Interesting on the web! Yacht device. Yacht classes

Boat International, an online yachting magazine, has published a list of the world's largest private luxury yachts. Especially, the first 17 stand out in the list - their length varies from 123 to an impressive 180 meters. Most of them were built in this century, but the oldest yacht on the list first went on the water 150 years ago. Many of the yachts on this list are shrouded in a halo of mystery - despite their outstanding size, it is not known who owns them.

17. Savarona - 124 meters. We start with a beautiful yacht built in 1937 for Emily Roebling Cadwalader, heiress of a wealthy family from the USA. She was later acquired by Turkey to be used as a presidential yacht, and in 1989 the yacht was refurbished and refitted at a cost of $35 million.

16. Katara - 124 meters. The origin of this yacht is vague, but in ports it raises the flag of Qatar. Boat International believes the yacht belongs to the young emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani

15. Maryah - 125 meters. This is a former Russian research vessel built in Poland in 1991. Later in the UK it was turned into a luxury yacht capable of accommodating 54 passengers.

14. Octopus - 126 meters. The giant yacht is owned by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen. Most of the time she is moored in Antibes, France. It even has a helicopter landing pad!

13. Al Mirqab - 133 meters. In 2009, Al Mirqab won Motor Yacht of the Year at the World Superyacht Awards. She is reportedly capable of a top speed of 20 knots.

12. Serene - 134 meters. Built in 2011 for a mysterious Russian customer, all that is known about the yacht is that it is the largest yacht ever launched in Italy, where it was made.

11. Rising Sun - 138 meters. Originally built for Oracle CEO Larry Ellison, the yacht was taken over by music mogul David Geffen in 2010.

10. Al Salmah - 139 meters. During construction, the yacht was given the code name "Mipos" - short for "Mission Possible" (Mission Possible). This is one of the many superyachts on the list owned by the Saudi royal family, in this case Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz.

9. Ocean Victory - 140 meters. Another yacht, all the details of which are kept secret. According to rumors, Ocean Victory has as many as seven decks, six swimming pools and a "flooded garage."

8. Yas - 141 meters. The yacht looks so futuristic that it would look appropriate even in Star Trek. Yas was built in 2011 by Abu Dhabi MAR Holding using materials from a Dutch naval vessel. The owner is unknown.

7. El Horriya - 146 meters. The yacht was built in 1865 for the Ottoman governor. For 119 years, she remained the largest yacht in the world.

6. Prince Abdulaziz - 147 meters. The private yacht of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. It was reported to have cost $184 million in 1984. The saloon interior is inspired by images of the Titanic.

5. Topaz - 147 meters. The yacht was built in Berlin in 2012 and cost the customer $527 million. On board there is a gym, a cinema, a jacuzzi and a meeting room.

4. Al Said - 155 meters. The yacht, built in 2006 for Sultan Qaboos Al Said of Oman, boasts the highest displacement on the list at 15.85 tons. In addition, the yacht has its own concert hall, which can accommodate a 50-piece orchestra.

3. Dubai - 162 meters. This giant yacht, commissioned by Brunei's Prince Jefri in 1996, is now owned by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. In addition to the usual trappings of luxury, Dubai has a 21-meter-wide atrium designed to impress 24 guests (that's how many people can comfortably sleep on a yacht).

2. Eclipse - 162.5 meters. The second largest superyacht in the world was built in 2009 for Russian billionaire and owner of the Chelsea football club Roman Abramovich, and was rumored to cost him $500 million. Every year she crosses the Caribbean Sea to take passengers to Abramovich's home on the island of St. Barthélemy.

1. Azzam - 180 meters. The yacht was built by the German company Lurssen Yachts, whose shipyards left six of the top ten yachts in this list. The owner of the world's largest private superyacht is unknown, although many speculate that he belongs to the Abu Dhabi royal family. Azzam is valued at $600 million. According to rumors, the yacht has a submarine with its own missile defense system.

The President of Russia, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, is also the owner of a fleet of magnificent executive class ships. Of course, there is nothing surprising in this, because all the heads of coastal countries use their own ships for various events of national importance, as well as personal recreation, and the President of Russia is certainly no exception.

