Horoscope for March Pisces career. Love, family and friendship

At the beginning of spring, Pisces are in a great mood. The influences of the planets are favorable, personal life promises to be stable and harmonious. In a relationship with a loved one, you are objective, guided not only by emotions and feelings, but also by common sense.

The planet of love Venus in March 2018 is located in the house of money Pisces, you are guided mainly by practical interests, and romance attracts you less. In a love relationship, you want confidence and prefer tangible attentions. You will be more convinced of the feelings of your beloved gifts than beautiful words of love and walks under the moon. However, remember that everything should be within reasonable limits.

As of March 23, 2018, Mercury, the ruler of Pisces partner's house, is moving in the opposite direction, inviting you to remember the past and work on your mistakes. Retrograde Mercury will help analyze love relationships, draw conclusions and, based on this, make plans for the future. If you want to reconnect with a person you once broke up with, then the time is quite right for this, because retro Mercury tends to return the past. But starting a new relationship is not recommended, their prospects will be vague.

As for family life, this month the priorities are financial affairs, property, distribution of money in the family. Issues related to loans, debts, and investments will require a lot of attention. Spouses can expect achievements: the growth of family wealth, successful purchases, etc.

Pisces career and finance horoscope for March 2018

Until March 20, 2018, the Sun is in your sign, charging you with energy for high accomplishments. You will experience a wave of creative inspiration. A dynamic time awaits you, productive for work and career. New profitable cooperation, success in the intellectual and creative fields - all this is very likely.

Pisces will begin to actively rebuild their professional life. Some will leave jobs they hate and look for things they love; others will improve working conditions at an existing job, and someone will take on a completely new business project. You may be pressed for time because you have many plans and only two hands. Try to use your resources correctly, organize your working day so that you have enough time for yourself.

Money is a special topic, because this month the Sun, Venus and Mercury transit through the house of money Pisces. In addition, Uranus has been located here for a long time, and its influence makes this topic even more relevant. You will put in a lot of effort to increase your income. You can also count on luck. Representatives of your sign are resourceful and will find opportunities to make good money.

Profit is likely higher than usual, receiving unplanned sums of money, bonuses, bonuses, etc. Money can come from unexpected sources. However, there is a tendency to spend too much, so reasonable limits are needed. The stars are advising you to stay on budget and avoid unjustified purchases.


Throughout the month you are in good physical shape, but this does not mean that you can not think about health. Spring has come - it's time for renewal. It's time to get rid of bad habits, go in for sports, start eating healthy food, spend active and fun leisure time. Laughter, like sports, strengthens the immune system and prolongs life, and an optimistic attitude helps to cope with the problems that stand in the way of success.

Rely on your strength! Now it is not so clear who is friend and who is foe.

Pisces in March will begin to actively change their usual life. Moreover, the changes affect all spheres of life. Representatives of the sign seem to wake up from a long sleep in which they have been for a long time. And while the stars are favorable, you should have time to seize the moment and do what you have wanted for so long.

In early March, it is better to do things that can bring real pleasure. It can be establishing personal contacts, improving your skills, designing your own apartment, or working on the shape of your body. But in connection with their hobby, Pisces may begin to experience a severe shortage of free time, and this will also affect their well-being.

Fatigue will accumulate, attention will scatter, and in this state it will be difficult to maintain the pace taken. The stars advise you to properly distribute your resources and not try to cover the immensity, trying to do everything in one day. Otherwise, you risk simply not completing what you started and thus not getting the expected result.

In the middle of the month, it is worth spending as much time as possible with relatives. The support of loved ones and long conversations in the family circle will help you find peace within yourself. Such a pastime will help to briefly move away from pressing matters and thereby gain a second wind.

Pisces Woman Horoscope for March 2020

Pisces women at the very beginning of the month will be in a good mood. They will begin to look at the world with optimism, and the smile will not leave their faces. And in such a situation, they will attract increased attention from others. This will allow them to become even more determined and bold. So by the middle of the month, some Pisces women will be able to achieve certain goals.

But then a series of trials may begin, which will have to be passed with dignity and with your head held high. Your reputation may be threatened by envious people who have long been accustomed to your success.

And here it is necessary not to succumb to the inner impulse and not to start using the tool chosen by the competitors. Only a respectful attitude towards yourself and self-esteem will allow you to get out of any dirty situation with the least losses.

At the end of the month, stars are advised to remain objective, especially with regard to their partner. Emerging doubts and fears should be suppressed, otherwise you may find persistent insecurity in a person who is next to you without any reason.

