How to determine the purpose of the date of birth. Online vocation calculator by date of birth

We come into this world with a predetermined mission, after fulfilling which we gain happiness and success. You can reveal the secrets of your destiny through numerological calculations.

There are many ways in which you can - this is the Sign of the Zodiac, and the clues of fate, and the construction of psychograms. But the experts of the site site recommend you a more accurate method: analyzing your date of birth. There are many secrets hidden in the number series of this important date for you. We offer to open the veil of secrecy and find the code of fate.

Numerology date of birth

The purpose or mission in the understanding of numerologists is a kind of school of life with karmic tasks, transformations and lessons that must be passed. The path of a person stretches over a very long distance, from 60 to 120 lives:

  • He earned money in a dishonest way in the 17th century - in the current one he will have to give everything away with interest.
  • You cheated on your beloved in a past incarnation - be prepared that now your heart will break.
  • Complained about a bad life in the past - now you have to pray for deliverance from problems.

The purpose of each person is to develop, grow, cover the debts of the past. This is not a favorite thing, not a calling and not a profession, this is an individual goal, mission and task with which you came into this life.

The life path number gives more accurate information about the purpose of a person. It is calculated on the basis of Pythagorean numerology. To do this, you only need to write your date of birth in a line and add up all the numbers.

Example: 16 (day), 05 (month) and 1973 (year) = 1+6+0+5+1+9+7+3=32=3+2=5. The life path number is 5.

Calculate your number and familiarize yourself with its decoding.

Deciphering the purpose

Number 1. The purpose in life is to realize your potential, to lead people. The image is a leader, a revolutionary, a leader or a destroyer. If your number is 1, remember that in life you are a "soloist": success, failure - it all depends on you. You will experience real happiness only if you arrange your own life. Satisfying ambitions, self-realization, the desire to be an example for everyone are the key tasks of current life.

Number 2. The purpose is to manage people, direct them to the true path. The image is a peacemaker, teacher, assistant or manipulator. If your life path number is 2, you will find yourself among people. You are indispensable in any areas where it is necessary to resolve the conflict, reconcile the warring parties, reach a compromise, protect other people's interests. Your gift to subtly feel people and empathize with them, to see the possibility of resolving difficult situations will bring you respect and material success.

Number 3. The purpose is to instill happiness, joy and optimism in people. The image is a lucky man, an adventurer, a minion of fate. You are an optimist by nature who will soon realize that the whole world is full of gloomy, angry, cowardly and notorious people. Your positive perception of the world and seething energy are necessary for them. It is thanks to your disposition that you will gain love, trust, admiration. People need your creativity, your artistry, charm, sincere kindness. By giving them this, you will open up great opportunities for yourself. Just remember that your goal is to give, not to take.

Number 4. Purpose - enrichment, earnings, affairs in the material world. The image is a workaholic, a manager, the hope of the whole world. You are born to work. Most likely, as a child, you realized that money does not fall from the sky. Your life is clearly divided into stages. You know what you want from life and you have an idea of ​​how to get it. Your confidence is unshakable. No external stimuli can influence the course of your life. It is on your shoulders that the management of the financial resources of mankind lies.

Number 5. Purpose - movement, life, freedom. The image is a swindler, a warrior, a loner, a man of his era. You are driven by the desire for change, constant growth and development. You are free from fetters and fetters, you live by impulse, you see the goal and go towards it. But it is important for you to understand that a free person is always lonely and hardly gets along in groups. A job is suitable for you, for the implementation of which only you are enough. By getting rid of responsibility to other people, you can try yourself in new lives.

Number 6. The purpose is to help people. The image is an educator, a defender of the offended and the weak. You have a thirst to protect people from danger, save them from mistakes, save them from punishment and pain. This need to care for others was born with you. You tend to patronize, teach, criticize, which can lead to negative reactions from others. Be prepared to be known as a bore and picky. But a happy life is destined for you, in which you will become an adornment of your family and an expert in your profession.

Number 7. Purpose - the knowledge of being. The image is an adventurer, philosopher, explorer. Faced with any secrets and riddles, you are in a hurry to find all the answers. The desire to get to the bottom of everything can cause you a lot of pain at first, but with age you will understand that the world is much simpler. But curiosity will perfectly manifest itself in professional life, allowing you to become a specialist in any field and hang your entire office with diplomas. The ability to see a task from different angles opens up great prospects for you in life.

Number 8. The purpose is to manage people and distribute the resources of mankind. The image is the owner, the leader, the mighty of this world, the entrepreneur. The desire for power controls your destiny. You bear the burden of responsibility for all the people under your command. The scope of your activity can be any, but remember: once you have chosen, you are unlikely to be able to turn off the path. You are the leader who is destined to lead people.

Numerology is not recognized as a science, and whether to be guided by it when choosing the path of your destiny is a personal matter for everyone. Of course, the instructions offered by numerology are often abstract and have many different interpretations and interpretations, so you should not expect specific instructions from it. But you can use the clues hidden in the numbers, and further independently develop in the chosen direction. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

1. Write down your date of birth in the format: day, month, year. For example, 12/26/1978. If you were born between the 23rd and 31st, subtract the number 22 from the date. 26 - 22 = 4.

