How to choose the right shoes with heels? How to choose shoes with heels to be comfortable? Comfortable heel how many cm

Greetings, my dears! I think everyone knows how shoes can dramatically change an outfit. Ordinary jeans and a T-shirt become a chic and stylish set if you wear them with bright and original shoes. And for short girls, heels are our everything. However, these are the most uncomfortable shoes, especially if you walk in them all day. In this article I will tell you how to choose a comfortable heel: the right height so that the shoes are as comfortable as possible. Well, it’s over, I’ll tell you how to combine shoes with different heel heights to look stylish and interesting!

Of course, trying to find the same pair that will be comfortable and comfortable like house slippers is completely useless. But the pain after wearing shoes also appears for a reason. She says that the height is chosen incorrectly. Yes, and flat shoes can be no less harmful than high stilettos. I suppose many have noticed that in some shoes you can run at least all day, while in others your legs fall off after half an hour?

Why are some heels more comfortable than others?

The thing is that our foot has a natural angle of inclination, according to it, each girl has her own ideal height of heels. You can define it yourself. Walk around the house without shoes and stand on your toes. Which do you prefer: walking on your toes or on the balls of your feet? It is this size that will be comfortable for you.

The mobility of your ankles is also affected, which depends on the size of the gap between your ankle and heel (tarsal sinuses). This is where the interosseous ligament is located. Therefore, those who have these ligaments are less mobile feel better in flat shoes, and, accordingly, those who have them more mobile easily walk in stilettos.

How to determine the height of the heel?

So, here is a simple instruction on how to choose the right heel. I will say right away that you will need an assistant. So rather call your girlfriends, sisters, mother, especially since they will also need it (reason for a bachelorette party!).

The position of the foot in which the leg already needs to relax will help determine.

  1. Take off your shoes and sit up straight in a chair. The seat should be level and your feet flat on the floor at a 90 degree angle. Back straight. You should be comfortable.
  2. Stretch one leg in front of you in a straight line, while the other remains in its original position.
  3. Now relax the foot and ankle on the outstretched leg. You will see how the foot goes back a little, that is, such a height is comfortable for you. Or perhaps the whole foot will straighten out, which means that flat shoes will be comfortable for you.
  4. Take a measuring tape and carefully measure the distance from the edge of the heel to the tip of the thumb (keep the tape parallel to the floor). Then draw a mental line perpendicularly from the ball of the foot to the band. That number of centimeters on the tape in the end will be your ideal height.

little secrets

To avoid various deformities and problems with the feet, such as curvature, bursitis, calluses, and others, knowing the ideal height is not enough. It is important that the toe box of the shoe is sufficiently loose, it should not press or squeeze. Often this part is very narrow, which leads to the development of various foot diseases.

In addition, you should not lose your balance and feel uncomfortable. There should be no tension in the legs so as not to fall. The heel should be placed closer to the front of the foot to support the ankle.

A narrow instep at the shoe will help relieve tension and stress from the toes. Thus, they will support the arch of the foot, preventing it from sliding down and causing pain.

Summarizing all of the above, when choosing shoes, consider:

  1. Choose a well-constructed pair that will support your arch.
  2. There should be enough room for your toes in the toe box, so it is very important to choose the right size for heels.
  3. In the chosen pair of shoes, you should not lose balance.
  4. So it turns out that good shoes cannot be cheap. In the end, remember that, unlike shoes, you have one foot and cannot be replaced or thrown away. So take care of your feet.

which heel to choose?

  • Heel 2- 4 cm

This height is comfortable for most people. It lifts a little, the leg is comfortable, there is support for the foot, but there are no problems with maintaining balance. In addition, "kitten heels" look very cute and feminine, especially when combined with retro looks. Some low-heeled shoes look great with various ankle embellishments.

  • Heel 5-6 cm

In this case, you have both stability and height. Looks more coquettish than short ones, but chaste at the same time. Mid-height shoes look great with an open toe, tapered heel, ankle and heel straps. Such shoes will be appropriate in the office and at an informal party.

  • Heel 7-9 cm

Suitable for almost any occasion: from the office to going out on the red carpet. If this is your ideal height, then you are lucky. It is suitable for light and casual wedges and elegant pumps.

