How to normalize intraocular pressure folk remedies. eye pressure folk remedies

Glaucoma is a severe increase in intraocular pressure. This phenomenon can even lead to blindness. However, you should not be very upset - modern medicine is quite capable of coping with such an ailment and preserving a person's vision. Below we will talk about how doctors suggest treating glaucoma, how to reduce its manifestations with folk methods.

Causes of increased intraocular pressure

There is always some liquid inside the eyeball. A violation of production, as well as a deterioration in absorption, leads to the fact that moisture begins to press on the eye from the inside. Why can fluid exchange be disturbed?

The first reason is the use of strong drugs. For example, antidepressants or hormonal drugs.

The second reason is injuries to the eyeball. A strong blow to the eye may not manifest itself immediately, but it will backfire in years. As a rule, any trauma can cause damage to the small blood vessels inside the eyeball. Even a little bleeding is a big danger. Your best bet is to avoid injury. If it was not possible to avoid them, be sure to periodically visit an ophthalmologist.

The third reason is the wrong way of life. As a rule, excessive addiction to alcohol, cigarettes and salty foods causes puffiness of the eye. This state of the tissue of the eyeball causes a deterioration in the outflow of fluid, which leads to an increase in intraocular pressure. What are the symptoms of glaucoma?

Symptoms of the disease

  1. Frequent and severe reddening of the surface of the eyes, not associated with wearing lenses or increased visual load.
  2. Pain in the head and eyeballs. As a rule, with a slight pressure on the eyes, a person feels pain.
  3. Nausea, as from high blood pressure.
  4. Blurred vision, the appearance of flies before the eyes or spots.

It can be difficult to diagnose glaucoma on your own. Therefore, if you begin to feel at least one of the signs listed above, consult a doctor immediately!

Medical treatment of glaucoma

First of all, in the treatment of glaucoma, doctors prescribe special drops. Some are designed to improve blood circulation and nutrition of the eye, others - to accelerate the outflow of fluid. At the moment, there are also drugs to reduce the production of excess intraocular moisture.

In addition to drops, special tablets are required. They have the same effect as drops, but are more effective. In the treatment of glaucoma, nothing can be neglected! Only a complex effect will help stop the decline in vision and normalize intraocular pressure.

Laser therapy is also used for treatment. It can both help create new channels for the outflow of fluid, and to improve the circulation of moisture. It is up to the doctor to decide which method of treatment is needed. In especially severe cases, the doctor may decide on the possibility of surgical intervention.

How to lower intraocular pressure

  1. It is important to sleep on a high pillow. At the same time, make sure that the neck is not overstretched. We recommend paying attention to special orthopedic models.
  2. When working with a computer, there must be proper lighting. The light should be bright and well illuminating the monitor. Sit straight. The screen must be clearly at eye level.
  3. It is better to minimize cinema visits. Cinema in this format has a negative effect on the eyes.
  4. It is better for women not to wear styles of clothing with a tight collar or to tie a scarf tightly. As for men, it is strictly forbidden for them to tighten their tie and fasten the last button of their shirt. The neck area should always be free from all sorts of constrictions.
  5. You can't bend low. For example, while cleaning or ironing clothes. All items should be adjusted so that the head is practically not tilted. This will protect the eyes from the accumulation of excess fluid.
  6. Don't let your eyes strain. When working at the computer, take breaks every half an hour. Simple gymnastics will not take much time. For example, blink your eyes frequently for a minute. Or move them in different directions 10 times.
  7. Eliminate alcohol and cigarettes from your diet. They cause an increase in both general blood pressure and ocular pressure.
  8. The diet should be dominated by fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meat, dairy products. Dishes are best baked or steamed. Eliminate fatty, sweet, salty, pickled.
  9. Go in for sports. But not forceful, but calm. For example, swimming or Pilates are ideal. If you have chosen yoga, exclude those asanas in which you need to tilt your head.
  10. Regularly massage the area around the eye. It includes light rubbing and stroking.
  11. Be sure to take vitamin eye complexes with lutein and other beneficial supplements.
  12. It is necessary to reduce the amount of salt in the diet as much as possible.

One more important note. You must remain completely calm at all times. Try not to get upset over trifles. If you can’t cope with stress on your own, brew yourself herbs such as lemon balm or motherwort. You can buy homeopathic sedatives at the pharmacy. They do not cause drowsiness and are approved for use even while driving.

Folk methods to reduce intraocular pressure

Alternative methods perfectly complement the conservative treatment of glaucoma. But keep in mind that it is impossible to replace therapy with folk remedies. You must strictly follow the instructions of your ophthalmologist.

