Sterlet caviar how to pickle. Black caviar

Today, not a single solemn event is complete without appetizers with red caviar, so if you still don’t know how to salt red caviar at home, you are losing a lot. By doing salting yourself, you save a lot, especially since store-bought caviar is much inferior to homemade delicacy. Therefore, it's time to get acquainted with how to pickle caviar and please yourself and loved ones.

Caviar preparation

Before you learn how to salt black caviar, or any other, you need to carefully prepare it, or free it from the film - ovaries. To do this, you need to caviar in a pan or colander in a pan, pour hot water and carefully collect the films on a wooden spoon or fork. If you got it in a frozen state, it should be thawed first - the slower you do this, the more likely it is that the eggs will not go bad. First, hold the caviar in the refrigerator, and then at room temperature. Also remember: for salting you will need at least 100-150 grams of caviar.

If, for example, you do not know how to salt sterlet caviar, the presented method is perfect for you. Its difference from the method presented above is that the brine is prepared not only with salt, but is also supplemented with sugar. So, for every liter of water you will need approximately 50-80 grams of salt, while sugar should be exactly half as much. Bring water to a boil, add sugar and salt, and then cool. Only after that you can fill the caviar with a solution. As in the first case, its amount should be twice the volume of caviar. The eggs are infused in the solution for 15 minutes. After that, the water is drained, the eggs are dried, placed in jars and cooled. The shelf life of such caviar is not limited.

Black caviar is called caviar of sturgeon, beluga, stellate sturgeon and sterlet. Like any caviar, black caviar is the focus of useful substances contained in fish. The centers of extraction of black caviar in Russia historically are the basins of the Volga and the Caspian Sea. In recent years, due to a sharp decline in the sturgeon population in these areas, caviar production is prohibited.

You will need

  • - caviar of beluga, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon or sterlet;
  • - salt.


1. Make an incision with a sharp knife along the belly of fresh fish. At the same time, it is very important not to damage the film in which the caviar is located, and to prevent the spill of bile. Remove the caviar from the belly of the fish, separate it from the intestines, then free it from the film, wipe it through a sieve (in industrial production, meshes are used for this on a frame with a certain mesh size through which caviar is passed) and put in a glass dish.

2. Sprinkle the caviar with fine dry table salt in a ratio of 5% of the weight of the caviar. The salting lasts for several minutes, the caviar is ready, but it is difficult to save it as a low-salted product at home, because the storage temperature must be strictly maintained from 0 to -3 ° C. Spread the salted caviar in a small glass container, seal hermetically and pasteurize the caviar at least 2 times.

3. Prepare pressed caviar: carefully remove the caviar from the fish, separate the caviar in the film from the other entrails, rinse, then roll in salt and lay on salt (the total salt consumption is 10% of the weight of the caviar in the film). You make an ambassador in such a dish so that the outstanding juice flows freely. Take out the salted caviar in a film of salt, leave it in a cool place at a temperature of 5-6 ° C to wilt and dry, then free the dried caviar from the film, crush it with a crush. In order to obtain a homogeneous mass, add a small amount of warm brine and lightly compress the caviar, placing it in gauze under a board with a load.

4. Prepare roe roe: remove the roe in a film (oven) from the fish, separate from the insides, rinse, pour over with sharp boiling water and pickle in strong brine (at least 15% of the weight of the ovaries). Keep caviar in brine in a cool place, eat without separating the film.

5. Prepare ternary caviar: remove caviar from fresh fish, pass through a sieve, separating the film, pour warm strong brine, mix and put on a sieve or colander, let it drain completely. Seal completely dehydrated caviar hermetically in sterilized glass jars, store in the refrigerator.

When salting caviar, it repeatedly becomes necessary to clean it from films, which are called ovaries. Otherwise, its taste will suffer greatly - it will be bitter.


1. Prepare brine for caviar. For one liter of purified water, you will need about 3 tablespoons of salt. If the caviar was previously frozen, thaw it in cold water beforehand.

2. Take such a number of brine so that you can then completely immerse everything prepared for processing into it. caviar. An enameled container is better than anyone for these purposes.

3. Bring the brine to a boil over medium heat and cool slightly. Check the temperature - throw a small slice of caviar with a film into the brine. If the film turns white, and the caviar itself does not change its color, then the temperature is right. If it has dramatically changed color and, moreover, has hardened, the water is still too hot, and you will have to wait until it cools to the optimum temperature (about 60 ° C).

