible. Urgent medical attention will be required due to the deadly danger of the condition.

With gastritis and stomach ulcers, as a consequence of the disease, complications develop that require increased attention.

A serious complication of an ulcer is the process of perforation, causing a rupture of the stomach wall in the area of ​​​​the ulcer. The condition requires urgent intervention by surgeons.

Dangerous is bleeding that occurs due to damage to the blood vessel by an ulcer, due to neglect of treatment. Bleeding is usually accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure, dizziness, dark, almost black vomiting.

If timely and effective treatment is not carried out, there may be a violation of the passage of the contents of the stomach into the duodenum due to the fact that the area undergoes narrowing. As a result, the food remains in the digestive organ, the process of decay begins.

Peptic ulcer tends to worsen in autumn and spring, patients should be treated before the onset of the main symptoms (severe pain, constant dry mouth, heartburn, belching).

Gastritis and peptic ulcer are effectively treated with herbal medicine as an addition to the main drug treatment. The goal of treatment is always to promote the healing of ulcerative lesions on the epithelium of the stomach and prevent complications (bleeding, perforation).

Ulcer and gastritis is a serious and dangerous disease, the definition of which should occur in the early stages of the disease, when it is possible to recover without resorting to extreme measures, such as surgery.

Not everyone knows that gastritis and stomach ulcers have much in common in terms of symptoms and signs. The difference lies in the time of onset of the pain syndrome. Inflammation is considered a less dangerous pathology, but it can also cause complications (malignancy, ulcers, digestive disorders).

These diseases are caused by malnutrition (abuse of fried, spicy and pickled foods, carbonated water), Helicobacter pylori infection, smoking and alcoholism.

Prevention of gastritis and stomach ulcers is a big problem.

What is the difference between gastritis and stomach ulcer

Symptoms of inflammation and GU are known to all gastroenterologists. This is one of the most common diseases among the adult population.

Inflammation of the stomach is acute and chronic, hyperacid and with reduced acidity, catarrhal and hemorrhagic. The atrophic form of the disease is often diagnosed.

Depending on the etiology, infectious and non-infectious (drug, alcohol, toxic) types of inflammation are distinguished.

The catarrhal form is most often diagnosed. The causes of gastritis are the penetration of Helicobacter pylori bacteria, alcohol abuse, spicy food intake and intoxication.

Symptoms of catarrh are:

  • general malaise;
  • heaviness in the epigastric region;
  • pain;
  • bitter taste in the mouth;
  • hypersalivation;
  • nausea;
  • decreased appetite.

There may be dizziness and weakness. The first symptoms occur within half a day after exposure to an irritating factor.

Gastritis differs from a stomach ulcer in that it only inflames the mucous membrane. Ulcerative defects are not formed.

The difference between gastritis and stomach ulcers is the time of onset of pain. With inflammation, it is observed immediately after eating, and with an ulcer - after 30-60 minutes or on an empty stomach.

The first signs of gastritis include vomiting. During it are possible: tachycardia, a violation of the stool by the type of diarrhea and a decrease in blood pressure.

The tongue of the patients is often covered with a white coating. There is bloating. Palpation reveals severe pain.

Other symptoms include dry mouth and bad breath.

If untreated, the disease can become chronic and ulcer.

Symptoms of hemorrhagic inflammation

Signs of GU and inflammation are nonspecific. The hemorrhagic form is often diagnosed.

A synonym is erosive inflammation. Only the mucous membrane is involved in the process. The erosion size is less than 3 mm.

If left untreated, gastritis may develop bleeding. The risk group includes alcoholics.

With this pathology, the following symptoms are observed:

  1. lack of appetite;
  2. dull pain in the upper abdomen;
  3. nausea;
  4. vomiting with an admixture of blood;
  5. metallic taste in the mouth;
  6. or ;
  7. tension in the abdominal muscles;
  8. weakness;
  9. dizziness.

With massive bleeding, the feces become dark. The heart rate increases.

Perhaps oppression of consciousness. In this case, you need to exclude a stomach ulcer.

Chronic gastritis may differ from acute trophic disorders in the form of dry skin and brittle nails.

With bleeding, a headache appears and weakness worries.

Symptoms of the hypoacid form of inflammation

With gastritis and stomach ulcers, the symptoms largely depend on. The attending physician should be aware of the signs of chronic hypoacid inflammation.

