Why do porcini mushrooms dream - interpretation of sleep from dream books. There are a lot of porcini mushrooms and they are so beautiful and clean E why dream of picking porcini mushrooms

You can look for porcini mushrooms in the forest not only in reality, but also in a dream. The meaning and interpretation of sleep depends on the details.

    Why dream of white mushrooms

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Dream Interpretation of Meridian

Collecting porcini mushrooms in a dream means success even in the most complex and confusing cases. Do not be afraid, implement any projects, they will be successful. Another such dream can mean material well-being, prosperity, good profit. If in a dream you were picking porcini mushrooms with all members of your family, then everything will be fine in your family.

To see in a dream how you are following someone and want to pick porcini mushrooms, but all the mushrooms have already been collected, be prepared for other people's successes. Your time has not yet come, luck is not smiling at you yet.

French dream book

Eating porcini mushrooms in a dream is a good omen. Such a dream promises a person long life and deep old age.

Dream Interpretation of Felomen

Mushrooms can mean strong temptation or good income. Much depends on the type of mushroom. Picking porcini mushrooms is an auspicious dream. You will achieve success in a difficult business, which initially did not promise good profits. Your perseverance, zeal, hard work and the help of others will help you overcome all obstacles with victory. If there were a lot of mushrooms, wait for the fulfillment of innermost hopes. Also, such a dream promises health and material well-being.

Why dream of large porcini mushrooms - to a pleasant and unexpected surprise, good luck in business. In life, everything will work out, you will be accompanied by mostly positive emotions. If in a dream you are looking for porcini mushrooms, expect difficult circumstances due to which you will have to ask for help from relatives and friends. Such a dream can also mean that you will have new connections, new acquaintances and friends. This will play a big role in your later life.

Dreaming white rotten mushrooms is a sign of caution. This means that among the people from your inner circle, there is a traitor. In the near future, he will show his true nature. Get ready for it.

Culinary dream book

Why dream of picking porcini mushrooms - to acquire new mysterious knowledge or to the successful outcome of the undertaking.

The latest dream book

If a woman sees a large white mushroom in a dream, let her be ready for the news of an unwanted pregnancy. If a man sees such a dream, a great secret pleasure awaits him.

Aesop's dream book

If in a dream a person sees a white mushroom in the forest, this is a good omen. Such a meeting promises him well-being, success and good luck.

Also interesting: why do porcini mushrooms dream


Why do mushrooms dream of a woman? In a dream, they symbolize suspicion and call for caution, warn of deception and illusion. At the same time, the same symbol can promise a reward for work. To get a complete interpretation, you have to consider all the details of the plot.

Mushrooms in a woman's dream: interpretation from popular dream books

First of all, you should look for the answer in the most popular dream interpreters:

  1. The dream book of lovers is sure: if a young girl dreamed of mushrooms, then she will not love her husband, but she will often look for dubious pleasures on the side.
  2. Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima believes that mushrooms for a woman are a symbol of a somewhat strange and strictly random acquisition.
  3. A dream book for the whole family after such a vision guarantees a very unusual event.
  4. The latest dream book of G. Ivanov believes that this image promises the lady an unwanted pregnancy. Especially if the mushrooms in the dream were white.
  5. A modern combined dream book warns: if at night you decide to dry the mushrooms by stringing them on a thread, then you will have a lot of fans.

Now it's time to interpret more specific stories.

Why do mushrooms dream of a woman in the forest, on a tree, a lot

Did you find yourself in a mushroom meadow in a dream? In the real world, be careful: they will try to deceive you. Had a dream about picking mushrooms in the forest? In reality, you will find something or get money.

What does it mean if the mushroom suddenly grew to an incredible size? Show worldly wisdom and it will be highly appreciated by others. Mushrooms located on trees and stumps are also associated with wisdom.

But sometimes they hint at some kind of secret influence on the dreamer. Why dream of a lot of fungi, especially in a basket? A happy coincidence will help to achieve great success.

The woman dreamed of poisonous, inedible, different mushrooms

Edible mushrooms in a woman's dream promise unplanned profits, pregnancy, good luck and all that is good. The exact interpretation depends on the variety of plants (some meanings are given below).

If you see toadstools or fly agarics, then soon you will be made a very tempting offer. But it is better to refuse it, because the consequences of this will be disastrous for you.

Inedible plants also symbolize deceit, but sometimes they dream of good and a happy occasion where you least expect it.

What do mushrooms fried, frozen, fry mean for a woman

Why does a woman dream that she fries mushrooms on her own? Any undertaking during this period will be successful.

However, fried mushrooms as a dish promise an insoluble problem that close people will help to cope with. The same image is a reflection of satisfaction and enrichment at the expense of others. In addition, he also hints at an early pregnancy.

If you dream of a frozen product, then you will experience the alienation and coldness of the household. Putting mushrooms in the freezer is also bad. This means that the kids will bring a lot of problems, and they will deprive you of peace.

Why does a woman dream of mushrooms: to collect, buy

In a dream, did a woman have to pick mushrooms? In reality, a lot of trouble, worries and small assignments will pile up. The same plot promises an unexpected gift or a pleasant surprise. Picking mushrooms also means that your efforts will be adequately rewarded.

But buying them in a dream is somewhat worse. In the real world, decide to improve your financial situation, but you get into a bad story. Mushrooms in a basket are usually dreamed of before a woman becomes a mother or grandmother.

Why in a dream should a woman eat or cook mushrooms

Had a dream about eating mushrooms cooked by someone? Make a profit at the expense of other people. Cooking them yourself means that in reality you will learn someone else's secret or do a lot of work.

If you ate mushrooms stewed in sour cream, then in real life you will live in contentment. The dish was lean and completely tasteless? Get ready for a difficult period. In general, eating cooked mushrooms promises longevity. But you can eat them raw before illness.

What does it mean for a woman: to be poisoned by mushrooms at night

Why dream that you managed to get poisoned by inedible grebes? In the near future, do not accept invitations to any feast and, in general, refuse the products that are offered to you.

Poisoned by mushrooms? Take the strictest security measures, especially on the road. Mushroom poisoning for a woman also symbolizes angry or envious attacks from others.

Mushrooms for a woman in a dream - what they portend

Be sure or, if possible, specify the type of mushrooms, and also consider your own actions in a dream. This will help make the most relevant prediction.

