Love horoscope November Sagittarius.

Horoscope for November 2016 Sagittarius indicates that you will have many opportunities to achieve your goals and earn money. And without deep thought, you will value only what brings material benefits, ignoring the rest. Money will give you a feeling of freedom and will allow you to have fun, a holiday for your soul and body. You will be openly straightforward and even tactless in admiring everything that is dear to your heart and ignoring everything that is unpleasant and does not arouse your enthusiasm. Horoscope for November 2016 Sagittarius indicates that your value system will be tested. You will either achieve great success, or you will face great losses associated with miscalculation, risk and deception. To maintain your luck, you need to learn to value spiritual values ​​as well as material ones. Then you will be able to correctly assess your capabilities and abilities. Correct self-esteem will help you find the path to success, do something that you can do and from which you will receive income. You can use this income to develop a new project. Pay special attention to the idea, documents and relationships with people around you, appreciate their abilities.

Marriage horoscope

It will seem to you that you are not valued, not loved, and not pitied. But you must take into account the fact that you yourself are on the rise and in the eyes of other people, you look like a strong person, and a strong person is not pitied, but respected. Therefore, you should be the first to show signs of attention and love.

For those born under the zodiac sign Sagittarius, November promises to be an active month. There will be many successful opportunities to improve your financial situation. But still, luck awaits only those who have pre-planned their work. At the end of the month, spend time with your relatives and close friends whom you have not seen for a long time.

November is a great time for love relationships. You can turn your old dreams into reality. It is possible that you will go on a romantic trip with your significant other.

During the November period, Sagittarians will be overwhelmed with love for their loved one. There will be a great desire to give love to others. Single representatives of this sign will have a chance to meet their soulmate, the stars recommend taking a closer look around, there is a high probability that your soulmate will be next to you.

November is a great time to strengthen relationships with loved ones and family.

The end of the month will be a fairly calm period. Make time for your relatives, go visit your old friends or acquaintances.

For your career, November promises to be an active month. Representatives of this sign will have a chance to achieve their goals. At work, you will be the center of attention and become the soul of your team.

The middle of the month is a great time to establish contacts with people around you. Colleagues will always respect your opinion and often resort to your advice. November is a productive time. A job whose field of activity is related to sales and trade will be great. Success awaits only those who planned their work in advance.

In the second half of November, Sagittarius will have many successful opportunities to improve their financial situation. There will be great chances to earn more than usual. But still, spend your money wisely.

In November, Sagittarians are filled with a lot of energy. Pay great attention to your figure; physical activity will benefit you.

Carefully monitor your diet, try to get more rest and lead an active lifestyle.

The stars advise Sagittarius to be more calm and patient during the November period!

The most favorable days in November for the zodiac sign Sagittarius: 3, 6, 10, 15, 20, 29.

Less favorable days in November for the zodiac sign Sagittarius: 7, 8, 17, 18, 25.

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Inga Polonskaya.

From 1 to 10 November. The Sun's trine to Neptune will help you enjoy life, immerse yourself in entertainment and pleasant purchases, but you should also take moderation in this. In general, the mood will be romantic. Your partner's support will be unobtrusive, pleasant, and perhaps you won't even suspect it. Events from November 8 to 10 may result in the creation of a strong family union.

From 11 to 20 November. Now you should take stock of the past year, analyze mistakes, enjoy new life experiences, and make plans for the next year. Avoid noisy events. maintain a peaceful state. Long trips are possible, requiring moral courage. determination. November 3, 8, 9 are suitable for romantic meetings. Dating these days can be very significant. From November 17 to 19, there is a high probability of an unexpected gift from a loved one.

From 21 to 30 November. Favorable aspects of the planets will continue to bring you luck. popularity and healing energies throughout the decade. Your attractiveness to the opposite sex will also increase. Communication with your partner will become simpler, easier, without subtext. From November 23 to 27, amorous communication will acquire a special sensuality, but new acquaintances may have hidden selfish motives. On November 30th, you may be struck by a sudden arrow from Cupid.

Family horoscope

Creating a harmonious atmosphere in your home will help you find inner balance. Your family will be able to discover new opportunities and pleasures in the field of joint hobbies, travel, and communication with distant relatives. Children need to find activities that suit their tastes, and then their need to rebel against adult oppression will find a more constructive outlet.

Health horoscope

Treatment procedures will retain their increased effectiveness. From November 4th to November 14th, pay attention to choosing a gentle diet. You can't give in to melancholy. Just allow yourself a “quiet mood” and some quiet breaks. In the days from November 11 to 15, you should avoid emotional, physical and nervous stress.

Horoscope of work and money

Unofficial side jobs can make up an important part of your income, so don’t neglect them. From November 5th, things at work intensify. bosses may start looking for ways to interest you further. From November 10, employment will become more profitable.

Horoscope for November 2016 for Sagittarius men

Love. Apart from significant monetary costs, your Sagittarius will otherwise enjoy numerous benefits and privileges of his amorous life. He will be loved, sexy and interested in romance, mystery and traveling together with his beloved.

