How is the name Andrey translated into Russian. Andrey: the meaning of the name, mystery and origin

Meaning and origin. name Andrew: courageous (ancient Greek names).

Energy and Karma:

This name has such a strong energy that it is more than enough for everyone in the world Andreev.

Andrei the merry fellow, Andrei the joker, the ringleader, the soul of the company, often the lucky one, to whom luck, it seems, goes into his own hands, all these are familiar images that have developed in the popular mind. Sometimes even Andrei himself cannot determine whether this is true or not, because not everything is so simple, and much is given to Andrei thanks to hard work and patience. However, with something, but the energy of the name endows him with patience in abundance.

Communication secrets:

Andrey is not only easy to communicate with, but you can also argue with him. We just don’t advise you to get personal in disputes, unless, of course, you want to get a pretty strong enemy. He, most likely, will willingly respond to your request for help, however, we advise you to still know in this measure.

  • Sign Zodiac: Sagittarius.
  • Planet: Sun.
  • Color A name: deep red, dark brown, sometimes steel.
  • Talisman Stone Andrew: amber.

The meaning of the name Andrey option 2

Andrew - "courageous" (Greek)

He is dreamy and inventive, he can assemble a designer for a long time and enthusiastically, inventing new models himself, or noisily rush around the apartment, depicting an airplane, train, rider.

Fidget, loves outdoor games, does not listen to elders too much. He looks like his mother in appearance, but in character - his father, grandmother on his father's side.

At school age, he becomes more balanced, restrained, knows how to control himself, but he is a fighter for justice, very independent, proud. He has a warmer relationship with his mother than with his father, with whom he often argues, proving his case. Conceited, performs any task in good faith. Possesses organizational skills, actively participates in the life of the team. Willingly helps classmates, prefers mathematics to other subjects.

The educator must remember: in relation to Andrey, force, pressure is completely inappropriate, it is necessary to use a reasoned conviction, taking into account his innate sense of justice.

By nature, he is a philosopher, a conversation with an interesting person gives him real pleasure, besides, he knows how to support any conversation. Self-critical, admits his mistakes, but if someone notices this before him and points out to him, he perceives it painfully. He plays chess well and enjoys sports. He treats animals well, often feeds homeless dogs and cats.

In childhood, predisposed to infectious diseases.

"Autumn" and "winter" Andrey is very fair, irreconcilable to lies, callousness of others. Often gets into various unpleasant stories, defending his beliefs. Easily gains authority, is a success with girls. Charming, has a sense of humor.

"Summer" - a merry fellow, a favorite in any company. He knows a lot of poems, he is always ready to read them to friends, he plays the guitar perfectly. He sings well and writes his own songs. Often he is the organizer of the school vocal and instrumental ensemble.

"Spring" - has a literary gift and owns oratory. Sprinkles with jokes, funny stories, a wonderful parodist.

All subjects are equally easy for him, but he knows what to focus on, he chooses his own profession. He's doing well in life. It seems that Andrew is lucky. However, his determination and perseverance in achieving the goal are the guarantors of his success.

“Winter” and “autumn” Andrey are suitable patronymics: Vladimirovich, Petrovich, Mikhailovich, Maksimovich, Viktorovich.

"Summer" and "spring" - Olegovich, Nikolaevich, Semenovich, Stepanovich, Vilenovich, Vladimirovich.

The meaning of the name Andrey option 3

The basis of the male name Andrei is the root of the Greek word "avdros" - husband, man. The name has many varieties: Henri - among the French, Andriyash - among the Moldavians, Ondrey - among the Slovaks.

Little Andryushas are cunning and dreamy. They can assemble the “Designer” for a long time and enthusiastically, but they can also rush around the apartment with screams, depicting either an airplane or a rider. Disobedient. They love sweets, because of which they spoil their teeth from childhood. They listen to their mother according to their mood, they try to argue with their father. If there is a brother, they are friends with him and love him, they treat the younger sister with jealousy and are not inferior to her in anything.