  1. Grind half a glass of nettle and add a teaspoon of crushed lily of the valley leaves to it. The resulting mixture is mixed with a tablespoon of water and applied to the eyes in the form of a compress.
  2. Mix a teaspoon of anise and coriander with a glass of boiling water. The resulting mixture must be drunk during the day, and the next day, brew a new composition.
  3. Boil a couple of fleshy aloe leaves in a small amount of water. You need to do this within a couple of minutes. Then we squeeze the softened leaves from the juice and mix it with a decoction, 2 times a day this infusion must be instilled into the eyes. There may be a slight tingling sensation, but this is not terrible.
  4. A plant such as wood lice, perfectly helps to fight glaucoma. We squeeze juice from it. Per liter of juice - 100 grams of vodka. We mix the components and insist a couple of days. Next, you need to drink tincture in a quarter of a glass a couple of times a day. The taste is quite unpleasant, so the product can and should be washed down with plain water.
  5. Include in your diet a daily glass of the following cocktail - carrot juice, beetroot juice, parsley juice and a drop of vegetable oil. Be sure to consume blueberries or take their extract in capsules.
  6. Try chicory instead of coffee.
  7. Leaves of mountain ash or currant brew a liter of boiling water. Drink as tea throughout the day. Such drinks have a pleasant taste.
  8. An unusual remedy is onion juice. But not in its pure form, but diluted with water with the addition of honey.
  9. Boil an egg. Carefully divide it into two halves and remove the yolk. Place the squirrel halves against your eyes so that you feel warm. Such heating should be carried out until the egg has cooled completely.
  10. Another healthy egg recipe. Hard boil an egg and cut into 2 halves. Pour a teaspoon of honey into each and put in the oven, heated to 130 degrees. Eggs should be baked for no more than half an hour. The resulting liquid is drained, cooled and dripped into the eyes 1 time per day.
  11. We brew strong tea. It should cool down to a pleasantly warm temperature. We put a pea of ​​candied honey in it and stir vigorously. The resulting mixture should be dripped into the eye once a day, preferably at night.
  12. The usual honey compress perfectly lowers eye pressure. We mix liquid natural honey with water in a ratio of 1 to 1. Wet a cotton pad and put it on the eye. We keep it for about 15 minutes. The water should be pleasantly warm at the beginning and cool at the end.

Special gymnastics will allow the eyeball to relax. Fluid outflow is also improved. Therefore, we offer you a complex of not difficult exercises.

  1. We blink our eyes often for a minute.
  2. We blink at an average pace for a minute.
  3. Close your eyelids and start moving your eyeballs to the right, left, up, down and diagonally.
  4. Now repeat the same with open eyelids.
  5. Find any item near you. Look at him, then look into the distance. For example, in a window. Repeat a couple of times every hour after working on the computer or reading.
  6. Close your eyes and draw a circle, a square, a rectangle with your eyeballs.
  7. Stretch your arms forward and begin to move your fingers, carefully watching them. Gradually move your palms as close to your eyes as possible. Repeat the exercise several times.
  8. Every day it is necessary to carry out a contrast shower for the eyes. This is done simply. When washing, direct a strong jet of water directly into the eyeballs. The temperature should change from warm to cold. The final ablution is done with cold water. Such a shower perfectly strengthens and trains the vessels of the eyes.

We hope that such an unpleasant disease will bypass you. Nevertheless, it is necessary to know about it and its symptoms in order to consult a doctor in time.

Video: everything you need to know about glaucoma

Reduce eye pressure in case of its increase is necessary as soon as possible, because it can lead to atrophy of the optic nerve and blindness. Some eye diseases can have practically no clinical manifestations for a long time, however, their consequences for vision are very dangerous. It is to such diseases that glaucoma, manifested by an increase in eye pressure, belongs.

Persons at risk (especially those with a genetic predisposition) are advised to undergo regular ophthalmological examinations so as not to miss the development of a formidable disease.

People prone to increased intraocular pressure need periodic examinations by an ophthalmologist

How to lower eye pressure: treatment methods

Treatment for elevated intraocular pressure depends on the cause of the increase. In most cases, conservative measures are sufficient, but in the absence of the effect of the therapy, surgical intervention may be required. Only a specialist can assess the situation and choose the right method of treatment.

Patients with increased eye pressure should sleep on high pillows, as the head should be slightly elevated during sleep.

Lifestyle Modification

Regular aerobic exercise, jogging, walking, cycling help to get rid of eye hypertension, but any kind of physical activity must be approved by the attending physician. It is recommended to devote at least 30 minutes a day 3-5 times a week to sports or exercise therapy.

To reduce intraocular pressure, regular eye exercises are recommended. For example, slowly shift your gaze from bottom to top, from right to left and in the opposite direction; make circular eye movements clockwise and in the opposite direction; describe with the eyes an imaginary eight; to fix the gaze alternately on near and far objects. Gymnastics takes only a few minutes, but if done regularly, it can be very effective.

