Why dream of a lot of running mice. Why do a lot of mice dream? Why dream of a lot of mice in the house, on the street

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In life, mice cause quite conflicting emotions in people. Some begin to play with them, others simply see them off, while others may even faint. From the point of view of dreams, mice sometimes carry quite a variety of information. Why do mice dream in a dream excites many, since the animal is often destined to tell people in dreams about future events in reality.

Seeing mice in a dream

In reality, few people feel real sympathy for rodents. Unless, lovers of the exotic. Indeed, for ordinary inhabitants, mice are pests who, in addition to gnawing food and wires, do not know how to do anything.

In fact, rodents play a huge role in nature, and in dreams they can give a very valuable clue. Therefore, in most cases, you should not be afraid of them.

What is it for

Sometimes people who dream of a small rodent feel like gray mice in reality. They are afraid to take a step because of the negative programs embedded within them. Therefore, a dreaming mouse can tell a person that it’s enough to be afraid. Now is the best time to take action.

Watch the video. Why do mice dream?


Sleep experts say that women most often dream of mice.

If you dreamed of a rodent running around the dreamer's dress, you should expect a scandal with relatives, moreover, a very grandiose one.

During the interpretation of sleep, you need to pay attention to the place where the gray rodent dreamed. If in the kitchen, then you should expect a family celebration. If the mouse runs around in the bathroom, then to an unexpected and pleasant gift from loved ones.


A young lady who dreamed of rodents in a dream needs to take a closer look at her object of sympathy. Especially if the mouse was crawling on the bed. It is likely that the rodent tells the girl about the betrayal and betrayal by the beloved man.

60% of dreams portend trouble

Also, the mouse can warn about envious people who are trying in every possible way to intrigue the girl.


For pregnant women, the mouse says that you need to carefully monitor your health, especially in such an important period.


Most often, a representative of the stronger sex dreams of a mouse when he needs the help of friends in resolving any issue, but he is afraid to ask for it due to pride, believing that such a request will demonstrate his personal weakness.

The mouse tells the man that he should not be afraid to ask for help. At the right time and in the right place, he will receive it, and friends in trouble will not leave and understand.

If a rodent has bitten a sleeping man, a man should beware of financial betrayal. A colleague or partner will set him up, feeling personal gain. That’s why you need to pay more attention to your surroundings at work.

dream interpretation

In order to correctly interpret the meaning of sleep, it is important to analyze all authoritative sources and compare data. The more information, the more clearly the night prediction from the rodent looms.

Miller's dream book

According to Miller, a mouse in a dream symbolizes a possible betrayal by close friends.

If a young girl dreamed of mice, then they warn that she had enemies. Enemies will act both secretly and openly to harm the dreamer and her plans.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Vanga considered the invasion of rodents in a dream from the point of view of agriculture and the economy. The soothsayer foreshadowed a weak harvest and an increase in prices for vital products.

If the mouse dreamed on Tuesday, then the dreamer has secrets from a loved one. It is worth talking about this if they are directly related to a specific person. Otherwise, everything may turn out not in favor of the sleeper, despite the absence of harm in his behavior.

The mouse can also symbolize financial difficulties, problems in personal and family relationships.

Aesop's dream book

If the dreamer manages to see how the mouse runs away from the cat, this is a good sign, portending the avoidance of problems in reality, which will happen thanks to the dreamer's ingenuity. Feeding the mouse from your hands is an indication that the dreamer needs to be more tolerant of others. It is possible that soon you will need help and support. Because arrogance is now useless.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Hasse believes that a mouse in a dream is a harbinger of the appearance of ill-wishers in the dreamer's life. The outcome of the collision depends on the behavior of the rodent.

If you happen to kill a mouse, the enemies will not be able to harm a person.

If the mouse ran away, then small intrigues will be crowned with great success, and the enemy will prevail.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Tsvetkov says that mice warn of ill-wishers and losses both among the dreamer's relatives and himself.

Mice dreamed: what does it mean

Often, mice in a dream signal that the dreamer avoids awkward and ambiguous situations. Otherwise, he himself can seriously ruin his own reputation.


Seeing white mice in a dream is a positive sign. There will be positive changes in the near future that will bring joy and help you believe in your own strength again.


