How to hurt him? How to hurt an ex-boyfriend so that he regrets what he did? What to do to make it hurt.

It is difficult to find a girl who at least once in her life did not want to hurt the man who offended her. In most cases, such a desire arises in a fit of anger, although sometimes the question of how to hurt him becomes a matter of life for a girl. What to do if the most expensive person until recently spoils your life or simply pisses you off?

How to hurt a guy

Pain can be both physical and mental. It is better to refuse the first option right away, unless you attend the martial arts section. But for representatives of the better half of humanity, more sophisticated and insidious methods are still characteristic. A woman can simply quit, she can start up an impartial rumor, or even go for treason. The motives are different, but the goal is almost always the same - to make the scoundrel regret what he did, affect self-esteem, humiliate. Remember: the word hurts the most. Your shrewd and caustic tone will make him feel uncomfortable. And now, when he is completely at a loss and, speaking in the language of boxers, “opened up”, you inflict the last, “knockout” blow: a deadly reminder of the most awkward, incidental or simply shameful incident in his male life. It works 100%. But here it is useful to correctly calculate the “impact force”. If you still don’t want to lose him forever, you shouldn’t touch the guy’s intimate sphere or humiliate him by listing the numerous virtues of your ex. This will already be a "hit below the belt."

How to hurt an ex

A few "innocent" tips:

  • Don't answer calls.
  • Ignore.
  • Set statuses for other guys.
  • Brought to white heat, answer that you were busy.
  • Stop walking.
  • Forget about promises.
  • Refer to "important things".
  • Attract the attention of other men, flirt with them.
  • With all this, look damn irresistible.

And here is an example of a creative approach to the issue. The girl threw bread crumbs on the roof of the car that offended her boyfriend. In the morning the whole car was covered in pigeon droppings and scratched by feathered claws. We believe that the reason for the avenger was more than weighty.

Hurt a man, what's next

Most girls later regret revenge, moreover, they do not see any effective result of their actions. After all, most often emotions splash out thoughtlessly, in haste, and this makes it difficult to assess a difficult situation objectively and, therefore, to find an adequate solution. In any case, you can resolve the conflict calmly and balancedly, try to understand a close (albeit already in the past) person, because to understand is almost to forgive. It is possible that the young man does not understand his mistake. In such a situation, revenge is all the more pointless, because he simply will not understand the reasons for your anger. It is necessary to put all the points in their place and sort it out calmly. And he will undoubtedly ask for forgiveness without any tricks on your part. And if he doesn’t ask, why is he like that to you?

We are all used to the fact that if an injection is prescribed, we will have to endure it. We strain, close our eyes, we are afraid in the end ...
But what if you can make an injection so that you almost never have to endure it? It turns out that, subject to a few simple conditions, the injection can be done almost imperceptibly. How - read on.

An injection is an invasive procedure, the degree of pain of which depends on a number of factors.: 1) the medicine itself ("baking", "painful", etc.) 2) the quality of medical instruments (the sharp needle of a good syringe is probably less painful than the boiled blunt needle of a glass syringe) 3) the patient (muscle relaxation is important and, oddly enough, general positive attitude).

And two of the three factors may very well be under our control!


The more relaxed the muscle, the easier it is to administer the drug, the easier it is to be absorbed in the muscle, and, therefore, the less likely the complications.

The calmer the patient is, the easier it is for him to relax the muscle, and the nurse (well, the one who will give the injection - a home specialist or a doctor with a diploma) is less nervous - and in a calm environment there is always more chance that everything will go well (it sounds trite, but it really is!).

Syringe and needle for injection without pain

Actually in the syringe, from the point of view of the mechanism of the device of this "pump", and the quality of the medical needle for an injection without pain, two things are important:
- sharpness and smoothness of the needle surface
- how smoothly and easily the piston moves in the cylinder.

A good needle should enter the tissues easily and painlessly, and the smoothness of its surface (how carefully it is polished) should ensure that the needle slides evenly inside the tissues and in the opposite direction.

