Games and exercises for the formation of interaction skills with peers. Training for the development of communication and communication skills in a group Coordination and communication exercises for training

Communication skills training

"I am among the people."

This is a communicative training, the purpose of which is the formation of communication skills, the ability to listen, express one's point of view, argue and defend one's position. Adolescence is a critical stage in the development of self-awareness. In order to develop self-esteem and form a complete and accurate idea of ​​yourself as an individual, it is extremely important to learn how to live among other people, communicate with pleasure, not avoid, but use every opportunity to contact a person in order to better understand people and yourself.

Communication skills include:

Description of the behavior i.e. reporting the observed without evaluation and without attributing motives. Such Feedback,. based on observation evokes the least psychological defense and the greatest desire to change behavior.

Feeling communication- a clear message about one's internal state, understanding and acceptance of one's own and other people's feelings. Feelings are expressed by body movements, words, so it is easy to make a mistake about the emotional state of another person. We often convey feelings implicitly or in the form of appreciation. For example: “You always hurt everyone” is a person’s assessment. “I feel offended when you say that” is an expression of feeling. In order to be understood correctly, it is better to use direct definitions when communicating: “I feel embarrassed, upset, sorry, etc.”.

Active listening- the ability to listen carefully to a partner and understand his point of view.

Empathy- adequate perception of what is happening in the inner world of another person.

Confrontation- actions aimed at encouraging another person to realize, analyze or change their decision or behavior. There are great opportunities for good and harm in confrontation. Productive confrontation involves a positive relationship with the person.

In addition to the described communication skills, adolescents in their future independent life will need business communication skills, such as:

Establishing contact;

Orientation in the problem;

Arguing your point of view, defending your interests;

Decision-making skills, finding a compromise.

The training consists of two parts:

1.Special exercises aimed at the formation of individual communication skills and business communication skills.

2. Exercises in which all skills are activated.

Lesson 1 "Establishing contact"

The goal is to promote group cohesion, the formation of skills to establish contact.

1. Greeting. Presentation of the leader. Acquaintance with the objectives of the classes, the form of conducting (what is "training", features of the form of communication in a group, in a circle).

If we are working with a new group, where the participants do not know each other, we conduct the “Getting to know” exercise. In a circle, we say our name and character trait starting with the first letter of our name.

2. Discussion of the rules. "Today we must discuss and adopt the rules that we will follow when working as a group."

Group work rules:

1. Don't be late.

2. Don't talk bad about each other, don't "comment"

3. Do not interrupt and listen to each other.

4. Summing up after each lesson.

5. Do not wash dirty linen in public (we are just discussing what is happening here and now)

6. Be frank in expressing feelings. (I feel, I think)

7. Be active at work.

8. Support each other. (a good word to each participant)

We voice the rules, accept those for which the majority of participants voted.

Theoretical part. Dl I In order to establish a good contact, it is important to arrange the interlocutor to yourself, to arouse his trust, interest in yourself. To do this, we have non-verbal and verbal means. Non-verbal - posture, smile, eye contact, organization of communication space (distance). Verbal - compliments, "ritual" phrases (what a good weather ...), open questions that enable the interlocutor to answer more fully.

The “golden rule” of communication says: “Treat others the way you would like to be treated.” In fact, it is of course very simple, but only someone who knows why he wants this or that relationship can follow it, he who has experience of self-knowledge.

As a result of our studies, you should try to master the skills of establishing contact and effective communication, learning to listen to yourself and others, but also to learn that only because we can see another person as our equal, we exist as a society.

Exercise "Non-verbal contact". One of the participants (a volunteer) leaves the room. When he returns, he must determine which of the participants is ready to make contact with him. In this case, all participants will use only non-verbal means. The group, in the absence of the leader, must choose a participant who will demonstrate a willingness to make contact, the rest will have to show unwillingness to do so.

Then other volunteers are selected. However, the number of participants Those wishing to make contact can be increased - two, three, or all.

Survey. Was it easy to make contact? What helped determine who wants to communicate? How did you feel when you realized that you were not interested in communicating with you? When discussing the exercise, attention should be paid to the signs that helped determine the readiness to make contact.

This exercise allows you to note the sensitivity, goodwill of the participants, the means of non-verbal contact.

Exercise "Empty chair". The exercise requires an odd number of participants. Previously, everyone is calculated on the "first-second". All the second numbers sit on chairs, the first ones stand behind the backs of the chairs, the participant left without a pair stands behind the back of a free chair. His task is to invite someone from those sitting to his chair. At the same time, he can use only non-verbal means, nothing can be said. All those who sit in chairs are trying very hard to get out of the control of the one behind them and get into an empty chair. The task of those Who is standing behind the backs of the chairs - to keep his "wards" - for this you need to have time to take him by the shoulders at the moment when he is about to change seats, but you can’t keep your hands over him all the time.

Survey. “How did you invite someone to your chair? How did you understand that you were invited to the chair? What do you like more - standing behind a chair or sitting on a chair?

Exercise "Shapes"(working out the skill to transmit and receive information, clarify, ask questions, explain). In turn, in pairs, one participant explains what needs to be drawn, the other receives information, clarifies and draws.

Survey. What was easier - explaining or drawing? What difficulties arose, how did you cope?

Completion of the lesson

Session 2 Empathy

The goal is to introduce students to the concept of empathy, to determine empathic sensitivity and to develop this ability through the active implementation of exercises.

1. Exercise "Compliment".“The ability to see the strengths, positive qualities of any person and, most importantly, find the right words to tell him about it. - that's what you need for a pleasant and productive communication. Let's try to check how friendly we are, whether we can see the good in others and talk about it.”

In the circle, each participant looks at his neighbor on the left and thinks about what character trait, what habit of this person he likes best and how to tell him about it, that is, to make a compliment. Anyone who is ready to say nice words to his neighbor starts. Everyone else is listening carefully. The one to whom the compliment is made should thank in return, and then he himself should make his compliment to his neighbor on the left. And so on in a circle until all the participants say something pleasant to their neighbor.

It is necessary to set up the participants for a tactful attitude towards each other, to develop the ability to listen and hear the speaker, paying attention to his manner of establishing contact (how he greeted his neighbor or forgot to do it, looks into his eyes or to the side, how he holds his hands, how he speaks, etc. e)

“So, we greeted each other, tuned in to productive work.”

Theoretical part. “The purpose of our lesson today is to get acquainted with the concept of “empathy”. Empathy is an adequate representation of what is happening in the inner world of another person.

One of the main skills of a person whom we call sociable is the ability to read the thoughts and feelings of another person in the eyes, facial expression, posture, etc. To what extent are these abilities developed in you? Let's find out today."

Exercise "Associations" One of the participants (a volunteer) leaves the room. The rest choose the participant whom they will guess. The driver returns, and his task is to guess the hidden person. He has three tries. In order to guess, the driver asks the participants questions: “If it were a flower (animal, weather, furniture, clothes, car, dishes, building, color, figure, insect, etc.), then what?” The participant addressed by the driver says his association. For example, "this is a narcissist." If the driver guesses, the guessed participant becomes the driver.