  • white - luck, profit, pregnancy
  • mushrooms - profitable deals, successful undertakings
  • milk mushrooms - domestic quarrel, unexpected profit
  • fly agaric - a wrong choice, enmity, malice, dark magic, communication with an unpleasant old man, an old woman
  • mushrooms - an increase in income, minor dirty tricks from neighbors
  • boletus - betrayal
  • boletus - a joyful event
  • toadstools - a disease, communication with unpleasant people, help from dark forces
  • mushrooms - deception, dubious purchase
  • truffles - joy, luxury, but if they gave the last money for them, then poverty
  • champignons - uninvited guests, promotion
  • tea - doubt, mistrust
  • red hat mushrooms - a good solution to an old problem
  • with black - sadness, trouble
  • wormy - the birth of children, grandchildren
  • rotten - old age, deterioration of the body
  • dried - weight loss, rest
  • buying or selling them is a successful and strictly planned acquisition
  • giant - vices, clash with undisguised evil
  • growing before our eyes - spiritual search, young soul
  • of things - boredom, monotony, lack of change
  • peel mushrooms - the desire for order
  • trample - internal struggle
  • salt - changes at work
  • fry - a successful undertaking
  • dry - annoying troubles
  • cook - major changes at home
  • buy raw - gossip

If you dreamed of a delicious mushroom soup, then in reality suspect a loved one of a bad deed. Any other mushroom dish promises a woman a favorable period and the opportunity to have a good rest.

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Is seeing porcini mushrooms in a dream a good sign or should we expect trouble? Why do porcini mushrooms dream?

As with any other interpretation of any dream, details should be disassembled. White mushrooms can portend both positive changes in your life and future problems and worries.

Gather porcini mushrooms in the forest

If you dreamed of a clearing with porcini mushrooms, this is a very good sign. You are waiting for new meetings, proposals, opportunities - both for the development of your own business, and for new prospects on the love front.

If you are still lucky enough to pick porcini mushrooms in a dream, it's generally great. Beautiful, fresh, large porcini mushrooms are a sign of the results of your efforts. The dream in which you collect them suggests that all your efforts will be productive, no matter what you undertake.

White mushrooms in a dream for a woman

Can mean a relationship that can lead to the creation of a family. If porcini mushrooms are strong, large in a dream, your gentleman has serious views on you and wants to have children.

If the mushrooms are small, wormy, dried up or already cut by someone before you, you should not place special hopes on the relationship.

White mushrooms in a basket

A lot of porcini mushrooms in a basket - you will receive a well-deserved reward for your work. If you managed to pick a couple of mushrooms, and at the same time you were very tired, dirty, walked a long distance - the results will not be worth the effort.

See mushrooms but don't pick them

You are at a crossroads and cannot decide on the first step. The dream is pushing you to make a decision that will have a great impact on your future life.

Perhaps you will be offered a new job, there will be a prospect of moving, a person will appear on the horizon for whom you will have feelings.

If the mushrooms you saw are healthy and fresh, you can decide to change. You will only benefit from this.

There are porcini mushrooms in a dream

Eating porcini mushrooms in a dream means getting pleasure and joy from an unexpected meeting or some kind of pleasant event. Listen to your intuition and allow yourself to be happy.

Small and wormy white mushrooms in a dream

Not a very good sign. You are waiting for minor troubles, problems, quarrels and conflicts. Stock up on patience and endurance. It is possible that your plans and dreams are not destined to come true now. You should not lower your hands - a gray stripe (and such a dream symbolizes a gray, not a black stripe) is always followed by a white one.

For now, hold yourself back, slow down, do not insist on solving issues that are important to you - even if they are resolved positively, the results are unlikely to please you.

Take a look at your surroundings. It is possible that someone close to you is engaged in intrigues. Not being bold and strong enough to act directly, he tries to "bite" with some petty squabbles and gossip.

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Today we have prepared a complete description of the topic: the “white mushroom” dream: what the dream is about and a complete interpretation from various points of view.

In ancient Russian dream books, mushrooms have a bad reputation. People were alarmed by the consonance of the words "mushrooms" and "coffins", and it seemed quite logical that mushrooms in a dream portend the imminent loss of a loved one.

Interestingly, the only mushroom that was not touched by notoriety was the white mushroom, or, as it is often called, boletus. In real life, he is considered the guardian of the forest, and he dreams of health and the fulfillment of innermost desires.

Gather porcini mushrooms in the forest

Dream interpreters say: picking porcini mushrooms in a dream - to great luck. You can count on the fact that the circumstances in which you exist in real life will work out for you in the best way, your affairs will go without a hitch.

In Miller's dream book, it is noted: a person who collects porcini mushrooms in a dream is actually very eager to make his own capital. Maybe even for the sake of this goal to prevaricate, and here it is important not to cross the line beyond which the opposite process begins - destructive. It can lead to the collapse of your plans and even problems with the law. Advice: no need to chase dubious profit- and then the dream will continue to promise you only good things.

A person who sees himself in a dream picking porcini mushrooms can count on the fact that in real life his work will be appreciated and rewarded.

However, look carefully into the basket: if you picked porcini mushrooms in your dream, and at home you found only toadstools, which means that you may not be paid for the work already completed. Be prepared for this turn of events and in real life, do not let yourself be fooled.

If you picked mushrooms in a dream and carefully sorted them, leaving exclusively white, which means that in reality you manage to adhere to the best intentions. Take care of this gift of yours and in no case let yourself be drawn into any dubious enterprises.

But if you are offered some interesting, promising project with reliable partners, feel free to get involved in the work - a dream about porcini mushrooms means that you can do it even what you could not imagine in your wildest fantasies. And, of course, a drop of tar in a barrel of honey: if, while picking porcini mushrooms, you found that someone had been in the forest before you and cut off their hats, leaving you with only legs, then luck automatically went over to this “unknown”, and in reality you have to watch someone's triumph and envy a little.

Freud's dream book, which interprets almost any dream from the point of view of gender relations, and in this case compares the porcini mushroom with the male genital organ, and therefore promises the night "mushroom picker" active sex life. If a girl has a dream about picking porcini mushrooms, then in reality she will be married to her loved one.

Dial a lot of them in a dream

If an elderly person sees a lot of mushrooms in a dream, and this dream is beautiful, bright, it means that in real life this person will live for many more years and enjoy his good health.

