A good wife should be a saying. A woman should always remain the mistress of the situation

Of course, I'm not a psychologist. But if someone asked me my opinion about what is the root cause of most divorces, I would answer without hesitation that the cause of this is discord in bed between spouses. Adults don't really have that many pleasures in life. You can say everything right out of the blue: eat deliciously, sleep well and have a good sex - let's call a spade a spade. Yes, it is worth paying tribute to the majority of Russian women. They cook delicious food, lots and lots of variety. The mattress is chosen soft, the bed linen smells of lilies of the valley and it is pleasant to sleep on it. But here is the problem with the third point. The devil knows why our precious ones still have such words as "indecent" and "uncomfortable" in their minds. Straight horror. The USSR was ruined by bastards when else. It was not sex in him, although the demographics went off scale with might and main. And now I will say this: it is inconvenient to tuck a fur coat into shorts, and it is indecent to walk naked through the streets. But everything that happens under the family blanket is decent and convenient.

You do not get angry, dear women, unnecessarily. And wind on your mustache. Yes, the traditional performance of marital duties in the missionary position suits us for the first two or three years. I love borscht. But as much as I love him, I can't eat only him all my life. So it is in bed. It's delicious, it's good, but boring. That is why a year, three, five years of cohabitation are considered a critical time for couples. The run is explained by the patience and shyness of the man. One borsch can eat for a year, and then demand caviar by slamming his fist on the table. The second will choke on borscht for three years, and then unobtrusively hint at oatmeal. The third, having had enough of borsch to the very tomatoes, having not received a variety of diet, will leave to look for pineapples in another store.

Something carried me into metaphors ... To put it simply, if your man already wanted you standing, in the kitchen, in front of an open window and with the light on, well, give him this caviar! I mean, sex. And if this is inconvenient and indecent for you, then do not be offended.

Of course, this concept only makes sense to realize if your man isn't some dirty pervert. If he, shyly looking down at the floor, offers you to try something from the list, which in strict order lies on the table of any psychiatrist, then drive him in the neck. Straightaway.

P.S. The name should in no way offend beautiful ladies, because it implies the correspondence of one of the components of the old wise truth "A wife should be a mistress in the kitchen, a lady in the living room, a whore in the bedroom."

Signs of a good hostess. How to be the perfect host.

Who is a good hostess?

A woman is given the most responsible and important role in society, she must be the keeper of the hearth, constantly creating warmth and comfort in her home. A delicious dinner, a happy family and a clean house - these are the main signs by which you can identify a real hostess, who does not forget about herself. Remember that a woman should always be a woman, even when cooking in the kitchen or gardening. And so that housekeeping does not take all your time and you can pay attention to yourself, you need to properly plan the implementation of all women's duties. A good housewife will do it competently, without depriving her loved ones of warmth and care and without turning into a tortured creature in a dressing gown and curlers.

Becoming a truly good hostess is not easy. To do this, you need to train in yourself a number of qualities that will help keep the house in perfect order. A lot of books and manuals have been written about this, telling about the purpose of a woman and ways to improve her skills in housekeeping. But often such literature requires the impossible from a woman, and in trying to achieve the ideal, women are simply exhausted and lose all hope. However, do not despair. Everything is much easier than it seems. In order for your family and friends to be proud of you and set you as an example, you just need to know a few secrets and little tricks that will make you an ideal hostess.

Family budget

One of the main tasks of a good housewife is keeping a family record. Moreover, this should be a competent distribution of funds, and not a waste of money. Always write down all your expenses and family income. After each trip to the store, do not be too lazy to devote a few minutes to such an important task as counting waste. Make sure that all your purchases were necessary, and you did not purchase unnecessary or unnecessary things. To avoid such mistakes, before going shopping, make a clear list, which will indicate only the essentials, and when you come to the store, strictly follow the prepared list. Then your costs will always be moderate and provided, and the amount in the check from the store will not come as a surprise to you.


Further, in order to have time to complete a lot of things, both large and small, of which the hostess has more than enough, you need to be able to properly manage your time. At the beginning of the day, plan out all your activities, roughly calculating how much time you need for each session. Then prioritize them and get to work. Perhaps some of them can be combined and thus carve out some free time for yourself. For example, putting the cake in the oven, you can have time to wash the dishes or wipe the dust. Do not forget that even while doing household chores, you should always look at the highest level, giving yourself at least half an hour every day to carry out the necessary cosmetic procedures.