In this game, it is important to ensure that all or many members of the group can try themselves as a driver or as a hidden participant.

Survey. Was it difficult to find an association? Was it hard to guess? Who could guess what helped? Whose associations seemed the most successful?

Exercise "Customs officers and smugglers" This game will help you focus on the manifestations of anxiety that are usually difficult to notice: voice change, trembling, unsteady movements, forced smile, general tension.

One person plays the role of a smuggler, he leaves the room and almost immediately returns to the rest of the participants (customs officers). In total, he leaves the room 5 times, and on one return (which one he chooses himself), an envelope containing a small object should be attached under his clothes. Customs officers do not have the right to search the smuggler, they can only ask him various questions. The task of the customs officers is to guess in which of the parishes the smuggler had the envelope hidden. The customs officer writes down his considerations, while everyone can indicate only two arrivals that seemed most likely. The role of the smuggler is played by several participants in turn. According to the entries in the tables, it is easy to identify the best smuggler and customs officer.

Completion of the lesson. In a circle, participants express their impressions of the lesson, what they remember, what they liked, what they learned or understood about themselves.

Lesson 3 "Me and others around me"

The goal is to further unite the group and deepen the processes of self-disclosure, develop the ability to introspect and overcome psychological barriers that prevent full self-expression, improve communication skills through active game interaction.

Exercise "Non-traditional greeting"

“Man lives in a world of stereotypes. And it's not bad at all! They help him save

Energy for creativity and reflection on the meaning of life. But they interfere, impoverishing our lives and relationships with loved ones. For example, how do you greet each other when you meet? Who is ready to tell and show the traditional ways, techniques, manner of greeting?

What do you experience? Probably not a lot of emotions, as this is a common thing. You always say hello. Now let's try to experience new emotions, and at the same time master non-traditional greetings. Which? You can come up with them yourself and show everyone. Who wants to do it? Ask. To begin with, I offer several options for greetings:

Palms, but only their back side; feet; knees; shoulders (the right shoulder lightly touches the left shoulder of the neighbor, and then vice versa); foreheads (but very carefully)

Name your options. We are ready to try them."

Exercise "Edges of similarity" Let's think about what unites us in this world. So different, often incomprehensible to others. To do this, you need to choose a partner for yourself and sit next to him, while taking a blank sheet of paper and a pen. Write the title "Our similarity" and put a colon.

Look closely at the person sitting next to you. He doesn't look like you. A different character, height, hair or eye color - there are a lot of differences. And this is natural, because he is different. But now think about what unites you, what are the similarities? After all, it exists. Just don't ask your partner about it. We will work silently for 4-5 minutes, filling out a sheet under the heading “Our similarity”, thinking about this person and about ourselves at the same time, because you cannot write about similarity thinking only about someone else.

At the same time, try to write not only about purely physical or biographical features by which you are similar to each other. But think more about the psychological characteristics that may unite you. What could it be?

Are you both outgoing and kind? Or are both silent and withdrawn?

After you've finished listing similarities, exchange lists to express your agreement or disagreement with what your partner wrote. If you have nothing against his entries, they remain on the list. If something does not suit you, you simply cross out this entry. Thus, making it clear that the partner was mistaken. After mutual analysis, you can discuss the results of the work, especially if there are crossed out entries.

During the work, you can turn on light music. After the exercise, there should be a discussion of the results and feelings of the participants, giving everyone the opportunity to speak.

Exercise "Great Master" The exercise helps the participants to recognize the strengths of their personality.

“Everyone has something that they do really well, that they feel like a master of, and that is their resource in solving problems. Everyone in a circle begins with the words: “I am a great master ...” - for example, hiking, cooking, braiding, etc., and the rest of the participants must be convinced of this. The facilitator asks: “Is there anyone in the group who does it better?” Everyone should be given the opportunity to find such skills in himself so that the whole group agrees that the person in this matter is really a great master.

Completion of the lesson. In a circle, participants express their impressions of the lesson, what they remember, what they liked, what they learned or understood about themselves.

Lesson 4. "My psychological portrait"

The goal is to continue the work on introspection, to contribute to the deepening of the processes of self-disclosure.

Exercise“Change places those who…” You can start the lesson “Greetings to those who ... (we call the sign by which most of the participants change places) We remove one chair, the leader in the circle calls the sign and when everyone changes places, he should take any free chair. The one who did not get a place becomes the new driver.

Exercise "Frankly speaking"“We have already seen that in this group you can be frank. Let's try to be honest with each other again. In front of you in the center of the circle is a stack of cards. You will take turns taking one card at a time and immediately continue the phrase. The beginning of which is written on it. Your statement should be extremely sincere and frank.

Cards with text are given in the application, you need to print and cut.

Exercise "Psychological portrait"“Each of us has our own perception of various objects or phenomena. For example, one, having heard the word "sea", imagines a ship, and the other - a beach. This phenomenon is called associative perception. It depends on the experience, on the character, on the interests of each person. Write down the words that you will need to give an associative interpretation in the form of a picture. One minute is allotted for each drawing. These words are: home, retribution, work, friendship, horror, abracadabra, family. Try to express in the drawings what meaning is for you in each of these words.

After the drawings are completed, the facilitator gives the participants the following instruction: “Swap drawings with a neighbor. Check them out and compare with yours. Similar people have similar drawings. Try to guess what their "similarity" is. This is a very difficult exercise, but I will help you and give you a little hint.

Please note that if the drawings are large, specific and clear in meaning, then their author has a practical, reliable, solid nature, but without imagination.

If the drawings are more like mathematical symbols, but specific and clear in meaning, then the one who drew them is logical, knows how to control himself, but may be somewhat dry.

If there is a lot of imagination and originality in the drawings, this speaks of creative abilities, but also of difficulties in everyday life. You know how difficult it is for dreamers to live.

Now we will hold a small competition for the best psychological portrait. Each of you will try to make a psychological portrait of a neighbor from a drawing, and he will evaluate the truth of the description on a ten-point scale. 10 points - 100% match” “To sum up the exercise, who is the winner?”

Completion of the lesson. In a circle, participants express their impressions of the lesson, what they remember, what they liked, what they learned or understood about themselves.

Lesson 5 "Knowing yourself - knowing others"

The purpose of the lesson is to promote awareness of oneself (one's personality), and learn to understand other people; complete the work of the training group, answer all questions, provide the necessary psychological support and prepare for the future.

Let's tune in to work: “I ask you each to tell me about your mood today. It can be some kind of association (for example, "My mood is like ..") Or like a weather forecast ... So, everyone in a circle. Thank you."

“Today, I propose a final exercise to develop the ability to empathize, as well as develop the ability to self-knowledge, introspection and understanding of other people.

Every day you meet and communicate with a very large number of different people. Tell everyone in a circle what your personal qualities help you in communication, understanding other people, establishing contact, having a conversation. Try not to repeat yourself ... You know, if you add observation, the ability to listen, empathize, understand the problems and interests of other people, then you have practically described the professional qualities of a psychologist. And today I want to offer you try yourself in this profession.

