Innovation as a strategic factor in the development of the region. Innovation as a factor in economic development Innovative factors in the development of the Russian economy

Topic: Innovation factor in the development of the economy

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University: Financial University

Year and city: Eagle 2013

Introduction 3

1. Innovation factor in the development of the economy 4

2. Determine the net present value, the profitability index and the payback period of capital investments 8

Conclusion 11

References 12


The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that innovations underlie the development of the material and spiritual culture of society, that the main characteristic feature of the new systems of intra-company management should be a long-term orientation, innovative activity, and the maximum use of the creative activity of the staff.

The economy is an integral part of material culture and its development is based on the practical application of new ideas, discoveries, etc. Therefore, innovation is the driving force behind the development of social production.

The main purpose of the control work is to consider the impact of the innovation factor on the quality of economic growth.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set:

To get acquainted with the main innovative factors in the development of the economy.

1. An innovative factor in the development of the economy.

At present, the importance of the innovation factor in the country's economy is increasing. In modern conditions, the development of science is becoming an indispensable condition for creating the prerequisites for sustainable spiritual, intellectual, scientific, technical and socio-economic development of society and the state. High technologies are the sphere that can solve the most ambitious tasks in the socio-economic development of any state. They are the powerful lever by which many countries not only overcome the recession in the economy, but also ensure its restructuring and saturate the market with a variety of competitive products.

A feature of the development of the Russian economy at the present stage is the formation of a socio-economic system in which innovation activity plays a dominant role as a factor that provides competitive advantages of a higher order. In general, the construction of an innovative economy and its management system consists in a fundamental restructuring of development directions, new approaches to justifying priorities, a significant modernization of the methods and forms of resource use at all levels of the innovation system, and a radical transformation of the interaction between “science – business – government – ​​society”.

By innovation, we mean the creative process of implementing an idea, which has been embodied in the form of a new product, service, technology, form of organization, management method, changes in the quality of the workforce, which are a tool to meet needs at a qualitatively new level, have positive economic and social effects and give strategic competitive advantages to their owners.

Stages of innovative development in the country's economy

The model of innovative development, along with the use of traditional competitive advantages in the energy sector, involves the creation and activation of new factors of economic growth that meet the challenges of the long term. This is a breakthrough in improving the efficiency of human capital and creating comfortable social conditions, the liberalization of economic institutions and the strengthening of the competitiveness of the business environment, the accelerated spread of new technologies in the economy and the development of high-tech industries, and the intensification of foreign economic policy. The action of these factors in total ensures that the Russian economy enters the trajectory of long-term sustainable growth with an average rate of about 106.4 - 106.5% per year.

The innovative development of the Russian economy until 2020 will take place in 2 stages, differing in conditions, factors, risks of socio-economic development and priorities of the state's economic policy.

The first stage (2008 - 2012) is based on the implementation and expansion of those global competitive advantages that the Russian economy has in traditional areas (energy, transport, agriculture, processing of natural resources).

At the same time, institutional conditions and technological groundwork will be created to ensure the systematic transfer of the Russian economy to the mode of innovative development at the next stage. This stage is characterized by the following conditions of economic development:

1) adaptation of the economy to negative developments in the global financial markets;

2) the narrowing of the possibilities for a forced increase in energy and raw materials exports, the adaptation of the economy to the deterioration of the external economic situation and the decline in world prices for oil and raw materials;

3) reduction in the supply of labor resources due to a decrease in the working-age population, an aggravation of the shortage of professional personnel;

4) negative impact on the economy of restrictions from the energy and transport infrastructure;

5) increased competition in domestic markets, associated, on the one hand, with the increase in consumer requirements for the quality of goods, on the other hand, with the exhaustion of price competitive advantages of manufacturing industries;

6) a change in the macroeconomic situation, the cessation of the strengthening of the ruble due to a decrease in the foreign trade balance.

The second stage (2013 - 2020) is a breakthrough in increasing the global competitiveness of the economy based on its transition to a new technological base (information, bio- and nanotechnologies), improving the quality of human potential and the social environment, and structural diversification of the economy.

The main priorities of economic policy in the second stage in the field of innovative development include the following:

1) integration of the national innovation system into the global innovation system, integration of science, education and business;

2) expansion of the positions of Russian companies in the global high-tech markets, the transformation of high-tech industries and branches of the knowledge economy into a significant factor in economic growth;

3) ensuring intensive technological renewal of mass production based on new energy and resource-saving environmentally friendly technologies, the formation of centers of global competence in the manufacturing industry, the field of intellectual services and other sectors of the economy, solving the problem of providing the economy with highly professional personnel.

The effectiveness of the innovation factor in the development of the economy is largely determined by the innovation infrastructure. Therefore, the innovation infrastructure is the basic component of the innovation economy, the innovation potential of society. Innovation infrastructure is a set of interrelated, complementary production and technical systems, organizations, firms and relevant organizational and management systems that are necessary and sufficient for the effective implementation of innovative activities and the implementation of innovations. It predetermines the pace of development of the country's economy and the growth of the welfare of its population. The experience of the developed countries of the world confirms that in the conditions of global competition in the world market, the one who has a developed infrastructure for the creation and implementation of innovations, who owns the most effective mechanism for innovation, inevitably wins.