Reserves and savings

A good hostess will always be aware of what is happening in her kitchen. All food stocks are at your disposal and your task is to monitor their quantity and replenish them in time. The best way to save yourself from the daily hustle and bustle of shopping in search of the necessary small products, spices or cereals, is to make purchases with a margin. When you once again notice that the amount of food is coming to an end, do not be too lazy to buy more food and put them in the “in reserve” locker. So you will not only be sure that everything you need will always be at your fingertips, but also significantly save the family budget, having the opportunity to save money for some major purchase.

culinary skills

Any real hostess should not only cook deliciously, but also be able to feed sudden guests, having in her stock a few simple and quick recipes. In addition, you need to constantly improve your culinary skills, pleasantly surprising and delighting your family members with delicious and unusual dishes. A good housewife's husband is always full and satisfied, because he knows that after work, not only a loving woman will be waiting for him, but also a warm dinner. Caring for your loved ones and meeting their needs are the key to excellent family relationships and mutual understanding between family members. The ability to maintain harmony and harmony in the house is also considered a hallmark of a good housewife.


Do not forget about cleaning the house, which is one of the first places in the list of duties of a good hostess. Your home should always be clean and tidy. Daily wet cleaning should be a systematic exercise for you that cannot be neglected and put off until later. For general cleaning, it is best to choose a specific day of the week, and it is better that it falls on a weekend. Then you can involve all members of your family in cleaning, which will greatly facilitate your task. If there is a clearly marked day for cleaning, you will be able to accurately plan your schedule, and the apartment will always be in excellent condition.

Remember that a good housewife does all the housework without prejudice to herself and always remains attractive and feminine. Don't forget to spend some time on your appearance and update your wardrobe with trendy outfits. Your spouse will appreciate this skill, because every man wants his woman to be not only an excellent cook, but also a secular lady who knows how to behave in society. If you really want to become an ideal hostess, do not put it off until later and start developing the necessary traits and qualities in yourself right now.

Two friends meet:
- I heard that you recently got married, they say that your wife is a queen at a party, a mistress in the kitchen, a prostitute in bed?
- I'm already divorced. She turned out to be a queen in the kitchen, a mistress in bed, a prostitute at a party.

1 year ago

[best of the day] [top of the week] [best of the month] [random joke]

Two men meet
- Heard you got married?
- Yes, and my wife is cool - both in the kitchen and in bed!
- But how does she manage to do everything?
- Yes, I made a bed for her in the kitchen ...

Does your wife spend a lot of time in the kitchen?
- Oh yeah!
“Is she a good hostess?”
- What you? There is a TV in the kitchen!

The hostess invited the doctor to the ill housekeeper. The doctor began to examine the patient. When the hostess came out, the patient said:
- I'm perfectly healthy, doctor. It's just that the landlady owes me a month's salary, and I won't get out of bed until she pays!
She also owes me five visits. Move over, I'll lie down.

Two old men are talking. One:
- You know, I think my wife is dead.
- Where is she?
- Still in bed.
- Cold?
- Yes, as usual, but the kitchen is a mess.

Night. In bed, he and she. She:
- Am I a hut to you? Then turn to him in front, then back. I am also visiting a fairy tale.

The mistress dismissed her maid, and before she left, she decided to tell this mistress everything that she thought of her:
- And your husband, by the way, told me that I cook better than you!
The hostess with a calm look is silent.
- And he said that I'm much more attractive than you!
The owner remains calm.
- And that is not all. I'm better in bed than you!
- Excuse me, did my husband tell you that too?
- No, your gardener.

The grumpy landlady fired the servant. As the maid was leaving, she tossed three coins to the dog. - What does it mean? cried the hostess. - Do not worry, madam, she deserved them. In the three months that I worked for you, she always licked the plates clean.

Last night in the kitchen I saw the horror movie Whisper.
- So you don't have a TV in the kitchen...
- No, you don't understand - my wife and mother-in-law got a sore throat at the same time.

Thoughts of a domestic cat:
- The mistress of the boyfriend brought. I slept with her all night. In my place... Now the kitchen is closed, they don't let me in... He's probably eating from my bowl...

An old painter received an offer from a couple to paint the rooms in the house. He started in the bedroom. In the evening, the owner of the house decided to check his work.
With the words "The paint on the wall looks already dry," he put his hand on it.
What was his frustration when a print appeared on a freshly painted wall. His wife tried to reassure him, assuring him that tomorrow the painter would paint over the stain. Arriving the next morning, the old painter began to stir the paints to start painting in the kitchen. But his occupation was interrupted by the hostess:
- Before you start painting in the kitchen, she said, I ask you to go to the bedroom. I want to show you the place where my husband put his hand last night.
- Please, madam! - the painter answered her. - I'm an old man. If you want to please me, it's better to give me a glass of tea with lemon.

Two friends meet, one of them with a black eye.
The first one asks, what, they say, happened?
- Yes, I got it because of my philanthropy!
- Like this?
- Yes, yesterday I pulled a girl out of the water, and then my wife came and gave me in the eye!
- What are you doing! It's inhuman! Where was it? On the sea or on the river??
- Not at all! In our bathroom!