On the sheets of paper write your name, surname and answers to the questions:

1. What 3 items would I take with me to a desert island?

2. If the sorcerer turned me into an animal, what kind?

3. My favorite proverb or saying is

4. When I am praised, I ....

Answers are collected, numbered, read out. Each participant notes the number of the sheet and his opinion about whose answer it is. When all answers have been read, the names of the writers are read out.

Discussion (each in a circle)

“Try to analyze yourself, speak out if you wish, by answering the questions:

Have you guessed everyone? How many matches? What is success related to (degree of acquaintance or ability to feel another person)?

When answering questions, what was the desire - the desire to close, to answer dryly and briefly, or was there a desire to express oneself, one's inner world, sensations?

Survey. In a circle, participants express their impressions of the lesson, what they remember, what they liked, what they learned or understood about themselves and other participants.

Positive ending. Exercise "Gifts".“You have the opportunity to give or wish your neighbor on the right whatever you want, there are no restrictions, think for a minute and give your gift or wish to the neighbor on the right, in turn in a circle.”

“Thank you for the classes, it was a pleasure to communicate with you!”

Appendix Exercise "Shapes"

Appendix Exercise "Frankly Speaking"

My biggest fear is...

I don't trust people who...

I get angry when someone...

I really don't like myself...

I get sad when...

I wish my parents knew...

I would like the one I marry (whom I marry) to be (was) ...

When I like someone who doesn't like me...

The hardest thing about being a man (woman) is...

The main reason I enjoy being in this class is…

My worst memory...

In my own character, I like most of all ...

In this class, I feel most comfortable with … because ….

When someone I like disagrees with me, I...

When I don't like someone who likes me, I...

I like…

The happiest time...

At school I...

I did not succeed …

I need…

I'm the best when...

I hate…

I can't understand why...

The best thing that could happen to me is...

The hardest thing for me...

When I stand my ground, people...

What I need most from other people is...

If I could change one thing about myself, I would...

What I like most about people is….. because…..

When I go to school...

I miss when...

It's very hard for me to forget...

I still don't know...

I am happy when...

I want it very much…

I think the most important thing in life...


Ann training with teenagers. - St. Petersburg: "Peter", 2003.

Emelyanova problems of a modern teenager and their solution in training. - St. Petersburg: "Rech", 2008.

Malkina - Pykh crises: Handbook of a practical psychologist. - M .: Eksmo, 2004.

"My light, mirror, tell me ...": Methodological development of socio-psychological trainings. - M .: "New school", 1996.

Exercise 44. ALL ATTENTION (I.V. Bachkov, 1999)

INSTRUCTION. The exercise is aimed at developing the ability to combine and use various means of communication to attract the attention of others.

All participants in the game are invited to complete the same simple task.

By any means, without resorting to physical actions, you need to attract the attention of others. The task is complicated by the fact that all participants simultaneously perform it, the results are discussed: who managed to attract the attention of others and at what expense. 15 minutes are allotted for the exercise.

Exercise 45

(I.V. Vachkov, 1999)

Materials. Sheet of drawing paper, sheets of paper for recording the number of participants, on which it is written: "Most people are pleased when ..."

INSTRUCTION. “Now we will try to collect as many different ways as possible to please another person. Please think about and write down on the cards you have at least three things that most people enjoy.”

After everyone has written, the leader continues the instruction:

“Now everyone will read what is written on his sheet, and I will record the methods we have found on a piece of drawing paper. Our task now is to collect as many points as possible. We will criticize and cross out later.”

The sheet is hung on the wall and can be used in the future.

Discussion. You can explain why certain methods are chosen and discuss them.

Exercise 46. COMPLIMENT (B.R. Matveev, 2005)

Material. A small ball.

INSTRUCTION. A compliment is a pleasant word, praise, said sincerely, without sarcasm and envy, for example: “You look good today” or “What a good thing you have!” Being able to give compliments to the place is not easy, but very useful.

Host: “I have a ball. I toss it to one of you, after calling him by name, and compliment him. The one who caught the ball thanks for the compliment with the word “thank you”, turning to me and looking into my eyes. Then he throws it to another, having previously called him by name, and says a compliment to him already. The one who caught the ball thanks for the compliment, turning to the person who said it, etc. It is desirable that everyone has the ball.

Discussion. Pay attention to what emotions a person experiences when he hears a compliment addressed to him, and how this contributes to the rapprochement of people.

What was more pleasant for you: watching the game, listening to a compliment or giving it? Why?

How did you feel when you complimented?

How did you feel when you received a compliment?

What did you experience when you watched the game?

Exercise 47

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Please choose any thing you have with you that you like, that you personally chose. Show this thing to the group, tell

about her and about his attitude to this little thing.

When everyone has spoken, you can move on to the second part of the exercise without discussion.

INSTRUCTION 2. Please choose any item that you like from another member of the group, go up to him and tell him in detail what you like about this item.

Discussion. Please tell us about your feelings when you spoke yourself, and about your feelings when others spoke.

Exercise 48. SWING (B.R. Matveev, 2005)

INSTRUCTION. An important skill of verbal communication is the ability to build your speech in accordance with your goals and your role in relation to the interlocutor. In different situations, the same person can command or obey. The change of these two extreme positions can be compared with a swing: when we command, the swing is at the top, when we ask, the swing goes down.

Students get into pairs. One asks the other to give something or to do a simple action, first in a demanding, harsh form, and then he says the same thing softly, even fawning. Next comes the change of roles, the change of partners in a circle.

Discussion. Your emotions in every situation. Everyone pronounces the emotions that have arisen during this or that treatment.

Exercise 49

(Labyrinths of Psychology, 1996) INSTRUCTIONS. If the group is large, form a team of 10-15 people (at least). A team captain and an expert are chosen (if there are people who are not involved in the game, the expert is appointed from among them). The team lines up in a row or in a circle at a distance of one and a half to two meters from each other. The facilitator takes the captain aside and gives him a sheet with the following instructions: “This is the instruction by which the last person from the group will have to act. Your task is to pass it on to any person standing in a row. Here is the instruction: it is necessary to arrange all team members by the second letters of their last names. If the second letters are the same, then according to the third, etc. (for example, Igolkin, Semechkina, Poteykin). If the instruction is clear, then you can pass it on.

The captain who received the instruction in a whisper, “in his ear”, retells it to the first participant, who - to the next. The task of experts is to note how the instruction is transmitted and what mistakes are made, but not to interfere, but to tell about their observations after the end of the game.

The last person must follow the instructions. Discussion. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the distortion of information occurs even when the instruction is transmitted word for word, someone still understands it wrong.

Exercise 50. WHO IS HE (B.R. Matveev, 2005)

INSTRUCTION. This exercise contributes to the development of observation and the ability to generalize the results of observations, awareness of the external manifestations of a person's individual characteristics.

One volunteer will start. He assumes the role of another person well known to the whole group, perhaps one of the members of the group, but does not say who exactly. The rest take turns asking him one or two any questions. He responds by copying the mannerisms and speech style of the person he portrays. After all group members have asked questions, each of them makes an assumption whose role was played, and substantiates his opinion. In conclusion, the performer tells whose role he played.