If a bit too high for you, then wear such shoes for a short time and at events where you will mostly sit.

  • Heel 10-11 cm

Such a height is both chic and absurd at the same time due to the unnatural bend of the foot. In such shoes it is easy to create an image of a fatal seductress, just let there be enough space for fingers in the toe cap or choose models with an open toe. But mules and other models that do not support the arch of the foot should be abandoned, otherwise, you risk breaking not only your legs, but also your neck.

  • Heel 12 cm and above

These shoes should generally be avoided. In it, the legs are in an unnatural position, and there is no balance and stability. These heels look just absurd, crazy and ridiculous. They will not add any femininity or elegance, but you are guaranteed a whole bunch of injuries and diseases of the feet. Save your legs.

  • Platform

If you cannot live without extremely high shoes, then the platform will be the best solution. On a platform of 3.4 cm, a 12 cm heel will feel like 8-9 cm, and this is more comfortable and stable.

On the other hand, an incorrectly chosen platform can deprive you of stability, and your legs will tuck. So it's just trial and error here. You need to try on shoes until you find the pair in which you can easily maintain balance and your legs do not give way.

Another pitfall

The fact is that the gait in heels is much slower, therefore, in the long term, the knees and ligaments in these places begin to be injured. So as long as you don't wear heels every day and alternate with flats, you'll be fine. But if there are any problems with the knee joints, be careful.

By the way, if you have not read it yet, then look at my articles "" and "". There is a lot of useful information there!

This is where I will end my post. Determine your ideal height and wear only comfortable shoes. Your legs must be perfect. Do not forget to subscribe to updates, share links and discuss with friends on social networks.

Heeled shoes- the object of adoration for many women. But not all the fair sex knows how to choose not only a stylish, but also a comfortable pair of shoes. The “right” shoes will give a feeling of lightness, comfort and real bliss.

Today our editors will share the secrets of choosing the right shoes with heels. Remember these simple tricks and you will never go wrong with your choice of shoes!

Comfortable heel


  • The first method will not be difficult. Doctors say that everyday shoes should have a heel of no more than 2-4 cm.

  • The second method will help you choose shoes with ideal heel height just for you. Use this simple formula: ((height / leg length) -1.61) * 10. For example, my height is 170 cm, and the length of my legs is 80 cm. Let's substitute these values ​​into the formula: ((170/80) -1.61) * 10 = 5.15. Thus, the height of the ideal heel for me is 5.15 cm.

  • To choose a smart pair of shoes, you can use this simple trick: you need to sit comfortably on a chair, stretch your leg forward (do not pull on the toe) and measure the distance from the heel to the ball of the foot. The resulting number is the natural inclination of your foot, which is equal to the height of your ideal dress heel.

  • We wish you to shine as often as possible in beautiful and comfortable shoes! Learn even more tricks to help you choose quality shoes.

    To attract attention with beautiful shoes and a sexy walk for a longer time, shoes should be comfortable.

    Which heel to choose

    Fashion does not stand still. Every season, designers expand the range of shoes with heels. In addition to the variety of shoe models themselves, there are several types of heels.

    The Viennese heel is the lowest heel, up to two centimeters high. Its advantage is convenience. These shoes look good with both jeans and skirts.

    The heel is two to four inches high. More often it can be seen at. But even among tall women, shoes with such a heel are in demand.

    Wide heel with a height of five centimeters in a column. This is a great choice for winter boots. These boots will not only be comfortable, but also stable on ice.

    The heel is no more than seven centimeters high and really resembles a glass. This heel is considered not very comfortable, therefore it has a narrow circle of fans.

    Wedge heels have been popular for more than one season. It is a heel connected to the main platform. Wedge shoes allow you to walk tirelessly all day.

    A hairpin is a thin heel with a height of eight centimeters. Such shoes are considered the sexiest and take time for the gait to become confident and feminine.

    How to choose the right shoes

    The most important thing in choosing shoes is fitting. It is best to choose shoes in the evening, as by the end of the day the feet swell a little. This will help you avoid the situation when you return home wishing you could take off your tight shoes as soon as possible.