This disease is characterized by a decrease in acidity due to atrophy of the glands. We are talking about atrophic and autoimmune types of this pathology. The disease proceeds in a relapsing form.

Pathology can turn into ulcers and cancer. This is due to mucosal atrophy and tissue dysplasia. Not everyone knows how to distinguish between gastritis and an ulcer.

With inflammation of the stomach with low acidity, the following symptoms are possible:

  • rotten or airy belching;
  • nausea;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • feeling of fullness in the stomach;
  • heaviness in the abdomen;
  • loss of appetite;
  • aching pain after eating;
  • chair instability.

Atrophy leads to malabsorption of nutrients and vitamins. Possible weight loss.

If there is gastritis or a stomach ulcer, their symptoms are not known to everyone. In the case of achilia (lack of hydrochloric acid), glossitis and gingivitis develop.

The patient's tongue becomes bright red. Often the intestines suffer. Dysbacteriosis develops.

Persistent neurological disorders are possible. With internal bleeding, anemia develops.

The pressure then drops. Pain is not a constant symptom of hemorrhagic gastritis.

Symptoms of peptic ulcer

Signs of a stomach ulcer resemble inflammation, but there are differences. The main symptom is pain.

It has the following features:

  1. dull, stabbing or cutting;
  2. felt in the upper abdomen;
  3. appears on an empty stomach or 30-60 minutes after eating;
  4. subsides after 2 hours;
  5. radiates to the right hypochondrium;
  6. eliminated by antacids and proton pump inhibitors;
  7. worries more in autumn and spring;
  8. associated with dyspeptic disorders.

Gastric and duodenal ulcers differ from gastritis in that the pain syndrome depends on the location of the defect.

When the body of the organ is affected, discomfort is noted to the left of the midline.

If there is an ulcerative defect of the pyloric region, then the pain is felt on the right.

Exacerbations are more common in people who are used to eating spicy foods.

A duodenal ulcer is different in that with it the pain appears only after 1.5-2 hours.

Sometimes it occurs at night. Other symptoms of stomach ulcers include a burning sensation in the chest, flatulence, and loose stools.

Nausea and vomiting are possible. If you eat with an ulcer incorrectly, then there is a high probability of bleeding and perforation of the organ wall.

With an atypical form of this pathology, pain in the lower back and the region of the heart may occur.

How to distinguish gastritis from stomach ulcers

Not everyone knows how to distinguish between simple gastritis and GU. It is impossible to do this on the basis of the clinical picture.

An endoscopic examination (FEGDS) or radiography is required.

Signs of gastritis and stomach ulcers are similar.

The differences are:

  • time of onset of pain syndrome;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • admixture of blood in vomit.

Gastritis and PU have the same etiology. This makes it difficult to make a diagnosis. A distinctive feature of YABZH is a decrease in pain after eating.

The reason is the enveloping of the defect with chyme, which reduces contact with acidic contents.

Diagnosis of gastritis and stomach ulcers

Before treating a person, you need to confirm the diagnosis. Other diseases must be distinguished from ulcers and gastritis.

This will require the following research:

  1. determination of stomach acidity;
  2. FEGDS;
  3. biopsy;
  4. radiography with contrast;
  5. analysis for antibodies to Helicobacter;
  6. biochemical analysis;
  7. general clinical research;
  8. palpation of the abdomen;
  9. analysis of faeces for occult blood.

Treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers with medicines

If gastritis and stomach ulcers are detected, the symptoms can be eliminated with medication.

There are different treatments for GU and inflammation.

Antibiotics for gastritis are used with positive test results for bacteria.

First-line drugs include macrolides and protected penicillins.

Excellent tool Flemoxin Solutab. Antacids are included in the treatment regimen for gastritis and gastric ulcer.

They help reduce acidity and relieve pain. This is the main manifestation of these pathologies of the digestive system.

The list of drugs for gastritis and stomach ulcers is very wide. It includes medicines such as Rennie, Gaviscon, Almagel, Phosphalugel.

Proton pump blockers help. An indication for their appointment is an increase in acidity.

These tablets for gastritis and ulcers block the enzyme responsible for the formation of hydrochloric acid.

These include: Sanpraz, Khairabezol, Nolpaza, Omez, Pariet. Very often prescribed gastroprotectors.

These are medicines for ulcers and hyperacid gastritis, which protect the organ mucosa from the harmful effects of acid.