Discussion. The performer gives his comments: why he chose this role, its features, how he felt in this role, what was his emotional state before and after the exercise. The rest of the group members also speak about how they felt, why they expressed certain assumptions.

Note. After the discussion, it is advisable to repeat the exercise so that all interested members of the group show someone.

Exercise 51. SILENT AND TALKING MIRRORS (I.V. Vachkov, 1999)

(The exercise can also be used to train understanding of non-verbal cues)

INSTRUCTION. A volunteer is invited to the circle, who will “look in the mirror”. He is given the following instructions: “Your task is only to reflect in the “mirror”, or rather in two “mirrors”, to determine which of the members of the group approached you from behind. These two "mirrors", of course, will be alive. One will be silent: it will be able to explain to you who is behind your back, only with the help of facial expressions and gestures. The second "mirror" is the speaker. It will explain what kind of person this is, of course, without naming him. Choose from the group of those two who will become a silent and speaking "mirror".

After the player has made a choice, the facilitator gives the "mirrors" more detailed instructions:

"Mirrors" stand next to the wall. The main player is in front of them. All the other members of the group are located behind him and one by one silently approach him from behind. Reflection by "mirrors" occurs in turn. At first, a silent “mirror” works. If the main player cannot guess the person behind his back, then the speaking “mirror” enters and says one - only one! - phrase. If the player again does not guess, then again it is possible in a different way - it reflects the silent "mirror" and so on two more times. The player's task is to guess the person behind his back as quickly as possible.

For "mirrors" there are certain conditions. The silent "mirror" is actually not limited in the ways of "reflecting" a person behind the back of the main player. But you should not concentrate only on the image of purely external features of people and, moreover, emphasize some physical characteristics.

A number of clear restrictions are imposed on the speaking “mirror”. Firstly, of course, it is forbidden to name a person behind the back of the main player. Secondly, when describing this person, one cannot refer to memories of events with his participation outside the group. Thirdly, simple descriptions of appearance should be avoided. This is allowed only in the third phrase.

After the third phrase of the speaking “mirror”, the exercise with these participants stops, even if the person is not guessed, and the players are replaced by other members of the group.

Discussion. Participants share their impressions of their display and guessing tactics, as well as their feelings when playing different roles and when observing other participants.


Materials. An even number of cards on which three words are written are possible topics for more or less humorous dialogues, for example: 1

participant 2 participant

hedgehog mushrooms

Airplane Snow

Shirt Boots


Stage 1. Two volunteers are invited. They are given cards with three topics to which they must "lead" their partner. No one, except the participant himself, knows what is written on his card. The rest are watching.

Stage 2. Next, all participants are divided into pairs and work out the ability to seize the initiative in a conversation, putting the conversation with a partner in the right direction, and this must be done carefully, so that the partner does not guess what topics are given to the second participant.

The exercise ends when the participants complete the task (or refuse it), but no more than 20 minutes later.

Discussion. Was the task difficult or easy for you? How did you feel when you were able to jump to the right topic? When did you fail?

Did you have any idea about the topics your partner was aiming for? By what signs?

Exercise 53. GUESS THE FEELING (V. Romek, 2005)

INSTRUCTION 1. Take a sheet of paper, divide it in half. On one half, write two or three positive feelings with a brief description of the reason for their occurrence, for example, "Joy of meeting." On the other - two or three names of negative feelings, also with their causes, for example, "Annoyance due to a bad mark." Do not show your notes to anyone! Give me the sheets.

INSTRUCTION 2. Now I will distribute sheets with the names of feelings. Everyone will get someone else's sheet. Choose one of the positive feelings and try to depict it without words, and how the person experiencing this feeling looks like. The task of the rest is to name the designation of the feeling experienced. Once you hear the correct name for the feeling, do the same for one of the negative feelings. When one person finishes the show, the next participant starts - clockwise. You will help each other a lot if you name as many options as possible.

INSTRUCTION 3. The task is the same as in the previous task, but words can also be used to display feelings, except for the name of the feeling itself. The manifestation of negative feelings should always be accompanied by an open expression of very specific desires. Everyone is involved in guessing, but the author of the recording, which is currently being performed, monitors how accurately the desires are reflected when conveying negative feelings.

Discussion. Tell us about how you managed to reflect positive feelings, what difficulties arose during this.

Where did you have difficulty conveying negative feelings and desires?

Exercise 54. ONLY TOGETHER (B.R. Matveev, 2005)

INSTRUCTION. This exercise has been known for a very long time. It helps to overcome protection, bring participants closer together and form bodily interaction.

The group is divided into pairs, whose members stand back to back and should try to slowly, slowly, without tearing their backs from the back of their partner, sit on the floor, and then stand up in the same way. The exercise is repeated several times with different partners.

Discussion. What made the exercise easier?

How did your feelings change during the exercise?

Exercise 55. FIND A PAIR (

Materials. Sheets of paper, on each of which is written the name of a fairy tale hero or literary character who has his own pair. For example: Crocodile Gena, Cheburashka, Ilf, Petrov, etc. The number of sheets should be equal to the number of group members. Pins.

INSTRUCTION. A sheet of paper with a name is attached to each participant with a pin so that he does not see it. Each participant must find their “other half” by interviewing the group. At the same time, it is forbidden to ask direct questions like: “What is written on my sheet?” Questions can only be answered with “yes” and “no”. Participants disperse around the room and talk to each other.

The exercise takes 10-15 minutes.

Exercise 56

INSTRUCTION. This exercise develops a sense of community, the skills of bodily interaction with each other, including in an extreme situation.

Most of the participants line up side by side to each other. This is a rock. In front of the line, a path is outlined or indicated in another way, on which other participants are located, depicting obstacles: branches and roots of trees, ledges, rocks, boulders, etc. Behind the line is a cliff, an abyss. The task of each participant, starting from the last one, is to walk along the path and stand in a row from the other side. When overcoming obstacles, a walker can cling to crevices in the rock and to the obstacles themselves. The “fallen one” can again “climb” onto the path and continue the dangerous path, or simply go further and become part of the rock.

Discussion. What did you feel as a walker?

What did you feel as an obstacle or a rock?

Which role did you like best and why?

Did you pay attention to the fact that each obstacle was at the same time a support for the walker?

Exercise 57. GENERAL DRAWING (

Materials. Large sheets of paper, felt-tip pens.

INSTRUCTION. If there are more than 15 people in the group, it is divided into two or three subgroups of 6-10 people each. Each subgroup is given a sheet and felt-tip pens for simultaneous work - you need to draw one common drawing. After finishing the drawing, the drawings can be hung on the walls, asked to be explained and discussed.

Exercise 58. REFLECTION OF FEELINGS (Labyrinths of psychology, 1996) INSTRUCTION. Draw a table on a sheet of paper. Participants, under the dictation of the facilitator, write down the contents of the left column. Opposite each example, write the feeling expressed by the speaker: “What is the interlocutor trying to tell me with this?” At the end, compare the answers with the “correct” ones (see the end of the chapter). Speaker's Words Feeling Expressed 1. I'm fed up with your apologies. 2.