In such a dream, the mouse seems to tell the person that he is losing sight of the little things. Concentrating on global goals, he does not pay attention to important details that play a huge role in achieving success. As soon as the dreamer learns to see this, he will become more successful.


Red mice warn that a particularly cunning enemy has appeared in the dreamer's life. You should not succumb to provocations, you need to carefully think over your steps, then the situation can be brought under control.


Gray mice usually represent a person's inner fears or impending dangers. Sometimes the dreamer feels himself in the role of a gray creature. In this case, it is worth changing your attitude towards yourself, then others will no longer consider a person an inconspicuous mouse, they will pay attention to him, and life will enter a new, more favorable direction.

If you dreamed of several different mice, you should try to reunite the interpretation of colors together. This will give you the most accurate assessment of the situation. If any color prevailed in a flock of mice, then the essence lies precisely in this shade. The rest play a secondary, but still important role.

Watch the video. What do our most popular dreams mean?


If a big mouse is dreamed, such a dream is the personification of the attitude of the sleeper towards enemies. The larger it is, the more fear a person experiences in the face of an enemy. In this case, mice symbolize troubles that will soon be resolved without causing much damage to the dreamer.


Small creatures indicate that the dreamer is obviously not afraid of enemies, although he has them. And he has every reason to treat ill-wishers condescendingly: his actions are thought out and justified, he has a good reputation. The actions of the enemy will not bring damage in the near future.


If calm rodents dream, the dreamer should take a closer look at the environment. It is possible that among the imaginary friends there is an offender who is not using the dreamer for the best purposes.


If you dreamed of aggressive rodents, you should expect attacks from a previously calm person from your environment. He is unlikely to harm the dreamer, but he will be able to spoil the nerves.

6 out of 10 dreams - to positive events

If you manage to kill or drive away the rodent - a good sign, then the dreamer will be able to avoid the machinations of ill-wishers.


A dead rodent in a dream portends material difficulties. And if he is also mutilated, then they try to negatively influence the dreamer with the help of magic in order to harm financial affairs and success.

A lot of

If in a dream a lot of mice attack the dreamer, then in life you will have to go through bad times. Problems will fall on a person like from a bucket, and in different areas of life.

If the house in a dream is filled with rodents, you should take a closer look at your surroundings. It is likely that you are surrounded by evil people who manipulate you. At the same time, the negative impact is covered with a mask of kindness and care.

In order to reduce the harm from such people, you need to learn to distinguish between lies and truth.

Dream Interpretation: mice in a dream

A mouse in a dream often reflects a person's subconscious state. If in reality a person feels anxiety from communicating with someone, then he should minimize contact with this person. It is possible that a person skillfully manipulates the dreamer or tries to somehow use him for his own purposes.


If in a dream a rodent bit the dreamer, he should be wary of minor troubles and troubles in life, quarrels from scratch are possible.

If you had to watch a mouse bite, it is likely that one of your friends is spreading negative rumors about a person behind your back or one of your relatives will betray him.

run away

Running animals mean the dreamer's complete victory over competitors. He will overcome them very soon, and the enemies simply will not have any trump cards or spare moves left.

If you also ate a mouse caught in a dream, then the victory will be triumphant, quick and unconditional, the enemies will no longer bother.


If mice bathe in their sleep, but do not drown, you should be more careful. No matter how hard the dreamer tries to fight the enemies, now they are clearly stronger than him. The only thing left is to lie low and wait for the right moment to respond.

Fall into a mousetrap

If mice fell into a mousetrap in a dream, the dreamer should be more careful. Enemies are not asleep and have already set their traps.

Only thoughtful actions can save the situation, it is better to avoid reckless actions. If you neglect the hint, the dreamer will soon have a hard time.

Run into the house

If mice run into the dreamer's house, you should take a closer look at the environment. It is quite possible that someone shows persistent interest, and in every possible way will try to get to know a person better, even against his will.

Catching a cat or a cat

If you happen to see a cat or a cat catching a mouse in a dream, this dream promises financial profit.

If you watch how a cat catches rodents, remember their number. After all, the more they are caught, the more solid cash the dreamer will break in life.

In general, it is believed that if a person sees a hunting animal in a dream, especially a cat, this is a good sign. After all, a cat and a mouse in nature are enemies. Therefore, this dream symbolizes victory over enemies and troubles, and the onset of a brighter future in the near future.