Poorly polished needles, needles with notches, capture skin particles (especially when the needle moves in the opposite direction - when the needle is removed after the injection), the skin stretches, tears .. All this leads to pain during the injection and longer healing of tissues after injection.
The sharp trihedral sharpening of a modern high-quality needle allows you not to tear the skin and tissues during an injection.

The smoothness of the movement of the piston in the cylinder affects how much tissue will be injured. If the piston moves with difficulty, then during the injection, the needle located in the muscle will “pick” this muscle following the twitching of the syringe piston.

Structurally, this problem is solved simply: it is necessary to choose syringes with black rubber bands on the piston. At good manufacturers, they are made of safe latex-free (and therefore allergy-free) rubber. The piston moves smoothly - muscle trauma is minimal.


If the solution of an injectable drug, for example, is saline, then what can you do - it will hurt (well, salt in the muscle, in fact :(
To ease the pain, the doctor may prescribe a dissolution in lidocaine or novocaine (these solvents are anesthetic), but with anesthetic it is important to know two things:
1) some patients are allergic to these substances
2) based on paragraph 1, you should never prescribe lidocaine or novocaine to yourself - only in consultation with your doctor.
Therefore, if the medicine is already painful, and it is impossible to anesthetize, then only the careful implementation of the first two points will help: a relaxed muscle and a high-quality syringe.

So the output is:

To make an injection without pain, buy good syringes and sharp needles, relax the muscle, be calm. Regarding the injection technique - the slower you inject, the less painful. Well, do not forget about observing the rules of asepsis, so as not to treat complications later!

We wish you injections without pain!

You may need to learn how to make someone feel guilty in order to let the person know what they really did. Here's how to do it effectively.

Many people will tell you that it's wrong to try to make someone feel upset or guilty. Is it true? Not really if you need the person to understand your feelings. The only way to do this is to figure out how to make someone feel guilty.

If a person does not care and he just enjoys life in this way, then he will still continue to do the same. He may hurt you again or hurt someone else. If you want him to know how much you hurt, show it.

Guilt is a very strong emotion, if a person, of course, feels it.

Many people ignore guilt. They are unwilling to admit that they did something wrong. They simply do not pay attention to it, even forget about it later if no one reminds them. But it is very important for people to feel it.

Because guilt can teach lessons. The more a person worries about this, the more he realizes what he has done. And those who ignore guilt often repeat the same mistakes, only each time their “pranks” manifest themselves in an uglier and more “toxic” way.

How to Make Someone Feel Guilty So They Realize

You need to make the person feel guilty. But what can hurt you even more is when the person doesn't care at all. This is often the result of his ignorance. If you really want to make someone feel guilty, here's how to do it.

Define your feeling

You can't cry out in pain if you don't know how much it hurts. Are you angry? Offended? Do you want to hurt this person?

You really need to think about the emotions that are swirling around in your head so that you can pinpoint exactly what they are. Once you recognize them, you can reason about why this person made you feel this way. Only then can you work on making him feel guilty.

Take the time to make a plan

You can't walk up to someone and start screaming about how much you've been hurt. It almost never works and ends up looking like crazy. And do you really think that a person will feel guilty when he is shouted about it in his face?

No. You should take some time to put together a plan of action in the first place. Sit down and think better about how to get the attention of this person so that you can talk to them about important things. Once you understand how you feel and what you want to say, you can move on to the next step.

Present your arguments

Just do it, but not aggressively. The person will already begin to feel guilty when you tell him about your pain. Nobody wants to admit that he upset someone. And so he will avoid you if you start making accusations.

Instead, make sure you are in a calm state and can talk about things in a civilized way. Even if you are really angry at heart, try to look nice and adequate on the outside so that you can really hook the person before they get defensive.