Coming home son-in-law (Z) - drunk in drobodan! Meets his mother-in-law:
- Oh, you drunken bastard, I'm the mistress of the house, I'm hunching over all of you, but you don't respect me!!!
Son-in-law with all the dope slap her on the face - only her legs flashed in the air! He went out to smoke - look - druzhban (D) is coming!
Z: -Come to me - let's skip a hundred!
D: No problem.
Entering the kitchen:
D: -Why is your mother-in-law lying under the table?
Z: - Well, I don’t know, she is the mistress of the house - where she wants, she lies there.

A man comes home and, seeing his wife with a friend in bed, takes out a gun and
kills a friend. The wife climbs out of bed and reproachfully says:
- Are you crazy! So you won't have any friends!

- Well, yes.
- Congratulations! Are you happy?
- My wife says yes.

Kolyan, I heard that you recently got married?
- Well, yes.
- Congratulations! Are you happy?
- My wife says yes.

While cleaning the twentieth fish in the kitchen, the wife says irritably to her fisherman husband:
- As a human being I ask you! DRINK VODKA while fishing!

My mother told me that in order to keep a man, you have to be a maid in the living room, a cook in the kitchen and a whore in bed. So, I hired the first two, and now I take on only the bed.

- Two frogs fell into a jug of milk and began to flounder. “Oh fuck!” - said the hostess and threw the frogs along with the milk into the slop.
- You need to cover the jug if you are an efficient hostess, and not a slut.

A unique operation was recently carried out by the bull terrier Kuzya. Now he is not the owner, but the mistress.

Two friends meet.
- Well, how is family life?
- Great. My husband has completely changed in the last month: he takes care of
children, cooks food, goes shopping, does laundry, cleans the apartment - in general, does everything.
- Well, you know, dear, you just got lucky. How are you doing this
- You see, he read an article in the newspaper that if the hostess is not very
tired, she is more active in bed.
- Well, how did it help?
- To be honest, I don't know. By the end of the day, he can barely make it to bed.

Every woman dreams of becoming a good housewife, a wonderful wife and mother, and at the same time remain well-groomed and develop as a person. In addition, many women have to balance home care, motherhood and work.

The main question is how to keep up with everything. The basis of success is planning and strict adherence to the plan, a rational approach and regularity of actions, the ability to overcome laziness. Let's look at what a good housewife should be able to do, and how to become a good housewife and wife.

What should a real hostess be able to do?

  • Keep the house tidy and clean. This is perhaps the main duty of every woman. No comfort is possible without cleanliness and neatly laid out things;
  • Good cook. It is also an important rule in housekeeping for every girl and woman. In this case, not only cooking skills are needed, but also imagination, resourcefulness and the ability to cook “out of nothing”. It is important that the menu is varied and does not bother the household, and the cooking itself does not take much time. It is not necessary to cook culinary masterpieces, make simple, but tasty and satisfying dishes that family members love to eat;
  • Sew and embroider. This does not mean that a woman needs to embroider masterpieces and sew clothes. It is enough to be able to sew on a button, embroider initials on a child's T-shirt, sew up a hole and other basic things;
  • Allocate time and follow the plan. There is no place for laziness, postponing things for later. System and regularity are the main components of competent planning and implementation of the plan. It is important to be able to prioritize and do the main things first;
  • Rationally allocate the budget and economically manage the economy. It is important to allocate the budget so that there is enough money for food, clothing, entertainment and recreation, and large purchases;
  • Maintain a comfortable and calm atmosphere in the house. This is not only the selection of the interior, but also the ability to smooth out the conflict, to find compromises. It is important to make the house become a place for relaxation, so that family members return home after work or study with pleasure and joy;
  • Always look good. Despite household chores and worries, a woman should not forget about herself. A neat well-groomed appearance will delight not only those around you. He will give confidence and give pleasure to the hostess herself. This item is the last one on the list, but no less important than the others.

How to schedule time to get everything done

Planning the day includes work, chores and time for yourself! Be sure to leave at least one to two hours a day for yourself. Even an ordinary cup of tea, drunk in peace and solitude, is able to restore strength, give rest and relaxation, and put thoughts in order. Don't forget development. Read books, watch movies, take interesting courses. Combine business with pleasure!

To understand how to fit everything into 24 hours and still get enough sleep, determine how much time you are wasting. To do this, for several days, write down what you did every 15-30 minutes. This technique clearly shows how much time is spent with benefit, and how much is idle. In addition, he will teach you to record actions on paper and analyze them.

Get two diaries to plan things. In one, fix the schedule for the day, taking into account the time, and in the second - the plan of affairs for the month. When planning your day, follow the schedule carefully. If you need to cook, cook, if you have a meeting with friends, meet! At the end of the day, if you completed all the tasks on time and were not lazy, come up with a reward for yourself. This is the right motivation to do your homework.