The role of highly qualified specialists in the innovation economy is very important and will constantly grow. Therefore, the training of personnel capable of effectively managing innovation processes, developing and implementing innovative projects is a priority regional and federal problem[

Innovations embodied in new scientific knowledge, products, technologies, services, equipment, personnel qualifications, production organization are the main factor of competitiveness in all economically developed countries. Ensuring the sustainable innovative development of Russian regions will make it possible to solve such an important task of implementing state policy as maintaining competitiveness and achieving a high level and quality of life for the population.

2. Determination of net present value, profitability index and payback period of capital investments:

Without discounting;

Taking into account discounting at a discount rate equal to 0.2.

The initial data are given in the table.


1. The volume of investments, thousand rubles.

2. The volume of sales of products (without VAT), thousand rubles.

3. Cost of goods sold, thousand rubles.

4. Including depreciation, thousand rubles.

5. Taxes and other deductions from profit, thousand rubles.

Let's define the net present value (NPV) by the formula:
where Rt - results achieved at the t-th calculation step; Zt - costs incurred at the same step; T - time period of calculation; E - the norm of the treble; K - the amount of discounted capital investments.

If the NPV of the investment project is positive, the project is effective and can be accepted. The higher the NPV, the more efficient the project.

NPV = (4000 - 3000 + 300 - 200) × 1/(1+0.2) + (8000 - 5500 + 400 - 400) ×1/(1+0.2)² + (10000 - 6000 + 400 - 500) ×1/(1+0.2)³ + (10000 - 6000 + 400 - 500) ×1/(1+0.2) - 5000 × 1/(1+0.2) - 1000 ×1/ (1+0.2)² = 916.3 + 1735 +2258.1 +1879.8 - 4165 - 694 = 1930.2 >

The profitability index is the ratio of the sum of the reduced effects to the amount of capital investments.
If the yield index is equal to or greater than one (ID > 1), then the investment project is effective, and if it is less than one (ID< 1), то неэффективен.

Calculate the yield index (ID) using the formula:

ID \u003d 916.3 + 1735 + 2258.1 + 1879.8 / 4165 + 694 \u003d 6789.2 / 4859 \u003d 1.4\u003e

Calculate the payback period for capital investments (Juice):

Without discounting:

6000 - 3600 = 2400;

2 years 7.5 months



4859 - 2651,3= 2207,7;


2 years 11.7 months

1) NPV = 1930.2 > 0, which indicates the profitability of the project.

2) ID = 1.4 > 1, which indicates the effectiveness of the project.


In conclusion, on the basis of the provided material of the control work, conclusions can be drawn.

To ensure sustainable progress in the transition of the economy to an innovative development path, it will be important to combine the following areas of innovative development of the sectors of the Russian economy:

1) increasing the competitiveness and export potential of high-tech sectors of the economy through the development and implementation of advanced technologies;

2) development of a set of "breakthrough" technologies that determine the possibility of forming new markets for high-tech products (services), developing new industries, modernizing a wide range of sectors of the economy;

3) technological modernization of the public sector and infrastructure sectors, expanding the range of new and high-quality public services;

4) improving efficiency, reducing resource intensity, expanding redistribution in the raw materials industries.

As a result, in the future Russia can achieve a 5-10% share in the markets of high-tech goods and intellectual services in 8-10 positions, including: nuclear technologies; aircraft industry; shipbuilding; software; weapons and military equipment; educational services; space services and production of rocket and space technology.

The problem was solved, as a result the answer was received:

1) NPV = 1930.2 > 0, which indicates the profitability of the project.

2) ID = 1.4 > 1, which indicates the effectiveness of the project.

3) Juice = 2 years 11.7 months. (taking into account discounting at a discount rate of 0.2).

Juice = 2 years 7.5 months (without discounting).


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The relevance of the research topic is determined by the need to develop theoretical provisions to improve the sustainability and efficiency of industrial development based on innovations, i.e. based on the knowledge economy. This is especially important in conditions of limited economic resources and insufficient use of the achievements of scientific and technological progress.

Today, the extensive factors of development are practically exhausted and it is necessary to increase the efficiency of the national economy on the basis of a qualitative improvement in the factors of production, that is, on the basis of the full use of scientific and technological progress. The competitiveness of the country and its place in the world economy depend on the successful implementation of innovation policy. The development of industry, overcoming the gap that has arisen in the field of scientific developments and technologies is one of the fundamental goals of Russia's national economic security strategy.

Nowadays, in the context of the weakening of state regulation of economic growth, there is a process of spontaneous development of innovative activity in industry, and many Russian technologies are being replaced by foreign technologies. As a result, Russia lags far behind developed countries in terms of quality of life, labor productivity and the level of use of economic resources. Therefore, it is extremely important to study this problem, to identify the forms, methods and priorities for the sustainable development of Russian industry.

The purpose of the thesis is to develop theoretical provisions and recommendations for ensuring the sustainable development of industry based on the transition to an innovative development path.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:

- generalize and systematize the main theoretical provisions related to ensuring the sustainable development of industry and the country's economy as a whole;

– to analyze the state of industry and the scientific potential of the Russian Federation;

– consider methods of state regulation of effective economic growth in industry;

- to show the necessity and main directions of the formation of the national innovation system;

– identify factors and priorities for sustainable economic development of Russian industry.