Patients with increased eye pressure should sleep on high pillows, as the head should be slightly elevated during sleep. It is recommended to reduce the time of reading, working at a computer and other activities associated with visual load.

Equally important is proper nutrition. Patients with increased intraocular pressure should eat foods rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids 2-3 times a week - sardines, tuna, salmon, herring, shellfish. The doctor may prescribe fish oil capsules, grape seed extract.

In addition, foods that contain lutein and zeaxanthin are useful: spinach, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, egg yolks. Blueberries and currants have a beneficial effect on eye health.

The menu should be balanced, enriched with vitamins and microelements.

It is recommended to reduce the time of reading, working at a computer and other activities associated with visual load.

Limit or eliminate foods high in trans fats and salt, which can increase intraocular pressure. These products include fast food, snacks, fast food, canned food. It is also necessary to limit the use of tonic drinks: strong coffee, tea, tonics.

Medical therapy

Eye drops are used that promote the outflow of intraocular fluid, improve the nutrition of eye tissues and can quickly reduce intraocular pressure. Drugs that reduce the production of intraocular fluid or increase its excretion may also be prescribed.


In some cases, hirudotherapy helps to effectively reduce elevated intraocular pressure, contributing to the creation of additional drainage pathways.

Laser trabeculoplasty may be used to open blocked drainage channels in the eye and facilitate removal of excess fluid from the eye.

Narrow anterior chamber angles may require laser iridotomy, in which a hole is made in the top of the iris to drain fluid.

In some cases, laser trabeculectomy is performed, during which an opening is made in the sclera and a small amount of tissue is removed to improve the outflow of fluid.

Children and patients with advanced glaucoma may need drainage implants to help drain fluid from the eye.

After surgery, regular monitoring of intraocular pressure is required.

How to relieve eye pressure at home folk methods

You can reduce eye pressure without drugs with the help of folk remedies based on bee products or herbal ingredients.

Individuals at risk are advised to undergo regular ophthalmological examinations so as not to miss the development of a formidable disease.

So, according to patients, it is possible to lower intraocular pressure using lotions from honey mixed with water, diluted pomegranate juice, nettle decoction, lily of the valley flowers, golden mustache, motherwort, strawberry leaves, birch leaves, wild rosemary, tansy, horsetail, succession, knotweed , plantain, coltsfoot, eyebright medicinal.

Treatment of eye pressure at home can only be carried out by those methods and means that have been approved by the attending physician.

General information about intraocular pressure

Intraocular pressure (IOP) is the fluid pressure inside the eyeball.

Increased eye pressure, or hypertension (hypertension) of the eye is recorded quite often, people over 40 years of age are especially susceptible to pathology, but it occurs in all age groups. Persistent ocular hypertension is a manifestation of glaucoma, so if it is suspected or detected, you should contact a qualified specialist who will conduct an examination, explain what it can be caused and what to do.

Glaucoma is divided into open and closed angle. In angle-closure glaucoma, there is an accumulation of eye fluid due to the overlap of the anterior chamber angle of the eye by the iris, as a result of which access to the drainage system of the eye is impaired. With open-angle glaucoma, access is open, but the functions of the drainage system are impaired.

There are primary, secondary and congenital glaucoma.

Primary occurs usually in patients older than 40 years. Risk factors include genetic predisposition, myopia of the eye (nearsightedness), advanced age, disorders of the central nervous system, thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus.

Limit or eliminate foods high in trans fats and salt, which can increase intraocular pressure.

Secondary glaucoma develops against the background of inflammatory eye diseases, hemophthalmos, progressive atrophy of the iris, cataracts, lens shift, after eye operations, with burns, eye injury.

The main cause of congenital glaucoma is anomalies in the development of the eyes in the prenatal period.

In some cases, during an acute attack of glaucoma, a sudden loss of vision is observed, therefore, with a sharp and significant increase in intraocular pressure, an ambulance should be called for the patient.


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Good vision is very important for a high quality of our life. Among the various ophthalmic diseases, experts identify increased intraocular pressure (IOP), which causes a feeling of fullness, eye fatigue, and headaches.

This term refers to the pressure exerted by the contents of the eyeball on the sclera and cornea. Moisture begins to press on the eye from the inside due to a violation of the production or deterioration of fluid absorption. Fluid metabolism can be disturbed due to the use of hormones or antidepressants. Injuries and poor lifestyle choices can also be the cause.

Colds and ophthalmic diseases can lead to pathological changes in this indicator. This condition causes pain, leads to squeezing of the capillaries, and ultimately can cause a dangerous disease - glaucoma.