Tone. Willpower and periodic bursts of energy can motivate him to great achievements. However, if he succumbs to reckless impulses, he may, instead of creating, create mischief and completely deplete his energy potential. It is important for Sagittarius to have a sense of proportion, then endurance will last for a long time. At the beginning of November, peace and meditation are needed.

Finance. The main threat can be considered waste on beauty. luxurious lifestyle under the influence of Uranus squaring Pluto. Losses due to unprofitable purchases and sales are also possible. Otherwise, additional profits are expected. new options for part-time jobs.

Job. The period is favorable for sending out resumes and interviews, concluding employment contracts. From November 4 to November 15, rapid career growth is possible. In the first half of November, scientific activity will bring not only satisfaction and recognition, but also benefits. From November 15th it will be easy to achieve your goals.

Friends. Until November 5, friendliness will help you make new acquaintances. From November 11 to 19, his relationships with friends will become trusting. On November 15, some relationships with friends may not stand the test.

Leisure. Sagittarius can immerse themselves in the study of literature to improve their professional level. From 8 to 19 November it is worth setting aside time for sporting events.

Read also the horoscope for other zodiac signs for November 2016:

In November, it will be quite natural to feel the desire to retire, to be alone with yourself. Even if such a state is usually unusual for you, you should not be afraid of it. The time has come to understand your inner experiences, feelings, and motives. And it will certainly be difficult to do this in a noisy company. Therefore, go out more often for walks in the fresh air, during which you ask yourself questions to which you would like answers, and then switch your attention to the landscape around you or to the pace of your movement. This way, you will make a request to receive information from space without getting hung up or attached to the result. And this is the main guarantee that the answer will certainly come to you. All you have to do is be attentive to the signs, events and people that fate will send you.

The last ten days of the month will create situations for you in which you will need to act decisively and take initiative.

Favorable days:: 3, 6, 10, 15, 20, 29.

Unfavorable days:: 7, 8, 17, 18, 25.

Love, family

In November, it's time to learn how to show unconditional love and perform selfless acts. Go beyond your family, apartment, house. Look around, there’s probably a lonely old woman or a single mother with two children in her arms living next door to you. Show care, attention and understanding to the people who live around you, without expecting anything in return. Open your heart and set a worthy example of humanism to your children. After all, virtues are learned not in fairy tales, but by doing things in real life. And if you prefer helping animals or working on environmental issues, choose by listening to yourself. After all, the main thing is to do everything according to your soul and enjoy it.

As for romantic love, most likely you already have a secret admirer, whose passion and feelings you can only guess about. But soon everything secret will become clear. Be patient. And if you yourself are inflamed with passion and are afraid to admit it, take your time, allow the feeling to ripen, because at the end of the month, you will have the opportunity to admit your feelings without fear of being rejected.

Work, finances

Feel free to continue working on previously started tasks. This month you will hear your intuition and inner voice well, which will help you avoid mistakes. However, you need to beware of unclear working conditions and all kinds of murky, shady proposals. Don’t get involved in adventures and don’t believe promising offers from people you don’t know. Approach everything rationally and soberly. Remember that at this time a bird in the hand is certainly better than a pie in the sky.

At the end of the month, feel free to take the initiative and be active in action.

Health, beauty

It's time to pay attention to issues of the genitourinary system and intestines. Again, be careful not to be exposed to drafts, which can provoke inflammatory processes. Avoid unprotected casual sex. Prefer regular sex with your loved one, which is the key to sexual and emotional health. But if, nevertheless, unpleasant symptoms appear, do not delay visiting the doctor.

To prevent intestinal diseases, first of all, ensure proper nutrition. This month, an abundance of spicy and salty foods, as well as excess food of animal origin, is especially not recommended. Eat more often, but in smaller portions, drink clean water between meals, and be sure to eat fresh fruits or vegetables daily. And of course, provide yourself with physical activity. Even if it's a lazy morning exercise. The main thing is that it is regular.

Sagittarius horoscope for November 2016.

In November 2016, Sagittarius better keep their hands in their pockets! But not because someone will try to get in there. But because if they see your free hands, they will definitely grab them and start pulling! Moreover, there is a high probability that you will be pulled in different directions. Therefore, so that in November 2016 you do not get sucked into various kinds of scams, adventures and entertainment, try to keep your hands in your pockets! Of course, there is nothing wrong with adventures and entertainment, but in November 2016 you will not be very friendly with the “bar”. Therefore, here too there is a high probability that in the last month of autumn, it may fall for you, and you will allow yourself much more than is permitted. And if Sagittarius goes on a spree, binge, or other “for...”, then this usually does not end well. Therefore, just in case, keep your hands in your pockets - this will allow you to at least take a break for a while and think about whether to agree to the offer or not. So in November 2016, Sagittarius needs to be prepared for the following dialogue: “What are you doing? - I love you, I miss you, I miss you so much. I dream about you every night, I can’t live without you. And you? “I’m eating sausage...” Moreover, Sagittarians should be the ones who eat sausage!