Venter and De-Nol are most in demand. All prescriptions are written by a physician. In the treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers, physiotherapy is often performed.

If gastritis (ulcer) is detected, hospitalization may be required. The difference is that severe complications often develop in the form of perforation, penetration, malignancy and bleeding. In this case, the drug will not help.

An operation (resection or suturing) is required. In the absence of complications, surgery is not performed.

For inflammation, treatment often includes the use of gastric juice. It is indicated for achilia.

Diet for gastritis and stomach ulcers

In the treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers, drugs are not the only remedy. All patients are on a diet.

What you can eat with gastritis, not everyone will say. With GU and inflammation with high acidity, table No. 1-b is shown in the remission phase.

Nutrition for gastritis and ulcers is given special attention. During the period of exacerbation, it is required to adhere to diet No. 1-a.

If a hypoacid form of inflammation of the stomach is detected, treatment includes diet No. 2.

Not everyone is able to adhere to a healthy diet for gastritis and ulcers. It takes will and patience.

What dishes for gastritis are allowed to eat is known to every gastroenterologist.

With high acidity, you need to abandon fried, spicy, pickled, salty and fatty. Do not eat sweet and sour fruits and vegetables.

You can drink jelly, milk, rosehip broth, herbal infusions, water, sweet fruit drink.

Diet for gastritis and stomach ulcers prohibits the use of alcohol.

If atrophy of the glands is observed, then extractive substances are included in the diet, which increase appetite and secretion of juice.

Their choice is better to entrust the doctor. Sea buckthorn gives a good effect. It can be eaten fresh or as a jam.

Sea buckthorn oil for gastritis is an excellent remedy. It heals the mucous membrane and the defects that have arisen on it.

Folk remedies for gastritis and stomach ulcers can speed up recovery. Despite this, they do not replace drugs.

An excellent remedy is flax seeds. To avoid the treatment of ulcers and gastritis, you need to follow simple measures to prevent these diseases.

You must adhere to the following rules:

  • give up alcohol;
  • Healthy food;
  • quit smoking;
  • eat only from clean dishes;
  • do not take long-term NSAIDs;
  • carry out psychological relaxation.


Medicines for gastritis and stomach ulcers are not always effective. Much depends on the lifestyle of a person.

Prevention of ulcers involves the normalization of the diet. It is necessary to eat at least 3 times a day with small intervals.

Prevention of stomach ulcers with folk remedies may also not work.

Thus, GU is a more dangerous disease than gastritis.

Diseases of the digestive system are rightfully considered the most dangerous for human life. This is far from an exaggeration, since through the digestive organs a person naturally receives all the necessary trace elements, nutrients and vitamins for the full and healthy functioning of the body. The lack of certain substances in the body will entail a set of concomitant diseases that can directly threaten life, cause death.

In the treatment of gastrointestinal disease, it is important to correctly diagnose the disease.

More than half of the people in the world suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastritis and ulcers are the most common and dangerous diseases of the stomach, which, if neglected, can cause death of a person. Diseases, although they can have different severity, etiology, clinical picture, are very similar in symptoms, therefore it is often very difficult for the sick person to distinguish them. Consider in this article how to distinguish gastritis from an ulcer by the manifestations of diseases.

The root causes of diseases

Basically, all problems with the organs of the digestive system are the result of a person’s malnutrition, eating fatty and spicy ingredients, snacking on the go, overeating after temporary fasting due to lack of time, as well as stress and stress on the nervous system. Often, the provoking factor for the occurrence of gastritis is harmful bacteria present in the body of every person, however, developing only in people who abuse junk food and.

Due to the listed sources of the disease in a complex or single manifestation, a person develops stomach problems, which at first may be episodic and look like ordinary poisoning, however, with improper treatment and without eliminating provocative situations, gastritis develops.

Gastritis in medicine is distinguished by types and forms, depending on which doctors prescribe rational and effective treatment. Basically, the disease is characterized by an inflammatory process on the inner walls of the stomach, which, depending on the neglect of the disease and its stage, causes destruction of varying complexity. It is considered the easiest to treat, which is relatively easy to treat with the right choice of therapy. More complex in manifestations and therapy is called, which occurs against the background of the previous one, however, is characterized by the presence of superficial wounds on the gastric mucosa.

