How not to search for sex on Tinder: a beginner's guide. How to find out if your partner is using Tinder without you knowing How tinder works in the iphone app

From one photo in a dating app, you can go to such personal details of a person as a phone number and home address. Medialeaks conducted an experiment and shows with live examples how this is done and how to protect yourself from it.

Tinder is a dating app whose creators have been talking about the security of users since its inception: you yourself choose who to chat with in the app and get rid of unwanted interlocutors forever with one swipe. But using just one Tinder photo, you can find out enough information about any user of the service that he has reason to worry - from a real name to a person's phone number and his home address. We show how they do it.

Photo from the personal page of one of the "experimental"

From Tinder photos to real hobbies and a name

This is already better - we see Dima's profile on VKontakte (the service only works with this social network). For some reason, FindFace made him a year younger, but the page is genuine - the author of the article with this account has enough mutual friends on the social network to be sure of this.

On the page you can find out Dmitry's last name and see a link to his Instagram account. It already contains selections of photographs from the group's concerts - this is how we find out that Dmitry is related to them. Returning to VK and entering the name of the group in the search, we find out that Dmitry is managing Shadows of Freedom.

Check out other social media. A Facebook request will give us the same first and last name, as well as several geotags that Dmitry puts on photos - in addition to those that we saw on VKontakte. Moscow is everywhere, but public places and different districts, so we can’t find Dima’s house yet.

You can try to find the rest of the social networks on the Namechk resource - the site is designed to check the availability of your nickname in various social networks, from VK to Tumblr. Many users prefer to use the same word in their account addresses. Let's check dimakuts (as indicated on the VKontakte network), kuts_dima (from Instagram), dkuts (Facebook).

The last step does not always work, and you need to check several link options at once, but you can find useful information on it. In the case of Dima, this was not found, so it's time to move on to less "white" resources, where we find out his phone number and address.

From social networks to phone and home address

There are several databases at the same time where you can view and download information about a particular user, based only on his name. Since Russian law prohibits such disclosure of personal information about users, Medialeaks will not publish links and names of such services. At the same time, at least one of them is not blocked on the territory of the Russian Federation.

By the date of birth (we saw it on Facebook and VKontakte), we understand which of Dmitriev is ours, and voila - we have his address, and at the same time his patronymic.

The final touch is the phone. There is also a service for this, about which, even when it was not blocked on the territory of the Russian Federation, and this service is not the only one.

You can also try to find Dmitry on the website of the bailiffs of the Russian Federation: if he had problems with the law, information about this could be found on the website in the public domain.

So, having only one photo of Dmitry from Tinder in use, we were able to find his accounts in other social networks, find out his real last name and first name, home address, phone number, as well as the names of his relatives (we do not publish this information for obvious reasons).

We know what you borrowed from the library

Dmitry was aware that we collect information about him, but this does not always happen with the permission of the account holders. So we repeated the experiment with strangers.

Alyonka, 24, graduated from Moscow State University - that's all we know about her from Tinder. There are two more photos on my profile. A Google image search will turn up nothing, but if you upload one of the photos to FindFace, then among the masses of identical fake accounts with the same avatar on VKontakte, there is Alina L (name changed at the request of the account owner). This, of course, is not Alyonka, but the page looks like a real one: Alina has been posting selfies since 2015, sometimes talking about herself and her friends, and also takes part in creative competitions.

In the status of the girl, her instagram is indicated, but it is empty. Having entered the girl’s first and last name received from VKontakte into Facebook, we see that she has a page there too, but the last post was published in 2016.

Google gives out information that the girl owed a book in the library of Moscow State University, and third-party services suggest her date of birth and patronymic. That's all - a search by nickname did not give anything, there is no girl in the database of bailiffs, as well as on the services of addresses and phone numbers.

Alla told Tinder that her work is related to advertising, she loves animals and learns foreign languages. The profile of Lisa Sizova on VKontakte (name changed), found from a photo from the service, told a little more: using the girl’s first and last name, we managed to find her home address, date of birth and phone number. By the way, she indicated Prague as her city of residence, but lives in Moscow.

Photographer and gamer Svetlana turned out to be Sveta Lisitseva from Moscow. She doesn't care about her privacy and has allowed Medialeaks to release any data we find. But, perhaps, she knew that nothing would be found - the girl remained a mystery to us: no address, no phone number, or anything else that she did not write about herself on VKontakte or Instagram.

Show me the spelling

The men were more fun. It turns out that many of those whom we came across on Tinder do not have a Moscow residence permit, although they set the capital as their city of residence. Therefore, it is more difficult to find information about them - most of the existing services link personal data to registration, so there was no need to find something new about people: most often we found only mobile phone numbers.