Andrei, a teenager, does not stand out in any way, but later those around him will suddenly notice that he graduated from a sports school and settled in life better than his peers. The girls complain about Andrei's inconstancy: he can easily confess his love to one, and the next day, without noticing her, pass by on the other. Nothing seems to bother him. Andrei will sincerely tell his next girlfriend everything about himself, as if in confession, but do not flatter yourself with this - you will never know everything about Andrei.

"Autumn" Andreys, as a rule, are prudent, punctual, do not hover in the clouds, choose a profession in the field of exact and natural sciences. Successful in business.

In the service of Andrey, the boss always appreciates. Older employees treat him condescendingly, and those who are younger always expect surprises from him. No one knows what may come to Andrei's mind in the next minute. Impulsive and unpredictable, he can cause a real delight in his wife with a rare and expensive gift, and then suddenly become stubborn and drive her into a rage by flatly refusing to buy a cheap thing that has long been needed in the household.

Andrei chooses a beautiful, emotional, outwardly spectacular woman as his wife, almost not interested in her character and inner world. Persuasions from relatives and warnings from friends not to rush into marriage are rejected. Andreevs have high self-esteem, they are selfish and artistic, they require increased attention to themselves. They can be jealous of a wife if she devotes a lot of time to a child, and little to him. Andrey is thrifty, rational in material spending. Relations with the mother-in-law are usually complicated.

Regardless of the location of the stars at the time of the birth of Andrei with patronymics Alexandrovich, Abramovich, Igorevich and Olegovich are difficult to communicate with, have a complex character.

They should be very careful when marrying Barbara, Zoya, Clara, Nelly, Oksana, Olga, Sophia, Julia. It is better for Andrei to give preference to girls whose names are Alevtina, Vesta, Danuta, Juliet, Diana, Elena, Elizabeth, Irina, Claudia, Larisa, Leah, Lyudmila, Maria, Natalya, Taisiya.

The meaning of the name Andrey option 4

Intelligent, with contradictory characters, the main antipodes of which are "cunning - softness." Andreys are impulsive, sometimes they lose their heads, but they will not do anything disadvantageous for themselves, even if they hurt their neighbor.

They lie professionally, without blushing. Extremely confident in their manhood. In sex, Andryusha experiences maximum emotions and gives pleasure to his partner. Prone to dominance.

Often very creative people associated with a sheet of paper and a pen (among Andreev are directors, writers, poets, journalists).

The meaning of the name Andrey option 5

Andrew name means - from the Greek courageous, brave.

Derivatives: Andreika, Andrya, Andryukha, Andryusha, Andryunya.

Name days: May 31, June 25, July 12, 13, 17, September 1, October 4, 6, 15, 23, 30, November 9, December 13, 15.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

Our Andryushka does not have a penny.

Our Andrey is not a villain to anyone.

Andrey the sparrow, don't fly to the river, don't peck at the sand, don't blunt your sock: a sock for an oat ear will come in handy.

Winter crops in liqueurs reached Andrei, and the father-oats had grown to half (July 13). Stratilates day Ripe - oats ripened (September 1). This day - Andrey Stratilat - the beginning of the Indian summer. The wind blowing this day from the south promises a good harvest of oats.


Andrei meets high moral standards in everything: an affectionate son, a faithful friend, a fiery lover, an excellent student or worker, the most responsible head of the family. True, many things may not suit him in life, but he pretends that this does not bother him. In fact, Andreika is simply generous and loves to bring joy to people in any way.

However, when a person is not of interest to him or turns into an enemy, Andrei manifests himself in relation to him so unexpectedly that one can be amazed! This person should not be angry.

The meaning of the name Andrey option 6

The origin of the name Andrew is courageous (Greek).

Name days: July 13 - Holy Right-Believing Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, pleased God with piety, care for the poor and sick, founded the Bogolyubsky Monastery near Vladimir; killed by his close associates in 1174.

September 1 - The Holy Martyr Andrew Stratilates and 2593 soldiers with him died martyred for the faith of Christ in 302. December 13 - Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called.

  • Sign Zodiac- Cancer.
  • Planet- Uranus.
  • Color Andrew - lilac.
  • auspicious tree- fir.
  • treasured plant- anemone.
  • name patron- reed cat.
  • Talisman Stone- amethyst.