2. Write down the numbers of the month. In our case, 12.

3. Add all the digits of the year together: 1+9+7+8 = 25. If the sum is more than 22, subtract 22. In our case: 25 - 22 = 3.

4. Sum up the received numbers: 4 + 12 + 3 = 19. The sum of the day, month and year will tell you about your life task. So, the task for a person born on December 26, 1978 is 19.5. If the total is more than 22, subtract 22. For example, 11.12.1991 = 11 + 12 + 20 = 43 - 22 = 21.


If you got a number:

1. Mag. Your task is to convey information to people, help with wise advice and create harmony and beauty through the word. A conversation with you can leave a deep imprint in the hearts of people, because you can touch the strings of the soul with words. You need to learn to accept yourself as anyone and work on your development. It is necessary to establish contacts with the immediate environment, neighbors, brothers and sisters, as well as with peers. You can find yourself in a business related to the word, speech, information (both oral and written). People with the number 1 in the task often become journalists, writers, translators, psychologists, esotericists.

2. High Priestess. Your task is to get to know your inner world, learn to hear your intuition and work with large amounts of information. Your attention should be directed to matters related to the natural sciences, nature, including the protection of animals. Strive to understand other people and help those who have lost their way to find their guiding star. You should become a good parent to your child, wise and fair, as well as a caring son or daughter to your mother. Professions such as an ecologist, psychologist, doctor, teacher of secret knowledge, analyst, diagnostician may suit you. The task of life

3. Empress. First of all, your attention should be drawn to such areas as: beauty, culture and art. You need to take care of your appearance and the appearance of your loved ones, the decoration of the house, and also ensure that your family lives in harmony and material prosperity. But, building your own business or striving for the masterpieces of world culture, you need to look for a golden mean between the material and spiritual worlds. And yet, at a higher level, you need to become a “mother”, both in the literal sense - by giving birth and raising a child, and figuratively - to create a work of art or know-how, that is, to make something that will live after you. Women need to reveal their femininity, and men need to learn to understand women and live in harmony and harmony with their spouse. You can find yourself in such professions as: stylist, interior designer, artist, jeweler, art critic, educator. And you can also become just a good parent. The task of life

4. Emperor. Your task is to realize yourself in your profession and leave your mark as a professional. But the most important thing is that you need to become the master not only in the house, but also in your life, learn to be responsible for what you do and for those who are under your command. It is necessary to set goals and achieve them, to develop the right attitude towards power. You need to learn to understand your true desires from false ones. A man should pay attention to his masculinity, and a woman should not suppress a man, get married and learn to live in harmony with her husband. People with the Emperor in the task can become businessmen, directors, administrators, officers. The task of life

5. High Priest. Those who get an “A” in the task can become very good teachers, whom students will remember as wise, fair and interesting personalities. In life, you are prescribed to receive knowledge and pass it on to others, engage in scientific research, study the history of peoples and their customs, preserve the traditions of your family and be their spiritual successor. Many people with this card, in addition to the teacher's path, choose professions related to history, philosophy, become leaders of social movements and scientists. The task of life

6. Lovers. Your task is to learn to choose with your heart, to make independent decisions based on your own choice. You need to love with all your soul and every cell of your body. You must know all the facets of love: caring maternal, sexual and passionate, sublime and platonic - and find their ideal recipe in a relationship with a partner in order to become a harmonious partner in your love union. It is also important to learn not to divide people along material, social and racial lines, understanding that every person deserves to be loved and happy. People who have discovered in themselves all the facets of the "six" can become good doctors, actors, confidants, loving and beloved spouses. Life task 7. Chariot. You should strive to change the world around you with the help of your own successes, professional achievements and recognition. You cannot be a gray mouse and hide behind a plinth, you and your results of work should be visible to others. Learn to work with many contacts, large amounts of information, be mobile and mobile, but not fussy. You also need to learn how to say “no” to what prevents you from achieving results, and to those who use you to the detriment of your interests. Many people with a "seven" in the task find themselves in business, in professions related to transport, with a lot of contacts and movements, in military affairs and politics. The task of life

8. Justice. Your task is a deep understanding of justice, care that the rights of other people are respected, and protection of these rights. You should not pass by situations where someone is treated unfairly, whether it be your house or the street. You can't bury your head in the sand when someone else is suffering from dishonesty. You also need to learn to be responsible for all your actions, understanding that any of your actions will have consequences, all the shoots of your deeds will sprout. Sow good deeds - reap good; sow bad deeds, you will reap bad deeds. You also need to learn endurance and the ability to maintain peace of mind when even the smallest things infuriate you. You can find yourself in professions related to the judicial and legal system: lawyer, judge, animal rights activist, human rights defender - as well as in professions where the main work is related to paperwork, or where attention and accuracy are required. The task of life

9. Hermit. The task of your life is spiritual development, constant work on yourself, gaining wisdom and experience, which, ideally, should then be passed on to others. You need to learn from the mistakes of others, respecting the experience of previous generations. You should also study ancient cultures and traditions. You must treat the elderly with great attention and respect, help them. People with a "nine" in the task can become good teachers, esotericists, philosophers, scientists, historians, social workers who help the elderly and lonely people. The task of life

