How to overclock the processor, a few simple ways. Is it possible to speed up the metabolism (metabolism) and how to do it Is it possible to overclock

Lacks. The solution to this problem is to replace the components with more modern ones. But in some cases, you can do without updating. For example, you can overclock by increasing its clock frequency, as a result, and performance. without consequences?

An interesting question that was asked, probably, by many, and especially by gamers. You need to understand that by overclocking the device, you take full responsibility for this action. Its use in emergency mode is not provided by the manufacturer, this may lead to a complete failure of the device. If you are ready for such possible consequences, then welcome to the world of overlocking.

Overlocking - an increase in the nominal characteristics of the device, as a result of which the overall increases. When overclocking the processor, as a rule, the multiplier, voltage and frequency increase. In order for the device to work for a longer time, manufacturers reduce its power - leaving a margin, which is about 30 percent. That is, if we take specific numbers as an example, it looks like this: a processor with a clock speed of 1.8 GHz can be overclocked to 2.8 GHz without harming it. Naturally, there are no guarantees, all overclocking manipulations are not provided by manufacturers.

How to overclock the processor?

The main characteristic that indicates the speed of the central processor is the clock frequency. It is calculated by multiplying the FSB bus frequency by a factor. To overclock the processor, we recommend using the BIOS capabilities. This option is the most stable.

In the recent past, when processors did not have high-quality protection against various factors, changing the multiplier coefficient sometimes led to the burning of the device. Today's processors have a number of restrictions and various kinds of protection that will not allow an overclocker to go too far with overclocking.

To change the bus frequency, you need to find the CPU Clock value in the BIOS. In the window that opens, enter the frequency. To increase the clock speed, you can change the value of the multiplier located in the CPU Ratio column. How to overclock the processor more efficiently? Remember that you need to change a number of values ​​in order to achieve stable operation. You cannot do without changing the value of the multiplier; most likely, you will need to increase the voltage. This measure allows you to overclock the processor more, but the whole difficulty lies in setting the stability of the work.

After overclocking the processor, you need to do tests in special programs. They will help you determine the level of stability of your computer.

How to overclock the processor, we found out. You can also speed up the video card. This is done optionally through BIOS, but, for example, through third-party software. Another thing, is it worth overclocking a video card if you are not a gamer? I think the answer is obvious.

When performing the above steps, first of all, think about which cooler to install on the processor.

Metabolism is a factor that directly affects weight. The faster chemical reactions occur in the body, the sooner it gets rid of excess fat. Slow metabolism is the reason why it is difficult to lose weight. How to speed up the metabolism so that extra pounds are not deposited at the waist?

What is metabolism

The complex of chemical processes in the body that supports human life is called metabolism.

This cycle can be divided into two stages:

Factors that affect metabolic rate include:

  1. Nutrition - its regularity and balance;
  2. Activity - a sedentary lifestyle provokes a slowdown in all processes in the body;
  3. Muscle mass - muscles actively burn calories;
  4. Hormones - a decrease in hormonal activity negatively affects the rate of chemical reactions in the body;
  5. Genetics - a natural predisposition to a fast or slow process;
  6. Stress - nervous shocks disrupt well-established natural processes, including metabolism;
  7. Age - after 20 years, the intensity of chemical reactions decreases by 2-3% in 10 years;
  8. Gender – Men lose more calories than women, even while resting.

If the causes that slow down metabolism are known, then they can be eliminated and the metabolism accelerated. No one can influence gender, age and genetics, and the rest of the points are within the power of those who want to lose weight.

To disperse the metabolism will help the observance of simple rules:

Nutrition to speed up metabolism

The list of products that positively affect the metabolic rate includes:

A diet that helps to lose weight is not a refusal to eat, even after 18-00. It must be balanced and useful.

For breakfast, cook cereals, you can add fruits and nuts. Add hot spices to the first and second courses, they are natural metabolism boosters. As fractional nutrition, yogurt, cottage cheese, fruits, which are consumed between main meals, are suitable.

Eat protein, it requires a significant amount of energy and calories for the body to process. For dinner, leave a piece of fish or chicken breast.