The object of research is industry as the most important system of scientific economy in Russia.

The subject of the study is theoretical and practical issues of ensuring the sustainable development of Russian industry

The following methods were used in the work: induction and deduction, economic and statistical, balance, graphic, monographic and others.

The information base of the study was the data of statistical reporting on the industry of Russia, the concepts and developments of scientific institutions, domestic and foreign scientists, regulatory and legal acts of the Russian Federation dedicated to the development of the country's industry.

The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the scientific provisions, conclusions and proposals obtained in the process of research can be used by the executive branch in solving strategic problems aimed at ensuring the sustainable development of the country's industry.

1. Theoretical foundations for ensuring sustainable innovative development of Russian industry

1.1 Essence, types and classification of innovations

An analysis of domestic and foreign literature has shown that the level of development and dynamism of the innovation sphere is the main factor in economic growth for most countries. Therefore, today the country's place on the world stage is determined not so much by the abundance of labor and natural resources, but by the quality of human capital, the level of education, the nature of the practical use of knowledge, and the innovative activity of the national economy.

The modern economic dictionary states that “innovations are innovations in the field of engineering, technology, labor organization and management, based on the use of scientific achievements and best practices, as well as the use of these innovations in a wide variety of fields and fields of activity” .

It should be noted that various scientists, depending on the object and subject of research, consider innovations as follows:

- as a process (V.S. Rapport, B. Santa and others);

- as a system (V. Lapin, J. Schumpeter);

- as a change (O. Vodachkova, Yu. Yakovets, etc.);

- as a result (S. Beshelev, F. Gurvich).

For example, J. Schumpeter means by innovation new products, new technologies, new forms of organization of industrial production, the opening of new markets.

In our opinion, innovation is an innovation introduced into production, acting as a factor of intensive economic growth, in order to obtain an economic, social, environmental, scientific, technical or other type of effect.

We support the view that it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of "innovation" and "innovation". Innovation is the formalized result of R&D. Innovations can take the form of: discoveries, inventions, patents, trademarks, documentation for a new or improved product, technology, management or production process. However, the main thing is to introduce an innovation, turn it into an innovation and get a positive result.

Innovations in economic analysis are divided into main, decisive, i.e. those that fundamentally change the nature of the production process or provide an opportunity to release a previously unknown product on the market, and secondary ones that modify only the form of the product or any process.

Thus, innovation activity consists of two stages: the first includes the acquisition (or creation) of an innovation, and the second - its implementation. Therefore, only such activity of an industrial enterprise (and society as a whole) can be called innovative, which includes the implementation of these two stages and brings economic and other types of effects.

The totality of resources (labor, material, financial, scientific and technical) used for innovative activity in the industry is the innovative potential of the industry. Innovative activity is not a goal, but a means of expanding the reproduction of the country's economy and increasing its efficiency.

The study of theoretical approaches to understanding innovation makes it possible to give a comprehensive classification (Fig. 1).

The classification feature "the level of use of innovations" shows the possibility of using the latter. For example, the development of a new wage system for public sector employees, closely related to the final results of labor, is an innovation at the national economic level, and new progressive forms of labor organization in industry are industry-level innovations.

Classification sign of innovation

Level of use of innovation

- national economic;

- industry;

- territorial;

– primary management

Degree of radicalism

- radical;

- system;

- modifying

Field of activity

– economic;

– technological;

- production;

– social;

– ecological;

– marketing

The effect of innovation

– economic;

– financial;

– scientific and technical;

– social;

– ecological;

– integral

Figure 1 - Classification of types of innovations

The classification feature "degree of radicalism" shows that innovations must be subdivided depending on the use of scientific knowledge in them and the impact on the development of the economy. For example, radical innovations are associated with fundamental discoveries, the results of which are used in various areas of social activity. In turn, systemic innovations are also based on scientific research, but with a limited scope. As for modifying innovations, here we are talking only about the improvement of technology, technology and labor organization.

The classification feature "field of activity of innovations" characterizes the introduction of innovations in the economic, technological, technical, production, and marketing spheres.

The classification feature "the effect of innovation" reflects the impact of innovation on the performance of an enterprise, industry and the country's economy as a whole. The effect of the introduction of innovations can be technological, financial, scientific and technical, social, environmental, marketing or integral.

The following main types of innovations in industry can be distinguished:

- innovation of products (works, services);

- innovation of technological processes, or technological innovation;

– organizational innovation;

– social innovation.

1. Innovation of products (services) is the creation of a new product or service, which increases the competitiveness of the enterprise and the whole society.

2. Innovation of technological processes or technological innovation is the process of updating the production potential of the subject of innovation, aimed at increasing productivity and saving resources, which, in turn, makes it possible to increase profits, improve safety, carry out environmental activities, introduce new information technologies.

3. Organizational innovation is the process of improving the organization of production and management at an enterprise, in an industry, in the Russian economy as a whole. industrial property. personnel security innovation. ... sustainable economic development Russia in the 21st century The main tool for a technological breakthrough is the turn of investment towards innovation, innovative ...

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  • Science and technology have become today a decisive factor in the economic development of any country. They play a leading role in solving all the problems of economic, environmental, social and cultural development.