Okay, I'm sorry! What more do you want from me? 3.

Even if I tried, I still wouldn't be able to prepare another document at that moment. 4.

Do you want to test me? 5.

I wouldn't treat her like that. 6.

Could you move the discussion of our projects to next week?

I have another test on Friday. 7.

He seems to do everything better despite the fact that he does not have the experience that I have. 8.

I cannot understand these people.

Maybe stop pleasing them! 9.

I will never help her again.

Not even a word of gratitude for everything I did for her!

10. We could try again, but honestly, I don't think we should.

Discussion. When discussing, everyone can justify their answers, since the "correct" answers are not perfect. Much depends on the context and the intonation with which certain words are pronounced.

Exercise 59

INSTRUCTION 1. Recall a time when you were especially lonely. Write down briefly how you behaved in this situation, what you did to cope with loneliness.

Discussion. Each participant talks about their behavior in a situation of loneliness and how typical it is for them. Cards with the texts of all participants are laid out on the table or on the floor in the center of the circle.

INSTRUCTION 2. The facilitator invites the group to try to classify, divide into groups according to the degree of similarity of behavior in a situation of loneliness. As a result, groups of similar cards should be obtained. Perhaps some cards will lie alone.

After the cards are classified, the resulting options are discussed by the group in terms of their effectiveness for each. The group, after a short (which the facilitator follows) discussion, assigns a rating to each option: a good option or a bad one. (For clarity, you can use red and black chips). When evaluating options, participants are asked about what exactly is good or bad for each of the options, why this option is good or bad for them personally. After the evaluation procedure, the floor is given to the participants whose options received a large number of negative ratings.

Usually participants easily cope with the task of classifying behavior patterns in a situation of loneliness and their evaluation. Opinions usually differ on the assessment. In the end, it is desirable that students understand that none of the methods can be called universal. That is why it is easier to cope with loneliness if a person is equally good at different models.




"Yaysky Kindergarten "Seagull"

Multi-age group "Rosinka"


for development

communication skills

The proposed games will help teachers, psychologists and parents to teach children the skills of interpersonal communication, overcome the fear of communicating with shy and indecisive children, develop the skills of joint activities, cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Games for the development of communication skills[Text]: Toolkit/ author-compiler O.S. Gulevskaya, - Yaya: "Publishing house MKDOU" Yaya kindergarten "Seagull", 2015 - 20 p.

"Cows, dogs, cats"

Goals: development of the ability for non-verbal communication, concentration of auditory attention; fostering a caring attitude towards each other; developing the ability to listen to others.

Game progress. The facilitator says: “Please stand in a wide circle. I will go up to everyone and whisper the name of the animal in their ear. Remember it well, as then you will need to become this animal. Don't tell anyone what I whispered to you." The facilitator whispers to each child in turn: “You will be a cow”, “You will be a dog”, “You will be a cat”. “Now close your eyes and forget human language. You should only speak the way your animal "speaks". You can walk around the room without opening your eyes. As soon as you hear "your animal", move towards it. Then, hand in hand, the two of you walk to find other children who "speak your language." An important rule: do not shout and move very carefully.” The first time the game can be played with open eyes.

"Press conference"

Goals: develop effective communication skills; educate the desire to communicate, make contact with other children; to teach children to ask various questions on a given topic, to maintain a conversation.

Game progress: All children in the group participate. Any but well-known topic is chosen, for example: “My daily routine”, “My pet”, “My toys”, “My friends”, etc.

One of the participants of the press conference - "guest" - sits down in the center of the hall and answers any questions of the participants.

Sample questions for the topic “My friends”: Do you have many friends? Who do you prefer to be friends with, boys or girls? Why do your friends love you, do you think? What do you need to be to make more friends? How not to treat friends? Etc.


Goals: to form a desire to communicate with peers; overcome shyness; find different ways to achieve your goal.

Game progress: to all participants, the host distributes small items: a button, a brooch, a small toy, .... It's a secret. Participants are paired up. They must persuade each other to reveal their "secret".

Children should come up with as many ways of persuading as possible (guessing; complimenting; promising treats; not believing that there is something in the fist, ...)


Target: Develop communication skills

Game progress . Children break into pairs and tell each other about how they went to kindergarten in the morning

"Who loves more"


A child is selected - the driver, the rest of the children are divided into two groups. The driver steps aside, and the groups take turns shouting loudly: “We love ... (Sasha)!”, while naming the driver. The driver determines which group screamed louder. She is believed to have won.

"Massage with feelings"

Target: help improve communication with peers.

Children sit down in a "chain" (at the back of each other's head), the fingertips rest against the back of the child in front. At the signal of the leader, the children depict various feelings with their fingertips: joy, anger, fear, love, etc.

"Let it always be"

Target: help improve communication with peers.

The host tells the children that one little boy came up with these words: “May there always be sun, may there always be sky, may there always be mother, may there always be me!”. After that, the host invites everyone to come up with their most cherished “LET”. All the children shout in unison: "Let it always be ...", and one of the children adds his desire, then the same is done for all the children of the group.

"I know five names of my friends"

Target: help improve communication with peers.

One of the children hits the ball on the floor with the words: “I know five names of my friends. Vanya - one, Lena - two ... ", etc., and then passes the ball to another child. He does the same and passes the ball to the next one. The ball must go around the whole group.


Target: help improve communication with peers.

One of the guys - "volcano" - squats down in the center of the circle. He sleeps. Then he starts to buzz softly and slowly rises - wakes up. The group helps him buzz with deaf womb sounds - the sounds of the earth. as if throwing away everything that he does not need, then gradually falls asleep again.After the child returns to the circle; the host asks him what he threw away - maybe it was unnecessary feelings, thoughts, or maybe something other?


Target: development of communication skills, fostering a friendly attitude towards peers.

Children are divided into pairs, repeat the words and actions after the teacher:

I am a thrush

They point to themselves.

And you are a thrush.

Point to your partner.

I have a nose

They touch their nose.

You have a nose.

Touching their partner's nose.

I have sweet lips

They touch their lips.

You have sweet lips.

Touching the lips of their partner.

I have smooth cheeks

They stroke their cheeks.

Your cheeks are smooth.

Stroking the cheeks of their partner.

"Hello without words"


"Affectionate Name"

Target: development of the ability to make contact, to pay attention to peers.

Children stand in a circle, pass each other the baton (flower, “magic wand”). At the same time, they call each other an affectionate name (for example, Tanyusha, Alyonushka, Dimulya, etc.)

The teacher draws the attention of children to affectionate intonation.

"Talking on the phone"

Target: development of the ability to conduct a dialogue on the phone on the relevant topic.

The topic is set by the teacher (for example, to congratulate you on your birthday, invite you to visit, agree on something, etc.).

What to ask when meeting

Target: teach children to connect.

Children sit in a circle. The leader has a relay race (a beautiful stick, a ball, etc.) The relay race passes from hand to hand. The task of the players is to formulate a question that can be asked to a friend at a meeting after a greeting, and answer it. One child asks a question, the other answers (“How are you?” - “Good.” “How are things going?” - “Normal.” “What's new?” - “Everything is the same”, etc.). You cannot repeat the question twice.