Andrei goes through life, playing and smiling. The fact is that he is always what others expect to see: an affectionate son, a faithful friend, a fiery lover, an excellent student or worker, the most responsible head of the family ... Moreover, he seems to everyone easier than it really is: for example, a wife can flirt with he is quite sophisticated with others, and he willingly pretends to be disturbed by this. In fact, he is very generous and loves to bring joy to people in any way. However, when a person is not of interest to him or turns into an enemy, Andrey turns to him in such an opposite direction that one can be amazed!

Andrey should not be angry - it may end badly for you.

The meaning of the name Andrey option 7

His fate is interesting, his life is diverse, full of surprises. Andrew is on his mind. Heather. However, it is so sincere that it causes bewilderment even among friends.

Somewhat selfish, but so touchingly takes care of his mother, wife, grandmother, which seems to be the best. At such moments, he seems to forget about himself. A little stingy and still sometimes likes to show off.

Andrei is a restrained person, controlling his actions, laconic. He devotes a lot of time to his appearance. He is considered reliable. Mandatory, punctual. In relationships with women can be dishonest. For some reason, in relations with Andrey, one always feels a certain wariness: you never know what to expect from him. He confidently climbs the corporate ladder. Purposeful nature, always achieves the intended. Professions choose bright and prestigious.

“Winter” Andrei is very difficult to communicate with.

The meaning of the name Andrey option 8

The interpretation of the name Andrew is based on the Greek word "andros", meaning "man".

From childhood, Andrei has a rich imagination. His favorite toys are all kinds of constructors.

Andrei, a teenager, does not particularly stand out among his peers, but over time it turns out that in life he succeeded more than others.

In the service of Andrey, the boss always appreciates.

Andryusha meets high moral standards in everything: an affectionate son, a faithful friend, a fiery lover, an excellent student or worker, the most responsible head of the family. This person should not be angry.

Andrei has a high opinion of himself, is selfish and requires increased attention to himself. He is unpredictable in his actions.

You can congratulate your family and friends on holidays, happy birthday, anniversary and other memorable dates!

The name comes from the Greek word "andros", meaning "courageous" or "brave". Sometimes the name Andrei is translated as "man" or a person, which is similar to the word man in English. The name has enjoyed exceptional honor since the time of Hellas. Andrews corresponded to lofty norms of morality. They are affectionate sons, loyal friends, fiery lovers, excellent students or workers, the most responsible head of the family. Andrews create an image of courage, bravery, activity, loudness, joy, brightness and kindness.

The meaning of the name Andrei for a child

A boy in childhood looks like a mother, although this similarity is more external. The character of little Andrei is mobile and restless. He loves active games, which does not at all exclude perseverance with sufficient interest. If Andrey has awakened interest in something, then his perseverance can be envied. He studies well, but requires constant attention and control. He plays well with animals and becomes a true friend to pets. If there is no pet in the house, get ready. He will bring it himself. Like any other child, it requires a lot of attention and consistency in education.

Short name Andrew

Andryukha, Dron, Andre.

Diminutive names Andrei

Andryusha, Andryushka, Andryunya, Andreyka, Dronchik.

Patronymic of Andrey's children

Andreevich and Andreevna. In the folk form, it is sometimes pronounced as Andreich and Andreevna.

Name Andrew in English

The name Andrew in English has the following spelling - Andrew. Sometimes in the English tradition to use the abbreviation Andrew to Drew.

Name Andrey for a passport according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in 2006 for Russian government agencies - ANDREI.

Translation of the name Andrey into other languages

in Armenian - Անդրեաս
in Belarusian - Andrey
in Bulgarian - Andrey, Andro and Andreshko in Hungarian - András
in Greek - Ανδρέας
in Georgian - ანდრო
in Spanish - Andrés
in Italian - Andrea
in Chinese - 安德烈
in German - Andreas or Andie
in Polish - Andrzej
in Ukrainian - Andriy
French - Andre
in Czech - Ondrej
in Japanese - アンドレイ

Church name Andrew(in the Orthodox faith) may not change. Of course, Andrei can choose another church name, but he can also be baptized under a worldly name.