4. Later, when the temperature reaches the desired limit, place the entire caviar into the solution for approximately 30-35 minutes. After that, check it for taste. If it seems to you that the salt is still unsatisfactory, the time of keeping the caviar in the solution should be increased. And if you decide that it is too much, rinse caviar 1-2 times under a weak stream of water.

5. When the quality of the salting matches your taste, proceed further. Take an ordinary kitchen whisk and start mixing gently caviar. The biggest films will remain on the whisk. Remove while stirring.

6. Spread a little caviar, already freed from films, on gauze in order to glass water. If films are not completely removed, take a paper napkin and lightly press it on the gauze with caviar laid out. This will help you both dry it and clean it virtually completely.

7. Hang gauze with caviar for 30 minutes so that the water is completely glass. With a teaspoon, carefully collect the finished caviar in a jar and refrigerate.

Eating home-cooked caviar without heat treatment and unseasoned salting leads to severe food poisoning.

Preparation and conservation of caviar

There is no better, more nutritious, valuable and tasty food product,
than black caviar (pressed, granular) from sturgeon fish and red caviar
from salmon.
Caviar contains a significant amount of complete proteins, fat, vitamins,
it is especially recommended to all those in need of enhanced nutrition.

In terms of calories, black and red caviar surpasses meat, milk and
other products.
So, 100 g of granular or pressed caviar gives the body 280 calories,
100 g of red caviar - 270 calories, while the same amount of medium meat
fatness gives only 120 calories, and 100 g of milk - 70 calories.

Sturgeon caviar is considered the better and is valued the higher, the larger
and lighter grain; salmon caviar, on the contrary, the tastier the finer the grain;
bright red caviar (sockeye salmon) is lower in quality than light orange caviar (pink salmon).

Caviar is processed and salted eggs of fish of various species.

There are four types of caviar food product:
1) black caviar, i.e. sturgeon caviar (sturgeon, beluga, stellate sturgeon, sterlet);
2) red caviar, or salmon caviar, mainly from the Far East
(whole salmon, salmon, chinook salmon);
3) pink (whitefish, vendace, pollock caviar);
4) partial or yellow (pike, caviar of pike perch, roach, ram, mullet, striped mullet).
5) There is, in addition, caviar "white" (snail).
I. Black caviar (beluga, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, sturgeon)
Black granular and pressed caviar has long enjoyed a well-deserved reputation as
the best, most nutritious, tasty, gourmet fish product.

Caviar of fish of the sturgeon family contains a significant amount of high-grade
proteins (22-37%), fats (14-18%), vitamins A, D and group B,
as well as substances necessary for the human body - lecithin and cholesterol.

It has always been subdivided into several varieties. So, since the end of the XVII century.
up until the 19th century. (until 1861) caviar was officially distinguished in trade practice:
1) granular,
2) fuse,
3) triple,
4) yastik,
Moreover, each of the main species could be further divided into commercial varieties:
the highest, first, second, depending on the degree of freshness and delicacy of salting (except for yastik, which was always of the same variety).

1. Grained - caviar, which is raw, immediately after catching the fish, wiped
on the screen (sieve) so that its grains, passing through the holes of the screen,
strictly corresponding to their diameter, remain whole and completely clean
from films and veins of the ovary

2. (see below). These grains in granular caviar are not connected with each other and retain
round (spherical) shape.
For the production of black granular caviar, only fully ripe,
easily separating from the ovaries (ovaries of fish) caviar.
Caviar is freed from ovaries and films, passing through special "screens"
(grids on the frame).
After punching through the screen, granular caviar is extremely carefully, slightly
(almost imperceptibly) salted.

To salt this caviar, fine dry table salt is used.
The caviar salting lasts several minutes and ends when the largest amount of brine has formed - the so-called "brine".
Properly salted caviar is called dry crumbly, its eggs are intact and well separated from one another.

Caviar underexposed in salting is called unaccepted, and overexposed -
skipped; in both cases, the quality of caviar is reduced.

Granular caviar to achieve greater storage stability is produced
with the addition of a small amount of antiseptic substances - borax and
boric acid.