A neglectful attitude to one's health, namely ignoring such a disease as chronic gastritis, can lead to more serious consequences, which are expressed in the formation of a stomach ulcer in a person. This is largely a terrible disease, as it is accompanied by the formation of deep wounds on the epithelium of the stomach, or, in advanced cases, through ulcers. It is worth noting that gastritis has an episodic character in its manifestations, which depends on the presence of provoking factors. Gastritis manifests itself most often after eating harmful foods or, in the absence of provocations, the disease does not bother the patient much. The ulcer itself cannot subside or go away; its treatment requires mandatory drug therapy, and in severely neglected cases, even surgical intervention. The progression of peptic ulcer without appropriate treatment most often leads to the death of the patient, because a stomach ulcer is considered a more dangerous sore than gastritis.

Distinctive signs of ulcers and gastritis

Recognizing on your own which disease affects the human stomach - gastritis or an ulcer - is actually very difficult, since they have identical localization and very similar symptoms. Of course, if there is a hint of the presence of diseases of the digestive tract, it is better to immediately contact a medical institution, where, with the help of special examinations, you can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe rational treatment. Without specialized assistance, it is not recommended to treat either an ulcer or gastritis, since these diseases are fraught with serious consequences. Despite the similar symptoms of diseases, there are signs by which you yourself can even before the examination suggest what kind of ailment prevents you from living a full life.

Consider the difference between an ulcer and gastritis in its manifestations and symptoms. In order to most accurately assume the cause of your poor health, you need to listen very carefully and thoroughly to your body.

Differences between gastritis and stomach ulcers according to the nature of manifestations:

In addition to the primary differences by which the disease is determined, there are additional signs that are characteristic of each of the ailments that help determine the clinical picture.

Manifestations of gastritis of various forms has a very multifaceted symptomatology. The most common indicators of gastritis are increased gas formation in the abdomen, poor appetite, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating, nausea and vomiting, disgusting breath, heartburn with increased acid formation. And also for gastritis, hypersecretion of saliva and white plaque in the oral cavity are considered characteristic.

Signs of peptic ulcer disease are systematic pain in the abdomen and vomiting immediately after eating. Very often, vomit has blood impurities that are released from deep wounds. And also peptic ulcer disease often worsens precisely during the off-season periods. Another characteristic feature of the ulcer is the occurrence of pain at night, which is unusual for gastritis. As well as sweating of the hands, which is not characteristic of gastritis, however, often manifests itself in patients with an ulcer.

Summing up

As you can see, it is difficult, but still possible, to distinguish between symptoms of a stomach ulcer and gastritis. However, you should not give preference to independent research and attempts to determine the disease, and even more so their treatment, it is better, if there are indicators of ailments, to immediately consult a doctor.

Remember, in the initial stages, each of the diseases is treatable. Running forms can lead to more complex disorders of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as cause death.

Diseases of the digestive system are widespread among the adult population. Gastritis and ulcers occupy leading positions in the structure of the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. The disorder is more common in men than in women. A high level of morbidity is associated with common causes and features of the pathogenesis of the degenerative-inflammatory process. The symptoms and signs of these conditions are very similar. Therefore, a specialist during the initial examination does not always immediately differentiate them.

The main differences are in the morphological changes in the gastric mucosa. However, treatment provides that perform the same tasks.

Causes of diseases

In the development of inflammation and the appearance of mucosal defects, external and internal factors play. They lead to changes in epithelial cells, which contributes to disruption of production and changes in acidity in the stomach. But there is a difference between these states. can be with different pH levels. This is its main difference. characterized by high acidity of gastric juice. The duodenum is also exposed to aggressive action with the formation of lesions in the bulb area.

Pathological conditions arise due to such reasons:

  1. Infection is the main etiological factor, which is detected in 80-90% of patients.
  2. Poor nutrition with the use of harmful products.
  3. Psycho-emotional stress, stress, overwork.
  4. Taking certain medications for a long time - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, sulfonamides.
  5. Disorders of the endocrine system.
  6. Diseases that provoke an increase in pH - carcinoid syndrome, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, gastrinoma.
  7. autoimmune pathology.
  8. Exposure to professional factors - alkali vapors, acids, radiation, coal and metal dust.
  9. Smoking and drinking alcohol.
  10. hereditary predisposition.

