How to get views on vk. How to find out and increase traffic to the VKontakte page

For some time now, the famous social network VKontakte began to show even more information to all its users: in March 2017, the resource administration officially announced a new update, thanks to which each user now has the opportunity to see the number of views on his own or someone else's post. You will learn more about how VK views are counted and how it works in general later in the article.

What kind of views in VK under the records - detailed information

Vadim Dorokhov, head of web development of the social network, was the first to report on the statistics of VKontakte publications. In his opinion, it is far from always possible to judge the quality of a particular publication by the number of “likes” (like marks), but if we talk about the number of views, then it is quite possible to conclude which entry is most in demand among network users. Thus, using the view counter, you can much better identify the interest of the public in a particular content.

So what are VK views under posts? Under each post (posts on the user's wall, posts in community feeds), there is now a counter in the most visible place, which shows how many views this content had.

The entire Internet community, in discussing this innovation of the VK social network, was divided into 2 camps: some are sure that views are an effective tool for digital marketing, while others consider the new “feature” a useless indicator.

How can I see views on VK?

Finding out the number of views on VK is as easy as shelling pears: a new option is displayed in the lower right corner of each publication. It is worth knowing that not only you, but also all your friends and absolutely all VKontakte users will see views of your posts on your personal page (the only exception, perhaps, are those users whom you added to the “black list”). But it is currently impossible to find out who exactly viewed this or that record.

The view counter can now also be seen in the updated VK mobile applications for two operating systems: iOS and Android. As in the main computer version, on smartphones it is visible under publications for all users of the social network.

How views are counted in VK - information from social network administrators

As the administration of VKontakte explained, a special algorithm of the site counts exactly the views of any publication, whether it is a post on the wall in a personal account or published information in the community. It is important to understand that if a user, having entered a group or page of another person, simply scrolls through the wall / tape, then in this case the counter will not record the impression.

Briefly about what you need to know about views on VK:

  • The counter is installed both in communities and in ordinary user posts on the wall
  • Not only the author of the publication sees the counter under it, but also all other users of VKontakte
  • You won't be able to see who exactly viewed the post
  • The counter shows only views, however, if you decide to watch the record again, you will not add another view to it - reliable protection against cheating works
  • All views are counted from the beginning of January 2017
  • If the user scrolls the feed/wall, views of posts on it are not taken into account.

How to wind up views on VK and is it possible: ideas, ways

As soon as the news about the introduction of the views counter on VKontakte spread all over the Internet, some network users immediately began to have questions on how to wind up views on VK. It is obvious that by pressing f5 every time and thus updating the page, it is hardly possible to wind up the desired number of views.

Now you know how VK views are counted and how they can be viewed on pages and in communities. The developers of the social network VKontakte hope that by means of the implemented view counter, Internet users will be able to more easily monitor people's reactions to their content. The press secretary of the Kiev branch of the social network, Vlad Legotkin, emphasized that the new feature in VK (views) will be useful not only for SMM managers and community owners, but also for ordinary users, since views will become another important way of motivating content authors.

In today's article, we will tell you about why you should get views on VK entries, and also how to do it.

What does cheating views in VK on records give?

Many people are wondering, ? Everything is simple. The more of them on your post, the more popular it is considered, the more people will see the information published in it, and the more people will perform the target action, if necessary.

This means that the entry will be more likely to get into the “Interesting First” news section.

Today, many users in the settings of their news feed have moved the “Interesting at first” slider to the right, thereby activating it. They only want to see popular posts, and that's no surprise. But because of this, they do not see less popular content. So, to get into this section, you need to have as many views as possible. This is where the need arises to boost the very desired activity.

1 view is credited when a user sees your post.

It doesn’t matter how he did it: in the news feed, opened it separately via a link, a friend’s repost, etc. This counter shows the number of unique users. That is, if you open the same post twice, then only 1 view is credited.

This fact makes cheating even more in demand. How can a normal user with 50-150 friends get thousands of views on a post posted on their wall? That's right - screw it up. Of course, you can start spamming anywhere and everywhere. But not everyone wants to do this and not everyone has the time for this. Not to mention the risk of getting banned. is a fast and safe service for cheating in 10 social networks. On the service, you can wind up your groups, publics, profiles and pages without registration and tasks

How to get views?