The best granular black caviar is packaged in jars and is called jar caviar.
Canned caviar is the least salty, since no more than 5% of salt by weight of caviar is used in its salting.
Somewhat coarser and saltier barrel caviar (packed in oak barrels),
when it is salted, up to 10% salt is used.
Barreled granular caviar for the domestic market is not produced.
Granular caviar is slightly salted and it is difficult to keep it at home;
so that it does not deteriorate, you need a temperature from 0 to minus 3 °.
From completely benign, high-grade granular black caviar, pasteurized caviar is prepared.
First, granular caviar is salted (the weight of salt should be 5% of the caviar weight),
and then put in small glass jars, hermetically sealed and subjected to double pasteurization.
Pasteurized caviar is stable in storage - it is caviar in small glass jars, hermetically sealed and pasteurized, that is, warmed up.
If such a jar is not opened, it can be stored at home.
a very long time; if you open it, you need to eat caviar in one or two days.
High-quality granular sturgeon caviar has a light gray,
large and whole grains.

The more mature the caviar, the lighter and larger the caviar and the tastier it is.

Beluga eggs are usually the lightest and largest, stellate sturgeon eggs are usually the smallest.
Better than any other - beluga granular caviar, followed by sturgeon and in third place - sturgeon, although the latter contains a slightly larger amount of fat and protein. The least valuable is sterlet caviar.

To determine which of the varieties of sturgeon this granular caviar belongs to, it must be remembered that when crushing a beluga egg, white “milk” is released and the embryonic vesicle (“eye”) is lighter and surrounded by a rim.
Sturgeon caviar, when crushed, emits a yellowish "milk", "eye"
darker than the egg itself.
The caviar of stellate sturgeon gives off white “milk”, and its “eye” is lighter than the caviar.

Caviar falsification.
1. To increase the weight, strong brewed cold tea or other liquids are sometimes mixed into black granular caviar, while the eggs swell and lose strength.
Some of them begin to burst, and a viscous liquid appears in the caviar,
which should not be in high-quality caviar (the eggs should be “dry”, there should not be any sludge at the bottom of the dish with caviar).
To determine the quality, put some caviar on a plate and blow
on it - for a good caviar, the eggs should be easily rolled out on a plate,
not stick to it.

2. Pressed caviar - immediately after the fish is caught, it is salted in ovaries (see below),
and then laid out in splints (small troughs) and slightly dried
(weathered). After that, the caviar is freed from the eggs, cleaned of all veins and mucus and crushed in vats with pushers, which is why the eggs become dense, flat and acquire a special taste that arises from the combination of slightly dried (fermented) eggs with fresher, soaked, saturated brackish sturgeon fat. As a result of salting in warm brine and light pressing, this caviar turns into a homogeneous mass.

The best pressed caviar is stellate sturgeon.
It has a delicate oily taste and a very delicate aroma.
Pressed caviar is in terms of taste the best, most pleasant,
tasty, although in Russian trade it has always been cheaper than granular,
which was considered more "beautiful", i.e., had a better appearance, presentation.
In fact, pressed caviar is not only the most delicious, but also the most resistant in terms of safety.

3. Trinity (or rather, ternary) caviar was rarely prepared before, for
special order, for amateurs, mainly to Moscow.
To obtain it, fresh caviar, having been taken out of the fish, was immediately rubbed on a screen,
as well as granular, but then they did not add salt, but sharply doused in a trough with warm
strong brine, and, carefully stirring caviar in it, threw it on a sieve,
allowing the brine to drain completely by gravity, no matter how long it takes.
Only after complete dehydration of caviar was it carefully and hermetically packed.
into kegs (by a pood) and immediately, on postal troikas, i.e., as quickly as possible
at that time, they were sent to Moscow.
This is where its name came from - the trinity.
Now this caviar in Russia is produced in small quantities only for special occasions.