And eats

The dream interpretation in this situation speaks of the defeat of the enemies. But only here, unlike the previous version, cruelty will be present in the fight. It is worth paying attention to whose dream the cat was.

If the animal belongs to the dreamer, then the victory over the enemy will be conscious and thoughtful. If the animal was someone else's, it means that the enemy himself will make a mistake, which will eventually lead to the collapse of all plans and the loss of the ill-wisher.

Why do mice dream

Some dream books claim that mice symbolize minor dirty tricks and problems. After all, it is precisely the troubles that are associated with rodents in ordinary life. However, there is another interpretation that speaks of the dreamer's cunning, dexterity and good ingenuity. Sometimes a dream indicates that you need to be less suspicious, now this is unreasonable.


Crushing mice in a dream most often means a hidden dislike for problems and competitors. They tortured the dreamer so much that he wants to get rid of them as soon as possible, to crush them.


If you happen to catch a mouse in a dream, the dream promises positive changes. If the dreamer had to run after a rodent, then they will be quite successful. You can safely make plans, because they will certainly come true.

And if a person caught an animal with the help of improvised means, we can talk about his initiative and resourcefulness. Thanks to these qualities, a person will be able to achieve what he planned.

But if you happen to catch a rodent with your bare hands, you should be wary of getting into ridiculous situations, they can play a cruel joke on a person and ruin their reputation.

People around will remember this for a long time, and the circumstances will be such that a person will only have to gain strength and wait out the black streak, trying not to respond to the ridicule and bullying of the environment.

Watch the video. The most interesting facts about dreams.


If you had a chance to feed rodents in a dream, this means that you should not break ties with friends. It is likely that their help or support will soon be needed.

Miller's dream book

Seeing a mouse in a dream- portends domestic troubles and insincerity of friends. Things in business will become discouraging.

See you killed a mouse- means that you will defeat your ill-wishers.

Let her run away- a harbinger of a struggle with a dubious result.

A young woman saw a mouse in a dream- a warning about her secret enemies. There is also the possibility of deceit, which is planned by them.

This is a sign of an upcoming scandal in which she will play a major role.

Collection of dream books

Mice- feeling of insignificance.

mouse- gossip, the person who dissolves them; bat- unpleasant changes in life.

Dream interpretation of a gypsy

Mice usually- dream of minor troubles.

If the mouse scared you- you will feel confused because of some incident.

Caught mouse- a sure sign that you do not know how to stand up for yourself and allow others to push you around.

Catch a mouse- to receive an unpleasant letter.

Mouse in a trap- you have to do what you didn't want to do.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Mouse- secret ill-wisher; old unresolved obsessive problem, thought, feeling; white- fidelity in unnecessary relationships; mechanical, electronic- creative ideas.

Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation

See- means a cunning mockery from a vicious woman; bat mouse- does not bode well and generally means secretive enemies.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Mouse- timidity.

Chinese dream book

The cat catches the mouse- portends great profit, wealth.

Lunar dream book

Mice- loss of money.

Dream Interpretation Dasha

Computer mouse- a symbol of situation management. It may mean, in your dream, the desire to control events with your own hand. Or the illusion that you supposedly control the situation.

Catch a mouse- means that you will experience satisfaction from passion, take revenge on the traitor.

There is a mouse- the need to be careful, danger is possible, kill mouse- to sadness.

To see a mousetrap in a dream- means that someone is slandering you.

If you put a mousetrap- this can serve as a warning that you need to be extremely careful not to give rise to gossip.

If you saw bats in a dream- this is a very bad dream, unfortunately, bad news, trouble, a thief in the house.

See a flying bat- means to rejoice at the failures of your sworn enemy.

Kill the bat- to recovery from a dangerous disease, getting rid of mortal danger.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Do you feel like a "gray mouse"- it can be a sign of fear and fear.

Do you feel you have to be quiet, or are you concerned about being too quiet? Are you too quiet? - isn't it time to declare yourself so that people know who you really are?

Mice- associated with the ability to notice the little things in life. Be attentive to details, then big things will take care of themselves.

General dream book

Most often a mouse in a dream- portends domestic troubles and insincerity towards you of your friends. In business, too, there may be some decline.