10. Wheel of Fortune. You need to learn how to properly manage money and find a balance between the spiritual and physical worlds, understand that constancy is only in the cemetery, but everything changes in life. Your task is to provide material support for yourself and your loved ones, and then - material assistance to other people. In no case should you behave dishonestly in financial matters or live at the expense of others. You have to be careful in gambling in order to stop in time. On a more subtle level, you need to consciously repay karmic debts, realizing that everything you do will come back. You also need to pay attention to recurring situations, understand their lesson and correct mistakes. You can find yourself in professions related to money, becoming an economist, banker, businessman, accountant, and also a specialist in reincarnation. The task of life

11. Strength. You have two main tasks in life - taking care of your physical body and true love in its earthly manifestation. You need to play sports, keep your body in good shape and help others in this. You also need to develop in yourself such qualities as strength, courage, courage, you need to get rid of fears and learn to defend your beliefs and be a real leader, whom you want to follow voluntarily. You need to understand that love is a synthesis of the spiritual and physical aspects, and feelings without sex and sex without feelings are an inferior relationship between a man and a woman who call themselves a couple. People with the Force in the task find their place in law enforcement agencies and military organizations, become athletes, masseurs, as well as experts in the field of dating and couples. The task of life

12. Hanged man. Your task is to learn to control your emotions and experiences, get rid of fears and insecurities. You need to learn how to assess situations from different angles, developing a multifaceted vision. Another of your tasks is the development of mediumistic abilities and the ability to subtly feel the beauty of the world, music, the human soul. You also need to learn to sacrifice a little for something bigger and at the same time move away from the position of the victim. You should not be addicted to alcohol and other drugs, on the contrary, you need to get rid of bad habits yourself and help those who need help in this. You can find your way in science, psychology, philosophy, art. The task of life

13. Death. Your task is to learn how to correctly and calmly respond to sudden changes, let go of the old and obsolete, cleanse the inner and outer space. You must develop altruism in yourself and help other people in extreme and difficult situations completely disinterestedly. You cannot pass by someone else's suffering without trying to help. People with the thirteenth lasso of the tarot in the task often become doctors, nurses, veterinarians, social workers, find their place in professions associated with the risk to life and saving people (firefighters, militiamen, stuntmen). The task of life

14. Moderation. Your task is to bring harmony to your environment, find a balance between the inner and outer worlds, and learn to do everything in a timely manner. You need to learn to find compromises and a middle ground in any situation. You can become a good guide for others and a liaison between two people or a group of strangers to bring them together, to introduce them. People with Temperance can become good mediators, peacemakers, social workers, tour guides, guides, watchmakers, healers. The task of life

15. Devil. You got a difficult card, and you have many tasks in life. You need to learn how to control your energy and distribute it correctly. You should get rid of all sorts of temptations and addictions that fetter you, bypass the world of crime and avoid black magic. You need to understand the difference between the forced victim and the position of the victim. You need to understand the role of sex in life and learn how to manage sexual energy. You can have healing and various esoteric abilities, so it is important to learn how to treat this correctly and direct your energy to help other people. You can do business, become a healer, an esotericist, a showman, a psychologist and ... a sensual and skillful sexual partner. The task of life

16. Tower. Your task is to build: your life, character, house - in a word, everything that is to be built. But the most important thing is to learn to leave in the past what has already become obsolete, what prevents you from moving forward, so that something new and relevant comes to the place of the old and obsolete. Starting to build a new one, it is necessary to bring what has been started to the end and delete programs that have already been completed. The biggest mistake you can make in life is the desire for stability and the desire to not change anything, using old and sometimes unviable programs. You can find your place in administrative work, in architecture, web programming and organizations with a wide branch network, or simply in building your own home. The challenge of life

17. Star. You definitely need to develop your artistic or artistic talent, be creative in any business and learn to feel the beauty. You must fill this world with beauty, and it does not matter how this beauty manifests itself: in musical works, in art canvases or in home decoration. You can be a good friend, and friendship will always take center stage in your life. People with a Star can become famous artists, art historians, astrologers and wonderful friends. The task of life

18. Moon. Your task is to get rid of fears, insecurities, work on the development of intuition and imagination. You need to learn to understand yourself, to see the clues that the subconscious sends you. Your areas in which you can draw energy are home comfort, cooking, caring for children and loved ones. You must create comfort and coziness for other people, satisfy their needs for warmth, create a harmonious atmosphere in the team where you are. You cannot ignore other people's feelings, treat them dryly and formally, and create a mess in your home. You can realize yourself by becoming a cook, a psychologist, a doctor, an adviser, an astrologer, a fortune teller, a good parent and a wonderful homemaker. The task of life

19. Sun. Your task is to become the sun for yourself, and then for others: to warm, help, inspire confidence and charge with optimism. You need to form the right self-esteem, without distortions towards egocentrism and self-abasement. You should develop in yourself such qualities as: nobility, kindness, honesty, the ability to lead. You need to give up the desire to know what others will say or think about you. You can realize yourself in politics, in leadership work, in creative professions. The task of life

20. Court. Your task is to create and maintain harmonious relations in the family, help parents and relatives. You need to learn the history of your family, your kind and pass it on to future generations. Another of your tasks is to create your own system of values, which will be based on universal justice and humanism. But at the same time, you should not impose your values ​​on others rudely and fanatically. With the Court in your task, you can choose the profession of a historian, family psychologist and family doctor, work in the judicial and legal system, and, of course, you can become a loving and beloved family member. The task of life