What are the symptoms of stomach ulcers and gastritis

Mucosal changes that are characterized by inflammation and defect formation have similar clinical features. The conditions are chronic. In recent years, the classic symptoms of gastritis and gastric ulcer with duodenal ulcers have been observed less frequently. Often there is a latent form of disease. However, there are features that help to differentiate the type of pathology.

Symptoms of gastritis

Chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa has distinctive features. Depending on the pH level, patients have different symptoms of gastritis. Hypersecretion of gastric juice causes reflux, inhibits intestinal motility. With the destruction of epithelial cells, the secret is no longer produced, and a hypoacid state occurs. Low production of hydrochloric acid leads to difficulty in digestion of food, malabsorption of vitamins and nutrients. The variant of the pathology can be distinguished by the symptoms independently.

Treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers with drugs

After the final diagnosis is established, the doctor draws up an action plan that includes diet, medication, and alternative methods. Treatment of gastritis and ulcers is an integrated approach. This contributes to a rapid recovery and a decrease in the likelihood of a recurrence of the disease. The protocol helps the specialist navigate and prescribe the optimal treatment for the patient. The treatment regimen for gastritis and stomach ulcers is practically the same, the drugs are suitable in both cases. The list is represented by the following groups:

  1. Antibacterial substances - for stepwise therapy for the eradication of Helicobacter pylori.
  2. Proton pump blockers - which reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid.
  3. Antagonists of H2-histamine receptors.
  4. Antacids - in order to reduce the aggressive effects of gastric juice on the mucosa.
  5. Bismuth preparations - an antiulcer drug that can create a protective film, have a bactericidal and cytoprotective effect.
  6. Antispasmodics - eliminate spasm and reduce pain.
  7. Alginates - prevent the development of reflux due to the gel barrier on the surface of the mucosa.

Attention! The tactics of a gastroenterologist is to prescribe medications to reduce acidity and antibiotics at the same time, based on the data obtained after examining the patient.

Antibiotics for gastritis and stomach ulcers

The main drugs that begin to treat pathology are antibacterial agents. This approach is necessary to kill Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium that causes inflammation in the digestive tract. The scheme provides for stepwise therapy, the list of drugs is presented in Table 3.

Additionally, other drugs are used to eradicate the bacteria. The duration of therapy is from 10 to 14 days.

Table 3. Groups of antibiotics used for gastritis and ulcers

Group Name of the drug
Penicillins Amoxicillin

1000 mg 2 times a day

Macrolides Clarithromycin, Fromilid, Klacid

500 mg 2 times a day

Imidazole derivatives Metronidazole, Trichopolum, Tinidazole

500 mg 2 times a day

Tetracyclines Tetracycline

500 mg 4 times a day

Fluoroquinolones Levofloxacin

500 mg 1 time per day

Rifampicin group Rifabutin

300 mg 1 time per day

The combined drug Pylobact Neo is presented on the pharmaceutical market. Each package contains three first-line agents for the treatment of gastritis and ulcers. For most patients, this is the best medicine in terms of ease of use and economic benefits.

Painkillers for gastritis and stomach ulcers

Along with antibacterial substances, additional drugs are prescribed that eliminate hypersecretion and reduce discomfort. Excess hydrochloric acid irritates the mucous membrane, which is manifested by pain and heartburn. Auxiliary therapy is aimed at pain relief in gastritis and gastric ulcer. For these purposes, the following drugs are used.

Table 4. Drugs that relieve pain in ulcers and gastritis

Groups of medications Name
Proton pump blockers Omeprazole, Nolpaza

40-80 mg per day in 2 divided doses

Histamine H2 receptor antagonists Ranitidine, Famotidine

1 tablet 2 times a day

Bismuth preparations , bismuth subcitrate

120 mg 4 times a day


Phosphalugel, Maalox

(liquid forms)

2-3 packages per day, but not more than 6;

Sucralfate tablets

1 piece 4 times a day

Antispasmodics No-shpa, Riabal, Dicetel

1 tablet 2-3 times a day

Carefully! Antipyretics and traditional painkillers (Analgin, Paracetamol, Solpadein) are not used to eliminate pain. Because they are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and can increase hydrochloric acid production.

Diet and features of clinical nutrition

The success of treatment largely depends on the correct diet. Diet for gastritis and stomach ulcers is aimed at reducing the irritating effect of food. The multiplicity of meals is increased to 5-6 times a day. In the stage of exacerbation of the disease, products are consumed necessarily after heat treatment. Food can be boiled, baked or steamed. You need to eat regularly, avoid starvation. What you can eat and what you can not, is reflected in table 5.