Characteristics of the name Andrey

Andrew's character is impulsive and unpredictable. It is difficult to predict what he will do in the next minute. This may interfere with his life, but for the most part, Andrei does not regret what he did. Impermanence also manifests itself in personal life. A declaration of love to one girl or woman will not prevent him from showing his ardent sympathy for another the next day, for which the female sex is often offended by him. In a relationship with a woman, he can be affectionate and courteous, but there is more in this desire to please and look good than a true relationship. All this before marriage. In marriage, Andrei is truly a knight and his woman will be under reliable protection. Andrei adores his wife and in every possible way shows his feelings for her.

The secret of the name Andrey

Andrey can be influenced by flattering treatment, which is his weakness. Those who know this secret of Andrey periodically use it. The main danger is the combination of flattery and impulsiveness of his character. This can lead Andrey to undesirable consequences. Andreys need to avoid flatterers so as not to get hooked on them.

Planet affecting Andrew- Uranus.

Zodiac sign- Cancer.

Andrew's totem animal- Reed cat.

Name color- Lilac.

Tree named Andrew- Fir.

Andrew's plant- Anemone.

Andrew's stone- Amethyst.

Guardian angel named Andrew and his patron, depends on Andrey's date of birth. Read about the patrons named after Andrei in a special article.

From the name of a person, his whole fate largely depends, from birth to old age. What fate awaits men named Andrei and what does this beautiful Russian name, so common among us, mean?

What is the character of this person, what is destined for him and with what female names does he have the greatest compatibility? Let's figure it out. The original meaning of the name Andrei is "brave". The name Andrei is of ancient Greek origin and is translated as “brave”, “courageous”, “brave”, sometimes it means “man” or “man” - as you can see, Andrei has always been considered a real man, since ancient times.

Among Christians, the most revered saint with this name is the Apostle Andrew, a disciple of Jesus and his follower. This is the origin and meaning of the name Andrey - for a boy, this means that he will always be courageous and brave.

The full name sounds like Andrey, but in a diminutive and affectionate way it can be called Andryusha, Andryushenka or Andreyka. There are foreign forms - Andy, Andrew, Anzhey, Andreas and others.

Who is he and what awaits him?

As a child, little Andryushka is an ordinary boy, mischievous, sometimes naughty, cunning and very dreamy. He loves and knows how to make friends, but he does not particularly attract the attention of others and does not stand out. But by adolescence, everything changes.

He develops a solid character around the age of majority, and then changes begin. He never does anything for show, but always sets his goals, small at first, then more serious, and achieves them. People around are often surprised: when was he able to achieve so much? And he just takes it and does it.

Praise and recognition are of great importance to him - Andrei is often not sure of his significance and even underestimates his own merits, although in fact he has a number of innate advantages. He is different from the surrounding men, as a rule, he is aristocratic, despite his origin and upbringing.

He loves creativity and is always fond of it, at least indirectly, often choosing a creative profession. Among these men, very talented musicians, dancers or artists often come across - which means that they are endowed with extraordinary abilities from birth.

Such is a man named Andrey - what matters to him is what he really could achieve, while he sets the bar quite high and cannot always jump to it. His character is firm, but sometimes changeable and unstable. From this, the fate of such men may be different.

As a rule, they earn well and know how to find a good job, enjoy authority in the team, achieve promotion and do not live in poverty. But far from always they manage to do exactly what the soul lies in.

Andrei can set a goal for himself and achieve it, but it will have nothing to do with his dreams and true desires. Often they reach wisdom and awareness already by adulthood, and then they begin to change everything in their lives.

The man, whose name is Andrei, is very punctual, responsibility is in his blood. But at the same time, he is unpredictable and can "throw out the focus." It happens, and very often, that he is active and active, everything is in order, but then he suddenly does something that no one expected at all. And after this "number" suddenly becomes his former self and lives as if nothing had happened.

It's part of his nature and just takes getting used to. True, if he became the boss and manages the team (which often happens), then his subordinates sometimes have a hard time. They never know exactly what to expect from their boss today. But he is fair, smart and loves order, and these are huge pluses.

