How to draw curtains with a pencil? How to draw a window with curtains with a pencil step by step. How to sketch curtains with a pencil Sketches for curtains on eyelets with a pencil

brushes: "synthetics" are flat, fine and "bristles" are flat.

Before starting work, we prime the workpiece with white acrylic primer with a flat synthetic brush in two layers with intermediate drying. After sanding the primed surface with medium grit sandpaper (P240-P320).

From the napkin you like, we tear out the desired fragment with the image. For this work, motifs with images of landscapes, streets, houses are very well suited. But when choosing a picture, look at it as if you are looking out the window - there must be a perspective! Then your work will look believable.

Using the “file” method, glue the napkin in the center of the workpiece.

After drying, the edges of the napkin must be sanded off with sandpaper - there should not be a clear border from the napkin to the surface of the workpiece.

We cut out a rectangle from a piece of paper in a cage - this will be our future window opening. We impose it in the center of the glued napkin and, using a foam rubber sponge, paint over the entire surface around the rectangle with white acrylic paint.

With a simple pencil, we make a sketch of open window frames, a window sill, a curtain rod. I originally planned to make a kind of locker under the window, but later I forgot about my idea - well, what can you do, it happens :-)

With beige acrylic paint (white + brown), we paint over the window sill and the upper part of the window.

With white acrylic, we slightly highlight the “internal” parts of the window sill and the ceiling above it. With a dry brush with white paint, we lightly pass over the window glass, creating light highlights.

Add shadows with brown acrylic. At this stage, focus on the image - from which side the shadow falls on the houses and roofs. On your drawn window, the shadow should be in the same place.

Draw the window frames in the same brown color.

I use a piece of clear plastic (or a stencil) and use light green acrylic to paint the wall above the window at the top and bottom. In this way, we get a smooth and clearly colored border under the windowsill and the window above.

With a dark green color we make a shadow under the window and above it.

With a dry bristle brush and a light olive color, we “whiten” our bright green walls a little. The brush first moves horizontally and then vertically, that is, cross to cross.

With a thin brush and brown paint we draw a cornice for future curtains and tulle.

Let's start drawing tulle. We dilute white acrylic with water. When applied, it should leave only a light white haze.

With brush movements “top-down”, we begin drawing. I initially thought that one half of the tulle would be more open. Accordingly, this part is drawn smaller in size. After drying one layer, you can go through the diluted paint again if the color is completely transparent.

For curtains, I chose a blackberry shade of paint. Here we turn on the fantasy, you can draw just straight curtains, or you can, like mine, curtains with pickup.

Add a little dark purple to the blackberry color and draw the folds of the curtains.

With a pure dark purple color mixed with black, draw shadows on the curtains - this will give them a more voluminous look. And with light purple we will draw highlights along the central parts of the folds.

With a thin brush with white paint, draw the tiebacks at the curtains, draw clearer highlights on them and in detail, from top to bottom, draw the tulle.

We paint the tiebacks of the curtains with yellow acrylic.

With highly diluted paint (burnt umber color), we draw shadows from curtains and tulle. And with a piece of foam sponge, in the same color, we slightly tint all the panels around the perimeter.

3D gel highlight the tiebacks of the curtains.

With a white acrylic outline, draw a tulle with small white dots. We also decorate the upper edge of the panel with a dotted pattern.

We add a three-dimensional element above the window with the help of embossed thin paste and a stencil. We dry.

After drying all the materials, the product is closed with 2-3 layers of acrylic varnish, with intermediate drying of each layer.

If desired, you can add hooks to the panel, and a wonderful key holder or hanger will decorate your home or the home of your loved ones! Good luck with your creativity, friends!

The customer's desire to visualize the future composition of curtains with tulle is reflected in a preliminary sketch drawn by himself or with the help of a designer.