Pisces Man March Horoscope 2020

Many Pisces men in March will begin to shift all their daily duties to others. They will be seized by internal apathy, which does not allow them to discover their potential and start moving forward. However, this condition should soon pass, as you will have important matters that require immediate attention.

And here, colossal energy and willpower will be required, since a comfortable sofa will constantly pop up in memory, attracting with its comfort. So many of you will have a kind of struggle with yourself, the outcome of which depends on the quality of your life.

Do not forget about common sense in March. Sometimes Pisces men reach the point of absurdity, coming up with their own plot developments, which may be far from reality. And if it is difficult to understand the current situation on your own, then you can always use the help of a close friend or colleague who inspires confidence.

At the end of the month, you need to try not to succumb to manipulation, even if they come from the woman you love. It’s also better not to be provocative, if you don’t want to then indulge in lengthy proceedings and showdown. It is better to treat everything with humor and some irony.

The outgoing 2017 brought a lot of trouble to the paired water sign in all areas, and especially the Fire Rooster managed to ruin things on the amorous front. The dual nature of the representatives of the sign is already extremely vulnerable, and constant quarrels with the chosen one even more made you doubt your attractiveness. A good Dog will not test this sign for strength, and therefore things will go smoothly. What exactly to expect from the new period, the love horoscope for Pisces for 2018 will tell.

General love horoscope for Pisces for 2018

2018 will pass quite calmly, of course, if the Pisces themselves do not wish to set off in search of adventure. Those who were born in March will probably want to have a little fun, because they are more enterprising and quicker than the February representatives of the sign. They are waiting for dates and passionate novels, but the cunning people are not going to develop relationships or take their partner seriously. It is important for them to regain faith in themselves, and for this you can turn anyone's head, especially since the partner will not hold a grudge against them.

The February Pisces will have completely different priorities, they will strive for a serious relationship and creating a family. All forces will be thrown to achieve the goal, and already at the beginning of spring, representatives of the sign will meet their soul mate. It will not do without curiosities: excessive suspiciousness can create problems in communicating with the chosen one.

Tamara Globa in her horoscope for Pisces focuses on the financial well-being of this sign this year, and not on success in love

Family Pisces will have to calmly survive the year, finally, peace and tranquility will reign in the house. Pisces men will stop rushing about in doubt, and will focus on their beloved and children. For married ladies, things will also go uphill, but you should not be tempted to flirt on the side.

From the point of view of Vasilisa Volodina, this year Pisces will not be left alone. If they do not meet their happiness, they will definitely guess where and how to find it. But for this they will have to decisively get rid of stupid doubts and learn to read the signs sent by fate.

You should not be afraid of past mistakes, it is better to focus on what exactly you want from a new relationship. If something went wrong in January or February, you should talk frankly with your partner, and not suffer from doubts and understatement.

What awaits women and men of this zodiac sign in winter

Some Pisces will dare to go for their soul mate in the truest sense of the word to the ends of the world in December

Single fish will finally feel needed, and the relationship that began in early February will bring many happy moments. Representatives of the stronger sex will determine their desires and stop rushing from one extreme to another. Girls, on the contrary, will be in the spotlight, their charms will be experienced by everyone around them.

The horoscope from Pavel Globa clearly hints that it is impossible to lock yourself up and spend time alone, because the most important events should happen this winter. Those who belong to this zodiac sign need to get together and find the strength to open themselves to the world.

Couples will have to go through many exciting moments, but all of them will be associated only with joyful events. The stars are arranged in such a way that the spouses will understand each other perfectly, and all omissions and quarrels will be left behind. Pisces men will delight their halves with flowers and sweets, and beautiful representatives of the sign will be able to create a real family idyll.

What will spring be like?

In the spring, Pisces will gain a second wind, charm will become their hallmark. The favorable location of Venus will not let you get bored, because interesting events will occur at every step.

Vasilisa Volodina warns that moderation should be observed in amorous adventures, otherwise emotional burnout cannot be avoided.

The most romantically pleasant are the first and second decades of March.

For singles, this time of year will bring a lot of opportunities to show their best side in front of the opposite sex, especially for girls in April and May. Lovely ladies will be out of competition, and therefore they will not have to stay single for a long time.

Men, on the contrary, will prefer serious relationships to non-binding relationships, they will surround the chosen one with such attention that they are guaranteed to achieve her favor.

Couples will have to go through a new stage in the development of relationships and achieve spiritual unity with a partner. Harmonization of relationships in the intimate sphere will have a beneficial effect on those who are on the verge of parting.