4. Yastik caviar is prepared in the most simple way:
it is salted together with the yastyk, without even tearing it, and salted too steeply
and left in brine until consumed.
Once it was caviar for the poor people, just to "salt", to eat
with bread hastily, and not in order to enjoy.
Worst or somewhat defective specimens of fish were used for yastik caviar,
or caviar from fish is not the first freshness.
NOTE. Yastyk - a thin but strong film that forms a bag-shell,
which contains salmon and sturgeon caviar.
The presence or absence of a ovary during salting of caviar plays a significant role
in the formation of its quality, type (red and black caviar) as a finished product.
Caviar, freed from yastyk to salting, is of the highest quality,
the so-called granular (black) and, as a rule, all red.
Caviar, which is salted directly in the ovaries, but lies in them for no more than a day and then
is released from the yastiks on the screen, is called pressed and is prepared
only from sturgeons. It is of high quality, but requires a greater degree of processing and is denser in volume, which is disadvantageous for its implementation.
Yastik caviar - which is pickled in ovaries and comes in such an unpeeled
view for sale. It is of low quality, often oversalted, sometimes has
matted, compacted, dried appearance and consistency and is naturally valued much cheaper (three times!) granular and pressed.
Yastik caviar - either the result of a rush during the Putin season, or irresponsible,
neglect of a valuable product.
The ovary caviar is black and very rarely red.
It is no longer possible to separate it from the ovaries, and in the process of eating one has to either eat part of the ovaries as a “by-product” or spit it out, which makes the ovary caviar be sold at a low price and for an unpretentious public, although in terms of nutrition it is a complete and very useful product.

II. Red, salmon caviar
It has only one, grainy variety, but salts more strongly than black and practically has the same standard of taste.
(Only catfish caviar is larger and more tender.)
Salmon caviar (red caviar) is prepared only granular.
Freed from the ovaries and films, the caviar is immersed in a saline solution, in which it is kept for 8 to 15 minutes, the brine is allowed to drain, and preservatives are added.
and pack.
Red caviar is often called salmon caviar, although the best caviar is not chum salmon, but pink salmon.
In general, red caviar is obtained from Far Eastern salmon (chum salmon, pink salmon,
chinook salmon, coho salmon, sockeye salmon).
Unlike granular sturgeon caviar, the best red granular caviar has
smallest grain. In the highest grades of red caviar, small, strong, non-sticky
(“dry”) grain of bright light orange color, there is no sludge in this caviar -
product of bursting eggs.

Red caviar is used for sandwiches, for pancakes, in garnishes.

III. pink caviar
Caviar of whitefish, vendace, pollock. Produced only granular.
The cooking method is the same as for red caviar.

IV. partial caviar
They are made almost exclusively of the yastik type, that is, in the yastiks.
It is salted with dry salt (12-12.5 percent of salt by weight of caviar) for
8-12 days in dry wooden chests, then washed and stacked in rows in barrels.
Or salted in a strong salt solution (brine) for 3-4 hours, and then dried
2 weeks (mullet, striped mullet).
Only pike caviar is made punched, that is, the eggs are freed from the films of the ovaries and salted.
Noble caviar is salted in just 10-15 (red) to 35-45 minutes
(black granular).
Partial caviar is less valuable than sturgeon and salmon caviar, but in terms of its nutritional qualities it is not inferior to fish meat.
The culinary specialist should not neglect this healthy and nutritious fish product, especially since, with skillful preparation, dishes from caviar of partial fish have a good taste.
Fresh caviar of partial fish, in particular pike, is salted by cooks, adding 2-3 ° / 0 salt from the weight of caviar to it and served as a cold appetizer with finely chopped green onions.
The best of the partial - caviar of bream, vobla and pike perch.
The industry prepares this caviar by rubbing through sieves (screens),
and then salting.
Partial caviar, prepared in this way, is called breakdown.
Pike-perch caviar, which is called galagan, is prepared in yastiks.
Tarama is called the roe of bream and vobla.

Dried caviar of striped mullet, a large mullet fish, is prepared.
After salting in the ovaries, this caviar is dried and, for greater preservation, the ovaries
covered with a layer of paraffin.
Dried Lobanya caviar, which has a special spicy taste, is one of the best
gastronomic products.

Everyone can cook caviar of any partial freshly caught fish
independently, turning it into a delicacy dish.
To do this, break the yastik (see above), put the caviar in a deep bowl,
free from films, crushed eggs, fat, etc., carefully wipe
caviar on a hair sieve, the cells of which should be slightly larger than the eggs.
Mix the peeled caviar with chopped onion (the thinner the better), salt, pepper until a homogeneous mixture is obtained (for 200 g of caviar - 1 onion,
1 teaspoon salt). Then gradually pour the cream into the caviar with a teaspoon
(25 ml), gently rubbing them into the caviar, but without damaging the integrity of the eggs,
which will expand slightly. Salt with coarse salt, let stand for an hour,
remove unabsorbed salt crystals (therefore coarse salt is convenient!).
This is how you can cook caviar for all fish, as long as the caviar is fresh and clean.
(not soiled with the insides and with an undamaged, durable ovary).