Make the person feel like they belong in the situation

Often people do not feel guilty because they cannot understand what their fault is. This misunderstanding arises from the fact that they consider themselves not involved in the fact that you are hurt. To fix this, you must talk to them in a way that they can understand.

Therefore, explain the situation in an accessible, understandable way. Analogies are great for this as you paint the same situation in a new light. So the person will understand better.

Let him see that you are hurting

It's okay to show your pain. You don't have to force yourself to hide it. If you want to cry, then cry. Show the person how much pain they have caused you.

However, control yourself so that he does not think that you are very dramatic. Trying to hide how you really feel will make the person think you are cheating. And all the stories about how much it hurts you will be perceived as a farce.

Draw his attention to you

It's not always helpful to indulge in drama, but some people need it. Sometimes you literally have to go crazy to get the attention of the offender. So put on a show. If you haven't been able to reach him in any other way, this may be your only option.

Once you realize you've got his attention, slow down. Try to make sure that he understands what you are getting at. Otherwise, he will just get angry and refuse to listen to you.

Treat him accordingly

You were in pain. The person did something bad to hurt you, and you should treat them accordingly. You may not even want to talk to him afterwards. Treat him like he did something terrible and you don't like it.

Avoid him and even insult him if necessary. Some people need this kind of "treatment" or they won't realize how badly they've done. If you act the same as always, they will think that you have not been harmed, that everything is fine.

Talk about it logically

Don't talk about yourself all the time, discussing why you're hurting. Describe what happened logically. Take yourself out of this equation. Show that someone was hurt in this situation, and it's not just you.

Some people think that the person is just too sensitive and doesn't hurt as much as they make it out to be. A logical explanation for why you feel this way can help them understand that your sensitivity isn't the problem.

Talk seriously and find out the opinion of the offender

Most people just want the other to feel guilty, that's all. They do not care what prompted them to such actions.

But you must. Maybe the person didn't even want to hurt you. So let him speak. Listen to him before attacking with your grievances. You will be able to understand much more than if you use any other method.

Come to terms with the fact that he doesn't care

You cannot change everyone. Some people, no matter how hard you try, will never admit they did wrong. They immediately become defensive and don't care who they hurt.

You can't expect someone to feel guilty, always. After a while, you will realize that they really do not care and they will never admit their guilt. Live your life and don't let yourself hold back your feelings.

This information will help you open the eyes of the offender and show how painful and unpleasant what he did. It may not be easy for you, but if you want to stay close to this person, it's worth teaching them a lesson.

Even in a good relationship, anything can happen: quarrels, scandals - without this, nowhere. But no matter how angry you are with your partner right now, remember: There are buoys that are better not to swim. Otherwise, your "love boat" will soon become damp and go to the bottom. Tested by the experience of my clients in nine years of psychological counseling.


Buoy 1. Humiliation

When the conflict is in full swing, the desire to win at any cost is great. But if the price of victory is the humiliation of a partner, you can easily lose a relationship. In the heat of a quarrel, we pour out all the accumulated dirt on our partner. These are insults (“you are a fool” - the softest), “poking” your nose into shortcomings, threats to leave such a “freak” ... and so on.

When the storm subsides and you make peace, everything will be forgotten. But ... usually, in the heat of a quarrel, people hit the most painful places of a loved one that they managed to recognize during the relationship. The insult is forgotten, but the sediment remains. It's like a wormhole in an apple. And with each subsequent scandal, the worminess of the apple increases. In the end, you will get a spoiled apple. That is relationships.

And how then to swear?

During a quarrel, it is better to talk about your condition at the moment when a loved one does something wrong. For example: “When you were late at work and did not remember about my performance in the evening, I was terribly offended. I cried for two hours. It was an extremely brutal act."

(Note that here I'm defining an act, not a person. Even a good guy can do shitty things - I think it's not a secret). If the quarrel goes in this direction, there are more chances that you will be heard. When you attack a person (even justifiably), there is a desire to defend yourself, but not to listen. And the last thing you want is to take your position and understand how you feel.