What's in store for the summer

In the summer, no special events are foreseen, especially since Rybka will prefer to relax and start restoring their wasted strength. But this does not mean at all that Venus will not give them some love and romance.

Single Pisces men in June-July will enjoy freedom, and any hints of a serious relationship will cause them negative emotions. Girls will prefer a calm relationship with a proven admirer, the courtship of other men will leave them indifferent.

In August, Pisces men should pay more attention to their appearance and manners in order to find a worthy passion.

Married couples, on the contrary, will be full of enthusiasm, will bring novelty to the relationship. But not everything is so smooth: the stars warn that you should not provoke your spouse to jealousy, this will not lead to anything good.

What to expect in autumn

Autumn will be rich in pleasant surprises, especially since many single Pisces will decide to settle down and legitimize relationships. Pavel Globa especially notes this period, since usually impulsive Pisces will be extremely thorough and reasonable, and the decision to marry will be made after careful consideration.

In the life of married couples, everything will be unusually quiet and calm. Pisces men will become a real stronghold for loved ones; children will adore them, and the wife will appreciate all the virtues of her husband in a new way.

In November, Pisces will become melancholic. To prevent the blues from turning into real depression, seek help from a partner

Loners will go all out without missing a single fun party. The stars are advised to look around, even if Pisces does not look after anyone to their liking, then at least they will understand which particular chosen one is of interest to them now. The stronger sex will be treated kindly by the ladies, but for the time being, they will not be interested in a serious relationship. Girls, on the other hand, will engage in self-digging, looking for the cause of failures in themselves. But they won’t be enough for a long time, and already in September a chance meeting with a handsome man will develop into a serious hobby, and perhaps even take over the last month, December.

From the point of view of Pavel Globa, 2018 will be very favorable for Pisces. Single representatives of the sign will be able to start new relationships, and married couples will live a year in love.

Pisces will be bored only if they do nothing and wait for the prince to appear on the horizon. What did you do for this? Spend all your free time at home within four walls, and do not even communicate with anyone. Do not drive yourself into the framework, it's time to implement Napoleonic plans. Have you ever wanted to have a man? Everything is in your hands, start going to cafes, clubs and karaoke with your girlfriends and get acquainted with excellent specimens. March 2018 is ready to please Rybka with pleasant surprises. Difficult tasks will be submitted to energetic representatives of this sign very quickly, the boss will definitely notice your zeal and allow you to prove yourself. Feel free to say what you think. The country has long been a democracy, and others are going to listen to you with interest. Couples in love will give each other positive emotions and inspiring feelings, from which wings appear behind their backs.

The cheating fish will look back and analyze their dishonest behavior. Loyalty is above all, and it is worth devoting your life to only one person. At work, everything is stable and you can continue to walk every day and delight everyone around with your smile. Everything suits you, isn't that the most important thing? Health problems will arise in mid-March, the flu virus can knock you down. That is why all necessary measures should be taken as soon as possible: drink a vitamin course, eat fresh vegetables and fruits. Do not sit near the computer for a long time, not only plant your eyesight, but also say goodbye to sleep patterns. It will be difficult then to feel a surge of energy, vigor and strength, there are so many temptations around.

Favorable days in March 2018 for Pisces: 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 16, 19, 22, 25, 29.

Love horoscope for March 2018 Pisces

The Yellow Dog has sent her loyal subject Cupid to help you improve your personal life. Pisces tend to dramatize, dive headlong into memories and "enjoy" loneliness. Only now time inexorably runs, and you all stand still. The impossible is possible, isn't it? While you feel sorry for yourself, you can not expect anything good from fate. We need positive emotions, new acquaintances and meetings, only in this situation we can hope for vivid impressions. Who knows, maybe feelings will flare up for a person who has always been by your side, but you did not notice him? Wouldn't it be time to move a friend from the category of "best" to the category of "beloved"? He is just waiting for this moment, you are a real tidbit for him. True, you behave like a typical Fish, you don’t give any signs of attention. Smile more, men like cheerful babies. Tune in to the positive, because all the good things are ahead. The main thing is not to waste your money on handsome womanizers who make eyes at you.