Table 5. Allowed and prohibited foods for gastritis and stomach ulcers

Allowed Limit or exclude
Lean meat products

(beef, pork, chicken breast)

Fatty meat, lard;


(skin, cartilage, liver)

lean fish

pelengas, zander, perch

oily fish

mackerel, salmon, belan

Dairy porridge Bean Dishes
Fruits and vegetables


bananas, peaches, pumpkin,

potatoes, beets, carrots

Fruits and vegetables

apples, berries, plums, tomatoes,

white cabbage,

radish, turnip, garlic


cinnamon, ginger, thyme, curry, turmeric


hot red and black pepper

skimmed milk,

non-sour curd,

hard cheeses


with a high percentage of fat

cream, ryazhenka,

fatty cheeses, kefir

Soups with vegetable broths

Sour borscht;

meat, mushroom, fish broth

Compotes, kissels Acid fruit juices, fresh juices, carbonated drinks, coffee
lean bread Yeast baked goods

The list of products for inflammatory diseases of the stomach corresponds to diet number 5.

Folk remedies

Along with medication, alternative prescriptions are used. In most cases, stomach ulcers also contain substances of plant origin. Non-traditional methods practically almost do not cause side reactions and complications. Therefore, they remain in high demand among patients. The most famous drugs based on natural ingredients are presented in table 6.

Table 6. Folk remedies for the treatment of gastritis and ulcers

Folk remedy Mode of application
Water Based Propolis Elixir Ready extract of beekeeping products - 7-10 drops of liquid 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals
Infusion of cinquefoil 1 tablespoon of crushed raw materials is poured into 200 ml of boiling water in a thermos. Insist 2 hours. Drink 1/3 cup of tea 1 hour before meals
Sea buckthorn with honey 3 tablespoons of berries are brewed in a glass of boiling water, filtered, 3 tablespoons of honey are added. Take 1 teaspoon on an empty stomach
Infusion of yarrow and buckthorn A mixture of equal parts of herbs is poured into 1 liter of boiling water. Insist 2 hours. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach 1 glass
Licorice root infusion 2 teaspoons of crushed root pour 1 liter of boiling water. Insist during the day and filter. Take 100 ml 3 times a day before meals
, yarrow and celandine Dry grass is poured with 1 liter of boiled milk, insisted in an enamel bowl for 2 hours. Taken throughout the day in small sips

Prevention of gastritis and stomach ulcers

Prevention of recurrence of the disease is the main task of the gastroenterologist. Prevention of gastritis and ulcers includes a number of measures aimed at restoring the full function of the digestive organs and eliminating unpleasant symptoms. The main stages of patient rehabilitation can be noted:

  1. Elimination of provoking factors.
  2. Proper nutrition.
  3. Taking medication to prevent exacerbation.
  4. Phytotherapy.
  5. Physiotherapy.
  6. Spa treatment.

Secondary prevention involves taking medications that restore the function of the gastrointestinal tract and promote tissue healing. Unlike the exacerbation stage, antibacterial substances are not used during remission. Recommended medications are presented in Table 7.

Table 7. Drugs for the prevention of exacerbation of ulcers and gastritis


Pathological conditions of the digestive system, which are characterized by erosive and inflammatory changes, have common causes and mechanisms of development. The symptoms of gastritis and stomach ulcers are often similar. Therefore, only a specialist can find the difference between diseases. In addition, a stomach ulcer is accompanied by inflammation of the gastric mucosa, not only at the site of the defect. A timely appeal to a gastroenterologist is a guarantee of recovery, prevention of relapse and a return to a full life.

How to distinguish gastritis from an ulcer? Gastritis and peptic ulcer are diseases that affect the condition of the walls in the stomach and small intestine.

These diseases have many different characteristic symptomatic manifestations such as pain in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and sudden weight loss.

On the other hand, there are also quite a few differences between them.

Gastritis and peptic ulcer damage the gastric mucosa, but gastritis is a general inflammatory process, and an ulcer is a trophic disorder in the tissues of the gastric mucosa.

Although gastritis and peptic ulcer disease share common symptoms, intense localized pain is much more common with ulcers.

Among other things, ulcers are characterized by high risks of bleeding, malignant tumors and possible perforations in the stomach.