    The results of scientific research as a kind of "information resource" make it possible to increase the efficiency of social production and achieve a higher level of economic development. It is already generally recognized that the development and dissemination of new technologies plays a central role in ensuring the growth of output and labor productivity.

    One of the key factors that have led to radical structural changes in the world economy over the past 20-30 years has been the increasing economic role of innovation. These changes have general and country-specific manifestations, which can be very roughly grouped into two sets of features. The first of them refers to the innovative behavior of enterprises and organizations, the second - to the innovation policy of states. Moreover, in both cases, the problem of choosing strategic priorities, mechanisms and directions for investing financial resources, effective forms of cooperation with other participants in the innovation process is relevant.

    At present, innovative development is becoming the most important element of the socio-economic development of countries and regions. The growth of the economies of the US, EU, Japan, South Korea, China, and India is largely due to the development of knowledge-intensive industries, the development and implementation of innovations. Without innovation, the economic system would reach a stable equilibrium that would hinder the further development of the national economy.

    At the present stage, innovation should be characterized by such properties as novelty, the ability to quickly implement on the market, applicability in any field of human activity and the ability to bring economic and other types of effect.

    In relation to innovation, all CIS countries can be divided into four groups. The largest first group includes Armenia, Moldova, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, where the existing economic potential makes it difficult to innovate. The state budget deficit, its replenishment mainly at the expense of foreign loans, the lack of export goods that are attractive for the world market, and the dependence of family income on income from abroad cannot create the necessary financial support for innovative development.

    The second group includes Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, where, due to large foreign exchange earnings from the export of energy carriers and other highly liquid raw materials on the world market, there are certain financial resources that the leadership of these states is forced to spend on other purposes, and not on innovative development.

    Certain measures to expand the innovation sector are being implemented in the third group of CIS countries - Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. But they are limited by their small economic potential, which does not allow for a large-scale approach to innovation.

    Since 2007-2009, the business sector has seen a significant improvement in macroeconomic and institutional conditions for innovation, but now there are new risks and restrictions that hinder the innovation activity of enterprises in Russia (the impact of the global financial crisis, a shortage of highly qualified personnel, relatively high cost inflation within the country and etc.).

    Statistics show that a limited number of industrial companies are engaged in innovation so far. Innovative activity is observed mainly among some large companies and some types of economic activity.

    The countries that make up the world's technological core - the United States, Japan, Germany, Great Britain and France - ensure their leading positions on the basis of a high degree of innovation activity, achieved through a constant increase in the share of R&D spending in the GDP of these countries.

    At the same time, Japan occupies the first place among the leading countries in terms of the intensity of innovation activity, continuing to maintain its leading position (Table 1).

    Table 1

    Leading countries in terms of intensity of innovation activity

    It is fundamentally important that economic efficiency in modern society is achieved not only through the development of science and real production, but also on the basis of ensuring the effective functioning of all phases of the innovation cycle - obtaining new knowledge, transferring it to the production sector of the economy through the market and production use. Since such use is carried out, as a rule, in order to obtain economically significant competitive advantages in the final product market, then all stages of the innovation cycle are under strong informational, organizational, financial and other influence of market factors. It is the economic interest of the recipient of innovations that ultimately determines the expediency of implementation, the direction, scale and forms of innovation activity.

    Increasing the level of economic development of the country introduces significant changes in the ratio of resources and needs. States that have reached a high level of economic development often face a shortage of resources. At the same time, an increase in the level of economic development of the country leads to a quantitative increase and qualitative renewal in the system of economic needs of all economic entities, primarily the personal needs of the population. Thus, as the level of economic development rises, the contradiction between the limited resources and the unlimited expansion of the needs of the population grows.

    The social product is determined not so much by the material content as by the degree of innovation. Production costs are increasingly dependent on the number and size of intangible investments - the cost of research and development, the acquisition of patents and licenses, education and training, consulting services, improving the management structure, etc.

    Knowledge-intensive industries currently account for more than half of the GDP of developed countries on average, and these industries are experiencing the highest growth rates in production, employment, investment and foreign trade turnover.

    Based on the foregoing, innovation can be characterized as the end result of creative activity, embodied in the form of a new or improved product sold on the market, or a new or improved technological process used in practice. The creators of innovation are guided by such criteria as the ability to sell the product on the market and its economic efficiency. Their main goal is to outperform all competitors in the market by creating something new that will be unique in the field. The effect of using innovations depends on the results and costs taken into account, and efficiency is determined through the ratio of these results and costs.

    A feature of the current stage of development of innovative activity is the formation in the largest firms of unified scientific and technical complexes that combine research and production into a single process. The presence of such a close connection between the stages of the cycle "science - production" is due to scientific and technological progress and the market needs of the company.

    For the effective development of innovation activity, state financing and regulation of innovation processes play an important role.

    In a market economy, the innovation process should be financed not only from the state budget, but also from several other sources. In the context of the economic crisis, only important innovative projects that affect the development of the economy as a whole should be financed from the state budget. To do this, in order to improve the financing of innovative processes in the state budget, it is advisable to single out a separate strategic direction for financing highly effective innovations.