But one of the examples turned out to be very strange. Another random user with a minimum of information about himself, but a lot of photos, was no different from the others, and it turned out to be just as easy to find him on VKontakte - and then his address and phone number.

But found on VKontakte, Ivan was surprised to learn how Medialeaks stumbled upon his profile. He said that he was never registered with Tinder. However, the guy confirmed that the application uses his photos from VKontakte, so he suggested that someone created a fake page and maintains it on behalf of Ivan. Thus, the information collected from one photo from a fake account allowed us to obtain the data of a real person who was not even aware that his photo was being used somewhere.

How to avoid unwanted attention

Variety of avatars. Use different pictures for different social networks - especially for dating sites and apps. Avatars with cats are, of course, a working method, but even without them you can reduce the chance of unwanted persecution - neural networks and services like FindFace are less likely to find people by a unique picture than by the same Instagram photo for all social networks. Separately, it is worth noting Tinder: we could not find people with selfies and pictures taken specifically for this resource.

Every word about yourself is worth its weight in gold. Write less about yourself. VKontakte is the most popular social network in the Russian Federation, but at the same time the most unprotected in terms of personal data. For example, FindFace searches only for photos from VKontakte and has access to them, while Facebook, Instagram and Twitter do not appear in the search for the same Google images. The administration of the social network insists on indicating the name and surname registered in the passport, but above we have shown how attackers can use this.

There is no privacy for those who do not care about it. Check your privacy settings if you want to stay private. The same "VKontakte" allows you to hide the page from search engines (but this may not work with the search for photos in FindFace).

It's not all that bad. For example, addresses found in illegal databases don't seem to have been updated since the mid-2000s. The phone of our experimental Dmitry has not been used by him for a long time, although some of the respondents confirmed that the database contains their current mobile numbers. Not everyone lives at the registration address either.

In addition, when searching, we considered only residents of Moscow (Tinder shows people closest to the user), and in smaller cities such illegal databases with personal data are absent in most cases - they are not even in the Moscow region. In general, Medialeaks was able to access the unpublished data of about half of the users, and we got to information about relatives only in a few cases (we did this without fanaticism, of course).

So you may not need a tinfoil hat this season - just sometimes remember what happens to what you post online.

05.06.2018 23:29 1 question: How does Tinder work and how to use it?
Answer: Tinder is a fairly popular mobile app for Android and Apple iOS. With it, you can quickly find a couple for a romantic relationship thanks to the geolocation settings and the search box. In order to have this application on your phone, you need to go to the App Store or Google Play Store and download Tinder. In order to create your account, you need to have a Facebook page.

2. Question: How to use the Tinder app?
Answer: The application itself works on the principle of “mutual likes”. If you want to show that you like a person, press the "heart". In case of mutual interest, that is, if the applicant also put a “like”, the application “introduces” you. After that, the couple can freely communicate directly directly in the application in the chat.

3. Question: How to get Tinder plus for free?
Answer: Tinder Plus is an extension that has additional features. This feature is paid only and is currently not available for free.

4. Question: Tinder plus how to cancel a paid subscription?
Answer: To cancel your Tinder Plus subscription, it is enough not to pay a fee for a while, and it will stop automatically.

5. Q: How to get Tinder gold for free?
A: Tinder Gold is an enhanced Tinder Plus extension that lets you start chatting faster and know who's liked you in advance. It can not be purchased for free either, only by subscription.

6. Question: How to change your name on Tinder?
Answer: To change your name on Tinder, you need to go to your Fb page in settings, click edit and change your name. You can only change your first and last name once a month.

7. Question: How to see who liked and super like on Tinder
Answer: On Tindere, you can "Like" or "Superlike". You will receive a notification that someone has "liked" you. The one who checked the box will be highlighted in blue.

8. Question: How to meet on Tinder? How to find a partner or love of a lifetime on Tinder? Director Scott Valdez shares his secrets:
Answer: You can start dating with those candidates who “liked” you or with whom the application brought you together.

1. Use photos without filters - with clear facial outlines.

2. Photo without background.

3. Photo from an unusual place or animal.

4. Bright clothes to stand out from the rest of the millions on Tinder

5. Text - a description of the purpose of why you are on Tinder for maximum sharing of interests with your future partner.

6. Ask a question to other users - to quickly establish a dialogue.

7. Be sure to log into Tinder every evening in the evening, this time the application is used by the maximum number of people.