  • Draw a window
  • Sketch base
  • Fabric drawing
  • It is the sketches of curtains in pencil that are considered the most informative and accurate, because sometimes the client himself does not fully understand what he wants to see in the end. Curtain design sketches clearly show how finished curtains will look on the window.

    Types of curtain sketches

    Sketches of curtains are carried out in two ways:

    • With the help of computer graphics.
    • Pencil.

    A computer sketch of a window with curtains is made in a special graphics editor. That is, without having the skills to work in the program, it is simply impossible to implement the plan, and it takes a lot of time to learn professional design nuances.

    In order not to stretch the embodiment of a design idea for a long period, but to start work immediately, it is better to use a pencil sketch. A pencil drawing is a transfer to a plane with the help of graphics of three-dimensional objects. Graphics is translated from Latin as “I write or draw”, this is the art of applying images through spots, dots, strokes. The main principle of the ability to draw is to correlate the shape of objects in volume, space.

    The importance of considering proportions and sizes

    In the process of drawing, it is important to observe the dimensions and proportions of the window opening and curtains. You need to start by visualizing the perspective of the room. This helps to correctly assess the design of the textile composition, its relevance, attractiveness.

    Draw a window with curtains with a pencil in such a way that the drawing does not reflect the fictional, but the real dimensions of the room, otherwise the end result will be very different from the sketch.

    A designer drawing sketches of curtains for a children's room or another room must maintain a natural color scheme in the drawing, taking into account the nuances of lighting. A common mistake is to draw too bright sketches that are drastically different from the real tones.

    Related article: Options and methods for laying paving slabs: drawings and diagrams

    When sketching curtains for the kitchen, it is important to display the design details to the smallest nuances, taking into account the folds of the lambrequins, the drapery of the base fabric and the model of the cornice. A reliable picture of the future interior can be obtained even without special artistic skills. To make sketches of curtains, it is enough just to follow the described rules.

    Draw a window

    The following tools are prepared for work:

    1. Eraser.
    2. Soft and hard simple pencils (soft contours, and hard stroke).
    3. A set of colored pencils.
    4. Ruler.
    5. Special eraser for pencils.
    6. Drawing paper.
    7. Knife, sharpener.

    First, a sketch is made taking into account the dimensions of the walls, calculating the gaps between the ceiling and the floor, the wall and the window. All this must be done to scale. Designers argue that when sketching by hand, in order not to be mistaken in size, it is better to cut out cardboard "walls" and "windows" to scale, lay it all out on a sheet, and then outline it.

    Large interior items located near the window must be displayed on paper, adhering to the selected scale (usually 1:10), that's all. This helps to pre-evaluate the selected decor for decorating windows.

    When drawing a window, not only its contours are applied to paper, but also nuances: a window, the width of the frame (binding), a window sill - this helps to build the most believable scheme.

    Strokes are applied easily, without pressure, clearly outlining only the borders of the window. When making sketches of curtains with lambrequins, it is important to understand that the window is just a landmark, a background picture.

    No matter how hard you try, but without being an artist from birth, it is impossible to draw an almost photographic picture, and in the case of a sketch of curtains, this is not necessary. It is enough to withstand the dimensions, as well as take into account all the overall objects. It is better to draw curtains with a pencil from several angles.

    Sketch base

    Sketches of kitchen curtains are first made with a simple pencil, then all the necessary edits are made, only after that they give the picture natural shades.

    Do you know how to draw? Even if not, it's not so scary, the main thing is a flight of fancy. For example, when a renovation begins, it is quite possible to think over the main or interesting elements, put them on paper and show the designer so that he technically corrects the picture, and it is clear how to do it. So, let's try to sketch the curtains. More precisely, let's look at the main types of sketches, and most importantly, figure out where to start and what aspects to pay special attention to.

    Computer is a sketch that is made using a special graphic editor. Of course, you can learn, but it will take a lot of time. And it turns out that it will take much longer to bring the idea to life than we would like. Therefore, professional programs and videos are best left to professional designers.