When it appears in your dream mushroom picker who collected a lot of mushrooms, take this as a warning: be careful in your statements and actions, otherwise it is very easy to offend a person who has done nothing wrong.

And one more interpretation of sleep: to collect a lot of mushrooms means to prepare for a pleasant meeting with a representative of the opposite sex. Alas, the meeting in real life will be too short and not will push you to a more serious relationship.

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This dream has a number of good ones, differing only in nuances interpretations.

  • A full basket - to prosperity in the family.
  • If you have filled the basket of whites to the brim - your hopes will come true.
  • A basket of porcini mushrooms - to improve your financial condition.
  • We collected a basket of mushrooms, having received pleasure at the same time - for a production award.
  • A basket of porcini mushrooms - to receive dividends and interest on deposits.

By the way, after such a dream, you may receive an interesting career plan offer. Do not be afraid to take the post that you will be offered - you will definitely cope.

If in a dream you picking mushrooms not for themselves, and for some person recognizable in a dream, it means that his old dream will soon become a reality. It turns out that you somehow participated in this important event for him.

Interpreters of dreams, not so rosy, decipher the dream about a basket of porcini mushrooms as follows: soon you will have to refute someone's suspicions against you. They will be unfounded, but the evidence will take time and nerves.

Dreamed in the meadow

Glade with porcini mushrooms - a very good dream, foreshadowing surprises, gifts, good news. Thanks to them, it will be possible to successfully resolve issues that were difficult to even approach. Picking porcini mushrooms in a clearing means getting a decent reward for your work and thus improving your financial condition.

But the interpretation, which must be taken very carefully: a mushroom meadow can mean in real life unhealthy passions boiling around you. It is likely that yours are warming them up. imaginary friends. Take a closer look at your surroundings and try to protect yourself and your loved ones from unnecessary conflicts.

Wangi's dream book predicts many chances that a person will receive in reality. Here it is important to understand which chance to grab with both hands, and which one to ignore. At stake is your future destiny. By the way, if the mushrooms in the clearing are apparently invisible, and you don’t even think of picking them, then the offered chance is likely to be ignored.

The meaning of worm mushrooms

After such a dream don't expect good news, and not success in the business you are doing is also not worth counting on. Try to remember the place and environment in which you dreamed of wormy white mushrooms. Most likely, this situation will tell you where to expect problems and troubles.

Wangi's dream interpretation interprets such a dream as probable betrayal. Analyze the situation: which of your colleagues or acquaintances could have taken the “warpath” and why. However, the option “exactly the opposite” is also possible, when it is not you who is betrayed, but you who betray. And it won't end well for you.

According to the boomerang law, the problems that you wanted to throw on one of your "sworn friends" will return to you.

And a few more interpretations, the most unexpected:

  • Worms in mushrooms mean the imminent birth of a grandson (or granddaughter).
  • Worms in mushrooms - the risk of becoming seriously ill due to one's own sexual permissiveness.
  • After sleeping with worm mushrooms, your business will burn out, and your plans will fail.

cutting porcini mushrooms

Here, the interpreter of dreams has the opportunity to reason in two directions: firstly, why dream of cutting mushrooms (that is, cutting and throwing mushrooms in a basket in the forest) and, secondly, cutting mushrooms at home before throwing them into a frying pan or into soup pot. The first case speaks of the probability fair division in any of your affairs. And the second (kitchen version) means an attempt to rid yourself of some desires that give you only sensual pleasure.

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Why do porcini mushrooms dream? According to esotericists, the presence of white mushrooms in a dream is considered a bad sign. But is it always like this? White mushroom can dream against the background of completely different situations. Let's take a closer look at the meaning of sleep.

Wangi's dream book - porcini mushroom in a dream

If in a dream you see a whole clearing consisting of porcini mushrooms, then soon you should expect a surprise, a gift. The presence of worms or rot in mushrooms portends betrayal.

It is believed that seeing white toadstools is a sign that you need to look at your friends: infidelity, hypocrisy, deceit are not excluded. To receive a white mushroom as a gift is evidence of a false accusation against you.

What is the dream of white mushroom - Miller's dream book

A dream about how you pick porcini mushrooms indicates a strong desire to achieve wealth by any means and as quickly as possible. The dream warns that this can lead to the opposite result: the destruction of plans, litigation. No need to hurry. Everything has its time.

If you dream that you are eating a porcini mushroom, this is a sign of unrequited love that you are ashamed of. Eating toadstools, rotten mushrooms is an occasion to think about health: it's time to put things aside and relax.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

And why do porcini mushrooms dream of Nostradamus' dream book? The appearance of a white mushroom in a dream, especially of a huge size, is a sign of wisdom. Mushrooms suggest that the older generation or someone from your inner circle is giving you wise advice. For some reason, you do not notice or do not take wise hints.

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov - porcini mushrooms in a dream

Domestic esotericists are more optimistic: picking mushrooms in a dream is a sign that your work in real life will be appreciated and rewarded.

Seeing porcini mushrooms mixed with rotten ones - luck in life will help you avoid danger. If in a dream it seems to you that you are picking only good white mushrooms, and only toadstools are in the basket, this dream warns that you may not be paid for the work.

Seeing a lot of porcini mushrooms in a pickled, dried, fried form in a dream is a sign of longevity. Eat mushrooms in sour cream - live your life in pleasure.

Freud's dream book

Freud relates the fungus to the male reproductive organ. In his opinion, picking porcini mushrooms in a dream means that a rich sex life awaits you in the near future.

Cleaning mushrooms is a sign of cleanliness, orderliness in life. Processing mushrooms is a sign of hidden diseases in the genital area. Numerous worms in white mushrooms - expect the birth of children or grandchildren.

Interpretations of sleep are very different. The main thing to remember is whether the porcini mushroom in a dream was beautiful, large and without worms, or, conversely, small and rotten. Based on this, the interpretation of sleep will be more correct.

It is impossible to say unequivocally why mushrooms dream and collect them.

In a general interpretation, an edible mushroom will bring good news and positive achievements, and a poisonous mushroom will bring disappointment, betrayal and deceit, but the symbolism of this process is quite deep, it can mean work, family life, and health. Let's see what the most famous online dream books say about dreams about mushrooms.

Miller's dream book - why dream of picking mushrooms in the forest

Miller interprets the mushroom as a vicious or unhealthy desire. Therefore, if someone dreams that he is passionate about picking mushrooms, it means that there are many bad or harmful habits, intrigues in his life, perhaps he wants to break the law.