V. White caviar
Does not belong to fish, but has a “fish-caviar” taste characteristic of caviar
and the same biochemical composition as granular sturgeon caviar.
This is the caviar of grape snails, which carry several eggs in common twice a year.
weighing 3 grams (1 dessert spoon).
It is a white (milky) color balls, a little larger in size,
than red salmon eggs. Their taste is reminiscent of black caviar.

It was only in 1987 that attention was paid to this snail caviar, until then no one
he was not interested in the problems of snail breeding.
Economically and technically, it was recognized as impossible in practice to establish
the production of this caviar due to the too meager size of the "product" yield.
However, the French culinary specialist Jean-Pierre Faranque, who "discovered" snail caviar,
got down to business, creating a snail farm-greenhouse with 50 thousand snails,
which give hundreds of kilograms of caviar per year. Center for "extraction"
snail caviar is Saint-Suegre.

Application of caviar
Sturgeon caviar is served as a first-class cold appetizer.
Slightly chilled caviar is especially tasty; such caviar is placed in a special
dishes - caviar, in the metal part of which finely crushed ice is applied.
With black caviar, grainy and pressed, cooks decorate some salads,
use it in garnishes, etc.

Caviar of any kind now goes almost exclusively to the snack table.
But before this simple rustic product was used in large quantities.
and for a hot table: a must for pancakes (especially red caviar),
in kale soup (black caviar), in caviar soups (usually red), to potato
dishes of whole baked potatoes (black and red) - instead of modern
herrings and sprats.

Recipes for cooking caviar on the next page

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The optimal time for the extraction and salting of caviar is 45 minutes after killing the fish. If caviar is processed immediately, it is most delicious. When the salting process is delayed, the taste deteriorates somewhat. Therefore, fishermen take out caviar, salt it and immediately eat it, enjoying the natural taste.

Not only sterlet caviar is eaten fresh. Even freshly caught sterlet is cleaned, cut into pieces, slightly salted and eaten fresh after 10-15 minutes. The heads and tails are used for the fish soup. Greens are placed in the cut abdomen and sent to the oil lamp. It turns out a fish called “You will lick your fingers” * (an additional bonus at the end of the text!). Tastier than sterlet stewed in cream. For some, the best delicacy is fresh-frozen sterlet, cut into thin slices.

How to salt sterlet caviar at home

Not all people have the opportunity to taste caviar immediately after catching fish. It is processed when the opportunity arises: familiar fishermen threw it on their return from fishing, or they bought it in a store. Here we can already talk about relative freshness. Anyway, with home salting, sterlet caviar turns out delicious.

Preparation of sterlet caviar for salting

  • Caviar is freed from fatty layers and shells in which eggs are hidden. Rinse with running water.
  • The next process is the release from the cover of the films. To do this, caviar is rubbed through a device with holes of suitable size. A vegetable mesh with cells or any other mesh is pulled over the pelvis, through which the eggs pass freely. Use a colander, a badminton racket, a sieve. The eggs slide freely down into the substituted bowl, the film remains on the grid.
  • Wash again. During washing, defective, bursting eggs, the remnants of the film and blood are washed off.

How to quickly salt sterlet caviar? The easy way

It is believed that salting black caviar is much easier than other caviar of river and sea fish. A little fine salt is added to it (5-6% of the caviar weight) and, if desired, black pepper. Mix well so that the salt is absorbed into all the eggs. After five minutes, five-minute caviar is ready for use.

In the process of insisting, it is more salty. It is stored for a week, but it is rarely possible to keep it for such a long time - usually the supplies are eaten immediately after salting. It's very tasty!

According to the fishermen, nothing more is required for salting sterlet caviar: only salt and pepper. When serving, finely chopped ordinary or red onion, young green onion feathers, greens, a little olive (other other) oil are added to the salted caviar (for a change).