"Question answer"

Target: develop in children the ability to answer questions from a partner.

Children stand in a circle. One of them is holding a ball. Having uttered a remark-question, the player throws the ball to the partner. The partner, having caught the ball, answers the question and throws it to another player, while asking his own question, etc. (for example: “How to cheer yourself up?” - “Joyful.” “Where were you on Sunday?” - “Went to visit with dad.” “What game do you like?” - “Traps”, etc.).


Target : to teach children to get out of contact, using friendly words and intonations.

Children sit in a circle and, passing the baton to each other, call the words that they say at parting (goodbye, see you, all the best, see you again, have a good trip, good night, see you soon, happily, etc.). The teacher draws attention to the fact that, when saying goodbye, you need to look your partner in the eye.


Target: fostering interest in a communication partner.

Children sit in a circle and, passing the ball ("magic wand" or others), express their wishes to each other.

For example: “I wish you a good mood”, “Always be as brave (kind, beautiful ...) as you are now”, etc.

"Polite Words"

Target: development of respect in communication, the habit of using polite words.

The game is played with the ball in a circle. Children throw the ball to each other, calling polite words. Name only the words of greeting (hello, good afternoon, hello, we are glad to see you, glad to meet you); thanks (thank you, thank you, please be kind); apologies (sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry); farewell (goodbye, goodbye, good night).

"Who's talking?"

Target: development of attention to the partner, auditory perception.

Children stand in a semicircle. One child is in the center, with his back to the others. Children ask him questions, to which he must answer, addressing the person who asked the question by name. He must find out who addressed him. The one whom the child recognizes takes his place.

"Guess who?"

Target: development of attention, observation.

The exercise is performed in pairs. One child (by agreement) closes his eyes, the second - changes place with a child from another couple. The first one determines by touch who approached him, and calls his name. The winner is the one who can identify a new partner with his eyes closed.


Target: development of the ability to provide positive signs of attention to peers.

Children become in a circle. The teacher, giving the ball to one of the children, gives him a compliment. The child should say "thank you" and pass the ball to the neighbor, while saying affectionate words to him. The person who received the ball says "thank you" and passes it to the next child. Children, saying compliments and words of gratitude, betray the ball first in one direction, then in the other direction.

"Finish the sentence"

Target: to teach children to be aware of their attachments, sympathies, interests, hobbies and talk about them.

Children stand in a circle. As a leader - a teacher. He has a ball in his hands. He starts a sentence and throws the ball - the child finishes the sentence and returns the ball to the adult:

My favorite toy…

My best friend….

My favourite hobby….

My favorite holiday...

My favorite cartoon...

My favorite fairy tale...

My favorite song….

"Body Parts Say"

Target: teach non-verbal communication.

The teacher gives the child different tasks. Show:

As the shoulders say "I don't know";

As the finger says "Come here";

How the feet of a capricious child demand "I want!", "Give me!";

How the head says "Yes" and "No";

As the hand says "Sit down!", "Turn around!", "Goodbye."

The rest of the children must guess what tasks the teacher gave.


Target: development of non-verbal ways of communication.

Each of the participants imagines that he is an animal, a bird, a fish. The teacher gives 2-3 minutes to enter the image. Then, in turn, each child depicts this animal through movement, habits, demeanor, sounds, etc. The rest of the children guess this animal.

"Give a Gift"

Target: introducing children to non-verbal ways of communication.

The teacher depicts various objects with the help of gestures and expressive movements. The guesser receives this item "as a gift." Then the facilitator invites the children to make a gift for each other.

“The day comes - everything comes to life. The night comes - everything freezes "

Target: to develop in children the expressiveness of postures, to teach to be attentive.

The leader pronounces the first half of the beginning, all participants begin to move around the room in a chaotic manner. When the leader pronounces the second half of the beginning, everyone freezes in bizarre poses. Then, at the choice of the leader, individual participants “die off” and justify the pose in an invented way.

"Hello without words"

Target: develop the ability to use gesture, posture in communication.

Children are divided into pairs. Each couple comes up with their own way of greeting without words (shake hands with each other, wave, hug, nod your head, etc.).

Then everyone gathers in a circle, and the couples take turns demonstrating how to greet.


Target: cohesion of the group, education of the ability to coordinated interaction.

Children are divided into pairs. One of the children plays the role of an inventor, the other - a robot. The robot, looking for a hidden object, moves at the direction of the inventor straight, to the left, etc. Then the children switch roles.


Target: to teach children to be open to work with others, to obey the general rhythm of movements.

Children respond to the sounds of the leader with a friendly echo. For example, the group members respond to the clap of the teacher with friendly claps. The leader can give other signals: a series of claps in a certain rhythm, tapping on the table, wall, knees, stomping, etc. The exercise can be performed in a subgroup (4-5 people) or with the whole group of children. When performed by small subgroups, one subgroup evaluates the coherence of the actions of the other.


Target: teach children to clearly obey a simple command; to learn to keep attention on their own work, struggling with the desire to repeat the movements of their neighbors.

Children need to accurately perform simple movements under the command of the teacher: for example, one clap - raise their hands up, two - stand up. If the hands are already raised, and one clap sounds, then they need to be lowered, and ifthe children are already standing, then you need to sit down on two claps. By changing the sequence and pace of the claps, the teacher tries to bring down the children, training their composure.

"Hold the item"

Target: develop the ability to coordinate actions with a partner.

Children are divided into pairs. Couples compete with each other. The teacher offers to hold a piece of paper with their foreheads (an inflatable ball - with their stomachs) without the help of hands, moving around the group room. The pair that holds the object for the longest time wins.


Target: develop group communication skills.

Children stand one after another and hold tightly in front of the person standing by the shoulders (or by the waist). The first child is the "head of the snake", the last is the "tail of the snake". "Head of the Snake" tries to catch the "tail", and then dodges from it. During the game, the leaders change. The next time, the “head” becomes the child who portrayed the “tail” and did not let himself be caught. If the "head of the snake" caught him, this player stands in the middle. During the game, you can use musical accompaniment.

"Let's join hands, friends"

Target: teach children to feel the touch of another person.

The teacher and children stand in a circle, at a small distance from each other, arms along the body. You need to join hands, but not immediately, but in turn. The teacher starts. He offers his hand to a child standing nearby. And only after the child has felt the hand of an adult, he gives his free hand to a neighbor. Gradually the circle closes.

"Drawing on the back"

Target: develop skin sensitivity and the ability to distinguish a tactile image.

Children are divided into pairs. One child gets up first, the other behind him. The player standing behind draws an image (a house, a sun, a Christmas tree, a ladder, a flower, a boat, a snowman, etc.) on the partner's back with his index finger. The partner must determine what is drawn. Then the children change places.


Target: help children get in touch, make emotionally meaningful choices.

Children are randomly divided into pairs. Couples are located one after another, holding hands and raising their closed hands up. The one who did not have enough pair passes under closed hands and chooses a partner for himself. The new couple stands behind, and the freed participant in the game enters the stream and looks for a couple, etc.