The causes of increased eye pressure can be various household factors, namely, insufficient lighting when working at a computer, watching TV in the dark, hard physical labor, smoking, and much more.

How to relieve eye pressure at home? We'll talk about this in this article.

Treatment of eye pressure includes traditional and folk methods. In some cases, surgery may be required. Only an integrated approach to this problem will eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of eye pressure:

  • frequent redness of the eyeball, which has nothing to do with visual stress or wearing lenses;
  • headache;
  • pain in the eye that worsens when pressed;
  • an attack of nausea;
  • the appearance of flies before the eyes;
  • blurred vision.

Ocular hypertension is a sign of glaucoma

Although specialists can quickly treat hypertension, the underlying problem behind the symptom may remain. High blood pressure is a harbinger of glaucoma, so it is very important to seek help from an ophthalmologist in time.

Increased intraocular pressure is a characteristic symptom of glaucoma. The progression of the disease can lead to complete blindness. You can lower eye pressure with the help of medications. Patients may be prescribed agents to improve the microcirculation of intraocular fluid, drugs to reduce the production of lacrimal substance, as well as drops that open alternative ways for the outflow of fluid.

Drug treatment will be successful only if you follow some rules:

  • during sleep, the head should be slightly raised, for this you should choose high pillows;
  • monitor the level of illumination in the room. Lack of light can worsen the condition;
  • do exercises for the eyes daily;
  • in cinemas and similar places, intraocular pressure may increase, so you will have to refuse trips there;
  • do not wear clothes with tight collars, leave the top button open. Otherwise, the blood supply to the brain is disrupted, which also affects the state of the visual apparatus;
  • during physical activity, try not to tilt your head down too much;
  • eliminate visual and physical overload;
  • get an eye tonometer. With the help of the device, you can take measurements at any time convenient for you;
  • get rid of bad habits, in particular, smoking and alcohol abuse. This will impair blood circulation in the optic nerves;
  • do not drink too much liquid;
  • strong coffee and a lot of salt will also have to be abandoned;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • adjust your diet. The diet should contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals;
  • go in for sports;
  • twice a year, massage the collar zone with a specialist.

During sleep, the head should be slightly higher than the body, this will help reduce pressure.

As already mentioned, it is useful to do therapeutic exercises at home to improve blood circulation. Consider simple exercises that will help reduce eye pressure:

  • alternately close and open your eyes. Do 10 such repetitions;
  • blink intensively for two minutes, taking breaks;
  • move your gaze as far as possible to the right and fix it on the object for five seconds, repeat the same to the right side. Similar movements can be done up and down;
  • blink intensively, and then switch to an average pace;
  • close your eyelids and move your eyeballs left, right, up, down, diagonally, clockwise and counterclockwise;
  • you need to stretch your arms forward and wiggle your fingers. With your eyes you have to watch their movement. Then gradually bring your fingers closer to your nose, while you can’t look away from your fingers;
  • daily do a contrast shower for the eyes;
  • stand in front of the window and first fix your eyes on an object lying on the windowsill, and then move it to a distant object on the street;
  • draw geometric shapes, numbers, letters with your eyes closed.

Contrast shower for the eyes will help with eye pressure

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of IOP with folk remedies is effective, safe and affordable. But it is worth remembering that before treating pressure with non-traditional methods, it is necessary to consult with your doctor about your problem and get permission from him.

Despite the fact that folk recipes have a high safety record, their illiterate use can do even more harm. It is also worth noting that folk remedies are not an alternative to medications, but only an addition to the main therapy.

What to do with increased ocular hypertension? You can remove IOP with the help of such simple and highly effective recipes:

  • chop the nettle and lily of the valley leaves. For half a glass of nettle, it is enough to take a teaspoon of leaves. A tablespoon of water is added to the resulting mass and applied to the eyes in the form of a compress;
  • take coriander and anise in equal proportions. Dry raw materials should be poured with boiling water and let it brew. The drug must be drunk a day, and the next to prepare a new solution;
  • take a few fleshy leaves of aloe and boil in a small amount of water for two minutes. Squeeze the juice from the softened leaves and mix it with the decoction. The resulting product is used in the form of eye drops. There may be a slight tingling sensation, but this should not scare you;
  • one liter of wet juice is mixed with one hundred grams of vodka. The remedy should be infused for several days. The finished tincture is consumed in a quarter cup twice a day. The medicine has a rather specific taste, so it is better to drink it with water;
  • prepare a cocktail of carrot, beetroot juice, as well as parsley juice and a drop of vegetable oil;
  • use chicory instead of coffee;
  • pour currant and rowan leaves with boiling water. The resulting drink tastes good. It can be drunk throughout the day as a tea;
  • boil a chicken egg. Peel the shell, divide into two parts and remove the yolk. Attach the resulting protein halves to closed eyelids. They should remain in front of the eyes until completely cooled;
  • in this recipe you will also need two halves of egg white, into which a teaspoon of honey is poured. Then you must send the eggs to the oven for half an hour. The resulting liquid is used as eye drops;
  • make tea. After it cools down, add some honey. The resulting remedy can be instilled in the eyes;
  • prepare an infusion of sleep-grass, shoots of wild pear and nettle. The remedy should be taken before meals;
  • mix small duckweed and celandine juice, and then add the same amount of water. The tool is used as a compress;
  • you can bury your eyes with onion juice in combination with liquid honey and water;
  • also lowers IOP and honey compress. Mix equal proportions of honey and water. Moisten a cotton pad with this mixture and apply to closed eyelids.