If you have lost weight on a strict diet, then you should gradually switch to a normal diet. The increase is 50 kcal daily after a diet that falls short of 1200 kcal. Then 100 kcal is added per week.

A strict diet is not the best choice; due to a nutritional deficiency, the body saves energy by slowing down all processes. If you are trying to lose weight, then overclocking you can lose weight up to 3-5 kg.

Primary requirements:

  • balanced diet,
  • drinking regimen
  • physical activity.

Activity is part of the overclocking program. Physical activity is one of the ways to speed up the metabolism in the body. In order for it to give a noticeable result, workouts must be changed to get used to their pace and intensity.

It is recommended to change the types of exercises more often, increase the number of runs and speed. Physical activity is an effective option to build muscle tissue that burns calories. Choose classes of your own free will, cardio loads are recommended - cycling, swimming, running.

Start the morning with a stretch, it helps the tissues to fill with oxygen. Include jumping in a set of exercises, they perfectly accelerate metabolism. It is important not to forget about enough water. To normalize metabolic processes, be sure to drink 1.5 liters of fluid per day.

Accelerate metabolism in adulthood

After 40 years, all processes in the body lose their activity, manifested in youth. During this period, a woman can easily gain from 5 to 10 kg of weight. Not the last role in this is played by hormonal changes. The production of estrogen is significantly reduced, the body compensates for its lack by an increase in adipose tissue. The amount of testosterone responsible for muscle volume decreases, as a result of which few calories are burned. Is it possible to accelerate the metabolism after 40 years?

Putting an end to an attractive figure is not worth it at any age. There are ways to lose weight and cope with the problems that have appeared:

Let the metabolic rate go slowly, keep going: build muscle, drink a lot and eat right. In this way, you can lose weight and increase metabolism without stress to the body.

You can overclock almost any piece of hardware - not only by increasing the numbers in the BIOS, but also by replacing some radio components on the board. But most often, when they talk about overclocking, they mean the classic overclocking of the processor and video card, a little less often - the overclocking of RAM.

The clock frequency is measured in hertz: the more hertz, the more powerful the device. For example, Intel i5 1.4Ghz and Intel i5 2.7Ghz processors differ in clock speed. Even though they are both called Intel i5, the speed at which they will perform the same operation will be different. It is not necessary to buy an expensive processor to achieve high performance. In some cases, you can buy a cheaper model and overclock it a bit. But how feasible is this?

What gives acceleration?

No one will refuse to work on a smart computer that responds to commands with lightning speed. If your PC is very old and slow, and there is no opportunity to buy powerful components, overclocking makes sense. After that, you can comfortably work in the programs you need.

But usually overclocking is not required for working with text and light applications. More often, the computer is overclocked when using heavy editors in order to speed up rendering. If your PC is fine for simple tasks, but slows down in Photoshop, after overclocking, you will only notice a difference when you start the latter.

The GPU is easier to overclock than the central one. When overclocking the CPU, you will have to deal with the BIOS settings, and to speed up the GPU, you will need a special utility such as EVGA Precision X or MSI Afterburner. The results of all changes can be observed in real time.

What are the consequences of overclocking?

First of all, strong overclocking can cause your PC to overheat. In his work, glitches will begin to emerge, artifacts will appear, and instead of quickly coping with the operation, the computer will behave in the exact opposite way - slow down and freeze. In severe cases, components can fail completely. To avoid these problems, manufacturers introduce special protection: if the overclocking threshold is exceeded, the computer simply does not start. In this case, the type and power of the cooling system must be taken into account, since any overclocking inevitably leads to an increase in heat generation and throttling (forced frequency reset).

If you decide to go overclocking, you will have to purchase a couple of additional coolers or a water cooling system in advance. A massive system is expensive, but does an excellent job of removing excess heat. This measure is much more effective than regular fans.

If you haven't overclocked your CPU before, you'll probably get lost in the numerous BIOS settings. Excessive overclocking seriously reduces the resource of components, and long-term operation leads to premature equipment failure.