21. Peace. Your task is to be open to everything new, unusual, “foreign”. You need to learn a tolerant and unbiased attitude towards different peoples, races, social strata of the population. Another task of yours is to create a harmonious space around you and achieve a state of peace. Your role in this life is to work with foreigners in order to unite people of different cultures, study "overseas" traditions and foreign languages, and introduce new products into life. People with this card in the task choose the professions of translators (or just learn languages), travelers, experts in the cultures of different peoples, become specialists in the field of modern technologies. The task of life

22. Jester. Your task in life is to work with children, create new and unusual travel. You definitely need to take the initiative in your own hands, act with enthusiasm, spontaneously, easily and cheerfully look at life. You must bring joy to the people around you, maintain a childish spontaneity and contact with your inner child, be open to everything new and unusual. You can find yourself in professions related to children, laughter and travel. Also, people with a Jester in the task often choose some unusual professions or introduce an element of non-standard into their usual activities.

Svetlana Ihitara

Surely each of us sooner or later begins to ask the question: “What is my purpose in life?”. Someone sincerely believes that his activity is his destiny, while someone is tormented by doubts and a person thinks all his conscious life that he is doing something completely different from what he should according to the laws of the Universe.

There are many ways to discover your purpose in life. And one of the most common is numerology. With the help of this science, you can find out the destination by date of birth, even without the involvement of qualified numerologists.

Psychological portrait on Tarot

A simple way to calculate the number of life, which will tell a person about his life goals and show the right path so that he fully fulfills his destiny given to him by the Universe.

I immediately wanted to say: don’t be afraid of such cards as the Hanged Man, Death, the Devil, the Tower - there are no bad signs, each of the Tarot cards has positive and negative sides. It is only important to pick up the key to a particular card in order to use its energy not to your detriment.

It is important! When calculating the purpose of a child's life, be careful with the interpretation, because, relying on only one of the tasks of the baby's life path, you can harm the child, omitting his other skills and abilities given by the Universe. To find out the purpose of children, you need to analyze the entire psychotype of personality by date of birth, contacting an experienced numerologist. In addition, most people do not work in those areas that are destined for them by the Universe, but at the same time they perfectly cope with their life tasks. After all, the personality of each individual is multifaceted and unique, so it is not worth adjusting it to one purpose given to him by the Forces from Above. But still, it is worth evaluating and learning one of the sides of your “mission in life”. Shall we start?

Calculate life purpose

  1. We write down the date of our birth in the following format: day, month and year. For example, 12/23/1987. If you were born from the 23rd to the 31st, then subtract the number 22 from it. Based on the indicated date of birth - 23-22 = 1.
  2. Write down the numbers of the month in which you were born. In our situation - 12.
  3. We add all the numbers of the year together - 1 9 8 7 \u003d 25. If the total number is more than 22, then you need to subtract 22. In our case, 25-22=3.
  4. Then we add up all the received digital values ​​​​- 1 12 3 \u003d 16. It is by this figure that you can find out the purpose of a person by the specified date of birth.
  5. If the final number is greater than 22, then subtract 22. For example, 12/12/1992=12 12 21=45-22=23. If the sum again turns out to be more than 22, then again subtracts 22 - 23-22=1.

So, the purpose of a person who was born on December 23, 1987 is 16. Now let's look at what each number means.

What is destined for you

The interpretation of the method for determining life purpose by date of birth consists of 22 digits. Let's consider each of them separately.

Number 1

Life Purpose - Mag. The purpose of your life is to convey important information to others, to help with wise advice and through the word to create harmony and beauty. Dialogue with such a person leaves an indelible mark on the souls of people, since they will be able to touch on spiritual secrets and pains with words. Such an individual should perceive himself as anyone and work on self-development.

People of this type are often engaged in journalistic, translation activities, become sensational writers, psychologists and esotericists. They are taught numerology and astrology.

Number 2

The number two corresponds to the Tarot card - the High Priestess. The life purpose according to the date of birth, which in total gave the number 2, is the knowledge of the inner world, self-development and work with large amounts of information. The attention of the owners of the deuce should be directed to matters related to the natural sciences, natural history, as well as the protection of the animal world. The desire to understand other people and to help those who have lost their way in life, to find their destiny.

Such people are suitable for the professions of ecologists, psychologists, doctors, teachers of the secret sciences, analysts and diagnosticians.

Number 3

Life card - Empress. A person who received the number 3 from the calculation needs to pay attention to areas of activity related to beauty, culture and art. A woman with a triple in her date of birth needs to reveal her feminine principle, and the representatives of the stronger sex need to learn to understand fragile creatures.

Preferred professions - stylist, interior designer, artist, jeweler, art critic, preschool teacher. And from such people good, sensitive and attentive parents are obtained.

Number 4

The life number corresponds to the Emperor card. Such individuals should follow their professional destiny and leave their mark in this particular case. It is important for such individuals to learn how to run a household not only in the family circle, but also in life. Teaching the professionalism of other people is the task of a person who, by date of birth, received the number 4. Representatives of the stronger sex should pay attention to the manifestation of masculinity in solving problem situations, and women should not occupy a dominant position in the family, get married and maintain harmony and harmony in relations with second half.