    State regulation of economic and innovation processes is the main prerequisite for the effective and successful development of innovation activities in a market economy. It is necessary to carefully coordinate the activities of all participants in the innovation process, using all the levers of a market economy. This requires lowering bank lending rates, attracting financial resources from the non-state sector, and involving an increasing number of industrial enterprises in the innovation process, thereby reducing the economic risk of innovation.

    Technoparks are also progressive forms of organization of innovative activity. They support the development of innovation and facilitate the transfer of ready-made scientific and technological innovations to the market. For the first time technology parks appeared abroad. So, the first technopark was created in the 1950s. at Stanford University (USA). At present, it is the largest technopolis with about 8,000 innovative firms.

    There are many varieties of technology parks, the main purpose of which is to strengthen the links between research, development and business. These connections give rise to small high-tech enterprises, contribute to the accelerated promotion of the results of scientific research and development to the market. Therefore, the main function of technology parks is to integrate science and business. The financial result of the activity of the technopark is the profit from the implementation of the results of scientific and design work, etc., which belongs to its organizers in accordance with the adopted charter. Almost all technology parks are formed on the initiative of the state with the involvement of private firms, which are the only ones allowed for financing. There are the following main types of technoparks: scientific, technological, business incubators, technopolises.

    The main function of the science park is to conduct theoretical, fundamental and applied research. For knowledge-intensive firms at different stages of development and limited in financial and material resources, the park provides an opportunity to conduct scientific research for quite a long time.

    The technology park is a research and production complex that provides the development of technologies, their transformation into a commercial product and transfer to production, testing and certification of products, service maintenance, and expert evaluation of technologies. The production base of the park is determined by the capabilities of the founding firms.

    Business incubators are complex diversified complexes and are designed to educate and support small businesses, provide them with innovative services and train personnel. Large companies, local authorities, government departments, private foundations create business incubators. The business incubator, being, in essence, a kind of technology park, performs its functions, supporting companies that overcome the pre-launch period, for a strictly limited time (incubation period of 2-3 years).

    Technopolis is a research and production complex created on the basis of a separate small city with a developed infrastructure and ensuring its vital activity. Technopolises are mainly attended by large companies interested in research and development of new firms. As a rule, technopolises are associated with electronics, biotechnology, computer science, high-precision engineering and other science-intensive industries, as well as the priority development of science-intensive technologies, the concentration of scientific forces in those areas of science that will determine the level of production in the 21st century. It should be noted that there is no single and orderly model for the creation of technoparks. Moreover, the theoretical base substantiating the necessity and specificity of the conditions for their creation, ways and methods of achieving their financial sustainability, has not been sufficiently developed. Nevertheless, there are more than 40 technology parks in Russia, which include several hundred small innovative firms. The concept of technoparks in Russia has the main goal of creating qualitatively new organizational and economic conditions for the effective use of the country's scientific and technical potential within the framework of small science-intensive enterprises integrated into technoparks.

    More on the topic The role of the innovation factor in the global economy. New forms of communication between science and business.:

    1. 1.2. The main characteristics of the globalization of the world economy
    2. 1.2. The Russian business community is the key category of analysis
    5. 2.3 Structural levels of capital analysis of an innovative firm
    6. Sustainable economic growth as a condition for economic stabilization
    7. The role of the innovation factor in the global economy. New forms of communication between science and business.
    8. 3.3. The development of factors of production in the context of the scientific and technological revolution
    9. § 1. Law as an effective tool for influencing the economy in the light of the modern interpretation of the essence of the Russian social system
    10. 3.1. General characteristics of innovative legal relations arising from the implementation of innovative activities
    11. 4.1. General characteristics of the innovative legislation of foreign countries

    - Copyright - Advocacy - Administrative law - Administrative process - Antimonopoly and competition law - Arbitration (economic) process - Audit - Banking system - Banking law - Business - Accounting - Property law - State law and management - Civil law and procedure -


    1. Innovation as a factor in economic development 5

    1.1Innovation activity: essence, types and main characteristics 5

    1.2 The impact of innovation on economic growth. 10

    2. Main directions of innovation activity 15

    2.1 Features of the innovative way of development of Belarus 15

    2.2 Regulatory aspect of innovation activity in

    Republic of Belarus 20

    3. Features of innovation policy in the Republic of Belarus 27

    3.1 Problems of innovative development 27

    3.2 Prospects for innovative development in the Republic of Belarus 29

    Conclusion 34List of sources used 36


    Changes in the modern economy demonstrate the fact that there has been a significant regrouping of factors determining economic development. The narrowing possibilities of traditional resources for economic growth are associated both with the approach of the physical limits of their use, and with decreasing efficiency and increasing costs for environmental protection measures. This means that the system of innovation processes, scientific knowledge, new technologies, products and services should become the dominant feature in the development of the economic growth model in the 21st century.

    The transition to innovative economic growth has become the subject of special attention of both foreign and domestic economists. For Belarus, the issues of the transition of the economy to an innovative path are especially relevant today. The relevance, theoretical and practical significance of solving problems related to the transition to a sustainable type of development of industrial production in the new economic conditions of the Republic of Belarus determined the importance of the topic of this course.