Doctors use different diagnostic measures for each specific disease. The methods of treatment of the two above diseases also differ.

Characteristics of gastritis and ulcers

An ulcer is an erosion in the lining of the stomach or duodenum.

Risk factors such as excessive alcohol consumption, tobacco smoking, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory type medications, and infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori affect the protective epithelial layer of the stomach.

This causes a violation, leading to the formation of an ulcer, which in turn provokes the appearance of:

  • pain;
  • discomfort in the upper parts of the abdominal cavity;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • nausea;
  • heartburn;
  • pain in the chest;
  • lethargy and increased fatigue;
  • frequent desire to vomit;
  • black stool during bowel movements.

An endoscopy procedure and a barium x-ray of the stomach help pinpoint the exact location of the ulcer.

Treatment of the disease consists in the use of eradication therapy for Helicobacter pylori and the simultaneous use of proton pump inhibitors.

This condition can be complicated by the development of a perforated ulcer, which often leads to bleeding, peritonitis, or gastric obstruction.

Gastritis is a process in which the wall of the stomach becomes inflamed. The main causative factors that provoke gastritis are the same as during stomach ulcers:

  1. Alcohol abuse.
  2. Uncontrolled intake of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  3. Infection with a bacterium of the genus Helicobacter pylori.

The intake of certain poisonous substances, the use of narcotic drugs, the presence of psychological stress and the penetration of viral infections into the body also contribute to inflammation of the stomach.

Although most people who have gastritis may have no symptoms at all, many of the symptoms that develop over time are associated with upper abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, and loss of appetite.

The patient's condition may be complicated by black tarry stools and bloody vomiting.

Diagnostic methods include a complete blood count, endoscopy, and tests for the presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori in the body.

Treatment options include the use of antacids, H2 blockers, and proton pump inhibitors, as well as monitoring the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Main differences

How to distinguish a simple inflammation of the stomach from an ulcer? To do this, first of all, it is worth understanding the causative factors of diseases.

Gastritis, inflammation of the stomach wall, has three main primary causes.

First, excessive alcohol consumption, which destroys the protective lining of the stomach and promotes the secretion of hydrochloric acid and inflammation of the stomach wall (i.e., gastritis).

Taking high doses of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as Aspirin or Ibuprofen, is another common cause of gastritis.

This is because these painkillers reduce the ability of the stomach to create prostaglandin, one of the compounds that protect the stomach from hydrochloric acid.

The third reason is a bacterial infection penetrating the gastric mucosa. When bacteria are involved in the inflammatory process, gastritis can develop into an ulcer.

Ulcers in the stomach or duodenum, the first part of the small intestine, are often the result of a bacterial infection.

Typically, 10% of patients suffering from gastritis develop an ulcer.

Doctors are still debating whether stress affects the development of peptic ulcers.

Ulcers can lead to a much more serious disease, so certain tests and examinations are required to establish the correct diagnosis.

The main difference between gastritis and ulcers is found during endoscopic examination. During this procedure, the doctor inserts a narrow tube through the esophagus and into the stomach. Using a camera at the end of the tube, the doctor examines the walls of the stomach and duodenum 12.

The advantage of the procedure is that if the endoscopist finds suspicious areas of tissue, he can immediately perform a biopsy for the presence of a cancerous tumor.

The endoscopy procedure carries little risk, but at the same time is the most reliable diagnostic tool.

Only an experienced doctor can distinguish an ulcer from gastritis. After the doctor draws conclusions regarding the presence of a particular disease, treatment can begin.

Therapy for gastritis and ulcers may vary depending on the individual characteristics of each individual patient.

During gastritis, simple antacids may provide some symptom relief. In more serious cases, the doctor will prescribe drugs that reduce the acidity of the stomach.

These medicines are known as proton pump inhibitors. Along with following the advice of a healthcare professional, patients should also avoid alcohol and NSAIDs.

Antacids are another common treatment for mild cases of ulcers. In more serious situations, the patient will take antibiotics to treat the infection that caused the ulcer.

For most patients, antibiotics are effective and lead to complete recovery. If the ulcer bleeds or perforates the stomach, doctors perform endoscopic surgery.

The patient should not trust the symptoms alone and self-medicate (especially when the person gets worse).

In order to identify a specific disease (distinguish an ulcer from gastritis), a person should definitely contact a gastroenterologist and undergo a complete diagnosis.

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