    With a pencil - this sketch is best done if you want to decorate or “dress” your windows in an original way, but it is very difficult to specifically explain how exactly. Let's try to see photos of sketches, first the simplest ones, and then we'll deal with the details. In fact, it is not difficult to make it with a pencil, the main thing is to understand the size and shape of the window, as well as its features, but first things first.


    And this question usually becomes quite acute, because you need to understand not only the actual dimensions of the window and area, but also the capabilities of the fabric. Therefore, in order to correctly determine the scale, it is best to do it 1 to 10. That is, take 1 m for 10 cm. This way the sketch will turn out to be large enough to make further work with it more convenient, and it will be easier to transfer the scale to real fabrics . And after everything is decided with the dimensions, you can proceed to the next step.


    The window should be drawn as easily as possible. The pressure on the pencil should be minimal. And all because the window is more of a guideline, and in no case should it stick out ahead of the main drawing. The window is drawn with existing features, such as a balcony door or a rounded arched top. In a word, in real form. The window is also drawn to scale. By the way, if there is a window sill, it should also be depicted. The window sill line can be made a little darker so that it can be seen better.

    The basis

    Further, after the window itself is drawn, it is necessary to move on to the image of the base of the curtain set. It can be light curtains or original tulle. If the canvas that will hang on the base should be solid, you must try to depict it in this way. To make it clear that there are no cuts on it. If this is the first pencil sketch of curtains, you should not try to convey light and add volume, this is unlikely to work. Moreover, the most important thing is to convey the idea to the performer.


    It is desirable to draw a cornice clearly, in particular, so that it is clear what it will be like. Round beam, square beam, ceiling beam, etc. You also need to clearly draw the fastening of the curtains themselves.

    Heavier fabrics

    By the way, the tulle or base should be drawn a little darker than the contours of the window, but also not too dark. The lines should be smooth, best uniform. Because it's not a finishing fabric. And if it is drawn more clearly and brightly, it will not be possible to convey the appearance of the main curtains.

    Thicker fabrics are the crown of most classic curtains. They need to be drawn clearly, so that it is clear whether there are folds, cuts, bends, and so on. If you need to draw the assembled curtains, for this, from the ends of the cornice, you need to draw two light, not perfectly even ones, without connecting them a little, there will be a clip. After that, you need to draw two less divergent lines, let's say the wrong hourglass. Thus, it can be shown schematically that the curtains will be assembled.

    Lambrequins and additional drapery

    All these elements also need to be drawn quite clearly. After all, they will be the first to catch the eye, create the first impression of the room. Therefore, it is best that the contours of the lambrequins be darker, with bolder lines. To do this, you need to press a little harder on the pencil, you can even draw several lines so that they combine into one clearer one. In general, it is worth saying more about the contours. It is very important that they are clear so that you can make out where this or that part of the curtain set should begin. Of course, in a single version, when there is no tulle or additional elements, everything is simpler. But, nevertheless, you should not forget about a well-drawn contour either. To do this, you can look at any photo of a similar sketch with a pencil.

    Patterns and colors

    A little about existing patterns. There are a lot of fabrics, a lot of types and colors. With a simple pencil, of course, you can only convey tone, but not color. Therefore, either you need to use colored pencils, or you already have certain fabrics in mind. It is not necessary to draw a pattern, especially if there is already an example of fabrics. But if not, you can think it over, although it is quite difficult. Therefore, it is better to use existing fabrics, drawing their pattern if desired.

    So, in conclusion, we get the original sketch, most importantly, made by hand. As for paper, it can be millimetric, that is, lined for patterns, it can be tracing paper, translucent paper, or it can be ordinary offset paper (we used to call it by the format - A4). And it is also very important to have a soft, good eraser on hand to erase unnecessary elements and lines.

    In this lesson we will look at how to draw a window with a pencil. We break the whole process into stages to make it easier to draw.