There is an opinion that with such a high-speed salting, caviar, due to the presence of fat in it, acquires a brown-green hue and does not look very pretty, therefore it is more often salted in a brine called brine or brine.

How to salt sterlet caviar in brine

The brine is so strong that a raw egg, onion or potato floats in it. Salt is taken fine, of good quality: for 100 g of caviar, 125 g of salt (or a little more). The volume of brine should be three times more than caviar.

Slowly pour salt into boiling water in small portions, stir. Boil until the salt begins to crystallize (a white coating will appear above the water in the form of a crust of salt crystals.). Far Eastern fishermen advise to boil any brine (even repeatedly used, which is stored throughout the fishing season) for at least 15 minutes.

Salting sterlet caviar in time depends on the expected shelf life. If the caviar is being salted for instant use, stir until the caviar, absorbing the salt, begins to knock on the sides of the dish. Usually kept in brine for about five minutes. For long-term preservation, the exposure time is increased to 20 minutes.

It is even better to pour caviar for conservation twice with brine, dividing it into 2 parts. Keep in brine for 7.5 minutes each time. (If you pour five-minute caviar twice, then keep it for 2.5 minutes). Double pouring will allow you to better clean the caviar from blood and impurities.

Then they let the water drain well, hanging the caviar in a gauze bag. This process takes several hours. Better days. During this time, the caviar ripens.

The process of salting sterlet caviar in brine is completed. A delicate, crumbly, granular delicacy of a pleasant black color is obtained.

With an excess amount of caviar, it is laid out in jars, which are first doused with boiling brine. They also process all the dishes that are used when salting sterlet caviar. A couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil are poured on the bottom and the same amount on top. Keep a couple of months.

A large amount of caviar is eaten with spoons: either pure caviar, or mixed with onions, fresh dill and vegetable oil. Caviar is delicious with hot boiled potatoes. A small amount is served on halves of boiled eggs, on slices of bread, previously greased with butter.

An answer is given to the question of how to salt sterlet caviar at home.

Now the promised bonus:

Recipe for camp smoking sterlet

Inside and out, the fish is rubbed with salt mixed with ground pepper. The abdomen is opened, spacers are inserted inside. Carcasses are hung on twigs in the form of spears. When the fire burns out (there is no longer a blazing column of fire), they surround the fire with horns, sticking them into the ground from the leeward side. A thick wet aspen log is placed in the fire. After 1-2 hours, the most delicate smoked fish is ready. You should not leave it unattended, magpies and crows will peck at tasty prey.

How to pickle red, black, pike caviar at home.

Recall that we have already considered correctly, check out the video examples.

The first recipe for pickling pike caviar

In order to salt the pike caviar, you will need, directly, the caviar itself, which must be gutted from the pike and wiped in a colander, and some ingredients, which will be discussed later. First you need to boil water. Water must be taken in such a way that its volume exceeds the amount of caviar by one and a half times. Now it is very important to prepare the pickling brine itself. It is, in principle, very simple to prepare - you need to add salt to boiled water. It must be added to taste, but it is important not to overdo it with the amount of salt.

Pour the pike caviar with the prepared brine and mix everything thoroughly. If the process is extended to twenty minutes, then such caviar can be stored in the refrigerator for a very long time.

The second recipe is how to salt caviar with pike

How to salt pike caviar at home.

To salt pike caviar in this version, you will need:

1. 300 grams of caviar.
2. One and a half liters of boiling water.
3. Salt.
4. Deep bowl.
5. Colander.
6. Fork.
7. Tablespoon.
8. Gauze.

Now you need to remove the caviar from the fish and place it in a bowl of boiled water. Pick up a fork and start ripping open the ovaries without removing the film. It is necessary to mix the caviar thoroughly for three or five minutes. If large traces of film remain on the fork, then it must be discarded to the side. Almost all eggs should separate from each other. The type of eggs should be light yellow. When you thoroughly knead and separate everything, the water must be drained.

After you have drained the hot water, you need to pour cold water into the bowl and mix the caviar again. Water should be drained and poured until the caviar is in absolutely clean water. Now, stirring the caviar a little, try to remove all the remnants of the film. Stir again. The eggs should sink to the bottom. What remains to float must be drained. Carefully filter all the caviar so that it and the water are perfectly clean. After you have achieved the desired result, you need to dry the caviar. To do this, take a colander and lay gauze on its bottom. Pour all the caviar into a colander, take the gauze in your hand and try to gently squeeze the caviar, but do not crush it - your goal is only to dry it. After a few squeezes, you should feel the gauze dry slightly - you can put it on the table and unfold it.