Wait for your one and only man, sincere and with a great sense of humor. With this one, it will definitely be interesting for you to spend time together, here it is real luck. At the end of March 2018, there will be a chance to start a serious relationship, do not miss it. Couples in love continue to enjoy each other, solving household problems as they become available. Well, he scatters his socks around the room, don't get mad. And you behave like a little girl, do not give him freedom and constantly put pressure on the most painful place. It is better to express everything at once in person than to accumulate these emotions. You will see, it becomes much easier. Seed pairs should be given each other as much attention as possible. Caring for your soulmate is the most important thing. You must cope with this mission, otherwise it simply cannot be. Listen to the opinion of the dearest person in the world, he definitely will not advise bad.

For Pisces, the most important thing is to find a compromise solution, only in this way, and not otherwise, it will be possible to achieve harmony in the family. No dates on the day of the new moon on March 17, you may be covered with a wave of disappointment. It is better to have dinner at home and watch your favorite movie.

Finance Horoscope for March 2018 Pisces

Representatives of this zodiac sign must try very hard to replenish their bank account with money. If you continue to lie on the couch, this venture is unlikely to bring you financial well-being. Be patient, reconsider your attitude towards people. You can be too harsh, you should learn to get rid of negative emotions, and not accumulate them in yourself for months. Sooner or later, there comes a moment when all these emotions spill out, and all that remains is to observe everything that happens from the side.

Protect yourself to the maximum from experiences, they are of no use to you. Pisces can succeed if they set realistic goals for themselves. The representatives of the weaker sex are ready to overcome all obstacles and difficulties, the right motivation will be enough. The main assistant in achieving goals will be a strong friendly shoulder. Do not refuse the help of loved ones and relatives who are ready to sacrifice free time for you. An excess of emotions, in fact, as well as a lack, can become a real problem for Pisces. Working in a team does not always allow you to open up, bring all your ideas to life. Your boss doesn't notice you, what should you do? Don't try to draw attention to your humble person, just do your job and don't stay up late. Thoughts about starting your own business are visiting you more and more often, start with start-up capital. No money? Then it is worth postponing the obsession until better times. Do not forget that a hobby can become a source of your additional income.

Everything is very simple, you do what you love and get money as a reward. The second half is ready to support you emotionally and psychologically, together you will confidently overcome all obstacles in your path. It is not recommended to meet with partners on March 2 and 31 - full moon days promise nothing but loss of money. It is necessary to work for the benefit of your own business every day, only in this situation you will definitely be able to take a step towards your dream.

Health Horoscope for March 2018 Pisces

Seasonal diseases attack the poor and unfortunate representatives of this sign. Pisces are big fans of walking without a hat and scarf in winter, and even in the first month of spring the weather can be too deceptive. Take note of this, if you do not stop behaving like this, one of the many unpleasant chronic diseases awaits you. It's one thing to always look good, a lady can't go out without "war paint", and another thing is health care. The doctor will not advise bad, follow all his recommendations and be extremely attentive to your health. Self-medication will not help, and the antibiotics you choose may not be effective. Avoid large crowds, here it is a hotbed of viral diseases. Change the metro and public transport for a taxi, you can ride around the city for several days to the detriment of your financial condition. Those who have been driving cars for a long time are lucky, you will be able to avoid diseases that are transmitted by airborne droplets to the maximum.

Problems with the digestive system will make themselves felt, you should adjust the diet. The first vegetables and fruits are always with nitrates, so do not abuse your favorite salads, and everything will be fine. The body needs chocolates, gummies and delicious non-alcoholic cocktails. No alcohol and cigarettes, just a healthy lifestyle. At work, you spend the whole day at the computer and after work come and immediately sit down at the computer, is it really possible? Go to the optometrist and he will write you glasses. On the one hand, you will look simply stunning, this accessory will complement any image you have created. But on the other hand, this suggests that it will be necessary to maintain vision, to ensure that it does not fall. Big changes are planned in the life of Pisces, the main intrigue, will you be able to cope with the problems that have piled up? Take care of yourself, try to sleep at least 6 hours a day and look positively at the world. Only in this situation will you feel not only cheerful in the morning, but also throughout the day.

Read your horoscope for March 2018 for other zodiac signs:

People born under the sign of Pisces will be very active during this period. Many changes will be wanted, and they will be made. As the horoscope for March 2018 predicts, Pisces will want to change the situation at work, or maybe even the place of work, to sort out their personal lives. There will be enough strength and energy, but there will be no time and resources. Do not try to do several things at the same time, because you can miss the main thing or do nothing. In relationships with loved ones and loved ones, it is recommended to be sane, and not be guided only by emotions. This will help you avoid trouble in your personal life. Pisces should not be shy about asking others for help. Relatives will be happy to help, and you will get precious time to complete a few more important things.