If you killed a mouse in a dream- so, defeat the ill-wishers. But if she was allowed to escape, the outcome of the struggle would be very doubtful.

Warns of secret envious people. Perhaps they will try to deceive her.

If she sees a mouse on her dress- most likely, she will be drawn into a scandal in which she will be the central figure.

Seeing a lot of mice in a dream- to monetary profit.

If you dreamed of a white mouse- your case will be unreliable; if there are a lot of mice, your business will take a good turn.

You dreamed that you turned into a mouse- you can become a victim of a robbery.

Women's dream book

Mouse in a dream- portends domestic troubles and insincerity of friends, an unforeseen course of your affairs is possible.

Kill a mouse in a dream- means victory over ill-wishers.

let her run away- a harbinger of a struggle with varying success.

A young woman saw a mouse in a dream- warns of the appearance of secret ill-wishers in her, of possible deception on their part.

If she sees a mouse on her dress- this is a sign of an upcoming scandal in which she will play a major role.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Mice to catch- your plans are good; white- strong marriage; mice search- they want to rob you; many mice- Hard times; mouse- a hidden enemy.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

To dream of mice running around the apartment- portends an invitation to the wedding. Chasing mice- to marriage. kill mouse- portends a sad event in the family. To see mice climbing on the table and eating everything that is there- to well-being and well-being in your home.

White mouse in a dream- means strong family ties. Hear the squeak of mice or how they scratch nearby in the dark- You are in danger of being robbed or robbed.

Lots of mice in the basement- portends difficult times financially.

See a mouse standing on its hind legs- you will be able to fulfill all your plans. Pick up a mouse- a young rival will cross the road for you.

The mouse that bit you- a sign of revenge and betrayal in love.

If in a dream you put a mousetrap- means, in reality, expose the secret intentions of your enemies. If a mouse got into it- the property will be divided in a judicial proceeding. See a cat with a mouse in its mouth- get the necessary support from your friends in time. Mouse running away from the cat- Become a witness to a scandal in the family of your friends.

Seeing a dead mouse in a dream- to experience financial difficulties.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Mouse- domestic problems, insincere friends.

kill mouse- deal with the problem.

Runaway mouse It's better to stop fighting.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

If the mouse gets close to the very feet- it's time to go shopping, prices may rise soon.

If the mouse is sleeping- everything is in order with the children, both with health and with their communication with their peers.

If you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday- a sign that you are carefully hiding something from a loved one, but be more careful, it is better if he learns your secret from you. Gossip is spread about you, and soon you will find out the name of the one who did it.

If the mouse is white- do not be surprised that a person close to you spread rumors about you.

Black or gray mouse- life is devoid of change, everything will remain the same in the near future.

Jewish dream book

Mouse- enemy, secretive, invisible, unfamiliar.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Mice in a dream- symbolize someone's secret plans.

Seeing mice in a dream- get ready for the fact that your plans may be confused, and the people you considered friends will let you down.

A woman has such a dream- portends intrigues that can jeopardize her home well-being.

Catch or kill a mouse in a dream- a sign that the machinations of your ill-wishers can lead to a loud scandal.

Aesop's dream book

Mice are associated with folk signs and sayings that could give rise to the image of a mouse in your dream: “The mouse overcomes - before hunger; mice get out of the house - before the fire", "There is something that the mouse gnawed, the teeth will get stronger", "If the mouse gets into the bosom, then it will be a big trouble", "Mice will gnaw through clothes (dress) - to death", "Do not name, caressing , kittens as mice: the mother will bite them.

The mouse symbolizes- ingenuity, dexterity and at the same time weakness.

Bat- is the personification of the night, blindness.

But according to some popular beliefs, the bat- can also be a harbinger of good luck, hope and even happiness. So your subconscious, sending you the image of a mouse in a dream, could be based on a variety of events that occurred in your life, in one way or another related to folklore motifs.

Watch in a dream a mouse running away from a cat- a sign that you will happily manage to avoid danger.

Feed a mouse in a dream- a dream indicates that you should be more tolerant of the people around you, even though you see that they are weaker than you. There will definitely come a time when you will need the help of these people, so don't act arrogant towards them at this time.

Watch in a dream the flight of a bat- a sign that your long-standing hopes are destined to come true. Perhaps such a dream suggests that your business, despite all the forecasts, will end successfully.