Such professions are intended for such people - doing business, personnel management, work in the military sphere.

Number 5

Life Card - High Priest. Delivering wise knowledge, justice and patience are the main character traits of people over whom the Priest stands. Gaining knowledge and passing it on to others is the true purpose of a person with a five in his date of birth.

The universe directs such people to engage with historical facts, philosophy, social study of aspects of life and scientific activities. But most often, a person with the number 5 in his date of birth finds himself in teaching.

Number 6

Life tarot card - Lovers. Such people choose with their hearts, are guided by intuition and make the right decisions on their own. Do not divide people into social, racial and material strata: each of us deserves to be loved, happy and successful.

Such a person is destined to become a good doctor, an employee of an acting troupe, a good family man.

Number 7

The card encoded in this figure is the Chariot. The desire to change the world through their own success, professionalism and recognition is the true goal of people who received a seven by date of birth. Learn not to remain in the shadow of other people, show your "I" and do not be afraid to make attempts to change the world around you. Be reasonable, but don't let people manipulate you. Learn to say no to situations that get in the way of your goals.

For such people, professions are suitable:

  • businessman;
  • driver;
  • conducting transport affairs;
  • military and doing business in this area.

Number 8

Life card - Justice. Karate itself dictates the life of a person with an eight in the task. Deep awareness of the importance of justice, upholding the rights of humans and other living beings and protecting those who really need it. Such people should not miss those situations that infringe on the rights of others. Don't bury your head in the sand like an ostrich when the person next to you is suffering from dishonesty. Be supportive of those in need, perhaps someone's life or fate depends on your help. You winnow good and kind - you will receive the same in return. Bad deeds will bring misfortune.

The Universe directs people with a figure eight in the total date of birth to such activities: advocacy, bailiffs, animal rights activists, human rights activists. Also suitable are professions related to record keeping, or those professions that require accuracy and care.

Number 9

Life purpose - Hermit. Spiritual self-improvement, regular work on oneself, knowledge of wisdom and experience is the task of Hermit people. Such individuals should learn not from their own mistakes, but from the mistakes of others, adopting their bitter experience and teaching the wisdom of other people.

How to find out the purpose by date of birth? 9 human characters. Astrology by date of birth

My purpose. How to find out by date of birth?

Date of birth and purpose of a person. Part 1

Your calling in life. How to define it.

Hermit individuals find themselves in the role of teacher, esotericist, philosopher, scientist, historian, social worker, dealing with the elderly and lonely people.

Number 10

The Wheel of Fortune is a tarot card showing the life purpose of people with a ten in the task. Learn to manage your finances the right way. Find something in between the spiritual and physical sides of the human body. The life goals of the individual are to achieve good material well-being of his family, and after that - material assistance to those in need. Learn to behave honestly, be careful in gambling, know how to stop in a timely manner.

The universe is predicted to work in the financial sector, as well as directions related to the reincarnation of the soul.

Number 11

The card of life is Strength. The life goal is to take care of the body from the point of view of the physical aspect and achieve sincere love feelings. Give preference to active leisure time, keep fit and share experience with others. Do not oppress your strength, courage, courage, leadership. Stop being afraid to show off your strengths and skills.

Such individuals can work in law enforcement agencies and military institutions, reach heights in sports, and are fond of massage.

Number 12

The Tarot card responsible for the fate of people with the number 12 in the task is the Hangman. The life goal is to control your emotional state and experiences. Learn to deal with fears and insecurities. Consider problems from different angles, look for ways out of them. Such people are not recommended to "look into the glass" and, moreover, look in the direction of drugs and other psychotropic drugs. Moreover, get rid of bad habits and set others on the path to a healthy lifestyle.

A person with the number 12 in the task shows himself well as a scientist, psychologist, philosopher and art critic.

Number 13

The Death Card is destined by the Universe for people who fall into this category. The desire for harmony in the soul, regardless of external factors, is the task of life. The development of altruism, selfless help should become a life credo.

A person becomes a good doctor, nurse (nurse), veterinarian, social worker, rescuer, fireman, stuntman or emergency worker.

Number 14

Moderation - this is what people who received the number 14 in the task should strive for. Find the golden mean in everything with everything you deal with. Look for compromises, take the necessary actions in order to solve the problem as quickly and "painlessly" as possible.

People with Temperance in the lasso will easily master the following specialties:

  • intermediary between business partners;
  • peacemaker;
  • social worker;
  • travel guide;
  • guide to important places;
  • watchmaker;
  • healer.

Number 15

Arcana Tarot - Devil. Such people have many life tasks:

  • control of their energy and its correct distribution;
  • getting rid of various kinds of temptations and addictions;
  • understanding the difference between a forced victim and the victim's position;
  • control of bioenergetics at the subconscious level and determining the role of sex in human existence.

Such people make excellent businessmen, healers, esotericists, showmen, psychologists.

Number 16

The tower in the Tarot lasso indicates that you should be engaged in construction in life. This can be both building family relationships, home life, and more global construction projects, such as buildings, enterprises, institutions, etc.

Such people find their destiny in the administrative field of activity, in architecture, creating programs for electronic media, setting up information networks between branches of one company.