However, very little is known about these vessels, and the reason is that in the Russian Federation there is a law “On the Federal Security Service”, according to which everything related to the price of a yacht, its location, as well as technical characteristics, is a state secret, which is strictly forbidden to be disclosed. But, of course, everything secret in any case becomes clear and a lot is now known about the yachts of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, because Putin's palaces and yachts are one of the most discussed topics among the masses.

Putin's yacht photo

The flotilla of the President of the Russian Federation has several ships, one of them is the motor ship Rossiya, which was born during the Soviet era in 1973.

However, the second birth of the ship happened in 2003, when it was modernized and turned into a modern and truly luxurious ship.

Of course, there are yachts in the government flotilla. Compared with the yachts of domestic oligarchs, the yachts of Putin and Medvedev can be called quite modest; 119 m. But it is the yachts of the President of the Russian Federation that are among the most beautiful and technically advanced in the whole world.

Incredibly luxurious and stylish yacht, which belongs to the government of the Russian Federation and, in particular, Putin is beyond doubt, is Sirius. This yacht can hardly be called small, because its length is 54 meters, but it is 3 times smaller than the Eclipse.

The yacht was designed by a world-famous naval architect named Paolo Cogliari, and the design idea is presented by a real ace his business, the Frenchman Jean Guy Vergen. Sirius was built in 2009 at one of the most famous and famous shipyards of Turkish-Italian origin, called Proteksan-Turquoise and until 2011 was an ordinary charter vessel, with a much less heroic name, because initially the Sirius was just Leo Fun. Renting a ship then cost €285,000 per week.

However, in 2011, the yacht "Leo Fun" was bought by Russia for €30 million, renamed "Sirius" and became a real government yacht owned by the President of the Russian Federation.

While being “Leo Fun”, the yacht reached the finals of the most prestigious World Superyacht Awards competition, which was organized by one of the most authoritative publications Boat International, famous for its ability to choose not the most expensive and luxurious yachts, but the most stylish and technically modernized.

Sirius is a luxurious and incredibly sophisticated yacht. A special chic is given to it by a beautifully crafted and thought out to the smallest detail. design details, a dark blue hull looks irresistible on the water surface, tinted windows add modernity and style, and a white superstructure is in perfect harmony with the rest of the design and looks like a huge cloud against the azure sky, all this made the ship a real work of art.

The yacht is incredibly strong, this is ensured by a steel hull, literally impenetrable, as well as a high-strength aluminum superstructure. Thanks to the huge reserves of water and fuel, Sirius is completely autonomous and is not afraid of any transatlantic passage.

Sirius has powerful stabilizers and thrusters. Cruising speed - 18 knots.

What the yacht looks like from the inside is kept in the strictest confidence. However, this information slowly leaked to the masses. Of course, the decoration of the yacht is characterized by incredible luxury and chic. On a huge area of ​​100 sq. m. the most luxurious main salon of Sirius is spread.

Sirius is equipped with everything you need for long journeys.

However, despite the incredible
the high cost of the interiors, the luxury and chic that prevails around, everything is sustained in rather strict colors, yet this is not an entertainment liner of the oligarch, but a government ship and the design certainly emphasizes this.

And yet, "Sirius" in many ways loses to one of the best private ships in the world called "Olympia".

"Olympia" is a real mega-yacht, the length of which is 57 meters. It was built in 2002 in the small southern Dutch town of Papendrecht. The concept of the ship was Feadship 663. Then the ship went to Amsterdam to finalize the design, and then headed straight for Russia, to the city of Tuapse, and then to Sochi. The design of the yacht was developed by the famous Mark Hamptonon, while the overall concept of the vessel belongs to De Voogt Naval Architects.

"Olympia" has never been a charter ship, because renting a yacht of such a high class is simply unprofitable, respectively, "Olympia" has always been privately owned.

This is one of the most secret courts in the world, disputes about whether it belongs to Putin or not, have not subsided so far. However, in favor of the fact that the Olympia is a government yacht, the very fact of its secrecy speaks. All oligarchs love to show off their castles and yachts, and only the rulers of countries seek to keep their privacy in secret.