    When you go to the store, put on your most comfortable shoes. Trying on a new pair, compare the sensations. A good sign is when the new shoes are as comfortable as the old ones. Shoes must be measured in pairs. After that, get up and walk around the store. Only in this way will you understand whether your feet are comfortable or not.

    The heel should be fastened clearly to the center of the sole. The gait must be stable. When wearing shoes in the store, wobble your foot from side to side, the correct heel will prevent you from doing this. You also need to slide your foot forward without leaving the floor, while the heel should not move back.

    When buying shoes, it is better to give preference to natural materials: leather, suede, etc. In artificial leather shoes, the foot will not breathe, sweating will increase, and the shoes will begin to rub calluses. An additional plus if the shoes have an orthopedic insole with a cushion under the heel.

    For every day, you should choose shoes with a heel no higher than six centimeters. Long walking in shoes with high heels can lead to deformation of the foot and unnecessary stress on the internal organs.

    Heeled shoes make a woman more elegant and feminine. The light knock of a lady's heel will always make a man look back ...

    Women's shoes with heels are liked by both women and girls and, of course, men. The issue is that not every woman can walk in heels. It turns out that the whole day in heels is not at all easy, the legs swell and hurt. There are many reasons, but there is only one secret: you need to be able to choose the right shoes with heels.

    Let's find out how to choose the right shoes with heels.
    Consider the basic rules that will prevent you from making mistakes when choosing shoes.


    1. Rule "2K". What heel?

    To successfully choose and buy women's shoes, you need to carefully look at the shape and location of the heel.

    . A high, wide, stable heel is not always in fashion, but it is the most comfortable when walking. It prevents the feet from staggering and slipping out of the shoes.

    . Heel in the center of the heel. The heel performs an important function - to ensure balance and even distribution of pressure on the foot.

    A lot depends on which heel you choose: walking confidence, wearing comfort, longevity of shoes.

    2. Rule "Size by 100%". What size is correct?

    Your shoe size will not always be correct for new shoe models. Remember, there are full-size or small-size shoes. Therefore, you need to measure shoes in several sizes: your size is in "1", "1+" and "1-". Try on your right and left shoes, walk around and listen to your feelings. If your shoes are uncomfortable or tight somewhere, then after the purchase, this will only get worse.

    Please note that women's shoes made of genuine leather tend to stretch over time. It is important to have a comfortable and at the same time close position of the foot in shoes made of genuine leather.

    3. Rule "Sock". Which sock is comfortable?

    A sharp and long toe shoe or a small round one? If you want to look slimmer, then choose a rounded sock. If you want a comfortable walk, then a pointed toe. Shoes with a long and pointed toe do not squeeze the toes, but the socks quickly shrink, you will often need to take them in for repairs. Think before going for a new thing, what you most want.

    4. Rule "Comparison".

    It is advisable to go to the store to buy a new pair of shoes in your old and most comfortable shoes. For what?

    . There will be something to compare.

    . There will be no chance of being tempted by uncomfortable but beautiful shoes.

    . We measure, compare, measure and draw conclusions.

    If comfort, convenience and stability win, then you have found your shoe model with heels.

    Dear women, you can’t forbid being beautiful, you need to be able to become beautiful. The rules for choosing shoes with heels will definitely help you buy high-quality, elegant and light shoes for your legs.

    Properly selected shoes with heels will never make your legs tired and suffer. In such shoes, you can be attractive all day and run without feeling heaviness in your legs.

    Be beautiful every day and indulge in flirty HEEL SHOES. Choose the right shoes with heels!

    Source: @sergiorossi

    • Choose models with heels in the afternoon. Around lunchtime, the leg swells a little, and you can get a comfortable pair that will not be tight later on.
    • Feel free to try on the entire range of the store until you find the perfect pair of high heels. Be sure to take a few steps to make sure the shoes are really comfortable.
    • Refuse to buy tight shoes, even if all the sellers in unison assure that they are made of soft leather and break. Buy initially such options in which you will be comfortable.
    • It is important that the shape of the shoe matches the shape of your foot. Round toe shoes are suitable for wide feet. If the second finger is longer than the thumb, choose a style with a narrow toe.
    • The most common problem today is the so-called bones on the legs. If you have them, you need to choose shoes made of genuine leather with a low rise, completely covering the problem area.