Wangi's dream book - dreams, mushrooms, collect

The sleeper must remember exactly what kind of mushrooms he collected. If during a walk he came across a clearing with identical white and beautiful mushrooms - profit and gifts are just around the corner, collecting them is even better. But if after a hike you find that there are toadstools in your basket, then this promises a betrayal of a close friend. The dream carries the same meaning, in which beautiful-looking mushrooms turn out to be wormy inside, and the entire mushroom collection is rotten.

Vanga also has his own interpretation of sleep, in which you see how huge mushrooms (or even one mushroom) explode. This marks a nuclear catastrophe or nuclear danger.

Dream Interpretation Hasse - what does it mean to pick mushrooms in a dream

The interpretation of sleep, where you see the picking of berries and mushrooms - you will have to make a lot of effort for some business that may not pay off. Hard work is what mushroom picking is about, but it can be free. Each mushroom means effort. If you clearly examined the fly agaric mushroom that you plucked in a dream, then this shows that you were cowardly somewhere, cheated, and did not work at full strength.

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov - why dream of picking a lot of mushrooms

If you dreamed that you were picking mushrooms and then eating them, you were destined to live long.

The process of gathering symbolizes labor that will surely be rewarded.

Freud's dream book - pick mushrooms

According to this interpretation, the mushroom symbolizes the active masculine principle. If a man sees a dream in which he walks along the forest and casually picks mushrooms, there are absolutely no problems in his sex life. If a girl or woman had a dream, this is a reflection of her satisfaction with her partner or partners in general. It is necessary to pick as many mushrooms as possible, then this will mean that your sex life is active, a woman explains her inner desire for male attention with such a dream. If a person dreamed of people who go to pick mushrooms, then he is very preoccupied with other people's details of his personal life. If in a dream I am looking for one fresh mushroom, then this symbolizes readiness for a serious relationship, constancy.

Why dream of mushrooms or pick mushrooms in a dream?

Collecting mushrooms with friends is a good sign. This dream will lead to a stronger relationship, possibly a close friendship.

A very rotten and missing mushroom in a dream is a dead man who didn’t tell you something or is trying to pull you along. In no case should one collect such mushrooms or look at them for a long time in a dream, but if a dream about this has already taken place, you need to calmly say goodbye to all the dead and forgive them for everything.

If a woman dreams that she is picking poisonous mushrooms, then big trouble awaits in love affairs. It is possible that the man you love will betray or humiliate you, you should also beware of suspicious suitors whom the woman knows recently.

In general, picking mushrooms in a dream is not very good for a woman, because this symbolizes that she is wasting herself in vain, men treat her lightly and do not take her seriously.

There is an interesting symbolism in a dream in which you come to the forest for mushrooms, and they have already been collected. Keep in mind that your suspicion and alertness to business partners can play a trick on you. Most likely, it is because of this that you will not make a big profit or close a deal, because the mushroom is a symbol of remuneration for work.

Seeing a mushroom picker in a dream is a waking illness.

Picking mushrooms and berries together with your loved one - to a successful and strong marriage. The berry symbolizes passion, and mushrooms symbolize health and well-being.

The dream book also gives such an interpretation of picking mushrooms in a dream. If you or someone you know picks mushrooms at the edge of the forest, then health problems, illnesses, and ailments may soon begin. Pay special attention to this. But if everything is in perfect order with health, then consider this dream as a harbinger of a well-deserved reward for your labors.

Picking porcini mushrooms in a dream - what does it mean?

White mushroom - aka boletus - in a dream means financial well-being. A very good sign, if picking porcini mushrooms takes place with the whole family, it means that you will not need anything. If a male businessman collects porcini mushrooms, then this is a successful business, all sorts of material bonuses, a big increase. A bad sign is to collect mushrooms from the road, this can lead you to poverty in the pursuit of financial well-being. If the white mushroom is crooked or slightly rotted in a dream, then you should carefully consider all the little things in money matters, the dream warns of danger.

The porcini mushroom is the most noble, and every fan of quiet hunting dreams of getting it in his basket. As for dreams, such a symbol has no definite interpretation, and they can be both positive and negative. To obtain the most accurate and truthful information, you must try to remember the main details of the plot and take into account the emotional component.

Why do porcini mushrooms dream?

Many dream books rank such a dream as a good sign that portends longevity. In difficult situations, you can count on the help of others. Even porcini mushrooms predict the emergence of global changes. For people who are engaged in business, such a dream promises participation in a profitable deal. To see a large meadow of huge white mushrooms means that pleasant and unexpected surprises are ahead that will help solve many problems. It is also a symbol of incandescence around serious passions. Seeing a porcini mushroom standing separately in a dream means that in the future you will receive good advice from a friend, which will allow you to cope with existing problems. If it was huge, this is a positive sign that portends the emergence of positive changes in life. For the fair sex, a night vision where she ate mushrooms indicates that many are unhappy with her behavior and this can provoke many troubles. A dream that featured spoiled porcini mushrooms indicates that the business you are currently doing will end unsuccessfully. If you saw that another person has already cut all the mushrooms, then in the future you will have to watch someone else's success, remaining out of work.

A dream where you see another person with a big catch is a warning that you should be careful with words and deeds, as they can offend people who are not to blame for anything. Seeing small porcini mushrooms in a dream means that many minor troubles will arise in the future, but do not pay attention, they will resolve themselves. Cooking porcini mushrooms is a favorable sign that portends an improvement in financial situation. A dream where you eat porcini mushrooms indicates the presence of unrequited love. If you are treated to such a dish, then in reality you should beware of humiliation.

Night vision, where porcini mushrooms are given to you, warns of false accusations. In one of the dream books there is information according to which, for the fair sex, a dream in which a large porcini mushroom appeared predicts an unwanted pregnancy. If you see grebes or rotten mushrooms in the basket, this is an indication that there will be a chance to cope with the danger.

Why dream of picking porcini mushrooms?

If you have collected a full basket of mushrooms, this is a positive sign that predicts the fulfillment of hopes and dreams. There is also information that such a dream promises health and improvement in material condition. Collecting porcini mushrooms in a dream and enjoying it means that soon you will be able to receive a reward for the work done. If you find strong mushrooms in the forest, this is a harbinger of an increase in your financial situation. They were near the road, which means there will be financial problems. If you had to pick porcini mushrooms in a dream for another person, this is a positive sign that portends good luck in all areas of life. Night vision, where it was possible to collect a full basket, predicts the opportunity to realize an old dream. For a single girl, such a dream promises an early marriage, which will turn out to be unhappy.