In a relationship, a man whose name is Andrey is also not easy, and not every lady can handle him. Today he likes some Olga and he confesses his eternal love to her, and tomorrow his dream is Julia or Natalya, or someone else. No, he is not a womanizer at all - it just takes him a lot of time to choose a chosen one, and until he tries, he will not understand.

So he marries late, but he is already sure that this is his woman, alone forever. And in his youth, he often changes girlfriends and rarely starts long-term relationships. How to keep him close for a long time, no woman knows. It's a mystery!

What kind of life will await Andrey depends on many things. From his parents and upbringing, from friends, from his beloved chosen one. For him, the presence of a loved one, the opportunity to open his soul and ask for advice is extremely important. He must be encouraged, praised and told that he is doing everything right - otherwise he will go astray all the time.

Who will be sweet to the heart?

Andrei converges with women quite easily, but he will not stay with everyone. He loves female attention and knows how to look after very gracefully, even if he is not rich. With women he knows how to be a real gentleman, he is able to surprise, make beautiful surprises and just win the heart. As a rule, he chooses women who are beautiful and spectacular, paying attention primarily to their appearance - and only then, over time, evaluating the “content”.

  • He has maximum compatibility with women whose names are Veronica, Angela, Elena, Lyudmila, Galina. With these young ladies, he finds understanding very quickly and can feel a real spiritual kinship. Here the chances for eternal love are very high!
  • Yulia, Tatyana, Raisa, Maria, Natalya can make good compatibility. But a woman, for example, Yulia, should try and make efforts to keep him and, as it were, "educate". Wisdom, patience and gentleness will be required from a woman. You need to understand this man, be able to listen and adapt to him, learn to catch what he wants - then you will be able to make him faithful and devoted forever.
  • But Olga, Oksana, Sofia, and - are unlikely to become his chosen ones for a long time. Women such as, for example, Olga, have the opposite character, and it will be difficult for them to achieve harmony with Andrey. There is a high probability of frequent conflicts, misunderstandings.

They are all so different...

According to the Orthodox calendar, Andrei has a name day. There are many such days in the church calendar, but the main holiday can be celebrated on July 13th. This day is dedicated to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, an ancient saint who was the brother of the Apostle Peter and was a disciple of Christ.

But there are many other saints, and Andrei has more birthday dates on his calendar than anyone else. These are martyrs, bishops, saints and monks, very different and at different times. So the people called by this courageous name have different characters.

It is not necessary to strictly and literally “fit everyone to the same standard”, believing that all the Andreys of the world have common features and the same characters. Yes, there is something in common, because the name partially gives us both character and destiny, but much is individual, and all people are very different.

To understand a person and unravel his secrets, you need to communicate with him, reveal him and independently try to understand who he is and what is behind him? Who knows, maybe you will meet a completely atypical Andrey, to whom the general rules will not apply? Author: Vasilina Serova

Andrei is a very common and beloved by many male name, originating from the Greek language, familiar to each of us. The courageous and beautiful name Andrey has its roots far into antiquity, and not everyone knows its history, interpretation and description.

Initially, the name sounded like Andreas, and it came from the Greek language. It is translated as “courageous” and “brave”, and also has translation options “man”, “man”, which for the Greeks was associated with the concepts of strength and courage. By this name, the ancient Greeks called the sons of warriors, leaders and just boys who were destined for a great fate and great achievements in the future.

The ancient Greek origin of the name Andrei means that this name is Christian, it is common in both the Catholic and Orthodox traditions. Andrey is the full name, this is how it is written both in the passport and in the church calendar.

Foreign forms of the name sound like Anzhey, Andres, Andreas, Andrew and others with the same translation and meaning. And affectionately or simply abbreviated Andrei can be called Andryusha, Dyusha, Dyukha, Dune, Andrey, Drew, Andy.

From childhood, the meaning of the name Andrey for a boy is already manifested in all the features of his lively character. He is really a very brave little boy who seems to be afraid of nothing and no one in the world.

This child rarely has a bad mood, and he never sits idle. Little Andryusha constantly composes something, makes crafts, plays noisily and runs around the whole apartment, haunting his parents. He alone is not bored, but the child has no shortage of friends, he is the soul of the company and started among the boys in the yard.