    Step 1. We draw a semblance of a rectangle, in the lower part we make small bevels. After sketching small segments in the corners of the improvised rectangle.

    Step 2. In this step, we connect the side segments with each other with straight lines. It is worth noting that the top line is slightly curved at a right angle. Next, draw another vertical line. We connect the ends of the small segments inside our "rectangle", getting a square.

    Step 3. Now let's draw the window frames. It's not difficult, we draw vertical lines next to the most extreme ones. In the middle of each window, draw a pair of squares.

    Step 4. Let's add volume to our window, for this we will draw several lines inside the frame, as indicated in the sketch. With an additional line, select the lower frame of the window.

    Step 5. We approach the finish line and finish drawing. It remains to erase the extra lines and fatter outline the main contours. Here is our drawing.

    Now you know how to draw a window with a pencil step by step. The resulting sketch can be animated by coloring it in different colors and adding a background to the picture.

    It remains only to practice and train so that the drawings are better every time and the drawing process goes faster. Feel free to make mistakes at first, this is normal in the course of learning.

    You can also study the video tutorial, which shows how to draw a window, but from a slightly different angle.

    Be sure to write in the comments how you managed to draw a window. If you even tried to draw it 😉

    The customer's desire to visualize the future composition of curtains with tulle is reflected in a preliminary sketch drawn by himself or with the help of a designer.

    Types of curtain sketches

    Sketches of curtains are carried out in two ways:

    • With the help of computer graphics.
    • Pencil.

    In order not to stretch the embodiment of a design idea for a long period, but to start work immediately, it is better to use a pencil sketch. A pencil drawing is a transfer to a plane with the help of graphics of three-dimensional objects. Graphics is translated from Latin as “I write or draw”, this is the art of applying images through spots, dots, strokes. The main principle of the ability to draw is to correlate the shape of objects in volume, space.

    The importance of considering proportions and sizes

    In the process of drawing, it is important to observe the dimensions and proportions of the window opening and curtains. You need to start by visualizing the perspective of the room. This helps to correctly assess the design of the textile composition, its relevance, attractiveness.

    Draw a window with curtains with a pencil in such a way that the drawing does not reflect the fictional, but the real dimensions of the room, otherwise the end result will be very different from the sketch.

    Draw a window

    The following tools are prepared for work:

    1. Eraser.
    2. Soft and hard simple pencils (soft contours, and hard stroke).
    3. A set of colored pencils.
    4. Ruler.
    5. Special eraser for pencils.
    6. Drawing paper.
    7. Knife, sharpener.

    First, a sketch is made taking into account the dimensions of the walls, calculating the gaps between the ceiling and the floor, the wall and the window. All this must be done to scale. Designers argue that when sketching by hand, in order not to be mistaken in size, it is better to cut out cardboard "walls" and "windows" to scale, lay it all out on a sheet, and then outline it.

    Large interior items located near the window must be displayed on paper, adhering to the selected scale (usually 1:10), that's all. This helps to pre-evaluate the selected decor for decorating windows.

    When drawing a window, not only its contours are applied to paper, but also nuances: a window, the width of the frame (binding), a window sill - this helps to build the most believable scheme.

    Strokes are applied easily, without pressure, clearly outlining only the borders of the window. When making sketches of curtains with lambrequins, it is important to understand that the window is just a landmark, a background picture.

    No matter how hard you try, but without being an artist from birth, it is impossible to draw an almost photographic picture, and in the case of a sketch, this is not necessary. It is enough to withstand the dimensions, as well as take into account all the overall objects. It is better to draw curtains with a pencil from several angles.

    Sketch base

    Sketches of kitchen curtains are first made with a simple pencil, then all the necessary edits are made, only after that they give the picture natural shades.

    When choosing paper for work, it is important to remember that light sheets are chosen for the color rendering of sunny rooms (ideally, not white, but light yellow). For darkened rooms, dark paper is used, designed for drawing with pastels.