It is possible to overclock nothing and it is unnecessary

Perhaps there is no need for overclocking, and the problem of slow PC operation lies in the excessive clutter of the system with unnecessary software. Remove unnecessary programs, clean the hard drive of junk files, reinstall the system, after formatting the drive. Modern software needs a lot of RAM: add a couple of GB of RAM and try installing an SSD instead of a slow HDD. This will greatly increase the speed and responsiveness of the system. These steps will help you increase the performance of your old PC without the need for risky overclocking.

Is it worth it to overclock weak hardware?

When building a PC yourself, start by identifying tasks and choosing the right processor for them. Unfortunately, some people deliberately buy weak hardware in order to overclock it later. This is wrong: overclocking should not be the way to get a fast computer for the least amount of money. It is justified only if you want to squeeze a little more out of your car, but forcing it to constantly work at its limit is dangerous and unwise.

Any person is lost when he finds himself in an unfamiliar situation. When you first enter an institution, you do not know where to go and whom to turn to. For the first time sitting behind the wheel or steering wheel, you do not know how to drive this vehicle. When you first turn on your computer or access the Internet, you do not know what to do next. Over time, experience will come, without hesitation, you will head to the elevators, turn on the ignition or open your favorite website and do not even remember that these elementary actions once baffled you. But at first, you need a guide, adviser or instructor - this article is intended to play such an initial, introductory role.

Why do you need acceleration at all? Very conditionally overclockers can be divided into three categories.

Thrifty and beginner overclockers. For the budget conscious, the goal is to get maximum performance for the least amount of money. The computer is assembled from the simplest, cheapest, obviously obsolete components, from what is enough or not a pity for money. The nominal performance of such a system is usually significantly lower than the required level. Beginning overclockers already have a computer, no choice, and you have to work with what you have. After overclocking, the performance of such systems can be raised to more or less acceptable performance. Thrifty overclockers are not always poor. There are many other values ​​in life besides computers. There are many great opportunities to make good use of available funds: in education, food, children, housing, family, recreation, and spending everything on computers is far from the best use for them.

Experienced overclockers. Their goals are somewhat different - to get maximum productivity and pleasure without spending too much. It is foolish to throw money away by purchasing older (and expensive) components, but it is just as foolish to save on trifles, saving a penny, but thereby limiting your opportunities, depriving yourself of the chance to win a ruble. In this case, each element of the system is selected thoughtfully, taking into account many factors: a motherboard with rich features, a processor with a high probability of successful overclocking, and a cooling system that is quiet but efficient. The final performance of the system will be very high, at least comparable, but often exceeding the speed of a system composed of top-end components operating in nominal mode. Although often such high performance is not vital, the overclocker enjoys the result, a well-deserved sense of satisfaction from a job well done.


Overclockers-enthusiasts, extreme sportsmen. The goal is maximum performance at any cost. Older models, the most powerful components, extremely low temperatures - everything goes into action in order to end up on a transcendental, unrealistic peak, inaccessible to most. To enter the top ten, five or three of the best - what could be more beautiful? In this group, the element of competition is strongest and victory is the highest reward!

Of course, the proposed division is rather arbitrary, there are no clear boundaries between groups. Beginning overclockers eventually turn into experienced ones, experienced overclockers, if desired, are quite capable of doing extreme sports, there are even such exotic combinations as economical enthusiasts. But you always need to start somewhere, and we will start with the first, most important point.

1. Theoretical preparation

Don't rush, don't skip this section. I understand perfectly well that searching for and assimilating information is boring and boring. I want to immediately find out those "magic buttons" that you need to press in order to immediately, without fuss and hassle, get the desired result - an overclocked computer. But there are no such buttons, they are different in each case, and knowledge is needed to find them.

After all, if you're not going to overclock, why are you reading this? And if you are going, then over time, with experience, you will still learn and learn a lot, so why put off? Why pay for your knowledge with burnt or damaged components, wasted time and money, when there is ready-made information, it is waiting for you to use it.

Ecology of health: How to get rid of excess weight? One answer to this question: learn to control your metabolism.

We live in a happy time. Despite all the crises and problems that are on the news, we certainly live better than our ancestors a hundred, a thousand and a hundred thousand years ago. We have electricity, gas, running water and iPhones. And we also have food, a lot of fast and affordable food that we take for granted, but in reality it was not always so.