8. Be open and set up a date right away.

9. Question: How to use Tinder for free?
Answer: The Tinder app is free, you can only pay for the Tinder Plus and Tinder Gold extensions.

10. Question: How to write and chat on Tinder?
Answer: The application advises to have a casual conversation, without aggression. The best thing to do is to be yourself and try to get to know the other person better.

11. Question: How to delete a profile on Tinder?
Answer: You can delete your Tinder account by finding the settings. At the very end of the menu there will be an option to delete an account. It is not possible to recover a deleted profile.

12. Question: How to find a specific person on Tinder?
Answer: In order to find a specific person in the application, you need to drive his last name and first name into the search box, if possible, indicate the age. In case of failure, the technical support service will help you within three days.

13. Question: How to write a message on Tinder?
Answer: To start a conversation on Tinder, you need to click on the conversation icon and write a message or continue chatting.

14. Question: How to update Tinder ios and android?
Answer: To prevent crashes of the Tinder app, it is recommended to update it more often. To do this, open the Store and search for Tinder. If the app requires an update, you will see the button say "update". Just click on it and wait a while.

15. Question: How to sign up for Tinder without facebook?
Answer: Unfortunately, you cannot register on Tinder without having a Facebook page. If you don't want to share confidential information from your Facebook account, it's possible to make a new page with minimal information on it.

16. Question: How to remove interests on Tinder?
Answer: If you do not want to reveal a lot of information about yourself in the application itself, you can remove your interests or hide them. To do this, you need to go to your profile settings.

17. Question: How do I cancel my Tinder subscription?
Answer: To cancel your Tinder subscription, you need to go to the app store and open the options menu. Next, find your apps and Tinder is among them. Then cancel your subscription.

18. Question: How to change age on Tinder?
Answer: If you want to change your age, you need to go to your Facebook profile and edit the necessary information, after which you need to delete your Tinder account, otherwise the information will not be updated. Then download the app again.

19. Question: Tinder how to delete profile?
Answer: To permanently delete your profile from the Tinder app, you need to follow a series of steps. First, cancel all paid and free subscriptions, remove the app itself from your phone, and remove it from iTunes. Next, it's best to write to the Tinder administration and ask them to remove all personal information. The last step is to remove the app from Facebook in settings.

20. Question: Instagram which Tinder account is connected?
Answer: If you have an Instagram account, then it is possible to connect it to your profile. The latest snaps from the account will be visible to other Tinder users. But users will also see your name on the Instagram network.

21. Question: How to change interests on Tinder?
Answer: If you want to change interests on Tinder, you need to go to settings and select "edit personal information". Next, find the item "interests" and change the data to the desired ones.

22. Question: How to search for couples on Tinder?
Answer: To find your match faster, try clicking the “like” mark more.

23. Question: What does a swipe look like on Tinder?
Answer: If you do not like the user, you need to click on the cross among the buttons at the bottom of the screen. You can also swipe the screen for this action, but it's easier to "swipe", this is called a swipe.

24. Question: How to delete a couple on Tinder?
Answer: If you want to remove a couple from Tinder, you need to go into the correspondence with this user and under his photo there will be a “remove from couples” function.

25. Question: Why is no one posting on Tinder?
Answer: If no one writes to you on Tinder, it may be that you have not turned on the activation of the find. No one will see you if you do not have the "show me on Tinder" feature turned on. To activate the feature, you must press the red flame icon and then the corresponding button.

26. Question: Why are there no matches (finds no one) on Tinder?
Answer: It often happens that the user does not have any matches in Tinder. To avoid this, you should expand geolocation geographically, change the desired age limits for other users and edit your profile (write more about yourself, upload other photos).

Before having a beast like Tinder on my smartphone, of course, I did some research. But it was more like writing a script for some funny series: people tell you a sea of ​​​​stories, most of which are absolutely ridiculous and disastrous, and you collect them and draw conclusions. In general, I decided to feel like a god, because it is in my power to like or reject this or that applicant with one touch of the nope button. Long story short, I got Tinder. What came out of it - I tell you in all the details.


As you know, Tinder is a very popular and fairly simple dating app. A lot of mind is not needed - absolute minimalism, nothing distracts from the search for a future boyfriend. The system only needs to connect with your Facebook. Don't be afraid, no notifications will appear in your feed that you just put a "super like" on an extremely handsome Indian.

Your phone works as a locator. Depending on the distance you set in the settings (10, 80, 160 km), you will see which men (or women) are at a given distance and want to meet. And then you just scroll through the applicants, put likes or brush off "into the abyss." If the likes matched, it becomes possible to enter the chat, where, in fact, you agree on further actions.