    What paper to choose:

    • offset, A4 format;

    Fabric drawing

    After applying the window outline to the sheet, the basis of the composition is drawn: often it is tulle. It is important to convey the shape and drapery of light fabric as plausibly as possible. At the same time, translucent textiles should be slightly noticeable than the window outline, but with clear and smooth lines.

    When drawing sketches of curtains for the bedroom, it is necessary to carefully draw the cornice, indicating the nuances of fastening. In some cases, a textile mount is displayed in the sketch.

    The main task of the designer is to include nuances in the sketches of lambrequins and curtains: from folds and cuts on the fabric, to tiebacks and bends. Curtain decors immediately catch the eye, so they are carefully highlighted using a thick pencil.

    The drawing of the fabric pattern on the sketch is made at the request of the customer, but often this is not required, because the client chooses the fabric in the catalogs.

    It is important to make the contours of the elements clear and not blurry, so that the customer understands where one detail ends and another begins. It is easier to sketch a Roman blind than it is to sketch cafe or luxury restaurant curtains that involve tiered fabrics. However, if desired, it is easy to learn how to sketch even complex compositions.

    To draw the curtains yourself, you need to imagine what model should be the result. A clear representation of the future result will allow you to display all the details of the structure on the sketch. Of course, it is necessary to think over the color and stylistic solution. In the drawing, the curtains should look as realistic as possible. All details should be displayed here, up to the dimensions of the window opening and the angle of incidence of light. Only in this way, you can achieve the perfect picture, which in the future is easy to translate into reality.

    Making a sketch

    If you do not know how to draw curtains with a pencil, start with the simplest - a rectangle on a piece of paper. The initial drawing should show the dimensions of the window opening in a reduced version. If the opening is high and narrow, you should not draw a wide and low window on paper. In this case, the drawn should clearly display the real picture. In order to be able to appreciate the beauty of the model, it is important to display the perspective of the room in the drawing. Do not forget to draw decorative details that will be present on the finished product.

    Draw the details

    In order for the drawn to turn into a real masterpiece, it is necessary to convey in the sketch the color palette and the angle of incidence of light characteristic of this room. Beginning artists can transfer details with a pencil on paper, or using an online program in 3d max. Online applications allow the beginner to learn how to draw a window with curtains. Novice designers often use Photoshop or the Corel app.

    These tools have many features and options that will help the designer work. If you know how to draw curtains with a pencil step by step, after the sketch, you can start looking for a color scheme. Note that the choice of color palette is important, since the harmonious combination of curtains with the interior of the room depends on this factor.

    Not all novice artists know how to draw curtains in stages. After drawing a rectangle on the sheet, you need to display vertical lines that imitate fabric folds. To add volume to the folds, it is recommended to shade each of them with semicircular horizontal strokes.

    For the image of a lambrequin, you need to draw one horizontal line, and from below - a rounded one. Having connected the two lines into a single object, we supplement it with horizontal folds and rounded sidewalls. To make the lambrequin look voluminous, it needs to be shaded.

    Thus, for those who wish to know how to draw curtains on a window with a pencil, it must be remembered that the right chosen color palette and shading gives the picture realism. It's a little easier to create a picture in the Corel application or Photoshop 3d max.

    These programs allow you to create stunning curtain pictures that are easy to implement. After the work done, the drawn product should look realistic. If you managed to achieve the desired effect, you coped with the task.

    Modern people often want to design their home on their own, without involving a third-party specialist. But sometimes they don't know where to start. Representations "in the mind", as a rule, do not give the expected result. You need to draw a rough sketch. But before taking on the design of the window, you need to figure out how to draw curtains, that is, how to choose the right curtain model, color and texture of the fabric, and decor details using a sketch.

    Figure 1. On the initial sketch, you need to depict all the large pieces of furniture that are next to the window.

    How to make a sketch?