Number 17

Tarot card - Star. The development of talent, both artistic and artistic, is the purpose of life. Learn to be creative in everything you do. Fill the world with beauty.

People with the number 17 in the task reach heights in artistic activity, in art, astrology, as well as in friendship with their loved ones.

Number 18

Life card - Moon. The purpose of life is the fight against fears, insecurity, self-development and the development of intuition and fantasy. Recreate the coziness, comfort of your home and give it to other people.

Life professions - a cook, a psychologist, a doctor, an adviser, a fortune teller. Also suitable are areas of activity such as numerology and astrology.

Number 19

The sun in the Tarot lasso says that a person should bring help, warmth, calmness and faith in the souls of others to this world. Communicating with such a person, the interlocutor understands that not everything is as bad as it seems in reality. Build your own self-esteem. Don't build your life on self-centeredness and self-destruction.

Life path - politics, work in a leadership position, creativity.

Number 20

Arcana Tarot - Judgment. Life goals:

  • formation and maintenance of harmony in family relationships;
  • assistance of any kind in relation to relatives and friends;
  • the study of the family tree and the transfer of information to children, grandchildren;
  • revision of life values, relying on impartiality and humanity.

People with the card of the Court in the lasso find themselves in the historical sciences, the psychology of family relations, family medicine, advocacy, the performance of legal and judicial duties.

Number 21

World - the meaning of the number 21 in the problem. Learn to treat people of other races with tolerance and impartiality. Create harmony around yourself and plunge into self-development and achieving a state of complete peace.

A person with Peace in the lasso finds his destiny in such a field of activity as:

  • translator;
  • travel expert;
  • expert on cultural issues of different peoples;
  • technology center employee

Number 22

Life card - Jester. The purpose is to work with children, create a new and unusual journey. Learn to take a leadership position and independently attempt to resolve a particular situation. Do not let fear, anger overcome your soul. Such people most often work as educators in kindergartens and preschool institutions, and are also associated with humor and travel.

Test for determining the path of life

Another option is how to determine the destination by date of birth. This test allows you to find out online why you were born into this world. And numerology will help us with this.

So, people who were born on the 1st, 2nd, 11th, 12th, 21st, 22nd, 30th and 31st of any month can direct their vital energy to solve problems related to moral and moral qualities. The purpose of life is to help those in need.

Those born on the 3rd, 13th and 23rd will find themselves in professions associated with order and accuracy. Such individuals enjoy:

  • classes in exact sciences - mathematics, physics, etc.;
  • jurisprudence;
  • cutting clothes;
  • drawing up architectural calculations.

If you were born on the 5th, 15th or 25th of any month, then your life task is to unleash your creative potential. And it can be both your talent and someone else's. Teaching in a musical institution, art school, writing literary works, working in the theater, etc.

People born on the 4th, 14th and 24th can master professions that involve routine and monotony. And those who were born on the 9th, 19th and 29th will find it easier to work in administrative bodies, solving pressing civil issues.

People with 7 in their birth number (7, 17, 27) can comprehend any field of activity, and those who have 6 in their date of birth are better off directing their energy to creating spiritual issues.

Knowing your life purpose, you can direct your energy to change your destiny for the better, in the right direction!

May happiness, luck and prosperity accompany you in life!

Surely each of us at least once wondered what the meaning of his life is. Destiny by date of birth is a numerological technique that allows you to shed light on the question: why did we come to this world, what should we do. From the point of view of the science of numerology, one can quite accurately determine this. To calculate karmic destiny by date of birth, all you need is numbers, a piece of paper and a pencil. You can calculate the destination by date of birth online quite simply and quickly. To do this, carefully read the material that we bring to your attention.

Each of us has our own karmic purpose. Numerology allows you to find out it by doing simple calculations.

Focus first. Write down on a piece of paper your date of birth, year of birth, month, day. For example: 2012, 10th month, 31st day. You should get the following combination: 20121031. The last number, in this case one, will be the code of the person’s purpose, in another way it is also called the “basic karmic task”.

What to do with the remaining numbers, do they really not play any role? These numbers will influence what a person acquires throughout their life. These qualities do not play a significant role, they can only be present in a person's life for some time. Of course, if they are developed, then significant results can be achieved. Spend more time developing your abilities rather than hiding them within yourself.

There are also "Numbers of undeveloped qualities." Ask what is it? What significance do they have on a person's life? Now look carefully at the date of your birth, there are numbers that are present in your life. There are numbers that are not included in your number series, they need to be written down on a piece of paper. How to determine these numbers? Just look carefully, which numbers are not present in your row? Start from zero and go up to nine. In this example, these will be the following numbers: 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4.

It is these numbers that can be called "Undeveloped". It is these figures that play an important role in the fate of a person. These are tasks that a person needs to cope with during his life. This does not include the "basic Karmic task". If you have few such "Undeveloped" numbers, then this is very good. This means that in life such people will rarely experience failures and problems, life will develop positively.

Now that you have understood how to find out your destiny by date of birth, educate yourself, pay more attention to self-development and self-improvement. Choose a profession that will bring you joy. You should not strive to become rich and independent, you need to treat the chosen work with respect. Approach this issue seriously and responsibly. This will be your "Karmic task".