"Hands are dancing"

Target: help children tune in to the other person and respond to their willingness to cooperate.

The game exercise is performed in pairs. It is necessary to touch with the palms (a more difficult option - with the index fingers) and, without opening the palms, carry out a variety of hand movements to dance music.

Form start

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Development of skills and abilities to smooth out conflicts. Increasing confidence. Development of persuasive speech. Development of intuition in communication. Formation of installation on mutual understanding. Improvement of communicative culture. Development of primary contact skills. Interview with an employer. Effective self-presentation skills. Negotiation tactics. The exercise is designed to develop coherent, clear speech, the ability to think consistently and logically. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants think of eleven people each who will enter a personal “dream team”. An experimental model showing the mechanisms of competition. Technique will improve your image as a business person, a person who is able to remember kindness and respond in kind. The exercise is aimed at developing the image of a confident speaking person. Many, if not most, people have a period in their lives when they realize that there is too much communication in their lives. The article provides some tips on how to become less sociable. A number of tips on how to become more sociable. The technique will help you learn to more objectively understand the people around you, to relate to their advantages and disadvantages. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants are divided into 2-3 teams, they collectively count in their minds. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants come up with antinomies - statements that contradict each other, and at the same time both are true. The procedure of group psychological training is aimed at developing oratory skills. Participants explore illustrative possibilities for big pauses (or gross pauses). The procedure of group psychological training is aimed at developing the image, communicative competence. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants form two circles: external ("complainers") and internal ("consultants"). The procedure of group psychological training. It is aimed at developing the ability to detect deception. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants master in practice three types of communication: conversation-understanding, conversation-purpose, conversation-tool. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants learn the features of the "first impression". The procedure of group psychological training. Participants act out small anecdotal scenes about how important it is to be able to listen to the end and not interrupt. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants try to name different communication situations. The exercise is aimed both at improving the ability to differentiate communicative situations in characteristic features, and at developing a linguistic instinct. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants practice demagogy - upholding points of view with which they themselves do not agree. The procedure of group psychological training is aimed at developing communicative competence. One participant tells the story without finishing the sentence; others do it for him. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants act out absurd scenes, putting some secret, special communicative meaning into them. Other participants must solve these scenes. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants role-play, only do it very slowly. The procedure of group psychological training is aimed at developing the ability to talk to a person. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants share graceful manners with each other. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants learn how to express their thoughts in a direct way. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants master the art of flattery. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants try to answer the question "How are you?" different ways. The exercise can be used both for warm-up purposes and for the development of communicative flexibility. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants tell each other obvious facts. The procedure of group psychological training is aimed at developing the ability to summarize the main content of another person's speech, to find points where a communicative situation can be developed. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants talk about themselves in the style: "What kind of me do you know, and what do you not know." The exercise is aimed at increasing communicative competence. The procedure of group psychological training is aimed at developing the ability for clear, articulate speech. The insertion of micropauses is being trained. The procedure of group psychological communicative training. Designed to develop eloquence. The procedure of group psychological training. A "princess" is chosen, who listens to different words of praise from others. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants "buy" each other's "mask" for a particular life event. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants interview each other for one purpose or another. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants learn how to use brainstorming (using a fictitious problem as an example). The procedure of group psychological training. Participants learn to resist the manipulation of their state. The procedure of group psychological training is aimed at developing the ability to neutralize moralizing on the part of the interlocutor (the so-called "parent position" in transactional analysis). The procedure of group psychological training. Participants tell a short well-known fairy tale, replacing the names of the main characters with others. The procedure of group psychological training. It is aimed at developing communicative competence, the ability to reflect on a communicative situation. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants learn ways to mitigate overly general judgments expressed by the interlocutor ("No one loves me", "Now there is no one to rely on at all"). The procedure of group psychological training. Participants share their idea of ​​what personality traits best characterize a person. The procedure of group psychological training is intended for the development of communicative competence. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants show each other a large variety of various pantomimes. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants are engaged in parodies of famous people, movie characters. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants learn to "transmit" intonation in a circle. The procedure of group psychological training, the ideal posture of a seated interlocutor is being worked out. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants invent and depict their own memes. The procedure of group psychological training is aimed at training the ability to encourage other people to act and - in general - at developing the communicative competence of the participants. The procedure of group psychological training is aimed at mastering the basic communication tactics. The procedure of group psychological training, the main task of which is to demonstrate to the participants the characteristic differences between the "position of the child", the "position of the adult" and the "position of the parent". The procedure of group psychological training. Aimed at the development of communicative flexibility, linguistic flair. The procedure of group psychological communicative training. Aimed at the development of eloquence. The procedure of group psychological training. The participants jointly come up with a script for the performance in which one or more of them are the main characters. The procedure of group psychological training, a role-playing game aimed at developing the ability to accurately convey information. The procedure of group psychological training. The members follow each other's fleeting feelings. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants master communication signals that indicate the excitement of the interlocutor. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants repeat the same phrase three times. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants are given "hidden roles". You have to guess who has what role. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants exchange associations, find out the relationship of these associations with others. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants tell each other about their feelings. It is aimed at developing openness in communication, the ability to express one's feelings, not to be shy about them. The procedure of group psychological training. Aimed at the development of acting skills and overall communicative competence. The procedure of group psychological training is aimed at developing communicative flexibility. The procedure of group psychological communicative training. Focused on the development of written language. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants try to guess each other's preferences. The procedure of group communicative psychological training. The exercise is aimed at developing the ability to delve into the subtext of certain phrases, analyze the unspoken, and also to develop the ability to dress your phrases in an acceptable form. Group communication training. It is aimed at developing an active vocabulary, attention, expressiveness of speech. The procedure of group psychological communicative training. Designed to develop eloquence. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants exchange real or fictional communicative stories. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants recall and act out good and bad manners. The procedure of group psychological training is aimed at developing speech plasticity and communicative competence in general. The procedure of group psychological training. At the end of the training day, participants recall in detail what happened at the very beginning of the day. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants interview each other and refine the list of questions. The procedure of group psychological training is aimed at mastering the tactics of communicative interaction. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants give words their own meanings. The procedure of group psychological training is aimed at developing reflexivity in the communication process, the ability to highlight the essential in someone else's speech. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants are divided into pairs in which one stands on a chair. The exercise is designed to build confidence. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants learn to express their feelings by likening themselves to certain literary characters who find themselves in a certain situation. The procedure is proposed for practicing non-aggressive response to pressure and aggression. Image at first contact. Video thumbnail analysis. Improving perceptual skills of perception and representation of each other. Working out typical pedagogical gestures. Development of the ability to combine verbal and non-verbal means of communication. Formation of skills of focusing the attention of others through various means of communication. Transaction analysis. Practice exit techniques. Formation of paralinguistic and optokinetic communication skills. Improving mutual understanding of communication partners at a non-verbal level. Development of skills and abilities of active listening. Creating an empathic background for communication. Exchange of equivalent information. Fixing the real life and business interests of the interlocutor, around which he is ready to communicate. To help understand the root causes of discrimination, the pitfalls and possible consequences. Development of communication skills and reflective skills. Formation of interviewing skills, taking into account the removal of motivational distortions. Demonstration in practice to the participants of the concept of comfortable distance. Formation of an attitude towards mutual understanding and recognition of non-verbal components of communication. Mastering the skills of expressing and accepting feedback. Rehearsal in front of a mirror. Rehearsal of a constructive response to aggression in pressure. Development of response schemes to aggressive questions. Formation of behavior modification and correction skills based on the analysis of roles played and group analysis of behavior. The task is to turn to a partner with a request, demonstrating various extensions (top, bottom, equal). The task is to make sure that the partner really wants and fulfills the request. Development of attention in communication. Development of assertiveness, confident behavior in communication, presentation. Formation of a common group opinion. Development of active listening skills. Work with objections. Developing the skill of polite refusal among group members. Exercises that develop oral and written speech. The training procedure "Dispute" is designed to develop the ability and skills of argumentation, perseverance in defending one's point of view. The facilitator offers the training participants his preparations - pairs of statements that are opposite in meaning and have an ideological character (for example, "The world is merciless and unfair" - "The world is already perfect and flawless"). Demonstrating the importance of trust and the ability to inspire confidence. Simulation of some elements of the interview when applying for a job and when entering an educational institution. Reflection of the features of interpersonal relationships. Helps participants learn about the first impression they make on others. Cohesion of the group, formal opening of the training, self-presentation of the participants, receiving feedback from the participants. In many life situations, it is important to be able to express your thoughts beautifully, effectively, intelligibly. It's no secret that most people are more gullible about judgments that are not without finesse. This exercise will develop eloquence. The practitioner can try himself in a new capacity, in the role of a speaker who does not say much, but beautifully and convincingly. The practice of self-expression. Playing the situation of non-judgmental statements. Improving the skills of empathy and reflection. Working out the principles of the correct formulation of requests and orders. Helping participants understand what persuasive speaking is, developing persuasive speaking skills. Development of social thinking. Warm-up, increasing confidence in each other. Formation of psychomotor interaction skills. Reducing the communication distance between group members. Warm-up, developing the ability to speak and listen to compliments. Development of intellectual unity at the predictive level. Formation of the emotional-volitional unity of the group. Development of communication skills and abilities. Reflection of the psychology of interpersonal relations. Practicing the flexibility of non-verbal behavior. Practicing self-presentation skills. Short-term lesson plan for physical education No.