    Before you start drawing, be sure to prepare everything you need for work. There is nothing worse than being interrupted by the creative process because of some small thing. You will definitely need the following:

    • a set of simple pencils (it is more convenient to sketch with a hard stylus, and outline the contours with a soft one);
    • colour pencils;
    • eraser;
    • nag (special "eraser" for colored pencils);
    • sharpener;
    • stationery knife;
    • drawing paper set.

    After everything you need is prepared, you can start drawing. When creating a sketch of curtains, the following rules must be observed:

    Sketching supplies: paper, ruler, pencils, sharpener, eraser.

    1. The drawing should convey the real proportions and dimensions of the room. Otherwise, what looks beautiful in the picture may look just awful in reality.
    2. Try to keep the lighting and colors that are present in the room. Sometimes a novice designer displays a too bright range on a sketch that looks good in the picture, but is completely unsuitable for decor.
    3. Try to depict the details as accurately as possible: lambrequin, tiebacks, decorative elements.
    4. In the figure, be sure to display the perspective of the room. This will make it easier to evaluate the curtain model.

    Even if you do not have artistic skills and talents, following these rules will help you create a beautiful and reliable sketch of your future interior.

    Do you know how to draw? Even if not, it's not so scary, the main thing is a flight of fancy. For example, when a renovation begins, it is quite possible to think over the main or interesting elements, put them on paper and show the designer so that he technically corrects the picture, and it is clear how to do it. So, let's try to sketch the curtains. More precisely, let's look at the main types of sketches, and most importantly, figure out where to start and what aspects to pay special attention to.


    Computer is a sketch that is made using a special graphic editor. Of course, you can learn, but it will take a lot of time. And it turns out that it will take much longer to bring the idea to life than we would like. Therefore, professional programs and videos are best left to professional designers.

    With a pencil - this sketch is best done if you want to decorate or “dress” your windows in an original way, but it is very difficult to specifically explain how exactly. Let's try to see photos of sketches, first the simplest ones, and then we'll deal with the details. In fact, it is not difficult to make it with a pencil, the main thing is to understand the size and shape of the window, as well as its features, but first things first.


    And this question usually becomes quite acute, because you need to understand not only the actual dimensions of the window and area, but also the capabilities of the fabric. Therefore, in order to correctly determine the scale, it is best to do it 1 to 10. That is, take 1 m for 10 cm. This way the sketch will turn out to be large enough to make further work with it more convenient, and it will be easier to transfer the scale to real fabrics . And after everything is decided with the dimensions, you can proceed to the next step.


    The window should be drawn as easily as possible. The pressure on the pencil should be minimal. And all because the window is more of a guideline, and in no case should it stick out ahead of the main drawing. The window is drawn with existing features, such as a balcony door or a rounded arched top. In a word, in real form. The window is also drawn to scale. By the way, if there is a window sill, it should also be depicted. The window sill line can be made a little darker so that it can be seen better.

    The basis

    Further, after the window itself is drawn, it is necessary to move on to the image of the base of the curtain set. It can be light curtains or original tulle. If the canvas that will hang on the base should be solid, you must try to depict it in this way. To make it clear that there are no cuts on it. If this is the first pencil sketch of curtains, you should not try to convey light and add volume, this is unlikely to work. Moreover, the most important thing is to convey the idea to the performer.


    It is desirable to draw a cornice clearly, in particular, so that it is clear what it will be like. Round beam, square beam, ceiling beam, etc. You also need to clearly draw the fastening of the curtains themselves.

    Heavier fabrics

    By the way, the tulle or base should be drawn a little darker than the contours of the window, but also not too dark. The lines should be smooth, best uniform. Because it's not a finishing fabric. And if it is drawn more clearly and brightly, it will not be possible to convey the appearance of the main curtains.