Views on VKontakte entries can be boosted using special services and programs. Among them are both paid and free.

We spin for free

The following apply:

This is one of the most popular services for boosting activity in VK and other social media. It is completely free. Among the numerous functions there is also a cheat of views. To order it, you need to complete 6 tasks posted by other users and then you will have the opportunity to place your own.

How to use:

TakeFriend does not require registration, so you can leave your task easily and without providing any personal data, which makes using this service safe.

This service is absolutely free and works on the principle of mutual exchange of activity. You complete tasks, get points for it, and set your task for the earned points.

There is no separate task “Get views” here. But this does not mean that we cannot use this project. To get free views, you can specify the task type "Get Likes". In this case, the specified post will receive both a view and a like. After all, to put the latter, you need to open the record itself, thereby viewing it.

How to use:

Ready. It remains only to observe the result.


This is a program designed for automatic promotion on VKontakte. It has a free version in which you can easily wind up the view counter. Using this software is very easy:

Ready. The robot will start doing its job immediately.

For money

Now, where you can easily and quickly wind up the required number of views on any entry in VK:


This is an online project specializing in promotion and promotion on VKontakte and beyond. One of the many features is the view boost. And here you can wind them up both on one specific post, and on several posts at once.

The price for 100 performances is 0.22 rubles. When ordering from 5000 pcs. a 20% discount is due.

How to use:

After payment, the service will start cheating.

Another online service specializing in the promotion and promotion of social networks, where you can buy the desired number of views on VK for a small fee. According to the project itself, only live views are wound up. That is, made by real people, without the use of bots.

Here you can also buy views for one specific post or for several (autoviews).

The price for 100 performances is 10 rubles. with a minimum order. At the maximum - 4 rubles.

How to place an order:

After payment, YouLiker will begin to perform its task.

Online service for the promotion of social media. This service offers many different services, including cheating views on VKontakte. They can be ordered in two ways: retail and wholesale. When ordering from 1000 pcs. and more, it is more profitable to order in bulk.

The price for 100 performances is 10 rubles. when ordering retail. And from 10 rubles. and below when ordering in bulk.

To place an order you need:

After payment, the service will start to wind up the ordered activity.

Pros and cons of cheating

The advantages include:

  • More likely to be featured in the "Interesting First" news section;
  • Increasing the overall reach and unique visitors of the community;
  • A large number of different software;
  • There are both free and paid methods;
  • Low cost;
  • Fast results.

The disadvantages include:

  • Not all services use "live" promotion;
  • The VK administration does not welcome the use of third-party software, so if there is suspicion, there is a chance of getting a ban.


Today we talked with you about who needs to cheat views on posts on VKontakte, as well as with the help of what programs and services it can be done. We hope you found something interesting in this article.

The main indicator of the popularity of a community or page is coverage, which, in turn, depends on the number of views. In today's article, we will look at how you can wind up views on a wall in VK, for what purposes it is used, and much more.

Why put views on the wall?

As we said earlier, views directly affect page reach. It is by coverage that they evaluate the popularity of various groups and publics, as well as personal profiles. The more users see the published content, the more popular it is considered.

Moreover, the coverage increases only from unique views. That is, if you open or just see the same post 10 times, then the view count will increase by only one. That is why cheating is in great demand among community leaders and those who want to increase their popularity.

Cheat is especially relevant for start-up projects and new pages that do not have a large audience. For example, you decide to create a community on VKontakte, publish interesting content in it. They invited all their friends, asked them to invite their friends, got subscribers using various services. As a result, the number of participants is about 2000 people, but there are no more than 50 views on each entry. This is not enough for such an audience. What to do in this situation? That's right, use wrap.

Cheating views on the wall in VK (see link) allows you to increase the overall reach of the promoted page (whether it be a personal profile or a community) without spending a lot of time and money. Next, we will consider with you how and with the help of which paid and free services this can be done.

How to wind?

If we talk specifically about cheating views on the wall, then here you need to look for services that offer auto promotion. That is, a tool that can automatically wind up views on several posts at once. Among the paid services there are such services, among the free ones they are not.

But do not despair for those who were looking for free ways to cheat. In this article, we will show you services that can boost views for 1 post for free. You just have to use them not once, but for each post separately.