Facebook allows you to see on Tinder whether you have mutual friends with a particular person. Here we can already draw some conclusions. It should be noted right away that many use Tinder to, so to speak, urgently fulfill physiological needs. And what’s convenient: you turn on geolocation, you see that a guy “like nothing” lives a stone’s throw from you, you like it, you get the same in return, you immediately make an appointment and ... Be prepared for the fact that many young people looking for a couple on Tinder exclusively for quick sex.

This is such a kind of competition. But there are also romantics who have not yet met the girl of their dreams on the way to work and decided to register in the hope of finding the love of their life here. And for some, it just cheers up and even addictive - flipping through the applicants is really exciting. This is such a good alternative to the notorious "2048" or Angry Birds. Yes, and with girlfriends there is something to discuss.


As a rule, even those with whom you have mutual friends do not know you (unless, of course, you liked your best friend), so you can hang up all sorts of noodles about yourself. It all depends on the goals you are pursuing. Statistics show that most of the men come out of Tinder into reality, and the girls sit there, just to kill time and giggle at their leisure. But dating those you like is often very rewarding. Not only because you can really find a mate, but simply to expand your own horizons.

The most important rule - do not rush to reveal all the cards, tell who you are, where you are from, what you do. Of course, you can attach to your Instagram profile, but do not let strangers interfere in your life until you understand that this person is really adequate. The Internet is not always a secure platform.


Oddly enough, the adventure began before I decided to meet. Instagram is connected to my profile. It is very convenient if you want to understand what a person who liked outwardly is like. But there are also disadvantages. My profile has a work email address. And so, one morning I open the box, and there is such a message: “Zoy, hello!) I saw you on Tinder and realized that I needed to talk)) mail)) ” That is, the guy could not stand my nope and decided to go the other way. Punching.

There is another story: many people start sending requests to Instagram for personal correspondence with the words: “Hi, how are you doing on Tinder?)))” I click “reject”. I didn’t spend much time on correspondence in the application itself. Fortunately or unfortunately, it immediately becomes clear whether you want to communicate with this person or not. You can say a lot of thanks to the Internet for this - people are at a glance, and even through the smartphone screen you feel that something is wrong with this guy. Indeed, as soon as you stop any communication, he starts sending you heartbreaking messages like: “Of course, you are so cool and literate, but I am nobody. Probably not good enough for you, huh?" Others take on a more bizarre form, threatening to lie in wait "at your People Talk" and prove that "you'll definitely like me, trust me." There are also aggressive guys who at first write: “You are so cute, but, sorry, I’m not looking for a serious relationship, you’re here for this, you hardly want to just sleep?” And then two days later: “I was thinking, what if you are my destiny?” You leave unanswered. And a day later they are ready to tear you to pieces, write in the most unflattering terms about you, your family and the like. Creepy, of course, but inadequate can always be blacklisted.


So, with the first guy with whom we agreed in likes, I decided to meet for the sake of experiment. Not that I really liked him outwardly, but the correspondence turned out to be easy and pleasant. We decided to drink coffee and take a walk around Moscow on the day off. In life, he turned out to be much more charming - lively facial expressions, a good sense of humor, a beautiful smile. True, there was one minus that many in Tinder do not take into account (I would put this as a mandatory item when registering) - growth. He was a head shorter than me ... It just so happened that with a height of 178 cm I have to periodically suffer because of cute, but small men.

Okay, I think maybe we can just talk about what it is. But it turned out that my height also confused him. As soon as we started some ordinary conversations about work or travel, he constantly interrupted me and soaked up jokes like “Didn’t they tell you in your childhood “Zoya, get a sparrow?”, followed by creepy laughter. At first, I seemed to support him - I was already used to this kind of jokes, but then he began to clearly go too far:
“By the way, do you know that men like petite girls more?”
“I heard about it,” I answer and add, hoping to change the topic a little. - Little women generally rule the world! Most often, they are big bosses in large companies.
- Why do you think men like them more?
- I think short girls give the impression of defenselessness, you want to take care of them.
- Just during sex with them, you can do anything, at least for *** cool! - I was told after 20 minutes of our walk.
Is it worth saying how the meeting ended?

I was lucky to stumble upon a well-known young artist in narrow circles. Outwardly - just in his youth, however, with blond hair, tall, thin, well-dressed and smells like not some Hugo Boss, but a real selective Amouage. In general, a guy with taste.