The child loves to read, shows interest in letters and numbers from an early age, begins to read by syllables and even counts before all other children. He is obedient, but so active and cheerful that sometimes he causes a lot of trouble for his parents. He loves his mom and dad, as well as the rest of the family.

As you grow older

The further fate of Andrei unfolds gradually and quite harmoniously, without jumps and surprises. As the characterization of the name Andrei suggests, this person is stronger and braver than many of his peers. Where does he have so much courage, innate aristocracy and good manners - for many, a real mystery, shrouded in darkness.

At school, everyone knows him, because the guy grows up charming, prominent, active and courageous in communication. Andrey is interested in studying, he likes to learn new things, but if the teacher teaches the subject in a boring and monotonous way, then the boy immediately “turns off”, losing all interest.

He studies the humanities with pleasure, he is interested in the history of the world, great wars, he can study foreign languages ​​for a long time, looking for an interpretation of a particular word, phrase, expression. If Andrei is fond of some kind of science, then he goes into it with his head, but at the same time he does not strive to be an excellent student. He achieves victories in completely different fields.

Being in the spotlight is what is of the greatest importance for a guy, so Andrey always strives to arouse the interest of others in his person. This does not mean that he is growing up as an upstart, on the contrary, his manners are admired by the opposite sex, he knows how to be courteous, gallant, and very well-mannered.

Andrei has excellent relationships with people in any team, he is loved and expected everywhere, he finds a common language with girls especially easily. In the company of men, he is afraid to be worse in something, therefore he is inclined to compete in everything.

This person’s relationship with his parents is always warm, the family is of great importance to him, so even as an adult, Andrey can continue to live with his parents to help and always support them. She gladly responds to the requests of relatives for help, sits with the kids, takes care of the elderly, remembers all family dates. Parents, as a rule, are proud of their son and know well what the name Andrey means: their son is really the strongest, most courageous and noble person for them.

Professional area

The meaning of the name Andrei implies that this person needs to achieve everything on his own, to be the best, to prove to everyone his superiority and exclusivity. This young man is very gifted and has acting skills, can sing or play musical instruments, but this will most likely remain just a hobby.

He will choose an interesting, complex and "bread" profession. He can become a programmer or computer master, system administrator, businessman or manager, run his own business or manage a team in a leadership position.

This man has an analytical mind, he likes to understand complex schemes, study the most complex equipment and systems, understand what not everyone understands. He is close to analysis, deciphering, thinking, he does nothing superficially, but on the contrary, he goes deep into any work or task with his head.

Of course, money is of great importance for Andrei, he wants to be independent and earn decently. Sometimes he is hindered by self-doubt or excessive demands on himself.

But, as a rule, Andrei, before the rest of the guys and men, begins to live independently, he is not ashamed of work and is not afraid, he shows great diligence and extreme responsibility. For this, Andrey is appreciated and loved by his superiors, and he is unlikely to be left without work. True, he can “sit out” in one position until he himself shows determination.

Amorous affairs

Andrey's relationship with the fair sex is easy, and among girls he can have much more close friends than among men. Despite what the name Andrei means, in this area he never shows strength and rudeness, but acts gently, courteously and gallantly. He often goes on dates in his youth, but he has serious relationships already at a more conscious age. The female soul for him is a mystery that he is trying to unravel, and sometimes suffers greatly from misunderstanding.

Andrei is a wonderful family man, but he is in no hurry to marry and will only marry the girl whose feelings he is sure of and whom he will not cool off with time. It is extremely important for him that the family not only does not break up, but is always happy and strong. Andrey is looking for a girl who is charming and feminine, interesting and not "empty", educated, independent and cheerful.

Of course, Andrey's compatibility with female names is also important. However, much more important is character and spiritual kinship. Say, Svetlana, Anna, or Oksana, despite their character, may have more chances than Xenia, Daria, Yulia, Tatiana, Anastasia or Lisa. Names mean a lot in the fate of a person!