For free

There are some of the most popular free services. The list can be made long, but it is better to highlight only a few of the most reliable ones.

One of the simplest and most popular free services for cheating various activities. TakeFriend specializes in promotion in all popular social networks and media. Among the many functions there is also a cheat on views on VK records.

To use the service, it is enough:

Ready. Now your task will be available to the people who will perform it.


A unique software designed for automatic promotion on VKontakte. One of the tools is to cheat the counter of views on posts. The program must be downloaded and installed on your PC and it is free.

How to use:

The service will immediately begin to perform the task assigned to it. You just have to watch the result.


A fairly popular site for the mutual exchange of activity among VK users. On Bosslike, you can wind up a lot of different activities in many social media, but there is no separate tool for winding up views on a VK post. Therefore, we will use the "Get Likes" service. After all, in order to put a like, the performer will need to open your post. And then, you will increase not only the overall reach, but also the overall activity in your group.

How to use:

All that remains for you is to observe its implementation.

For money

Now let's look at paid services that can wind up views not on one post, but on the entire wall at once. There are only two of them:


An online project specializing in the automatic promotion of social networks, including VKontakte. Using this service, you can easily boost views on the wall (minimum 100 per post) by specifying the number of recent posts you want to boost.

The price of one execution starts from 0.22 rubles. and reaches 0.18 rubles. when ordering from 5000 pcs.

How to use:

As soon as the money appears in your account, the created order will begin to be executed.

You Liker

A service designed for promotion in social networks and media. Among the numerous services there are also autoviews. The main advantage of YouLiker is that promotion is carried out on new posts as long as there are funds on your balance. Thus, you do not need to create separate orders for each new publication.

The price of one execution starts from 0.14 rubles. and reaches 0.05 rubles. when ordering from 9000 pcs.

How to use the service:

After the done actions, the service will start to wind up the ordered activity.

At the moment, these are the only services that we managed to find that are able to wind up views not on one, but on several posts at once. As soon as new projects appear on the network, we will tell you about them.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages include:

  • Increasing the overall reach and unique visitors of the community;
  • There are both free and paid methods;
  • Low cost of this service;
  • High execution speed.

The disadvantages include:

  • There are only two services that have the autoview service;
  • An artificial increase in activity counters is prohibited by the rules of the VK site. If you are suspected of such activities, then there are chances of getting a ban.


Today we reviewed with you As you can see, there are not so many services where you can order the promotion of several records at once. Therefore, many users make separate orders for each post. But after reading this article, you know how to do it easily and simply.

And, you can find out from the corresponding article.

A quick boost of views in VK on records is an opportunity to raise the rating of any publication, increase interest in it, or declare to new subscribers about the popularity of the public. The number of views along with likes, reposts, comments clearly show the activity existing in the group or profile, display the entry in the TOP of the Vkontakte social network. The low numbers make it clear that few people are interested in the content being posted.

You can increase the quantitative indicators for a fee or for free, and the difference is not so much in the price, but in the time, effort and nerves spent.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself in detail with the available methods of cheating views on Vkontakte, their advantages, disadvantages, and risks in order to understand what you can and cannot save on.

The subtleties of free cheat VK

There is always a free alternative, and cheating online views on a VK post is no exception. So, on their own, the visibility of the activity of subscribers is created through constant sitting on the Internet or with the help of special programs. However, the advantage of most of these methods is only in saving money.

By attracting friends, acquaintances, doing mailing, spamming, creating fake accounts, you can increase the popularity of posting a page or group on your own, however, the effect obtained is not always significant, since this method has a lot of disadvantages:

  • longevity;
  • lack of confidence in the result;
  • inability to achieve high performance;
  • the need for a permanent presence in the network;
  • the risk of getting a ban or account blocking for spam.

It should be borne in mind that viewing is counted only after studying the material for a few seconds, and even the best friend cannot give such a guarantee. Therefore, it remains only to hope for a miracle and try to push your content through more popular groups or records.

Free methods also include various services or mobile applications that offer cheating for completing certain tasks. The principle of most of these resources is similar: registration, earning points for completing tasks published by other users (for example, reposting, joining a community, adding friends) and then posting your tasks.