How to become a thrifty hostess

Get a separate book or notebook to keep track of income and expenses. Accurately and carefully record every expense and profit. Such accounting allows you to calculate the main items of expenditure, if necessary, take measures to reduce and conduct further budget planning.

Make a list in advance before each trip to the store, so as not to buy too much or unnecessary and at the same time not forget about the main thing. Make large purchases of products per month at once, and do not go to the store every day. With a pre-prepared and thoughtful list of products, it is enough for two or three such purchases per month.

For purchases, choose large hypermarkets or wholesale markets and bases, as prices there are lower than in a regular store or supermarket. Take advantage of special discounts and promotions. Before the trip, go to the store's website, view the range, compare prices, learn about ongoing promotions. Use special applications for phones that inform about discounts. Don't forget about discount cards.

As for clothes, it is better to choose quality items, even if they are a little more expensive. But they are safer and last longer than cheap products of incomprehensible quality.

Cleanliness in the house or how to force yourself to clean

Cleanliness is not only a guarantee of the health of family members, but also the secret of a successful housewife. But this does not mean that every day you need to clean the apartment completely and carry out general cleaning. Do not dump everything on one day, but solve problems as they come up. One day you can wash the floors, the next day you can wash your clothes, the third day you can vacuum the carpets, etc.

To save energy on cleaning, immediately put things in their places, wash dishes after each meal, iron clothes after washing. Do not postpone these cases indefinitely. It is better to spend 10-15 minutes right away than to rake mountains of dirty dishes or iron a large amount of linen and clothes later. In addition, the thought of unfinished business will haunt and crush you.

Every day, spend 15-20 minutes on wet cleaning. This will prevent dust from accumulating. At the same time, the daily procedure will soon become a habit and will not bring much trouble. Immediately throw away candy wrappers, papers, leaflets and throw away garbage in a timely manner, do not litter the apartment!

Put dirty clothes in the laundry basket or washing machine immediately, and do not scatter them around the room. Do not put off washing and wash things as soon as they get dirty, rather than waiting for a lot of clothes to pile up. Remove stains and dirt immediately, especially from things or the stove. It is much easier to remove a fresh stain than a hardened or ingrained one.

Plan the general cleaning in advance and think over the tasks. Divide the apartment into zones and determine in what sequence you will clean. Start with particularly dirty areas and then move on to the next. The visible result of cleanliness is a great motivation for further cleaning. You will find many tips on how to overcome your laziness and force yourself to tidy up your apartment.

  • Plan every day and things for the month. Make a shopping list and keep a book of accounting and expenses. This will help to analyze the schedule, financial situation, make adjustments and correct errors, simplify housekeeping;
  • Don't give up on home appliances. A vacuum cleaner, a slow cooker, a washing machine and a dishwasher are great helpers for a housewife;
  • Once or twice a week, you can afford to order ready-made food. This will save time and diversify the diet. Of course, it must be a quality and safe kitchen from a proven place;
  • Be sure to cook your favorite household dishes two or three times a week;
  • Regularly go to stores between times, look after clothes for yourself and children. If you find the right one, buy it. Then you do not have to run around the shops for several hours in search of things for the season. This is exhausting and time consuming. Form a “clothing fund” and replenish regularly;
  • Reach out to family members for help and share responsibilities. Teach children to clean and work. At the same time, you will be able to spend more time together, talk, and clean up more fun together;
  • If you are very tired, finish the job to the end and rest. Even a cup of tea in peace and quiet will provide an opportunity to relax, recuperate and rest. Watch TV, make a relaxing mask or take a bath, go for a walk or chat with a friend;
  • Create coziness with the help of regular maintenance of cleanliness and cute details in the interior;
  • Be sure to set aside time for family vacations and relaxation with your husband.

To become a good housewife, it is important not only to fulfill women's duties, but also to spend time with loved ones. Pay attention to family members, pay attention to their needs and come to the rescue in time, avoid conflicts and quarrels, seek compromises. It is important to maintain a calm atmosphere in the family, because a woman is the keeper of the hearth.

Don't forget about yourself. Restore strength walking in the fresh air, bathing and massage. Be sure to wash your face and take a shower in the morning and before bedtime, no matter how tired you are! Take care of yourself, wear comfortable, neat and tidy home clothes at home. Avoid stretchy tracksuits and washed suits. Once a week, find time for going to a manicure or a beautician, once every 1-2 months - to a hairdresser. In addition, a mask and other cosmetic procedures can be done at home.

Being a good hostess is difficult, but interesting. The main thing is that this can be learned with patience. And to simplify the task and make doing household chores more interesting, approach things creatively. Each girl and woman, following the recommendations, will become a good housewife, and with the improvement of skills and more precise planning of affairs, she will achieve an even better result.