Deciphering numeric codes

See how the purpose of a person is deciphered by date of birth. Each of us has our own flaws, the existence of which we prefer not to talk about. It is painful and insulting when they find our weak points and thereby try to hurt us. You need to be a strong personality, be able to cope with failures, endure defeats. will help you to pay attention to your weaknesses in order to work out your shortcomings, as well as not to forget about your strengths.


  • All of us face challenges and setbacks throughout our lives. At times like these, it seems like the world is against us. Hands down, do not want to do anything. At such a time, the main thing is not to lose heart, you need to gather all your strength into a fist and confidently move on. Learn to ask for help, but do not shift your problems onto other people. Learning to deal with failure will make life easier.
  • Such people prefer to engage in physical labor, mental activity does not attract them. Although, when communicating with people, a person often indicates how much he gets tired at work, thereby emphasizing his importance. Such a person does not consider mental work to be work.
  • In the family, you need to respect your soul mate, pay more attention to raising children. Know how to listen and hear, help relatives and friends even when they do not ask for your help.
  • Such a person treats work responsibly, tries to achieve a good result in his activities. This can be achieved, it just takes a little effort. Perhaps success will not come immediately, you need to try.
  • A profession that is suitable for such people: professional sports, dancing, construction, etc. Spiritual practices will not bring positive results.

Such people throughout life need to learn to treat others with respect. In this case, a person has a second energy center involved. Build your relationships in the family so that you are loved, appreciated and respected. Do not skimp on compliments yourself, give your loved ones nice gifts, spend more time together. Come to visit your parents without warning, ask them for advice, just be silent together. Then life will be easier and easier.

Learn to control your emotions when interacting with others. People should be treated with respect, without emphasizing their superiority over them. If this does not happen, then conflicts often occur, which are sometimes extremely difficult to get out of. Create a happy marriage, give birth to many children, then you can be called a happy person. For such people, sex plays an important role in relationships. You should not have sexual intercourse, have promiscuous sex with anyone if you do not consider this person seriously.

In the profession that a person has chosen, conflict situations may arise. Learn to compromise, control your emotions, avoid clashes with others. Getting out of such situations can be quite difficult. Choose a profession related to mental activity. Such people make good teachers, doctors, geologists. No need to strive for a leadership position, it will be extremely difficult to cope with it.

Each person has a number that reveals his karmic destiny


  • Thanks to the influence of an amazing number, a third energy center (chakra) opens in a person. Such people are quick-tempered and aggressive, they can not always hide their emotions from others. As a result, disputes may arise during communication. Spend more time self-improvement, self-development, then life will be easier.
  • Financial position plays an important role. Learn to make money, rely only on yourself in this. People around you don't owe you anything, remember that. If you manage them correctly, you will not experience a lack of money. If not, then the money will slip through your fingers.
  • Responsibly approach the choice of profession. It is important to find the type of activity that will bring you a lot of positive emotions for you. No need to rush to a leadership position, there you will not be able to achieve gratitude. You can achieve results, but for this you need to make a lot of effort.


A person who has this number in his date of birth needs to pay attention to the fourth energy center, which is associated primarily with the cardiovascular system. In order to avoid health problems, you need to behave accordingly. Do not abuse alcohol, move more, eat right.

Sometimes it seems that a person attracts problems to himself, they seem to stick to him. We need to think about why this is happening. Look at yourself from the other side, analyze your behavior. Then failure can be avoided.

Learn to treat others with respect, sometimes you lack sympathy. When hurting others, remember that one day you will have to experience it yourself. Spend more time with your family, talk about pressing issues. Improve spiritually, control your emotions. Create strong alliances, give birth to children, enjoy life. If love and harmony reign in the relationship between lovers, such a family can be called ideal.

As for professional activities, such people make outstanding doctors who will be able to save more than one life. By learning to control yourself, you can help others. They also make good psychologists who will help get out of a difficult life situation. The exact sciences are difficult. Humanities are attracted from an early age. As a child, they tried to draw, but could not develop in this direction.


  • At this stage, another energy center enters a person’s life, which is responsible for the “throat chakra”. People need to engage in knowledge of the world around them. Spend more time doing art and science.
  • You see the world around you differently than everyone else. In this regard, sometimes you are treated with caution. This does not scare you at all, you are used to being different from others since childhood. For such people there are no ideals, they are in constant search of themselves. Having found a loved one, they will constantly surprise and delight.
  • The negative qualities that are inherent in people are selfishness and unpredictability. Know how to respect others, listen to their opinion, avoid conflict situations.
  • Choose a profession related to creativity, where you can realize your abilities.


At this stage of life, the chakra is included in the work, which is responsible for the ability to foresee and anticipate. From an early age, these people can anticipate the changes society will face. They are treated with caution, try to avoid communication with them. If you develop these abilities, in the future it will be possible to help people, to treat them.

You need to learn how to properly use what nature has endowed you with. Do not overdo it, be attentive to your gift, so as not to harm yourself and others first of all. If everything is done correctly, then many problems can be avoided. Otherwise, problems are inevitable. You need to choose a profession to your liking, which will bring you positive emotions.

Numbers 3, 2 and 1 are considered the most successful in the date of birth of a person.