Our ancestors lived in a completely different way, remaining without food for a long time. Short moments of saturation after a successful hunt gave way to long days and weeks when they had to eat roots, berries and other pasture. The bodies of ancient people over millions of years have adapted well to this regime and have learned to store energy, and then spend it.

All the same mechanisms work in the body of a modern person, although we have long been hunting not in the forest, but in the supermarket, and we eat several times a day. But the body does not care, it continues to live according to the laws of the cave and uses every opportunity to stock up on energy. Everyone knows what this leads to - excess weight appears.

How to get rid of excess weight? The two logical ways are to move more (spend energy) and eat less (gain energy). But not everything is so simple - the body cannot be deceived, it feels great when they begin to starve it and goes into the mode of even more fat storage. There are “swings” when at first you are on a diet, and then you break down and eventually gain even more weight. And, as I see it, the main issue of losing weight now is not just to lose weight, but to how to consistently lose weight to the desired weight for a long time.

One answer to this question: learn to control your metabolism.

A bit of science

Metabolism is the process of exchanging substances in the body. It's a complex process and has many miraculous properties, but for the purposes of this article, we're only interested in one thing: metabolic flexibility.

Metabolic flexibility is the ability to switch between two sources of energy, glucose (from carbohydrates) and fatty acids (from fats).

Here is how our body uses food as energy:

When we eat, insulin levels rise in the blood, a hormone that stimulates cells to take in more glucose. Then the mitochondria in the cells produce ATP from glucose (a substance that is an energy source for any processes occurring in the body). If there is more glucose than the body needs, then it needs to be put somewhere.

Part of the glucose is stored in the liver and partly in the muscles as glycogen, a "fast" store that is used when the body needs a lot of energy in a short period of time. When you sprint or lift weights, it is glycogen that is consumed. Everything else is stored as fat.

How well your body manages these two sources of energy depends on your metabolic flexibility. And there were no problems literally until recently.

Three things happened:

1. Food has become more accessible. We no longer have to spend weeks on food for ourselves, and if we have money, we can afford to eat not only to satisfy our hunger, but also for fun or company.

2. The quality of food has changed. In the diet of an ordinary city dweller, there is less natural and more processed food, poor in nutrients and containing excess sugar and chemical additives.

3. People began to move less.

All this leads to the fact that the body begins to react incorrectly to incoming food. The more we eat (especially sugary foods), the more insulin is produced. Gradually, the body gets used to it and considers it normal. This is called insulin resistance: in order to transport glucose into the cells, the concentration of insulin in the blood must be even higher. The body is tangled losing the ability to properly switch from one energy source to another, and fat, which in the "cave" conditions was stored and spent evenly, begins to accumulate in large quantities, leading to obesity.

You must be aware of the more terrible consequences of high blood sugar. Over time, the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin can no longer cope with the load, and this leads to type II diabetes. But now it's not about that.

The inability of the body to work with energy sources, as opposed to metabolic flexibility, is called metabolic rigidity.

How to determine that you have lost metabolic flexibility?

  • It is difficult for you to go several hours without food (sufficiently developed metabolic flexibility allows you not to eat for a day or more).
  • After a large meal, you need to take a nap.
  • If you eat sweets in the morning and feel tired.
  • You feel tired more often than alert.
  • You fail to follow a diet, dietary restrictions - you easily break down

If you can apply at least one of the points to yourself, then your metabolism has probably lost its flexibility, and you should definitely check your blood sugar levels.

But the good news is that everything can be fixed, even if you are genetically predisposed to metabolic rigidity. Changing your lifestyle, quantity and timing of food intake will reset your body.

5 Ways to Restore Metabolic Flexibility

Any doctor to improve your metabolism will advise you to lose weight and move more. But these are interconnected things - how successfully you lose weight and how hard you train also depends on your metabolism. So here are five specific ways to restore metabolic flexibility.

1. Practice intermittent fasting

Paul Bragg wrote about the health benefits of fasting, and no matter how charlatan he is, it works.

Intermittent fasting is when you eat only within a certain time window during the day, and fast the rest of the time. In this it differs from what we used to understand as "normal" fasting, when a person does not eat for a whole day or more.