It is not known for certain how exactly the Olympia became the private yacht of the President of the Russian Federation, but the main version is that such a luxurious gift was made to Vladimir Vladimirovich by one of the richest people on the planet, Roman Abramovich. Numerous investigations by journalists confirm that it was Abramovich who gave Putin the Olympia yacht.

Like all billionaire ships, the Olympia is registered in a tax-free zone and flies the flag of the Cayman Islands.

The photo of Putin's yacht "Olympia" demonstrates the magnificent interior decoration, style and luxury, as well as the sophistication and excellent taste of its owner.

All cabins of the yacht, designed to receive up to 10 guests, are finished with red wood, rattan and gilding, and the owner's cabin, admiralty or presidential, is placed on a separate deck. The vessel is equipped with high-tech beds with special hinges that do not change their position even during the strongest storm.

The Olympia, as well as the living room, are finished in etched white ash, which is also used for the furniture, and the ceilings are entirely tiled with magnificent and incredibly refined Rosa Portogallo marble. The colonnades are made of the rarest species of maple called "Bird's Eye". All rooms are equipped with incredibly expensive Linn video and audio systems.

The upper deck is equipped with a state-of-the-art jacuzzi, barbecue and bar. Pleasure boats are located on the middle deck, which are also great for water skiing. Putin's yacht Olympia, whose photos demonstrate incredible luxury and chic, is rightfully called the presidential yacht.

But appearance is not the most important thing for a yacht of this level, what are its main technical characteristics?

  • The length of the yacht is 157 m.
  • The width of the Olympia is 10.1 m.
  • The draft of the yacht is 2.95 m.
  • The fuel reserve is 100,000 liters.
  • Water supply - 24,400 liters.
  • 2 Caterpillar 3512B engines, 1500 hp each every.
  • The speed of the yacht is 15.5 knots.

How much does this miracle of shipbuilding cost? Of course, the exact price of the yacht is not known for certain, but according to numerous sources, the initial cost of the Olympia was $35,000,000, but in the end the price increased to $50,000,000, which is not surprising, because this is one of the most technically advanced yachts in the world. .
Putin's yacht Olympia is one of the 100 largest and most expensive ships in the world, according to the ratings of many authoritative publications, such as Forbes.

Putin's yacht video

From time to time, videos marked “Putin’s yacht” leak onto the Internet, but most often these records actually have nothing to do with Putin’s real yachts and some small vessels are captured on them. Also, many people call their ships "Olympia" or "Sirius", putting them on the net with a corresponding mark, as a result, instead of a luxury yacht, you can see only a small sailing boat with a sonorous name.

In fact, finding a video of the yachts of the President of the Russian Federation is practically
it’s impossible because if a real video with “Russia”, “Olympia” or “Sirius” gets on the Internet, then it will be immediately seized, and even those who allowed such a video to be posted will be punished. After all, as mentioned above, information about government yachts is in the strictest confidence and is a state secret, for the disclosure of which you can get real punishment.

Therefore, a high-quality video of Putin's yachts, even if someone has it, is unlikely to ever become available to the masses.

And yet, there is a video of the yacht of Putin and Medvedev on the net, the video is not of the best quality, but on which the majestic and luxurious Olympia is clearly visible.

It is much easier to see Olympia live, because according to eyewitnesses, Putin's yacht in Sochi is a very frequent guest.

Rest on a yacht is not a cheap pleasure. Everyone dreams of having such an island of salvation, where you can sail away from everyday problems and just relax. But such a hobby, in addition to large material costs and time, also requires considerable skills. Without knowledge of the structure of the yacht, you will not sail far. Sailors are quite resourceful people. They came up with their own name for each element. Therefore, it is also necessary to familiarize yourself with special terminology. In this article you can find a lot of useful information on the device of the yacht and other important points.