Now we proceed to the most important step - to salting the caviar. To do this, take iodized fine salt. Transfer the caviar back to the cheesecloth bowl and start adding salt to taste. Salt should be introduced gradually - a small amount of salt, light stirring, and so on several times. Stir very gently, with a tablespoon. The process can take five minutes or more. The main thing in this business is thoroughness and accuracy.

If after you have finished salting the caviar, foam has formed on it - do not worry - this is quite normal. Start laying caviar in a container. It is best to take several small jars for this. Lay the caviar without reaching the top, five or ten millimeters. In principle, caviar is already ready to eat, but still it should be kept at least six hours in the refrigerator.

How to pickle pink salmon caviar (red) at home

How to salt salmon caviar at home.

In order to properly salt pink salmon caviar, you need to know a very important rule - exclude any contact with water before salting.

First of all, carefully separate the top film from the caviar. You can do this with a fork or with your hands - there is no particular difficulty here. Now prepare the brine solution. To do this, boil water, where there should be twice as much water as caviar. After the water boils, turn off the heat and let it cool slightly. After that, take one peeled potato and put it on the bottom of the container with water, start adding salt to the water. During the salting of water, it must also be stirred, when the potatoes float up, you can stop salting.

Let the water cool completely. And only after that you can lower the caviar into this solution. Soak the caviar in water for about seven minutes, if you are going to store it for a longer time, then soak it for up to ten minutes. After the necessary time has passed, put the caviar in a colander and let the water drain completely. Then transfer the caviar to the towel prepared in advance so that it can dry. Remember that the less moisture there is in caviar, the tastier it will be.

How to salt trout caviar

How to salt trout caviar correctly at home.

If you want to try the unforgettable taste of red caviar, of course, you can buy it in the store, but it will be much better and tastier if you salt red caviar at home. In principle, there is nothing complicated here, but the result is simply amazing.

First you need to get the caviar from the trout. Then release it from the film. Many professionals do this with a fork, but it will be very difficult not to damage the eggs if you are doing this for the first time. An easier way can be to separate the film with ordinary boiled water. To do this, you need to take enough hot water, but so that its temperature is acceptable to your hands. Dip the eggs with caviar into the water, and use your fingers to peel off the eggs from the film. Do this very carefully and carefully, because there should be more whole eggs than damaged and burst ones, then the result will exceed all expectations.

After you have finished cleaning, rinse the caviar several times in cold water and you can start salting.

You can pickle caviar using only salt, or a mixture of sugar and salt. For salting trout caviar, it is best to take sea salt, but if there is none, then choose rock salt. The amount of salt should be approximately 50 or 70 grams per liter of water. If you add sugar, then you need to make two parts of the mixture from salt, and one part from sugar.

When you have made the mixture, added it to the water, you can lower the caviar into it. Leave for fifteen minutes to salt it, and discard it in a colander, then dry it. Transfer to a glass jar and leave for two hours. After this time, you can try caviar.

How to salt black caviar

How to pickle black caviar at home, with your own hands, so that it is tasty.

To salt black caviar you will need:

1. Caviar of sturgeon, beluga, sterlet or stellate sturgeon.
2. Salt.

First you need to remove the caviar from the fish. without damaging the films. After that, clean it from adhering entrails, and only then release the caviar from the film. Put the caviar in a bowl, and with your fingers, stirring, gently separate the eggs. Then sprinkle the caviar with fine salt. It all depends on your tastes, you can take the ratio of 5% salt depending on the weight of the fish, 10% or 15% is the maximum ratio. Mix thoroughly and put in sterilized jars, close the lid, refrigerate for five hours.

It is important to know in order to deliciously pickle caviar:

It is very important to know which caviar should be soaked before salting and which should not. As for black caviar, it is recommended to salt it without using brine. But if you want to use just such a method, then you should know that the use of brine is suitable in cases of salting ovary and ternary caviar, but it is best to salt pressed caviar with dry salt. Now you know how to salt the caviar of the most common fish - pike, pink salmon, red fish, black caviar, red trout caviar, etc. Good luck.