Buoy 2. Comparison

It is quite normal that your partner does not suit you in everything. And it is clear that you want to make it better. It's all about methods.

Many use the tried and tested Soviet pedagogical method: comparison. Remember at school: “Petya Ivanov is our pride! Excellent student, draws well - take an example from him! Remember your feelings at this moment: and shame that you do not meet this high standard of Ivanov, and the understanding that you will never reach, and resentment that they do not appreciate ... and a strong desire to do everything awry, out of spite ...

What happens to you when someone close to you compares you to someone? I think you are hurt and offended. It turns out that comparison is an inefficient way.

How do you tell your partner that you are not happy with something?

Try to talk. Let's say if you don't like your partner's figure: “Would you like to go to the gym? So I'm going, because I ate the sides ... but one was too lazy. Let `s together! You will cheer me up, and I will cheer you up! If your partner agrees, great. But he may refuse. Then this is the position of a person, and it is difficult to do anything with it. You will have to decide what is more important: the figure of a partner or a relationship with him.

Displacer 3. Depreciation

Imagine I bought myself a new dress. I resort to a close friend - I brag. And she told me: “So you kind of had it ... It would be better if I bought a coat instead of the old one ...” Curtain. Shopping pleasure ruined.

Or, for example, a husband animatedly tells you about a friend's new car. And you: “Why are you telling me about Volodya. Everything is clear with him - he has nowhere to put his money. You'd better take out the garbage, yesterday you promised and didn't do it. We've arrived. The husband understands that his pressing affairs are on your drum.

It is highly likely that soon he will go where he will be listened to. And not necessarily a blonde with a round booty. It could be an ordinary woman. Who just knows how to be attentive.

And what if you get bored listening?

It is only natural that you and your partner have different interests. However, show

respect for the hobbies and affairs of a loved one. And if it’s completely unbearable ... Are you sure that you live with that person?

Buoy 4. Silence (aka ignoring)

The golden classic of my childhood: if my mother is offended, my mother is silent. And he does not explain the reason for his silence. I myself had to be clearly aware of my unworthy behavior. But I didn't understand! But I remember how scary and uncomfortable it was as a child. And when she grew up, she actively practiced the same “family” method of communication.

The destructive effect of it is amazing. In terms of the equivalent, you seem to pack your things for no reason and leave for a month, for example, to Mexico. Showing with all your appearance that it is the partner who is to blame for your flight. And he remains alone - in confusion and bewilderment. And after each such story, something falls off from the former proximity. Until there is nothing left of her.

What if I can't talk about my feelings?

Communicate in any way: write letters, send SMS, draw messages with lipstick on the wall ... why not? The main thing is not to close. This only makes you worse.

Buoyok 5. Leaving the conversation

Through irony, ridicule, denial of the conflict itself.

You to the guy: “Let's talk about what happened yesterday. I was hurt by what you did." And he answered: “Oh, you are my crybaby, you just have to cry,” or: “So it was yesterday, why remember that.” Or your husband says to you: “Let's discuss the budget. We've been planning for a long time." And you: “Oh, I need to call Masha, otherwise she will be offended.” This is an escape from an uncomfortable conversation.

When you are scared and do not want to deal with other people's emotions and affairs, you move away from the problem. Different ways. For a loved one, such actions speak of your indifference. It hurts him or her.

So how do you overcome the fear of speaking?

Talk about your fears. For example: “I know that we have been going to discuss the budget for a long time, but I am afraid that in the course of the conversation we will quarrel. We look at finances too differently.” It becomes clear to the other person what exactly is happening to you. And this is an occasion for a constructive conversation.

Most often, people do not hurt each other out of malice. But because of a misunderstanding. A joke on the subject.

A man hails a taxi

Where are you?

No, I will not go to the boas ...

No, you misunderstood me ... Where do you want to go?

Well, if necessary, let's go to the boas.

Mila Kolpakchi, psychologist