In any case (even if you “eat sausage,” as we recommend), the horoscope for November 2016 promises you many events, meetings, and perhaps even trips and trips. New acquaintances may appear, and your weak character (in November) may captivate you and drag you somewhere towards new ideas, dreams and horizons. To make it clearer, let’s say, Sagittarius, are you familiar with that awkward moment when everyone stopped laughing 5 minutes ago, but not you? It is precisely these awkward moments that your November will consist of. Therefore, it would be best if for a month you transfer the right to decide for you to those whom you trust. To your loved ones, parents, friends, or management. For those who will be more adequate and serious in November 2016. Because the most your independence will be enough for in November is chapped lips. The skin was torn off. Ate it.

For November Sagittarius, the horoscope recommends celebrating their birthday somewhere outside the home. Well, this year it is better for adults and family Sagittarius to abandon the format of “hen parties” or “stag parties” and celebrate your birthday with your significant other. This is especially true for Sagittarius women, who in November can write to their loved ones: “Darling, I went to celebrate D.R. with the girls. I'll be late, drunk, and probably not alone. If anything, you are my brother."

Horoscope for November 2016 Sagittarius favorable days are 2, 5, 15, 19, 20, 24, 26 and 30.

Horoscope for November 2016 Sagittarius unfavorable days - The world would not have been created if its CREATOR had thought about how to cause trouble to anyone, or that there would be unfavorable days in this World.

Horoscope for November 2016 Sagittarius career, work and business. Working Sagittarius should try to pay special attention to the professional sphere. And first of all, so that your personal life does not affect your professional sphere and ability to work. November 2016 can be very, very productive for you. Therefore, try to keep work meetings short and constructive. So that conversations and negotiations over a cup of coffee do not last 1.5 hours. And it was quick and businesslike, and they didn’t even give your “Americano” a chance to cool down.

Career horoscope for November 2016 Sagittarius suggests that you can even take risks somewhere, make bold plans, and even fantasies. Creative ideas, humor and bold decisions will be welcomed by clients, partners and management. It will be good if in November 2016 you forget about your suspicion. Otherwise, you may accidentally find yourself in a situation: “What happened? - Nothing. “Then why do you look like you just cleaned the toilet with my toothbrush?” Although in fact, no one cleaned anything with a brush behind your back. Perhaps some money was shared without you - yes, this is possible. But this is possible not only in November. Just in November this is unlikely, since the horoscope for November indicates that you will be able to significantly improve your financial situation.

Horoscope for November 2016 Sagittarius Finance. As we have already said, the horoscope for November indicates that you will be able to significantly improve your financial situation. The only thing that can prevent you from doing this is, again, your stormy personal life, which we have already warned about above. This is especially true for Sagittarius men. So the situation “your eyes saw tits of the fourth size, your head began to spin, your heart began to pound, your trousers became tight... And only your wallet trembled and hid from fear...” is quite possible for you in November 2016. Therefore, control yourself and keep your hands in your pockets.

Love horoscope for November 2016 Sagittarius. Horoscope for November 2016 Sagittarius Love. In geometry at school everyone learned that there are acute, obtuse and right angles. But if you have ever tried to hang wallpaper yourself, then you know that there are still crooked corners, and in nature they are the majority! These are precisely the crooked angles that may arise in the personal lives of some Sagittarius in November 2016. Therefore, family Sagittarius and Sagittarius in relationships in November 2016 should try to avoid all kinds of geometric shapes - love triangles, squares, polygons, etc. To avoid getting into crooked corners.

Yes, and other Sagittarians who are not burdened with relationships in November 2016 are better off avoiding relationships where “misunderstandings”, understatements and crooked angles may arise.

Horoscope for November 2016 Sagittarius advises meeting with relatives, loved ones and friends as often as possible - well, those who are almost like relatives. This will allow you to maintain harmony in your relationships, even despite your busy workload and busy month. In addition, be attentive to the interests of your loved ones and your significant other; sincere conversations and even frankness can once again bring you closer to the people you love. And most importantly, they will help you avoid the tempting search for adrenaline “on the side.”

Lonely and active Sagittarius should also avoid “crooked angles” in November 2016. Don't waste time on meetings and relationships that lead nowhere. November 2016 can give you meetings and acquaintances in which all the angles, like in simple geometric figures, are straight, and which will fit perfectly into your home. Therefore, it is better to replace your desire to have fun in November 2016 with the desire for a new relationship, and you will have a chance that your wish will come true!

So November 2016 will be just that rare occasion when Sagittarius is better off not wearing red panties! Because there is no guarantee that this will lead to the right results! Like in a situation when you decide to wash, and all the T-shirts and shirts are dyed, but for some reason the red panties are not! Therefore, in November 2016, it is better to wear white underwear - for Sagittarius in November 2016, the demand will be ensured!

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