1. Andrey has ideal compatibility with such names of women: Veronica, Elena, Galina, Lisa, Svetlana, Renata, Taisiya, Angela, Anna, Nina, Vera, Lydia. Andrey's compatibility with these women is very high, great love, a happy marriage and a harmonious joint fate are possible.

2. Average male compatibility: Diana, Anastasia, Ulyana, Irina, Xenia, Oksana, Zinaida, Alexandra, Victoria, Daria. With these women, Andrei can make strong friendships, a passionate romance, but in order to move on to a serious relationship, you will have to adapt to each other's characters.

3. Low compatibility: Ekaterina, Natalia, Nadezhda, Zhanna, Tina, Yana, Emma, ​​Yulia, Lyubov. These women are looking for other men, and Andrey is looking for something completely different in ladies, so the probability is very low.

However, it should be understood that name compatibility is not the ultimate truth, there are such incredible exceptions! Let compatibility say that Andrei and, say, Natalya, Maria, Ekaterina or Olga are not suitable for each other, but if a really strong feeling arises and the desire to be together is real, then the fate of these two will turn out perfectly, to spite all enemies!

And vice versa: Irina, Anna, Elena, Lisa - these names have good compatibility, but this does not mean that everything will work out by itself, because you need to work on any relationship and take care of them.

Angel Day for a man named Andrey is celebrated several times a year. Since this name is common in Catholic and Orthodox church calendars and there were many saints named Andrei, you can congratulate your friend Andrei on Angel Day on such days:

  • 8, 16 and 27 January.
  • April 28th.
  • 3, 5 and 25 June.
  • 3, 17 and 25 July.
  • September 1, 16 and 23.
  • 4, 6, 23 and 30 October.
  • December 10, 11, 13 and 15.

Andrey loves holidays and loves attention to himself, so feel free to congratulate him on the day of the angel and make pleasant surprises! This man stands out from all other men, and you are lucky if you have Andrei among your friends or relatives. This is a lucky name that guarantees its owner an interesting fate!

    My father's name is Andrew. Some things are exactly as written here. He really got married too late, and then, on the fly. He is more inclined towards technical specialties, although literature attracts him no less, he graduated with honors from college and university with a degree in mechanical engineering. Not a leader, only good as a subordinate. And with health, too, everything is in order. Only a couple of trifles do not converge, but they are trifles for that.)

    Well, I don’t know .. The ex-husband’s name is Andrey, and there’s no good business (there wasn’t even an attempt to create one), no oratory (he said that the boss doesn’t want to be taller), nothing. He also married a woman with a four-legged "dowry", although our own daughter was 5 years old then. In short, it's quite the opposite.

    My son, Andryusha, loves to talk, philosophize, loves to discuss the latest news, whether they are family or just about sports, loves to talk with his eldest daughter about her studies and future, to reason and guide her on the right path. I chose my wife for a long time, but she is a good woman, not in vain we have been together for 24 years. Very hardworking. Everything is as you wrote.

    My boyfriend's name is Andryusha, but he pays a lot of attention to my character (he's already very complicated for me)! And at the expense of jealousy, it’s true - to whom and why he’s just not jealous of me! And so, this is a very beautiful name and I’m happy that my soul mate is called Andrey! Is it possible to call a son Andrei? how will this affect his fate if his father is also Andrei?

    Boys are rarely called that now. My brother's name is Andrew. I have been proud of them since childhood. He taught me a lot. What is our football game worth. Many boys in the yard envied his quick reaction and ingenuity in the game. Now he is one of the most famous correspondents in our city. I can say that I have always strived to be a leader in any business. In life he has always been and remains an optimist, so any business goes well with him. I'm proud of them.

    How I would like my son-in-law Andrey to have as many positive things from this list as possible! He really is connected with creativity, he graduated from the conservatory in the vocal class, works in the theater. By perseverance in achieving goals, special perseverance is not noticeable, he can indulge in philosophizing and sometimes prefer to lie on the couch than to work hard once again. The man is certainly not stupid, but arrogance and narcissism are present. About parental manifestations, this really corresponds. But I can’t call him hardworking even with a big stretch. Maybe because it relaxes that there is a clever and very energetic wife nearby?