Why do porcini mushrooms dream? What to expect if such a dream visited you this night? Let's try to figure it out.

For a long time, people have attributed sinister, witchcraft qualities to poisonous mushrooms. Edible ones were considered a sign of family well-being, financial well-being. Such meanings were also transferred to the interpretation of dream books. But not everything is simple - the interpretation of dreams can vary dramatically depending on the circumstances of your dream. Therefore, wake up, remember the dream to the smallest detail, write it down.

Interpretations of "mushroom" dreams

So you dreamed of mushrooms. Most popular dream books interpret such a dream as a sign of imminent profit. You will receive money completely unexpectedly, in a place where it could not have been. At the same time, you will be surrounded by assistants who will support you in solving problems on the way to your cherished goal.

This is the most common, general interpretation. But there are also private ones. For example:

  • picking mushrooms in autumn? Then the prophecy is auspicious. You are waiting for pleasant events, joy, communication with loved ones, the success of children and the love of a spouse. In the near future, a completely white streak will come, without disappointments and hardships.
  • See porcini mushrooms in the forest, but for some reason you don’t cut them? Such a dream is in trouble. Sad news awaits you. Perhaps death hovers nearby, which will take one of your friends. Illnesses, quarrels, scandals, disappointments, negativity, financial losses - one of the above will happen.
  • Gather porcini mushrooms in spring? This is a sign - urgently start washing. A lot of dirty things have accumulated at home that take away your energy (opinion of esotericists). Cleaning will not be superfluous. Get rid of the trash and life will change for the better.
  • Remember where you found or saw porcini mushrooms. In the forest? Excellent - expect a quick profit. The money will appear out of nowhere. It can be a win, a find, a gift, an extraordinary award, or something similar. The amount will not be large, but in any case not superfluous.
  • Found or bought mushrooms by the road? You can be upset - this is a sign of imminent need. Such a dream may portend the loss of a job, a wallet. Perhaps the bank will block the card, thieves will enter the apartment, the alcoholic husband will steal the salary. Financial losses will be significant. But you can prevent them if you are vigilant.

Should I be upset if the meaning of sleep is unfavorable? Hardly. Negative meanings are not always prophetic - they are rather warnings. The subconscious sends a signal through sleep, how to behave correctly. Learn to recognize these signs of your own brain and follow them. Then many troubles can be avoided.

More values

Above, we shared the most famous, common interpretations. Now let's talk about private, less popular, but not far from the truth. Here are examples of such mushroom dream meanings:

  • Gather porcini mushrooms and then give/sell/gift them to someone. So, you are lucky in life! You can easily do everything. You have a quick, sharp mind, excellent grip, you perfectly find a common language with people. Beware of envy and the evil eye. It is unlikely that they will hurt you - strong energy. But ill-wishers can spoil the blood.
  • Did you pick up a full basket of mushrooms in a dream? Wonderful! Your old dream will come true soon, the fulfillment of which you have already despaired of waiting for. Success will come by chance, with the help of a previously unfamiliar person.
  • Gathered mushrooms, but wanted much more? Remember that in a dream you passionately wanted to collect more mushrooms? Not a very good dream. It means that in real life you are very eager to complete some business, spend a lot of energy, time, money on it, but your efforts are in vain. Relax, take care of yourself, switch to something else, and the issue will be resolved by itself.
  • Looking for mushrooms in the forest, but find only cut legs? Not a very good dream either. In real life, someone will start to get ahead of you: take away profitable clients in front of your nose, invite girls you like on dates. Don't try to get things back on track. Wait for the time - the losing streak will end soon, do not waste your energy.

The number of successes and failures will also depend on the number of collected, purchased, donated mushrooms. And you can interpret the dream yourself. Just accept that mushrooms are a symbol of prosperity and success. Remember what actions were performed on them in a dream, and other details. Then the solution will come by itself.

Forest silent hunting is a welcome vision for most sleepers. You yourself will understand when you figure out what the porcini mushroom is dreaming of. It is not good to see a wormy, rotten boletus. The rest of the images were unanimously recognized as positive. So, a little white one in the forest is a harbinger of profit, in a basket - an increase in earnings. But the most accurate forecast is obtained when all the details are taken into account, including the gender of the dreamer.

General interpretation

Mushroom pictures mean the following:

  1. Achievement of the set goal, provided that the momentum is maintained.
  2. Getting a pleasant surprise if you saw a clearing with white ones.
  3. Financial well-being for a long period means picking mushrooms.
  4. Favorable changes are predicted by a big mushroom.
  5. A huge mushroom is seen in front of the salary. Check the account, there is a nice bonus there.

If strong mushrooms are adjacent to rotten ones in a clearing, then you are going straight to danger. Do not worry. Eternal luck in time to make you turn away from risk.

Tips for women

Sometimes we set ourselves not quite decent goals. If you dreamed of white, then your plan will come true. But the sleeping woman has to worry about the consequences:

  1. Married meets a wonderful man. A woman will have a sweet secret from her husband.
  2. Unmarried will get married. The power over the lover will be complete. The wife can be moved. But marriage will not bring happiness.
  3. Young woman realizes the power of his own attractiveness. Coquetry will help attract attention and sincere love. But there is a risk of confusing the former with the latter and making the wrong choice.

Pregnant who saw white should calmly wait for the crucial moment. The dream is true. It prophesies easy childbirth and good health.

For men

General forecast: it will turn out to improve something in business, launch a new project. Cast aside doubts and act. If you get a worm fungus, then double-check the calculations, think over the plan again. An unfortunate mistake crept into the latter.

Personal omen:

  1. Married I've liked a certain girl for a long time. It is time to be active and take the beauty with a gentle "captivity". The mistress will be passionate, experienced, skillful.
  2. Idle recognizes himself as ripe for marriage. There will be a painful choice from a multitude of contenders.

Type of fungus

Interpreters attach the greatest importance to the appearance of forest fruits. This is where the decryption starts.


We saw a huge, even a giant mushroom - luck will accompany everything. Don't waste time. An incredible amount of large whites is a special favor of the angel.