    Thicker fabrics are the crown of most classic curtains. They need to be drawn clearly, so that it is clear whether there are folds, cuts, bends, and so on. If you need to draw the assembled curtains, for this, from the ends of the cornice, you need to draw two light, not perfectly even ones, without connecting them a little, there will be a clip. After that, you need to draw two less divergent lines, let's say the wrong hourglass. Thus, it can be shown schematically that the curtains will be assembled.

    Lambrequins and additional drapery

    All these elements also need to be drawn quite clearly. After all, they will be the first to catch the eye, create the first impression of the room. Therefore, it is best that the contours of the lambrequins be darker, with bolder lines. To do this, you need to press a little harder on the pencil, you can even draw several lines so that they combine into one clearer one. In general, it is worth saying more about the contours. It is very important that they are clear so that you can make out where this or that part of the curtain set should begin. Of course, in a single version, when there is no tulle or additional elements, everything is simpler. But, nevertheless, you should not forget about a well-drawn contour either. To do this, you can look at any photo of a similar sketch with a pencil.

    Patterns and colors

    A little about existing patterns. There are a lot of fabrics, a lot of types and colors. With a simple pencil, of course, you can only convey tone, but not color. Therefore, either you need to use colored pencils, or you already have certain fabrics in mind. It is not necessary to draw a pattern, especially if there is already an example of fabrics. But if not, you can think it over, although it is quite difficult. Therefore, it is better to use existing fabrics, drawing their pattern if desired.

    So, in conclusion, we get the original sketch, most importantly, made by hand. As for paper, it can be millimetric, that is, lined for patterns, it can be tracing paper, translucent paper, or it can be ordinary offset paper (we used to call it by the format - A4). And it is also very important to have a soft, good eraser on hand to erase unnecessary elements and lines.

    To draw the curtains yourself, you need to imagine what model should be the result. A clear representation of the future result will allow you to display all the details of the structure on the sketch. Of course, it is necessary to think over the color and stylistic solution. In the drawing, the curtains should look as realistic as possible. All details should be displayed here, up to the dimensions of the window opening and the angle of incidence of light. Only in this way, you can achieve the perfect picture, which in the future is easy to translate into reality.

    Making a sketch

    If you do not know how to draw curtains with a pencil, start with the simplest - a rectangle on a piece of paper. The initial drawing should show the dimensions of the window opening in a reduced version. If the opening is high and narrow, you should not draw a wide and low window on paper. In this case, the drawn should clearly display the real picture. In order to be able to appreciate the beauty of the model, it is important to display the perspective of the room in the drawing. Do not forget to draw decorative details that will be present on the finished product.

    Draw the details

    In order for the drawn to turn into a real masterpiece, it is necessary to convey in the sketch the color palette and the angle of incidence of light characteristic of this room. Beginning artists can transfer details with a pencil on paper, or using an online program in 3d max. Online applications allow the beginner to learn how to draw a window with curtains. Novice designers often use Photoshop or the Corel app.

    These tools have many features and options that will help the designer work. If you know how to draw curtains with a pencil step by step, after the sketch, you can start looking for a color scheme. Note that the choice of color palette is important, since the harmonious combination of curtains with the interior of the room depends on this factor.

    Not all novice artists know how to draw curtains in stages. After drawing a rectangle on the sheet, you need to display vertical lines that imitate fabric folds. To add volume to the folds, it is recommended to shade each of them with semicircular horizontal strokes.

    For the image of a lambrequin, you need to draw one horizontal line, and from below - a rounded one. Having connected the two lines into a single object, we supplement it with horizontal folds and rounded sidewalls. To make the lambrequin look voluminous, it needs to be shaded.

    Thus, for those who wish to know how to draw curtains on a window with a pencil, it must be remembered that the right chosen color palette and shading gives the picture realism. It's a little easier to create a picture in the Corel application or Photoshop 3d max.

    These programs allow you to create stunning curtain pictures that are easy to implement. After the work done, the drawn product should look realistic. If you managed to achieve the desired effect, you coped with the task.