At the beginning of the month, stability and harmony are expected. This applies to both personal life and career. At this time, it is best to concentrate on the main aspects of daily duties. Work is recommended to be done well, household duties should also be under your close attention. Don't miss out on the details. It is better to arrange routine matters now, so that later you can fully devote yourself to working on more complex and interesting projects. You can't forget about family. Try to make time to connect with your family.

The middle of the month is an inspirational period. This will be a time for creative accomplishments and feats in the name of love. Representatives of the sign will experience great attraction to members of the opposite sex. Pisces, March 2018 promises to be rich enough for nice bonuses. For a successful combination of circumstances, you need to be more original and not be lazy. Only the future depends on the people themselves, how their further professional and personal life will develop.

The end of the month will bring peace and stability. Everything that was planned and needed to be done has been done. Nothing to worry about. There will be time to analyze the work done, relationships with other people, decide on plans for the future. Self-improvement is the main occupation of Pisces during this period. Take care of your health and fitness. You can start with sporting events.

Auspicious days: 1, 4, 14, 21, 27.

Unfavorable days: 2, 6, 10, 11, 13, 15, 25, 29, 31


The Pisces horoscope for March 2018 does not promise an easy ride when it comes to health. Yes, a healthy person may not worry, but you should be away from crowds of people. A lot of infection can be picked up in such conditions. It is better to be outdoors more, while dressing for the weather. Some people go out completely naked at the slightest warming. Often this approach leads to various diseases.

Those who are already ill should consult a doctor. Self-medication is prohibited! Not knowing which drugs are best for you can backfire.

Improper nutrition is the main causative agent of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Constant snacking on the go and fast food can lead to diarrhea or constipation, gastritis or ulcers. Try to improve your diet and diet. This question is best addressed to a nutritionist. Such a specialist will prescribe the most appropriate diet and explain the reasons for his choice.

Spring is great for physical activity. It will be especially correct to go in for sports in March. After the winter cold, you need to put the body in order, increase tone and resistance to diseases and stress. Going to the gym and swimming in the pool will have a positive effect on the well-being of Pisces. Representatives of the zodiac with poor eyesight will also urgently need to solve the problem. Wearing glasses is the surest and most effective way to get rid of nearsightedness or farsightedness, besides it is stylish and fashionable.


At work, everything for Pisces should be good, quiet and calm. But in order to achieve such stability, it is necessary to qualitatively fulfill one's duties, instructions from superiors, and listen to the advice of colleagues. You don’t need to be too naive either, but in every case you need to know when to stop. Too daring is not very liked. Don't forget your dreams and ambitions. Go to your goal systematically and methodically. Do not force things, but do not stand still. In 2018, you can and should easily make new acquaintances in the professional field.

March is the perfect time to start your own business. Those who already have a business will be able to develop it. In general, at this time, Pisces will be able to realize all their ideas and plans. Support should be expected from a loved one, and not from rich and influential people. However, such connections will not interfere in the future. If you have the opportunity to get to know each other, feel free to get in touch.


The better Pisces will work, the more stable their earnings will be. There is a possibility of getting a pay raise. Owners of their own business will feel the results of their efforts. The long-awaited profit will finally make the person happy, although there may not be so much money as expected.

The golden mountains of Rabam do not shine, but you can live. Therefore, you should not mindlessly spend money, get into adventures and anger the boss.


Many meetings, hints and trials await representatives of the sign in March. As recommended by the love horoscope for March 2018, Pisces should not show their feelings too much. But in the last week, you need to tell everyone about your feelings and emotions. You need to be a more open person, then you will meet a long-awaited companion or life partner.

For Pisces already in a relationship, the period will not be easy. We'll have to come to terms with the whims of the second half. It is better to warn about your possible emotional breakdowns in advance so that the partner tries to avoid such a development of events or a sudden quarrel with consequences does not come as a surprise to him.

Man - Pisces

The representatives of the stronger sex will want to plunge into the sea of ​​strong love feelings. As predicted by the horoscope for March 2018, Pisces - a man will be sensual, even too much, so much so that he can make a scandal at the slightest pretext. You should control yourself and not give in to emotions. This month, men will be more engaged in self-knowledge and personal improvement. Spiritual growth will have a beneficial effect.

Woman - Pisces

Confidence and growth of authority promises the horoscope for March 2018, Pisces - a woman will feel like an independent and strong personality. All friends and acquaintances will turn to her for advice. Often you will have to solve other people's problems. Be prepared for this. The main occupation in March 2018 for Pisces women will be building relationships with others and helping to solve their problems.