Long-term plan section: "Developing relationships and communication skills through games" School:
Date: Teacher's name:
Class: Number of people present: absent:
Lesson topic: Communication skills in small groups and pairs.
Learning objectives that are achieved in this lesson Know and understand movement ideas, strategies and plans while participating in physical activities.
Lesson Objectives All students will be able to:
Quickly get up from the “kneeling” position, “sitting on the heels” without the help of hands, observe a sufficient interval for taking the initial positions.
Rebuild in a line, a line of four.
Run with speed.
Most students will be able to:
Perform line movements.
Perform walking with the ball sandwiched between the feet. Perform the given movements in a row.
Run with the ball in your hands.
Some students will be able to:
Demonstrate control of space, body and object when moving the entire line.
Catch the ball when thrown by a partner from behind from different starting positions.
Language goals
Students can demonstrate line-up skills; tactics of dividing space when moving in a line; improve adaptation to changing activities.
Subject vocabulary and terminology:
Interaction, line, coordination, stuffed ball, space, movement, knees, feet, starting position, starting position.
Useful phrases for dialogue/writing:
Issues for discussion:
How did you adjust to the changes in starting positions? What skills are needed to interact in a group?
What task was difficult for the whole group, why?
Can you tell why...?
Can you tell how the mode of movement and the speed of movement are related?
Can you tell me how to match the step with the step of other students? Why is it important to push the ball with vigorous finger movements?
Planned lesson steps, time Planned activity
Lesson start
0-3 minutes

"Listen to the score"
Stepping on the account 1-2-3.
At the expense of "4-jump", pronounced by the leader, they jump,
1-2-3 "4-kneeling stand" - take the starting position,
1-2-3 "4-sitting on the heels."
Indication - to quickly get up from the “kneeling”, “sitting on the heels” position without the help of hands, observe a sufficient interval for taking the starting positions.
General developmental exercises Spacious free space
Middle of the lesson

25-30 Rebuilding in two lines (distance 3 m). Exercises with the ball in line.
Discusses with students the sequence and dynamics of the implementation of each task.
First, the first line moves to the second and, after completion, it takes its place by walking backwards, hands on the belt, straight posture. Then the movement is carried out by the second line.
1. Running with the ball in hand for a distance of 3 m.
Walking with the ball between the feet.
3. Crawling with the ball between the knees with support on the palms and feet.
4. Rolling the ball with one and two hands.
5. Throwing the ball behind the back from the starting position “Sit on the heels”, the second line catches.
Changes initial positions in order to improve the adaptation of students to changing activities.
(K) The game "Fox and chickens." Four gymnastic benches are placed in the middle of the hall in the form of a square with slats up, this is a “perch”. One driver is selected - "foxes" and one - "hunter". All other players are "chickens". In one corner of the hall, a “burrow” is outlined, in which a “fox” is placed. In the other corner stands the "hunter". "Chickens" are located around the "roost".
At the first signal, the "chickens" begin either to fly up to the "perch", then fly off it, or simply walk around the "hen house". On the second agreed signal, the "fox", having approached the "chicken coop", catches any "chicken" that touches the floor with at least one foot. The "fox" takes the greasy man by the hand and leads him into his "burrow". If on the way he meets a "hunter", the "fox" releases the one he has caught, and he himself runs into the "burrow". The caught "hen" returns to the "coop", after which all the "hens" fly off the perch. If the "hunter" catches the "fox", a new "fox" is chosen. Play 4-6 times. Players who are not caught even once win.
(K) The third extra. Two circles of people (outer and inner) stand in pairs, the leader and the one who will be overtaken. The driver and the runner can at any time be in any pair, then the third - an extra person from the inner circle of this pair becomes the driver / catching up, respectively.

Large free space.
Whistle for the teacher, chalk.

End of the lesson
31-35 Training “Let's listen to ourselves”.
Invites students to take a comfortable position, close their eyes, listen to what is happening inside.
- What do you feel?
- What do each of you want?
What did you hear?
Differentiation – what are your plans for providing more support? How do you plan to critically evaluate more capable students? Assessment - how do you plan to check the level of mastery of the material by students? Intersubject communications
Health and safety check
Communication ICT
Relationship of values
Coordinate the step with the step and rhythm of other students.
Demonstrate control of space and body and object when moving the entire line.
Adapt quickly to changing activities. They will quickly get up from the “kneeling” position, “sitting on their heels” without the help of hands, they will observe a sufficient interval to take the starting positions.
Roll the ball with one and two hands.
They will move in a line with the ball from different starting positions (the ball between the feet, between the knees). Connection with the subject "Knowledge".