Fresh, beautiful

Joy, happiness, receiving. The forecast applies to all spheres of life.

The more there are, the longer the good times will last.

If you want a baby, then pregnancy is close.


Soon you will feel the first signs of illness. Preventive examination will allow you to quickly cope with the disease.

Wormy, rotten, old

Bad omen. The dreamer expects betrayal, loss, tears. A woman who dreams of a baby will not be able to conceive.


We found a mushroom trifle - not good. You give in to unreasonable desires. Whims can cause a quarrel, even a break with loved ones. If you saw small mushrooms, then give up dubious pleasures, for which they will demand an excessively high price.


Business will run into reefs of problems. Workers also face unfavorable prospects. The difficult period will be short, but difficult.

one or many

The number of fruits of nature is also understood by dream books:

  1. One. Your partner is sincerely in love, faithful, caring. A lonely dream portends the creation of a faithful couple.
  2. Some. The sleeper is a lucky man who has real friends. There are exactly as many of them as the fungi dreamed of.
  3. A lot of. Unexpected surprises, gifts, positive emotions.

Spoiled mushrooms change the prophecy to the opposite.

What does the collection of mushrooms mean

In the old days, white people were credited with mystical properties. They were used in medicine and magic. A slender handsome man who has dreamed of will make anyone believe a little in good witchcraft. For he prophesies the following:

  1. Collect mushrooms in the forest - to gain an important goal. And places will surely come true.
  2. If the collection was carried out in the company, then remember the personalities. Dreaming companions will help solve an old problem. Contact.
  3. Wandering through the lawns and thickets with relatives - to strengthen the family. Relations will become more open, close, friendly.
  4. Seeing mushrooms, but not cutting them, means losses due to laziness, passivity. And it is worth making a bit of effort, and the bird of happiness will be given into your hands.
  5. Looking for fungi of the right kind for a long time is a long road to success. But you will overcome it.
  6. Collection near the road - material difficulties, losses. It is necessary to carefully check the proposals, resolutely refrain from dubious operations.
  7. Seeking out a crop for someone is a great success.
  8. Score a lot of whites - get wise advice in reality. Do not dismiss the instructions, look for the grain of truth in them.
  9. If you filled the basket to the top, but are not satisfied, continue the search, then spend your efforts on an unsuitable goal. Drop the plan.
  10. They collected large mushrooms - the financial situation will be beyond praise.
  11. We stumbled upon a leg devoid of a hat - you will suffer from competition. Your achievements will be attributed to an unworthy person.

Other people were engaged in collecting, which means it's time to reconsider our life position. There is too much criticism in your worldview, a biased attitude towards others.

Harvest basket

The plots about the collected mushrooms are interpreted somewhat differently. A pleasant vision prophesies:

  1. A filled basket is an excellent profit, a successful undertaking.
  2. Freshly collected in a basket - an advantageous offer. Be sure to take it.
  3. Small harvest - small income, minor improvements.
  4. Incomplete basket - dissatisfaction with the current situation.

They began to sort out the results of the forest harvest and saw worms - beware of dishonesty. Someone encroaches on your achievements, money, other values.

Significance of the season

Interpreters suggest that it is worth paying attention to the period and weather. This is also a definite signal:

  1. The harvest took place at the right time (in autumn) - goodwill from above to your undertakings. The white stripe is literally everywhere.
  2. In the spring they went for the whites - a sign of the abundance of negative energy in the house. In the morning, do general cleaning, sort out things. Many have already stale and generate black power. They need to be thrown away.
  3. In the summer we hunted in the heat - it's time to relax. You have ceased to perceive business prospects realistically.
  4. To look for little white ones under the snow is to be able to get out of the most difficult circumstances with a win.

Where were the mushrooms

The environment also affects decoding:

  1. Enchanting mushroom meadow - stable income. You can afford not to control spending.
  2. Growing up in a forest thicket is also a profit. But the money will come well-deserved: salary, dividends, fees.
  3. In the market, in the store - need. Possible loss of income.
  4. At home - to prosperity, a cloudless existence. The young dreamer is foreshadowed by a rich marriage.

If during the search we met only stumps from cut mushrooms, then a black stripe will come. Opponents will break out far ahead. But don't try to overtake them. Time will help restore luck.

What did they do in a dream

The dreamer's actions are subject to careful analysis. They are explained like this:

  1. Look for mushrooms - you have to find a source of support.
  2. Cut - get the first result of the work.
  3. Find - a worthy reward.
  4. Clean, cut into pieces - some addictions interfere with life.
  5. Eating is excellent healthier. There are fried, toasted - go on a trip. Chewing raw - to fidelity and constancy in love.
  6. Buying is the wrong decision.
  7. Sell ​​- become lucky.
  8. Giving - success will come into life for a long time.
  9. Fry - haste. Stop for a while.
  10. Cooking is a protracted conflict.
  11. Oversalting is a new love.
  12. Sort, sort - have good intentions.
  13. Throw away - miss the chance.
  14. Drawing is a dismissive attitude towards people. The dreamer has no real reason for exaltation.
  15. Confuse with poisonous - deceived in the best feelings. There is a traitor next to you.

Attention: if mushrooms often dream, then envy should be feared. You are a really lucky person. It annoys those around you. People can jinx, damage. Make or buy a charm so as not to suffer from a black eye.

Together with other mushrooms

The forest bears many beautiful fruits. Avid mushroom pickers cut various varieties. If, together with mushrooms, they filled the basket with others, then look at the tips:

  1. Honey mushrooms. Family capital will definitely grow. But the risk of complex conflict will increase. Show patience and understanding to others.
  2. Oilers. Your work is highly appreciated by your superiors. Colleagues will ask for advice more and more often. Just don't get excited!
  3. Aspen mushrooms. Purposefulness always leads to success. Remember this simple truth.
  4. Milk mushrooms. A celebration is coming. Prepare gifts for newlyweds, anniversaries.

Poisonous mushrooms are a bad signal. Change will plunge into the abyss of despair. The situation will be complicated by troubles in the service. If you ate them and did not get poisoned, then you will find the surest way out, save yourself from trouble.

Miller's dream book

Warning against high expectations. White symbolizes wealth. But the path to the means is thorny. Are you too passionate about money? Have you forgotten about other important areas?

Gustav Miller's advice: Postpone grandiose plans. Dedicate the evening to your beloved, the day to the children, the morning to your hobby.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Overripe mushrooms - no material problems. The seer favorably treated the dreaming white ones. Expect the most desired gift.