External means

Folk healers with increased IOP recommend making lotions from an infusion based on nettle and lily of the valley. To prepare it, you will need a glass of chopped nettle, as well as two teaspoons of lily of the valley flowers. All ingredients should be poured with 500 ml of water and let it brew all night. The next morning, two teaspoons of baking soda are added to it.

Compresses on the eyes will help relieve pressure and get rid of the unpleasant pressure of the pathology.

It is also recommended for high IOP to make compresses from grated potatoes. The vegetable must be thoroughly washed, peeled and grated. Next, add apple cider vinegar to the mass and let it brew. The mixture is applied to a cloth and applied to the eyes in such a way that the forehead is also captured.

The use of the herb eyebright is of great benefit. Dry raw materials are poured with boiling water and infused in a thermos. After the product has been filtered, it can be used to prepare compresses. Also, the resulting medicine is used in the form of eye drops.

Experts also advise using dandelion eye ointment. The dried plant must be ground to a powder. In equal proportions, dandelion is mixed with honey. Eyes should be lubricated six times a day with the medicine received.

Means for internal use

Consider the most effective recipes that reduce IOP:

  • grated dill seeds must be brewed in boiling water. An infusion is taken orally four times a day;
  • crushed oak bark insist on a glass of boiling water. The resulting infusion should be taken after waking up on an empty stomach;
  • rose hips are poured with hot water and left to infuse for one week in a dark, cool place;
  • grind fresh blueberries through a meat grinder. Then mix the berries with honey and consume three tablespoons four times a day. The product should be stored in the refrigerator;
  • prepare a collection of the following ingredients: cinnamon, buckwheat, motherwort, ginger, lemon balm, licorice root. Pour two tablespoons of dry raw materials into 500 ml of water. It is necessary to take the infusion three times a day thirty minutes before meals.

What about low blood pressure? Compared to hypertension, this problem is diagnosed much less frequently. The cause of hypotension can be inflammatory processes in the eye, surgical interventions, infectious diseases, and more. Very often, a decrease in IOP is a consequence of arterial hypotension.

The first symptoms of pathology are the loss of luster in the eyes, as well as dryness and discomfort when blinking. Sometimes the only manifestation of hypotension of the eye may be a sharp deterioration in vision.

If you find a problem at an early stage, it will be much easier to deal with it. To do this, you should regularly undergo preventive examinations and, if alarming symptoms appear, immediately consult a specialist. You can measure IOP with a Maklakov tonometer. The device allows you to take impressions from both eyes. The measurement is carried out under local anesthesia. Currently, portable blood pressure monitors are increasingly being used to help determine the level of pressure using a jet of air.

There is also a palpation-orienting method of measurement. The patient should look down, fingers should rest against the forehead so that the index fingers are at the level of the moving eyelids. One finger should fix the eye, and the other should gently press on the eyeball. With normal pressure, the finger will feel small impulses of the sclera.

So, an increase in intraocular pressure can be the result of stress, bad habits, physical and visual overload. But most often, the appearance of this symptom indicates the development of glaucoma, a dangerous disease that can lead to complete blindness. Experts recommend a comprehensive approach to solving this issue. If you want to completely get rid of the problem, you will have to change your lifestyle, diet and habits.

Folk recipes are a good addition to the main treatment with medications. They are easy to use, affordable, and most importantly, effective. Consult with your doctor and find out which folk remedy can be used specifically in your case.

Glaucoma is a disease that occurs when intraocular pressure increases. Without proper treatment, glaucoma can lead to vision loss. This ailment can be accompanied by other diseases and not make itself felt immediately, but it can appear quite suddenly. A timely appeal to an ophthalmologist will help cure this disease. In this article, you will learn how to quickly relieve eye pressure at home.

Why does the main pressure increase?

In violation of fluid metabolism, when fluid presses on the eye from the inside, there is an increase in eye pressure. There can be several reasons for the increase in pressure.