Seeing a wounded bat in a dream- evidence that you should beware of the night time. You may be in danger of being robbed.

If you dreamed of a bat hunting for insects- such a dream portends great happiness. Maybe you have a profitable business that will bring you considerable material profit and the respect of the people around you.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If you dream of a mouse- this means that you constantly quarrel with your loved one or spouse.

If a girl has such a dream- this means that someone is trying to harm her and is plotting to quarrel her with her loved one.

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

The mouse symbolizes ingenuity, dexterity and at the same time weakness.

Mice are associated with folk signs and sayings that could give rise to the image of a mouse in your dream: “The mouse overcomes - before hunger; mice get out of the house - before the fire", "There is something that the mouse gnawed, the teeth will get stronger", "If the mouse gets into the bosom, then it will be a big trouble", "Mice will gnaw through clothes (dress) - to death", "Do not name, caressing , kittens as mice: the mother will bite them.

The bat is the personification of the night, blindness. But according to some folk beliefs, a bat can also be a harbinger of good luck, hope, and even happiness.

So your subconscious, sending you the image of a mouse in a dream, could be based on a variety of events that occurred in your life, in one way or another related to folklore motifs.

Watching a mouse running away from a cat in a dream is a sign that you will happily manage to avoid danger.

Feeding a mouse in a dream - a dream indicates that you should be more tolerant of the people around you, even though you see that they are weaker than you. There will definitely come a time when you will need the help of these people, so don't act arrogant towards them at this time.

Setting a trap in a dream in order to catch a mouse is evidence that in real life you are a very enterprising, resourceful person who can find a way out of even the most difficult situation.

If you dreamed that you killed a mouse or caught it in a mousetrap, then such a dream means that you have a very difficult task ahead of you, and you can only get out of it as a winner thanks to your courage.

Seeing a large number of mice in a dream is a happy way out of problems.

To see a bat in a dream - a dream tells you that in real life you need to learn to adapt to all circumstances, so you can easily avoid any danger.

Watching a bat fly in a dream is a sign that your long-standing hopes are destined to come true. Perhaps such a dream suggests that your business, despite all the forecasts, will end successfully.

Seeing a wounded bat in a dream is evidence that you should beware of night time. You may be in danger of being robbed.

If you dreamed of a bat hunting for insects, such a dream portends great happiness. Maybe you have a profitable business ahead of you, which will bring you considerable material profit and the respect of the people around you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient dream book

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Why do a lot of mice dream? In a dream, this is not the most positive sign. It can warn of famine, losses, danger and even war. Look for a more accurate interpretation in popular dream books and specific examples of the interpretation of a dream image.

Miller's dream book prediction

Did you happen to see a lot of mice? You are destined for domestic troubles and misunderstanding. In addition, everything will fall into decay.

If a young lady dreamed of such an image, then she has envious people and rivals. If mice crawled onto clothes, then in reality you will become the instigator of a grandiose scandal.

Opinion of the English dream book

Did a lot of mice appear in a dream? The interpreter suspects that unkind people will interfere in your life or affairs. The same image promises defeat in business and lack of money. Many mice sometimes appear as a sign of an unhappy marriage in the future.

The 21st century dream book warns

Did you see a lot of small and funny mice? Successfully cope with obstacles in business, and joy will come to the house. A lot of mice started up in a dream, and you decided to put a mousetrap? The dream interpretation warns: carefully monitor your behavior and do not give others a reason to slander.

Why dream of a lot of bats? You are threatened by burglary, prolonged depression and bad news. If they fly around, then you will rejoice because of the failure of a competitor. In a dream, were you lucky to kill a lot of bats? In the realm, you will be able to avoid mortal danger. The same dream action guarantees recovery.

The dream book tells from A to Z

Why dream if there are a lot of mice running around the room? You will be invited to the wedding soon. Chasing mice yourself - to matchmaking or a marriage proposal. Managed to kill mice in a dream? A sad event will happen in the house. It's good to see a lot of mice that have climbed onto the table and are cheekily eating food. This means that your life will be prosperous and comfortable.