Swimming aids must be different from each other. Yacht classes are determined depending on what characteristics they have. They can differ significantly from each other. The most significant characteristics can be considered:

  • Length. The driving characteristics of the vessel depend on it. The longer it is, the faster it can move. This is especially true for sports yachts.
  • Width. This factor affects speed and stability. The wider the ship, the calmer it behaves on the water and moves more slowly (due to the high resistance of the water). Wide yachts are usually made for sea and ocean trips, as high waves can occur in such places.
  • draft. Yachts with a small draft maneuver worse. They also have less stability - the ability to resist roll and return to their former position.
  • board height. It is important for those swimming facilities that go to sea. The higher the board, the bigger waves it can withstand.
  • Displacement. Yachts with a higher rating are better at handling adverse weather conditions, but due to their heaviness, they are less manoeuvrable.
  • windage. Affects movement speed. The higher it is, the more the ship receives energy from the wind, so it moves faster.

Classification by the presence of a sail

Yachts differ from each other in several ways. The main thing is the presence or absence of a sail. If it is not there, then such a yacht moves due to the engine and is called a motor yacht. There is something else in between. Such a yacht has a sail, but in which case it can use the additional power of the engine.

By appointment

They are divided into racing and cruising. The first type is for sports. They must meet certain standards. Their main characteristics are windage and weight. The maximum possible speed depends on this. This yacht has nothing superfluous. Therefore, you can hardly call it comfortable. Racing models are only needed to overcome distances at maximum speed.

Cruising yachts are a completely different matter. They are designed for walking with great comfort. They are equipped with everything you need for a good holiday. Cruiser yachts can accommodate quite a lot of people. You can live on it for more than one day. Modern ships equipped with a powerful motor can develop good speed. So on such models, too, you can ride with the breeze.

For long round-the-world trips, racing-cruising yachts are best suited. They have a minimum set in order to be able to survive in the sea. In addition, they are quite fast. It is on such yachts that the Volvo Ocean Race, the famous round-the-world race, is held.

By seaworthiness

Also classified by where the ships sail. There are sea and river yachts. They differ from each other in design. Vessels designed for movement at sea must be more resistant to external influences, as there are strong storms. Therefore, their design is usually wider, and the draft is greater than that of freshwater yachts. The latter do not need such good stability.

By hull type

Standard models are single hulls. But besides them there are also catamarans and trimarans. The latter have their own qualities that help with long voyages.

Yacht design

The main part of each swimming facility is the hull. It is divided into 3 parts:

  • Nasal.
  • Midel.
  • stern.

One of the important parts of the hull is the keel. There is always a bulb at its end. This is a special thickening where the main weight of the keel is located. It is needed so that the center of gravity is as low as possible. So the ship becomes more stable. The larger and heavier the keel, the better the yacht copes with external influences. You should never forget about him, because they can run aground.

Also under water, in addition to the keel, there is also a rudder feather. This is an important element of the design of the yacht, because it is controlled with the help of it. The steering wheel itself is connected to the baller and the rudder head. Through them, the force is transmitted to the rudder blade, and the yacht turns.

Upper body

The first thing people pay attention to is called the deck of the yacht. This is such a horizontal surface that delimits the upper and inner space. There may be several. Their task is to divide the space inside the yacht. There are several types: residential, battery, cargo deck. Each can be designed for different purposes.

The upper deck must completely cover the entire upper part of the yacht. It serves as a waterproof barrier. It is important for the strength of the ship. There are a lot of important elements of the yacht's device on the deck. You should also familiarize yourself with them.

At the very beginning is the nose rail. This is one of the fencing elements present on the yacht. It is a rigid structure made of metal. Handrails run from it along the entire hull. This is also an element of the fence. But only they are made of iron cable. During a storm, insurance is usually attached to them. It all ends with a stern railing.

There are hatches on the deck. They lead inside the yacht. Through them you can get to the lower deck. In strong winds and waves, they are pulled up, so water cannot get inside.

The large superstructure, which can be immediately noticed, is called the cabin. There are various instruments that make up the ship's control and navigation system. For a good view, portholes are installed there.

The deck is just the top of the ship. And the place where people walk is called potopchina. It is usually made of wood or metal. Often it is covered with a special non-slip coating.

One of the most important places in the upper part of the hull is the cockpit. People get here as soon as they climb the ladder on board. This is where the passengers and crew are. There is also a helmsman's post along with the steering wheel.