This disease can be the result of taking medications, including antidepressants, hormonal drugs. Another cause may be eye injuries. The danger in this case is that the injury may not manifest itself immediately, but after a few years it will make itself felt. If an eye injury occurs, it is better to visit an ophthalmologist regularly.

An increase in pressure may occur due to inflammation of the eye. If you drink a lot of alcohol, smoke, eat salty foods - this will cause inflammation of the eyes. To prevent this from happening, you need to eat more vegetables, fruits, which will help to avoid an increase in intraocular pressure. In order to see a doctor in time, you need to know the main symptoms of the disease.

Symptoms of glaucoma:

  • Redness of the eyes that does not go away for several days.
  • Pain in the eyes, head. Especially when there is pain when pressing on the eyes.
  • An increase in blood pressure may cause nausea.
  • Visual impairment, clouding, spots or flies may appear before the eyes.

Only a specialist can accurately determine glaucoma. If you have at least one symptom of glaucoma, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible, who will prescribe treatment.

How to reduce with medication?

For assistance in the treatment of glaucoma, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Doctors often prescribe eye drops for increased pressure in the eyes. Drops are divided into several types, including:

  • drugs that constrict the pupils of the eyes, increasing the outflow of intraocular fluid;
  • drugs that reduce blood pressure;
  • drugs that promote the outflow of fluid in the eyes.

For the treatment of glaucoma, tablets can be used that give the same effect as drops. But unlike drops, tablets are more effective. In especially severe cases, when tablets and drops cannot cope with the task, the doctor may prescribe laser therapy. The therapy will improve the circulation of intraocular fluid.

During the treatment of glaucoma, the doctor prescribes one drug. If it does not help in the treatment, then another, stronger, drug may be prescribed. During treatment, the prescribed drugs may not lower the pressure, in which case the doctor will prescribe other medications.

If, while taking medication, there is still a threat of blindness, the doctor applies complex treatment. In addition to special drugs, the ophthalmologist may prescribe surgical intervention.

How to downgrade at home?

To help reduce blood pressure at home, follow these tips.

  • Use a high pillow to sleep. It is important that the neck is not overstretched.
  • While working at a computer, when reading, there should be appropriate lighting. Monitor, book should be well lit.
  • With frequent visits to cinemas, intraocular pressure increases. In this case, it is better to reduce the number of trips to the cinema.
  • With increased pressure, you can not wear clothes that tightly tighten the neck. Men are not recommended to tie their ties tightly, fasten the last button of their shirt, women should not tie their scarves too tight.
  • Doctors do not recommend bending low. All necessary items must be at such a level that the head is not lowered. So, when cleaning, it is better to use a mop long enough to clean almost standing up.
  • When working at a computer, you need to make sure that your eyes do not strain, take breaks in work, let your eyes rest.
  • Alcohol and cigarettes increase blood pressure. Therefore, eliminate them from your diet.
  • With increased pressure inside the eyes, you can not drink a large amount of liquid. So, keep your coffee and tea intake to a minimum.
  • Your diet should include a sufficient amount of fresh fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. To reduce pressure, fatty, sweet, salty foods should be excluded from the diet.
  • Be sure to exercise. Swimming is the best sport for intraocular pressure. When choosing another sport, be careful not to tilt your head sharply and low.
  • You need to regularly massage the area around the eyes. Massage movements should be light, do not press hard.
  • To optimize pressure, you need to take vitamin complexes.
  • To be able to measure the pressure in the eyes at any time, purchase a tonometer.

The absence of stress can influence the decrease in pressure. Calmness and the absence of stressful situations will help keep your blood pressure normal. Taking these recommendations as a rule, you can independently lower and regulate the pressure.

How to reduce intraocular pressure with folk methods?

For the treatment of glaucoma, you must consult an eye doctor who will prescribe a combination of medications. You can also use folk methods. But, you must remember that when using folk methods, medicines prescribed by a doctor cannot be excluded.

  • To reduce pressure in the eyes, you can wash your face with aloe decoction every three hours. To make a decoction, take four leaves of aloe, pour 300 grams of water and boil for a few minutes.
  • Nettle compress helps to lower intraocular pressure. To do this, you will need half a glass of chopped nettle, with the addition of a teaspoon of chopped lily of the valley. Add a spoonful of water, mix thoroughly and apply as a compress.
  • Pour a teaspoon of coriander and anise with boiling water and drink the resulting liquid throughout the day. The next day you need to make a new infusion.
  • Using wood lice, you can also fight high blood pressure. To do this, pour a liter of woodlice juice with 100 grams of vodka, mix and let it brew for several days. You should drink a quarter cup twice a day. You can drink the tincture with a glass of water.
  • Include blueberries in your diet. You can use it both fresh and in capsules.
  • Juice from carrots, beets and parsley should be taken daily to relieve pressure.
  • To relieve pressure, you can make a mixture of potatoes and vinegar. Peel and chop the potatoes, add a teaspoon of vinegar, leave the mixture to infuse for thirty minutes. Take a gauze, put the mixture on it and put it on your eyes.
  • Squeezing out the juice of celandine, and adding the same amount of liquid honey to it, the mixture must be boiled over low heat. After the mixture has cooled, it can be used as a lotion on the eyes.
  • By drinking 100 grams of tomato juice daily, you can effectively lower pressure in the eyes.