    The purpose of the study is specified in its tasks:

    Reveal the economic essence and significance of innovation in the economy;

    To reveal and characterize the concept, determine the goals and objectives of innovation;

    To study the types of innovative strategy and the risks of innovative activity;

    Consider the cyclicality and trends in the development of innovative activities;

    To analyze the state and strategic prospects for the development of innovation activity in the Republic of Belarus.

    The object of the study is innovation and innovative activity in enterprises, the subject of the study is their role and importance for improving production efficiency.

    1. Innovation as a factor in the development of the economy.

    1.1 Innovative activity: essence, types and main characteristics.

    “The goal of innovative development of the national economy of the Republic of Belarus in 2011-2015. is the formation of a new technological base that ensures a high level of competitiveness of the national economy of the Republic of Belarus in foreign markets, based on the introduction of new and high technologies with the highest added value, low energy intensity and material intensity, contributing to the creation of new types of goods and services, the latest environmentally safe (clean) materials and products, as well as ensuring the production of traditional goods and services with new properties and parameters that are unattainable within the framework of previous technological paradigms.

    Innovation activity is a complex of scientific, technological, organizational, financial and commercial activities aimed at the commercialization of accumulated knowledge, technologies and equipment. The result of innovation is new or additional goods and services or goods and services with new qualities.

    "Also, innovation activity can be defined as the activity of creating, mastering, disseminating and using innovations."

    "Innovation(innovations) - created (mastered) new or improved technologies, types of commercial products or services, as well as organizational and technical solutions of an industrial, administrative, commercial or other nature, contributing to the promotion of technologies, commercial products and services to the market. Innovation is the end result of the implementation of a new or improvement of a product sold on the market, a technological process and organizational and technical measures used in practical activities.

    "Technological innovation- the activities of the organization associated with both development and implementation, depending on what the company is doing.

    "Innovation sphere- the area of ​​activity of producers and consumers of innovative products (works, services), including the creation and dissemination of innovations.

    "Innovation potential- a set of resources of various types, including material, financial, intellectual, scientific, technical and other resources necessary for the implementation of innovative activities.

    "Innovation process- the process of consistently working to transform an innovation into a product and bring it to the market for commercial use.

    "Innovative project- a set of works on the creation and implementation of innovations.

    The purpose of the project is the creation and development of new technologies, types of products (services), as well as new solutions for production, organizational and socio-economic nature.

    "Innovation program- a set of innovative projects and activities, coordinated in terms of resources, executors and the timing of their implementation and providing an effective solution to the problems of mastering and distributing fundamentally new types of products (technologies)” .

    "Innovative Infrastructure- a set of entities that carry out logistical, financial, organizational, methodological, informational, consulting and other support for innovative activities” .

    Subjects of innovation infrastructure:

    science and technology park- an organization with an average headcount of up to 100 people, the purpose of which is to promote the development of entrepreneurship in the scientific, scientific, technical, and innovative fields and create conditions for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who are residents of the science and technology park to carry out innovative activities from search (development) innovation before its implementation;

    technology transfer center- an organization with an average number of employees up to 100 people, the purpose of which is to ensure the transfer of innovations from the sphere of their development to the sphere of practical use;

    venture organization- a commercial organization created to carry out investment activities in the field of creating and implementing innovations, as well as financing venture projects.

    "Innovative organization- an organization that creates and implements innovations, produces high-tech goods (works, services) or plans to produce such goods (works, services) with the involvement of funds from venture organizations, including those created (created) in the form of a business partnership or company, by the founder (participant) which is a venture organization ".

    "Innovatively active enterprises(organizations) - enterprises (organizations) that develop and introduce new or improved products (goods, services), processes (production methods, delivery methods), marketing and organizational methods, workflow organization methods and ways of organizing relationships with other bodies and organizations » .

    Science intensity of GDP- domestic spending on research and development as a percentage of GDP.

    “The parameter of science intensity of GDP should be understood as that part of it in percent that is directly directed to finance R&D (research and development work)” .

    "Innovative products- the results of intellectual and production activities related to the achievement of new performance indicators of products, reduction of labor costs, energy consumption, consumption of materials in technological processes and the emergence of new services in the non-material sector of the economy.

    "New technology- a system of production and other operations, methods and processes that have higher quality characteristics compared to the best analogues available in a given market, in a particular market segment or market niche for which these technologies are new.

    "High tech- a technology that has the highest quality indicators in comparison with the best world analogues, is in demand in the market and meets the emerging or future needs of a person and society” .

    "High tech organization- an organization, at least half of whose products are produced using high technologies.

    "Technological order- a set of technologies characteristic of a certain level of production development. The criterion for attributing production to a certain technological mode is the use in this production of technologies inherent in this mode, or technologies that ensure the production of products that, in terms of their technical or physical and chemical characteristics, can correspond to the products of this mode.

    A separate direction of management is devoted to the issues of innovation management - innovation management.

    Innovation activity- this is an activity aimed at the use and commercialization of the results of scientific research and development to expand and update the range and improve the quality of products (goods, services), improve the technology of their manufacture with subsequent implementation and effective implementation in the domestic and foreign markets, involving a whole range of scientific , technical, technological, organizational, financial and commercial activities that together lead to innovation.