Dreamed of a lot of white mice? The interpreter is sure that the strength of family ties is reflected in this way. But if you happen to hear a squeak, scratch or loud rustle, then be prepared for theft or robbery. There are many ordinary mice that have gathered in the basement, which warns of hard times and lack of money.

The dream book of Nostradamus answers

Dreamed of a lot of mice? Coming war, famine and widespread pestilence. Dead mice signify material difficulties. Why dream if a lot of bats attacked? You have to face the real Evil.

What does the modern combined dream book think

Why do a lot of mice dream? Very soon, you will become aware of the identity of the person spreading outrageous rumors. The dream book advises a young girl to worry about her reputation. Had a dream that you trampled and crushed mice? In reality, you will bypass your competitors. If in a dream the presence of a mouse neighborhood did not particularly bother you, then you will get a serious monetary profit.

Why dream of a lot of mice in the house, on the street

Most often, a large number of mice in the house hints at domestic or work troubles. In addition, rodents symbolize the insidious plans of others and the unworthy thoughts of the dreamer himself. Did you dream that at the sight of mice you experienced wild horror and panic? In reality, something will happen that will lead to an extreme degree of confusion. If the meeting with mice in the house or on the street did not become a terrible surprise, then you will get profit, joy and happiness.

Many mice in a dream - a few examples

The interpretation of the plot directly depends on the sensations experienced in a dream, as well as the dream atmosphere and, of course, the appearance of the mice and the dreamer's personal actions.

  • a lot of white mice - improving the situation
  • gray - trouble, loss
  • black - danger, disease
  • field - minor chores
  • home - family squabbles
  • to catch - matchmaking, search
  • run after them - undertakings, successful plans
  • catch - complete satisfaction
  • there is a danger, a disease
  • to kill - sadness, bad news

Had a dream that you managed to drive a lot of mice out of the house? In fact, get rid of a number of problems.

Dream interpretation of S. Karatov

Mouse - To see that you are catching a mouse, then your plans are feasible. White mice - a strong marriage awaits you.

I dreamed of a squeak of mice - they want to rob you. Many mice - hard times await you.

To see a mouse in a dream - you have a secret enemy, an enemy; loss through close acquaintances.

See also: what is the dream of a rat, what is the dream of a mousetrap, what is the dream of a cat.

T. Lagutina's pocket dream book

Why the Mouse is dreaming, how to understand the dream:

Mouse - If you dreamed of little mice, then you will have a false friend, complications in the family, a breakdown in business.

Kill a mouse in a dream - victory over your opponent awaits you.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Why does the Mouse dream in a dream:

Gray mouse - If you dreamed of hordes of mice, then this is for war, pestilence, hunger. Dead mouse - you will experience financial difficulties.

If a flock of bats attacked you in a dream, then you will face a terrible evil.

Feeding a bat in a dream from your hands means that you need to show patience and endurance if you want to prevent dangerous events.

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

What does the Mouse dream about in a dream book:

Mouse - A mouse dreamed - it symbolizes ingenuity, dexterity and at the same time weakness. Bat - is the personification of the night, blindness. But, according to some popular beliefs, a bat can also be a harbinger of good luck, hope and even happiness.

So your subconscious, sending you the image of a mouse in a dream, could be based on a variety of events that occurred in your life, in one way or another related to folklore motifs.

If you dreamed of a mouse running away from a cat, this is a sign that you will happily escape danger. Feeding a mouse in a dream indicates that you should be more tolerant of the people around you, even though you see that they are weaker than you.

There will definitely come a time when you will need the help of these people, so don't act arrogant towards them at this time.

Dream interpretation of V. Melnikov

What does the Mouse dream about in a dream book:

Mouse - If you dreamed of little mice running around the apartment, this portends you a wedding invitation. Chasing mice in a dream is a matchmaking.

If you dreamed that you killed a mouse, this portends a sad event in the family. Seeing mice climbing onto the table and eating everything that is there is a sign of well-being and well-being in your home.

A white mouse dreamed - this means strong family ties. To hear in a dream the squeak of mice or how they scratch nearby in the dark - then you are in danger of being robbed or robbed. A lot of mice. A lot of mice in the basement portends financial hard times.

I dreamed of a mouse standing on its hind legs - then you will be able to fulfill all your plans. Pick up a mouse in a dream - a young rival will cross the road for you.