Sailing armament

Thanks to this device, the yacht can move only on the strength of the wind and without the help of a motor. There are a lot of little things and other nuances here. The device of a sailing yacht is quite complicated. Therefore, it must be well understood. This system consists of several parts:

  • Sails.
  • Spars.
  • Rigging.

The Bermuda type is usually used. This is when two triangular sails are attached in front and behind. They are called staysail and mainsail. The main element of the device of a sailing yacht is the mast. This is a system that together creates the frame and base of the anchorage for the sails. One of the parts of the spars is the mast. It also includes sheets, spreaders, a boom and more. The top of the mast is called the top. The lower one, in turn, is spurred. It ends in the keel of the ship and rests on the steps.

Rigging is all the gear that is attached to the spars. Thanks to them, sails are controlled. Among them there are elements moving and standing (which are simply fixed).

Motor yachts

This type of watercraft does not have sailing equipment. They move using the energy of the engines. This type of yacht is the most expensive. It is intended for the elite. And it's not just that. Motor yachts have some positive aspects that make them more attractive.

The first thing I would like to note is the speed. Still, the power of the engine is much greater than that of the wind. Therefore, such models will be faster. If you need to quickly overcome a long distance on the water or just ride "with the breeze", then motor boats will be preferable. Modern yachts can reach speeds of up to 40 nautical miles per hour. Pretty good if you consider that it is about 70 kilometers per hour.

Motor yachts are rented or bought by VIPs. Therefore, most often they go together with professional staff who guarantee quality service and safety on the yacht.

Another plus is the comfort, which is inherent only in this class. Yachts with engines most often have special stabilizers that prevent the ship from rocking so much. And this means that pitching will not be so noticeable.

Mega yachts

Man has always strived for more. Yachts are no exception. With their desire, the engineers were able to create mega-yachts. Every year, such vessels are awarded the Neptune Prize. To get into it, they must be at least 30 meters long.

The largest yacht bears the proud name "Azzam". It has a length of 180 meters. Its cost is 609 million dollars. Despite her colossal size, she can travel at speeds of up to 30 knots. And this is a lot for such a hulk.

Before Azzam was created, the Eclipse yacht of the famous entrepreneur Roman Abramovich was 162.5 meters in size. It cost the owner nearly $800 million. This is one of the most expensive yachts in the world.

The third place in the list is occupied by "Dubai". Its length is 160 meters, and the price is 350 million dollars.

April 6th, 2017

Most modern yachts look attractive and futuristic. But classic ships, made in the style of bygone eras, still attract special attention. Indeed, today everyone dreams of visiting a sailboat.

1. Amphitrite

Built in 2001, the 47m Amphitrite looks like it came from the 1920s. The project of the yacht was developed by Turkish shipbuilders from Taka Yachts and the famous designer Redman Whitely Dixon.

The exterior and interior of the Amphitrite perfectly convey the spirit of the Edwardian era. For example, the cabins are full of art deco furniture, and on deck you can find folding chairs and wooden sun loungers. There are plenty of board games in the saloon, and an antique rotary telephone and writing materials in every cabin. Behind all this lies the modern technology of the XXI century.

2. Lionheart

In 1936, financier Harold Vanderbilt commissioned a J-class sailing yacht to compete. Several projects were developed, one of which was used to build a ship for a millionaire. The rest of the options remained unrealized.

After 75 years, one of them was brought to life by experts Freddie Bloemsma, Claasen Jachtbouw and Nigel Ingram. They built the 43m racing yacht Lionheart. The ship was completed in 2011 and now it regularly takes part in regattas around the world.

The Lionheart is designed for both racing and cruising. The yacht has an almost flat deck with two superstructures.

Inside the Lionheart are a living room, an owner's cabin with a private deckhouse, three guest cabins and four crew cabins.


Rainbow is another yacht built for Harold Vanderbilt in 1934. She won the competition four times, winning the America's Cup. In 2012, the legendary yacht was built again using old blueprints. The 40-meter replica received an aluminum body, a modern hybrid drive system and a luxurious mahogany interior.