However, such mutual "support" is not always effective, because the absence of a fee implies the presence of many "minuses":

  1. Mandatory registration through VK.
  2. Continuous accumulation of the initial amount to place your own task .
  3. Personal Profile Contamination (outside friends, uninteresting publications appearing in the feed, a lot of subscriptions) or the need to create a new page.
  4. Lack of accurate statistics .
  5. Possible account blocking , and as a result, the loss of earned points, as well as access to personal data.

It is also worth considering the riskiness of mutual cheating, because many users create fake accounts for such purposes or use special programs, bots, views are cheated uncontrollably, which easily attracts the attention of the Vkontakte administration, and also entails a ban or temporary blocking.

Benefits and guarantees of paid wrapping

Having paid even a small amount of money, you can set your own conditions, demand reports, statistics, or the inclusion of only "live" people in the process of winding up. Our service is able to fully justify all the hopes of the client without the risk of a ban, temporary blocking.

High performance and efficiency are ensured mainly by the dosing of views and the use of reliable Vkontakte accounts, which does not arouse suspicion among competitors or the VK administration.

In general, there are several indisputable advantages of paid cheating of VK views for recording through our service:

  • Security and anonymity.
  • Naturalness of cheating, provided by a large number of trustworthy real profiles with a spotless reputation on the network and a gradual, smooth increase in the number of views.
  • autonomy, which provides a full-fledged work without the involvement of the customer, which eliminates the need to be online, do mailing, or perform monotonous tasks.
  • Affordable price. The entire volume can be distributed over many records or over several days so as not to arouse suspicion.
  • Quality result guarantee, no risk of cheating or resetting cheated views.
  • Well established feedback.
  • Intuitive website interface and simple ordering procedure.
  • High winding speed.

The required result, calculated in the number of views, is always discussed in advance. When choosing a service site, you will know exactly what to expect, and it is in our power and interests to do everything quickly, efficiently and in full accordance with the stated requirements.

What you need to know more

  1. Post quality content regularly
  2. hold attention in various ways (by attaching gifs, polls, information with continuation);
  3. do not forget to include hashtags, keywords;
  4. create the appearance of full-fledged activity, winding up not only views, but also likes, .

Remember that in order to promote any content at first, you need to invest a lot of effort and money in order to enjoy popularity later, as well as receive money for advertising and other actions. Cheating Vkontakte views on the necessary entries will be your starting point, and the money spent will soon be returned in a much larger volume. Also, you can always or through the site site.

By paying a few hundred rubles, you can easily ensure that you get into the top Contact, raise the level of the public, attract new faces, while saving your time and nerves to create interesting content.

Paid cheat views on a VK post posted on a personal page or in a group will become a high-speed, efficient, reliable alternative to long-term and labor-intensive independent manipulations to gain popularity, as well as increase the activity of subscribers.

Another important indicator that affects the "rating" of the group is the unique visitors to VKontakte. It shows how many people visited your community page. Many advertisers and administrators of other communities pay attention to this figure. Therefore, you need to understand what the indicator of unique visitors includes and how to increase it (wind it up).

Unique visitors and VKontakte views

The Attendance section shows two metrics: Unique Visitors and Views. What is the difference?

Unique visitors - one person who came to your page. Even if he visits several times and from different devices, he will still be recorded as +1 unique subscriber. Those. it displays the number of people who visited the community.

Views - his multiple visits to your page will fall into "views". Those. this shows how many times your community has been visited by different people.

How to increase unique visitors to VK

All you need is to lure people to your community page. It doesn't matter if they are in your group or not.

  1. Use interactive content: gifs, videos, audio (these must be added to the group's "videos/audios" in order for visitors to count towards your statistics).
  2. Polls and open comments - give people the opportunity to express themselves on your page. Answer subscribers' questions, ask questions in posts, arrange a "chat" so that people can communicate with each other.
  3. Invite people into discussions - ask questions to the audience or post texts with continuation in the discussion.
  4. Clicks to wiki pages also raise unique visitors. To do this, create a simple test, and post the answers on the wiki page. People will pass for answers, and raise your statistics.
  5. Post ads or VPs with other communities. The most effective way, as other people come who are not members of your community.

But using the usual methods, you can raise uniques for a long time, much faster artificially.

Cheat unique visitors VKontakte

Unlike the coverage of subscribers, unique visitors can be very easy to wind up.