Big dream book

Why the Mouse is dreaming - dream analysis:

Mouse in a dream book:

Gray mouse - If you dreamed of little mice, this is a sign of domestic troubles and the insincerity of friends. Things in business can also take a bad turn.

To see that a mouse was killed - then you will defeat your ill-wishers. If you let the mouse run away in a dream, then you will find a positive outcome of the struggle in doubt.

If a young woman dreamed of a mouse, this warns of secret enemies plotting some kind of deception.

Worldly dream book

What does a bat dream about in a dream book:

Bat - Seeing mice means that you will have very active enemies who will try to establish relations with you, but only in order to be as accurate as possible about your plans and be able to make appropriate adjustments.

Also, the dream in which you saw mice can portend poverty, financial loss, constant business failures.

If you dreamed about mice, then you should not count on a successful romantic acquaintance in the near future, and you should also not rush to the registry office in the near future - a marriage that happened after such a dream promises to be short-lived and unhappy.

If you had a dream in which you caught several mice, then in real life you will be able to bring your ideas to life, however, for this you will have to try very hard.

Hearing the squeak of mice in a dream means that in reality they want to rob you, and if you do not take action, you may soon be left without most of your property.

If you dreamed of a cat that catches mice, then an enemy will appear in your life who will accidentally help you in an important matter for you. However, maybe he will be able to benefit from such help and simply neglect personal hostility.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

If the Mouse is dreaming, what is it for:

Mouse - A mouse in a dream means hostile relationships or a cunning mockery from a vicious woman. After a dream about mice, take a closer look at your immediate surroundings, and maybe soon you will discover the name of the person spreading dirty gossip about you. Take care of your reputation.

Perhaps someone close to you has harbored evil against you and is trying to harm you.

Sometimes a dream about mice portends the loss of a loved one. A bat does not bode well and generally means that you have many hidden enemies. Catching mice in a dream is a sign that you should not sit back. To carry out your plans, you will have to work hard. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will avenge betrayal and betrayal. If the mouse fell into a mousetrap, then the dream warns you that you need to beware of scammers who are going to cheat you.

Running after a mouse in a dream is a sign of matchmaking or courtship.

Keeping a mouse in a cage is a sign that you will try to reconcile with some person or some circumstances. To see that you take it in your hands, then your desire will not come true.

To hear the squeak of mice in a dream means that you should be more careful and not talk too much, because. your envious people will try to harm you. Sometimes such a dream warns of theft. Seeing white mice means good luck in business and family happiness. For those who marry, a dream portends a long and happy life together.

The dream in which you kill mice symbolizes victory over enemies. However, if the little mice run away from you, then your success will be variable. If a young woman saw that a mouse was sitting on her, then she should be careful not to be involved in a scandal.

Seeing a lot of mice is a financial success.

Dreaming of a mouse? See the next interpreter.

Lewis' dream book

Why is the Mouse dreaming, for what reason:

Mouse - A mouse in a dream can mean excessive fuss, running around and flickering - like a fussy little mouse trying to hide in a hole and unable to resist those things that can drive it into a trap.

Dream interpretation for girls

What does the Mouse dream about in a dream book:

White Mouse - We don’t know if you are afraid of mice or not, but you should be wary of the appearance of mice in a dream, because such a dream portends trouble. These troubles are not so terrible, but still much better without them.

If you see a white mouse, it means that all your problems will soon come to an end, and you will live a happy and carefree life.

But if in a dream one of your friends was engaged in catching mice and succeeded in this risky business, then this particular person will help in a difficult situation and save you from problems.

Dream interpretation of O. Adaskina

To see a mouse in a dream:

Gray mouse - Mice in the house - secret enemies, domestic troubles, insincerity of friends, losses in business. For a man, such a dream means cheating on his wife or lover. She will secretly meet with his rival. Catch or kill a mouse - take revenge on a traitor or rival, improve things, defeat opponents. If the mouse runs away, the outcome of the fight is in doubt. Mouse on clothes - to the scandal. Mousetrap with mice - you will fall into a trap. White mouse - marital fidelity.

If you let the mouse run away, then your fight with the enemies will end with a dubious result.

Only for women - A mouse seen in a dream is a warning about secret enemies who are going to deceive you. If you see a mouse on your dress, this is a sign of a future scandal in which you will play a major role.