    There are several types of innovation:

     technical - appear in the production of products with new or improved properties;

     technological - arise when using more advanced methods of manufacturing products;

     organizational and managerial - associated with the processes of optimal organization of production, transport, marketing and supply;

     information - solve the problems of rational organization of information flows in the field of scientific, technical and innovative activities, increasing the reliability and efficiency of obtaining information;

     social - aimed at improving working conditions, solving health problems, education, culture.

    Thus, the complete life cycle of an innovation has two main stages - its creation and use. The latter, in turn, consists of two sub-stages: production, marketing and after-sales service.


    This article touches upon issues relevant to the management of the modern national economy regarding the definition of external and internal factors in the development of an innovative economy. The author of the article determines that the main task of the innovative development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is a tangible increase in their competitiveness. At the same time, the local socio-economic system, the creation of which will increase the competitiveness of the region and ensure an increase in the level and quality of life of the inhabitants of the subject of the federation, is defined as an innovative subsystem at the mesolevel. This is an element of the national innovation system, the basis of which is the scientific and technical complex, which unites the institutions of science, education and production in the region, aimed at creating knowledge, developing modern technologies and new values ​​corresponding to the conditions. At the end of the article, the author concluded that the effectiveness of managing the factors of development of an innovative economy depends on the ability to take into account the peculiarities of the economic development of Russia and the experience of foreign countries.


    innovation economy

    development factors

    competitiveness of the region

    innovation management

    innovation system

    human capital

    risks for the global economy

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    The current practice and the works of economists show that the current model of the consumer economy has exhausted itself. One of the current vectors of economic development should be considered the formation of an innovative economy.

    The basic foundations of the innovation economy are considered in monographs and articles by S.A. Mokhnachev, N.K. Kostenkova, M.P. Pavlova, S.Yu. Ilyin and others. N.N. Barchan considers the formation of a new model through the prism of the investment economy. P. B. Akmarov and A. N. Suetin explore the possibilities of automation. GG Bubnov and SA Titov consider new directions of innovation project management. M.V. Zharikov explores the international aspect of introducing innovations in the financial and economic activities of enterprises and the possibility of using best practices. VV Muzychenko focuses on HR in innovative business. S.A. Mokhnachev , S.N. Suetin, A.K. Osipov and D.V. Kondratiev explore innovative processes in mesoeconomics. O.V. Kotlyachkov, Podlevsky and others assess the feasibility of modernizing the hardware and software base of industrial enterprises. The basics of innovation management in the agro-industrial complex are considered in the works of M.I. Shishkin, A.V. Zverev, A.N. Suetin and others.

    The obvious task of the innovative development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is a tangible increase in their competitiveness. The local socio-economic system, the creation of which will increase the competitiveness of the region and ensure an increase in the level and quality of life of the inhabitants of the subject of the federation, is defined by us as an innovative subsystem at the mesolevel. This is an element of the national innovation system, the basis of which is the scientific and technical complex, which unites the institutions of science, education and production in the region, aimed at creating knowledge, developing modern technologies and new values ​​corresponding to the conditions.

    An innovative economy as a whole is an economy that can effectively use any innovations useful to society (patents, licenses, know-how, borrowed and own new technologies, etc.).

    The innovative economy was created, is being created and is developing together and in parallel with the growth in the quality and value of the accumulated human capital, i.e. parallel to the development of human capital. And human capital is the main complex and intensive factor in its growth and development.

    The accumulated high-quality human capital serves as the main part of the foundation of the knowledge economy and determines its current level and development ceiling.

    The innovative economy includes, as the most important component, the venture scientific, technical and technological business-risky business for the implementation of scientific discoveries, inventions, major technological innovations. Venture business is aimed at obtaining high profits and new technologies.

    An innovation economy is an economy of knowledge and high-quality human capital. The locomotive of the innovation economy, the movement of innovation from an idea to a product and a buyer, a generator of ideas and innovations is competition in all types of activities. The innovative system and economy, venture business in developed countries are models for other countries, which include Russia. The innovation economy includes six main components that need to be created and developed to a competitive level according to global criteria:

    1) education;

    3) human capital in general, including a high quality of life and highly qualified specialists;

    4) an innovative system, which includes: the legislative framework; material components of the innovation system (technology transfer centers, technoparks, technopolises, innovation centers, clusters, territories for the development of high technologies, venture business, etc.);

    5) an innovative industry that implements innovations;

    6) a favorable environment for the functioning of human capital.

    Competition stimulates entrepreneurs and management to create new products, innovative products in order to maintain and expand their niche in the market, increase profits. Free competition is the main driver of new knowledge, innovation and effective innovative products. It should be noted that innovation processes are not only the search and acquisition of knowledge, but at the same time it is the transfer of knowledge between all participants. Knowledge can be transferred in two ways. Firstly, it is the acquisition of new equipment, technology, samples of finished products. Secondly, the acquisition or acquisition of knowledge can take place in an "intangible" form: patents, licenses, participation in conferences, professional retraining, higher professional education. In all these cases, we can talk about either the ability to perceive knowledge, or about the processes of knowledge flow.

    Scientists pay attention to the use of modern methods of risk management, which is especially important in the management of innovative projects. Security risks and political risks can seriously affect the development of an innovative economy. The likelihood of these risks and the extent to which they may affect the innovation economy vary widely.