By knowing how to lower your blood pressure at home, chances are you won't need to see a doctor for help.


So that in the future you do not have to deal with the treatment of glaucoma, it is necessary to regularly undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist. Also, at the first signs of the disease, you should immediately deal with the treatment of your eye.

You can use eye drops. However, please note that with prolonged use and incorrect dosage of the drug, the pressure may become less than normal. Do not engage in such work, sports, during which there is a danger of injuring the eye. Glaucoma may not appear immediately, but several years after the injury.

Do not drink alcohol, sweet carbonated drinks. Coffee lovers should eliminate coffee from their diet, you can replace coffee with chicory.

Eye charger

To reduce pressure, you can use a special exercise for the eyes. So your eyes can relax, the pressure will decrease.

  • Blink frequently for one minute, then blink at a moderate pace.
  • Close your eyes and draw lines from right to left, from bottom to top, vice versa and diagonally.
  • Open your eyes and repeat the same steps.
  • When working at a computer, look from an object that is near you to a distant object.
  • Close your eyes and use your eyeballs to draw a square, other geometric shapes, write words.
  • Put your hands in front of you, wiggle your fingers, watch them. Move your hands closer to your face, repeat the same.
  • Strengthen the vessels of the eyeballs with a contrast shower. The pressure of water should be directed to the eyes, the temperature should change from warm to cold.

Knowing the main symptoms, how to prevent the disease, you can avoid a disease such as glaucoma. Do not neglect a visit to the optometrist and you will have beautiful eyes and clear vision!

Or other dangerous diseases.

Normal eye pressure should vary between 10-20 mm Hg. st. When carrying out diagnostics, it is important to take into account the parameters of the norm of the device itself, in different tonometers the indicators will differ.

With an increase in IOP, discomfort, headache and other symptoms that many patients are not able to identify. This condition requires urgent treatment. With a persistent increase, the patient is threatened not only with glaucoma, but also with a complete loss of visual perception.

Eye drops are used to improve the outflow of intraocular fluid. They improve tissue nutrition, help to quickly lower IOP.

For ocular hypertension, cholinomimetics, beta-blockers, combination drugs, latanoprost products, vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids are prescribed.

The best drops to lower IOP:

  • Xalatan improves fluid flow. The drug is indicated for patients with ophthalmotonus and open-angle glaucoma. Xalatan is an analogue of prostaglandin F2-alpha.
  • Glauprost- antiglaucoma medicine. The active ingredient is latanoprost. Glauprost reduces ocular hypertension by 31% of baseline. This drug does not begin to act immediately, the effect appears 3-4 hours after application. In rare cases, it causes burning, tingling and severe itching. This is due to an allergic reaction to the components of the drug.
  • Travatan is a highly selective prostaglandin receptor agonist. Reduces ocular hypertension by increasing the outflow of moisture through the trabecular meshwork. The maximum effect of the drug is achieved 2 hours after use. Travatan is contraindicated in children under 18 years of age, pregnant women and women during lactation.
  • Betoptic used as monotherapy or in combination with other drugs. Eye drops are instilled 10-15 minutes before applying ointments. Betoptik should be used with caution in diabetes mellitus and pheochromocytoma.
  • Timolol is a non-selective beta-blocker. The drug leads to a decrease in elevated and normal IOP. Timolol reduces the secretion of aqueous humor and at the same time restores its outflow.
  • Aceclidine belongs to the group of cholinomimetics. The drug increases the tone, causes increased contractions of the intestines, urinary and uterus, so it should be taken with caution by people with diseases of these organs.
  • Carbacholin is more active and has a longer effect. The drug increases tone, reduces ocular hypertension. Carbacholin can provoke fever, nausea, bradycardia. Symptoms resolve after dose reduction.
  • Pilocarpine and Brimonidine belongs to the group of sympathomimetics. These medications create the appearance of catecholamine activity, due to which there is a decrease in IOP. Medicines have a risk, they are not recommended for use with a tendency to arrhythmias and with high blood pressure, they will lead to a deterioration and hyperemia of the mucous organs of vision.


This form of drug treatment is rarely used. Taking pills showed the least effectiveness in reducing IOP compared with other means.