There are studies that show that eating in the first half of the day, when the metabolism is most active, and fasting in the second, improve metabolism and promote weight loss.

For example, a recent study by the University of Alabama found that eating between 8:00 am and 2:00 pm followed by an 18-hour fast was significantly better for metabolism than a standard diet where we eat from morning to evening.

The effect of intermittent fasting is based on the property of our body to distribute energy in accordance with daily, or circadian rhythms. The change of day and night, the change of hungry and full state - the body works in cycles, and its work is optimal when you obey these cycles. Being constantly full without hunger can be compared to being constantly awake without sleep. If the full state lasts for weeks and months, then it is not surprising that the body begins to act up and the metabolism slows down.

So regular intermittent fasting is a great way to boost your metabolism.

If you have not had the experience of intermittent fasting, then you need to enter the process gradually. See how long can you go without food? Try to start with three hours, gradually increasing this time. And, in order to avoid breakdowns, at first you should not limit yourself to your usual food. Let your brain firmly know that fasting is temporary, and the next morning you will have a good meal.

2. Limit carbs

The fewer carbs you eat, the more your body turns to fat stores for energy. It is a fact.

You should not give up carbohydrates completely, since glucose is the main fuel for our brain. But you can afford to give up processed foods with a high sugar content - sweets, flour products, carbonated drinks, fruit juices, nectars and sweetened dairy products (yogurts and curds with additives).

Healthy carbohydrate foods like vegetables tend to be much lower in carbs than sweets and don't cause insulin problems.

3. Eat natural food

I don’t remember who said it, but I liked the definition itself: natural food is something that was grown on the ground or walked on the ground.

On the ground, not in a factory, bakery, or laboratory.

Eat more vegetables. Eat fruits, nuts, and berries, but don't overdo it if you're overweight. I myself try to stick to a vegetarian diet, but if you don’t have any special problems about this, then eat meat, fish and seafood. But not semi-finished products and not products of the chemical industry, which, according to the label, contain many components with complex names.

In all this, the third point echoes the second.

4. Pump Your Body With Antioxidants

Your body is made up of countless molecules. Need more accurate data? OK, you have about a hundred trillion trillion. And yes, I was not mistaken in writing the last word twice.

Now imagine that among this multitude of molecules there are defective ones - oxygen molecules, the atoms of which are deprived of one or more electrons. And these defective ones strive in every possible way to eliminate injustice, taking electrons from normal molecules, which, because of this, become, in turn, defective and unstable. Cells made up of these molecules are damaged - this is called oxidative stress. If you do not remember chemistry, then know that the reaction between molecules is called oxidation, and defective molecules are free radicals.

In a normal body, oxidative processes are under supervision. But under adverse conditions - from stress and fatty foods to increased solar activity and radiation - our defenses fail and reactions get out of control.

Free radicals lead to the development of inflammation and changes in metabolism. It is also believed that free radicals can provoke all kinds of inflammation and diseases such as arthritis, asthma, atherosclerosis and other heart diseases, cataracts and even cancer. But what matters now is the effect of free radicals on metabolism - and how to deal with them.

Antioxidants, or antioxidants, are used to fight free radicals. They are found in large quantities in vegetables and herbs - for example, in cabbage, spinach, peppers - and in berries - cranberries, blueberries, plums, blackberries. There are also antioxidants in green tea and cocoa. To add antioxidants to your daily food, use spices - turmeric, cinnamon, cloves.

5. Vary your exercise

The more active you are, the more energy you need, and the more your body takes from stored reserves. Hence another tip - move more, and if you already move a lot, add variety to your workouts so that the body constantly adapts to new loads. In addition to depleting body fat, this will give you a bunch of all sorts of bonuses. And also aerobic exercise directly promotes fat oxidation– that is, their use as energy.

Let's summarize:

You can set up the correct functioning of the metabolism and pump metabolic flexibility.

Eat less, move more

And also:

  • Practice intermittent fasting
  • Reduce the amount of carbohydrates in your diet and get rid of unnatural foods
  • Take Antioxidants
  • Move more and surprise your body with different loads.