    Taking these risks into account, the Economist Intelligence Unit has compiled a list of top five risks that "could seriously change the situation in the economy and business over the next two years" . These scenarios were rated according to their "risk level assessment", or the likelihood of that risk and the consequences of that risk. The highest score is 25. Here are the top risks for the global economy according to the EIU.

    1.Grexit could lead to the disintegration of the eurozone. Risk level score: 20.

    2. The sharp decline in commodity prices and the collapse of the market in China lead to a slowdown in the growth of emerging markets. Risk level score: 20.

    4. The difference in international financial policy leads to high volatility in the currency market. Risk level score: 16.

    5. The growing threat of terrorism is destabilizing the global economy. Risk level score: 12.

    Note that the EIU in its report did not indicate another factor that also poses a high risk for global markets and the global economy as a whole. This is a conflict between North and South Korea.

    Among the main factors that ensure the effective development of the innovation economy at the mesolevel, there are:

    1) economic advantages of the territory (location, factors of production, infrastructure, economic structure, territorial attractions and places of recreation);

    2) strategic capabilities of the territory: (effectiveness of government bodies, territorial strategy, public-private partnership and institutional flexibility, ensuring the ability of authorities and the capabilities of municipalities of the territories to create conditions for business development on their territory).

    Among the factors that determine the investment attractiveness of a territory are also called territorial accessibility, the cost of labor, the availability of a modern communication network, the attractiveness of the environment, favorable conditions for territorial and regional policy, spatial and economic indicators of the development of the territory (employment, area and volume of financing), the ratio of independent variables (factors of production) and dependent variable (output); restrictions on attracting resources to a particular production; restrictions on the sale (marketing) of manufactured products. To indicate the investment attractiveness of the territory, various groups of characteristics are used:

    1. Infrastructural: territorial and transport position, availability of transport infrastructure facilities, telecommunications, water and energy supply, waste disposal.

    2. Financial: budget, extra-budgetary funds of the territory, commercial banks, funds of regional and federal programs; opportunities to attract borrowed funds, funds at the disposal of the population.

    3. Labor: total number and gender and age composition, number and structure of the working population, professional and qualification composition, educational level, labor cost, labor productivity.

    4. Organizational: the level of organization of territorial administration, the presence of public and commercial organizations that can be used by the territories (universities, associations, chambers of commerce, etc.).

    5.Political forces that can promote or hinder development.

    6. Informational: provision with marketing information; the readiness of the territory to use it to develop plans for the development of clusters.

    Often the territory is methodologically considered as an environment for economic activity, public organizations and the population, therefore, the assessment of the situation on the territory is carried out according to the PEST-analysis method through the assessment of territorial resources in the context of 4 configurations: political, economic, social and technological. It is also common to study the competitiveness of territories based on a SWOT analysis.

    However, the presented methods have a significant drawback - they do not take into account the deep stratification of factors and conditions of production according to the degree of their geographical mobility that occurred in the era of globalization. If we rank various production factors according to this indicator (required at all stages of the production process, from R&D to the sale of finished products), we can state that, for example, the created intangible assets have become the most mobile assets. Moreover, production and the population are becoming more free to choose their place of residence and residence in connection with the modern processes of globalization. Therefore, the role of factors inherent in a particular location decreases, and the role of factors that can be created within the territory itself increases.

    Territories, on the contrary, serve as the focus of much more inert assets - natural resources, climatic conditions, infrastructure facilities. And, what is especially important, they are the living environment of the population, and not an abstract labor force, but stable territorial communities connected by common cultural and economic traditions.

    While the mobility of capital and technology was low, their carriers were tied to the territory, and its competitiveness essentially coincided with the competitiveness of its economic entities. At the beginning of globalization, with the separation of assets from the territorial base, it became obvious that, moving to another territory, the subject “can take with him” far from everything. Each territory has its own advantages and disadvantages that cannot be automatically reproduced in another area. It turned out that the right choice of location of production can be decisive for the success of the enterprise.

    Therefore, to analyze the competitiveness of a territory in order to create promising innovative clusters, it is not the factors in which one or another territory is stronger than another that are important, but those that are most significant for clusters. In connection with the above, the following two groups of factors are of greatest interest:

    1. Structural factors (created or being created industrial infrastructure; availability of labor potential and high quality of the living environment of the population; availability of intellectual capital; effective territorial policy).

    2. Functional factors (i.e. functions that the territory can effectively perform) - can the territory become:

    cluster center;

    Location of production;

    Center for Innovation Activity;

    Scientific or research center.

    The combination of these factors determines the attractiveness of the territory for specific cluster chains, determines those of its phases that can potentially be carried out in the region.

    Thus, the development of the innovative economy in Russia and its individual regions is currently being influenced by a number of internal and external factors, which can contribute to innovative development, as well as accelerate the socio-economic development of the region, or slow them down. It should be noted that the effectiveness of managing the factors influencing the development of an innovative economy depends on the ability to take into account the peculiarities of the economic development of Russia and the experience of foreign countries.

    Bibliographic link

    Aleksandrova E.V., Mokhnachev S.A., Suetin S.N., Shamaeva N.P. FACTORS OF DEVELOPMENT OF INNOVATIVE ECONOMY OF THE REGION // Fundamental research. - 2015. - No. 12-2. - S. 331-336;
    URL: (date of access: 01/15/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"