It is possible to remove ophthalmotonus with their help, but it will take more time. If you need a quick result, use eye drops. Unlike tablets, they do not affect the stomach and intestines. Drops bypass the digestive tract, thereby causing less harm and virtually no side effects.

Acetazolamide is used to reduce ocular hypertension.. Dosage, frequency of use and duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician after a thorough diagnosis of the patient's visual apparatus. Acetazolamide is a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor. The drug slows down all reactions in the body. The same process leads to the removal of hypertension.

Brinzolamide suspension is also prescribed. The drug is also an inhibitor. The ophthalmic suspension is absorbed to some extent systemically.

Treatment with folk remedies

External means

With the help of folk methods of treatment, the patient's condition can be alleviated. Medicinal plants are used to make eye drops. You should first check if the patient has an allergy. The test is carried out on the inside of the elbow bend.

Solutions are used for washings, lotions and instillations into the eyes. For local use use:

  • Aloe juice. You will need 2 fleshy leaves. Cut them into small pieces, pour boiling water and put on a slow fire. Boil aloe for 20 minutes, cool and strain. With this decoction, the eyes are washed 2 times a day for 2 weeks. A cotton swab is wetted in a solution, excess liquid is squeezed out. Wipe the eyes from the outer corner of the eye to the inner.
  • Grind the onion in a blender or finely chop with a knife. Squeeze the juice with sterile gauze. The resulting mixture is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1. The medicine is instilled into the eye up to 3 times a day for 7 days.
  • Mashed potatoes mix with 1 tsp. 6% vinegar, put a gauze napkin. Wrap in gauze, apply to closed eyelids. Hold for 10 minutes.

Means for oral use

Home remedies for internal use will help relieve increased eye pressure. They can be taken by most patients who have contraindications to medications.

Taking medicines is contraindicated if there is hypersensitivity to a particular herb.

For internal use, the following home remedies are used:

  • In a clean container, mix 3 tsp. dry calendula flowers, pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. When the medicine has cooled, strain. Use the drug for ½ cup up to 4 times a day. This medicine is allowed to be used for lotions.
  • Grind 3 tbsp. walnut leaves, 2 tsp. rosehip flowers, 1 tsp. rosehip root and a small piece of aloe. Combine the ingredients, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for an hour. Use the prepared remedy 15 ml per day before meals. Store the medicine in the refrigerator for no longer than a week. The course of treatment lasts 20 days, then a break and a second course of therapy are necessary.
  • The medicinal properties of wood lice help to cope with increased IOP. It will take 8 kg of a medicinal plant. Squeeze 6 liters of juice out of it using a juicer. Add 600 g of alcohol, and store the composition in the refrigerator. Take the medicine 50 g 20 minutes before meals. Dilute with water in a ratio of 1:1. Drink within 2 months.
  • Herbal collection of 1 tbsp will help reduce eye pressure. l. nettle, horsetail, succession, flax, plantain and lingonberry, 3 tbsp. l. hypericum, 2 tbsp. l. rowan and wild rose. Grind herbs, pour 500 ml of boiling water. The medicine should be infused for 3 hours. Strain the medicine and take ½ cup 3 times a day.

Take medicines at the same time as the drops and tablets prescribed by the doctor. It is impossible to use folk methods without consulting a doctor.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Special exercises developed by experienced ophthalmologists help to reduce IOP. To achieve a positive result, perform gymnastics at least 3 times a day.

Eye exercises:

  • frequent blinking for 1 minute;
  • turning the eyes clockwise and counterclockwise - perform with closed and open eyelids;
  • shifting gaze from a distant object to a near one;
  • drawing geometric shapes, letters and numbers with the eyes.

Gymnastic exercises not only help a person reduce intraocular pressure, they improve the nutrition of eye tissues. They improve the functioning of the visual system, allow oxygen and beneficial nutrients to better penetrate the tissues of the eyeball.

In addition, gymnastics prevents the development of refractive disorders and spasm of accommodation, which cannot be avoided with the aging of the body.


Violations in the change in intraocular pressure can be avoided if you follow the recommendations of oculists. These include:

  • Annual preventive examination. The date is appointed by the doctor, if the pressure rises slightly and is controlled by drugs, it is passed every six months. If the condition worsens, additional examinations are prescribed.
  • Diet plays an important role in the functioning of the visual apparatus. The daily menu should include fruits, vegetables and a sufficient amount of greens. It is not recommended to eat fast food. Eat sea fish and carrots once a day. Blueberries are especially beneficial.
  • If it is not possible to change professional activities, it is necessary to reduce the load on the visual organs. Take breaks during prolonged work at the computer every 45 minutes. During the break, do eye exercises.
  • Regular exercise will help maintain vision and lower IOP