To give Rainbow a new life, the customer chose specialists from Dykstra Naval Architects (Holland). And they built an excellent class J yacht. Over the years, the vessel has taken part in many regattas and even won the title of "Sailing Yacht of the Year" in the class over 39 meters. The estimated price of the Rainbow yacht is 10 million euros.

4Sycara IV

In 2009, the 46-meter yacht Sycara IV was built in the USA. Burger Boat Company and Ken Freivokh Design have designed a "modern classic" that combines the highest levels of quality and technology with the elegance and charm of the 1920s. And the following year, the yacht won the prestigious ShowBoats Design Award. The hull of the yacht is made of aluminum and the deck is covered with teak.

The Sycara IV has two Caterpillar 600 hp diesel engines. With them, the yacht develops a cruising speed of 12 knots (22 km/h). The cruising range is 2400 nautical miles.

The design of the vessel is ideal for sailing in coastal waters. A folding mast is provided for passing under low bridges. Solar panels are also installed on the upper deck. There is a hot tub for 7 people, a bar, a dining room and sun loungers.

Another dining room is located on the second deck, at the stern of the yacht. This is the perfect place to enjoy great views. Inside, the Sycara IV is finished with inlaid wood paneling that creates a warm and inviting atmosphere in the main saloon, dining room and 4 cabins. In total, it can accommodate up to 9 passengers. The work of the yacht and the comfort of passengers are provided by 7 crew members. The cost of the yacht Sycara IV is $27.5 million.

5. Taransay

The Taransay yacht got its name from a 31-meter vessel built in Scotland in 1930. The new yacht is 7 meters longer (length 38.55 m, beam 7.6 m, draft 2.5 m) to provide more comfort for the crew and passengers. She has a steel hull with a displacement of 300 tons and an aluminum superstructure.

All deck equipment is custom made to look like the original 1930s yacht. It is supplemented only by individual innovative technological solutions to meet modern safety requirements. A wonderful combination of classic look and functionality is the result of the work of the Rossinavi studio (Italy).

The vessel is equipped with two Caterpillar 800 horsepower engines. Thanks to them, Taransay develops a cruising speed of 12 knots. The cruising range is about 3,500 miles (6,500 kilometers).

In accordance with the wishes of the owner, the interior of the yacht is decorated with wooden lacquered panels.

6. Roxane

The Roxane is a stunning fusion of classic lines, spacious decks and contemporary interiors by Remi Tessier. This vessel, in the type of a twin-screw Bermuda ketch, carries both sailing equipment and two Scania 610 hp engines. every. The yacht has a cruising speed of 10.5 knots (19 km/h). At the same time, the cruising range is 2,300 nautical miles (4,250 kilometers), and the engines consume 70 liters of fuel per hour.

The Roxane's hull is built in Turkey from iroko (African teak) and mahogany (mahogany) wood, the deck is teak, and the superstructure is also wooden.

The yacht is 47 meters long and carries three masts, the tallest of which is 41.9 meters high.

Sailing yacht A, owned by billionaire Andrey Melnichenko, is the ninth largest superyacht in the world. She was photographed this week in the port of Mahon in Menorca. It is a 468-foot, eight-story vessel with three 300-foot masts and a helipad. The cost of the yacht is 360 million pounds.

Two decks for relaxation, on the top - a gym for sports

This is a new acquisition by Melnichenko. The yacht is designed for 20 guests and a crew of 54 people.

The yacht was first spotted in May this year near Monaco.

Now she is moored in the port of Mahon in Menorca (Spain)

Andrei Melnichenko was born in Belarus. He is the main shareholder of EuroChem, one of the world's leading fertilizer producers. Melnichenko's net worth is approximately £11bn.

In 2005, Melnichenko married a former model and pop star from Serbia named Alexandra. Whitney Houston, Christina Aguilera and Julio Iglesias performed at their wedding.

In addition to this yacht, Melnichenko owns £240m Motor Yacht A. And he also has a private Boeing 737, a villa on the Cote d'Azur in France, a penthouse in New York and a huge estate near Ascot (UK).