To do this, you can use programs to cheat subscribers: botovod and vtope (you can read the description and reviews at the link).

Order an intro, likes, reposts, participation in polls or any actions on the main page of your group.

Example: I ordered 100 likes for a post in my new public through the Vtope program:

The most effective are introductions, because people need to visit the community homepage to subscribe. But a large number of bots can lead to a page ban. So use with caution.

This way you can very quickly and significantly increase the number of "uniques" on the page, so I do not look at this indicator when ordering ads.

Now you know that these are unique VKontakte subscribers, cheating and a natural increase in this indicator. Share your secrets about social networks.


How to increase the number of views on a personal page in VK posts? - In contact with

boost reposts and likes

Repost, + cheat on services (likes)

Post has been editedBaltanov.e: 18 07 2017 - 11:01

There is a service that rotates specific views.

And will you tell us about it?

There is a service that rotates specific views.

give me a like

Spam, chat in the comments with people and not only

until 27.11 100 points - 13 rubles

spam, likes, hashtags. There is a lot of room for imagination here. The main thing is to move your brains a little.

everything that you wrote is a button accordion

everything that you wrote is a button accordion

but the question is rather frivolous. The topic has already been discussed many times on the forum. For starters, it would be nice to use the search.

With this I agree with you

With this I agree with you

vtope, vkduty wrote in neighboring topics.

Why is this needed?

VKontakte views cheat is an effective way to increase your profile rating in this social network. A video with a large number of views becomes "viral", i.e. The more people who watch it, the more others will want to watch it. You will see, after cheating up to a certain number, the number of views will grow without your help. A "viral" advertising video is a powerful marketing tool.

What do we have to do?

Nothing special. If you want the online cheating of views in VK to not require any material costs AT ALL, you will have to complete several tasks of other users of our site - “like” news and pictures, make several reposts, join certain groups, watch videos, etc. .d. There is no shortage of tasks on our site - you can do what you like most. For this, you will receive credits with which you can “pay off” with users who will watch your video, thus increasing the number of views.

If you do not want to complete tasks, you can buy the amount of credits you need from us - they are, to put it mildly, inexpensive.

Why Oliker?

The administration of our site can provide you with the following guarantees:

  • You do not have to download programs - VKontakte video views are cheated online.
  • You can not worry about the security of your account - no one will get access to it.
  • Your video will be watched by real people - no bots, everything is legal.
  • The promotion will take place quickly - thousands of users are registered on our resource seeking to earn loans.

How does the Vkontakte post view counter work?

VKontakte continues to introduce interesting innovations. This time it is access to the counter of views of records ("peephole" in the lower right corner) published on the personal pages of users and in communities. Agree that not all guests leave their likes and comments under the post they like, so this way of assessing your popularity is more accurate. This indicator can be used as feedback with your audience of subscribers.

In addition, it is no exaggeration to say that this is a new business intelligence tool. Each entrepreneur will be able to evaluate the reaction of buyers to a particular offer, as well as monitor the effectiveness of maintaining their own community. Thus, you have the opportunity to adjust the methodology for promoting your business in social networks to achieve maximum results.

The peephole counter appeared directly below the entries in user profiles and communities. At the same time, which is important, you will not see the list of "spectators" themselves.

How does the Vkontakte view counter work?

According to official data, we know:

The counter is visible both under the posts on personal pages and in communities. - It is seen not only by the authors of the publication, but also by all other users.

The counter takes into account the unique views of the user Vkontakte (ID), that is, the same user will not be able to increase it several times. - The view counting algorithm is based on several parameters: for example, a view will not be counted if the user quickly scrolled through the record and did not pay attention to it.

Soon, advertising impressions will be counted in the counter. Currently, impressions received from advertising placements are not visible in the counters.

Research by our developers has shown that unique Vkontakte user ids are taken into account, that is, a unique ip will not increase the counter. After midnight, the unique user count is reset and if you refresh and view the record again, the view counter will count views again.

How to wind up the counter of views on Vkontakte (eye)?

More recently, a new tool has appeared in the VkDuty program, with which you can wind up not only likes, reposts, and comments, but also a view counter. In order to use the module, you need to select the "Modules" tab - "View counter cheat module". All you have to do is add a link (where the promotion will be carried out) and click the "Add" button.