Islamic dream book

Blessed is the path of the sleeper who is immersed in the contemplation of forest gifts. Allah will reward him for virtue, patience, good deeds.

Video with interpretation:

Esotericists believe that white mushrooms are a very good symbol. The interpreters indicate that the plots in which they appear portend success in all endeavors and the realization of goals. However, there are other meanings of visions. In order to understand what porcini mushrooms dream of in each case, it is worth considering all the details of night dreams, taking into account even the smallest components.

Various interpreters contain a lot of information about the meaning of the plots of night dreams. In the sources you can also find out why you dream of picking porcini mushrooms:

  1. Miller's opinion. A well-known psychologist believed that harvesting such a crop symbolizes receiving awards and honors in real life. The plot promises success in business, making profit and winning on the love front. If the sleeper managed to collect only small mushrooms, the dream suggests that you should not pay attention to minor problems. It is better to focus on large projects, otherwise you can lose good profits due to routine matters. If the sleeper puts old mushrooms in the basket, his relationship with relatives and friends will be very prosperous. Wormy fruits dream of pregnancy.
  2. Freud's dream book. The psychoanalyst believed that mushrooms symbolize male health and their appearance in a dream indicates the state of the personal life of a representative of the stronger sex. If a woman sees such a plot, she will be able to meet a good man. The collection of strong, attractive mushrooms indicates promiscuity. The sleeper should be more picky, otherwise his health may suffer. Freud also mentioned that if a girl held and examined a mushroom for a long time, she was looking for a partner based on his sexual experience. If the sleeping woman wants to build a serious relationship, she should pay more attention to the human qualities of a man, and not think only about the intimate sphere of life. If such a vision has visited a married woman, she wants diversity in her relationship with her husband. If the dreamer collected a lot of porcini mushrooms, but then threw them all away, the plot may portend a voluntary break in relations with his partner or a desire to diversify his sex life.
  3. Interpreter of Nostradamus. According to this dream book, porcini mushrooms represent wisdom. The sleeper has life experience, and this will help him find the right solution. If the dreamer watches how he harvests, and a new one appears in his place, the person will learn some important information. This knowledge will help him avoid problems. If the protagonist wanders through the forest and a huge mushroom grows before his eyes, it will take a lot of skills and the help of the people around him to achieve success.

Interpretations of other sources

Information about the plots in which the sleeper happened to pick porcini mushrooms in a dream is presented in many sources. You can find the following references:

  1. Dream Interpretation Meneghetti. If a young girl had a dream, perhaps she is looking at the world through rose-colored glasses, and her companion is not at all as good as she thinks. If the sleeping woman scatters the harvest and then collects it again in a basket, the girl is too windy.
  2. Loff's interpreter. If the fair sex sees how she collects porcini mushrooms with brown hats, passion will appear in a relationship with her lover.
  3. The latest dream book. If a white mushroom is seen by a woman, this portends an unwanted pregnancy; for a man, such a plot promises secret pleasure.
  4. Aesop's interpreter. To see a basket filled to the brim with crops is to refute unreasonable doubts. If the sleeper watched someone else begin to collect porcini mushrooms in a dream and the main character of the dream got only cut legs, he will miss a good chance due to excessive suspicion. Wormy fruits are seen to the appearance of disease and poverty. If a very large mushroom the size of a house has grown before the sleeper's eyes, the dreamer's wisdom will be appreciated by others. If a person saw himself in a green meadow, he should be as careful as possible. Perhaps one of the acquaintances of the sleeping man leads him by the nose.

Basic meaning

Ancestors attributed mystical properties to mushrooms, they were used for magical rituals and healing. The dream books indicate that the porcini mushroom symbolizes finding the right direction in life. If in night dreams the sleeper looked for a crop for a very long time, he has a long way to go to the goal. The dreamer will gain important experience and receive material benefits.

If a person was picking mushrooms with a friend, he will help the sleeping person in resolving some issue.

Some interpreters pay great attention to the seasonality of the crop. If the sleeper dreamed of picking mushrooms in the fall, new achievements and career success await him. The spring harvest can be seen by the dead and portend the loss of a relative or friend. If the dreamer did not pick mushrooms in the spring, but simply looked at them, he will begin to implement an important project. In order to carry out this business, the sleeper will have to work hard. If he happened to be harvesting in a winter forest under the snow, this may predict a deterioration in health.

If the dreamer found a crop near the roadway, such a vision portends material difficulties. Losses can occur due to questionable business relationships and rash transactions. If the sleeper picked mushrooms with his parents or relatives, his family will be friendly and happy.

Harvesting not for oneself, but for an outsider is seen as good luck. If the dreamer has collected a lot of mushrooms, but is dissatisfied with their number and wants to find even more, he has chosen the wrong path and is wasting his strength in vain. A fungus without a hat indicates that someone will take the glory of a dreamer for himself. Also, such a vision may indicate the presence of a competitor.. If a person saw from the side how someone walks through the forest in search of a harvest, he should stop being biased towards the people around him.

The sleeper could dream that he is harvesting, and then selling or giving it to someone. Such a vision suggests that the dreamer is lucky in life. Everything comes easy to him. However, a person should be wary of the evil eye and manifestations of envy. Detractors will not be able to cause severe harm, but they are able to drink blood.

Plots with mushrooms

Esotericists believe that the collection of mushrooms with brown hats dreams of the emergence of a strong passion. If a girl sees a dream in which she eats such a crop, she will be carried away by a dubious love affair. If a barren woman sees a boletus, she will soon find out that she is pregnant. White mushrooms with a red cap dream of joy and problem solving. A whole clearing of the crop is seen as a surprise, but if the fungus stands apart from the others by the stump, the sleeper will find a good friend.

Mushrooms can grow along with inedible ones. This is an excellent sign indicating that the sleeper will miraculously escape danger. Harvesting at night predicts the emergence of a favorable opportunity for the implementation of old ideas. If the dreamer observed how a hat flies off a boletus when cut or it crumbles, it is worth being more sensible about your spending.

If in a dream the main character wants to eat a raw mushroom, this promises a partner's insincerity and disappointment in love. If the dreamer tramples mushrooms, such a plot indicates an awareness of his mistakes and a desire to become more decisive. In the Kingdom of Morpheus, one can also dream of how another mushroom picker gives a sleeping basket of mushrooms. This dream can predict an acquaintance with a hypocritical person.