  • The purpose of a person by date of birth with the number 3 is the main desire for order in his life. Sometimes it happens over the top. A person develops spiritually, strives for self-improvement.
  • The search for truth, the craving for knowledge, that's what comes first for a person. The exact sciences are attracted, often they turn out to be outstanding scientists, who become famous only after they die.
  • Sometimes, in search of a new one, they forget about the main thing. Build relationships with the opposite sex, fall in love, start families and have children.


The number two plays a positive role in the fate of a person. You can get good results with just a little effort. Do not miss the small details that the Almighty sends you. Thus, he tries to protect you from rash acts. The energy of such people is strong, it is almost impossible to influence them. Emotions hide from others, it works very well. Do not forget, you must bring positivity and good mood into the lives of those around you.


The number one symbolizes the wisdom that is given to man from birth. Such people are kind and trusting, along with this, problems often arise. It is necessary to engage in self-improvement, not to be led by others. Avoid conflicts, then life will become easier.


Zero has an impact in terms of self-realization in life. Often there are situations when it seems that all is lost. At such moments, you need to gather strength into a fist and move on. All bad things come to an end sooner or later.


In conclusion, we can say that every person throughout life. How to find your destiny by date of birth: strive for self-improvement, enlighten yourself spiritually, pay attention to your family and friends, fill your life with positive. Then you can easily avoid unpleasant situations, you will be surrounded by devoted and faithful people who will come to the rescue in any situation.

Video "How to find out the purpose by date of birth"

Incredible Facts

Do you attract the same problems or constantly experience difficulties in a certain area?

Do you feel your potential, but something is holding you back? The question arises: why do some struggle with poor health, poverty, consciousness, unhealthy relationships, lack of romance or low self-esteem, while others are doing just fine?

No matter how strange it may sound, the answers to these and other questions can be found in numerology, just by looking at the numbers in the date of birth.

Purpose by date of birth

According to the numerology of the ancient science of numbers, created by Pythagoras 2500 years ago, your date of birth and name reveal seven personality numbers. They reveal not only the traits of your character, but also some patterns that happen in life. This refers to both success and problems that may haunt you throughout your life cycle.

When you know what these challenges are and accept them as part of your journey, you will be able to overcome them and start living a fulfilling life.

No need to be afraid of your problems and run away from them, it is best to approach them consciously. You preselected them BEFORE you were born because you knew you had to develop in certain areas.

But just as you have inherited these challenges, you have also inherited the strength, ability, and wisdom to fight and overcome them throughout your life journey.

Calculate the numerology of life

So, each of the seven personality numbers in your numerology chart has its own unique set of challenges. Of these seven numbers, the life path number, calculated from your date of birth, is the most significant of all.

Let's calculate this very life path number to determine some of the problems that you have to face in order to start living a fulfilling life.

Step 1:

Reduce the month, day, and year of your date of birth to 3 single digits, unless it's 11 or 22 (it's still 11 or 22).

1 + 2/ 11 (still) / 1 + 9 + 6 + 9 = 25

3/ 11/ 2 + 5

3/11/ 7

Step 2:

Add together the three resulting numbers and continue to add until you reduce them to a single-digit number (life path number) from 1 to 9.

If a life path number is 11, 22, or 33, then it does NOT decrease to 2, 4, or 6. It remains 11, 22, or 33 and becomes 11/2, 22/4, or 33/6 (respectively) the life path number.

3 + 11 + 7 = 21

2 + 1 = 3 (life path number)

So, after carefully studying the example, accurately calculate your life path number, and read the definition that matches your date of birth:

Life path number

Life Path #1:

Purpose in life: become an independent person who follows a little-studied path, as well as lead others.

Task: learn to stand firmly on your feet and be in harmony with others. To overcome the feeling of being different from others, to overcome the feeling of loneliness and disunity.

Secret of success: lead, not follow. Use natural individuality and uniqueness to your advantage. This way you improve your chances of success.

Life path #2 and 11/2:

Purpose in life: become an "acting peacemaker" who understands, comforts, supports, mediates and/or heals those around them.

Tasks: learn to cope with your emotions, live in harmony. Overcome feelings of insecurity, inferiority and increase your own self-esteem.

Secret of success: a healthy balance between what you give and what you receive. By using your creative, supportive, mediating, and healing abilities to help others, you increase your own path to success.

Life Path #3:

Purpose in life: become a "creator" who uses their artistic, creative and/or communication skills to improve the lives of others.

Tasks: Learn not to criticize or complain, not to exaggerate the negative and not to succumb to drama. Learn to be responsible, organized, disciplined and goal-focused.

Secret of success: expressing yourself in the right ways. Using your personal qualities, words, artistic, creative and/or communication skills, you accelerate your path to success.

Life Path #4 and 22/4:

Purpose in life: become the person who provides stability and order around him.

Tasks: learn to be flexible and adapt to change. Endure trials and overcome feelings of limitation and limitations.

Secret of success: creating a stable and reliable foundation for their future. When you provide stability and order in an environment of disharmony and chaos, you increase your chances of success.

Target by date of birth

Life Path #5:

Purpose in life: become a "free-spirited adventurer". Gain great life experience and pass on to others what you have learned.

Tasks: learn self-discipline and moderation. Instead of succumbing to the opinions of others, you should find natural and painless ways to stimulate and control your senses.

Secret of success: when you use your individuality, your various talents to help others, you increase your chances of success.