Moreover, he is young, promising and knows everything about Monet and Cezanne in such minute details, as if he drinks with them every weekend. He picked me up in his Mercedes, U2 (my favorite band) is playing in the car - I think, wow! He drives calmly, talks about his childhood (but not intrusively, but very interestingly), asks questions (another good sign). We arrived at Nude, opened the door of the car in front of me, then the restaurant, helped me take off my jacket, pushed back the chair, they say, sit down - not a man, but a dream! The whole evening he complimented me, fed me three courses and dessert, was not even distracted by the phone, although someone constantly wrote to him. We are going to leave, he says: “Sorry, I will answer the call, it won’t be long.” No problem! At least ten calls (in my mind I already accept his proposal to get married, I choose a wedding dress and print invitations). But suddenly the voice of my companion changes, from a deep guttural it becomes gentle and quiet. He arranges a meeting with some “baby” (so, wait, don’t wrap the dress), while he looks sidelong at me and smiles, hangs up, clears his throat and gives out: “A friend calls me to hang out today. Do you want to join us?" I ask what kind of party. “Well, he just moved, finally found a partner to his liking, I think they have it seriously. That's what they're celebrating." I don't understand. Immediately, he takes L’Occitane vanilla-scented balm from the inside pocket of his jacket and, without taking his eyes off me, generously smears his lips.
I refuse to party. And later I find out that on Tinder my artist is looking for both girls and boys. And happiness was so close!

Such pitfalls in Tinder - for a whole novel. It is important to understand that not everyone is “lucky” like me. There are also good, adequate guys. I had two more meetings. For example, I met one excellent Moscow photographer, and now we are happy to communicate.

And with another guy we even plan to do a joint creative project. As for meeting the man of my life with the help of the application, I did not set myself such a goal.
For some, Tinder is also a great opportunity to discover people you knew only in virtual reality or from the words of others - just to chat (there are artists there, by the way). Not to mention the fact that such acquaintances entail friendship (by the way, as we have already found out, Tinder can be set to search for representatives of both sexes at the same time). True, my friendship with the artist somehow did not work out. Now I can’t even smear my lips with L’Occitane balm.
But again, it all depends on the goals that you are pursuing. Theoretically, this is such a tool that saves you from boredom and helps you pull yourself "out of your comfort zone." Here it is important to remember that you should not immediately put on a tailcoat on a virtual interlocutor and expect too much from the meeting. After all, first of all, this is a game, only the characters in it are real people with their own cockroaches, life position and goals.

Dating services appeared, probably, simultaneously with the first Internet sites. This is understandable - the Internet has made it possible to meet people, not limited to one city or even a country. "Classic" online dating services tried to tell as much as possible about those people who want to get acquainted through the site. It is unlikely that anyone expected that the more than minimalistic Tinder dating service would not only become popular, it would literally blow up the Internet. Moreover, other services began to appear that repeat the basic principle of "Tinder" not only in relation to dating, but also in relation to other things - the choice of an apartment, clothes, a place to relax.

What is the peculiarity of the Tinder service and why has it become so popular?

One of the main secrets of "Tinder" is in its minimalism. People are tired of web forms and no longer want to fill out lengthy questionnaires, answering dozens of questions about what the purpose of their acquaintance is and who they want to see as a partner. Moreover, they are well aware that few people read these profiles, and the decision on whether to try to get acquainted, in most cases, is made on the basis of an ordinary photo.

Tinder users are offered photos of people of the opposite sex. Moreover, only the photo is visible, there is no such detailed profile that we are used to in other dating services. After viewing the photo, the user can evaluate it literally in one "swipe" (moving a finger across the smartphone screen) - a swipe to the left means that the other person's profile is not interesting, a swipe to the right expresses interest in the profile. If the interest turned out to be mutual, that is, both users marked each other's profiles as interesting, they can start chatting. Tinder itself offers profiles for evaluation based on the interests of Facebook users as well as their location. In other words, it will be difficult for young ladies from Kyiv to get acquainted with men from New York using Tinder, but Kiev residents registered in Tinder will be at your service.

The minimum effort that needs to be made to expand the circle of acquaintances is the grain that formed the basis of the popularity of "Tinder". In addition, psychologists explain the interest in the application by a certain element of gamification (games) - users often want to scroll through a contact, thinking, what if the next photo is exactly the one (or only) that I have been looking for for a long time? Thus, Tinder became not only a dating service, but also a kind of game, entertainment that both men and women were engaged in, and often not alone, but in a company.

If a person is chosen, his self-esteem rises - another drop of vanity on the Tinder popularity flywheel. Moreover, even those who have a couple actively use the service - after all, it is not necessary to communicate on Tinder, since the application exists in order to "look at people."