If the dreamer collects mushrooms and immediately throws them away, it means that due to his stubbornness and short-sightedness, he does not take into account the good advice of older acquaintances. If the sleeper picked up a lot of mushrooms and immediately went to cook them (boil, fry or salt in a jar), this plot indicates the presence of doubts and temptations. There is a risk that rash acts can lead to a loss of credibility.

If the main character found mushrooms on the road and began to cut them off, he will have financial difficulties. Harvesting together with a deceased person portends troubles and worries.

Important nuances

When interpreting a dream, all details must be taken into account. The place of harvest can tell a lot: in the forest - to unexpected changes, in the mountains - to obstacles that arose out of nowhere, near the pond - fortunately, on the side of the road - to unreasonable decisions. After the sleeper has collected mushrooms, he can perform certain actions with them, for example:

  1. Wash. Such an action indicates the dreamer's desire to put things in order in life, to make it more harmonious. The protagonist wants to be the best in his field, and this desire forces him to make firm decisions and act in accordance with his priorities. This will lead to excellent results, you just have to wait.
  2. Clean. The dreamer should get rid of some addictions in order to realize his goals.
  3. Cook. The plot portends good luck, fortune will smile at the sleeping man.
  4. Fry. Such a dream indicates that the sleeper should be more tolerant and less harsh towards others. It is better to devote more time to self-development and pay as little attention as possible to the mistakes of others.

Mushrooms in the Kingdom of Morpheus are a very important sign. Plots with them can give timely advice. When interpreting a dream, you should first of all focus on your personal feelings. If, after waking up, a person felt lightness, relief and joyful emotions, the dream definitely does not bode well.

Mushrooms are part of countless dishes. You can easily find them in any store, but it's much better to follow them into the forest to collect a decent basket. However, what happens if such a journey into the thicket occurs during sleep? Find out, why dream of porcini mushrooms, from our material.

Dream interpretation to see white mushrooms

When appears in a dream a lot of mushrooms, then almost certainly in real life you will meet a fool. They may not be a passer-by or a salesperson in a store, but most likely a colleague at work. In order not to imagine what kind of incidents may arise due to his fault, it is better to focus on work duties and do everything possible on your own so that you are not fined because of such a person.

Another interpretation of sleep is that you will begin to age rapidly. Appearance will be difficult to correct with all sorts of cosmetic procedures, so the best option is to visit your doctor. Perhaps age-related changes can be rolled back and minimize the negative impact on appearance.

However, not everything is as bad as it seems at first glance. There is another interpretation of sleep, where are you find porcini mushrooms. It is quite possible that this is the forerunner of sincere love, which will almost immediately gain reciprocity. Well-being in your life will not be accidental. The more such dreams, the stronger the well-being!

Difficulty controlled desires may appear after you see mushrooms in a dream. It can be a desire for sudden fun at a noisy party or a long trip to other countries. It is possible that you are attracted to another person who has lived in your head for a long time. In any case, keep your emotions under control so as not to do stupid things!

Sometimes the appearance white mushrooms in a dream symbolizes the final stage of passion, which you have already enjoyed to the fullest. On this basis, increased fatigue, both physical and emotional, is not excluded. For girls, such a dream can bring the long-awaited news of imminent motherhood.

Dream interpretation porcini mushroom video

Dream Interpretation to collect porcini mushrooms

As is known, apart from white mushrooms there are still a huge number of other types of mushrooms that can also appear in dreams. If you noticed in a dream that you are starting to collect poisonous mushrooms, then this is an extremely negative sign for the near future. Bad news from work colleagues, loved ones, loved one and friends - all this is not excluded after such a dream. At best, they will let you down or disappoint you. Considering the worst scenarios, it will not do without lies, betrayal, betrayal and a series of endless intrigues behind your back.

When you collect non-poisonous mushrooms in a dream, this means that your efforts will not only be appreciated, but also generously rewarded. A salary increase, bonuses, vacation pay, or even a promotion up the career ladder - each scenario is very plausible!

Also, picking mushrooms in a dream subtly hints that you are a real stallion who is always ready for a stormy night of love, but you should think about choosing a partner. It is better to direct your sexual energy towards one person whom you sincerely love and appreciate. A woman picking porcini mushrooms in a dream expects a happy family life, overcoming conflicts with relatives and the imminent appearance of children.
However, some dreams may not be as promising.

Picking mushrooms during sleep suggests that love relationships are doomed to failure. You can expect not only bitterness from the loss of a loved one, but also a lot of negativity, which will be fueled by abundant humiliation and insults against you. Girls need to be extremely careful not to be in a difficult situation due to such a dream. Remember that new sensations with men will not always have a positive effect on your emotional state, because they are short-lived, and the consequences due to them can be very fatal!

Dream interpretation eat porcini mushrooms

When you manage to eat a white mushroom in a dream, this indicates that longevity will overtake you. Even in old age, you will be able to maintain clarity of thought. If the mushrooms were in sour cream and you decided to taste them, then expect the normalization of your financial condition up to gaining the status of a rich and well-to-do person.

Also, the good news that will come from a loved one is not excluded. A wedding, a new job, a big love, a trip? What will actually happen is a big secret, but it will only stir up interest in such a positive event.

If you had to eat poisonous mushrooms, for example, toadstools, then such a dream portends a possible betrayal from your inner circle. This does not mean at all that you need to stop trusting absolutely all the people with whom you have to contact on a daily basis at one moment. But it’s definitely worth thinking about, because trusting in such a person who will easily stick a knife in your back, you are at great risk.

Did they prepare a delicious mushroom soup for you, which you tasted with pleasure while you were sleeping? In this case, there may be doubts about the nobility of a person who is close to you. It can be a loved one, relative or childhood friend. But do not rush to conclusions, because doubts must be confirmed, otherwise you will only quarrel with the person.

There is another interpretation of sleep, where a person eats porcini mushrooms. She says that such a dream portends an atypical love relationship. Some events can be frankly embarrassing, others cause a lot of controversy, others will humiliate you to the core. Carefully select a partner if you are counting on a long and happy family life. Interestingly, a dream may indicate that a person is completely absorbed in erotic motives. Of course, you should not completely and irrevocably abandon them, but it is extremely important to always know when to stop, otherwise it will just drive you crazy!